Parrish Village News For copies of this newspaper, please visit In this issue of the Parrish Village News Volume 22, Issue 5 May 2015 FREE Residents get a lesson in Parrish 101 Iris McClain recounts the history of St. Mary’s Missionary Baptist Church on page 3. What’s for dinner: Casseroles - always easy and good tasting. See page 5. Andrea gives us more tips on managing our lives on page 9. A crowd of over 80 people attended the Parrish Civic Association’s community meeting last Thursday night at the Y. Prior to the meeting there were pictures on display of the route of the new Fort Hamer Bridge and the improvements that will be made to both Fort Hamer and Upper Manatee River Roads. Called Parrish 101, the meeting was the result of questions asked by the audience at County Administrator Ed Hunzeker’s presentation at the March PCA meeting. These questions showed there is a great deal of interest in knowing more about Parrish and the basics of how it operates. Attendees at the earlier meeting asked about the overlays, how we are governed, what is being done to attract new commercial development including restaurants, and even where Parrish is. Attendees at last Thursday’s meeting watched a 30-minute Power Point presentation that covered the founding of Parrish and its becoming a thriving community in the early 1900s to its decline in the mid 1900s to its remarkable growth that started in the late 1900s. It was pointed out that Parrish is unincorporated and thus has no local government like a city council to guide it, no city limits to define its location, and no “local” laws governing things like Dr. Patty continues her 5 steps to children’s dental care on page 30. Second Annual Music & Art by the Train Concert coming October 24th! Ralph tours Slovevia (Yugoslavia) on page 5. property upkeep, abandoned cars and boats, etc. Also unlike Lakewood Ranch which has a single property owner with the ability to develop a master plan for the entire community, Parrish lacks anything close to a master plan. However we do have the Parrish Civic Association (PCA) and through their efforts we have two Overlay districts that govern how new subdivisions look from the road and the type and design of buildings, signs and lighting in the Village area. The PCA has worked with the County to get sewer service to the village along 301 and with FDOT to ensure the planned widening of 301 doesn’t have a negative effect on current and future businesses in the Village. The PCA also worked with the County on two other projects that have had a tremendous effect on the lives of many Parrish area residents – the renovation of the Old Parrish School House (which became home to Parrish Y branch) and the new Rocky Bluff Library. And four years ago the PCA teamed with The Parrish Foundation to add a Chili Cook Off to the annual Parrish Heritage Day Festival and Parade. Proceeds from this event go to the Foundation’s Grant Fund which by the end of this year will have awarded Please see Residents get a lesson CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 943 Parrish Village News page 2 Parrish Village News Official publication of the Parrish Civic Association, a non profit coporation. P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Cookie Jordan Publisher and Editor 941-776-9019 Volunteer Staff Advertising Manager Gene Orlowski Contributors Ralph Bellrose Travel Message from the Editor I hope you were able to attend the special Parrish Civic Association meeting that was held on Thursday, April 30th. However, if you were not and want to view the slide presentation that was given by Ben Jordan, President of the PCA, you can go to and click on it to see the entire presentation. It contains an update on how Parrish is governed, how we got where we are, the issues now facing our community and a Call to Action if you are interested in helping. It is called Parrish 101. We had some other activities going on in the community this past month: the Parrish Arts Council is continuing with their En Plein Air painting groups that are moving from location to location, most recently to the Old Schoolhouse in Parrish where they painted the beautiful old building. Previously, they have been down at the Fort Hamer Rowing Facility where they painted Manatee River scenes and Brown’s Grove Farm Market where they painted the market. And, the Parrish Arts Council is planning the next concert called Music & Art by the Train which will be held on Saturday, October 24th at the Florida Railroad Museum. There will be a great line up of talent. Watch for announcements in the newspaper. If you are interested in joining the Parrish Arts Council or want to volunteer with any of the events, you can go to the website at While you are marking your calendar for the concert, you might look ahead to 2016. The date for the Parrish Heritage Day Festival and 5th Annual Chili Cook Off have been set for March 5, 2016. Think about having a team, being a sponsor or volunteering to help with this event. It has really grown over the past four years with more than 6,000 people attending the 2014 event. I hope you will get involved in the many activities in our community! Mimi Sheffer Feature Stories Patrick McGinnis Pets Plus in Parrish Stacy McKee Y News Ben Jordan Cookie Jordan Capt. Ric Liles Iris McClain Leslie Wells Real Estate Joann B. Larson Extension Service Residents get a lesson CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE Music & Art by the Train Concert Coming October 24th! PARRISH PLANNING OUR GROWTH grants of over $110,000 to the small not for profit corporations serving Parrish area residents. As one attendee said after the presentation, “I didn’t realize just how much The Parrish Civic Association has done for us. We are lucky it exists and it sure deserves our support.” The presentation ended with pictures showing residents’ dreams for a future village area and the announcement by the PCA that it is forming of two new committees – Marketing and Beautification. PCA President Ben Jordan said, “These two committees will become a key part of the PCA’s efforts to revitalize Parrish and the Village area. The Marketing committee will serve as our local chamber of commerce developing and implementing plans to spread the word about opportunities for businesses in Parrish and developing a “branding” for the community.. The Beautification committee will work with Village area landowners, businesses, and residents to propose changes to the Village Overlay that will have a positive effect on the look and upkeep of the Village area.” There was a lively Q&A session after the presentation with questions about the sewer, new Fort Hamer Bridge and other topics covered in the presentation. A link to view the presentation can be found at Did you know . . . The Parrish Village News prints 12,800 copies of the newspaper each month? All residences in the 34219 zip code, eastern Ellenton and eastern Palmetto receive copies? County officials read the newspaper monthly? Newspapers can be found at the Rocky Bluff Library, the Y, PJ’s Sandwich Shop, Ferraro’s, Leslie Wells Realty and 1st Manatee Bank? May Needs for Blood Kathryn Newman Inspirational Stories Norma Kennedy This newspaper is printed by Sun Coast Media Group Venice, FL Sunday, May 10th: 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Oasis Church @ Braden River Elementary, 6125 River Club Blvd, Bradenton. Tuesday, May 12th: 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Tri Net, 9000 Town Center Pkwy, Lakewood Ranch. Tuesday, May 12th: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., UTC Climate Control, 8985 Town Center Pkwy, Bradenton. Wednesday, May 13th: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., New Hope Baptist Church, 9422 Old Tampa Rd, Parrish. Sunday, May 24th: 9:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Peace Presbyterian Church, 12705 State Road 64, Lakewood Ranch. This Old Church St. Mary’s Missionary Baptist Church CELEBRATING 138 YEARS 11801 Erie Road, Parrish, Florida Iris McClain Parrish Village Newspage 3 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Amanda Davis Amanda Davis has over 20 years’ experience and specializes in color and cutting. She has been through extensive training with Vidal Sasson and many others to advance her opportunities. To keep up with the latest trends and if you are searching for a new look, please give Amanda a call for a free consultation. 727-599-9828 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Genealogy group to meet in May St. Mary’s Missionary Baptist Church as it appears today. In1877,asmallgroupintheParrishareaorganizedtheSt.Mary’sMissionary BaptistChurch.In1913,theyrelocatedtoasmallsettlementcalled“DickeyCider” just down the road from the present location. Under the leadership of Rev. J. C. Boldentheybuiltanotherchurchinanewlocationknownas“OntheHill”. In1932undertheleadershipofRev.G.W.Jones,thechurchrelocatedtothe presentlocation.Rev.Joneswaspastoratthischurchfor37years,until1969. ThischurchistheoldestchurchinParrish.Startingfromafewmemberswith amissionandavision,ithasgrowntoalargecongregationwithmuchhelpfrom thecommunity.Throughtheyearsthemembershaveworkedveryhardandsteady buildingabeautifulchurch.Theyusetheoldchurchforafellowshiphall,having dinners,meetingsandclassesthere. Rev. Dr. Fletcher Lawson, Jr. came to St Mary’s in 1990. Rev. Lawson, his familyandSt.Mary’sMissionaryBaptistChurchhavejustcelebratedhis25thanniversaryasPastor.Oncethemembershiprapidlygrewinnumber,Rev.Lawsonsaid thathehadavisionforanewsanctuary.OnNovember6,2004,theybrokeground fortheirnewsanctuary;theyhadtheirfirstserviceJanuary1,2006. Informationincludedinthisarticleinonwww.stmarysofparrish.comwebsite. Ifanyonehasanoldhome,buildingorchurchthatyouwouldlikefeaturedin theParrish Village News,pleasegivemeacall776-0542oremailmeirismcc@msn. com. The Manatee Genealogical SocietymeetingforMaywillbe held on Tuesday May 5, 2015 from9:30a.m.tonoonatBethel Baptist Church, 1805 30th AvenueWestinBradenton. Apanelofgenealogypractitioners and experienced researchers will offer “Ask the Experts” fielding attendee’s questionsandconcernsaboutindividualresearchprojects. Please submit questions in websiteat: “Real estate is not my Job... It’s my PASSION.” P Integrity P Credibility P Experience P Reliability Rob Reinke REALTOR® CRS, CDPE BUYING or SELLING Call or Text: 941-720-2940 DO IT TODAY! Top Producing, Experienced REALTOR® Who Gets Results! A photograph of the oldest St. Mary’s Missionary Baptist Church. Wagner Realty, 5215 State Road 64 E., Bradenton, FL 34208 Parrish Village Newspage 4 Riddle me this - Q. What do you get when you cross a Realtor with a Builder? A. A GREAT Deal! Leslie Wells Thinking about building your new home?Forsome,theideaofbrandnew construction is an exciting prospect. Whether it’s your first home or your tenth, using a Realtor is a great choice, evenwhenthehouseisjustanemptylot andadream. Unfortunately,manypeoplehavea preconceivednotionthatutilizingareal estate agent will cost them additional money.Somefeelbuildersarelesslikelytonegotiatewhenabuyerhasrepresentationbecausethereisacommission topay.Don’tbelieveit! Leslie Wells The majority of the builders love realestateagents,yes,that’sright,theyloveus!Yousee,notonlydowehavefirsthandknowledgeofourcommunityandtheirconstruction,webringbuyersthatare qualifiedtobuy.Weseparatebuyersfromshoppersandhelptrulyinterestedpeople findthehomeoftheirdreams.Youmaybesurprisedtolearnbuildershaveaseparate budgetforcommissionsunrelatedtothepurchasepriceofyourhome.Buildersand theirrepresentativesworkcloselywithagentstoshareinformationaboutpromotions andinventory.It’seasierforthemtoworkwithaRealtorandattheendoftheday ourexpertisemayevenhelpSAVEYOUMONEY!! Touringamodelhomeisafunwaytospendtheday.Youcangettonsofdecoratingideas,explorefloorplansandmore.Modelhomesareagreatplacetoestablish yourlikesanddislikes,yourmust-havesandyourmust-not’s.Ihighlyrecommend it!Butifyou’reseriouslylookingtopurchaseanewhome,youmayfindithelpful toseektheadviceofyourfavorite,friendlyandknowledgeablerealestateagentprior tovisitingacommunity. YourRealtorcanhelpyoudeterminetheneighborhoodsthatmaybestsuityour needsandhelpyouasktherightquestions.Youmaybeabletoruleoutcertainneighborhoodsbytheschooldistrictsorbythelengthofthecommute.Wehelpyouzeroin onwhichdevelopmentsarebestsuitedforyourneeds.Weknowwhichcommunities havehomeowner’sduesandcommunitydevelopmentfees.Weknowaboutflood insurance,homeownersinsurance,schooldistrictsandmore.Remember,whenyou workwithaRealtoryougetthebenefitofanagent’sknowledgewithoutpayingmore foryourhome. Wishing all of the MOM’s a very specialMother’sDay. Don’t forget to hang your flag, thankaveteranandrememberthereasonforMemorialDay! Mondays n e p O w o N M AM - 2 P 10 Bring this ad in for $10 OFF April Microdermabrasion ******Special Price****** $45 includes Minifacial with High Frequency Treatment 10% OFF Any Skin Care Product Color Services, Selected Perms (Monday & Tuesday only, 10 AM - 3 PM) Good through 6/30/2015 Meet our great staff: Jen, Dianne, Darlean and Luzma. Ask about our Global Keratin Treatments! Get a jump on the summer frizzies with a Brazilian Blowout! Now Open Mondays 10 AM - 2 PM 941-776-1455 8215 U.S. Hwy 301 w Ellenton Commons w Parrish, FL (next to Butterfield’s) FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1984 BOB DAHMS PAINTING, LLC BOB DAHMS, OWNER 941-321-1650 Residential/Commercial/Condominium Interior - Exterior Personalized Service - Quality Products Insured - References Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties SPECIAL OFFER 10% OFF Any Service of $25 or more 8227 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Ellenton Commons between Butterfield’s and Pinch A Penny) WWW.ACCENTNAILSPA.COM We now offer Facial Microdermabrasion Peels, Glycolic Chemical Peels, Hot Stone Massages, Permanent Make Up and Dermaplaning Threading. 941-776-5744 Cooking with Cookie Great Casseroles for Dinnertime! I still favor casseroles that are easy to fix and go a long way for meals.ThismonthIhavesomerecipes that I particularly like and have prepared often for mealtime. I hope you,too,enjoythem! Parrish Village News page 5 Yugoslavia (Slovenia) Ralph Bellrose Broccoli Casserole (pictured at right) 1poundbroccoli,cutintopieces 1(10.75oz.)cancreamofmushroom soup 2largeeggs,lightlybeaten 1cupmayonnaise 11/2cupsshreddedcheddarcheese 1sticksaltedbutter,cutintopieces Pepper 1sleeveRitzcrackers,crushed matoes 11/2cupswholekernelcorn 1/2Tbsp.finelyshreddedMexican cheeseblend,divided 1/2cupall-purposeflour 1/2cupyellowcornmeal Preheatovento350degreesF.Mist 1Tbsp.sugar a13x9-inchbakingdishwithcook- 11/4tsp.bakingpowder ingspray.Steambroccoliuntilcrisp 1egg,beaten tender,7minutes.Transfertoabowl 2/3cupmilk oficewater.Mixsoup,eggs,mayon- 2Tbsp.cookingoil naise, cheese, butter and pepper in a saucepanandcookovermedium-low Preheat over to 350 degrees F. In a heat, stirring constantly until melt- 12-inch skillet cook and brown beef; ed and combined. Drain broccoli; drain off fat. Stir in undrained tospread evenly in baking dish. Pour matoes and 1 cup of the corn; heat cheesemixtureontop.Sprinklewith through. Transfer to greased 2-quart crackers.Bakefor30minutes. bakingdish.Sprinklewith1/2cupof thecheese.Forcornbreadtopping,in Yield:10servings amediumbowl,combineflour,cornmeal, sugar, baking powder and 1/2 Scalloped Potatoes and Ham teaspoon salt. Stir in egg, milk and 3/4cuppowderednondairycreamer oil. Evenly spread on beef mixture. 13/4cupswater Sprinkle remaining 2 tablespoons 3Tbsp.butter cheese.Bake,uncoveredfor30min3Tbsp.all-purposeflour utesoruntiltoppingisset.Letstand 2Tbsp.dried,mincedonion 5minutes. 1tsp.salt 3/4tsp.paprika Yield:6servings. 6largepotatoes,peeledandthinly sliced Pea and Asparagus Cassserole 2cupsfullycookedham,diced 1canEnglishpeas 1cupshreddedcheddarcheese 1canasparagus 1cancreamofmushroomsoup Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a 2hardboiledeggs,sliced smallbowl,mixcreamerandwaterun- 1/2poundsharpcheddarcheese tilsmooth.Inasmallsaucepan,heat 1cupcrackercrumbs butterovermediumheat.Stirinflour, 1/2stickbutter onion, salt and paprika until smooth; graduallyaddcreamermixture.Bring Drainpeasandasparagusandplacein toaboil;cookandstir1to2minutes casseroledish.Addslicedegg,mushoruntilthickened.Inagreased13x roomsandalmonds.Coverwithgrat9-inchbakingdish,layerpotatoesand edcheese.Poursoupovertop.Cover ham;poursauceovertop.Bake,cov- withcrackercrumbsanddotwithbutered 15 minutes. Uncover; bake 40 ter. Cook at 350 until top is slightly to 50 minutes longer. Sprinkle with brownandbubbly. cheese;bake5to10minutesoruntil edgesarebubblyandcheeseismelted. Yield:6servings. Yield:6servings. I hope you enjoy these delicious casserole recipes. They are easy to Mexicali Hamburger Casserole prepare and so good for your family. 