Parrish Village News For copies of this newspaper, please visit In this issue of the Parrish Village News Iris McClain tells us about the Kids’ Zone at the Y on page 3. Volume 22, Issue 3 March 2015 FREE This Saturday, March 7 Parrish Heritage Day and Chili Cook Off Parade, Name Bands, Children’s Activities, Vendors, Great Chili, Beverages and A Special Tribute to Parrish Pioneering! Cookie gives you some different salad recipes on page 5. Ralph goes back to his land tour of Italy on page 5. Look for Heritage Day Schedule (page 2) and Special Article on the Tribute to Parrish Pioneering (Page 33). Parrish Heritage Day/ Chili Cook Off: March 7, 2015 Florida Railroad Museum Parrish Civic Association General Meeting Thursday, March 26 Voices of the Wilderness Our Hit Parade Concert Sunday, March 29, 7 PM River Wilderness G & CC Don’t miss these events! The County Administrator is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, and is responsible for carrying out the policies and directives of the Commission and for the development and management of the County’s annual operating and capital improvement budgets. The Manatee Board of County Commissioners appointed Ed Hunzeker Please see Manatee County CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 943 Upcoming Events: Manatee County Administrator Ed Hunzeker rescheduled to speak at March 26 Parrish Civic Association General Meeting POSTAL CUSTOMER Kathryn tells us about de-cluttering all phases of our lives on page 21. Parrish Village News page 2 Parrish Village News Official publication of the Parrish Civic Association, a non profit coporation. P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Cookie Jordan Publisher and Editor 941-776-9019 Volunteer Staff Advertising Manager Gene Orlowski Contributors Ralph Bellrose Travel Mimi Sheffer Feature Stories Patrick McGinnis Pets Plus in Parrish Stacy McKee Y News Ben Jordan Cookie Jordan Capt. Ric Liles Iris McClain Leslie Wells Real Estate Joann B. Larson Extension Service Message from the Editor The Chili Cook Off is almost here! This Saturday, the Parrish Civic Association and The Parrish Foundation will sponsor their 4th annual event. While this event is about having fun, the real reason for this event is the fund raising that comes from the Chili Cook Off which enables many local organizations serving residents in our community to receive grants to help with their important work. In the last three years, over $80,000 in grants have been given to groups like the Boy Scouts, 4 H, Cub Scouts, Duette School, the Lions Club, the Florida Railroad Museum, Palmetto High School Biomedical Program, the Food Pantry, the Parrish Y Scholarship Program, the Parrish Arts Council, Girl Scouts, Manatee County Youth Rowing, Esther’s School, the Rocky Bluff Library and the First Baptist Church of Parrish Learning Center. That’s the real reason for the Chili Cook Off. I am proud that the Parrish Village News Chili Chicks have particpated in all the previous Chili Cook Offs and will be there again this year. Our team of eight ladies will start cooking at 6:00 a.m. and have our chili ready for you when the gates open at 11:00 a.m. Come by our booth, taste our great chili, have a piece of cornbread and enter the drawing for a great prize. We also want to thank all the teams who are participating this year - all 23 of them! They are this newspaper, FPL, the Anthony Fowler Foundation, Manatee County Youth Rowing, Aldrich Flooring, Parrish 7-Eleven, Williams PTO, the Eye Center, Stan D. Perkins from Keller Williams Realty, Imagine Schools North Manatee, the Parrish Y, Leslie Wells Realty, Southeast High School, 1st Manatee Bank, Air Products, Esther’s School, Duette Fire Station, Gator Plumbing, Duette School, Bright House, the Florida Railroad Museum, Mosaic and the Parrish Fire Station. Come support your community and your favorite team! Heritage Day Schedule 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM 3:00 PM Parade starts on 121st Avenue behind Parrish Fire Station Judging for chili begins Parade finishes at Florida Railroad Museum - US Highway 301 N at 83rd Street Gates open at Chili Cook Off: bands perform, chili is ready for tasting, food, children’s activities, vendors, Parrish Pioneering Activities continue with different bands, various children’s activities, vendor booths Awards announced for Chili Cook Off (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Spirit, FundRaising, People’s Choice and Showman ship), drawings for prizes Brutus is still missing Brutus has been missing since April 27 from a home on Larson Lane in Kingfield in Parrish 34219. He has distinctive marks: his hind quarters show very little fur; his weight was 17 pounds at time of his disappearence; he is a neutered grey Tabby with short hair; his left ear shows a small indentation; the roof of his mouth has a black birth mark; he has green eyes; and he is very shy and may appear frightened. If you have information as to his whereabouts, please contact Carlo Calanni at 941-480-9476 or cell 941-234-9432. Brutus needs to be home and his owners dearly miss him. Did you know . . . The Parrish Village News prints 12,800 copies of the newspaper each month? All residences in the 34219 zip code, eastern Ellenton and eastern Palmetto receive copies? County officials read the newspaper monthly? Newspapers can be found at the Rocky Bluff Library, the Y, PJ’s Sandwich Shop, Ferraro’s, Leslie Wells Realty and 1st Manatee Bank? March Needs for Blood Kathryn Newman Inspirational Stories Norma Kennedy This newspaper is printed by Sun Coast Media Group Venice, FL Monday, March 9th: 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m., Encore Manatee MHP, 800 Kay Road NE, Bradenton. Thursday, March 12th: 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Lecom School of Dental Medicine, 4800 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Bradenton. Sunday, March 15th: 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Parrish United Methodist Church, 12180 US Hwy 301 N, Parrish. Monday, March 16th: 8:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m., The Gardens MHP, 11300 US Highway 301 N, Parrish. Monday, March 16th: 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., Fair Lane Acres MHP, 819 49th Ave Terrace W, Bradenton. Sunday, March 29th: 9:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Peace Presbyterian Church, 12705 State Road 64, Lakewood Ranch. “This Old House” YMCA Kids’ Zone 12214 US 301 Parrish Village News page 3 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Amanda Davis Iris McClain Amanda Davis has over 20 years’ experience and specializes in color and cutting. She has been through extensive training with Vidal Sasson and many others to advance her opportunities. To keep up with the latest trends and if you are searching for a new look, please give Amanda a call for a free consultation. 727-599-9828 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Genealogy group to meet in April This view of the Kids’ Zone faces US Highway 301; however the back door entrance is utilized for most parents who bring their children to the Kids’ Zone. This old building was a wood frame home that was moved into Parrish in the early 1960’s. Unable to locate the county records as to where it came from, it does appear to have been built in the 1940’s. It is still in real good shape, remodeled several times to accommodate the school lunchroom and the activities that followed. It was placed next to the Parrish School House and used for their lunch room for several years. In 1977, the school was closed down and the students were transferred to Blackburn Elementary and Lincoln Middle School. The building was turned into the Head Start facility. After several years, the Head Start Program moved to another location. The building sat empty for several years until the school house was closed down for repairs and remodeling in 2007. This old building was used as a meeting place for the community until they had the grand opening of the newly renovated School House and became the Parrish Community Center and YMCA. It is now used for the Kids Zone of the YMCA. Parents can bring their young children for child care while the parents go to the “Y” for classes. It is a great addition to the “Y”. I would like to thank Donice Youngblood Michael, Pam Parrish, JoAnn Rogers and Sidney and Vivian Buice for their information for this article. If you know of any old home, old building, or any other location in Parrish that you think our readers would enjoy reading about, please give me a call at 776-0542 or send me an email at The Manatee Genealogical Society meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Bethel Baptist Church located at 1805 30th Avenue West in Bradenton. Jody Riddick will speak on “What’s New at FamilySearch. org”. The Computer Special Interest Group session will follow. For Society information, go to http://www.rootsweb.ancestry. com/~flmgs/. You can email questions to mgs.society@ SELLING A PIECE OF PARADISE TO YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Interested in selling your property? Call me today to receive a personal Comparative Market Analysis of your home. I am committed to you to help you navigate the complex real estate market. Selling your home is an important decision. Trust me to navigate the process and make it easier for you. I am an experienced agent who will produce results for you. I will be there beside you during the entire process. I look forward to your call.... DONNA DRUMHELLER, Realtor SRES RE/MAX Fine Properties 941-914-8130 Cell 941-981-3301 Fax Call me today to list your home in Paradise! Re/Max Fine Properties 8652 State Road 70 East Bradenton, Florida 34202 Parrish Village Newspage 4 Getting Ready to Show FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1984 Leslie Wells BOB DAHMS PAINTING, LLC We’ve all heard about the plumber who doesn’t fix his own leaky pipes or thedoctorwhodoesn’ttakehismedicine whensick.HowabouttheRealtorwho doesn’tfollowherown“PreparationAdvice?”Yes,Iadmit,thatlastoneisme! Aswegetclosertoputtingourhouseon themarketIthoughtIbetterstartpracticingwhatIpreach:Thekeytoasuccessfulclosingispreparingforthesale! When you work with a real estate agent, they will undoubtedly give you some sage advice and some guidance astohowtoprepareyourhomeforpotentialbuyers,butyoumustputtheplan Leslie Wells intoaction. Clean, clean and clean some more:Wearenottalkingaboutyourweeklydusting andmopping.Considerhiringaprofessionalcleaningcompanytoaddressfrequentlyneglectedareasofthehome.Blinds,plantledges,ceilingfansandairconditioning ductsarealldustcollectors.Tacklethemfirst.Nothingismoreofaturnofftobuyers thanadirtyhome.Thereisahugedifferencebetweenlivedinanddirty. De-clutter: Start gathering boxes and lighten your load. After all, do you really wanttohavetomoveeverything?Haveaboxforcharity,aboxforthegaragesale andaboxfortrash.Begingoingthrougheachroom,closetbyclosetandthendrawer bydrawer.Considertheone-yearrule:ifyouhaven’twornitoruseditinayearit’s timetomoveitalong!Thisissohardtodobutitissoworththeeffort! Freshen up:Nothingrefreshesahomebetterthansomefreshpaint.Considertoningdownsomeboldwallswithsomethingthatwouldappealtoabroaderaudience. Ifyoudon’twanttotakeonre-painting,atleastgiveyourdoors,baseboardandtrim alittletouch-up.Keepaneyeoutforotherareasthatmaybeshowingsignsofwear. Furnitureanddrapes:Fabricsareamagnetforodorsandpethair.Thegoodnewsis thisissomethingeasilycuredwithalittlelaunderingandfabricfreshener. What works and what doesn’t: Weallhavesomethinginourhomethatweknow works,itjustneedsalittlejiggleoranextrasqueeze.Buyersareencouragedtohave ahomeinspectionpriortoclosing.Ahomeinspectorwillevaluatehowyoursystems andappliancesfunctionandoftenestimatethelifespan.Theywilllookforthings thatcouldbeapotentialproblemforthefuturehomeowner.Fixtheitemsthatyou knowaboutsothateverythingisoperatingasitshould.Alonglistofrepairsmay costyouabuyer.Ifthebudgetallows,beproactiveandhireyourownhomeinspectoranduncoveranypotentialissuesbeforethebuyerdoes! BOB DAHMS, OWNER 941-321-1650 Residential/Commercial/Condominium Interior - Exterior Personalized Service - Quality Products Insured - References Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties First Choice & l” a in g ri O The “ ns in Nail Salo SPECIAL OFFER 10% OFF Any Service of $25 or more We now offer facials, peel & mask, eyebrow color & PERMANENT MAKEUP 8227 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Ellenton Commons between Butterfield’s and Pinch A Penny) WWW.ACCENTNAILSPA.COM 941-776-5744 Just a quick personal note: While our dream homesearchcontinues,downsizingforusdoesn’t mean disappearing. We’re staying in the area and Leslie Wells Realty isn’t going anywhere! You’vebeengreatneighborsandyoustayonmy “musthave”list! e ewouthNernaCm N urls) k o o L New orthern Waves S (formerly N Color Services, Selected Perms Hundreds of quality NEW & USED farm & commercial items can be seen at our website & welding shop on S.R. 62 in Duette. We may close for special events, so please call before you visit! Meet our great staff: Jen, Dianne, Darlean, Luzma and Teresa. Ask about our Global Keratin Treatments! Custom built trailers & cookers. Equipment bought & sold. Some trades accepted. Surplus – Salvage – Steel – Wood – Fixtures Stainless Steel Tables – Aluminum Smokers – BBQ Grills $10 OFF Call for our Holiday Specials: Cut/Color/Style and Microdermabrasion Gift Certificates Available 941-776-1444 Same Location Since 1987 Bring this ad in for Now offering Microdermabrasion Morgan Trailers, Inc. (Monday & Tuesday only, 10 AM - 3 PM) Good through 3/31/2015 941-776-1455 8215 U.S. Hwy 301 w Ellenton Commons w Parrish, FL (next to Butterfield’s) For information, pictures, & prices, please see our website: Parrish Village Newspage 5 Cooking with Cookie A Land Tour of Italy - Pisa How about some salads - hearty and good? Ralph Bellrose For those of us who are weightconscious, a salad is always a good selection for lunch or dinner. Some can be made and then given more substancebyaddingachickenbreast, someshrimporseafoodorsomeleftover ham or beef. Try these for a change. Beautiful Chicken Salad (pictured at right) 1(8-oz.)packagecreamcheese, softened 1cupmayonnaise 2tsp.currypowder 1tsp.salt 6cupscookedchicken,chopped 1(8-oz.)cancrushedpineapple 1cupchopped,roasted,saltedal- monds 2/3cuporange-flavoredsweetened driedcranberries Garnishes:freshherbs,blackberries, raspberries,slicedpeaches 3/4tsp.salt 1(16-oz.)bottleoliveoil-and-vinegar dressing,divided 8cupsmixedsaladgreens 2largeavocados 1Tbsp.freshlemonjuice 3largetomatoes,seededanddiced 12smallgreenonions,sliced 2cups(8-oz.)sharpCheddar cheese,shredded 4ouncescrumbledbluecheese 6to8slicesbacon,cookedandcrum- Whisktogethercreamcheeseandnext bled 3ingredientsinalargebowl;stirin Freshlygroundpeppertotaste chicken, pineapple and cranberries just until blended. If desired, spoon Cookpotatoesinboilingsaltedwater mixture into a plastic wrap-lined to cover 30 minutes or until tender. 8-inch round cake pan; cover and Drainandcoolslightly.Peelandcut chillatleast8hoursorupto24hours. into cubes. Sprinkle potatoes evenly Invertchickensaladontoacakestand with 3/4 teaspoon salt. Pour 1 cup and remove plastic wrap. Gently dressing over potatoes; gently toss. press chopped almonds onto sides of Set aside remaining dressing. Cover chickensalad.Garnish,ifdesired. potatomixture;chillatleast2hours or overnight. Arrange salad greens Yield:6to8servings. evenlyonalargeservingplatter.Peel andchopavocados;tosswithlemon Wow - Good Salad juice.Arrangepotatoes,avocados,to3/4cupcanolaoil matoesandnext4ingredientsinrows 1/4cuplemonjuice oversaladgreens.Sprinklewithpep2garliccloves,minced per.Servewithremainingdressing. 1/2tsp.salt Yield8to10servings. 1/2tsp.pepper 2bunches(1poundeach)romaine, Cucumber and Onion Salad torn 3-5Persiancucumbers,peeled 2cupstomatoes,chopped 1sweetonion 1cup(4oz.)Swisscheese,shredded 1/2cupwhitevinegar 2/3cupsliveredalmonds,toasted 1/2cupwater 1/2cupParmesancheese,grated 1/3cupsugar 8baconstrips,cookedandcrumbled Dashofsaltandpepper 1cupCaesarsaladcroutons Slice the onions and cucumbers very Inajarwithatight-fittinglid,combine thinlyandplaceinshallowdish.Stir oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pep- togethervinegar,water,sugar,saltand per;coverandshakewell.Chill.In pepper.Pouroveronionsandcucumalargeservingbowl,tosstheromaine, bers.Coverandmarinateatleastan tomatoes, Swiss cheese, almonds, hour.(Thelongerthissits,thetastier Parmesan cheese and bacon. Shake itgets.) dressing; pour over salad and toss. Yield:6servings. Addcroutonsandserveimmediately. IhopeyouenjoythesesaladreciYield:14servings. pes. I know I will be spending a lot of March eating salads and trying to Potato Cobb Salad losesomemoreweight!Haveagood 3poundsYukongoldpotatoes month.Bonappetit! The instantly recognizable and famous Tower of Pisa. SomeofyoumayrememberthatweinterruptedourItaliantripforatourofPortugalandSpain.Well,we’reback! WeleftFlorenceheadingnorthtotheItalianRivierawithaplannedstopinPisa, thebirthplaceofGalileoandthesiteofthefamous“LeaningBellTower.” PisasitsonthenorthernbankoftheArnoRiver.AncientRomansconsideredPisa an“old”city.ArchaeologicalevidenceindicatesitwasoccupiedbytheEtruscans inthefifthcenturyB.C.,but,itsoriginscoulddatebacktothirteenthcenturyB.C. Forcenturies,itswealthandinfluencegrew;and,bytheeleventhcentury,Pisahad becomeacommercialcenter,amajorItaliancity-state,andamaritimesuper-power. However,PisawasinaconstantstateofwarwithGenoa,Lucca,VeniceandFlorence.Eventually,theseconflictsdrainedthecity’sresourcesandledtoaslowdecline beginninginthelatethirteenthcentury.Bythefifteenthcentury,theporthadsilted upandlargevesselscouldnolongerreachtheharbor,endingPisa’simportanceasa commercial center. It’s hard to believe thatPisawasonceonlytwomilesfrom thesea.Today,itisoversixmilesinland. (Talkaboutclimatechange!)Florence annexedPisaandthecityneverregained itsformerglory.Itdidremainacultural centerbecauseoftherenownedUniversityofPisaanditsprestigiousgraduate schools. When we arrived in Pisa and left ourbus,wehadtorunagauntletofaggressive souvenir hawkers before entering the Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo). Fortunately, these merchants are kept outside this historic area by a makeshiftgate.