Main Street. As we approach Memorial Day this beautiful city of ours will be presented in all it’s beauty and glory to the degree that we can all be proud to live here. Mayor Donald Landes From the Mayor’s Office... Spring is trying to get here but just can’t seem to make up it’s mind. Typical Utah spring—one day spring, the next winter-like conditions. We look forward to the time it makes up it’s mind. As I write this article we are faced with the necessity of replacing a sitting City Councilman. Steve Weston and his wife, Renae, are moving to St. George as of the 1st of June and we are now soliciting applications for anyone interested in filling Steve’s term until the end of the year. We will miss both Steve and Renae. They have both been an asset to this community and I shall miss his leadership. Most of you are aware that we are in the middle of a drought and this year looks like there will be no relief in sight. I would strongly urge everyone to be careful and to conserve wherever possible. It is absolutely not necessary to leave your irrigation water on for the entire time we are allotted. Please be responsible and conservative when you use your irrigation water. It was good to see the old dairy building finally come down. I realize that many have fond memories of the dairy, but it was time for it to come down. It had become an eye sore and will now become the site of the new City Hall. Work on the Hyrdo continues to move forward. Most of the penstock replacement has been completed and the emphasis now is remodeling and equipping the old power house on 200 South. It’s great to see the trees starting to leaf out and to see people preparing for their garden plots. It is also time for the hanging baskets on Parowan City Watering Schedule Monday & Thursdays: City Parks, Cemetery, Schools, Churches and all residents south of 200 South. Tuesdays & Fridays: All residents located south of 100 North to 200 South and all Sky Ranch Subdivision residents that live east of 850 West, and all Red Hills Subdivision (Gurr Subdivision) residents. Wednesdays & Saturdays: All residents lo- cated north of 100 North and all Sky Ranch Subdivision residents that live west of 850 West. NO SUNDAY WATERING STRICT ENFORCEMENT WILL BE IN PLACE PLEASE BE CONSERVATIVE AS THIS IS A LOW WATER YEAR Watering times are 12:01 AM to 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM on scheduled days. Plant lawn at your own risk. You will still need to follow the watering schedule for new lawn. For purposes of monitoring violations, do not use your culinary water from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This schedule is subject to change, depending on availability of water. Please check the Parowan City Office, our Facebook page ―Parowan Utah‖ and our website ―‖ for updates to the watering schedule. PAROWAN CITY WILL NOT BE PICKING UP LIMBS THIS YEAR. Please take them to the County Landfill. Make sure to cover any load you are taking to the landfill. Parowan City Office—5 S. Main—PO Box 576—435-477-3331 Parowan Events Center—73 N. Main—435-477-9022 Parowan Visitors Center—73 N. Main—PO Box 1165—435-477-8190 Memorial Day Freedom will be celebrated Monday, May 25th in Parowan with the annual Memorial Day Service. A great turn out is expected to honor the more than 300 service men and women buried in the Parowan Cemetery. The 30-minute program will begin with a welcoming speaker and continue with other entertainment honoring those who have served. The program will begin at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. Summer Recreation Program Our children will soon be out of school for the summer! Want to keep them busy? Parowan City is ready to help! Beginning in May you may sign your children up for our SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM. Classes and field trips include painting, crafts, swimming, something for everyone. Qualified, caring instructors have been selected to help your children learn new skills and have a great time. Parowan Interfaith Lisa Cox will be leading the children National Day of Prayer again this summer in the SUMMER will be held Thursday, THEATER workshop experience. Kids can May 7th at 11 am at the War Melearn every aspect of theater in this 2 morial - Circle of Trees between the Liweek program; acting, choreography, brary and 3rd/4th Ward Church. script writing, set building. They will The theme is ―Lord, Hear Our Cry‖ then present a short play at the end of Main Guest Speaker: Judge Tom Higbee the class. Music by our Parowan Students The Summer Recreation Booklet will be distributed at the elementary school, Need a quick GIFT or SOUVENIR?? The or you may stop by the Visitors Center at Parowan Visitors Center is ready for 73 North Main and pick one up. For summer! We have sunglasses, flip-flops, more information call 435-477-8190. local honey for your allergies.....just a few of the things that we have for sale. Swim Team The office is open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Stop by and Workouts will be held Monday enjoy some of our local products. For through Thursday from noon to more information please call 435-477- 1:00 pm. To join you need to 8190. have completed a level 4 lesson. No swim meets are required. Swap Meet Saturdays You compete against your own be June 6, 13, 20, 27 & July 4, 11, 18, 25 time for great prizes. Erica Smith will th instructing lessons starting June 8 9am-1pm l 83 North Main th Parking lot between the Visitor’s Center through July 30 . For more information please call & State Bank. $10 for a 10x10 space (435)559-4504. Join and become a betRegister at the Visitor’s Center, 73 North ter swimmer! $25.00 a month for the Main or call 477-8190 for more inforfirst child (must be paid by the 1st of mation. Everyone is welcome! every