11/2poundsleangroundbeef HaveagreatMother’sDay. 115-oz.canMexican-styledicedto Bonappetit! The harbor at Portofino, Italy. Once again, I’ve decided to interrupt our tour of Italy, head east, and cross the Adriatic Sea to visit some countries that don’t get a lot of American tourists. I’m referring to the nations formerly known as Yugoslavia. For those lovers of Italy, don’t despair, we’ll be back! Prior to World War I, the countries comprising Yugoslavia were controlled, at various times, by the Kingdom of Italy (Venice), the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Turks. The “Union of the Southern Slavic Peoples,” (Yugoslavia), was formed by the victorious “Allies” in 1918, and included, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The King of Serbia was named the new country’s ruler. The “Axis” powers invaded Yugoslavia in 1941, sending the king into exile. In 1943, the partisan resistance declared themselves a free Federal Democracy, and by 1945 the monarchy was abolished. In 1946, a communist government was established, and Josip Broz Tito, a partisan hero, was named Prime Minister and later “President for Life.” Tito was a true “Yugoslav”: his mother was Slovenian, his father was Croatian, and his wife was Serbian. He was a born leader and if he hadn’t been given power, he probably would have seized it. The charismatic, nationalistic, Tito cherished his independence. It’s rumored Stalin attempted to have him assassinated at least six times, but Tito survived, successfully played the Cold War powers against each other, and maintained a firm, if not ruthless, control until his death in 1980. That’s when old animosities re-emerged and the fragile union disintegrated. Slovenia, Croatia, and BosniaHerzegovina sought their independence. Serbia and Montenegro had dominated the confederation, from a governmental and military standpoint, and therefore had the most to lose by separation. This situation resulted in the relatively short but very nasty “Yugoslav Wars.” Today, the countries exist independently, as they did prior to Please see Yugoslavia CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Slovenia.. Parrish Village News page 6 Compassion l l l l l l Private Duty Services Companion Services Personal Care Homemaking Hourly Visits & Nursing Medication Management l l l l l Excellence l Reliability Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational & Speech Therapy “Bayada caregivers enter my home with confidence, energy, and hope. They are wonderful people who show me respect, kindness, and consideration.” Patients ALWAYS have a choice for their Health Care Serving the Sun City Area since 2008 and new to the Parrish and Ellenton areas 813-633-6800 129 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Ste. #102 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program, the leader in home care accreditation HHA 299991722 l HHA 20171095 Ellenton - Parrish Lions Clubs Elects New Officers and Directors PDG Gary Nieskes greeted the new officers and directors for 2015-16 at Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club. Lion Gary spoke of the duties each position represents and all agreed to accept the challenges. Lion Sondra Dornfeld was awarded a honorary Melvin Jones Fellowship. Lions pictured are: PDG Gary Nieskes, PDG Bob Coxhead of England, Directors Dorothy Neely and Dan Morris, President Sandra Levesque, Tail Twister Helen Arnold and guide Troy, Vice Presidents Rick Martin and Debbie Carnes, Lion Tamer Phil Courtright, Immediate Past President Barbara Hempel, Director Alex Macdonald, Treasurer Cindy Jaskulski, Membership Director Herman Hempel, Secretary Linda Courtright, and Director Dennis Sclar. Parrish Village Newspage 7 For questions about advertising in The Parrish Village News, call Gene Orlowski at 776-8524 or send him an email at ARCHITECTURAL MARBLE IMPORTERS Will visit your home to care for your dog or cat 7 days a week, year round Stone Countertops & Flooring Supply w Fabricate w Install James Newby I am a former Humane Society and Southeast Guide Dog volunteer. Have been a local Florida resident for 33 years. Lifetime animal lover. Full time pet sitter. Visit includes: bringing in newspaper and mail and watering plants, if needed. I live in Parrish - within a few minutes of your home. I’m a responsible, dependable and caring person. Registered with the Ellenton Vet Clinic. Member of Pet Sitters International. 2560 12th Street w Sarasota, FL 34237 (941) 365-3552 Fax (941) 955-6644 email: Visit my website at Please call Donna at (813) 443-2448 or (941) 447-9722 Bonded/Insured BRUCE WHIDDEN CONSTRUCTION ® Jana Motwani “All Work Guaranteed & Built To Last” 12281 Britt Road 813-634-4459 Residential Contractor Room Addition Screen Room General Repairs Celebrate the beauty of Mom throughout the month of May! Pamper her. Indulge her. Surprise her with the gift of beauty. 10% off any purchase. Gift certificates and free gift wrap is also available. Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2859 Roofing Contractor Shingle-Tile Metal General Repairs CCC1328858 CRC049124 Independent Beauty Consultant Pool & Spa Contractor New-Used Resurfacing General Repairs CPC1457847 w 941-531-3450 DARLINGTON HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES How clean is your home? John P. Stinson, Inc. Backhoe, Grade Tractor, Dirt, Shell, Culvert Pipe Installation Land Clearing l Demolition Lyndsey 941-952-8815 Don 941-928-7278 Licenses To Install & Repair Septic System COMPLETE SITE WORK 941-776-3234 941-812-5962 PJ’s SANDWICH SHOP Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 12342 U.S. Hwy. 301 Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2307 JUDY AARNES Real Estate Specialist (941) 907-1033 EXT. 132 BUSINESS (941) 776-3170 FAX (941) 776-0020 RESIDENCE (941) 704-9744 CELLULAR 11215 St Rd 70 E Suite 105 Lakewood Raanch, FL 34202 Office: 941-739-6777 The “ Rook “ Team Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated Leslie Cell: 941-932-7122 Leslie K. Rook, Realtor ® RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 8334 Market Street Bradenton, FL 34202 Christopher Rook, Realtor ® * BANKRUPTCY CALL NOW! (941) 840-0820 Creditors? Bills High? IRAs and 401Ks to Protect? Free Consultation / Payment Plans Available The Law Office of Walter Sowa, III 435 12th Street West, Suite 206 | Bradenton, FL 34205 | Chris Cell: 941-932-0344 East Office is Independently Owned and Operated Airport Shuttle Service Friendly, Reliable Transportation To All Airports # Mike: 721-8540 or cell 704-0441 Karl Ford’s Nature Photography on Exhibit at Rocky Bluff Library Parrish Village News page 8 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Sylvia is offering monthly sales! This month’s sale is 50% OFF LASIO KERATIN TREATMENTS Visit her website at or call her to reserve your appointment. Gift Certificates available. 813-601-5026 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 BB Nail Spa Professional Nail Care Local Technicians The Parrish Arts Council proudly announces its newest exhibitor at the Rocky Bluff Library - Photographer Karl Ford with his collection of nature photography. Karl is from Parrish and here is some information about him and his work: Karl’s passion with using photography as an art form began in 1970 while in the Army in Vietnam. His experience there taught him to see the world differently and to look more closely at what happened around him. When he realized he could capture some of it with a camera, he knew he had found a way for self-expression. Forty-five years later, he’s still just as passionate about it. He started out in darkrooms with chemicals and safelights, and is now fully digital with ink toners and megapixels. Although there are definite advantages to digital that conventional photography lacked, those advantages also create a temptation for manipulation. However, he tries to be as faithful to the original visual experience as possible. Although he is essentially self-taught, he has a college education in media production. This, along with his photography experience, helped to give him a career in producing visual media for corporations, e.g., Mack Trucks, Inc., and government. For many years, he produced video and other media for the U. S. Dept. of Transportation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This work paid the bills, of course, but it was always the capturing of the “every day” imagery that is around us that appealed to him the most. Like any artist, he wanted his work to be seen, appreciated, and hopefully purchased. He soon realized that capturing an image was just the beginning of a long process of creating something for display. Over the years, he learned the techniques of framing by working in galleries and frame shops. All of the works on display at the library were framed and matted by Karl. He used only archival materials, such as acid-free matboards. The prints, themselves, were made with fade-resistant inks on high-quality, neutral ph paper. Special care, however, should be taken when displayed to ensure longevity, as direct sunlight will fade any print! Karl was born and raised in the Pocono Mountains of northeast Pennsylvania, an area his ancestors helped to settle in the early 18th Century. He served in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1971 as a Military Policeman, first at West Point, NewYork and then in South Vietnam. He was honorably discharged at the rank of Sergeant and given a Commendation Medal. After the service, he moved to the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania, where he worked at whatever job he could find while practicing photography. Eventually, he attended Lehigh County Community College and then Kutztown State University, acquiring a Bachelor in Science degree in Television Production, but chose many advanced courses in Liberal Arts for electives. In 1983, he moved to New England, where he worked for 14 years at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, producing media that took him all over the USA. In 2007, he grew tired of the bitter New England winters and moved to Parrish. You may notice several photos of birds in his collection. Karl says, “It wasn’t a conscious decision to have so many, but birds here do provide many photo opportunities!” Karl’s collection will be on display until the end of June. All the pieces in the Please see Karl Ford’s Nature Photography CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 New Equipment Celebrating Our 1 Year Anniversary 20% OFF May 1 - June 30 July - September 2015 10% OFF All Services Coupon must be presented at time of service. 8326 US Highway 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 (Allris Plaza) Monday - Saturday: 9 AM - 7 PM Sunday: 11 AM - 5 PM 941-479-7787 Parrish Village Newspage 9 The 75 Item Rule In1999,atopbusinessexecutiveincorporateAmericamadeadecision.Itwas notadecisionthatheneededfortheadvancementofhisprofessionalcareer,orone thatpromoted,demoted,hiredorfiredsomeone.Itdidn’thavetodowiththepaperworknestledonhisdeskorhisstaffwhowalkedthehallways.I’mnotexactlysure wherehewaswhenithappenedorwhathewasdoing.Hecouldhavebeenlooking attheviewoutsidehisofficewindow,ormaybehewasathomewhenitallfellinto place.Thedecisionhadeverythingtodowithanimmediate,unplannedchangethat completelystartedhislifeover. Hecrossedwhathecalleda“proverbiallineinthesand.”Inaninstant,after years of hard work getting to this executive level, he gave up all his possessions, includinghiscareer.Hehasshared,inwriting,howhebelievedthateverypersonal possessionwasresponsibleforsuckingupapieceofhissoul;andhowtheonlyway toregainhissoulwastorelinquisheverythingandreclaimhimself.Mostofhispossessionshegaveaway.Afewfavoritethingsweregiventofriendswiththecaveat thatifheeverneededtoborrowthemback,hecould. Whathecouldfitinhisbackpackwasallthathekept.Hetraveledtodestinationsnearandfar,placeslikeCambodiaandVietnamwherehedroveamotorbike throughthelands,oractedasaguidetootherswho(probablywithalotofmoneyto spend)wantedauniqueexperiencenotofferedbyalltheregulartravelbureaus. HecameupwithThe75ItemRule.Afriendofmineprintedtheruleformeand somewheredeepinsideIwonderifIcanapplyanyofthesetomyownlife.After all,thereisalotofclutter,alotofthings,alotofstuff,inmylife.Onceyougettoa certainlevelofthings,youforgetwhatisunderneath.Youforgetwhoyoureallyare andthat’swhatIneverwanttohappentome. The75ItemRuleisprobablythemoststraightforwardruleI’veeverseen.It soundsbigbecauseofthenumber“75”butdon’tletthatfoolyou.Tothesimple question“Whatonearthisthe75ItemRule?”comesaverycontriteanswer.Apersonshouldhavenomorethan75items.75items?Doesthatincludemydaughter’s butterflyhairclipIborrowedthismorningtopullmyhairback,orthesedirtysocks I’vebeenwearingallday?Surelythosearenotpartofthe75items? Well,yestheyare.75itemsare75items.So,quickly,Iagainwonder,canIlive on75items?Ifallofmyfourchildrenwereontheirown,andIdidn’thavetotake careofthem,couldInarrowmylifedowntojust75items;andifso,whatwould theybe? Let’s start with how the 75 Item Rulecanbeaccomplished.Itstartswith tenactions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Giveawayorselleverything,in- cludingcars,homes,furniture. Giveclothingandotherstuffto charity,exceptwhatcanfitintoa backpack. Giveitemsyoumayneedtouse temporarilyinthefuturetofriends andfamily. Pickanexoticdestinationforatrip. Buyanon-refundableairlineticket, abackpack,andanytransportation passes. Andrea F. Harkins Don’tcreateanitineraryormake Karate Teacher at Parrish YMCA, anyotherreservations. motivational blogger Findthelocationsofhostels. Quityourjob. Throwawayyourwatchandneverwearoneagain. Packyourstuffintoonebackpackonlyandstartyouradventure. I almost nod yes and yell “Amen!” at these insane requests. Think about it. Howfreeingitwouldbetosimplyleteverythinggo.Nomorebills,noschedule,no upkeep,norestrictions.Knowingthatsomeoneactuallydidthisreallypiquesmy interest! Mybackpack.Hmm…somecleanunderwear.Ahairbrush.Somemoney.One changeofclothes.Atoothbrushandpaste.Abarofsoap.Awashcloth.Ahair clip.Deodorant.Somemoney.Airlinetickets.Walkingshoes.Sandals.Aponcho. Sunglasses.Insectrepellant.Sunscreen.Ahat.Anotherchangeofclothes.First PleaseseeThe 75 Item RuleCONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Just Contracted Another Only 2.5% 5 Homes This Week! D SOL on s i r Har ch Ran G PENDIN tto Palme Just d Liste Forest Creek - Gated Community. Gorgeous 4 bedroom, 2 bath pool home. Open floor plan with beautiful lake view. Offered for $299,900. Just SOLD Kingsfield d Liste erve Pres View Lexington - Location, location, location. Large Pool Home on private cul-de-sac 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a bonus room. with preserve view! 3/2/3 with large spaNice private preserve lot with new car- cious kitchen and heated pool and spa! pet. Offered at $224,900. WE SAVE OUR SELLERS MONEY!! PENDIN G Creeks ide Preser ve SOL Twin D River s G PENDIN t n ie c An s k a O Listing Commission We market everywhere GLOBAL EXPOSURE Just d Liste Chelsea Oaks - Gated community. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a bonus room. Large fenced yard with a private preserve view. Offered at $229,900. Nicole Gabbard 941-685-0451 Jason Gabbard 941-718-1111 We Sell THEM SO FAST!!! WE NEED MORE LISTINGS!! Parrish Village Newspage 10 May brings many new activities to Rocky Bluff Library parentsandotherstouchedbythescandal,thenarrative explores the widening consequences of a single event.Shreve’scharacterdelineationisastute,andthe novel’smoralquestions—rangingfromtheboys’behaviortotheheadmaster’sbreachoflegalethicstothe guilt of those involved in the death — are salient if heavy-handed,whilethefemalecharactersarewicked in the way women have always been stereotypically portrayed.Thenovelisclever,buttherevolvingcast ofnarratorsoftenfeelspredictableandforced,keeping thenovelonthenearsideofcredible.” Thisshouldmakeforaninterestingdiscussion! IfyoudropbyRockyBluffLibrary,youwillsee manynewactivitiesadvertised.ThereisPlayinMay (Board Games), a Craft Supply Swap, a Computer ClassonWindows8.1,GeekSquadhelpwithyourtablet,Kindle,Nook,iPadandeBooks,aPokemonClub andTeenCrafts. Play in May (Board Games) ThisactivityisbeingofferedeveryTuesdayfrom 1:00to3:00p.m.andisforallages.LookforitonMay 5th,12th,19thand26th. Book Discussion Group Meets on May 13 Craft Supply Swap Haven’t we all started a craft project, worked on itforsometimeandthenwantedtogoontoanother typeofcraft?However,weallstillhavethosematerials that we bought for that craft we no longer want topursue.Well,here’sanopportunitytobringyoour suppliesforsomeoneelsetoutilizeandhopefullyfind somesuppliesthatyouneedforanewpursuit.Thefirst CraftSupplySwapisonWednesday,May6from1:00 to3:00p.m.Thisisthatopportunitytocleanoutyour craftroom,closetorcabinetandatthesametimeget somenewthingsyoucanuse. May’s Book Discussion will be onAnita Shreve’s Testimony.ThisbookisaboutasexscandalataNew England boarding school which unleashes a storm of shameandrecriminationthroughoutthesmallcommunity.Achorusofvoices--thoseofthemen,women,and teenagersinvolved--detailstheeventsofthatnightand theiraftermath. Writing with a pace and intensity surpassing even her own greatest work,Anita Shreve brings us a grippingemotionaldramawiththeimpactofathriller.No onemorecompellinglyexplorestheimpulsesthatdrive ordinarypeopleintointolerabledilemmas,ortheways inwhichlivescanbederailedordestroyedinonefoolishmoment. Publisher’s Weekly says,“Thefirstparagraphforeshadows a tragedy in which three marriages are destroyed, the lives of three students at a private school in Vermont are ruined, and death claims an innocent victim.The precipitating event is a sex tape involving threemembersoftheboys’basketballteamandafreshmangirl.Beginningwithanaccountofthedebacleby the Avery School’s then headmaster, and segueing to the voices of the participantsintheorgy,plustheir Geek Squad Instruction Offered Need some help with that Tablet, Kindle, Nook, iPadoreBook?TheGeekSqaudisgoingtobeatthe libraryontwoSaturdaysinMay:the9thandthe23rd from10:00a.m.to12:00noon.Bringyourelectronic deviceandgetthathelpyouneed! Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Types of memberships Zip: Date: Individual Member - $5.00 Family Member - $10.00 Sustaining Member - $25.00 Lifetime Friend - $100.00 Are you a new member or a renewal? q New q Renewal Please make check payable to Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Drop your completed form with your check into the Friends’ box at the library. Dues and contributions may be tax-deductible. Drop in the box at the library or mail to: Friends of Rocky Bluff Library, P. O. Box 133, Ellenton, FL 34222. Parrish Village Newspage 11 Westcoast Ladies Group Host Annual Tea Party At right, committee seated l to r: Linda Huizenger, Pat Schaefer and Julie Heishman. Committee standing l to r: June Granger, Bonnie Hansen, Jackie Hepler, Donna Sepers and Nancy Benjamin. No More Chemicals Inside your House! Smart Water Technology tied into your Sprinkler System will accomplish this Goal ! 