(TheItalianssometimes PleaseseeA Land Tour of Italy You can see that Pisa (once a port) is now six CONTINUEDONPAGE16 miles inland. Parrish Village News page 6 Compassion l l l l l l Private Duty Services Companion Services Personal Care Homemaking Hourly Visits & Nursing Medication Management l l l l l Excellence l Reliability Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational & Speech Therapy “Bayada caregivers enter my home with confidence, energy, and hope. They are wonderful people who show me respect, kindness, and consideration.” Patients ALWAYS have a choice for their Health Care Serving the Sun City Area since 2008 and new to the Parrish and Ellenton areas 813-633-6800 129 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Ste. #102 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program, the leader in home care accreditation HHA 299991722 l HHA 20171095 4-H Open Horse Show Being Held A Manatee County 4-H Open Horse Show will be held Saturday, March 14, 2015 and Sunday, March 15, 2015 at the Mosaic Arena located on the Manatee County Fairgrounds in Palmetto. Western and English classes will be held on Saturday, March 14th at 9:00 a.m. Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. Ranch, Reining and Speed classes will be offered on Sunday, March 15th at 9:00 a.m. Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. Bert Wright will be the judge for the two-day show. Junior (ages 8-13 as of September 1, 2014), Senior (ages 14-18 as of September 1, 2014), and Open (non-4-H’ers) classes will be offered. Day of the show costs are $7.00 per class for 4-H’ers and $8.00 per class for non-4-H’ers. Pre-entries are discounted $1.00 per class. To pre-enter, visit shtml. A $2.00 insurance fee will be charged for all non-4-H’ers. Daily high point awards will be given. Don’t miss this opportunity to test your equestrian riding skills! For more information, contact the Manatee County 4-H Office at (941) 7224524. This program is open to all youth (ages 8 and above) without regard to race, color, sex, handicap or national origin. Anyone with a disability needing assistance should call (941) 722-4524 prior to the show. Parrish Village News page 7 For questions about advertising in The Parrish Village News, call Gene Orlowski at 776-8524 or send him an email at ARCHITECTURAL MARBLE IMPORTERS Will visit your home to care for your dog or cat 7 days a week, year round Stone Countertops & Flooring Supply w Fabricate w Install James Newby I am a former Humane Society and Southeast Guide Dog volunteer. Have been a local Florida resident for 33 years. Lifetime animal lover. Full time pet sitter. Visit includes: bringing in newspaper and mail and watering plants, if needed. I live in Parrish - within a few minutes of your home. I’m a responsible, dependable and caring person. Registered with the Ellenton Vet Clinic. Member of Pet Sitters International. 2560 12th Street w Sarasota, FL 34237 (941) 365-3552 Fax (941) 955-6644 email: Visit my website at Please call Donna at (813) 443-2448 or (941) 447-9722 Bonded/Insured BRUCE WHIDDEN CONSTRUCTION Jana Motwani “All Work Guaranteed & Built To Last” 12281 Britt Road 813-634-4459 Residential Contractor Room Addition Screen Room General Repairs Powerful Skin Care. Perfect Makeup. Everything you need to face the world - more beautifully! Never tried Mary Kay? Facials are always free and so are samples! Give it a try. Call today. 941-776-2859 Roofing Contractor Shingle-Tile Metal General Repairs CCC1328858 CRC049124 Independent Beauty Consultant Parrish, FL 34219 Pool & Spa Contractor New-Used Resurfacing General Repairs CPC1457847 w 941-531-3450 e!!! ff Sal 1/2 O details. or Call f John P. Stinson, Inc. LAWN PROGRAMS Fertilization / Weed Control Insect / Disease PEST PROGRAMS Safe Exterior Power Spray General Pest Control ORNAMENTAL PROGRAMS Palm, Trees and Shrub Treatments Professional Horticultural Services 1-855-LAWN-911 Backhoe, Grade Tractor, Dirt, Shell, Culvert Pipe Installation Land Clearing l Demolition Licenses To Install & Repair Septic System COMPLETE SITE WORK 941-776-3234 941-812-5962 PJ’s SANDWICH SHOP Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 12342 U.S. Hwy. 301 Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2307 JUDY AARNES Real Estate Specialist (941) 907-1033 EXT. 132 BUSINESS (941) 776-3170 FAX (941) 776-0020 RESIDENCE (941) 704-9744 CELLULAR Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 8334 Market Street Bradenton, FL 34202 * BANKRUPTCY CALL NOW! (941) 840-0820 Creditors? Bills High? IRAs and 401Ks to Protect? Free Consultation / Payment Plans Available The Law Office of Walter Sowa, III 435 12th Street West, Suite 206 | Bradenton, FL 34205 | Airport Shuttle Service Friendly, Reliable Transportation To All Airports # Mike: 721-8540 or cell 704-0441 Woodturner at Arts Council Gallery Parrish Village Newspage 8 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Sylvia Sylvia is NY educated, bilingual, a master colorist and instructor for one of the major industry product lines. With over 20 years’ experience in the Beauty Industry, she looks forward to helping you reach your Beauty goals. Visit her website at 813-601-5026 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Retired orthopedic surgeon Major P. Gladden will be displaying his one-of-akindfineartwoodbowlsandmanyotherobjectsof“turned”woodduringMarchat theManateeCouncilCulturalAllianceGallery. HeworkswithbothexoticwoodsuchaspurpleheartfromCostaRicoand“backyard”treeslikeNorfolkIslandPine.Hehasparticipatedinmanyartshowsaround thecountryincludingarecentoneattheRinglingCollegeofArtandDesignandhas wonmanyawards. Gladden’sshowwillbeonexhibitthroughMarch28,withanopeningreception Friday,March6from6:00to9:00p.m.Regularhoursare10:00a.m.to4:00p.m., MondaythroughSaturdayattheGallery,locatedat92612thStreetWestintheVillageoftheArtsinBradenton. Forfurtherinformation,callCarlKeelerat941-746-2223. $10.00 Off 2014 Income Tax Preparation HEADQUARTERS (new clients BARBERSHOP only) Montgomery’s Affordable Accounting & Tax, L.L.C. Parrish, Florida 941-776-5557 With this coupon. Not valid with others or prior services. Offer expires 4-15-15. “Where attention to detail matters!” Professional Tax Preparation Mon - Tues 9 - 5 Wed - Fri 9 - 7 Sat 9 - 3 8003 US HWY 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-9927 Tax problems (past or present)? Haven’t filed in a while? WE CAN HELP YOU! FREE consultation FREE electronic filing FAST accurate service FAST refunds Walk-ins welcome Appointments available All state tax returns prepared here Corporate, partnership & Affordable Accounting indi vidual tax returns & Tax, L.L.C. 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite 101, Parrish (Next to Marathon Station) 941-776-5557 Fax 941-776-0390 Proudly Supports The PARRISH F L O R I D A CHILI COOKOFF And The Parrish Foundation Parrish Village Newspage 9 Give It A Try Istheresomethingyouhavealwayswantedtotry?Somethingyouhavealways wantedtodo?Letmetellyousomething.Nowisthetime. Doyouwanttolearntoplayaninstrument?Paintapicture?Singinaband? Understandthedifferencebetweenthetastesofsweetwines?Doyouwanttoastart ahobby,dowoodworking,orfloatinahotairballoon?Maybeyouwanttoplaya sport,meetpeoplefromotherpartsoftheworld,orunderstandthemeaningoflife. Youmayhaveawholeslewofexcuseswhynowisnotthetime.Iunderstand, becauseIplaythesamegamemyself.I’mtootiredtoworkonthat.Idon’thavethe timetocommit.Ihavetomakedinner,drivetowork,cleanthehouse. Or,youconvinceyourselfit’snottherightchoiceandthinkthatsincenoone elseisdoingitthatitmustnotbeagoodchoiceforyoueither.Or,youhaveafear ofwhatyouthinkothersmightthinkaboutyou;notreallywhattheythink(because youdon’treallyknowthat),butwhatyouthinktheywillthink.Figurethatout! If,twenty-fiveyearsago,Ididnottakekarateclasses,woulditreallymakethat bigofadifferenceinmylife?IfIhadnotcommitted,devotedmyselftoit,faithfully attended,andpracticed,wouldIbeanydifferent? If I had not taken karate… • Iwouldnothavetheself-confidence Ihavetoday.Inolongershyawayfrom challenges.Itrytokeepanopenmind aboutwhatIwanttodo.Idon’tworry aboutwhatothersthink.Beforekarate, Iwouldhavequestionedmyselfsomuch that I would never written about anything for fear it would not be liked by others. • Iwouldnothaveanyathleticexperienceinmylife.Ineverplayedasport otherthaningymclass.Ineverevenrealizedtherewasanounceofathleticism inmybody. • Iwouldnothaveexcellentflexibilityorstrength.It’simportantasweage Andrea F. Harkins tomaintainbothstrengthandflexibility. Karate Teacher at Parrish YMCA, WhatkindofshapewouldIbeintoday motivational blogger ifnotforkarate? • Iwouldnotbeateacher.Idreamed ofbeingateacherwhenIwasalittlegirl.Ineverimagineditwouldbeinthemartial arts. • Iwouldnothaveaverydeepinternalthoughtprocessaboutlife,andwouldnot havelearnedtoacceptheartacheandlife’smostdifficultlessons.Whensomepeople wouldhavereadilygivenupbecausetheexperiencewassodevastating;orwould haveturnedawayandnottriedtomakethingswork,Ipushedthroughandworked outtheissuesandsomehowlandedwithmytwofeetontheground,thankstokarate. • Iwouldnotbewriting,podcastingorgettingpublishedinmartialartsmagazines becauseIwouldhavemissedalltheexperiencesthatbroughtmehere.Forsome yearsIwrotesongsandpoetry;butIputitallasideandnevercamebacktoituntil thedayIdecidedtotrytomakesomeadditionalincomeasawriter.ThatishowI PleaseseeGive It A TryCONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Only 2.5% GLOBAL EXPOSURE We market everywhere s d in 7 Day Contracte Just Listed in River Plantation! Immaculate 1 owner 4/3/3 home with stunning lake views. You have got to see the beautiful Bordeaux granite in the kitchen. Only $259,900. Just Sold 5 Homes in 5 Days! d Just Liste Wow! Pool home in Twin Rivers for under $400K. Beautiful 3/4 bedroom, 3 bath home with upgrades galore. Nice private lake and preserve view for only $395,000 tracted Just Con Just Contracted in Copperstone. d Just Liste Just Listed! Former Model in Forest Creek. Maintenance Free & Fully Furnished. Won’t last long. d d Just Liste Just Liste Just Listed! Immaculate 3/2 Maintenance Free Home in the Hammocks of River Wilderness. Nice open spaces over looking tranquil pond and preserve. Just listed! Large Pool Home on privatecul-de-sac with preserve view! 3/2/3 with large spacious kitchen and heated pool and spa! d Just Liste d Just Liste FREE HOME EVALUATION Pristine Creekside Preserve 2 story home. 4 bedrooms and large bonus. Spice Maple Cabinets, Granite and Stainless Steel appliances. Great for a growing family A must see at $259,700. Nicole Gabbard Jason Gabbard 941-685-0451 941-718-1111 Palmetto Car Wash $429,900. Great money maker!! Parrish Village News page 10 Spring Book Sale Scheduled for March 18 - 21 at Library Because of the patrons of Rocky Bluff Library, the November 2014 Book Sale was a tremendous success. And yes, it is Book Sale time again so come on down to the library. It is always fun to see our community of returning shoppers. The Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Book Sales are not only community events, they inspire random acts of kindness in ways the Friends never imagined. Last November, a very nice man observed a young child selecting books. When it came time to cash out, he indicated that he would like to pay for, what turned out to be a very large armload of books, but added, “Please don’t tell,” and he quietly slipped out of the library. Also, the Friends are so grateful that a lot of people in the community purchase books and at check out tell the Friends to keep the change. Our community patrons and shoppers at the Book Sales are wonderful and the Friends appreciate your support. When you donate your slightly used books and then return for the book sales, you allow the Friends to continue these twice-yearly events. Each purchase goes toward supporting the programming and the educational and technical aspects of running our local library as well to purchse items needed for the library and make improvements such as the recent renovation of the front lobby as well as the landscaping and pond renovation in front of the library. The schedule for this spring’s Book Sale is: Wednesday, March 18, 1 - 6 p.m. - Friends Only Day’ Thursday, March 19, 12 - 7 p.m. - Public Sale; Friday, March 20, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Public Sale; and Saturday, March 21, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Public Sale. The sale prices are Hardback Books - $2, Large Paperbacks - $1, Regular Paperbacks - $.50, Children’s Books - $.25 to $1.00, Puzzles - $1, and CDs and DVDs - $2. Great bargains! The Friends of Rocky Bluff truly appreciate your support of the book sales. Rocky Bluff Library Welcomes Kate Lippincott, New Supervisor Rocky Bluff Library has a new supervisor - Kate Lippincott. Here is a conversation with Kate so you can get to know her better. What is your background with libraries? I’ve held a variety of positions in public, academic and special libraries. My first job as a professional librarian was at Selby Library in downtown Sarasota. I joined Rocky Bluff in December 2014. Where did you go to school? I was born in New Jersey, lived in Ohio and Georgia and graduated from Centre College of Kentucky with a degree in English/History. My early aspirations were to be a writer or an architect or illustrate children’s books. What is your work history? My first library job was at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Over the course of 10+ years I held a variety of positions there including processing of the non-print collection in the Southern Labor Archives. After I married, I moved to Birmingham, Alabama and managed the circulation department in the library at Birmingham Southern College. It has always been the interesting people I worked with, the stimulating environment and the enjoyment of working with our patrons that have kept me in the library field. When I left Atlanta for Sarasota, I took the big step of enrolling in the library school at USF in Tampa to get my Master’s Degree. I was a graduate research assistant for 2 years working for the director, Kathleen de la Pena McCook. I assisted her in many fun and challenging assignments including editing books and New Rocky Bluff Supervisor Kate Lippincott. writing articles. What attracted you to Rocky Bluff? In my interviews I felt the energy and enthusiasm for libraries and what they can do for the community and I wanted to be a part of that. There is a collegial atmosphere at RBL where the staff works as a team to meet customer needs. I have been fortunate to have wonderful mentors at every place I’ve worked and I want to do that for my staff. It is my “dream job” and I’m thrilled to be here. What do you view as your biggest challenge? I think getting to know the RBL community which is quite diverse and growing rapidly. What are you reading now? I was introduced to Southern literature many years ago and I just finished On Agate Hill by Lee Smith, a North Carolina author. My favorite writer, Walker Percy, a Southern gentleman from New Orleans, wrote The Moviegoer, a classic as wll as many other fine novels. What do you do in your spare time? I work in my yard, swim, sail, bike and manage my two unruly dogs. I’m enjoying getting to know the immediate vicinity of Rocky Bluff at lunchtime by taking long walks and driving through the neighborhoods and on the country roads and I’m still looking for the bluff! Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Types of memberships Zip: Date: Individual Member - $5.00 Family Member - $10.00 Sustaining Member - $25.00 Lifetime Friend - $100.00 Are you a new member or a renewal? q New q Renewal Please make check payable to Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Drop your completed form with your check into the Friends’ box at the library. Dues and contributions may be tax-deductible. Drop in the box at the library or mail to: Friends of Rocky Bluff Library, P. O. Box 133, Ellenton, FL 34222. Parrish Village Newspage 11 Don’t miss the DAY OUT WITH THOMAS 2015! The event is scheduled for March 14 - 15 and 21 - 22 at the Florida Railroad Museum in Parrish. For tickets and information, go to or call 1-866-468-7630! Historic Boat Tours to benefit Manatee Historic Organizations See At Yo u o t n i g Sprin OB! AM OB AM ! All Month Hit a Grand Slam with AMOB! TheManateeCountyClerkofCircuitCourt’sDepartmentofHistoricalResources in partnership with Island Pearl Excursions will host four heritage water tours inMarch.Aportionofproceedswillbenefitfourhistoricorganizationsincluding ManateeVillageHistoricalPark,FloridaMaritimeMuseum,thePalmettoHistorical Park,andtheManateeAgriculturalMuseum. ThetoursareapartofMarchManateeHeritageDays,amonthlongfocuson thecounty’shistory.Thehistoricalnarrativewillbegivenbylocalhistorians,Cathy SlusserandJohnBeale.Itincludesstoriesaboutthecommunitiesalongtheriverand itssignificancetothedevelopmentofourarea. AlltourswillleavefromthedaydockattheManateeRiverWalkinDowntown Bradenton.Entrancetoparkingisoff3rdAvenueWestjusteastof9thStreetWest. TherewillbetwotourseachonWednesday,March11andFriday,March20. Toursleaveat10:00a.m.or1:00p.m. Ticketswillbe$32.00perpersonpertour.TheIslandPearlhaslimitedseating, andthetripsusuallyselloutsomakeyourreservationstodaybycalling941-7808010andspeakingtoCaptainJefforvisit( moreinformation. March 17th Happy St. Paddy’s Day! Wear any All You Can Eat baseball shirt Corned Beef ‘n during March Cabbage - $10.99 and get a FREE * Twice the Cheer margarita! Limit one per person, per visit. with Green Beer! Expires 3/31/2015. With purchase of entrée. Good at all three Select green beer locations. Ages 21+ only. drafts $1.50 each! . April 5th Join Us for Easter Sunday! Make your reservations now for a Hoppin’ Good Time! Happy Hour Every Day! 11am-5pm & 8pm-close FREE Margarita On Us! P Limit one per person, per visit. Expires 3/31/2015 With this coupon and purchase of entrée. Good at all 3 locations. Ages 21+ only. Landside Cortez eLLenton 941.758.7880 941.792.0077 941.721.7773 (1.5 miles north of SRQ Airport) (5 min from Anna Maria Island) (Take I-75 Exit 224 west) 6906 14th St. W. on US 41 6696 Cortez Rd. 1525 51st Ave. E. News from Ferraro’s Italian Grille Parrish Village Newspage 12 2014 Herald Tribune Readers’ Choice FIRST PLACE BEST LOCAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT $ 5 off any purchase of $25 or more Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 3/31/2015 Wild Monday 2 for $22 Choose from Baked Ziti, Pasta & Meatballs, Manicotti, Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Lasagna with 2 House Salads, Garlic Bread, 2 Small Cannoli Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 3/31/2015 8348 US 301 N. 817B 14th Street West 3 Blocks South of Manatee Avenue Corner of 301 and Old Tampa/Erie Roads BRADENTON PARRISH/ELLENTON 941-747-9900 941-723-1111 WE DELIVER! VOTED BEST! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Hours : Mon-Thurs 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat 11 am - 10 pm Sun 12 pm - 9 pm SicilianPizzasarenowavailableatFerraro’sItalianGrille.FrankLoGrandehand makesthemandtheyarepreparedwithfreshingredients.You’llwanttoorderone nexttimeyouareatthegrilleorcallinandorderonetogo.Simplycall723-1111to getonetodayfordinnerforyourfamilyorforthatpartyyou’replanning. TraditionalSicilianpizzaisthickcrustedandrectangular.Itcanhaveavarietyof toppings.TheSicilianmethodofmakingpizzaislinkedtolocalcultureandcountry traditionssotherearedifferencesinpreparingpizzaevenamongtheSicilianregions ofPalermo,Catania,SiracusaandMessina.