month) $20.00 a month for the 2nd child. Come Celebrate Someone Parowan City Half Marathon Walk for a Cure Walk for Someone Yankee Meadow Run is one of the All proceeds go to the Relay for Life! most beautiful runs in all of Utah! The When: Saturday, May 2, 2015 race starts on the south side of the YanWhere: Lion's Park - 100 S 300 E kee Meadow Reservoir in the Yankee Time: 5:00 pm Hot Dogs & Pot Luck Meadow Reservoir Recreation Area. This {Bring a dish to share} year the race will be run on August 1, 6:00 pm Balloon launch for a Friend 2015. We will also have a Yankee Doo6:30 pm Walk for Someone dle Dash for children and a Rebel 5K! Please register your survivor with us, Both of these will start at the Iron County and bring your donation. Fair Building. You may register at: For more information call Rebecca at 590-1652, Jet at 559-4504, or Joyce at or or pick up a reg590-8185. istration form at 73 North Main, ParoEveryone welcome! Come wan. Local Parowan residents receive a and support the American discounted fee by registering at the ParoCancer Society. wan Visitors Center. Drive-In Movie Nights Come out and enjoy movies under the stars. Sponsored through Parowan City and the Parowan Animal Assistance League (PAAL). Load up the car/truck and bring your family, friends and neighbors out for a good time with popcorn, snacks and a movie, Drive-In Style, for only $10 a carload! Friday, June 12th—Paddington Saturday, June 13th—Pitch Perfect Place: Iron County Carnival Parking Lot Time: Dusk The cast and crew of 1776 express appreciation for the support of the delightful musical that ran in early March. The community's support was what made it all worthwhile for the participants. The show was a huge undertaking for all involved. At a recent meeting of the Theater Board the question was asked, "What did we learn from producing 1776?" A similar question is asked after each show closes. What came back was a simple: "We learned that with the formation of the appropriate artisitc team [each team is different for each show], there is nothing that can't be accomplished by the community theater on that wonderful little stage." We offer a great big thanks to the city fathers for their support of the theater and we sincerely thank you for your support. We look forward to many more great shows RIDE THE GAP EVENT ITINERARY Friday, June 5, 2015 4 pm to 8 pm—Late Registration and Packet Pickup Lion’s Park (100 South 300 East, Parowan) Saturday, June 6, 2013 6:30 am to 7:30 am—Packet Pickup 8 am—Ride Leaves 5 pm—End of support Register Online @ ride-the-gap. Call Margaret with questions 435-229-6251 • Three Distances (Full Century 100 Miles, Metric Century 55 Miles, and Citizens 30 Miles) • Event is capped at 400 riders so register early • Go back in time and examine what ancient people have left behind • Fully stocked rest stops, a great lunch, and more! • Enjoy perfect summer riding temperatures in the high country of scenic Southern Utah • You will receive a unique Ride the Gap Event Medal with your registration • You’ll get a custom Ride the Gap Trucker Hat with your registration • Homemade Ice Cream Social— hosted by Parowan City! DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY NOTICE OF MUNICPAL OFFICES to be voted on in the Parowan City Municipal General Election on November 3, 2015: Three (3) City Council Members 4 year term each Candidate Filing Period Begins: June 1, 2015 Candidate Filing Deadline End: June 8, 2015 UCA 10-3-301 Declaration of Candidacy Forms or Nomination Petition must be filed in person with the City Recorder at 5 South Main, Parowan, Utah between the hours of 8am and 5 pm. Friday office hours are 8am to 12pm. NOTICE: PAROWAN CITY COUNCIL VACANCY TO BE FILLED A vacancy in the Parowan City Council will be open June 1st. The City Council will be appointing an individual to fill the unexpired term of the office vacated until January 1, 2016. Interested persons must be a registered voter and a 12 month resident of Parowan City. An application form may be picked up at the Parowan City Office at 5 South Main or downloaded on line at under ―Parowan News‖. The deadline for submitting an application for an interested person to be considered is Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Applications should be turned in to the City Recorder in the City Office. Applicants will be interviewed in a public meeting held on May 7, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Parowan Public Library, 16 South Main Street. The applicant receiving the majority vote from the City Council shall be appointed to fill the vacancy and will be sworn into office during the first City Council meeting in June. Parowan City Swimming Pool 2015 Swimming pool will open Sat., May 23rd. FREEZE DAY—Last day of school from 3-6 pm. Regular Pool Hours 1-6 pm Monday—Saturday Swimming Lessons—5 sessions from 8 am to noon daily. 1st session starts June 1st. To register contact Alice Heidenreich at 435-691-0722. Swim Team begins May 28 and runs through August 12—1 pm daily. To register call 477-9022. Pool passes at the City Office. Old Equitable, Co-Op (Co-Operative), Southern Utah Dairy: 1870’s—1970’s This article draws from the histories provided in the publications of Luella Dalton, statements in the Parowan Stake History , Parowan Third Ward History, and personal histories of Richard Benson and his son, Clair Benson, both longtime employees of the Southern Utah Dairy Co-op. As time moves on and buildings are replaced, memories remain. As the old Southern Utah Dairy (45 East 100 N.) was razed a few days ago, let’s recall its powerful presence in an era when residence of Parowan enjoyed the products sold and services provided by a business now extinct; it’s good to remember this beautiful building and business