37 Years in Business, Family Owned and Operated! No More Mosquitos, No No-Seeums, No Fireants and many more insects that our Guarantee covers. We will save you appr 75000 Gallon of water per year Inside and Outside Pest Management all done with ONLY ORGANIC Products Theresa Gilleard Whetheryouareagrownwoman,ayoungladyoralittlegirl--thiswasatea partywehaveallonlydreamedofandIwasblessedenoughtoexperienceit!No detailwasleftundone,fromthemenutotheentertainment. Ournametagswereevenhand-craftedlikeahibiscusflower.Thiswasthetea partyourgrandmotherstoldusabout.Hatsandgloveswerewornalongwithourbest Springdresses.Thetablesettingsweresouniqueandfeminine.Handmadepaper doilyfansalongwithaBibleverseateachseat. Cupsofchocolatepearls!Ohmygoodness,asaPremierDesignsJewelryLady, IthoughtIknewalittlesomethingaboutpearls-----butonesofchocolate-delicious!!Eachcommitteememberwasresponsibleforatabletodecorate,andtoserve thoseladiesseatedathertable.Whatanicetouch.Wehadourchoiceofchicken salad sandwiches in a croissant or lettuce wrap, quiches, spring salad, fruit cups, flavoredteasandcoffee.Dessertchoiceswerecupcakeswithmorechocolatepearls, petitfoursandfancycookies. AfterdessertcametheentertainmentandwhataSURPRISE!Ourveryown “famousoperasinger”righthereinParrish,singing“HeLiftsMeUp.”Nowher credentialsweresoextensivethatinnowaycouldIrememberthemall.Let’sjust sayhervoiceistrulyagiftfromGod.Itwassomovingandsuitedtheoccasionof ChristianwomanspendingtimetogethertakingcareofeachotherandhonoringGod. WealsohadPatSchaefersharewithushoweachspecialpearlismadeandhow itcomparestohowourHeavenlyFathertakescareofusandnurturesusandhow veryspecialwearetoHim. Wewrappedthingsupwiththewinnerofthehatcontest,PamRead. TheseWestcoastLadiesknowwhatitisliketoserve,expectingnothinginreturn...toserveasChristserves. Tothecommitteethatworkedsohardtoputthistogether,averyspecialthank youfromthisgrownwomanwhowasinvitedandattendedherfirstteapartythatshe haddreamedofsinceshewasalittlegirl!Iwouldn’thavechangedathing. If you would like to know more about Westcoast, please stop in for a visit. StartingMay3rd,wewillhaveoneservicestartingat10:00a.m.Youwilltrulybe welcomedandblessed. WestcoastChurchislocatedat11750USHighway301NinParrish.Youcan At Yo u See o t n i g Sprin MOB! A OB AM ! May 10th Celebrate May 25th May 16th Mother’s Day Armed Forces Day Memorial Day with Us! You Served Your We honor the men Free carnation and women who Country… AMOB and a cup made the ultimate of soup Would Love to sacrifice. for Mom! Serve You! Kids eat for a Lynn Gary Penny an Inch!* *Ages 10 & under. Friday, May 22 to Monday, May 25. *Valid May 15, 2015 only. Limit one per person. Steve Happy Hour Every Day! 11am-5pm & 8pm-close FREE Outside Liquid Fertilization for Lawn, Shrubs and Trees all done with ONLY ORGANIC Products Margarita On Us! Smart Water Technology Controller using latest Technology and will be managed by us FOR ONE LOW MONTHLY FEE Bring an active military ID and receive a FREE entrée!* P Limit one per person, per visit. Expires May, 31, 2015 With this coupon and purchase of entrée. Good at all 3 locations. Ages 21+ only. Landside Cortez eLLenton 941.758.7880 941.792.0077 941.721.7773 (1.5 miles north of SRQ Airport) (5 min from Anna Maria Island) (Take I-75 Exit 224 west) 6906 14th St. W. on US 41 6696 Cortez Rd. 1525 51st Ave. E. Mr. Rowley’s Class at Williams Competes in National Contest Parrish Village Newspage 12 2014 Herald Tribune Readers’ Choice FIRST PLACE BEST LOCAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT $ 5 off any purchase of $25 or more Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 5/31/2015 Wild Monday 2 for $22 Choose from Baked Ziti, Pasta & Meatballs, Manicotti, Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Lasagna with 2 House Salads, Garlic Bread, 2 Small Cannoli Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 5/31/2015 8348 US 301 N. 817B 14th Street West 3 Blocks South of Manatee Avenue Corner of 301 and Old Tampa/Erie Roads BRADENTON PARRISH/ELLENTON 941-747-9900 941-723-1111 WE DELIVER! VOTED BEST! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Hours : Mon-Thurs 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat 11 am - 10 pm Sun 12 pm - 9 pm Consider Ferraro’s for Your After School Event Ferraro’sItalianGrilleisakid’sandfamilyfavoriteforlunchesoreveningmeals! Familieslovethefriendlyenvironmentandenjoytakingtheirgroupstoaplacewhere thekidslovethefood! Wheneveryouareconsideringaplacetogatheryourchild’sgrouptogetherforan afterschooleventordinnertimedining,cometoFerraro’s.Thepizzasaregreatand comeinallsizeswithallcustomizedtoppingsofyourchoice.MakeplansinMayto takethefamilyouttoFerraro’s. Call Acqua Pro Experts Free Estimates 941-735-4405 PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING AND SOFT WASH FULLY INSURED Increase Property Value FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL Improve Safety COMMERCIAL EMAIL: ACQUAPROEXPERTS@GMAIL.COM WEBSITE: ACQUAPROEXPERTS.COM Remove dangerous mold, mildew, moss, fungus, algae, grime, dirt and black stains from some of the following exterior surfaces: • Driveway/Walkway/Patios to restore to a natural and cleaner appearance! • Housing Exterior/Gutters/Leaders to bring life back to the original color with a fresh look of cleanliness! • Fences to look clean and almost like new! • Roof to improve the look of it’s life time appearance! Mr.Rowley’sThirdGradeClassisverycompetitiveandtheywereaperfectfit foraNationalContestknownas“TenMarksMathMadness.”Studentsenteredin thecontestscoreapointforeverycorrectMathproblemresponse.Theclasspoints aretotaledandaveragedtogiveaperstudenttotal.Thefinaltotalfortheclasswas 8,473questionscorrectlyanswered.Thecontesttookplaceoverasixweekperiod andthefourhighestweekscoresareusedandtotaledtocreateafinalscore.Weare proudtoannounceMr.Rowley’sclassplaced10thinthenation! Thestudentswereaskedtoreflectontheexperienceandsharedthefollowing statements.Mosteverystudentsaiditwasfunandlovedparticipatinginthecompetition.Someofthecommentsmadebystudentswere: Lorelai: “The class even gave up recess…we worked hard and worked together. We set goals and Mr. Rowley read our scores aloud to encourage us to do more.” Meredith: “Ten Marks is a great program…. If we had won we would have been recognized forever.” Ryan: “I found it very exciting…especially with everyone trying to get the highest score in the classroom each week.” Brayden:“The competition made me care more about my Math…It was impossible to believe that a third grade class can get to tenth in the nation.” Joel: “We didn’t get first in the nation this time but will next time…. I will continue to use Ten Mark even after school is out.” Caitlin: “Reaching for the top creates goals and I learned that we need to continue to set goals as we move along.” Sullivan:“The competition helps classes get better and faster at math skills and makes you work your hardest.” Kaiden:“It challenged me to do my best and to not give up even if I made a mistake.” Jacob:“I loved how it improved my speed and how much fun it was to compete with friends.” Jonas:“We worked hard at school but the competition encouraged us to do it at home.” Ainsley: “The Ten Marks Contest was fun but challenging. The Jam Session made the FSA easier…it was a great way to make Math fun.” Addison: “We battled hard and we got 10th, pretty cool right…. it was fun going against other classrooms in the nation.” Sophia: “We worked as a team to reach our goals everyone contributed.” McKinley: “The whole class had to participate and sometimes we stayed in from recess…it helped our Math skills and was fun too!” Asa: “We felt so happy that we came in 10th. We learned and accomplished much. The most important thing we learned was that if you do your best you will succeed.” Heidi: “The competition helped improve my multiplication and division skills, now I am much faster at solving them.” Kyla: “Ten Marks is a good program if you want to improve your Math skills… it was so cool to even get in 10th place.” Mr.Rowley: “The competition was a positive experience and I stressed that no matter the outcome everyone was benefiting because their hard work improved their skills. It also taught them the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve that goal.” May Trivia Parrish Village Newspage 13 Jim Casey, Now Accepting Wellcare and Tricare Prime Health Plans Host of Game Show Trivolution seen at seen at SR 64 Applebee’s Thursdays at 9:45 Hi trivia fans! It’s the May edition of Trivia Time. This month,it’s a potpourri of topics incuding, Mom, Memorial Day, Cinco De Mayo and more . 1. Maywasnamedfor... a.theMayaCivilization b.TheRomangoddessofSpring, Maia c.Farmer’sAlmanac,“Mayrain. Maynot” d.CincoDeMayo 2. May’sbirthstoneis: a.Amethystb.Pearl c.Topazd.Emerald 3. Whatisthenameofthebattlethat MexicodefeatedtheFrenchand inspiredCincoDeMayo? a.BattleoftheBulge b.BattleRoyale c.BattleofPuebla d.MexicanIndependenceBattle 4. Whatflowerisassociatedwiththe KentuckyDerby?(Sorry,nochoices here) 5. Whattalkshowhostwillbehanging ituponMay19thafteralmost35 years? a.JohnnyCarsonb.JayLeno c.DavidLetterman d.RegisPhilbin 6. Thisfamousfigurewasshotwhile walkingthroughSt.Peter’sSquarein Mayof1981. a.RonaldReagan b.PopeJohnPaulII c.AnwarSadat d.GoldaMeir 7. In1992,the27thAmendmenttothe Constitutionwasratifiedwithregard toCongressionalsalary.Howlong didthistaketopass? a.3years b.5years c.7years d.202years 8. WhatwasMemorialDayformerly called? a.VeteransDay b.DecorationDay c.RemembranceDay d.SoldiersDay 9. MemorialDaywasfoundedtohonor militarypersonnelwhodiedin... a.TheRevolutionaryWar b.TheCivilWar c.TheSpanish-American War d.WorldWarI 10. Onwhichdatewasthetraditional MemorialDay? a.May25th b.May27th c.May30th d.May31st Answers on page 41. CALL TODAY for your FREE Skin Cancer Screening Exam Call 941-776-1577 to reserve your spot The Skin Cancer Centers / Dermatology Associates Howard A. Oriba, M.D. Michael G. Caruso, M.D. Leslee Baute, P.A.C. 8959 US Highway 301 N l Parrish/Ellenton (Parkwood Square Shopping Center) WWW.THESKINCANCERCENTERS.COM Parrish Village News page 14 Manatee County Extension Service Classes for May The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service is offering a variety of free educational classes during May 2015. The Extension Service is an educational program within county government which brings the resources of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) to Manatee County to solve local problems, provide educational opportunities, promote economic enhancement and development, and improve the quality of life for all of our citizens. Registration Instructions Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and are held at the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221. Minimum workshop size is required; workshop size is limited. Please register in advance online via their website at (click on Calendar of Events and then event date) or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Rain barrel. Wednesday, May 6, 10:00 am - Noon, Herbs for Your Health: Learn about the health benefits of herbs. Y ou will be introduced to ancient knowledge on remedies that has been scientifically validated. For minor ailments, learn how to reach for herbs – and almost all herbs are suitable to be used to enhance your food and thus can improve your health and well-being. Special attention will be paid to herbs commonly found in your kitchen and garden, such as rosemary, thyme and sage. Workshop presented by Dr. Angela Fritz, Master Herbalist & Holistic Health Practitioner. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Wednesday, May 6, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Rain Barrel Workshop: Storing rainwater aids in the reduction of storm water runoff which can help reduce the levels of pesticides and fertilizers that drain into ponds, streams, lakes and our bays. Learn how to install, paint, and maintain a functional rain barrel. Start conserving today. Workshop is free. $33 fee for a rain barrel and kit. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Beginning May 7, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Small Steps to Health and Wealth ($10 for all four sessions): Want to get healthier and more financially secure in the years ahead? Perhaps lose some weight and save more for retirement? Small Steps to Health and WealthTM is a program designed to motivate participants to improve both their health and their finances. The program encourages participants to set a health and/or a wealth goal and take action to achieve their goals by indentifying small progress steps. Class will be held May 7, 14, 21, and 28. Fee: $10 for all four sessions. Must register by April 24. Call Erin to register. Saturday, May 16, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Summerize Your Vegetable Garden: To grow or not to grow? That is the question in the summertime in Florida. Get tips for planting and growing vegetables in hot weather or putting in a cover crop. As an alternative, June and July are optimal months for solarizing your garden soil to discourage pests. Learn how to prepare the soil and heat it by applying clear plastic to kill pathogens, nematodes, insects and weeds. Presented by Kathy Oliver, Horticulture Program Assistant. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. of wood. Learn about these beautiful epiphytes and how they can enhance your home and landscape. Registration and advance payment of $20 for materials due by May 15 which guarantees your spot in class. Check or cash only – make checks payable to Friends of Extension. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Go home with a beautiful phalaenopsis orchid. April 22, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Ground Covers – Plants That Work: Landscaping with low-growing ground cover plants has become a popular trend in landscape practices because once they are established, these plants need little or no water. Learn noteworthy plants, site considerations, and management of these plants. April 30, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., Green Cleaning: Get in the mood for Spring cleaning the green way! Many commercial cleaners are not only hard on your wallet, they also contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment. Learn how to make inexpensive, effective, and environmentally-friendly cleaners for your glass, floors, and more from a few simple products you may already have on hand. Register online or call Erin. Wednesday, May 27, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., LANDscape Tips and Smart Irrigation: This class satisfies the irrigation and landscape educational classes for the Manatee County Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. This class will focus on Florida-Friendly landscape tips such as right plant vs right place, watering efficiently, and mulch benefits. We will have a brief discussion on your in-ground sprinkler system and the benefits of installing smart irrigation devices. Register online or call Joann. Summer Vegetable Garden. NEED-A-RIDE? Roy McChesney Call: (941) 746-4891 Cell: (941-228-3134 References Cadillac Door-to-Door Parrish to (or from) Sarasota/Bradenton Airport: $50 Parrish to (or from) St. Pete/Clearwater Airport: $65 Parrish to (or from) Tampa International Airport: $70 Parrish to (or from) Orlando International Airport: $150 Appointments, Etc.: $20 hr. Clip and Save # Thursday, May 21, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., Introduction to Florida Friendly LandscapingTM: The 9 Principles Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ means using lowmaintenance plants and environmentally sustainable practices. Learn how you can have a beautiful landscape that could save you time, energy, and money while protecting our future. Take a guided tour of the Master Gardeners’ Educational gardens after class. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. Saturday, May 23, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Orchid “Make and Take” Workshop: A “make and take” workshop where you will mount a phalaenopsis orchid on a piece Please see Extension CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 Yugoslavia CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 1918, another example of a failed attempt by western-European diplomats at “nation building.” Our tour started in Slovenia. We flew from Tampa, thru Dulles, to Vienna. If you’re going to enter the European Union, I highly recommend the relative calm of Vienna over the chaos of Paris or Frankfort. From Vienna, we took a connecting flight to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, flying over the beautiful snow-covered Dinaric Alps. It was very foggy as we descended into Ljubljana; and, I was getting anxious until I remembered how sophisticated the aeronautics are in Europe. They have to contend with bad weather all the time. We made a perfect landing, and I could barely see anything out the window. We located our “steamer trunks,” found our mini-van driver, and headed for our hotel (a Best Western), which was close to the city center. After checking in, I bought some bottled water at a local store and we went for a short walk to try to stay awake and adjust our body clocks to the sixhour time difference. Slovenia, about the size of Connecticut, is wedged between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Its southern border is the Adriatic Sea. The terrain is very mountainous and riddled with limestone caves. Over half the land mass is covered by thick forests. It is also one of the most water-rich countries in Europe with an extensive network of rivers that led to its early industrialization. Because of its strategic position, natural resources, and its access to the sea, Slovenia has had many masters. So many, that the Slovenian people have had great difficulty creating a national identity. That changed when Napoleon drove out the Austro-Hungarians in 1809. He gave the Slovenians a legal code that guaranteed everyone equality under the law, replaced feudalism with republican values, abolished noble titles, separated the Church from the state, and gave all citizens economic freedom. The Slovenian language was granted official status and could now be taught in the schools. Napoleon also set up an educational system that led to the establishment of a major university in Ljubljana. To Slovenia, French rule was emancipation, and even though Austria regained control of the territory when Napoleon was defeated, the emboldened Slovenians successfully negotiated more rights from the Hapsburg Empire. The “Square of the French Revolution” in Ljubljana includes a rare monument honoring Napoleon. Although he is reviled by most Europeans as a conqueror, to Slovenians he was a reformer and a liberator. Next time we explore Ljubljana, the academic, political, and cultural center, of Slovenia. Parrish Village News page 15 At left is picturesque canal in Ljubljana. Below is a castle built almost inside a hillside in Slovenia. At left is the beautful coastline of Slovenia. Parrish Village Newspage 16 Karl Ford’s Nature PhotographyCONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 collectionareforsale.Apricelististotherightoftheart. Allimagesondisplay,aswellasallimagesonKarl’swebsitecanbeordered. PleasegotoKarl’swebsiteatwww.KarlFordPhotography.comtoviewotherpieces. Allareavailableas8x10unframedprintsfor$10,in8½x11formatframesfor$18, and as greeting cards for $3 including envelope. All images are also available in customsizes.Allimagesondisplayareprintedwithfade-resistantinksonarchival