(Remember,Frank’sheritageisSicilian!) Call Acqua Pro Experts Free Estimates 941-735-4405 Nonno Frank and his newest grandson, Salvatore Francesco ! FOR SALE PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING AND SOFT WASH FULLY INSURED 30+ acres in N.W. Tennessee, located on Highway 140 in Henry County, 2 acres cleared for home. Nice creek, water running year round. Beautiful woods and great hunting. $52,500 Increase Property Value FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL Please call Larry McClain at 941-776-0542. Improve Safety COMMERCIAL EMAIL: ACQUAPROEXPERTS@GMAIL.COM WEBSITE: ACQUAPROEXPERTS.COM Remove dangerous mold, mildew, moss, fungus, algae, grime, dirt and black stains from some of the following exterior surfaces: • Driveway/Walkway/Patios to restore to a natural and cleaner appearance! • Housing Exterior/Gutters/Leaders to bring life back to the original color with a fresh look of cleanliness! • Fences to look clean and almost like new! • Roof to improve the look of it’s life time appearance! Valentine’s Trivia Parrish Village Newspage 13 Jim Casey, Now Accepting Wellcare and Tricare Prime Health Plans Host of Game Show Trivolution seen at seen at SR 64 Applebee’s Thursdays at 9:45 After you finish all of the great chili at the Annual Parrish Chili Cook Off, you may think of St. Patrick’s Day as the perfect opportunity to wash all that down. Other than the fact that it’s 10 days later, St. Patrick’s Day is more than just a day that gives you the excuse to drink. Try these 10 questions about the holiday. 1. Accordingtolegend,St.Patrick drovewhatoutofIreland? a.Ratsb.Snakes c.Dogsd.Humans 2. WhatwasSt.Patrick’srealname? a.MilesShallobb.Michael O’Shaunesseyc.MarcusStough d.MaewynSuccat 3. ThecolorofSt.Patrickwasoriginally? a.Greenb.Blue c.Redd.Purple 4. Accordingtolegend,whatare leprechaunsreally? a.Shoemakersb.Thieves c.Midgetsd.Magicians 5. Whatstatehasthemostpeopleof Irishdescent? a.Illinois b.Massachusetts c.Florida d.Hawaii 6. WhatdoeskissingtheBlarney Stonedoforyou? a.Giveyousoftlipsfromthedew onthestone b.Giveyougoodluckinlove c.Makeyoulessshy d.Healwarts 7. Whydoleprechaunsweargreen? a.Becausetheylikethecolor b.Ascamouflage c.Becausetheyconsideritlucky d.Becauseitistheonlycolorof dyetheyknowhowtomake 8. InwhatcitywasthefirstSt.Patrick’sDayparadeheld? a.Bostonb.NewYork c.Philadelphiad.Parrish 9. TherearelotsofpubsinIreland, Approximatelyhowmanypubsper peoplearethere? a.1forevery1,000 b.1forevery630 c.1forevery350 d.1forevery3 10. AnotherprefixthatmanyIrish nameshaveisthe“O”suchas O’Riley.Whatdoesthe“O”represent? a.Fatherof b.Elderof c.Grandsonof d.Descendantof Answers on page 41. CALL TODAY for your FREE Skin Cancer Screening Exam Call 941-776-1577 to reserve your spot The Skin Cancer Centers / Dermatology Associates Howard A. Oriba, M.D. Michael G. Caruso, M.D. Leslee Baute, P.A.C. 8959 US Highway 301 N l Parrish/Ellenton (Parkwood Square Shopping Center) WWW.THESKINCANCERCENTERS.COM Parrish Village Newspage 14 Manatee County Extension Service Classes for February The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service is offering a variety of free educational classes duringNovember,2014.TheExtensionServiceisan educationalprogramwithincountygovernmentwhich bringstheresourcesoftheUniversityofFlorida’sInstituteofFoodandAgriculturalSciences(IFAS)toManateeCountytosolvelocalproblems,provideeducational opportunities,promoteeconomicenhancementanddevelopment,andimprovethequalityoflifeforallofour citizens. Registration Instructions Unlessotherwisenoted,allclassesarefreeandareheld attheManateeCountyAgricultureandExtensionService,130317thStreetWest,Palmetto,Florida34221. Minimumworkshopsizeisrequired;workshopsizeis limited.Pleaseregisterinadvanceonlineviaourwebsiteat Events and then event date) or call 941-722-4524 for allworkshops. March 14, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., It’s Fun to Grow Roses in Florida: Come meet Philip Paul,American Rose Society,ViceDistrictDirector,DeepSouthDistrict,and learn the basics of growing roses from pruning, pest problems,watering,andfertilizing.Registeronlineor calltheExtensionMasterGardeners. March 14, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Tillandsia Wreath: Learn about these lovely epiphytes that only require air and watertolive.Thisisa“makeandtakeit”workshop whereyouwillmakeawreathoutofTillandsiaplants. An award winning wreath will be on display as well as other mounted Tillandsias. Bring wire cutters and plyers. Registration and advance payment of $35 for materials due by March 6th and guarantees your spot inclass.Checkorcashonly–makecheckspayableto FriendsofExtension.RegisteronlineorcalltheExtensionMasterGardeners. habitat. Suitable for all ages. Tour begins in tower parkingareaat580117thStreetWest,Palmetto.Call theExtensionMasterGardenerstoregister. March 21, 9:00 a.m. - Noon, Propagation Workshop: Learnseveralwaystopropagateplantmaterial,proper timingofpropagation,andmaterialsthatareneededto havesuccessfulpropagation.Techniquesdemonstrated includeseeding,cuttings,andairlayering.Attendees will receive one cutting that will be potted by you to takehometopropagate.PresentedbyBarbaraDavis, MasterGardener.RegisteronlineorcalltheExtension MasterGardeners. March 25, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Landscape Tips and Smart Irrigation:Thisclasssatisfiestheirrigationand landscapeeducationalclassesfortheManateeCounty Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. Two classesinone!Workshoptopicswillinclude:Floridafriendlylandscapetips;howtoadjustyourin-ground sprinklersystemtoconservewater;andthebenefitsof installingsmartirrigationdevices.LOCATION:Island Library;5701MarinaDrive,HolmesBeach.Register onlineorcallJoann. Tillandsia Wreath. March 14, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour - DeSoto/Riverview Pointe Preserve: StrollthroughDeSotoNationalMemorialand Riverview Pointe Preserve to learn more about Florida’snativeplantsandinhabitantsofacoastalhabitat. Suitable for all ages. The hike begins in the parking areaoftheDeSotoNationalMemorialParkandenters intotheRiverviewPreserveat8250DeSotoMemorial Highway,Bradenton.CalltheExtensionMasterGardenerstoregister. March 15, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Platn ID Tour - Robinson Preserve: Stroll throughtheRobinsonPreserve’ssaltmarshestolearn more about Florida’s native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. Tour begins in parking area by main entrance at 1704 99th Street Northwest,Bradenton.CalltheExtensionMasterGardenerstoregister. Rain barrel. NEED-A-RIDE? Roy McChesney Call: (941) 746-4891 Cell: (941-228-3134 References Cadillac Door-to-Door Parrish to (or from) Sarasota/Bradenton Airport: $50 Parrish to (or from) St. Pete/Clearwater Airport: $65 Parrish to (or from) Tampa International Airport: $70 Parrish to (or from) Orlando International Airport: $150 Appointments, Etc.: $20 hr. Clip and Save # Robinson Preserve. March 21, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour - Emerson Point Preserve: Stroll through Emerson Point Preserve to learn more aboutFlorida’snativeplantsandinhabitantsofacoastal Smart Irrigation PleaseseeExtensionCONTINUED ON PAGE 26 Manatee County CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE as the County Administrator in November 2006. The County Administrator is also responsible for the supervision and management of department directors, and for ensuring that all agreements, leases and other contractual obligations of the Commission are properly performed. The Board of County Commissioners may also direct the County Administrator and staff to complete special projects and assignments that do not fall within the established responsibilities of County Departments. The Manatee Board of County Commissioners appointed Ed Hunzeker as the County Administrator in November 2006. Hunzeker brought to Manatee County a mantra of accountability, civility and ethics, ushering in a more businesslike, customer-friendly county government. He values creative employees who aren’t afraid to take risks. Manatee Board of County Commissioners hired Hunzeker as County Administrator for his solid background in finance and his strong vision for the future of Manatee County. His intuition, approachability and intelligence make him a natural leader. Senior level staffers describe Hunzeker as “a dignified, polished manager” who is “extremely perceptive with an energetic, inspiring personality.” Ed Hunzeker and Manatee County Government Ed Hunzeker’s tenure at Manatee County has been an unprecedented period of change for local government. During the peak years of Florida’s real estate boom, the County Commission and Hunzeker had the foresight to save heightened property tax revenues, rather than spend them on expanded government. Their frugal policy has helped Manatee County Government maintain public safety while avoiding massive service reductions to the public during the current economic slump. Under the Board’s direction, Hunzeker has instituted a new era of scaled-down government focused on economic development efficiently delivering services to the community. On Hunzeker’s watch Manatee County Planning and Building and Public Works departments have all adopted a more customer-friendly way of doing business, meaning better response time and less expense to the public. Under the direction of the Board and Hunzeker, Manatee County has renewed its focus on economic development, business retention and job creation. In the fall of 2014, Hunzeker was recognized by the Bradenton Area Economic Development Corporation for his leadership in government and for spearheading Manatee County’s emergence as an economic development powerhouse in the public sector. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Manatee Chamber of Commerce and on the Board of Directors of the Bradenton Area Economic Development Corporation. Hunzeker serves on the United Way of Manatee County Board of Directors and is a member of the Manatee County CEO Roundtable. Hunzeker is also a member of the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce and the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance. Ed Hunzeker’s Bio Ed Hunzeker received both his Bachelor of Accounting and Master of Business Administration degrees from St. Louis University. In the 1970s Hunzeker served as Health Department Administrator at a St. Louis hospital. In the 1980s he was chief financial officer of a regional transportation authority in St. Louis and served as county auditor for St. Louis County. In 1988, Hunzeker was hired as assistant county administrator of Hillsborough County, a position he Parrish Village News page 15 held for 15 years. He served as Osceola County Administrator before being hired in Manatee in 2006. Hunzeker is married to Sharon. He has three adult sons and five grandchildren. He enjoys reading, travel and golf. Parrish Village News page 16 A Land Tour of Italy CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 get it right!) The” Leaning Tower,” immediately visible, is an impressive sight. The obligatory, long range picture (or selfie), which gives the impression you are holding up the Tower, can now be taken. During our visit, the Tower was closed to the public. It was surrounded by a chain link fence, with steel cables running from huge concrete pillars to various spots on the upper and lower levels. In addition, 800 tons of lead counterweights were attached to the raised section of the base to keep the Tower from falling over. The lean is the result of unstable sub-soil and began soon after construction was started in 1173. Work was stopped several times to deal with the issue but no solution was found. In 1272, a new architect, Giovanni di Simone, attempted to compensate for the tilt by building the upper floors with one side taller than the other creating an actual curve in the Tower; however, the tilt continued to increase. In 1964, the Above a view of Italian government launched an international effort to keep the Tower from toppling. In spite of the efforts the Tower of Pisa and the adjacent of engineers, scientists, and mathematicians, the Tower had to be closed to the public in 1990 for safety buildings. reasons. Persistence prevails and a controversial approach of slowly removing soil from under the raised end of At right the Camthe base finally worked. The Tower was stabilized; the tilt was returned to a safe position; and the bells posanto Monumenwere reinstalled. With much fanfare, the tower was reopened in 2001. Additional soil was removed in 2008 tale (cemetery) in Pisa. resulting in the current lean of 4 degrees from vertical. (About 13 feet at the top). The engineers could have made it perfectly vertical but there was a belief this would have an adverse effect on tourism. After all, it is the “Leaning” Tower of Pisa! Other sites to visit include the Cathedral, the Baptistery, and the “Camposanto Monumentale” (Monumental Cemetery). The façade of the cathedral is grey marble and white stone highlighted by a set of massive bronze doors. Inside you can see a gilded ceiling with the Medici coat of arms, a marble pulpit sculpted by Pisano which is considered a medieval masterpiece, and a replica of the swinging incense lamp that Galileo used for his studies of pendulum motion. The Baptistery is the largest in Italy and has unique acoustical properties, enabling a lone singer to sound like a quartet. The “Campasanto” is an oblong, gothic cloister containing the sarcophagi of the wealthy and the famous. Spectacular frescos decorate the walls, making it one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world. In 1987, the entire Piazza del Duomo, with all of its buildings, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Next time we visit the Italian Riviera. An aerial view of the entire complex. Sunshine personified Parrish Village Newspage 17 ………Dawn Turgeon Carol Ciarniello, Parrish Professionals Whoever chose the name “Dawn” for this ray of sunshine,surehitthenailonthehead!HersunnydispositionrefreshesyoulikeicecreamonahotAugust day! Insidethis“rayofsunshine”isadesiretobeasecret Santa—to pay a hospital bill, to buy a car, to fill arefrigeratorwithgroceries,toliftafinancialburden fromthosewhohavenoresourcestodoitontheirown. Andguesswhat?ShelivesrighthereinParrish. Since 2004, Dawn and her husband Larry have called Parrish, Florida “home”. They traveled all around the state looking at different areas, but chose Parrishbecauseit“remindedusofhome.”It’squaint; it’scountry,yetithassomuchtooffer. You’ll recognize Dawn by her accent—she was bornandraisedinMaine—that’sthestateinthenortheastwithatownnamedBahHabah(BarHarbor)and where“wickedgood”istheequivalentofawesomeor super!! Byday,sheistheVice-President/BranchManager forIberiaBankonStateRoad64E.Shehasbeenin bankingsincegraduatingfromhighschool,andshestill loveseveryaspectofit.Dawngoestoworkeachday with great expectation and enthusiasm. Her passion is to help individuals gain financial freedom through soundmoneymanagement. Heradviceisnotjustwords:it’sborneoutofher own experiences. One of the most enjoyable aspects ofherjobisservingthecommunitybypartneringwith organizationstogiveclassesonfinancialliteracy.Her voicechokesandtearsglisteninhereyeswhensherelatesstoriesofthosewhothoughttheyweredownand out,butgainedhopebyapplyingtheprinciplesthatshe teaches. Dawntreatseveryonewithdignityandrespect;her goalisto“gobeyondthecallofduty”;tobethereto help; to treat others as she wants to be treated. She sawandadmiredthosequalitiesinherfather—aman whocamefromnothing,butthroughhardwork,determination,honesty,andcarefulmoneymanagementwas abletobuyabusinessandthenexpanditseveraltimes. Herhusbandof30years,Larry,embodiesthosesame qualities.Heinspiresherandistrulyherbestfriend. Hedelightsingivingtoothersandexpectsnothingin return;andasshesays,“wemakeagoodteam”! YoumaycontactDawnTurgeonatIberiaBankat (941) 487-3051. She is a member of Parrish ProfessionalsNetworkingGroup. ParrishProfessionalsmeetsonthe3rdThursdayof eachmonth,andwewelcomeyourparticipation.For more information visit our website: www.ParrishProfessionals.orgorcallJackieFelix941-504-2376. Parrish Professionals: “Connecting lives one referral at a time” We Find you the Best Coverage for the Best Price... DAN RODGERS CUSTOM INTERIORS “Experience Equals Quality” w Complete Renovations w Kitchens w Baths w Design Software w w w w All Phase in - Drywall Painting Tile Counter Tops Locally Owned Business Over 30 Years Experience Fully Insured All Permitting Needs 941-782-7229 l Office/Fax: 941-531-4093 Parrish Village Newspage 18 The Art of Guitar John Phillips Hi.Allowmetointroducemyself.MynameisJohnPhillipsandIamaguitar instructorhereintheParrisharea.Ihavebeenaprofessionalteacherandperformer forover20years.Alongtheway,Ihavediscoveredafewthingsaboutmusicandlife whichIliketosharewithmystudents. Thepurposeofthiscolumnistosharetheseexperiencesandtoanswer,asbestI can,questionsregardingmusictheory,stayingmotivated,expandinginnewdirections creatively,andotherquestionswhichoftenarise. In this month’s column, I would like to simply address the issue of playing the guitar.Ihaveheardpeoplestate,whethertheyarestudentsofmusicorotherformsof art,thattheyare‘notverygood’orsomethingsimilar.Myquestionis,comparedto whom?IfwearegoingtocompareourselvestosomeonelikeMozart,ChetAtkins, AndresSegovia,orthelike,mostofusfeelasthoughwecomeupveryshortindeed.I believethattheanswertrulyliesinnotcomparingourselveswithothers.Ifweinstead compareourselvestowherewewerewhenwestarted,orwherewewereafewmonths ago,wecaneasilytellthatconsiderableprogresshasbeenmade. Rememberthatmusicisart.Itismeanttobeenjoyed.Whileitistruethatwe shouldalwaysseektosurpassourabilityofthedaybefore,wemustneverlosesightof whywetookupourart. ThisiswhyIemphasizethatwealwaysfocusonplayingtheguitar.Enjoywhere youarerightnow.ItdoesnotmatterwhetheryouareplayingBeethoven’sMoonlight SonataorTwinkle,TwinkleLittleStar.Havefunplayingandlookforwardtothetime whichyouspenddoingit.Youwillfindthat,asaresult,youwillpracticemoreoften andwithmoreconfidence.Consequently,youwillachievebetterresults. Inshort,theabilitytoplayaninstrument,sing,paint,sculpt,dance,orwhatever yourartmaybeisablessingandagift. Havefunwithit. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingmusicortopicswhichyouwouldliketosee infuturecolumns, inquireaboutguitarlessons,call941-915-4694. Quality repairs Instrument rentals month to month Private lessons Special sale prices Keyboards & More More than just keyboards 8734 State Rd 70E I-75 exit 217 941-753-6633 Open 11-7 Mon-Fri 11-4 Sat BUYING? SELLING? Make sure you partner with the right agent. Parrish- 10 Acre County Estate. $579,900 Forest Creek- 3/2 designer features. $224,900 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2 move-in condition. $214,000 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2.5 with a 3 car garage. $229,900 Creekside Preserve- Built in 2013! Large bonus room! $275,000 ShadowBrook- Pondview! 2/2 no age restricted community. $60,000 JORDAN D. CHANCEY REALTOR® FL Broker-Associate, CDPE®, CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager Certified Distressed Property Expert Direct/Cell (941) 545-8816 Leslie Wells Realty Inc. Lic. FL RE Broker 8268 US HWY 301 North, Parrish, FL 34219 "Like" me on Facebook! [] MEMBER: National Association of REALTORS NAR® • National Association of Residential Property Managers NARPM® • Florida Notary Public Parrish Village Newspage 19 Give It A Try CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 becameapublishedauthorinkaratemagazines,havemorethan40poemspending marketreviewsforagreetingcardcompany,andthat,myfriends,iswhatledme rightherewritingtoyou. IthinkIcanattesttothefactthatifIhadnottakenkarate,Iwouldbesomeone completelydifferent,someoneIdon’tthinkIwouldevenrecognizeifshewaswalking down the street- probably less fit, a worrier, and willing to let hurt, defeat, or insecuritiesrulemylife. Followingyourpassionscanmoldyouintoabetterperson,too. Your Attention Please Youcanseewhytryingwhatyouarecalledtodoissomethingthatdeserves yourattention,can’tyou?Youcan’twaitbecauseyouwillwakeuponedayitwillbe toolate.Itriedhavinganotherchildaftermyfourth.Ithoughtaboutgettingalaw degree.Icontemplatedmanythingsonlytoevaluatethemfurtheranddetermine,it’s The luck of the Irish is with you when you shop at . . . Martin Jewelers Come by and select your Valentine’s gift and give your own valentine a wish list! We have a great selection of gift items come check them out! Jewelry Repair - Sizing, Soldering, Stone Setting, Stone Replacement, Engraving, Adjustable Shanks, Custom Designing, Pearl Restringing and More! Watch Repair - Batteries, Bands, Crystals, Overhauls, Movements, Stems, Crowns, Cleaning and More! Also Available - Estate Jewelry, Sea Jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Medical Alert, Money Clips, Zippo Lighters, Gift Items, Key Chains, Flasks, Watches, Watch Bands, ID Bracelets, Business Card Holders and More! Ellenton Commons 8235 US Hwy 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Next to Allstate) justalittletoolateinmylifeforthattohappen.NotthatIcan’tfindawork-around (Icouldadoptorgotolawschool),butitdoesn’tmakesenseatthispointinmylife.) Trytopaycloserattentiontothethingsyouhavealwayswantedtodoortry.If youpaycloseattention,youwillfindthatmanyofyourthoughtsandideashavea themeorastorylinealreadyinplaceandarejustwaitingtobeputintoaction. Noexcuses There’snothingworsethanlisteningtosomeonecomplainabouthowtheyhave aterriblejob.Or,whytheirrelationshipreallystinks.Or,thattheyhatelivingwhere theliveandwishtheylivedsomewhereelse.Isthatyou? Ifso,isanyonereallyholdingyoubackfrommakingthechangesthatyoudesiremorethananything?Canyounotfindanewjobsomewhereelse,movetoyour dreamplace?Haveyoutriedcommunicatingbetterinthatrelationship?Nooneis stoppingyoufrommakingyourlifebetterexceptyou. ThefirstbigchoiceImadeinmylife,longbeforetakingmartialarts,wasmovingawayfromhometogotocollege.At18,IdecidedRhodeIslandwasnotforme andthatIwantedmorethananythingtoliveinFlorida.Nothingwaseasy,yetitwas agreattimeofre-inventionandadulthoodinthemaking.Iknew,evenbackthen, thatmovingtoFloridawastherightchoice.Iendedupmeetingmyhusbandthere. Today,Iliveonly30minutesfromcollege.Byfollowingmyinstincts,mygutreactions,andbeingfearless,Iacceptedthedirectionthatseemedclearlysetbeforeme. You Iwanttoencourageyoutonotmissout.Ifyouareshy,un-shyyourself.There isnoreasontohidewhoyouare.Peoplewilllikeyou,andiftheydon’t,theyarenot worthyourtime.Ifyouaretoobusytofollowadream,thenre-evaluateandprioritizesothatyoucanstartworkingonthatgoal,whetheritisgettingabetterdegree,a blackbelt,orsteppinginfrontofacrowdtospeakaboutyourpassion.Ifyouwant abetterjoborwanttoliveinabiggercity,orasmallertown,don’tletanyonestop you. NoFearshouldcomebetweenyouandthethingsyouwanttoachieveinyour life.Noexcuseisworthnotlivingyourlifetoitsfullpotential. Lifeisshort.It’shardtofitinallthethingsyouwanttodo,especiallyifyou don’t try some of the tasks and adventures to which you feel called. You have a destiny,aplaceintheworldthatyoufill,everso smallcomparedtoalltheother experiencesthattheworldholds,butinperspectivetoyourownlife,arehuge,unmistakabletruthsthatshouldnotbedenied;thatis,ifyouwanttolivelifethewayit ismeanttobelived. Youshouldpickupthatinstrument,tastethatwine,andloseyourbreathrunninga5Krace.Theexcitingpartisthatyoudon’tknowwherefollowingadream,a calling,agoal,willbringyou.Ifhadn’tmovedawayforcollegeorifIhadn’ttaken thatfirstkarateclass,Idon’tknowhowIwouldhaveturnedout,butIknowitwould havebeenacompletelydifferentme. I’mgladItookthechanceandgaveitatry. 941-479-4951 BestFullFriends Pet Salon Service Dog and Cat Grooming Do you need ... w w w w w Pet Grooming? over 50+ years combined exp. Member NDGA Pet Sitting? over 25+ years exp. Bonded, insured, Member PSI A certified Pet Massage Practitioner? COUPON A certified Reiki Practitioner? REQUIRED A Pet Photographer? Graduate of NYIP w w w w A mobile groomer? A Professional dog trainer? A Veterinarian? A pet to adopt? Are you looking for ,,, $5 OFF Any Grooming Service 1st time clients only 1 per customer Exp. 3/31/15 your local salon and resource guide for all things pet related 3805 US Hwy 301, Ellenton 941-479-4974 You should pick up that instrument, taste that wine, and lose your breath running a 5K race. Parrish Village News page 20 ELLENTON FOOT CLINIC 729-5588 7210 U.S. Hwy. 301 N Ellenton James B. DiVincenzo DPM Ramdin V. Sammy DPM Board Certified Podiatrists Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery l l l l DIABETIC SHOES l WARTS l HAMMERTOES l INGROWN TOENAILS HEEL PAIN l BUNIONS l FUNGAL NAILS l CORNS SPRAINS & FRACTURES l NEUROMA l BONE SPURS l HEEL SPURS l ULCER WOUND CARE MANAGEMENT CUSTOM ORTHOTICS & CORRECTIVE ARCH SUPPORTS Medicare Assignment Accepted New Patients Welcome North River Hair & Nails “Hello Beautiful” Full Service Hair Salon for the entire family Extended Hours by Appt. to fit your schedule. (Call for details.) Friendly atmosphere and great prices. Parrish Civic Association General Meeting Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 7:00 PM Parrish Y / Community Center 12214 US Highway 301 N, Parrish Speaker: Manatee County Administrator: Ed Hunzeker Topics: Fort Hamer Bridge, Parks and Widening of US Highway 301 N through Parrish Friends of Rocky Bluff Spring Book Sale Wednesday, March 18 through Saturday, March 21 Bargains on hardback books, paperbacks, children’s books, puzzles, CDs and DVDs Look for specific hours and book prices on page 10. Support Rocky Bluff Library and the Friends group! Visit our website @ for a full list of prices and online appointments. Or just give us a call! 941-776-1199 (12244 US Hwy 301 North, Parrish, FL) See you soon! Parrish Village News page 21 De-Cluttering your life, your home and time Kathryn Newman Ever seen one of those hoarder shows on television? Doug, who suffered severe brain trauma and memory loss in an accident, hoards items he feels might trigger his memories. Ruth has turned her beautiful home into a shrine for the three members of her family who died there. She refuses to get rid of anything that belonged to them, and continually shops for more to fill her sorrow. Or what about: Debra has filled her house with an avalanche of clothes and run up a $50,000 credit card debt. Fed up, her husband and children are threatening to leave her to wallow in the hoard by herself. Meanwhile, Patty has stuffed her house with so many floor-to-ceiling cardboard boxes that she’s had to move to her son’s apartment. But now she’s filling up that place, too, and the situation has already forced her son’s partner to say, “Keep the heap - I’m leaving!” Both examples were episodes from A&E’s original series titled, ‘Hoarders.’ I’ve never seen any of those episodes, because truth is, I can’t emotionally handle watching such a show. The first time I ever saw a partial episode, I was filled with anxiety. Of course, I was drawn in by the sad stories of these hurting, grieving, emotionally scarred people, but I found myself feeling sick to my stomach as my heart began to race and the palms of my hands started sweating. After 20 or so minutes of watching those hoarders hoard, I was not only in tears, but had to leave the room vowing never again to subject myself to such despair. Wow…what the heck was wrong with me? I’d watched sad movies, sad documentaries, heads being chopped off on the Walking Dead, etc…so why did this hoarder thing upset me so much? These poor people were dealing with deep-seeded emotional trauma and I empathized with their situations, but seeing the actual ‘hoarded’ things practically made my head do a Linda Blair Exorcist thing. How did that despair affect me so drastically? After a few hours of attempting to shake off the intense feelings of dread created from the short 20 minutes of the ‘Hoarders’ episode, my ever so compassionate husband told me to get a grip. “The reason you’re freaking out is because you can’t stand clutter,” he said to me nonchalantly. “You’re creeped out by the spaces, not the people.” OMG! He was right (Yes, dear intuitive husband, I publically proclaim: YOU WERE RIGHT). Thank God, he was right, because I was starting to feel so ashamed of my behavior in light of the sufferings of these visibly ill hoarders. Seeing room after room of amassed ‘junk’ with pile upon pile of mess was like sucking the air out of my lungs. I felt breathless and dizzy looking at those spaces…or what used to be spaces. Like being shut up in a small confined place or strangled to death. You get the point. Spaces should be inviting, not claustrophobic. Spaces (i.e. living, working, vis S - SOLAR Innovative Solar, Inc. “Selling Environmentally-Friendly Products Since 1993” Sales-Service-Installation Jerry Taracek (President) 073373_SO • Pool Heating • Hot Water Systems • Attic Fans Phone/Fax 813-922-4324 • Cell Phone 813-857-7595 License# CVC56776 From Planning the Dream, to Buying the Dream, to Designing & Decorating the Dream Accredited Buyer’s Representative, Kathryn Newman, has the experience of 18 years to guide you through to the Reality of the Dream Offering Expert Buying & Listing Services Call or Email Me: Kathryn Newman, Realtor ® Since 1997 Designer & Stager 941.773.6999 iting, driving etc…) should serve a purpose and function and make sense. Those hoarded spaces didn’t make sense to my clutter-free, interior design loving mindset. Those spaces screamed of chaos and confusion like something neglected and forgotten. Sue Rasmussen, a professional coach with over 14 years (and 5,000+ clients and students in 29 countries) of experience helping people understand clutter states, “I believe that everything in our homes is simply a mirror of what’s going on inside of us: our thoughts, judgments, opinions, expectations, and beliefs.” As a Matrix Re-imprinting practitioner, and a writer who teaches people how to clear out what’s getting in their way to create clutter-free, organized spaces that delight them to the core, Sue explains that clutter isn’t just messy spaces that need organization or piles of junk that need to be thrown out, but more often, the most impactful clutter is what Please see De-Cluttering CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Parrish Village Newspage 22 isn’tvisible. Invisiblecluttercanbeahobbythatnolongerinterestsyouoranactivitythatnolongerbringsyou joy.Invisiblecluttercanbearelationshipthatdoesn’tsupportorencourageyouorajobthatdrainsyouof joyandfulfillment.“Thepsychologyofcluttermeansthatwhensomethingisnolongerservingyouand thepersonyouaretoday(andthepersonyouwanttobetomorrow),thatcluttercontrolisactuallyholding youbackfrombecomingthepersonyouwanttobe.”Suecategorizesclutterinthefollowingways: 1.PhysicalClutter:thingsyouhave 2.TimeClutter:thingsyoudo 3.RelationshipClutter:peopleyouspendtimewith 4.BodyClutter:clutterthataccumulatesinyourbody 5.MindClutter:thingsyouthinkorbelieve 6.SpiritualClutter:yourlevelofenergyandconnection Kim Vole Ins Agcy Inc With competitive rates and “Andthegoodnewsisthatbylearninghowtoletgooftheitemsinourphysicalenvironmentthatwe Kim Vole', Agent personal service, it’s no 8169 US Highway 301 nolongerloveanduse,weeasilystarttransformingtherestofourlivesaswell.” Parrish, FL 34219 wonder more drivers trust Bus: 941-776-5900 Understandingthepsychologyofclutterwasarealeyeopenerformebothpersonallyandinmy State Farm®. business.Clutterislikeacloggeddrainthatcan’tflowfreely.Clutterdiminishestheimportance,value Like a good neighbor, oreffectivenessofsomething.Byhelpingothersseethebenefitsof‘de-cluttering’,Icouldhelpthem State Farm is there.® strengthenormagnifytheimportance,valueoreffectivenessofsomething. CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. Ifeverythinginourhomeorworkenvironmentistrulyareflectionofwhat’sgoingoninsideofus, thenwhatarethosespacessayingaboutus?Doourspacesserveafunctionwellandmakesenseordo theyleaveusfeelingdisorganizedandoverwhelmed?Doourspacesinvokefeelingsofcalmandserenity ordotheybringdiscouragementandfrustration.Tobetterunderstandtheimportanceof‘space’,Ibegan tostudythepsychologyofinteriordesign.(Yup,it’sathing!) Interiordesignpsychologyisafieldwithinenvironmentalpsychology,whichconcernstheenvironmentalconditionsoftheinterior.Itisadirectstudyoftherelationshipbetweenanenvironmentandhow thatenvironmentaffectsthebehaviorofitsinhabitants,withtheaimofmaximizingthepositiveeffectsof State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company 1001142.1 thisrelationship.Throughinteriordesignpsychologytheperformanceandefficiencyofthespaceandthe Bloomington, IL wellbeingoftheindividualareimproved.(Wikipedia) Inotherwords,ifyoulikethespaceorenvironmentinwhichyoufindyourselfliving,workingorstaying,youaremorelikelytohavepositivefeelingsaboutlifein generalandaremorelikelytobeoptimisticandconfident.Ifyousurroundyourselfwiththingsthatyoulikeorthingsthatbringyoucomfort,thenyourmoodwillgenerally reflectthatfact.Ifyoudreadbeinginaspacebecauseitdoesn’tbringyoujoyorcomfort,thenit’sprobablytimetochangethelookandfeelofthatspace. Okay,Kathryn,here’swhereyoutellustogooutandbuyallthethingsthatmakeushappyandbringuscomfort,right?Wrong.Beinginaspacethatyoulovedoesn’t doesn’tmeanyouhavetorobabanktomakeithappen.Ofcourse,we’dallliketobe financiallyendowedenoughtobuywhateverwewantandpayforanychangeswe’d liketomake,butmostofusdon’thavethatluxury.Mostofussavesome,getsome, Bringing People Home since 1939 savesomemore,makeafewchanges,etc…andsomeofusaredoinggoodtopay 5215 State Road 64 East, Bradenton, FL 34208 nextmonth’srent,sochangingaspaceisnexttoimpossible.Sohowdowechange 941-741-2500 aspacewithlittleornomoney? Thefirstwaytotransformaspacewithoutmuchmoneyisbysimplyde-clutterPrice ing(there’sthatconceptagain)anddeepcleaning.Now,Iknowthateveryonehas Redu ced theirownperceptionanddefinitionofwhat‘cleaning’is,butwhenIsayclean,Imean cleanlikethesergeantiscomingtoinspectyourspace.Cleaninsideandoutsideof everything.Makethingslookasnewaspossible;asifyouweregoingtoeatoffof everysurfaceinthehouse. After deep cleaning and de-cluttering (again, getting RID of everything you don’tneedoruse),thenextstepistoorganize.OrganizehowyourutensilsandsilSAILBOAT WATER - NO BRIDGES WHAT A GEM! 2BR, 2BA, 2CG, 1400+sf AWESOME VIEWS! Home on lake in TO BAY 3BR 2BA 2CG, granite and with a water view & incredible sunsets! UpWhitney Meadows. 3BR 2BA 2 car gaverwarelookinyourdrawers…evenifyouuseplasticutensils!Organizetheitems wood cabs in kitchen, large screened dates galore. Steps from clubhouse & golf rage. Built in 2005 - move in condition. course in 55+ River Isles golf community. lanai overlooking canal, new boat dock, inyourpantry,cupboards,garageandclosets.I’vebeentosmallvillagesinMexico Convenient to I-75 & 275, 1/2 hour to You must see me! A4114054 $179,813 seawall & cap. Convenient to I-75 and Gulf and beaches. A4113311 $210,000 where the ‘homes’ are made from sections of tin and have no plumbing and dirt Larry Oczkowski 713-5017 or Louise beaches. M5901856 $334,000 Gerry Feudo 224-6684 Miller 920-2993 David Tyler 345-6290 floors,buthavethecleanest,mostorganizesspacesI’veeverseen. Pend Onceyoudothoseimportantthings,youcanbegintoadditemsthatbringin ing color,textureorstyle.Identifywithdécorthatyou’veseenonlineorinmagazines andsaveforthingsthatyou’dreallyliketohave.Gotogaragesalesorfleamarkets. Tradeitemswithanotherperson.Makeyourownstuff! Livingorworkinginaspacethatyoulikeandthatisfreefromclutterandmess isgoingtomakeushappier,moreconstructivepeople.Sure,itmaynotbeasgrand orgreatasthenextguy’s(orgal’s)butitwillencourageusinoureverydaylives.Our PARKWOOD LAKES POOL HOME ON LOOKING FOR A FABULOUS HOME WOW!! Bring the toys, rooms to park. LAKE 3BR 2BA, formal LR & DR, FR, for your boat? This home is less than Great location, close to public boat ramp, spacesshouldbeplacesinwhichweenjoyspendingtimeandunwinding.Whatthat kit updated w/granite. Tite throughout. 2 years old, beautiful open floor plan in Manatee River, beaches, restaurants, Newer AC, open flr plan. Gorgeous Tidewater Preserve. 3 BR 3.5BA/w 3 car shopping, I-75, and 3 international airmeansisdifferenttousall…andthat’swhatmakesdesignsointeresting. views! Quick possession. garage awaits you. A4111391 $600,000 ports. A4113637 $90,500 M5904069 $279,000 Carl Pallas 720-0723 George Vojvodich 704-8766 Thinkofthistruthintermsofcolor.Ifyouwantaroomthat’ssoothingand Gerry Feudo 224-6684 restful,youprobablywouldnotchoosetopaintthewallsfireengineredorsunburst orange. Ride with the #1 car insurer in Florida. WAGNER IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR....a place in the country on almost 2 acres, look no further. 