model, now relegated to pictures and memories recalled. A co-operative store existed in Parowan as early as the 1870s. In 1898 this cooperative idea was expanded in terms of citizen involvement and permanent buildings. Nathan Benson, a prominent resident of Parowan, along with others, encouraged bringing small farmers together with a common goal, equally and fairly binding themselves together in a free-enterprise endeavor whereby agricultural and cottage industry resources could be provided in a mercantile setting. At that time, there were many small ranchers making butter and cheese. Market opportunities could be expanded if agricultural materials and produce were to be freighted to the mining communities of Silver Reef, Utah, those in Nevada, and to area railroad towns. Further success was realized as lumber, feed, and cheese was placed on the railroad, headed for communities throughout the west. Brother Benson, his sister, Alice, and William Marsden, who had operated a store in Parowan for many years, started the Equitable store in Parowan. Needing investors, they sold stock for $10.00 per share. All stockholders had an equal vote. The co-op issued purchase checks and had script as a medium of exchange. These were on par with legal tender. At the end of a year, dividends were declared with 36% being recorded as a banner year. From 1898-1910 it is recorded that business boomed. Many people were employed. Enterprises and monetary successes included sawmills, a lumber yard, custom grain processing, machinery, Paradale cheese and butter production, meat processing, and more. In the 1920’s the ―Equitable‖ or ―CoOp‖ store became the ―Southern Utah Dairy‖ and was the largest employer in Parowan. The elegant building was expanded to the west and east with a huge feed mill to the north. Feed for dairy cows and other animals was prepared in the large feed mill. On the west of the store was the cheese factory, a grocery store was in the center, and a meat cutting plant with cold storage and food lockers for rent were provided to the east. As this was before home freezers, nearly everyone had their meat processed, frozen, and placed in a rented locker at ―the Dairy.‖ Today, many still recall taking their excess raw milk and eggs to the Dairy in exchange for purchase materials. Children even took an egg or two in exchange for a piece of candy. In some households, this was what a child could ―earn‖ if he faithfully performed his/her chores at home. In the winter of 1970-71 a fire destroyed the feed mill. Around the same time backyard milk cows and dozens of chickens were no longer the norm. The day of the ―Equitable‖ or Co-op came to an end. But they’re great memories. They reflect the spirit of a community bound together for the good of all. Tree City, USA Award Parowan City recently received their 12-year award and a six-year growth award for their continuous participation in the Tree City, USA program and recognition for their efforts in growing and sustaining their city forest (community trees). 25th Annual Parowan Fun Run Car Show Hoods up, engines shining and the classic car and truck owners in lounge chairs are just a few things you will see this year at the 25th annual Fun Run car show. June 6, 2015 Check in starts at 8:00 am at the main street park in Parowan. Event sponsored by the Parowan Chamber of Commerce and Desert Cruisers of Las Vegas, Nevada. Open to all makes, models and types of vehicles. Registration $10. Trophies, raffle and 50/50 raffles. For more information call Parowan City Events at (435)559-4504 or Frank (702)565-8949. Parowan City Tree Pruning Training Parowan City Parks and Electrical Departments employees received tree pruning training from professional Certified Municipal Arborists, Springville City Forester and staff, as part of a Tree City USA Grant. The training will assist city employees as they continue their city-wide tree pruning projects. The Summer Reading Program at Parowan Library will be June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30th at 10:00 AM. This summer we celebrate many types of heroes: the heroes of all ages who walk through the doors of the library each day; the heroes who have made their marks on history; the heroes who keep our communities safe. We recognize that all children have the potential to be heroes through words and actions; children are encouraged to discover the superheroes within themselves as they explore art projects and games, complete a variety of feats and deeds, and, of course, READ!. Any questions call 477-3491 Parowan FCCLA’s Mud Run Come join us for a fun filled morning that is sure to get you dirty!! For all ages! Date: Saturday, May 16th @ 9 am Where: Iron County Fair Grounds Cost: $20/person; $10 without a t-shirt Registration has started! Flyers available at the PHS front office, Parowan Visitor’s Center or at 20Run.pdf. Please turn in registration form and money to PHS front office or the Visitor’s Center, 73 North Main. Registrations after May 10th may not get t-shirt. Money raised will help support PHS FCCLA and the students who are going to Nationals in Washington DC. Movies – Movies – Movies Parowan City will open the doors to the Aladdin theater every Wednesday morning at 10:00 am. Popcorn and drinks will be available for purchase. Please no outside food. $2.00 per movie or $10.00 pass for 9 movies June 3 – Toy Story June 10 – Big Hero 6 June 17 – Strange Magic June 24 – The Incredibles July 1 – The Lego Movie July 8 – Cars July 15 – Stuart Little July 22 – A Bug’s Life July 29 – Finding Nemo A pass can be purchased at the Parowan Visitors Center. Open 10am to 4pm Monday – Saturday. Come enjoy fun summer movies in Parowan! For more information please call (435)477-8190.
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