paperandframedwithacid-freemats.Forinquiriesorpurchases, A photograph of the Parrish Arts Council Art Wall at Rocky Bluff Library showing Karl Ford’s Nature Photography exhibition. Photographer Karl Ford. Meet ASAPVA with Regina DiLorenzo Parrish Village News page 17 Carol Ciarniello, Parrish Professionals Do any of these scenarios apply to you? Your tax return was filed but it was an exhausting process just getting the necessary paperwork together; you are a small business owner; you need administrative help but not on a full-time basis; you are a start-up business; you have the funds to pay your bills, but not the time to do it properly; you have a competent staff, but it’s not efficient; you want your business to grow but don’t have time to put together a course of action. If you answered “yes” to any of those, then you are the perfect candidate for the services offered by Regina DiLorenzo of ASAPVA. The VA stand for “virtual assistant,” which means that the help you need will be provided within the scope of your requirements. Regina and her “virtual” staff are experienced and highly qualified in all areas of business management services. After an initial in-depth interview, a plan of action will be developed. The goal is to do what is most efficient, and that may take form as a one-time project, or as an ongoing assignment with a scheduled timeframe. As Regina puts it, a business is like a wheel with spokes; there may be few or many spokes needed to make the wheel spin efficiently. At times, the spokes may become out-of-balance and need a temporary adjustment, so ASAPVA steps in. Today’s technology is a key component of ASAPVA, and any future advances will only enhance its productivity. Many tech-savvy business owners want all the latest technology to enhance their business. Using many “virtual” training tools ASAPVA can provide exceptional service when it’s most convenient for the client. So why wait? Call Regina today! You can contact Regina at 508-269-3655 or www. Regina is a member of Parrish Professionals Networking Group. Parrish Professionals meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, and we welcome your participation. Parrish Professionals: “Connecting lives one referral at a time” We Find you the Best Coverage for the Best Price... DAN RODGERS CUSTOM INTERIORS “Experience Equals Quality” Complete Renovations Kitchens Baths Design Software For more information visit our website: or call Jackie Felix 941-504-2376. All Phase in - Drywall Painting Tile Counter Tops Locally Owned Business Over 30 Years Experience Fully Insured All Permitting Needs 941-782-7229 Office/Fax: 941-531-4093 Parrish Village Newspage 18 The Art of Guitar Jam Session Anyone? John Phillips Saturday,May9th,from2:00to5:00p.m.atBrown’sGroveParrishFarmersMarket,12255USHighway301N,Parrish,musiciansfromParrishareinvitedtoacasual andfunjamsession.(Weatherpermitting.) “Thetruebeautyofmusicisthatitconnectspeople.Itcarriesamessage,andwe, themusicians,arethemessengers.” -RoyAyers. Wellsaid,Mr.Ayers.Musichasanextraordinaryabilitytobringpeopletogether. Playingmusicbyyourselfandjustforyourselfcanbefun;however,whenyouplay withothermusicians,youmakeaconnectionthatisverydifficulttoputintowords.I believethatmusicistobesharedandexpressedwithothers. Itisthisbeliefwhichledmetothefollowingidea:let’shavearegularmonthly communitywidejamsession. We will continue to meet on the second Saturday of each month at a different locationintheParrisharea.Thelocationofeacheventwillbeannouncedeachmonth inthiscolumn.Allinstruments,musicalstylesandskilllevelsarewelcomeandencouraged.Thisisveryinformal.Justshowupwithyourinstrument,meetsomeother musicians,andstart‘jamming.’Youareencouragedtobringyourownnon-alcoholic refreshmentsandchairs.Youmayalsowishtopurchasegoodiesatthemarket!There arerestroomsonsiteaswellassomeaccesstoelectricity.Pleasenotethatalcoholic beverageswillnotbepermitted. Ihavenoticedthattherearealotofmusiciansinthisarea.Ibelievethatthisisan excellentwayforustomeetoneanotherandmakesomenewfriends.Ilookforward toseeingyouthere.YoumayfindoutmoreaboutBrown’sGroveFarmMarketon Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingmusicortopicswhichyouwouldliketoseein futurecolumns,,call941-915-4694. Quality repairs Instrument rentals month to month Private lessons Special sale prices Keyboards & More More than just keyboards 8734 State Rd 70E I-75 exit 217 941-753-6633 Open 11-7 Mon-Fri 11-4 Sat BUYING? SELLING? Make sure you partner with the right agent. Parrish- 10 Acre County Estate. $579,900 Forest Creek- 3/2 designer features. $224,900 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2 move-in condition. $214,000 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2.5 with a 3 car garage. $229,900 Creekside Preserve- Built in 2013! Large bonus room! $275,000 ShadowBrook- Pondview! 2/2 no age restricted community. $60,000 FOR SALE 30+ acres in N.W. Tennessee, located on Highway 140 in Henry County, 2 acres cleared for home. Nice creek, water running year round. Beautiful woods and great hunting. $52,500 Please call Larry McClain at 941-776-0542. JORDAN D. CHANCEY REALTOR® FL Broker-Associate, CDPE®, CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager Certified Distressed Property Expert Direct/Cell (941) 545-8816 Leslie Wells Realty Inc. Lic. FL RE Broker 8268 US HWY 301 North, Parrish, FL 34219 "Like" me on Facebook! [] MEMBER: National Association of REALTORS NAR® • National Association of Residential Property Managers NARPM® • Florida Notary Public Parrish Village Newspage 19 The 75 Item Rule CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 aiditems.Aphone.Acamera.Somefood.Ajournal.Idon’tknow.Nohighheels. mustadmit,theexperiences,notthepossessions,arewherethevalueoflifedwells. Nomakeup.Nofancydresses.Noearringsorjewelry.Nohairdryerorflatiron.No candy.Nobirthdaycake.Nomagazines.Noexcuses.Nosecondguesses. Thisallbegsthequestion,whatdoIreallyhavethatIabsolutelyneed? Experienceshavealwaystaughtmethemostinmylife.ThatiswhyIlovebeingamother,whyIstrivedtobeablackbelt,andwhywritingissoimportanttome. EachisanexperiencethatpromotesmytrueselfbecauseIpackupalltheclutterand ules R s m fitonlywhatIcaninthebackpackofmymind.Then,IcanfocusonhowIfeelwhen 5 Ite 7 engagedintheseexperiences.It’snotwhatisinmylifebuthowIliveit.Itisincluy M siveofmystrongbondwithallfourofmychildrenandmyincredibleloveforthem, mykaratemind-body-spiritconnection,andthewordsIsharewithyouinafewblogs 1. acoupleoftimesaweekwiththehopesthattheywillhelpyouliveabetterlife. I’mnotquitereadytogiveupeverythingandlivebyThe75ItemRule;yet,I Celebrate Mom with a great gift from . . . Martin Jewelers Come by and select from our Mother’s Day collections. Give your own favorite mom a great gift! We have a great selection of gift items come check them out! Jewelry Repair - Sizing, Soldering, Stone Setting, Stone Replacement, Engraving, Adjustable Shanks, Custom Designing, Pearl Restringing and More! Watch Repair - Batteries, Bands, Crystals, Overhauls, Movements, Stems, Crowns, Cleaning and More! Also Available - Estate Jewelry, Sea Jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Medical Alert, Money Clips, Zippo Lighters, Gift Items, Key Chains, Flasks, Watches, Watch Bands, ID Bracelets, Business Card Holders and More! Ellenton Commons 8235 US Hwy 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Next to Allstate) 941-479-4951 BestFullFriends Pet Salon Service Dog and Cat Grooming Do you need ... w w w w w Pet Grooming? over 50+ years combined exp. Member NDGA Pet Sitting? over 25+ years exp. Bonded, insured, Member PSI A certified Pet Massage Practitioner? COUPON REQUIRED A certified Reiki Practitioner? A Pet Photographer? Graduate of NYIP w w w w A mobile groomer? A Professional dog trainer? A Veterinarian? A pet to adopt? Are you looking for ,,, $5 OFF Any Grooming Service 1st time clients only 1 per customer Exp. 5/31/15 your local salon and resource guide for all things pet related 3805 US Hwy 301, Ellenton 941-479-4974 My 75 Item Rules I’mnotapttogetridofeverythingIhaveinmylifeandcramtherestintoa backpacktotraveltheworld.TherearesomechangesthatIcanmakethatwouldfall inlinewiththeconceptofThe75ItemRule,though,bututilizingamuchdifferent criteria. Why75things?Whynotthefiveeasiestthings,orthetenquickestthings,orthe top25thingsthatweshouldbedoing,trying,orfeeling?Becausethatisnotenough. Maybeweshouldnotlimitourselvessomuch.Whataboutmaking75theruleof thumb? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Spend75minutesaweekcomplimentingothers,volunteering,orvisitingsome one. Write75wordsinathank-younoteandsenditonitsway. Walk75stepsinsteadofbeinglazy. Listento75differentsongsinamonth. Meet75newpeopleinayear. Identify75thingsthatyoubelievein. Practice75minutesofmeditation,martialarts,oryoga. Post75positivemessagesoverthecourseofayearonyoursocialmediasites. Give75centsafewtimesovertothehomelesspersononthesideoftheroad. Say75times“IloveYou”tothepeopleofyourchoice. Myoneandonlyrule.Dothe75thingsthatIrankasthemostimportantinmy life,whatevertheymaybe,andcontinueonapaththatisjoyfulandfulfilling.Ihope youdothesame.Winning at Life is what it is all about. You must cross the “proverbial line in the sand.” Parrish Village News page 20 Local Youth Excel at 4-H District Competition in Sarasota ELLENTON FOOT CLINIC 729-5588 7210 U.S. Hwy. 301 N Ellenton James B. DiVincenzo DPM Ramdin V. Sammy DPM Board Certified Podiatrists Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery l l l l DIABETIC SHOES l WARTS l HAMMERTOES l INGROWN TOENAILS HEEL PAIN l BUNIONS l FUNGAL NAILS l CORNS SPRAINS & FRACTURES l NEUROMA l BONE SPURS l HEEL SPURS l ULCER WOUND CARE MANAGEMENT CUSTOM ORTHOTICS & CORRECTIVE ARCH SUPPORTS Medicare Assignment Accepted Local 4-H’ers show off ribbons earned at the recent district 4-H competition. Front row (L to R): Alyssa Pritchett, Lexi Parks, and Hezekiah Hendry; back row (L to R): Riley Bergmann, Zoe Soler, Hunter Fioretto, and Michael Fioretto. Not pictured: Chaise Arpke, Xander Cochran, Dannie Glassburn, Samuel Howells, Lindsay Neal and Joshua Shepherd. Recently 13 local youths represented Manatee County at the 4-H District IX Events Day in Sarasota. These youth earned the right to represent the county by placing first at County Events on their demonstrations/illustrated talks, speech, and Fashion Revue. Their demonstration and illustrated talk presentations had titles such as: The 7 Breeds of Goats (Xander Cochan); Judging the Dairy Cow (Hunter Fioretto); The Dairy Cow Digestive System (Michael Fioretto); Common Cattle Breeds of Florida (Dannie Glassburn); Parts of Swine and Market Swine (Hezekiah Hendry); All About Barrel Racing (Lindsay Neal); How Does Sight and Sound Affect Equine Learning? (Lexi Parks); Horse Judging (Zoe Soler); Archery (Chaise Arpke); Learn to Juggle (Riley Bergmann); and First Aid (Samuel Howells). The speech title was: Signs and Symptoms of Medical Emergencies (Joshua Shepherd). A hand-sewn fashion was modeled by Alyssa Pritchett in the Fashion Revue division. All 13 youths earned blue and red ribbons on their presentations while Michael Fioretto and Joshua Shepherd walked away with medallions as well. On hand were parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and 4-H volunteers. A club leader and volunteers served as event judges in various categories. They were: Kelly Houseworth (horse); Diane Allen (food preparation, food science, food safety and nutrition); Kelly Lee (civic and leadership, career development, communication and media arts, child and human development); and Carla Sager (leisure and performing arts). District IX covers 4-H programs in Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sarasota counties. 4-H is a community of youth people across America who are learning about citizenship, leadership and developing life skills. 4-H programs are open to all youth (ages 5-18) without regard to race, color, sex, handicap or national origin. Coming October 24, 2015 Music & Art by the Train Concert New Patients Welcome North River Hair & Nails “Hello Beautiful” Full Service Hair Salon for the entire family Extended Hours by Appt. to fit your schedule. (Call for details.) Friendly atmosphere and great prices. Visit our website @ for a full list of prices and online appointments. Or just give us a call! 941-776-1199 (12244 US Hwy 301 North, Parrish, FL) See you soon! Parrish Village News page 21 What about A Summer Vacation? Kathryn Newman Ellen: Clark, let’s just skip the house of mud. I think Dodge City was enough for one day. Besides, Catherine and Eddie are expecting us. Clark: It’s living history Ellen. But if you’d rather see your cousins it’s okay by me. Personally I’d rather see a pile of mud than Eddie. Luckily, most of my family lived near me during most of my adult life, so we were able to enjoy vacation time apart from visiting relatives…which proved most enjoyable and relaxing. Whenever possible, we tried to plan a week-long vacation with the kids and a separate vacation time as a couple away from the kids. If two vacations weren’t possible due to time off or funds, then we always made sure we planned something as a family get away and took a long weekend as a couple. Without fail, when all of the four kids are together, they will bring up some aspect of one of our family vacations and we all end up laughing about it. Please see What about A Summer Vacation CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 S - SOLAR Innovative Solar, Inc. “Selling Environmentally-Friendly Products Since 1993” • Pool Heating • Hot Water Systems • Attic Fans Sales-Service-Installation Jerry Taracek (President) 073373_SO Remember the Wagon Queen Family Truckster? Sure you do. It’s the wagon Clark Griswold was given in place of the Super Sports Wagon he ordered from Mr. Ed’s (not the talking horse) car lot. All he wanted to do was take his loved ones on a cross-country drive to Wally World theme park for a fun loving, memory making family vacation. Along the way, however, the Griswold family endured the dysfunctions of Cousin Eddie and Cousin Catherine, the “cruelty to animals” ticket, running out of gas in the desert, the untimely death of Aunt Edna, the inner-city vandalism of the Wagon Queen and being robbed by the mechanic/sheriff after running off the road. Ah, summer vacation at its finest. So perhaps the 1983 film, National Lampoon’s Vacation, doesn’t exactly depict every family’s quest to find relaxation and adventure, but the movie did cause some of us to relate to the pressures of planning, scheduling and paying for a vacation. We could also relate to the unrealized expectations! The vacation we have in our mind is often not the reality of how vacation concludes. There are unexpected time delays, unforeseen expenses, unpredicted weather issues and unanticipated health related concerns. We’ve all heard ‘it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters most,’ but for most American vacationers, the opposite seems to be true. As a matter of fact, according to an Expedia Survey, America is in the top six vacation-deprived countries on the planet! Most Americans deprive themselves of vacations for several reasons including lack of paid vacation time off, lack of funds and dread of ‘getting there.’ In other words, Americans are more likely to stay close to home to avoid the nebulous ‘journey’ in fear of the unknowns associated with reaching their destination. Hmmmm…so the destination is important after all. The Center for Economic and Policy Research found that out of four employees, one will not get paid vacation time off. Employers in the United States are not obligated under federal law to offer any paid vacation, so about a quarter of all American workers don’t have access to it. Of the employees that do get paid vacation time off, 75% will not take all of their accrued vacation time for fear they may miss something important to their job while they’re gone, or even lose their jobs! Most U.S. companies don’t like their workers to take off more than one week at a time and when those employees are off, they are expected to check and answer company emails. Because of job related fears, 59% say they will do some job related activities while on vacation, which is why one out of ten say they cannot relax while on vacation. “But the fear of layoffs and the ever-faster pace of work mean many Americans are reluctant to be absent from the office -- anxious that they might look like they’re not committed to their jobs. Or they worry they won’t be able to cope with the backlog of work waiting for them after a vacation.” (A. Pawlowski, CNN) This “robot-worker” mentality is why most Americans deprive themselves of totally escaping with loved ones or friends to enjoy a vacation. With the average number of paid vacation days being 13, most feel there’s not enough time to visit another country or take a long cruise. Not true in other parts of the world where paid leave is mandated by law. Japan, S. Korea and Canada’s average vacation days more than double ours (measly 13!) with vacation-rich countries like Germany, France, Spain, Denmark and Brazil more than tripling American time off. Want the most paid vacation time? Be an Italian and enjoy 42 days off per year! When we Americans do allow ourselves a little vacation time, the U.S. Travel Association reports that the top leisure activity for domestic travel is visiting relatives. What do I think about using my coveted time off to visit relatives? I believe Clark Griswold said it best in this exchange with wife, Ellen: Phone/Fax 813-922-4324 • Cell Phone 813-857-7595 License# CVC56776 Creative Edge Hair Studio is expanding! We need 1 stylist. If you would like to work in a great environment, a beautiful, modern sophistocated studio and a full service salon and spa for men and women, give us a call. 941-704-8365 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Parrish Village Newspage 22 Parrish Y Hosts Golf Tournament to Benefit Scholarship Fund TheParrishYthanksallthevolunteers,playersRiverWildernessGolf&CountryClubandsponsorswhomadethisevent possible-andhelpedfamiliesintheParrishcommunity. Ride with the #1 car insurer in Florida. Everyday,theParrishYworkstoaddressthemostpressingneedsinthecommunitybymakingsure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. DonationstotheAnnualScholarshipCampaignensurethateveryoneisabletoparticipateinYMCAprograms,regardlessofabilitytopay. OneoftheactivitiestheParrishYrecentlysponsoredwasagolftournamentheldatRiverWilderness Golf&CountryClubtoraisefundsfortheirAnnualScholarshipCampaign.Eightyplayerscompetedina scrambleandenjoyedagreatmealafterwardwithprizeawards,asilentauctionandprizedrawing. Winnerswere:1stPlacewithascoreof58wereDavidWatson,SteveSlocum,MarkLeetzowandLen Leetzow;2ndPlacewithascoreof62wereCharlesMurray,RitaMurray,JasonSmithandRobertLibera; 3rdPlacewereErnieWithers,EdMakowske,MikeGrammaticaandJeffSerensky.LongestDriveWinnerswereJimMeleronHole#15andElizabethHoyonHole#4.ClosettothePinAwardswenttoBarb ChealonHole#5,DavidWatsononHole#7,Mr.MidoferonHole#12andEricThielenonHole#17. WAGNER REALTY Kim Vole Ins Agcy Inc Kim Vole', Agent 8169 US Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 Bus: 941-776-5900 CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. 