4BR 2BA ranch zoned for horses w/boat launch & access to the Gulf. Make this a must see. M5903518 $199,900 Sarah Siebert 725-1433 REALTY NEVER RENT AGAIN! Own your own land in quaint 55+ community. Beautiful 2BR 2BA with new roof and Florida room overlooking lake. Come take a look today. M5900767 $98,500 Sarah Siebert 725-1433 MOST SOUGHT AFTER 3BR/2BA in Fresh Meadows. Tile floors, new roof, updated kit, large fenced back yard. Convenient to schools, golf, shopping, I-75 & 275. Community pool & tennis. M5903911 $177,000 Doris Howard 730-0944 Lincoln Middle School FFA has many activities Parrish Village News page 23 At left Lincoln Middle School FFA plant SAEs at the County Fair! At right Lincoln Middle School FFA Rabbit SAEs at the County Fair! • Lincoln Middle School FFA put some “Ag” into the Culture of the Public Campaign Hay Bale Decorating Competition! • • Certified U HAUL Dealer Complete beginning Dolphin day Same Medical Group through F FAMILY PRACTICE • Complete medical care for the entire family beginning at the age of 2 Medicare • Same day appointments available Monday through Friday • Medicare and most insurance plans accepted “We’re in your neighborhood.” Climate Control Units Non-Climate Drive Up Units Flexible Terms & Accomodations Moving Supplies 24 Hour Access Locally owned and managed. Variety of sizes to fit all needs and budgets. Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Located behind C & K Smokehouse Ask for Lisa. 12123 US Hwy 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 941-479-7877 Dr. Aaron Guthrie PARRISH 11235 US Hwy 301 N, Suite 101 (941) 776-1400 Dr. Aa Parrish Village Newspage 24 Senior Enrichment Center Calendar of Events for February Renaissanceon9thisthearea’spremiermeetingandbanquetfacility,offering elegantandfull-servicerentalspaceforweddings,events,andmeetings,aswellas professional,on-siteandoff-sitecateringservices. Renaissanceon9thiscentrallylocatedjustsouthofdowntownBradenton,and houses the 9th Street Bistro offering affordable lunch with delicious daily soup, quicheandsandwichspecials,MondaythroughFriday,11:00a.m.to2:00p.m.You canstopbyGenerationsGiftShoporthenew2ndGenerationThriftShopandbrowse thelatestinfashion,jewelry,bags,gifts,andhomeaccessories.Thegiftshopand thriftshopsareopentothepublicMondaythroughFriday,8:00a.m.to5:00p.m. TheSeniorEnrichmentCenteratRenaissanceon9thhasamotto-“Livenow– agelater!Forthefun&over50.”Itislocatedat18169thStreetWest,Bradenton, Florida34205.Thephonenumberis941-749-0100andthewebsiteiswww.renaissanceon9th.orgwhereyoucanobtainmoreinformation. ManyactivitiesareofferedatRenaissanceon9th.Herearethehighlightsfor February. Great Classes! Yoga For Cancer Patients and Survivors. Tuesdays, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. - Facilitated bytheCenterforBuildingHopeandhostedbyRenaissanceon9th,thisyogaclass isdesignedforcancerpatientsandsurvivorstohelpcultivatehealingandawareness andtohelpreducestress.Thisclassisopenonlytocancerpatientsandsurvivors andisfreetoattend.NoRSVPnecessary.Formoreinformation,call941-749-0100. Italian Study Group, Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. - Thisclasswillfocusonteaching participantsthefrequentlyusedconversationallanguage,travel,cultureandhistory ofItaly.CostisFreeformembersand$2fornon-members(perclass).Fordetails andreservations,call941-749-0100. Tai Chi for Balance, Mondays at noon (Beginner), 1:00 p.m. (Intermediate), and 2:00 p.m. (Advanced) - DuringtheseintroductoryclassesinTaiChiandQigong, participantsmaybuildstrength,increasebalanceandflexibility,andimprovehealth andwell-being.Costis$3formembersand$5fornon-members(perclass).For detailsandreservations,call941-749-0100. Tai Chi, Tuesdays (Beginner) and Thursdays (Intermediate) at 11:30 a.m. - DuringtheseintroductoryclassesinTaiChiandQigong,participantsmaybuildstrength, PleaseseeRenaissance CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 2015 Save the Dates... The PLUS is because we’re more than just meals! Daybreak Open House and Ribbon Cutting L New o c a Friday, March 13, 11 am–2 pm tion ! at Daybreak Adult Day Center 10920 East State Road 70, Lakewood Ranch Robinson Preserve Twilight Run Tropical Nights“Diners & Doo-Wop” at Robinson Preserve at Renaissance on 9th Friday, March 27 White Out Hunger Party Thursday, June 4 at Renaissance on 9th Saturday, April 11 Empty Bowls Luncheon Thursday, Nov. 12 at Lakewood Ranch & Friday, Nov. 13 at Renaissance on 9th Meals on Wheels PLUS 811 23rd Ave. East, Bradenton, FL 34208 • 941.747.4655 e Hous Open 3 1 March pm 2 11am– Daybreak Adult Day Center recently moved to Lakewood Ranch. Open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5 pm, the Center offers structured, therapeutic programs designed to promote well being for individuals who have weakened physical or other capabilities. Daybreak Adult Day Center is now open in the Spring Forest Office Park in Lakewood Ranch. A program of the highly-respected Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee, offers daytime respite for families and caregivers so they can continue providing specialized care for a loved one at home. The Center is currently accepting new participants. Daybreak Daybreak Adult Day Center is operated by Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee, which strives to assist individuals to live independently by providing nutrition and caring supportive services Volunteer and other support opportunities are available. Daybreak Adult Day Center 10920 East State Road 70, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Phone: 941-748-3001 • Fax: 941-756-0157 L A Nails Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Special Pedicure Offer Every Day Special Regular Pedicure with Hot Stones $20.00 Walk Ins Welcome Monday - Saturday Special 10% OFF Any Service $25 and Up Limit 1 coupon per customer Not valid with any other offer Must present this coupon to receive offer Expires 3/31/2015 941-776-3432 11255 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (in the Silverleaf Shopping Plaza next to Michelangelo’s off Chin Road) Parrish Village Newspage 25 Service, Repair and Replacement 3 bedroom 1 bath home Bradenton $124,900 Reasonable Rates for all your Cooling Needs 725-2636 Clint Mosley, Owner Meeting Your Air Conditioning Needs Since 1988 Owner Performs All Work! ws Who kno od? hborho ig e n r u o y I do! ay! Email tod 2@yaho ctm490 For rent Parrish no deed restriction $1200 per month Attention Parrish Residents! Do you need to have your A/C Checked? Not sure who to trust? Mosley A/C is owned & operated right here in Parrish 941-504-2331 Bradenton 3/1 for rent $950 BRAND NEW! 3 bedroom 2 bath NO deed restrictions $169,900 Southeastern Guide Dogs Hosts Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club Southeastern Guide Dogs hosted a gathering of over 100 Lions and guestsofLionsfromMultipleDistrict 35-O at the Palmetto Florida facility. The Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club assistedduringtheentireevent. The morning started with introductions, updates from Lion Andy Kramer, who is Director of Development at Southeastern, speaking about thefacilitiesandplansforanewstudent center. The visitors heard from Lion Helen Arnold with her 8th dog guideTroy,andLionJudyBlackwith guide Nigel, and Bill Fiermonte with guide Raleigh, as new guide dog users,whotoldusaboutthegreatimpact ontheirlivesandabilitytotravelindependently. Everyonemetandsocializedwith some dogs in training, learning more about their abilities and future goals, andweheardspecificdetailsaboutthe construction of the Barpa-Hirst StudentCenter. Above is a group photograph of the attendees at the event which represents approximately 1/3 of the group. At left are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fiermonte with guide Raleigh, Judy Black and guide Nigel and Helen Arnold and guide Troy. Parrish Village News page 26 Extension CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 March 25, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Worm Composting – Vermicomposting: Find out how to use worms to turn food scraps and other waste into compost. Now you can compost in an apartment, condo, or mobile home. Worms can be maintained indoors or out! Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. March 26, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Coyote Awareness: Come learn the history of coyotes in the United States and Florida, the coyote’s behavior and habitats, and how they interface with our life style. Can we live in harmony with the coyote? Are there precautions for homeowners to reduce coyote encounters? Yes! Lisa Hickey, certified Master Naturalist, will discuss these subjects. Location: South Manatee Library, 6081 26th Street West, Bradenton. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. March 26, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Landscape Tips and Smart Irrigation: This class satisfies the irrigation and landscape educational classes for the Manatee County Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. Two classes in one! Workshop topics will include: Florida Friendly landscape tips; how to adjust your in-ground sprinkler system to conserve water; and the benefits of installing smart irrigation devices. Location: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 US Highway 301 North, Ellenton. Register online or call Joann. March 27, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Green and Growing Youth Field Day: Get the UF Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm, Florida. scoop on Green and Growing by attending a day-long field trip to learn about horticulture production and research. The day will be spent at University of Florida’s Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Balm and then visit a nursery where we will learn what it’s like to be a farmer. Open to youth 8-13 years of age as of September 1, 2014 and costs $15.00. The fee includes group transportation and lunch. Register no later than March 23rd. For more information, contact Martha Glenn or e-mail COME SEE HOW OUR GARDEN GROWS Located on the Extension Service grounds, the educational gardens are designed to showcase the different ways Manatee County residents can be more successful gardeners and make their yards more Florida-Friendly. As you stroll through the gardens you will notice creative ways to use wheel barrels, a fountain, and a salad table for your gardening needs along with using rain barrels for plant watering. The Master Gardeners invite you to come for a tour! To ensure that a Master Gardener can walk you through the gardens, please make an appointment by calling the Master Gardeners’ Plant Diagnostic Clinic (941) 722-4524. Staff may not be available for impromptu visits. Master Gardeners are staffed Monday through Friday, (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) and closed Wednesday. Additional Information 1. The Manatee County Master Gardener monthly E-newsletter, The Master Gardening Bench, is available to download at -- look for The Master Gardening Bench on the right of the page and click on “Monthly E-newsletter.” 2. Can’t make it to the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service office to get advice or to solve your gardening problems? E-mail us at Be sure to include as much information as you can in your e-mail and include your telephone number in case additional information is needed. Attach photos if possible. Remember, a photo can be worth a thousand words! 3. Get FYI from FFL (Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program). Visit the Manatee County Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program page on Facebook and “like” us to stay current on workshops and classes, events, publications, tips for your landscape, plant information, and more. 4. Interested in having a beautiful landscape while saving water? The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service offers a Mobile Irrigation Lab with a FREE evaluation of your landscape and irrigation system. Call Bob or Martha at 941-722-4524 today to schedule your free evaluation. 5. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! 2nd Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). visit the Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: South MAnatee Library, 6081 26th Street West, Bradenton. 6. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! – Every 2nd and 4th Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 U.S. Highway 301N, Ellenton. PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION MONTHLY QUARTERLY SEASONALLY ACCEPTED INSURANCE: • Aetna Medicare • Medicare Advantage • Geico/USAA Automobile Insurance* • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida • Medicare Complete • Humana Medicare • Cigna • Medicare Railroad • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) • Tricare/Humana Military Healthcare Many other insurances accepted • Freedom Optimum Health Care • United Healthcare MEDICARE PART B: Ellenton Commons: Office Hours: 8263 US Highway 301 N We do F.F.S. and provide you with insurance billing Mon-Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Parrish, FL 34219 Saturday: 10AM - 1PM at 20% DISCOUNT Phone: 941-776-5585 Sunday: Closed “When your insurance runs out ... We have you covered NO DOUBT!” Fax: 941-776-5655 Parrish Village Newspage 27 Manatee River Garden Club Plans Meeting on Earthboxes TheManateeRiverGardenClubwillmeetonWednesday,March18,2015at 1:00p.m.at3120FirstAvenueWestinBradenton. The program topic will be “Earthbox Container Growing System.” The presenterwillbeBobWhisenant.TheWhisenantfamilyownstheEarthboxResearch CenterinEllenton.Bobwillbediscussingthehistoryofthisinvention,whattoplant inyourEarthbox,howoftentoaddwater,whatpottingmediumandfertilizertouse, theplantsandseesthatcanbecultivated,etc. Thereisnochargefortheprogram.Formoreinformation,pleasecontactJudy Boehmat941-870-2259withanyquestions. do me !!!! ! ! 1 y 8 u x B 21 ca tal carport u o rport eY r only $ s, building o f e b s 1095 re a p - insta , etc. m o WE NOW HAVE USED GAS CARTS C lled!!! !!! 2009 EZGO RXV’s - While They Last We We custom build your cart the way you want it: flip back seats, any color, tires and rims, enclosures - you name it! 2014 Close Outs at Our Cost - Only 5 Left! (4 electric, 1 gas) Come See How We Treat Our Used Carts before You Have One Delivered We store RV’s, Boats, Cars, Golf Carts, etc. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED 941-722-1957 4709 US Hwy 301 N, Ellenton, FL 34222 Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm Sat: 10 am - 2:30pm Drive for show; Putt for Dough! Parrish Village Newspage 28 The Professional Golf Staff at River Wilderness Golf & Country Club The River Wilderness Card Play In Style May 1st - September 30th, 2015 Summer Play / Range Golf Cards Promotions River Wilderness Golf & Country Club offers Two Plans: Individual Plan: $900 plus tax l Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 30 Pre-Paid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 l Unlimited use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period l Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance During the girl’s competition of the FSGA Junior Championship hosted by River WildernessGolfandCountryClub,asmaller,shortergirl,playinginthefinalgroup, was 20-30 yards behind her competitors all day off the tee. It didn’t bother her, thoughbecauseshehadanexcellentshortgame. Shewentontowintheevent,shootingevenparforthetournament.Heradvantage camefromherabilitytogettheball‘upanddown’fromanywhereinside50yards. Statisticsshowthat70%ofthestrokesareplayedwithinthisyardage. Thenexttimeyoupracticespendabout70%ofyourpracticetimehittingshortwedge shots,bunkershots,chipsandpitches,andputting.Mostgolfersveryrarelypractice theshortgame.YettheGolfProfessionalsspendanywherefrom70%ormoreoftheir practicetimeonscoringshotsaroundthegreen.Ifyouwanttoplaylikeapro,start practicinglikeapro! For help hitting these delicate shots around the green, schedule a lesson with our PGA Golf Professional, Dan Knop, or hisAssistant Golf Professional, Chad Tipmore.BothprofessionalscanbereachedatRiverWildernessGolfandCountryClub at941-776-2602. PatrickWalsh,PGAGolfProfessional GM,RWCC Couples Plan: $1,000 plus tax l Each Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 20 PrePaid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 l Receive Unlimited Use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period l Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance Name: Phone Number: E-Mail: Plan: Individual Couples Submit payment to: River Wilderness Golf & Country Club If you have questions, please email or call 941-776-2691 2250 Wilderness Blvd. W., Parrish, FL 34219 l An advantage is the ability to get the ball ‘up and down’ from anywhere inside 50 yards. MARCH RATES INCLUDING CART! AM $63 PM $55 Twilight $30 Plus Florida Sales Tax Parrish Village Newspage 29 What you don’t know about your pet’s teeth might hurt them Goingtothedentistisanormalpartofyourhealthcareroutine,usuallyfromthetime you’reachildallthewaythroughadulthood.Butsometimes,it’seasytoforgetthat ourpetsneeddentalcareandgooddentalhygieneaswell.Infact,manypetowners maynotrealizejusthowcrucialoralcareis;accordingtotheAmericanVeterinary MedicalAssociation(AVMA),anorganizationdedicatedtoadvancingthescience andartofveterinarymedicine,80%ofdogsand70%ofcatsshowsignsoforaldiseasebytheageofthree. In honor of National Pet Dental Month, we’re going to give you the lowdown on animaldentalcare: The Risks Ifleftunchecked,bacteriainananimal’smouthcangetintoapet’sbloodstreamand infuse different organs, causing infections that can potentiallycause many serious healthissues,evensometimesdeath.TheAVMAreportsthattheorgansmostoften affectedbyoraldiseasesarethelungs,heart,kidneysandliver,andeventhenervous system. Butdon’tpanic.Asscaryasthismightsound,itisactuallyeasytoprevent,andmore andmorepetownersaretakingtherightstepstodoso.Allittakesissomepatience, discipline,andtherightat-homepetcareproducts.Youcanalsoreallyhelpyour pet’sdentalhealthbyfeedingthemtherighttypesoffood.Therearealsoseveral productsonthemarketthatcanassistyouinthisendeavoraswell.Forexample:pet specifictoothpasteandbrushes,liquidwateradditives,chewtoysthatsimultaneously cleanwhileyourpetentertainshisorherself,sprays,treatswithoralhealthproperties,andevenprobioticpowdersthatbreakdowntheharmfulbacteria–justtoname afewexamples. Outsideofthat,herearesomeotherstepsyoucantaketokeepthatsmilebrightand clean. Takeyourpettogetadentalexam.Yourpetshouldhavearoutineveterinar ianexamination,includingacarefulexaminationofhisteethandgums,atleast onceayear. Startanat-homeregimen.Askyourveterinarianorpetretailertosuggestnutri tionalsupplementsandaregularteethbrushingscheduleoraspeciallyformu latedfoodproventohelpremoveplaqueandtarterfromyourpet’steeth. Scheduledentalcleanings.Takeyourpetforregulardentalcheckups. If you have needs or questions on this or any other pet related matter, feel free to stop by and ask an associate at Pets Plus. Asalways,ifyouhaveneedsorquestionsonthisoranyotherpetrelatedmatter,feel freetostopbyandaskanassociate. PETS PLUS Mon - Sat: 9 - 8 Sun: 11 - 5 8943 US HWY 301 N - Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-0770 Saturday, March 7th and 21st - 1 - 3 PM Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinics Heartworm Tests Low Cost Pet Medications Parrish Village Newspage 30 Helping Our Children Have Better Dental Care Dr. Patty Schnur, Parrish Children’s Dentistry LastmonthwasNationalDentalHealthMonth,andIstartedadiscussionofthe fivestepsthatcanhelpyourchildstayinthe50percentofschoolchildrenwhohave neverhaddentaldecay: 1.Goodhomedentalcare 2.Fluorides 3.Sealants 4.Limitedsnacking 5.Regularvisitstoadentist Like I said last month, it’s a simple list, but sometimes life gets in the way! MynameisDr.PattySchnur.I’mageneraldentist,practicinginnorthernManatee County.Mypractice,ParrishChildren’sDentistry,islimitedtochildrenunder18 yearsold,andIhopetohelpparentsinthisareaunderstandhowtheycaninfluence thedentalhealthoftheirchildreninapositiveway!Interested?Keepreading! ThismonthIwanttocontinuebytalkingaboutfluorides.Fluorideoccursin lowlevelsinnaturalwatersources.Itiseffectiveatbothpreventingdentalcavities, andrepairingareaswhereacidshavealreadystartedmakingcavities.Cavitiesform whenthebacteriainthemouthconvertsugarintoacid.Thisacidremovesgood mineralsfromtheteeth,makingthemsofter.Fluoridecanincorporateitselfbackinto thoseacid-attackedareastostrengthenthetooth. Therearetwowaystostrengthenteethwithfluoride:topically(placingitontoa tooth),andsystemically(usingittoformchildren’steethafteritisingested).Topicalfluoridesareproductsliketoothpaste,fluoriderinses,andvarnishespaintedon theteethatthedentist’soffice.Peopleencountersystemicfluorideintheformof fluoridatedcommunitywater,ormorerarely,prescriptionfluoridesupplements.The ManateeCountymunicipalwatersupplyisfluoridated,butmanyhomesinParrish areservedbywellswhichdonothaveaddedfluoride.Inaddition,manybeverages aremadewithfluoridatedwater. Now,allthatsciencestuffcanbesortofboring,sonowIwantyoutoknowwhat Irecommend,sothatyoucanhelpkeepyourchildrencavity-free!Brushingwitha fluoridetoothpasteisreallyimportantonceachildcanspitreliably.Theyonlyneed atinybitontheirtoothbrushtobeeffective.Forchildrenwithahighriskofgetting cavities(previouscavities,highsugardiet,etc.)Ialsorecommendadailyfluoride rinse,likeACT.Theserinsescomeinbottlesthatpre-dosetherightamount,which makeitconvenientforkidstouse(andhardforkidstospill,which,asamom,Ireallylike!) Idon’tknowaboutyou,butIcanrememberasakidstandinginlineattheschool nurse’sofficewithmyelementaryschoolclasswaitingforouryearlyschoolfluoride treatment.It’shardtoimaginethathappeningthesedays!Instead,childrenwhovisit mypracticereceiveafluoridevarnishateachcleaningvisit.Thevarnishispainted inathinlayerontotheteeth,anditstaysincontactwiththeteethforseveralhours. Thelonger,thebetter! Hopefully this information will be helpful to parents with younger children. NextmonthI’lltellyouaboutdentalsealants:whattheyareandhowtheyprevent cavities.Ifyouhaveaspecificquestionyou’dliketoseeaddressedinthiscolumn feelfreetocontactmeviaemailatpnfsllc@gmail.comorcallmyofficeat(941)7765135tosuggestatopic.Or even better, this month visit us at the Parrish Chili Cook-off on March 7th! Don’t miss the Parrish Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off!!!!!!! Saturday, March 7, 2015 Parade at 10:30 AM Chili Cook Off at 11:00 AM Renaissance CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 increasebalanceandflexibility,andimprovehealthandwell-being.Costis$3for membersand$5fornon-members(perclass).Fordetailsandreservations,call941749-0100. Silver Sneakers Yoga, Mondays at 11:00 a.m. - Improvebalance,postureandflexibility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis$5forMembers and$7forNon-Members. Silver Sneakers Classic, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. - Suitable for varyinglevelsofmobility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis $5forMembersand$7forNon-Members. Line Dancing, Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to noon - Dustoffyourbootsandjoinus forthisfunactivity.Freeformembers,$5fornon-members. If interested in joining a class, call 941-749-0100 or sign up at the front desk. Coffee Talk, Every Wednesday 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. - Join us for a casual social, chattingwithothersovercoffee.FreeforSECmembers,$5fornon-members.CoffeeandDanishesprovided.Firstcomefirstserved,‘tilthecoffeerunsdry!Bring friends…Morepeople,morefun! Renaissance on 9th Volunteer Program Renaissanceon9thhasvolunteeropportunitiesthatcomeinmanydifferentshapes andforms–rangingfromfacilitytours,toclassinstruction,tofilingandofficework. Wewillworkwithyoutofindavolunteerjobthatbestutilizesyourstrengthsand skills.Formoreinformationonhowyoucangetinvolved,contactSueat941-7490100.Callusforatourofourcenterandlearnaboutmembershipperks!Call941749-0100today. Senior Lunch Club at Renaissance on 9th, Now Meeting Mondays, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Costis$8perperson,whichincludeslunch,socializinganda presentationbyaninterestingspeaker.CallSheilaat941-747-4655formoreinformationandtosignup. Great Book Discussion Group, Meets at the Renaissance on 9th Library from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - March2:The Advantage & Disadvantage of History for Lifeby Nietzche,March16:The Devil Baby at Hull HousebyJaneAdams. AAA Mature Driving Class, Tuesday March 17 and Wednesday, March 18, 9:00 a.m. - noon - RSVPtoDebbieat941-798-2221x2263. St. Patrick’s Day Feast and Festivities, Tuesday, March 17 - Cornedbeefandcabbagewithpotatoes,ryebreadandGrandma’sGoodiescookies.Greenbeerandwine availableforpurchase.Entertainmentat2:00p.m.Costis$8SECmembers/$10 Non-members.Forreservations,call941-749-0100byMarch16. Movie & a Meal, Tuesday, March 24, 1:30 p.m., “Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian” - Inthissequeltothehitcomedy,BenStillerreturnstohelp hisliving,breathingexhibitfriendsoutofapicklenowthatthey’vebeentransferred tothearchivesattheSmithsonianInstitution.Starring:BenStiller;OwenWilson, RobinWilliams,andAmyAdams.Cost:$6SECmembersand$8non-members (Gratuityisnotincluded.)RSVPbyMarch23to941-749-0100.Paymentisdueat thetimeofreservation,mealsarenotavailableafterRSVPdateandnorefundsare givenforcancellations.MovieMealChoices: •Bistrosaladw/grilledchicken •Quichewithfreshfruit •Cupofsoupandhalfsandwich Pancake Breakfast, Friday, March 27, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Don’tmissourmonthly PancakeFeast!Thismonth’ssignatureflavorisGREENButtermilkpancakeswith Butterscotchtopping,whichwillbeofferedinadditiontoourTraditionalButtermilk pancakes.Publiciswelcome,sobringfriendsandfamily!Costis$4forSECMembersand$5forNon-Members. Call us for a tour of our center and learn about membership perks! Call 941-749-0100 today. When you enjoy events at Renaissance on 9th, you support the programs of Meals on Wheels PLUS. Parrish Village Newspage 31 NORTH RIVER CHURCH OF CHRIST When Was the Last Time? Often we hear people say something along the line, “I know I need to get back to church,” or “It’s been a long time since I went to church,” or even “I’m missing something in my life, particularly a spiritual element, which I know I need.” The philosopher Blaise Pascal captured this idea in his statement, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.” Human beings are by nature worshipful in that they possess an intrinsic, innate need to worship something. They may seek even to worship themselves, but nonetheless that need – that spiritual inclination – exists. We all seek something or someone worthy of our devotions. The story is told of a man who was wearing a sandwich sign. On the front it read, “I am a fool for God!” People standing by laughed at the gentleman as he passed them. One the reversed side they suddenly saw the question, “Whose fool are you?” We are going to serve something or someone. We are going to worship in some sense something or someone in life. Our adoration or homage will be paid to something or someone, again even if it is but our own selves. The great God who made us ought to be the focal point of that inclination: “for in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). He calls upon us to worship and serve Him in this life (Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matthew 4:10), so that we may live with Him in the next (Revelation 22:14; John 14:1-3). That worship He expects to be “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). “In spirit” means that are heart must be in it. We must worship with our spirit, as well as our body. Worship is not just the outward forms prescribed by God, but begins first and foremost with the adoration and love for God arising from within us – out of our human spirits. But also worship must be “in truth,” which means that it must accord with God’s Word or, more specifically, what God has authorized in the Word, as the Word is that truth (John 17:17). Come and worship with us at the North River Church of Christ the God of heaven and earth. You will be blessed! Our services are as follows: each Sunday, 10:00 A.M. for Bible Study; as well 11:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. for Worship; and each Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. for Bible Study. We have Bible correspondence courses available upon request. You may contact as by phone at (941) 776-1134 or visit us on the web at North River Church of Christ WithCoupon Expires3/31/2015 Don’t forget the Parrish Civic Association General Meeting, Thursday, March 26, 7 PM Parrish Y - Community Center Speaker: County Administrator Ed Hunzeker Parrish Village Newspage 32 Parrish Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off This Saturday, March 7, 2015 Parade at 10:30 AM Chili Cook Off begins at 11:00 AM Bands, children’s activities, great chili, vendors, beverages, food, Parrish Pioneering and more! WEST COAST OB/GYN WELCOMES Dr. John David Hansill, MD Parrish’s Premier Grooming Salon $5.00 OFF Full Groom *First Visit *Expiration Date 3/31/15 $5.00 OFF • SPECIAL INTERESTS Urogynecologic procedures • Advanced bladder repair Prolapse repair • Female incontinence • MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROCEDURES Laparoscopic hysterectomy • Robotic-assisted surgery • OFFICE PROCEDURES Hysteroscopy • Endometrial ablation Essure sterilization • COMPLETE PRENATAL CARE • GENERAL GYNECOLOGY Furminator Treatment The Lucky Puppy 941-479-7945 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite 105 Parrish, Florida 34219 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS NOW DR JOHN HANSILL IS A NATIVE OF POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA. He has four year residency training at Bayfront Medical Center, Florida. HE IS FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. WEST COAST OB/GYN 513 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34208 941-745-1616 090304 *First Visit *Expiration Date 3/31/15 Parrish Village Newspage 33 You’ll want to see the Parrish Pioneering exhibit at the Chili Cook Off Parrish Pioneering A living history experience featuring our town’s heritage PearlMcCrawandherteamhaveassembledavariety ofartistsandartisans,aswellaslivestockandartifactsto immerse you in the lifestyles, customs, and surroundings ofearlyParrishvillagersatthisyear’sParrishHeritageDay Festival and Chili Cook Off on Saturday March 7. Over thepast150years,manyfamilieshavemovedawayfrom thelandandintothecitiesleavingbehindawayoflifethat definedParrish. Parrish Pioneering offers you a fascinating journey into the past - into the way people lived before cars and smartphones.Imaginelifewhenfolkshadtomanufacture theirfurniture,patientlystitchtheirclothesandquilts,mill soapforthefamily.Iftheirchildrenneededtoys,theyhad tocraftthose,too.Veryrarelydowegetachancetoreally seehowthingsaremade,butatParrish Pioneeringyouwill seehowBanyanvinesbecomeachairseatandhowfleece becomesyarnintheancienttextileartofhandspinning. Pullupastrawbaleandvisitwithstorytellers.These historicalinterpreterswillcaptivateyouwithtalesofParrishfamilyandcommunitylifeevents.Musiciansembracingtime-honoredtraditionswillbesuretoentertain. CattlehavealwaysplayedalargeroleintherichhistoryaroundParrish,andyouwillfindthemrepresentedat Parrish Pioneering. Nearly 200 years ago, cow hunters drove cattle from Fort Pierce westward to a port near the mouth ofTampaBay,adistanceofsome130miles.Usingbullwhipsanddogstomovetheherd,thetough,rugged cowmen became known as “Crackers” from the sound of theirwhipsintheair.Theroutetheytookfromthe1820sto the1930swasofficiallydesignatedastheFloridaCracker Trailin1987.VisittheCrackerTrailWagonandseebullwhipsandFloridaCattlefirsthand.Andjustforfun,check outtheminiaturedonkeys.Stopbyandgettoknowtheir exceptionallysweet,affectionatenature. At Parrish Pioneering you will experience the way people lived, worked, and played 100 years ago or more right here in Parrish. So look for the banner announcing Parrish Pioneeringandfollowthefootpathbackintime. Pat Bradley You’llalsogettoenjoysomegreatmusicandstory telling that reflects the spirit of Parrish Pioneering. The musicians and story tellers will be performing at theParrish Pioneeringexhibitalldaylongbutwillalso be on stage various times during the day. You’ll get tohearJohnPhillipswithhisclaassicalguitar,Rodney PotterandBettyGlassburnwhoarelocalstorytellers, Micky Suggs who will play old hymns on the dobro, MikeMcCrawwithhisacousticguitar,banjoandsingingofoldfolksongsandJuliaMcCrawwhoplaysthe acousticguitarandsings. Parrish Village News page 34 For subscription information to the Parrish Village News, see page 41. Tips for cooler weather fishing in salt water Capt. Ric Liles, Reel Simple Fishing Adventures It makes a nice gift, too! Sign up for either Drywood or Subterranean Termite Guarantee and receive an instant up to $600.00 discount!!!! Island Pest and Termite Control, Inc. State Certified, Licensed & Insured Please ask for a free termite inspection and if you sign up for a Drywood and/or Subterranean Guarantee receive a discount up to $600.00 and/or $1,200.00 (if signed up for both) Please call immediately - only the first 500 customers are eligible!!! 3651 Cortez Road West, Suite 400, Bradenton, FL 34210 Toll FREE Number: 855-778-1337 Robert McCall with a underslot cobia he caught while fishing in Tampa Bay with Capt. Ric Liles. Visit our website at or email us at “The bugs stop here.” Sarah Davis with one of her legal sheephead she caught while fishing with Capt. Ric and Reel Simple Fishing Adventures. Winter has made a late arrival this year, but that will only be to the benefit of our fishery. It’s good to have some cooler temperatures as long as we don’t get cold enough to start killing fish. As humans, most of us want the temperatures to stay warm so we can live the Florida lifestyle all year, but that just is not gonna happen. So what’s the best bite right now? With the water temps dropping, there has been a lot more sheephead brought to the boat. This is the time of year that most anglers in the bay that target sheephead really get their game on. I feel fairly proficient at sheephead fishing, but some of you have it dialed in even better. I have a friend, Rodney Burton, that is a weekend water warrior and I can say he has the sheephead thing down to a science and his results are proof of that. He has put a lot of time on the water getting to his level of success. The rules on sheephead are 12 inches minimum length and 10 per person bag limit. Fishing for and catching sheephead can be frustrating at times as they are very good at stealing bait. There is a saying that many a Baptist preacher has gone to drinking after they took up sheephead fishing. The bait of choice for me is shrimp. For the best results with shrimp, use medium shrimp and cut them into thirds, using one of these pieces for bait. Fiddler crabs, mussels, and even Berkley gulp products can be used for bait, but I have found that shrimp are the most convenient. Depending on the size hook that you normally use you may need to drop down. I try to use a 1/0 or 2/0 hook which is a little bigger than most people use and it may cost me a fish or two, but I like having that little extra in case a bigger species fish comes along. You can catch some pretty good size grouper on a shrimp tip. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. You will need to get the bait down to the bottom as sheephead rarely eat from upper water column unless they are munching crustaceans from some sort of structure. You can use a knocker rig or a split shot to get the bait down. I like a split shot because you can add or take away weight as the tide increases or decreases. Now once you have all of this, all you need to do is go find some rocky structure or some old seasoned docks and you should be able to get a good score for a great fish dinner. Warning, sheephead can be difficult to clean. The more you do, the better you will get, but be careful because they have a lot of sharp, pointy fins. Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember: don’t let your kid be the one that got away; take them fishing. For charter fishing information you can call (813)601-2900, email, or visit Parrish Village News page 35 Join the Parrish Civic Association for 2015 The Parrish Civic Association welcomes our new and returning members! Basic Jim Tillner & Ann Anderson Robert Briggs Vin & Vinnie Burns Marvin & Arlene Youngerman Community Booster Bob & Barbara Mustain Walter & Darla Wyar Community Patron Ben & Cookie Jordan Thank you for your support! COUTTS PROFESSIONAL CENTER The Parrish Civic Association has been going strong for over 30 years. In the beginning, it accomplished a really siginficant thing for Parrish - helping to establish the Parrish Fire Department. This has had so much importance to Parrish. After all these years, the Parrish Civic Association is still working hard for the common good of the community: organizing the Parrish Heritage Day Festival including the parade and Chili Cook Off, helping with the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party for needy children and families, helping to get the Y established in Parrish, developing Overlays to the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan and the Village, and currently working with the Parrish Arts Council on cleaning up the corridor along 301 from CR 675 to Mocassin Wallow Road. We still have work to do. Help us out in this effort by joining the Parrish Civic Association in 2015. A form is on page 47. Clip it out, complete it, enclose a check and mail it in today! Help your community continue the efforts! New Art Exhibit at the Rocky Bluff Library Office Suites from 100 sq. ft. Utilities included ELLENTON 7210 U.S. 301N 941-729-5599 Contact Sheila-mgr. Boat, RV, Trailer storage avail. in back ALPHA OUTDOOR KITCHENS l l l 2907 COUNTRY RIVER DRIVE PARRISH, FLORIDA 34219 941-725-0156 EXPERT DESIGN & CRAFTMANSHIP ALL TYPES OF OUTDOOR CABINETRY WE BUILD ALL OUR CABINETS ALPHAOUTDOORKITCHENS.COM The Parrish Arts Council has a new exhibit at the Rocky Bluff Library. This time, it is a collection from the group of painters who have been painting en plein air around the community. The group painted one Saturday down by the Manatee River, another Saturday at Brown’s Grove Family Market and at the concert last fall, Music by the Railroad. Everyone’s art is differrent and you will get to see various styles and interpretations of the same scenes. Also, some members of the Harrison Ranch Arts Guild have joined with the Parrish Arts Coucil to display their art on the wall, too. If you have time over the next couple of months, stop by the library and view the art. You will see some interesting pieces and might want to join the group. Some pieces are for sale are some are NFS (not for sale) if you are wanting to make a purchase for your home or for a gift. Check out the listing on the wall of the artist, the name of the particular piece and the price. Every two or three months the Parrish Arts Council will be changing the display of art and feature either a new group, an individual artist from the area or a combinations of all of the above. Parrish Village News page 36 Look No Further... WOODY’S DESIGNS Is Here! Custom Cabinetry & Granite Counter Tops Flooring All Hard Surfaces Tile-Backsplash-Shower Tile Finish Trim Work Painting Custom Pavers Decking Pressure Washing Specializing in Kitchens and Bathrooms Established since 1986 Stephen Woodland 941-776-8068 941-445-1251 Parrish Arts Council En Plein Air groups continue painting Mike Young Screen & Window Repair New screens, Re-screening, Replacement Rollers, Reglazing, Balance Rods, Sliding Glass Door Rollers, Awning Window Operators 941-932-7819 The next gathering of the Parrish En Plein Air will be at the Parrish Y on January 30 starting at 9:30 a.m. It is a beautiful, historic setting for artisits to pain the building, trees and landcape from many vantage points. The artists who came out to paint Fort Hamer and Brown’s Grove Farm Market used oil, acrylic and watercolor. Our goal is to have monthly Parrish En Plein Air outings and an annual juried event. En Plein Air was held at the Music & Art by the Train Concert on Saturday, November 8 at the Florida Railroad Museum and another on September 13 at Brown’s Grove Farm Market. All events offer a great opportunity to paint a unique scene in the community! Whether you are an experienced painter or just motivated to get experience, please consider joining your Parrish artist neighbors in painting scenes of our area to be displayed at future events, on your walls or sold at your festival booths! Please contact Jerri Phillips on (941) 809-5059 or visit www. parrishartscouncil. org for Parrish En Plein Air location and other details. Stop by the Parrish Arts Council Booth at the Chili Cook Off and See Art from Duette School Harrison Arts Guild Holds First Event Parrish Village Newspage 37 TheHarrisonRanchArtsGuildhelditsfirsteventonFebruary7,2015.TheCreativityExtravaganza featuredacollectionofartiststhatallresideinParrish.Hundredsofpeopleattendedtheeventtomeetartists,purchaseartwork,ortakepartintheFreeValentine’sCraftCorner.Artworkincludedwatercolorpaintings,jewelry,photography,digitalart,pottery,stainedglass,handmadecards,knitwear,andmore.There wasaneducationaldisplayaboutceramicsthathadsamplesofvarioustypesoffiringmethods,ceramic tools,andinformationontheprocessofcreatingwithclay. “ThankyoutoeveryonethatcametotheCreativityExtravaganza,”saidHarrisonRanchArtsGuild founder,ChiKulig.“Wehadagreattimesharingourartwiththiswonderfulcommunity.Wehopetosee youallagainatfutureevents.” Theartsguildwouldliketogiveaspecialthankyouto:MichellefromtheStoryBookCaféatthe RockyBluffLibrary;CrystalfromMommy&MeofParrish;theLifeStylesTeam;theParrish Village News;allthevolunteersandtoeveryonethatattended. Moreinformationontheartsguildmaybefoundonlineat:www.HarrisonRanchArtsGuild.comorcall 860-983-3767. Top far left Jerry Patridge with his Cigarbox Guitar. Top left Mavis Jan-Lai and her hand built ceramics. Bottom far left a child doing crafts. Bottom left Sally Wooldridge with her watercolors. Don’t miss the Parrish Civic Association General Meeting Thursday, March 26 - 7 PM at the Parrish Y/Community Center Speaker: County Administrator Ed Hunzeker PARRISH RESIDENTS ONLY 2.75% Real Estate Commission “COMPARE COMMISSIONS” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ GulfCoast $250,000 x 2.75% $6,875.00 Franchise Company <<<<<<< Sale Price >>>>>>> $250,000 <<<<< Commission >>>>> x 7% <<<< Cost to Seller >>>> $17,500.00 Savings To Seller = $10,625.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ u Comprehensive Advertising - We will advertise your home in the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Multiple Photos, Virtual Open Houses. We have a contract with several Real Estate publications for optimal exposure to our local and national market. u Internet Advertising - Your home will be placed on the MLS,,, and many others, for Maximum World-Wide Exposure. u Unconditional Release Policy - Most competition only offers a long term listing contract that, unfortunately for clients, is legal and binding. GulfCoast Preferred Properties understands that unforeseen circumstances arise and with this in mind you may cancel the listing contract at any time for any reason, with written notice. Don’t spend your money on expensive franchise fees!!! Call us for a free Home Value Assessment, before you trust your home to anyone else!!! GULFCOAST PREFERRED PROPERTIES, INC. Ronald H. Alicea BROKER/OWNER 941.776.1010 “Real Estate Done Right” Parrish Village News page 38 Adoptions and news from the Humane Society of Manatee County Why Adopt? Every time you adopt an animal from the Humane Society of Manatee County, you enable them to save the life of another animal in need of a loving home. Each adoption also brings the Humane Society one step closer to becoming a humane community – a community where all adoptable animals find permanent loving homes and euthanasia is no longer accepted as a means of population control. The Humane Societty is proud of its efforts, and the Board, staff, and volunteers of HSMC are committed to placing 100 percent of the animals brought to HSMC for adoption into permanent, loving homes. FAQ About Adoptions What does the adoption fee include? Not only do you take home your new best friend, but all of the animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped and up to date on all their vaccinations. Pet insurance for 30 days is also included. Adoption fees are $75 for all the dogs and kittens, $50 for adult cats 6 months or older. What is the Selection Criteria? Pets placed up for adoption need to be of sound temperament and good health. Pets with a history of severe aggression or untreatable conditions are not suitable for the adoption program. Many animals undergo substantial medical and/or behavioral rehabilitation prior to placement for adoption. For example, the dog enrichment and obedience program, staffed by a group of dedicated volunteers, works with all the dogs to help them develop good manners as well as special needs dogs in order to resolve behavior problems that otherwise would be a deterrent to adoption. Do you ever get purebred dogs or cats? It is estimated that about 25 percent of the animals brought to the shelter are purebreds. If you are interested in a specific breed, check the pet lists to see if one is available. The Humane Society of Manatee County also works with purebred dog rescue organizations. Many times, these dogs are transferred from the Humane Society to rescue groups who specialize in adoption of a particular breed. That way HSMC has more room for mix breeds. Can I return a pet I’ve adopted? Yes, the Humane Society of Manatee County wants you and your pet to be a good fit for each other and recognizes that despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes this doesn’t happen. Terms of return are: The Humane Society of Manatee County will accept your pet back within 10 days of adoption. After 10 days each animal will be evaluated according to the HSMC selection criteria. The adoption fee is non-refundable. Please call 747-8808 to discuss your circumstances with a counselor and schedule a date and time for return. “Like” the Humane Society of Manatee County on Facebook Take a look at the HSMC Facebook page. You’ll find pets available for adoption, recent adoptions, special events that are coming up soon and many other news about Society programs. You can also catch up on all the news about the Humane Society’s programs. There is even a map showing the location. Be sure to “like” them on Facebook while you are on the site! Florida Timeshare Owners Group Schedules March Meeting Parrish Village Newspage 39 Join us for Lincoln Middle School FFA’s Garden Gala “Nourishing Our World” Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Lincoln Middle School (located at 305 17th Street East in Palmetto) Come and learn how to grow your own fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs! TheFloridaTimeshareOwnersGroupspringmeetingwillbeheldfrom1:00to 5:00p.m.Sunday,March22nd,atthePalmAireCountryClub,Sarasota.Alltimeshareownersareinvitedtoattendandparticipate.Advancereservationsarerequired toensureseatingandmaybeobtainedthroughFrankDebar,GroupCoordinator,at eitherfdebar433@gmail.comor941-351-1384.TheGroup’ Representativesofmajortimesharerelatedcompanieswillbepresenttoadvise andupdateattendeesonmattersofinterestandconcern,andaround-tablediscussion periodwillallowthefurtherflowofinformation. Topicstobediscussedincludetipsonbuying,sellingorrentingyourunit,avoiding common timeshare pitfalls, timeshare ownership versus vacation club membership,resortinformationthat’savailablefromyourmanagementcompany,minimizing exchangefees,andlocatingaqualifiedtimesharerealestatebroker. TheOwnersGroupwasfoundedin2004andisthelargestindividualtimeshare ownerorganizationinthecountry.Salessolicitationsareneverpermittedatitsmeetings. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL FREE PARKING FREE INTERACTIVE GAME BOOTHS WITH PRIZES AND GIVE AWAYS FREE COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS WITH FRESH FLORIDA PRODUCE Food vendors will also be offering food for purchase For more information contact Kimberley Lough: Phone: (941) 721-6840 x 2080 e-mail: facebook: LincolnMiddleFFA Mike Armstrong Landscaping, Inc. “Serving Manatee County Since 1978” For All Your Landscaping Needs Come see our varieties of plants for your landscaping needs! “Give the gift that keeps on Growing” 776-0410 776-1076 8475 69th Street E, Palmetto, FL 34221 Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Call ahead. Parrish Village Newspage 40 Electrical Contractor Charles Gullett - Owner 941.723.4341 Residential • Commercial • Industrial EC 13004847 • Licensed & Insured BEST SUMMER EVER! Friendship, Discovery, and a Place to Belong Parrish Y Camp Rivers Edge Support our advertisers! They make the Parrish Village News possible. Wildman’s Complete Pool Care LLC. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed Wes Wildman Owner/Operator Cell: (941) 322-4108 Reliable and dependable service Clean-Out Maintenance Quality Work Dave Psimer Design Installation Free Estimates (941) 720-0239 New Location! Please join us for an awesome outdoor summer camp experience at Day Springs, Episcopal Center, 8005 25th St E, Parrish. Camp includes weekly field trips, weekly themes, canoeing, sports, swim lessons at our camp pool and more! Summer Camp Sign up for Members Begins March 16th, All Others March 23rd. Not yet a member? Join the Y when signing up for camp and we will waive your joining fee (up to $50 savings). That’s not all! Receive weekly camp fee discounts Look what else is at the Y: SOAR (Special Organized Adult Recreation) Senior Strength Soccer Cheerleading Little Dribblers Mark your calendar our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament will be May 1st Manatee County YMCA Parrish Branch 12214 US 301 N. Parrish, Florida 34219 941-798-YMCA (9622) Parrish Village News page 41 Welcome to 2015 Trivia Answers 1. b. Snakes 2. d. Maewyn Succat 3. b. Blue 4. a. Shoemakers 5. b. Massachusetts 6. c. Make you less shy 7. b. As camouflage Subscribe to the Parrish Village News Some people who used to live in Parrish have asked how they can receive the Parrish Village News. The answer is to subscribe and it will be mailed to you monthly. The paper comes out at the first of every month and will be mailed to your residence - no matter where you live. You can keep up with what’s going on in Parrish as well as see the growth and important news affecting this area. There are people who are enjoying “This Old House” and have requested copies as well as those outside the mailing area in Bradenton, Sun City, Wimauma and other places near to Parrish. Keep up with eveything through this local newspaper. The paper is 48 pages long. It has been in business for over 20 years and keeps on growing! Local businesses find it a great place to advertise their services and products. Readers give it high marks. Send in your subscription today. 8. a. Boston 9. b. 1 for every 630 10. c. Grandson of About the Author: Jim Casey is a Parrish-based Game Show Host and has entertained thousands in the Bradenton and Sarasota area since 2010. You can play the Game Show and try to win $500 Wednesday nights at 9:45 p.m. at the State Road 64 Applebee’s. Full schedule at Subscribe to the Parrish Village News! Use the handy form at the left! Parrish Village News page 42 Worship Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 12125 71st Street East Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-1533 Rev. Joe Skidmore, Pastor Sunday Services Bible Classes, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:45 AM Morning Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 AM Evening Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Wednesday Services Youth Group Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. . . . . . . . .7:00 PM Parrish Baptist Learning Center Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM casualatmosphere,engagingmusic relevantteaching,funkidsprograms @ Williams Elementary School 3404 Ft Hamer Road 941-803-4722 Check our website for Sunday Service Times Faith Lutheran Church 9608 Highway 301 North Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-1395 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 8305Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 ChurchOffice-722-0218 “Making Heaven a reality here on earth” 10 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Wednesday A FRIENDLY, SPIRIT-FILLED GATHERING Nursery & Childrens Ministry 5425 39th Street E, Bradenton, FL 941-806-7550 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 9422 Old Tampa Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Church Office - 776-8687 Kevin Thompson Senior Pastor Sunday Services SundaySchool(forallages)..9:15AM AllAges Worship..................10:30AM Children’sChurch..........10:30AM EveningWorship............6:00PM Nurseryavailableforallservices Wednesday AdultBibleStudy&Prayer.....7:00PM AwanaClub(ages3-6thGrade).7:00PM WordofLife(Teens)..........7:00PM Everyone Welcome New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Rick Chaffin, Pastor Sunday Services 9:00AM.......................Worship 9:00AM.......SundaySchool/BibleStudy 10:30AM......................Worship 10:30AM............Children’sChurch Wednesday Services 5:30PM..............HandbellChoir 5:45PM....................Worship 6:00PM..Children’sandYouthActivities 6:30PM......................Choir EVERYONE WELCOME! (NurseryProvided) MY FATHER’S HOUSE 7215 US Highway 301 N Ellenton, FL 34219 Rev. James W. Berrien, Pastor Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Come Check Us Out WE SAY YES TO CHRIST!!!!!! Non-Denominational Spirit-Filled Contemporary Worship St. Mary’s Baptist Church Erie Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Reverend Fletcher Lawson, Jr., Pastor 941-776-3723 Fellowship Alliance Church 5735 69th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221 Phone: 941-723-9593 Pastor Bruce Quackenbush Sunday Services 6:00PMPrayerMeeting(inhomes) Third Friday each month 1WayCafe-Doorsopenat7:00PM The cafe offers: praise music, a featuredartist,openmicandfreerefreshments. Small Groups - call Church Office for times Email: Crossroads Christian Church 1400 10th Street W, Palmetto, FL 941-729-2327 Pastor Jeff Mohler Bible Study - Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church Services - Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Blended Worship 11:11 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM 12180 Highway 301 North and CR 675 @ flashing yellow light Back to the Word Church Pastor : Dr. Jim Parker 7710 121st Ave. E, Parrish, FL 34219 155 W. Center Ave., Sebring, FL 33870 941-773-7081 Pastors; Revs. Robert & Anne Barber (941) 776-9016 SabbathServices: Saturday at 10:30 AM - Parrish, FL Saturday at 5:30 PM - Sebring, FL 9:15AMSundaySchool-Allages 10:30AMPraise,Worship&Word 6:00PMBilingualService(English/Spanish) (Coffee&Cookiesatallservices!) NEWCHRISTIAN NON-DENOMINATIONALCHURCH YOUAREINVITED! Sundays Wednesdays 7:00PMWorship&BibleStudy (Adults&Youth) Bible-Based - Casual Dress Nursery Available ALL WELCOME Atthechurchatthe“Y” ComeworshipwithuseverySunday 6PM StartingFebruary14th There’s a place for you in My Father’s House! ManateeFamilyYMCA, 12214US301NinParrish PASTORDANNAWARA phone:365-5433/920-5511 www.THELIVINGSANTUARY.COM 12001 69th Street East Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-9097 Pastor “Jay” J. Jancarz Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon (12:00 noon Mass from Christmas to Easter) Confessions - Saturday 3:00 PM Connecting people with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ (IntersectionofUSHwy301N and72ndSt.E/AmsterdamAve.) 11915 82nd St E Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2568 Interim Pastor - Kenneth L. Hinrichs Saturday Service - 4:30 PM Sunday Services - 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School / Bible Study - 9:15 AM Parrish United Methodist Church Dress Down & Be Yourself Service Times: Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am WestCoast 11750 U.S, Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 (941) 776-2422 Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. 825 9th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 941-776-0026 - email: Don Sturiano - Pastor Nursery and children’s church provided North River Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 3914US301N APOSTOLIC in doctrine PENTECOSTAL in experience 941-723-9693 North River Church of Christ 13885U.S.Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 (941)776-1134 Sundays BibleClasses(allages).....10:00AM MorningWorship...........11:00AM EveningWorship...........6:00PM Wednesdays BibleClasses.............7:00PM Personal home Bible studies or correspondence courses upon request ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1010 24th Avenue West Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-5292 Weekly Schedule Sunday: 7:40 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite I 9:00 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite II Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Thursday: Smart Guys Tutoring 4:30 p.m. The Rev. Glen Graczyk First Baptist Church of Gillette 3301 Moccasin Wallow Road Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-1937 Sunday Service Sunday School - 9:30 AM Children’s Worship - 10:30 AM Worship Service - 10:30 AM Everyone Welcome! (Nursery Provided) Harvest Field Community Church Where you can count on Christ! Non-denominational Bible based - Christ centered Worship Services 10:00 AM Sundays Nursery available 7710 121st Avenue East, Parrish, FL Casual dress, warm fellowship Music is a combination of contemporary and hymns Bible Study 7:00 PM each Wednesday Pastor: Rev. Terry L. Cary - 941-725-4150 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Mat. 9:38 NIV BETHISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center 1115DelWebbBlvd.E. SunCityCenter(813)634-2590 SHABBATSERVICESFRIDAYEVENINGAT7:45PM TORAHSTUDYSATURDAYAT12NOON Rabbi: Philip Aronson Cantor: Dr. Sam Isaac Parrish Village News page 43 News from Williams Elementary School New Teachers at Williams Williams Collects Food for the Salvation Army Students Create Musical Instruments from Trash Williams welcomes two new teachers to the “Pack,” - Amy Arnold, VE, and Julie Bustle, 4th grade. Williams Students Celebrate 100th Day of School First grade students Matthew Pierzchala, Ben Patterson, Julianna Vicory, Jesus Ibarra-Juarez and Katie Ferguson celebrated the 100th Day of School! Williams Elementary received the Salvation Army Canned Food Drive Award at their luncheon on Saturday, February21st.WilliamswastheOverall Winner for the 2014-2015 Manatee CountySchoolDistrict. Assistant Principal, Debbie Cook, accepted the trophy on behalf of the schoolandMediaSpecialist,AnnClayton,whowasinstrumentalinencouragingourstudentstobringcannedfoodto theschool. This year students donated 1,663 cansmorethanthe1,513cansin2013. Williams celebrates our students who gave to help those in need in our community. Matthew Pierzchala and his groundhog both discover their shadows! First grade students in Mrs. Daniel’s class became young scientists for Groundhog Day, February 2nd. The students created their own groundhogs andplacedthemoutsideinthesunusing a cube as a marker in order to observe theirshadowsandanychanges.Following this activity, each student recorded in a journal their observations, as all scientistsdo,ofthegroundhogshadows. BRRRRR, as you know, the outcome wasn’tgood...6moreweeksofwinter! Groundhog Day at Williams WilliamsElementarystaffandstudentsdotheirpartsinmakingourenvironmentabetterplacebyrecycling.OurRecyclingTeam,studentsfromWolfPack, collectclassroomrecyclebinsloadedwithpaperandothercontainersofplasticeach Friday. Recently, Mrs. McKinley’s second grade students read the book, Sounds of TrashbySusanEvento.Studentsusedtheirimaginationanditemsfromhometo createtheirown“recycled”instruments.Notonlyweretheycreativewiththedesign oftheirinstruments,theyalsoperformedamusicaldemonstrationforMusicteacher, Merry Hagan. Congratulationsto Mrs. McKinley and her students for a job well done! Williams Students Learn about Tennis Isaac and Michelle Donkor from Donkor Tennis and Education Foundation, recently visited Williams ElementarystudentsduringtheirPhysical Education classes to perform a tennis demonstration. Students learned about tennis as well as scholarships available through the Donkor Tennis and EducationFoundation.Mr.andMrs.Donkor donated a portable tennis net, racquets andballstobeusedinPEclasses.Thank youMr.andMrs.Donkorforyourgenerosityandexpertise! Williams Celebrates Valentine’s Day with A Dance and Classroom Activities Parrish Village Newspage 44 Parrish Arts Council Sponsors Jim Pierce & Southern Integrity at PUMC on Saturday, April 18 THE MASTER CABINET MAKER, INC. All Custom Cabinetry MADE IN PALMETTO, FL USA Like us on Facebook Facebook 941-723-0278 Fine Custom Cabinetry Manufactured in Palmetto, FL. Custom Designs and Remodeling, Kitchen, Bath, Entertainment Center, Countertops & More Locally owned and operated by 3rd genration woodworker Experienced, insured, referrals The Parrish Arts Council is proud to sponsor Jim Pierce and Southern Integrity on Saturday,April18atthe Parrish United MethodistChurch.Theconcert filledwithgospelmusic and old favorites will begin at 7:00 p.m. A donationof$5.00isrequested. All proceeds gothePACtohelpsupport future arts projects inthecommunity. Parrish Village News page 45 News from SWAT Networking Parrish Chapter At the February meeting for SWAT Networking at the Parrish Chapter, three amazing professional women were recognized as new and returning members: Ruth Ann Stryhas of Younique, DeDe Booth of Keller Williams Realty Select and Susannah Savitsky of Bates-Buchanan & Savitsky Law Group. SWAT, which stands for Successful Women Aligning Together, meets at six different locations around Manatee and Sarasota counties and soon to be adding a seventh location in St. Petersburg in March. All women in business are welcome to attend to network and build relationships, meet other professional women and learn marketing techniques. For more information go to Every month a woman, from each of the six chapters of SWAT, is honored for her dedication and hard work, positive spirit and their willingness to enhance herself and her career. This month’s Woman of the Month from the Parrish Chapter is Jennifer Lee of Modern Wealth. Congratulations! “Our Name Says It All” “WELCOME TO PARADISE” SALES AND VACATION RENTALS FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ELLENTON OFFICE: 941-729-2381 PARRISH OFFICE: 941-776-1411 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CALL 941-729-2381 OR 941-776-1411 New Listing Reduced New Listing $239,000 3/2 condo, water views, gated community with pool and tennis, carport, minutes to the beach Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680 $399,900 Spacious 4/3, 1/2 acre lot, caged pool, gourmet kitchen, beautifully appointed, 3 car garage Mary Burke 941-524-8969 $129,000 2/2 condo, furnished, golf community, pool and tennis w/clubhouse, 5 miles to the gulf. Cindy Grazar 941-504-6176 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE CALL 941-722-5108 Water Front $48,900 New Listing Reduced Ridgewood Estates spacious 2/2, builtins, lots of cabinets, indoor laundry, storage, water view Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 $85,500 Ridgewood Estates 2/2 w/ den. open concept, well maintained, private setting, a must see! Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 $58,900 The Gardens A must see! 2/2,open plan, indoor laundry, landscaped. Clubhouse, pool and tennis. Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 MOBILE HOMES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT RENTAL Ridgewood Estates 2/2 turnkey furnished, gated 55+ community, small pet okay, pool, tennis and clubhouse $1250 month Contact Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 PARRISH 12244 US HWY 301 N. l NORTH RIVER 2500 Blk of US HWY 301 N. RENTAL Bradenton 25th St West Annual 1/1. $550.00 monthly includes water, 3 units available Contact Tracy Kimpton 941-778-4800 l HOLMES BEACH 5201 Gulf Drive l BRADENTON BEACH 102 Bridge Street Parrish Village Newspage 46 Tying the Financial Knot Everything You’ve Always Wanted in a Bank and More! Jackie Felix, Felix Financial Group Aleadingcause,ifnotthenumberonecause,ofdivorceisdisagreementsabout money.Thebestwaytoavoidmoneyproblemsistotalkaboutmoneyissuesopenly andhonestlybeforeyou’remarried.Thisarticleismeanttobeaguidetohelpyou “gettheballrolling,”aswellastoprovidesomeusefultools. Before you marry is the time to begin talking about the financial partnership you’llbeformingonceyou’remarried.Youmusttalkopenlyandhonestlywitheach otheraboutyourfinancialhopesanddreams,aboutyourspendinghabitsandabout yourattitudestowarddebt.Someofthesediscussionsmaybeuncomfortableand youmaynotagreeoneveryissue. Myhusband,JuanandIhadalloftwonickelstorubtogetherwhenwewere dating,sowehadtobeverycreativewhenwedecidedtogetmarried.However,I mustadmitIdidnotneedthefairytalewedding.Whatwasimportanttomewasthat Iwasmarringmybestfriend.Juansatmedownbeforetheweddingandtoldmethis wasapartnershipandaspartnersweneededtoworktogetherwithacommongoal. Itrulybelievethathavingthatattitudetowardsourmarriageandtowardslifeiswhy wehavebeenhappilymarriedfor18years. Thesearesomeoftheissuesyoushoulddiscusswithoneanotherandtheinformationyoushouldsharebeforeyoumarry: At 1st Manatee Bank, we realize your needs are as individual as you are. When you bank with us, you are assured personalized service and uncompromised customer care. The difference is in the details • Locally Owned • Community Involvement • Commercial & Personal Banking • Senior Checking • Online Banking Whatassetswillyoubringtothemarriage?Ifyoubothownahome,where willyouliveandwhatwillbedonewiththesecondhome? Whatdebtswillyoubringtothemarriage?Howwillthosedebtsbepaid? Doyouconsideryourselfasaver,aspenderorsomethinginbetween? Whatisyourcreditrating? Whatisyourincome? Doyousaveonaregularbasis?How?Doyouinvestonaregularbasis? Howwillyoumakesavingandinvestmentdecisionsonceyou’remarried? Whatareyourfinancialgoals,bothshortandlong-term? Whatareyourfeelingsinregardtofinancialresponsibilitiestootherfamily members,suchasagingparentsorchildrenfromapreviousmarriage? Howwillyoumanageyourmoneyonceyou’remarried?Injointaccounts? Inseparateaccounts?Ifjointaccounts,whowillberesponsibleformanagingthecheckbookandpayinghouseholdexpenses?Ifseparateaccounts, howwillhouseholdexpensesbeallocatedandpaid? Ifonlyoneofyouworksoutsidethehome,whowillcontrolthemoneyin yourrelationship? Ifyouplantohavechildren,whatareyourfinancialexpectationsinregard toraisingchildren? Doeitherofyouneedtokeepaportionofyourfinanciallifeseparate?If so,canyoubothagreetothat? 900 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton • 941.776.5040 12215 US 301 N., Parrish • 941.776.5040 5100 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton • 941.795.5040 Member FDIC • Bauer 5-Star Rated Bank Planning the Wedding While there may be some differences, the average wedding in the U.S. today costsbetween$20,000and$30,000.Thatdoesnotincludethecostofthehoneymoon!Thatisalotofmoneytospendespeciallyifyouconsiderhowsomeofthat moneycouldbeusedforadownpaymentonahouseorpayingoffsomeexisting debt. tipsonhowtosaveconsiderablywhilestillhavingamemorablereception: Herearesomecosteffectiveideas: Createaweddingbudgettogether.Withoutone,costscanquicklyspiralout ofcontrol. Whereshouldn’tyouskimp?Toanswerthatquestion,considerwhatwill lastlongafteryourweddingday.You’llbewearingyourweddingringsfor therestofyourmarriedlife,sogetsomethingyoulike.You’llbesharing picturesandvideosofyourweddingforyearstocome,sohireaprofessionalphotographer. Getaweddinggownyoulikeandthatlooksgoodonyou,butconsiderrentingthegown.Alternatively,checkoutletstoresandsearchInternetsitesfor thebridalgownofyourdreamsatabargainprice. Youmaybeabletosaveconsiderablybyhavingan“off-season”wedding (NovemberthroughApril)and/orbybeingmarriedonadayotherthana Saturday. Checkoutsimplerweddinginvitationsandsaveonprintingcosts. Limitthesizeoftheweddingparty(numberofattendants). Thereceptionaccountsforbyfarthelargestweddingexpense.Herearesome Reducethenumberofguests.Considerparingthelistdowntojustthe peopleyoureallywanttohavesharewithyouthisimportantdayinyour lives. Insteadofasit-downdinner,haveabuffetorhorsd’oeuvres. Useflowersthatareinseasonatthetimeofyourwedding.Usemore greensandfewerbloomsinarrangements.Concentratefloralarrangements atthereception,notthechurch. Considerhavinganalcohol-freereceptionorclosethebarwhilefoodisbeingserved. Cutthecakecosts.Forexample,getasmallversionofyour“dream” cake,plusamuchlessexpensivesheetcakeinthesameflavor.Thesheet cakecanbecutoutofthesightofyourguestsandthey’llneverknowthe difference. Childrenfromapreviousmarriage. Businessownership. For more information contact Jackie Felix, Felix Financial Group 941-5042376 or email Parrish Village Newspage 47 Parrish Civic Association Corner Dear Friends: March 2015 Message from the Membership Chairman Dear Friends: Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off The 4th Annual Heritage Day Parade, Festival, and Chili Cook Off event is this Saturday at the Railroad Museum and it is shaping up to be the best yet. The newest attraction is the Parrish Pioneering area which offers you and your children the opportunity to experience a slice of life in early Parrish. Before the days of TV and radio as we know it today, music and storytelling played a major role in entertaining the pioneers. We have two great story tellers sharing some of their tales (which they assure us are 100% true) and last Friday night Cookie and I got to listen to a practice session with the musicians who will be playing in the Parrish Pioneering area. It has been a long time since we have heard music like this coming from a guitar, banjo and dobro and it was a pleasure to listen to them. I hope you and your family will take time to visit the Parrish Pioneering area -- take a seat on a bale of hay and listen to a few tunes. There are also some very interesting exhibits; so stroll around and enjoy them too. The Annual Membership Drive for the Parrish Civic Association begins this month for 2015. You will be receiving a letter telling you it’s time to mail in your annual dues. Please complete it and mail it along with your check. If you provide your email, we will send you notices of important meetings about development in the area, meetings scheduled and events you might like to attend. Grand Marshal’s Patricia Giles and Al Griffin P J’s Sandwich Shop has been a source of “good eats” for the Parrish Community for many years – in fact this year they are celebrating their 30th year of being in business. Therefore, it is fitting that this year’s parade Grand Marshals are Patricia (Pat) Giles who started the business and Al (the runner) Griffin who is a familiar face at PJ’s. We now have over 400 members of the Parrish Civic Association. That’s a very good number of people in the community who are interested in the Parrish community and making it the best place to live in Manatee County. Thank you to EVERYONE who is making the Chili Cook Off successful A whole lot of work goes into producing the Parade, Festival and Chili Cook Off. Parade Chairperson Cindy Chin is in charge of lining up the parade and getting it started and does a great job. The Planning Committee for the Festival and Chili Cook Off, which is chaired by Tami Vaughan, has been working since September on plans for this year’s edition. The committee along with Cindy will still be working on Saturday so when you see one of them – they will be wearing a red hat with the Chili emblem on the front – take a minute to thank them. We appreciate your generosity and your joining the PCA. The only source of revenue for the Parrish Civic Association is dues. Your dues go to help our organization in many ways: supporting the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party, funding for the annual Heritage Day Parade and this year’s fourth Chili Cook Off (signs, posters, publicity), helping to pay for the Ys Fall Festival held in October, helping pay for bringing the Board of County Commissioners to our PCA meetings, bringing other guest speakers to meetings like Manatee County Administrator Ed Hunzeker on February 12 and many other activities performed by the Parrish Civic Association. If you are interested in helping out on any of our activities and want to be on a committee, please contact Ben Jordan, our President, at We would be pleased if you would like to help. We have already met with several people new to the area who are getting involved in our community’s activities. It is a lot of fun and a great group of people who work to make a lot of activities occur. And, volunteering is also fun. We need people for the Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off and Parrish Arts Council as well as other activities during the year. We hope to see you soon in and around our Parrish community! Cookie Jordan Membership Chairman 941-776-9019 Another group key to the success of the event is of course the Chili Teams. They start cooking at 6:00 a.m. and each team must prepare a minimum of ten gallons of chili. We have several teams that have competed all four years and we also have several teams new to the Cook Off. As you go through and try their samples, please thank them for helping make this community fundraiser a success. The businesses sponsoring these teams are truly Parrish supporters and in turn deserve our support. Proceeds help the not for profit organizations in the Parrish community As you probably know all proceeds from this event go to the Parrish Foundation’s Grant Fund which provides grants to the small not for profit organizations serving our Parrish community. Key to the financial success of the event are our corporate sponsors. Most have been sponsors for all four years and we truly appreciate what they have done to make Parrish an even better place to live and raise our families. THANK YOU to our sponsors and to all the other people that make this event possible. And THANK YOU to all of the people who attend the event – you and your family are supporting Parrish while having a great time. Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or concerns about Parrish. Join the Parrish Civic Association. Just clip out the form below and mail it in with a check for your dues. I wish to join the Parrish Civic Association. Here are my dues. Mail to Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish. FL 34219. (Please print.) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: Email Address: (Above information is for PCA use only. We do not give out or sell to outside parties.) Please check one: Ben Jordan President, Parrish Civic Association or (941) 776-9019 Amount Enclosed $ New Member $15.00 Basic Member (Member and Spouse) $25.00 (Community Booster) $50.00 (Parrish Sponsor) $100 or more (Community Patron) $500.00 or more (Community Sponsor) Renewal Parrish Village News page 48
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