1001142.1 Bringing People Home since 1939 5215 State Road 64 East, Bradenton, FL 34208 With competitive rates and personal service, it’s no wonder more drivers trust State Farm®. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL THE MASTER CABINET MAKER, INC. 941-741-2500 All Custom Cabinetry MADE IN PALMETTO, FL USA AWESOME VIEWS! Home on lake in Whitney Meadows. 3BR 2BA 2 car garage. Built in 2005 - move in condition. Convenient to I-75 & 275, 1/2 hour to Gulf and beaches. A4113311 $210,000 Gerry Feudo 941-224-6684 LOCATION! LOCATION! Lakefront 2BR 2BA on an oversized lot on lake. Open floor plan, kitchen with breakfast bar, double shed with garage door, laundry, screened Florida room. Pool, shuffleboard, tennis horseshoes, bocce ball…. A4117470 $124,900 Gail Adams 941-725-1945 WATERFRONT – OLD FLORIDA STYLE Elevated 3/4BR 4BA home with new kitchen and baths, large family and living area, 35’x13’ screened porch, and downstairs game/hobby room. Private dock with direct access to the Manatee River. Easy access to I-75, airports, attractions, etc. A4115851 $513,000 Lynda Melnick 941-730-5180 Have Like us on Facebook Facebook A Great IT’S ABOUT THE VIEW! Spacious 3BR 2BA in Parkwood Lakes. Not too big… just right! Quality features; kitchen and floors, updated w/Granite, tile and wood. Pool, large lanai, on lake, oversized garage. M5904069 $274,000 Gerry Feudo 941-224-6684 MOVE-IN READY! 936 sq ft 2BR 1BA updated Ranch home with all appliances, fenced yard, one-car garage & storage shed. Screened porch and privacy fenced back yard. A4113406 $117,000 Jerri Phillips 809-5059 RIVER ISLES ACTIVE 55+ GOLFING COMMUNITY Meticulously maintained concrete block homes with tile roofs. Clubhouse, temperature controlled pool, grounds overlook the Braden River. Larry Oczkowski 713-5017 or Louise Miller 920-2993 HOME 7.4 ACRES TERRA CEIA ISLAND Turn of the century 2BR 2BA Florida home, 100+ year old Banyan tree. Convenient to Tillett & Terra Ceia Bays & I-275. M5846333 $399,900 Gail Adams 725-1945 STONEYBROOK BEAUTY 2BR 2BA plus a den in this 1,951 sq ft home. Family room plus a formal living room, private pool and spa, overlooking the 5th green. A4115507 $284,900 Tony Domenico 737-5402 or Laura Domenico 737-5392 VERY LARGE 2BR 2BA at a great price. New carpeting, updated appliances, roof over, A/C only 3 years old. Large Florida room, nice screen lanai w/big storage space - includes washer/ dryer. A4120303 $72,900 Stacey Limberg 685-3412 Mother’s Day! 941-723-0278 Fine Custom Cabinetry Manufactured in Palmetto, FL. Custom Designs and Remodeling, Kitchen, Bath, Entertainment Center, Countertops & More Locally owned and operated by 3rd generation cabinetmaker Experienced, insured, referrals USPS Letter Carriers Host “Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive” Saturday, May 9th marks the 23rd anniversary of one of America’s great days of giving - the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Letter carriers walk through the community every day, often coming face to face with a sad reality for too many, hunger. So, each year on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers across the country collect non-perishable food donations from our customers. These donations go directly to local food pantries to provide food to people in Bradenton who need our help. Last year, they collected over 72 million pounds of food nationally, feeding an estimated 30 million people. Over the course of its 22-year history, the drive has collected well over one billion pounds of food, thanks to a postal service universal delivery network that spans the entire nation, including Puerto Rico, Guam and U.S. Virgin Islands. The need for food donations is great. Currently, 49 million Americans (1 in 6) are unsure where their next meal is coming from. Sixteen million are children who feel hunger’s impact on their overall health and ability to perform in school. And nearly 5 million seniors over age 60 are food insecure, with many who live on fixed incomes often too embarrassed to ask for help. The USPS food drive’s timing is crucial. Food banks and pantries often receive the majority of their donations during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. By springtime, many pantries are depleted, entering the summer low on supplies at a time when many school breakfast and lunch programs are not available to children in need. Participating in this year’s Letter Carrier Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is simple. Just leave a non-perishable food donation in a bag by your mailbox on Saturday, May 9th and your letter carrier will do the rest. The USPS invites you to join in America’s great day of giving and help them in their fight to end hunger. • • • Certified U HAUL Dealer Parrish Village News page 23 Complete beginning Dolphin day Same Medical Group through F FAMILY PRACTICE • Complete medical care for the entire family beginning at the age of 2 Medicare • Same day appointments available Monday through Friday • Medicare and most insurance plans accepted “We’re in your neighborhood.” Climate Control Units Non-Climate Drive Up Units Flexible Terms & Accomodations Moving Supplies 24 Hour Access Locally owned and managed. Variety of sizes to fit all needs and budgets. Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Located behind C & K Smokehouse Ask for Lisa. 12123 US Hwy 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 941-479-7877 Dr. Aaron Guthrie PARRISH 11235 US Hwy 301 N, Suite 101 (941) 776-1400 Dr. Aa Parrish Village Newspage 24 Senior Enrichment Center Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Need Book Donations for Fall Book Sale Calendar of Events for May Renaissanceon9thisthearea’spremiermeetingandbanquetfacility,offering elegantandfull-servicerentalspaceforweddings,events,andmeetings,aswellas professional,on-siteandoff-sitecateringservices. Renaissanceon9thiscentrallylocatedjustsouthofdowntownBradenton,and houses the 9th Street Bistro offering affordable lunch with delicious daily soup, quicheandsandwichspecials,MondaythroughFriday,11:00a.m.to2:00p.m.You canstopbyGenerationsGiftShoporthenew2ndGenerationThriftShopandbrowse thelatestinfashion,jewelry,bags,gifts,andhomeaccessories.Thegiftshopand thriftshopsareopentothepublicMondaythroughFriday,8:00a.m.to5:00p.m. TheSeniorEnrichmentCenteratRenaissanceon9thhasamotto-“Livenow– agelater!Forthefun&over50.”Itislocatedat18169thStreetWest,Bradenton, Florida34205.Thephonenumberis941-749-0100andthewebsiteiswww.renaissanceon9th.orgwhereyoucanobtainmoreinformation. ManyactivitiesareofferedatRenaissanceon9th.Herearethehighlightsfor May: Great Classes! Yoga For Cancer Patients and Survivors - Tuesdays, 2 to 3:30 p.m.: Facilitated bytheCenterforBuildingHopeandhostedbyRenaissanceon9th,thisyogaclass isdesignedforcancerpatientsandsurvivorstohelpcultivatehealingandawareness andtohelpreducestress.Thisclassisopenonlytocancerpatientsandsurvivors andisfreetoattend.NoRSVPnecessary.Formoreinformation,call941-749-0100. Italian Study Group - Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m.: Thisclasswillfocusonteachingparticipantsthefrequentlyusedconversationallanguage,travel,cultureandhistoryofItaly.CostisFreeformembersand$2fornon-members(perclass).For detailsandreservations,call941-749-0100. Tai Chi - Tuesdays (Beginner) and Thursdays (Intermediate) at 11:30 a.m.: DuringtheseintroductoryclassesinTaiChiandQigong,participantsmaybuildstrength, increasebalanceandflexibility,andimprovehealthandwell-being.Freeformembersand$5fornon-members(perclass).Fordetailsandreservations,call941-7490100. Silver Sneakers Yoga - Mondays at 11 a.m.: Improvebalance,postureandflexPleaseseeRenaissance CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 EachyeartheFriendsofRockyBluffLibrarysponsortwoBookSales.These Book Sales are extremely important for they raise funds that go back to support Rocky Bluff Library. In the past those funds have gone toward projects such as improvingthefoyerwithnewfurniture,cabinetryandtheArtWall;payingforchildren’sprogramsthroughouttheyear;sponsoringprogramsforadultssuchasmusicconcerts,AsoloPlayersandcrafting;andothervariousprogramsandprojects neededtomakeourlibrarybetter. TheFriendsaskthatyoudonateyour“gentlyused”books,puzzles,CDsand DVDstohelpbuildagoodinventoryforthefallBookSale.Ifyouareleavingforthe summermonthsandwanttodosomehousecleaningorhavealreadyreadanumber ofyourfavoritebooksandwouldliketoseesomeoneelsegetthebenefitofthem, pleasedonatethemtotheFriendsfortheBookSale. Allyouhavetodoisbringthemtothelibraryandgivethemtoalibrarian.The Friendswillsortthem,catalogthemandgetthemreadyfortheFallBookSalewhich isscheduledformidNovember. TheFriendsappreciateyourdonation. L A Nails Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Special Pedicure Offer Every Day Special Regular Pedicure with Hot Stones $20.00 Walk Ins Welcome Monday - Saturday Special 10% OFF Any Service $25 and Up Limit 1 coupon per customer Not valid with any other offer Must present this coupon to receive offer Volunteers needed Meals on Wheels PLUS depends solely on volunteers to deliver daily meals to homebound seniors. It requires only 1½ hours a day, one or more days per week. Routes are available throughout Manatee County and several options are available for meal pickups. If you can help, please call 941-749-4655 for more information. Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee 811 23rd Avenue east, Bradenton Expires 5/31/2015 941-776-3432 11255 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (in the Silverleaf Shopping Plaza next to Michelangelo’s off Chin Road) Parrish Village Newspage 25 Service, Repair and Replacement Build your dream home on this non-deed 1 acre lot $79,900 Reasonable Rates for all your Cooling Needs ws Who kno od? hborho your neig ! I do ay! Email tod @yaho 2 0 9 4 m ct 725-2636 Clint Mosley, Owner Meeting Your Air Conditioning Needs Since 1988 Owner Performs All Work! Brand New 3 bedroom 2 bath no deed restriction $169,900 Attention Parrish Residents! Do you need to have your A/C Checked? Not sure who to trust? Mosley A/C is owned & operated right here in Parrish 941-504-2331 Coming soon 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home with no deed restriction $229,900 Grapes Fine Wine Shop Expands in Ellenton Kingsfield Beauty 4 bedroom 2 bath like new $239,900 Grapes Fine Wine Shop Expands in Ellenton InApril,GrapesFineWinesmovedacrossthehallin the same building to a larger area much more suitable for winetastingandotherevents.Theshopislocatedat3904 USHighway301NinthehistoricoldEllentonfirestation building.Thewineshopisontherightsideofthebuilding andBackyards‘NMoreoccupiestheleftside. Grapes Fine Wines is owned and operated by Mike andStephanieOhmeofParrish.Theproprietorshavespent countless hours researching and sampling fine wines from aroundtheglobeinordertoprovideonlythebestwinesbut ataffordableprices.Manynewwineshaverecentlyarrived. Theownershavereceivedravereviewsafterthefirstcouple of wine tasting events. Wine tasting are planned for the summermonths.Thetastingarefree.Gototheirwebsite fordatesandtimes. “Thisisanold,historicbuilding...yearsofrenovationhaveturnedtheinsideintoaworkofart,”saysowner Mike Ohme. “The wines we carry are hard-to-find, low productionyields.Theyarejustspectacularandneedtobe sampled.” RegularstorehoursareTuesdaythroughSaturdayfrom 2:00to9:00p.m.Checkoutthestore’sFacebookPagefor thelatestupdatesonevents.Formoreinformation,please call 941-479-1982 or go to their website at Above the front of the expanded Grapes Fine Wines located at 3904 US Highway 301 N in Ellenton. At left the owners: Stephanie and Mike Ohme of Parrish. Extension CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Parrish Village News page 26 NORTH RIVER CHURCH OF CHRIST This World Is Not Our Home One of the most profound thoughts of the Sacred Scriptures was captured in the words of a hymn many years ago: “This world is not my home; I am just a-passing through; My treasures are laid-up some where beyond the blue!” The Bible speaks of Christians as “strangers and pilgrims” (1 Peter 2:11). The word translated “strangers” in the King James Version refers to “sojourners,” persons who are temporarily dwelling in a place. The word translated “pilgrims” stresses the idea of moving on to something better. The two together then present a picture of a transitory existence concerning this world in anticipation of that which is to come. While this is especially applied to Christians, really it is true of everyone on planet earth: for no one has a lease on life here or a permanent hold on the physical realm of existence. The Bible itself states clearly, “It is appointed unto every man once to die; and after that, the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). James expresses it by way of a rhetorical question, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14). Like a wisp of smoke, a drop of dew, or a puff of water vapor our existence in this world is both brief and temporal. That then being the case, of what does our life consist? Is this all there is? That is the dictum of skepticism and the hope of atheism. Death is viewed as the cessation of existence itself. But what meaning does that give to one’s existence? What is accomplished in such a finale for life? It implies a purposeless existence, as ell as a temporary one. One is passing on to nowhere! One is accomplishing nothing of any real or lasting importance, given this view of existence. It is as hopeless ultimately as it is meaningless. Humanity is viewed simply as one more species doomed at some point to complete extinction coming from nowhere and going nowhere. The message of the Bible, however, is one of hope. It lifts the veil of death, peers into the mist beyond, and proclaims a better day, a better place, and a continuing existence. It sees death as a doorway, not an end point. For the Christian death is an entrance into that which is to come, a plane of existence more wondrous than the grandest beauties this mortal world can afford (cf. John 14:13; Hebrews 11:8-16,37-40; 13:14; Revelation 21:1-22:21). That entails a purposeful existence, and thus a meaningful life. It also bespeaks of an ongoing, eternal existence, the possibility of happy reunions, and the steadfast and sure hope of a permanent home. This is the view of life that the North River Church of Christ stresses in its own teaching. Come and see! A message of hope for the future, comfort in sorrows, joy in accomplishments, and purpose in living! The times of our services are as follows: 10:00 A.M. for Bible Study; 11:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. for Worship, each Sunday; and 7:00 P.M. each Wednesday for Bible Study. We have Bible correspondence courses with free postage available upon request. We also conduct at home Bible studies upon request. We may be contacted at the following number: (941) 776-1134, or visit us on the web at North River Church of Christ Thursday, May 28, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., Smart IRRIGAtion and Landscape Tips: This class satisfies the irrigation and landscape educational classes for the Manatee County Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. This class will focus on how to adjust your in-ground sprinkler system to conserve water, how you can repair parts, and the benefits of installing smart irrigation devices. We will have a brief discussion on Florida-Friendly landscape tips. Register online or call Joann. MANATEE COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS EDUCATIONAL GARDENS Located on the Extension Service grounds, the educational gardens are designed to showcase the different ways Manatee County residents can be more successful gardeners and make their yards more Florida-Friendly. As you stroll through the gardens you will notice creative ways to use wheel barrels, a fountain, and a salad table for your gardening needs along with using rain barrels for plant watering. The Master Gardeners invite you to come for a tour! To ensure that a Master Gardener can walk you through the gardens, please make an appointment by calling the Master Gardeners’ Plant Diagnostic Clinic (941) 722-4524. Staff may not be available for impromptu visits. Master Gardeners are staffed Monday through Friday, (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) and closed Wednesday. Additional Information 1. The Manatee County Master Gardener monthly E-newsletter, The Master Gardening Bench, is available to download at -- look for The Master Gardening Bench on the right of the page and click on “Monthly E-newsletter.” 2. Can’t make it to the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service office to get advice or to solve your gardening problems? E-mail us at Be sure to include as much information as you can in your e-mail and include your telephone number in case additional information is needed. Attach photos if possible. Remember, a photo can be worth a thousand words! 3. Get FYI from FFL (Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program). Visit the Manatee County Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program page on Facebook and “like” us to stay current on workshops and classes, events, publications, tips for your landscape, plant information, and more. 4. Interested in having a beautiful landscape while saving water? The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service offers a Mobile Irrigation Lab with a FREE evaluation of your landscape and irrigation system. Call Bob or Martha at 941-722-4524 today to schedule your free evaluation. 5. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! 2nd Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). visit the Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: South MAnatee Library, 6081 26th Street West, Bradenton. 6. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! – Every 2nd and 4th Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 U.S. Highway 301N, Ellenton. PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION MONTHLY QUARTERLY SEASONALLY ACCEPTED INSURANCE: • Aetna Medicare • Medicare Advantage • Geico/USAA Automobile Insurance* • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida • Medicare Complete • Humana Medicare • Cigna • Medicare Railroad • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) • Tricare/Humana Military Healthcare Many other insurances accepted • Freedom Optimum Health Care • United Healthcare MEDICARE PART B: Ellenton Commons: Office Hours: 8263 US Highway 301 N We do F.F.S. and provide you with insurance billing Mon-Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Parrish, FL 34219 Saturday: 10AM - 1PM at 20% DISCOUNT Phone: 941-776-5585 Sunday: Closed “When your insurance runs out ... We have you covered NO DOUBT!” Fax: 941-776-5655 Parrish’s Kim Betts Was Born Singing! Parrish Village News page 27 At right is Kim Betts. If you have been to the Chili Cook Offs or the recent concerts sponsored by the Parrish Arts Council, you have no doubt seen the performance of Kim Betts and the Gamble Creek Band. They are energetic, entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable! Kim was born in Manatee County and her parents Barbara and Dickey are both Floridians. Below are the Gamble Creek Kim’s parents divorced when she was four and she and her mom moved to Wilmington, North CaroBand members: lina, and then later moved to Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin where she graduated from high school. Kim Peter Siricuse, Lead and graduated from San Jose State University with a BA in Theater Arts as well as a double minor in Music Director; Teagan Dance and English Literature. Rivers, Vocals; Kim Betts; She has always been a performer - from writing and directing backyard productions with her Evan Steele (front) Rhythm friends at an early age to being on stage performing in South Pacific. After her graduation her father and Vocals; Grant Gingrich, was getting his band back together so she had the opportunity to go on tour with the Allman Brothers Mandolin and Vocals; Ned Band for their West Coast swing of their tour. When the band went back east, Kim worked in theater Lamarti, Bass; and Michael Brisette, Drums. shows in California. She married Scott Gingrich and then decided to put her acting aspirations on hold for her return to Florida to raise her children, Grant and Nicole. Grant oftentimes (with school activities permitting) plays mandolin in the band. She tried her hand at Manatee Players and landed the part of Lina Lamont in Singing in the Rain where her father saw the performance. Dickey said that it surely looked like a lot of work and hope she got paid a lot for her efforts. She laughed and told the facts of the matter. He then replied that he would help her form a band and she did just that and started playing around Bradenton at local night spots and for events. And . . . that’s how the Gamble Creek Band was formed. By the way, Kim’s home is nested on Gamble Creek in Parrish, hence the name of the band! She puts special interest on the concept that “family comes first.” She balances her aspirations and music with being a mom and wife. Her husband, Scott, helps out with the band performing the responsibility of sound technician in addition to his full time career as a pharmaceutical representative. One of Kim’s biggest attributes is her connection with her audiences. They feel involved and “into” her music. Her theater background and stage presence provide her with the poise and easygoing ability to be such a good performer. Her dreams include writing more music, doing more recording. She is writing an entire show for Manatee Players called “Steel, Strings and Stars.” It will be a tribute to what made country music what it is today. Look for it coming soon. For more about events she has scheduled go to her website at or visit her Facebook page. !!!! ! ! y u B u o efore Y b e r a p m o C We do m etal carp o 18 x 21 c arport on rts, buildings, etc . ly $1095 - installed !!!!!! Only 3 EZGO Carts Left - 2014 Close Outs at Our Cost Save Up to $2000.00! Bring This Ad in for $400.00 Off All of Our 2011 Totally Refurbished Carts! Customize A Cart: Pick Your Colors and Accessories Free Set of New Cables and Battery Box Cleaning and Painting with Any Full Battery Job Offers expire 5/3/2015 We have covered storage for your cart with Free Cart Inspection! 941-722-1957 4709 US Hwy 301 N, Ellenton, FL 34222 Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm Sat: 10 am - 2:30pm Making the crucial shot under pressure Parrish Village Newspage 28 The Professional Golf Staff at River Wilderness Golf & Country Club The River Wilderness Card Play In Style May 1st - September 30th, 2015 Summer Play / Range Golf Cards Promotions River Wilderness Golf & Country Club offers Two Plans: Individual Plan: $900 plus tax l Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 30 Pre-Paid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 l Unlimited use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period l Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance Couples Plan: $1,000 plus tax l Each Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 20 PrePaid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 l Receive Unlimited Use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period l Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance Haveyouevernoticedhowwellweputtontheputtinggreenwithnothingonthe line?Weseemtomakeoneballafteranotherwithhardlyanymentalorphysical effort.Whathappensonthegolfcoursewiththematchonthelineandwearefacing a10-footputtforthewinortie?Theemotionsaretotallydifferentfromwhatwe feltontheputtinggreenpriortotheround.Howdowetrainouremotionstoreactto pressuresowecanperformattheoptimumlevelunderstress? This month’s tip discusses ways to deal with the stressful situations. I once read whereCoachKofDukebasketballfameexplainstohisplayersthateveryoneisgood inthebeginningwhentheyarefreshandalert.HecoacheshisplayerstobeGREAT attheendofthegamewhentheyarephysicallyandmentallydrained,whenthey havetoreachdeepdowninsideandproduceattheirhighestlevels. Golfisnodifferent.We’reonthecourseforhours;it’shotandhumid,thecompetitionisexhausting;yetwehavetoperformasifwejuststeppedoutoftheshower.It doesn’tjusthappenitisapracticethatmustbelearned.Listedbelowaresomeways wecanbegintrainingourmindandbodytoreactbetterunderpressure: Showuptothecoursereadytoplay.Feelconfidentandexcitedthenholdthat ‘feeling’withinandlearntocallonitwhennecessary. Thinkpositiveandalwayshaveaclearpictureofsucceedingpriortomakinga shot. Practicewhentiredandlowonenergy.Learntomakeboththeeasyandtough shotswhendrainedofenergyandtakethosesensationstothegolfcoursefor momentslateintheround. Practicewithafriendandhavecompetitions;learnhowtotrainmindandbody torespondtostressbyputtingsomethingontheline. Finally,allthetopprofessionalssaythemostimportantthingtoperforming wellunderstressisrememberingtobreathe.Keeptheoxygengoingthrough outthebodygivingboththemindandbodyenergytosucceed. Starttrainingandthinkingtherightwaysowhenunderpressurethemindand bodywillrespondcorrectly! FormoreinformationontheseideasandgolfingeneralvisitRiverWildernessGolf andCountryClubtospeakoneofourPGAGolfProfessionals.Membershipsand publicplayareavailablebycontactingusat941-776-2602. PatrickWalsh,PGAGolfProfessional GeneralManager,RiverWildernessGolfandCountryClub Try to begin training your mind and body to react better under pressure. Name: Phone Number: E-Mail: Plan: Individual Couples Submit payment to: River Wilderness Golf & Country Club If you have questions, please email or call 941-776-2691 2250 Wilderness Blvd. W., Parrish, FL 34219 l MAY RATES INCLUDING CART! AM $42 PM $35 Twilight $25 Plus Florida Sales Tax Parrish Village News page 29 5 Reasons Adopting a Dog or Cat is AWESOME “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” - Anatole France The joy of living with animals has touched all of our lives, whether as a child growing up with a family pet or taking care of an animal on your own. For those of you who are thinking of adding a dog or cat to your family, please consider adopting rather than buying your fur-ever friend. We have compiled a list of our favorite reasons why rescuing a dog or cat is awesome. 1. YOU SAVE A LIFE Around 2.7 million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized each year in the United States (Humane Society) simply because too many people give up their pets, and too few people adopt from shelters. There is limited space, resources, and staff at shelters, making it difficult to keep all of the animals waiting for adoption. By adopting from a private humane society or animal shelter, rescue group, or the local animal-control agency, you’ll help save the lives of two animals—the pet you adopt and a homeless animal somewhere that can be rescued because of space you helped free up. 2. AGE AIN’T NOTHING BUT A NUMBER When you adopt, you get your choice of any age. Puppies and kittens are cute and cuddly, but they can also be a handful. An adult pet may be a better fit for you. Often, they are already house-trained and know basic cues, making them an easy fit for a family. 3. HEALTH IS WEALTH When you adopt from a shelter or rescue center, you adopt a pet who has received good care. Most shelters examine and give vaccinations to animals when they arrive, and many spay or neuter them before being adopted. It is a common misconception that animals end up in shelters because they’ve been abused or done something “wrong.” Many times it’s because families can no longer give them a proper home, due to divorce, lack of time and financial constraints. 4. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Adoption costs range from $50 to $200, depending on the shelter or rescue group. This is a bargain! Especially if the animal has already been vaccinated and either spayed or neutered. 5. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE An adopted pet is every bit as loving, intelligent and loyal as a purchased pet, even if you get an adult or older animal. Not only do animals give you unconditional love, but they have been shown to be psychologically, emotionally, and physically beneficial. Caring for a companion animal can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment and lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups. Put simply, pets aren’t just good friends; they’re also good medicine and can improve a person’s well-being in many ways. Visit one of our local Manatee County Humane Society or other rescue groups in our area to meet your new best friend today. PETS PLUS If you have needs or questions on this or any other pet related matter, feel free to stop by and ask an associate at Pets Plus. Mon - Sat: 9 - 8 Sun: 11 - 5 8943 US HWY 301 N - Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-0770 Saturday, May 2nd, 16th & 30th - 1 - 3 PM Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinics Heartworm Tests Low Cost Pet Medications Parrish Village News page 30 5 Steps to Children’s Good Dental Care Step 4: Healthy Snacks Dr. Patty Schnur, Parrish Children’s Dentistry Parrish parents, can you believe school is almost out for summer!?! The end of the school year brings mixed emotions for most parents. I’m always happy for a slowed down lifestyle at our house during summer. We have time to do the things we can’t do during the busy school year. And let’s admit it, for most of us that includes taking our children to the dentist! In May’s Dental Health column I am discussing the fourth of five steps that can help your child stay in the 50 percent of school children who have never had dental decay. The list consists of: 1. Good home dental care 2. Fluorides 3. Sealants 4. Limited snacking 5. Regular visits to a dentist Easy, right? Well, as you and I both know, nothing is ever as easy as it seems when kids are involved! My name is Dr. Patty Schnur. I’m a general dentist, practicing in northern Manatee County. My practice, Parrish Children’s Dentistry, is limited to children under 18 years old, and I hope to help parents in this area understand how they can influence the dental health of their children in a positive way. These days, snacking is a huge issue for parents and children. Usually, we think of snacking and its contribution to childhood obesity, which has received a lot of attention lately. But snacking can have a big impact on children’s dental health, too. Since dental decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, in fact four times more prevalent than asthma, let’s take a look at its cause. Cavities can’t happen without any one of these three components: oral bacteria, sugar, and time. The equation goes like this: Bacteria + sugar = acid. Acid + time + teeth = cavities So since cavity causing bacteria are in everyone’s mouth, we have to control the amount and duration of carbohydrates (sugars) for our children. Unfortunately, sugar is everywhere parents turn. It’s at school, sports practice, church activities, and at relatives’ houses. Add to that the fact that hectic schedules force erratic eating patterns and we see that children encounter opportunities for snacking all day long. So what is the solution? This is what I do for my own children and recommend for my patients. I pack lunch for my children so I know what they are eating. High protein foods, like hard boiled eggs, low sugar yogurt, string cheese and bite-sized pieces of chicken keep kids full. At home, we have lots of fruits and veggies easily available for hungry kids to snack on, like apples, sliced cucumbers, plums, baby carrots, grapes and strawberries. Eating fruits and veggies that are in season keeps these snacks from being cost prohibitive. We don’t do sticky fruit roll-ups or sweet beverages. Since we don’t have allergy problems we also have nut snacks like trail mix and peanut butter. Most of these snacks have some carbohydrates, but also have staying power due to the proteins and “good” fats. The fruits and veggies have vitamins that kids need, but they aren’t sticky, so their sugars aren’t hanging around in kids’ mouths for very long. A nice cup of water after snacking can also help wash away the remnants of carbohydrate foods. The good news is there are a few simple changes that can make a big difference for kids’ oral health. First of all, you are the parent, you know what is best, so stick to your guns about nutrition. Avoid sticky, sugary snacks. Think ahead and have healthy snacks ready to go for kids, in backpacks, the car, etc. Just because food is available (at school sports, movies, after school activities and baseball games, etc.) doesn’t mean kids need to eat. And another really important one, model healthy eating habits. Kids learn what they see every day. Show them what healthy eating looks like by living it. Reducing the duration and carbohydrate content of snacks will go a long way toward a lifetime of oral health. If you have any questions about dental health you’d like me to address in this column please feel free to contact my office at 941-7765135. Renaissance CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 ibility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis$5formembersand $7fornon-members. Silver Sneakers Classic - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.: Suitablefor varyinglevelsofmobility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis $5formembersand$7fornon-members. Line Dancing - Mondays from 9 a.m. to noon: Dustoffyourbootsandjoinusfor thisfunactivity.Freeformembers,$5fornon-members. Parrish Village Newspage 31 Sweet Adelines Win Again! If interested in joining a class, call 941-749-0100 or sign up at the front desk. Coffee Talk - Every Wednesday 9 to 10 a.m.: Joinusforacasualsocial,chatting withothersovercoffee.FreeforSECmembers,$5fornon-members.Coffeeand Danishesprovided.Firstcomefirstserved,‘tilthecoffeerunsdry!Bringfriends… Morepeople,morefun! Scrapbooking and Card Making - Thursdays at 1 p.m.: Comeforpapercrafts.$5 forSECmembers,$7fornon-members. Senior Lunch Club at Renaissance on 9th - Now Meeting Mondays, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Costis$8perperson,whichincludeslunch,socializingandapresentationbyaninterestingspeaker.CallSheilaat941-747-4655formoreinformation andtosignup. Mother’s Day Brunch - Sunday, May 10, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Treat your momtoadayoff!$20per/personincludesadeliciousmealandliveentertainment. $30per/personincludesabottomlessMimosaandBloodyMarybar.Forreservations,call941-749-0100. AAA Mature Driving Class - Tuesday May 19 and Wednesday, May 20, 9 a.m. to noon: RSVPtoDebbieat941-798-2221x2263. Wine and Painting Party - Thursday, May 21, 6 to 8:30 p.m.: Feedyourinnerartistwithwine,softdrinksandsnacksavailableforpurchasewhileyoupaintapicture totakehome.$35.RSVPbyMay19to941-749-0100. Movie & a Meal - Tuesday, May 26, 1:30 p.m.: “McFarlandUSA,”starringKevin CostnerandOctaviaSpencer.Cost:$6SECmembersand$8non-members(Gratuity isnotincluded.)RSVPbyMarch23to941-749-0100.Paymentisdueatthetime ofreservation,mealsarenotavailableafterRSVPdateandnorefundsaregivenfor cancellations. Movie Meal Choices: bistro salad w/grilled chicken, quiche with freshfruit,orcupofsoupandhalfsandwich. Pancake Breakfast - Friday, May 29, 8-10 a.m.: Don’tmissourmonthlyPancake Feast!Thismonth’ssignatureflavorisPatrioticFunfetti,whichwillbeofferedin additiontoourTraditionalButtermilkpancakes.Publiciswelcome,sobringfriends andfamily!Costis$4forSECMembersand$5forNon-Members. They did it again! Magic of Manatee SweetAdelines Chorus from Bradenton,Florida,hasagainwontheAudienceChoiceAwardintheOpenDivisionShow Performance category at the SweetAdeline Regional Chorus Competition held in Daytona Beach onApril 18, 2015, competing with other SweetAdeline choruses throughoutFlorida.Congratulations,ladies!ChorusmembersfromEllentonand PalmettoareLuannAckerman,JacquieHumphreysandRuthMcKinnon. Doyoulovetosingandperform?Thisgroupislookingforladiestocomejoin them as they start their new season. They are a friendly, energetic, communityorientedchoruscommittedtomusicalgrowthandqualityperformanceofwomen’s four-partacappellaharmony…andtohavingfunatthesametime!CallLuAnnat 685-8231orPamat545-0669, Realwomen,realharmony,realfun! Renaissance on 9th Volunteer Program Renaissanceon9thhasvolunteeropportunitiesthatcomeinmanydifferentshapes andforms–rangingfromfacilitytours,toclassinstruction,tofilingandofficework. Wewillworkwithyoutofindavolunteerjobthatbestutilizesyourstrengthsand skills.Formoreinformationonhowyoucangetinvolved,call941-749-0100today. Call us for a tour of our center and learn about membership perks! Call 941-749-0100 today. When you enjoy events at Renaissance on 9th, you support the programs of Meals on Wheels PLUS. WithCoupon Expires5/31/2015 Renaissance on 9th. Mark October 24 on your calendar! Music & Art by the Train Concert! Parrish Village Newspage 32 Williams Will Host Walk-A-Thon on Friday, May 15th Williams Elementary will host their Annual Walk-A-Thon on Friday, May 15th. This year’s theme is “Survivor” and funds that are raised will be used to purchase additional technology, support instruction in the classrooms and provide incentives for students and staff. If you would like more details, are interested in donating or being a business partner and having your company logo on the back of our Walk-A-Thon t-shirts, please call Alison Cooper in the front office at (941) 776-4040 ext. 2003. WEST COAST OB/GYN WELCOMES Dr. John David Hansill, MD Parrish’s Premier Grooming Salon $5.00 OFF Full Groom *First Visit *Expiration Date 5/31/15 $5.00 OFF • SPECIAL INTERESTS Urogynecologic procedures • Advanced bladder repair Prolapse repair • Female incontinence • MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROCEDURES Laparoscopic hysterectomy • Robotic-assisted surgery • OFFICE PROCEDURES Hysteroscopy • Endometrial ablation Essure sterilization • COMPLETE PRENATAL CARE • GENERAL GYNECOLOGY Furminator Treatment SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS NOW The Lucky Puppy DR JOHN HANSILL IS A NATIVE OF POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA. He has four year residency training at Bayfront Medical Center, Florida. 941-479-7945 HE IS FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite 105 Parrish, Florida 34219 WEST COAST OB/GYN 513 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34208 941-745-1616 090304 *First Visit *Expiration Date 5/31/15 Parrish Village Newspage 33 Have you ridden the Train from Parrish to Willow? Norma LeGrange Kennedy Thetownof“Willow”wasestablishedasasawmill townbytheRobbinsFamily.Atthesitewasasawmill, turpentine stills, the Robbins home, church, general storeandworkers’homeseachhavingtheirowngarden plot,alongwithahouseofprostitution.Also,therewas aPostOfficethatwasestablishedin1889. The demise of Willow was the great depression. ThepriceoflumberhadgottensolowthattheRobbins familycouldnotmakealiving.Themillwasclosed, butthefamiliesresidingtherewereallowedtolivein theircompanyhomes,freeofchargewiththehopeof somedayreopeningthemills. TheRobbinseventuallyhadtomovetheoperation toTampaandtothisdayremainsthere.Theoldsteam enginethathauledthelumbertomarketsitsondisplay attheirTampastore.Theworkersthatremainedeither wenttoworkinTampaormovedontoworkelsewhere. Thesiteofthesawmillandturpentinestillwerelocated immediatelysouthasyoufacetheabandonedtracks. The Florida Railroad Museum operates on a six- mile railroad line between Parrish and Willow. This organizationisworkingtorestoresomeoftheoldsites suchasmaintenancefacilitiesinWillow. This Steam Engine is the actual engine used at the Willow Sawmill until it was retired. It is on display in front of the Robbins Lumber Office in Tampa. Photo Courtesy of Mike Woodfin. Turpentine Still. Courtesy Mike Woodfin. This railroad line that the Florida Railroad Museumusesisaverysmallpartofa55-mileroutethat was built south from Durant to Manatee County and intoSarasotaCountywithconstructionstartingin1895. It was first incorporated in 1902 as the United States andWestIndiesRailroadandSteamshipCompany.It became the FloridaWest Shore Railway before being engulfedinthe“SeaboardAirLineRailroadCompany. Therailis85poundsandjointed;itisaclassItrack. ArailroadtrussbridgecrossingtheLittleManatee River built in 1913 remains as do foundations of the oldbuildings.Therailroadbridgeisinneedofrepair beforeitcanbeusedagainandsomeoftherailsleadingtoitonthesouthsidehavebeenremoved,sothat trains cannot currently travel across it. On the north sideoftherailroadbridge,ataboutSaffoldRoad,allof therailshavebeenremovedfromtherestofthisroute northtoDurant.Thisabandonmentoccurredin1896. AtWillow,thereisarailroadspurthatleadseast offofthemainlinetoFloridaPower&LightCompany plant.CSXtransportationprovidesrailservicetothe plant. Willow is considered one of the Ghost Towns in Florida.TheareaofWillowisaccessiblefromWillow RoadoffU.S.Highway301N. ParrishisproudtohavetheFloridaRailroadMuseumlocatedinourcommunityasitbringsinthousands ofpeopleintoourcommunity.Also,theParrishCivic Association,theParrishArtsCouncilandTheParrish Foundation are extremely proud to be allowed to use Willow Bridge. Courtesy Eric Austin. theirfacilityforthespringHeritageDayFestivaland ChiliCookOffandthefallMusic & Art by the Train concerts.Weareespeciallyproudoftheirhardwork inputtingonThomas the Train,The Hole in the Wall Gang,alongwiththeMystery Train,otherspecialevent trainridesandregularweekendtrainrides. References: FRRMWebsite( html) Wikipedia( willow.florida) Parrish Village Newspage 34 For subscription information to the Parrish Village News, see page 41. It’s as good as it gets for anglers! Capt. Ric Liles, Reel Simple Fishing Adventures It makes a nice gift, too! TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Set ® ® Lift away the years. Experience the power an innovative regimen created to target the advanced signs of aging. This premium set reduces the look of deep lines and wrinkles, restores the appearance of lifted contours and recaptures youthful volume. Are you ready to see these amazing results? Contact me to rediscover your youth. Grace Winkler 25% off Volu-Firm Sets* Independent Beauty Consultant (941) 545-0041 *Discount expires July 31, 2015 Jerri Phillips Team Latitude 27 International Broker Associate Realtor Wagner Realty 941-809-5059 Direct Contact me for a free market evaluation of your home & other helpful information. Stuart Bozeman with a nice redfish he caught recently while fishing in Tampa Bay with Capt. Ric Liles. Atthisverymoment,fishinginTampaBayisasgoodasIcaneverrememberitbeingandIhavebeenfishingthesewatersalongtime. ThefirsttripIrememberwasin1971whenIgotmyfirsttasteofsaltwaterfishingasachild.Thefishinghasnotonlygottenbetterbythenumbersoffishweare catchingbutalsobythesizesofthefishwecatch.Theseimprovementshavenot gottenherebymistake;wehavebetterfishingduetogoodmanagementandalsoby usasanglersbeingprudentandresponsiblecaretakerstothefishery. Ifyoulistenyouwillhearguystalkingabouthowitusedtobeeasiertocatch akeepersnookandtheyarecorrectaboutthat.Theamountofpressureourfishget definitelyhasaneffectonthebiteanditcanbehardsometimestofindandcatcha keepersnook,butthelawshavechangedandifthelegallimitwasstill24”,itwould notbenearasdifficultatask. Weshouldapplaudthestateforthedecisionstheyhavemadeofourfishingregulations.Ifyouweretogoback30yearsaroundhere,catchingatroutbiggerthan24” wasaonceinaseasonthing,maybeeverytwoyears.Nowwecatch50ormorea yearthatsizeandgettroutover30”occasionally. ThestateregulationshaveaidedinthisbutIthinkourtroutfisheryhasexploded totheplaceitisatisbecausealotofanglershavestartedgivingback.Abigmajority ofchartercaptainsincludingmyselfwillnotkeepatroutbiggerthat23or24inches longunlessithasbeenguthooked.Wereleasethesefishbacktothesystemforbetter management.Therearealotofweekendanglerswhodothesamethinglookingto thefuture.Ifwecontinuethiseffort,30”troutwillbethenorm30yearsfromnow. Wouldn’tthatbegreatforourkidsandgrandkids? IhopeyouarehavingthesameresultsinyourfishingthatIamhaving.Thebite willhavetoslowdownasitcannotcontinueonthepacethatitisonforever,butwe asfishermenneedtoenjoyitwhileitlast. Untilnexttime,goodluckandbesafeonthewater.Remember:don’tletyour kidbetheonethatgotaway;takethemfishing. Forcharterfishinginformationyoucancall813-601-2900,emailCaptainRic@, For charter information, you can call 813-601-2900, email, or visit Parrish Village News page 35 Living History Drama Celebrates 5th Year of Production Manatee County Historical Commission is pleased to announce the 2015 production dates for Season V of Spirit Voices from Old Manatee. This popular living history drama features costumed actors who portray the early settlers interred in the 1850 Manatee Burying Grounds in Bradenton with riveting and haunting graveside dialogues. Stories are based on narratives from archives, descendants, diaries, military logs, books and legend. The setting is dusk, the stage draped by century-old mossy oaks. Here viewers learn more about the development of the area from 1840 to the turn of the century and gain an appreciation for the contributions made by pioneers to the Manatee lands through their triumphs, tragedies and amusing escapades. Public Partnership has played a vital role in making this production a reality. Hundreds of people have been involved in some way over the years. First, it is the support of corporate and private donors who recognize the value of this event to draw residents, newcomers and tourists to learn more about life as it was in Southwest Florida long ago. Second, a dedicated group of talented volunteers invest their gift of time and talent to make the show entertaining as well as educational. Lastly, it continues to enthrall enthusiastic supportive audiences each season. Some return to see it yearly, others come back with guests to introduce them to the experience. The 2015 production will be directed once again by Mark Woodland and will take place the first three weekends of October: Week I: 1, 2, 3, 4; Week II: 8, 9, 10, 11; and Week III: 15, 16, 17, and 18. Tickets will go on sale September 8th. To receive details about purchasing tickets, becoming a sponsor, auditioning for a role* in the production or helping behind the scenes, please email Christine Brown, Special Events Coordinator at or call Manatee Village Historical Park at (941) 741-4075. *Please Note: These are not paid roles. Talent will be acknowledged in credits. Those with theatrical experience, and even those who have always wanted to test their talent, are encouraged to apply. Applicants who possess enthusiasm for local history, comfort with public speaking, and good vocal projection are ideal. However, one of the benefits this program has to offer the community is the growth participants experience through participation. Historical resources can be provided to participants eager to know more, and coaching is available to enhance theatrical skills. Please follow production announcements by visiting http: and This show is produced by the Manatee County Historical Commission and R. B. “Chips” Shore, Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Department of Historical Resources. About the Clerk’s Office The Clerk of the Circuit Court was established as a public trustee by the Florida Constitution in 1838. The Clerk of the Circuit Court serves as the Clerk of Courts, the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Auditor, Recorder, and Custodian of all County Funds. In Manatee County, the Clerk’s office also administers a child support enforcement program, violence protection advocacy program and Teen Court programs. Located at 1115 Manatee Avenue West in Downtown Bradenton, the Courthouse is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Please be sure to visit our web site at One of the settings for the living history drama “Spirit Voices of Old Manatee.” Quality New and Used Equipment – Same Location Since 1987 Morgan Trailers, Inc. 941-776-1444 Hundreds of quality NEW & USED farm & commercial items can be seen on our website & shop on S.R. 62 in Duette. Please call before driving to Duette! Commercial sink, 3 compartment stainless steel, with drainboard & removable top shelf. Basins are 16"W x 26"L x 13"D. Overall length: 8'. Overall height with shelf: 56.5". Without shelf: 42". SS legs. Nice used condition. $795. Maletti rototiller or rotovator, 36" cut. 3 pt. hitch. Good condition. $90. NEW surplus PVC pipes, 10" x 14'. (Some other sizes available.) $50 We are much more than just trailers! Stainless steel table, 3’ x 6’ top. With backsplash, 34”H. All stainless. $400. Others available. For information, pictures, & prices, please see our website: Parrish Village News page 36 Look No Further... WOODY’S DESIGNS Is Here! Custom Cabinetry & Granite Counter Tops Flooring All Hard Surfaces Tile-Backsplash-Shower Tile Finish Trim Work Painting Custom Pavers Decking Pressure Washing Specializing in Kitchens and Bathrooms Established since 1986 Stephen Woodland 941-776-8068 941-445-1251 Call to Artists Parrish En Plein Air Let’s paint Parrish! On Saturday, April 25th from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. lots of Parrish artists gathered at the Parrish YMCA front lawn, 12214 US Highway 301 N, Parrish. They arrived early to choose their positions. A $5 donation to Parrish Arts Council for participation was appreciated, but not mandatory. They brought their own painting and clean-up supplies, drop cloth, non-alcoholic drinks, picnic, if desired, and chair. Acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastel or sketch were used to sketch their scenes! In case you haven’t heard, the people of Parrish are setting out to develop an identity of arts culture in their back yards. We are surrounded by the arts on all sides and have many artists living in the area. Now is the time to help future generations remember the small town of Parrish through the arts. The Parrish Arts Council is comprised of artists and art aficionados who would like to create a visual representation of current and past scenes through painting en plein air, or, in open air. Whether you are an experienced painter or just motivated to get experience, please consider joining your Parrish artist neighbors in painting scenes of our area to be displayed at future events, on your walls or sold at your festival booths! For information on painting en plein air with the PAC, please contact Jerri Phillips, Fine Arts Committee, Parrish Arts Council at 941-809-5059 or Look for announcements of future dates on our website. Harrison Ranch Art Guild Hosts Wine, Cheese and Painting Event Five Local Artists Paint Group Paintings On Friday May 1st the first evening of Wine, Cheese and Painting took place. Hosted by Harrison Ranch Arts Guild and co-sponsored by Harrison Ranch, the evening was a tremendous success. Five local artists painted group paintings and then sold the paintings by silent auction to benefit five local organizations. The painting started with each artist getting 15 minutes to paint the subject they chose, such as a still life scene, historical Parrish landmark, or an orangutan. After only 15 minutes, the paintings switched and the artists then continued to paint another artist’s painting for 20 minutes. Each artist was able to paint on each painting. Each artist donated her materials for the paintings and chose an charitable organization of her choice. Liz Estes painted for the Sarasota-Manatee Association for Riding Therapy; Mavis Jan-Lai painted for the Rocky Bluff Library; Jerri Phillips painted for the Parrish Arts Council; Sally Wooldridge painted for the Harrison Ranch Arts Guild; and Joanna Coke painted for the Safe Place & Rape Crisis Center of Sarasota. Many of these organizations had representatives that attended the event. The event was appropriate for all ages. Inside the amenity center there was painting where even attendees had a chance to paint on one group painting of a still life of wine and cheese. Outside the event children played on an obstacle course hosted by Crystal Gibson of Mommy and Me of Parrish. Brenda Tilton volunteered to host a crafts, cookies, and punch area for the Free Kids Zone. “I would like to thank everyone that came out for our event,” said Chi Kulig, founder or Harrison Ranch Arts Guild. “Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make this event such a great success. Everyone had a fabulous time! The artists worked so well together to make lovely works of art. I would also like to thank the generous people that purchased the paintings and donated to some very worthy local organizations.” The event also held a donation raffle where Keeton’s Office & Art Supply donated an art gift basket, and tickets to a local museum were raffled off by a private donor as well. For information about the Harrison Ranch Art Guild, please go to their website at or call Chi Kulig at 860-983-3767. See photographs on page 38. Parrish Village Newspage 37 What’s Been Happening in Parrish in April En Plein Air Artists Paint at the Old Schoolhouse (Y) on April 25th Work on the Fort Hamer Bridge and Fort Hamer Road Has Begun At left the “official” sign showing work has begun by Manatee County. Artists arrived early (8:30 a.m.) with their supplies and “set up shop” to paint the Old Schoolhouse and its surroundings. At right the crane is now operating down by the Manatee River and pilings are beginning to go in the ground. PARRISH RESIDENTS ONLY 2.75% Real Estate Commission “COMPARE COMMISSIONS” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ GulfCoast $250,000 x 2.75% $6,875.00 Franchise Company <<<<<<< Sale Price >>>>>>> $250,000 <<<<< Commission >>>>> x 7% <<<< Cost to Seller >>>> $17,500.00 Savings To Seller = $10,625.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ u Comprehensive Advertising - We will advertise your home in the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Multiple Photos, Virtual Open Houses. We have a contract with several Real Estate publications for optimal exposure to our local and national market. u Internet Advertising - Your home will be placed on the MLS,,, and many others, for Maximum World-Wide Exposure. u Unconditional Release Policy - Most competition only offers a long term listing contract that, unfortunately for clients, is legal and binding. GulfCoast Preferred Properties understands that unforeseen circumstances arise and with this in mind you may cancel the listing contract at any time for any reason, with written notice. Don’t spend your money on expensive franchise fees!!! Call us for a free Home Value Assessment, before you trust your home to anyone else!!! GULFCOAST PREFERRED PROPERTIES, INC. Ronald H. Alicea BROKER/OWNER 941.776.1010 “Real Estate Done Right” Parrish Village News page 38 Adoptions and news from the Humane Society of Manatee County Why Adopt? Every time you adopt an animal from the Humane Society of Manatee County, you enable them to save the life of another animal in need of a loving home. Each adoption also brings the Humane Society one step closer to becoming a humane community – a community where all adoptable animals find permanent loving homes and euthanasia is no longer accepted as a means of population control. The Humane Societty is proud of its efforts, and the Board, staff, and volunteers of HSMC are committed to placing 100 percent of the animals brought to HSMC for adoption into permanent, loving homes. FAQ About Adoptions What does the adoption fee include? Not only do you take home your new best friend, but all of the animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped and up to date on all their vaccinations. Pet insurance for 30 days is also included. Adoption fees are $75 for all the dogs and kittens, $50 for adult cats 6 months or older. What is the Selection Criteria? Pets placed up for adoption need to be of sound temperament and good health. Pets with a history of severe aggression or untreatable conditions are not suitable for the adoption program. Many animals undergo substantial medical and/or behavioral rehabilitation prior to placement for adoption. For example, the dog enrichment and obedience program, staffed by a group of dedicated volunteers, works with all the dogs to help them develop good manners as well as special needs dogs in order to resolve behavior problems that otherwise would be a deterrent to adoption. Do you ever get purebred dogs or cats? It is estimated that about 25 percent of the animals brought to the shelter are purebreds. If you are interested in a specific breed, check the pet lists to see if one is available. The Humane Society of Manatee County also works with purebred dog rescue organizations. Many times, these dogs are transferred from the Humane Society to rescue groups who specialize in adoption of a particular breed. That way HSMC has more room for mix breeds. Can I return a pet I’ve adopted? Yes, the Humane Society of Manatee County wants you and your pet to be a good fit for each other and recognizes that despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes this doesn’t happen. Terms of return are: The Humane Society of Manatee County will accept your pet back within 10 days of adoption. After 10 days each animal will be evaluated according to the HSMC selection criteria. The adoption fee is non-refundable. Please call 747-8808 to discuss your circumstances with a counselor and schedule a date and time for return. “Like” the Humane Society of Manatee County on Facebook Take a look at the HSMC Facebook page. You’ll find pets available for adoption, recent adoptions, special events that are coming up soon and many other news about Society programs. You can also catch up on all the news about the Humane Society’s programs. There is even a map showing the location. Be sure to “like” them on Facebook while you are on the site! Harrison Ranch Art Guild Event Above - guests watch the process. Far left middle: Artists with final paintings (L to R): Joanna Coke, Sally Wooldridge, Mavis JanLai, Liz Estes and Jerri Phillips. Bottom: Kids’ Zone for kids of painters and guests. What about A Summer Vacation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 In a recent survey of more than 1,100 U.S. adults on vacation preferences, hitting the beach and other warmweather activities were the top choice of 29% of those questioned, easily out-polling other pastimes such as camping, visiting a spa or playing golf. The preference for sun and surf was shared across all ages, income levels, genders and regions, the survey found and few will venture outside of good old American soil. Some 69% of those questioned said they planned to visit the Sunshine State in the next 12 months. “While we weren’t surprised that sun and beach vacations were the overall winner, we were intrigued to note that Florida was the Number 1 destination in every demographic, even with other sunny spots such as the Caribbean nearby,” said Alice Droogan, Vice President, Global Cardholder Services, MasterCard Advisors. No doubt, since four Florida beaches were listed in the Top Ten U.S. Beaches with the number two spot being Barefoot Beach in Bonita Springs. On a more global scale, the World’s most visited tourist attraction is………wait for it……we’re talking about in all of the world………LAS VEGAS! Seriously? Been there three times, never want to do that again! Other top 10 “World’s Most Visited Tourist Attractions” included New York City and a few other New York related sites along with Disney World/Disney Land. My ideal vacation includes a white sandy beach, luxurious, 5-Star accommodations, gourmet a la carte dining, spa treatments, sunny warm weather and someone else doing the laundry and cleaning while I sip a cold beverage and read. Oh, and my husband…let’s not forget to pack him for the trip. So whether you get 13 days off or 42 days off (c’mon America! You can step it up!), make sure you take some time off to unplug, unwind, relax, let go and enjoy whatever you set your mind to do. Again, I think Clark Griswold said it best when he let the stress of the journey from Chicago to Los Angeles roll off his back and he made the decision to enjoy the destination! Parrish Village News page 39 Coming October 24th Another Great Concert from the Parrish Arts Council Clark: Well I’ll tell you something, this is no longer a’s a quest. It’s a quest for fun! I’m gonna have fun and you’re gonna have fun! We’re all gonna have so much (deleted word) fun we’ll need plastic surgery to remove our (deleted word) smiles! You’ll be whistling Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah out of your (deleted word) !!! HAHAHA!!! I gotta be crazy; I’m on a pilgrimage to see a moose! Praise Marty Moose! Music & Art by the Train at the Florida Railroad Museum Mike Armstrong Landscaping, Inc. “Serving Manatee County Since 1978” For All Your Landscaping Needs Come see our varieties of plants for your landscaping needs! “Give the gift that keeps on Growing” 776-0410 776-1076 8475 69th Street E, Palmetto, FL 34221 Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Call ahead. Parrish Village Newspage 40 Electrical Contractor Charles Gullett - Owner 941.723.4341 Residential • Commercial • Industrial EC 13004847 • Licensed & Insured The Y. Your Summer Vacation Destination! We have a great summer planned for families at the Parrish Y! Family Exercise Classes Fitness Challenges Swim Competitions Parent/Child Games Pool Parties Sports Events Visit to check out our Family Fun Summer Calendar of Events. A membership to the Y includes: COUTTS PROFESSIONAL CENTER Office Suites from 100 sq. ft. Utilities included ELLENTON 7210 U.S. 301N 941-729-5599 Contact Sheila-mgr. Boat, RV, Trailer storage avail. in back Clean-Out Maintenance Quality Work Dave Psimer Design Installation Free Estimates (941) 720-0239 100+ Group Exercise Classes such as; Zumba, Tai Chi, Dynarow, PIYO, NEW SurfSet Fitness NEW TRX, Cycling, and access to all branches! Also enjoy swimming at our outdoor pool located at Cross Creek. All members receive FREE “12 Weeks to a New You Program” when they join the Y. Our Family members receive $5 Swim Lessons & $5 Sports Leagues, and baby sitting is FREE while parent works out! Parrish Y Summer Camp “Camp Rivers Edge” Your Passport to FUN! Try The Y Saturday May 16th 10a-12noon FREE Admission Learn more about Summer Camp! $0 Joining Fee on day of FUN! We have a NEW location at DaySprings, Episcopal Center, 8005 25th Street East, Parrish Register online or at the Y while space is still available! MANATEE YMCA Parrish Branch 12214 US 301 N. Parrish, Florida 34219 941-798-YMCA (9622) Parrish Village News page 41 May 2015 Trivia Answers 1. b. The Roman goddess of Spring, Maia 2. d. Emerald 3. c. Battle of Puebla 4. Rose 5. c. David Letterman 6. b. Pope John Paul II 7. d. 202 years 8. b. Decoration Day 9. b. The Civil War 10. c. May 30th Subscribe to the Parrish Village News Some people who used to live in Parrish have asked how they can receive the Parrish Village News. The answer is to subscribe and it will be mailed to you monthly. The paper comes out at the first of every month and will be mailed to your residence - no matter where you live. You can keep up with what’s going on in Parrish as well as see the growth and important news affecting this area. There are people who are enjoying “This Old House” and have requested copies as well as those outside the mailing area in Bradenton, Sun City, Wimauma and other places near to Parrish. Keep up with eveything through this local newspaper. The paper is 48 pages long. It has been in business for over 20 years and keeps on growing! Local businesses find it a great place to advertise their services and products. Readers give it high marks. Send in your subscription today. About the Author: Jim Casey is a Parrish-based Game Show Host and has entertained thousands in the Bradenton and Sarasota area since 2010. You can play the Game Show and try to win $500 Wednesday nights at 9:45 p.m. at the State Road 64 Applebee’s. Full schedule at Live outside the mailing area for the newspaper? Leave the area for the summer months? Want to see that a friend receives a copy of the newspaper? Subscribe to the Parrish Village News! Use the handy form at the left! Parrish Village News page 42 Worship Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 12125 71st Street East Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-1533 Rev. Joe Skidmore, Pastor Sunday Services Bible Classes, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:45 AM Morning Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 AM Evening Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Wednesday Services Youth Group Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. . . . . . . . .7:00 PM Parrish Baptist Learning Center Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM casualatmosphere,engagingmusic relevantteaching,funkidsprograms @ Williams Elementary School 3404 Ft Hamer Road 941-803-4722 Check our website for Sunday Service Times Faith Lutheran Church 9608 Highway 301 North Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-1395 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 8305Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 ChurchOffice-722-0218 “Making Heaven a reality here on earth” 10 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Wednesday A FRIENDLY, SPIRIT-FILLED GATHERING Nursery & Childrens Ministry 5425 39th Street E, Bradenton, FL 941-806-7550 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 9422 Old Tampa Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Church Office - 776-8687 Kevin Thompson Senior Pastor Sunday Services SundaySchool(forallages)..9:15AM AllAges Worship..................10:30AM Children’sChurch..........10:30AM EveningWorship............6:00PM Nurseryavailableforallservices Wednesday AdultBibleStudy&Prayer.....7:00PM AwanaClub(ages3-6thGrade).7:00PM WordofLife(Teens)..........7:00PM Everyone Welcome New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Rick Chaffin, Pastor Sunday Services 9:00AM.......................Worship 9:00AM.......SundaySchool/BibleStudy 10:30AM......................Worship 10:30AM............Children’sChurch Wednesday Services 5:30PM..............HandbellChoir 5:45PM....................Worship 6:00PM..Children’sandYouthActivities 6:30PM......................Choir EVERYONE WELCOME! (NurseryProvided) MY FATHER’S HOUSE 7215 US Highway 301 N Ellenton, FL 34219 Rev. James W. Berrien, Pastor Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Come Check Us Out WE SAY YES TO CHRIST!!!!!! Non-Denominational Spirit-Filled Contemporary Worship St. Mary’s Baptist Church Erie Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Reverend Fletcher Lawson, Jr., Pastor 941-776-3723 Fellowship Alliance Church 5735 69th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221 Phone: 941-723-9593 Pastor Bruce Quackenbush Sunday Services 6:00PMPrayerMeeting(inhomes) Third Friday each month 1WayCafe-Doorsopenat7:00PM The cafe offers: praise music, a featuredartist,openmicandfreerefreshments. Small Groups - call Church Office for times Email: Crossroads Christian Church 1400 10th Street W, Palmetto, FL 941-729-2327 Pastor Jeff Mohler Bible Study - Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church Services - Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Blended Worship 11:11 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM 12180 Highway 301 North and CR 675 @ flashing yellow light Back to the Word Church Pastor : Dr. Jim Parker 7710 121st Ave. E, Parrish, FL 34219 155 W. Center Ave., Sebring, FL 33870 941-773-7081 Pastors; Revs. Robert & Anne Barber (941) 776-9016 SabbathServices: Saturday at 10:30 AM - Parrish, FL Saturday at 5:30 PM - Sebring, FL 9:15AMSundaySchool-Allages 10:30AMPraise,Worship&Word 6:00PMBilingualService(English/Spanish) (Coffee&Cookiesatallservices!) NEWCHRISTIAN NON-DENOMINATIONALCHURCH YOUAREINVITED! Sundays Wednesdays 7:00PMWorship&BibleStudy (Adults&Youth) Bible-Based - Casual Dress Nursery Available ALL WELCOME Atthechurchatthe“Y” ComeworshipwithuseverySunday 6PM StartingFebruary14th There’s a place for you in My Father’s House! ManateeFamilyYMCA, 12214US301NinParrish PASTORDANNAWARA phone:365-5433/920-5511 www.THELIVINGSANTUARY.COM 12001 69th Street East Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-9097 Pastor “Jay” J. Jancarz Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon (12:00 noon Mass from Christmas to Easter) Confessions - Saturday 3:00 PM Connecting people with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ (IntersectionofUSHwy301N and72ndSt.E/AmsterdamAve.) 11915 82nd St E Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2568 Interim Pastor - Kenneth L. Hinrichs Saturday Service - 4:30 PM Sunday Services - 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School / Bible Study - 9:15 AM Parrish United Methodist Church Dress Down & Be Yourself Service Times: Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am WestCoast 11750 U.S, Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 (941) 776-2422 Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. 825 9th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 941-776-0026 - email: Don Sturiano - Pastor Nursery and children’s church provided North River Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 3914US301N APOSTOLIC in doctrine PENTECOSTAL in experience 941-723-9693 North River Church of Christ 13885U.S.Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 (941)776-1134 Sundays BibleClasses(allages).....10:00AM MorningWorship...........11:00AM EveningWorship...........6:00PM Wednesdays BibleClasses.............7:00PM Personal home Bible studies or correspondence courses upon request ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1010 24th Avenue West Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-5292 Weekly Schedule Sunday: 7:40 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite I 9:00 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite II Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Thursday: Smart Guys Tutoring 4:30 p.m. The Rev. Glen Graczyk First Baptist Church of Gillette 3301 Moccasin Wallow Road Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-1937 Sunday Service Sunday School - 9:30 AM Children’s Worship - 10:30 AM Worship Service - 10:30 AM Everyone Welcome! (Nursery Provided) Harvest Field Community Church Where you can count on Christ! Non-denominational Bible based - Christ centered Worship Services 10:00 AM Sundays Nursery available 7710 121st Avenue East, Parrish, FL Casual dress, warm fellowship Music is a combination of contemporary and hymns Bible Study 7:00 PM each Wednesday Pastor: Rev. Terry L. Cary - 941-725-4150 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Mat. 9:38 NIV BETHISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center 1115DelWebbBlvd.E. SunCityCenter(813)634-2590 SHABBATSERVICESFRIDAYEVENINGAT7:45PM TORAHSTUDYSATURDAYAT12NOON Rabbi: Philip Aronson Cantor: Dr. Sam Isaac Parrish Village News page 43 April News from Williams Elementary School Students Attend Positive Behavior Assembly The theme for our 3rd Quarter PBS (Positive Behavior Support) Assembly was playground and popsicles! Students had to pay 10 wolfhowls to attend. Students who earned wolfhowls (reward tickets) for exhibiting our PBS expectations of honest, responsible, respectful, kind and safe “paid” 10 wolfhowls to attend. It was a great time enjoyed by all. Students Display Art at Gamble Creek Plantation Festival Student Artwork from Williams Elementary was on display at the 15th Annual Plantation Festival held February 7th and 8th at the Gamble Plantation Historic State Park. Students that participated and received certificates were: Brock Ramos, Thiego Vega, Ava Mohler, Jadon Pacuraw, Madison Malanowicz, Madison Koutsoudis, Ava Doederlein, Natalia Madrid, Victoria Young, Kailey Holden. Pictured separately: Tessa Riehs and Luke Kraus. Teachers’ Retirement To Be Celebrated at Williams Teachers retiring are pictured (L to R) Pat McKinley (39 years), Nancy Watterson (36 years) and Nancy McCabe (41 years). If your child was a student of Kindergarten teacher, Nancy McCabe, and Second grade teachers Pat McKinley and Nancy Watterson, please plan to attend a retirement party on Friday, May 29th in our Media Center at 3:00 p.m. Join the guests of honor, along with other friends and family members, to celebrate their many years of service to the Manatee County School District. There will be a money/gift card tree for each teacher. Please RSVP to the office prior to May 18th. Groups Partner for Reading Program at Williams The Early Learning Coalition partnered with the Tampa Bay Rays and the Kiwanis Club of Bradenton for the Every Child a Reader program held April 13-17th. PreKindergarten students in Ms. Carter and Ms. Magliula’s classes were visited by Julia Showers from the Salvation Army who read “Leo the Late Bloomer.” Each student received his or her own copy of the book to take home and read with their family, a bookmark and reading tips for parents. Parrish Playworks Presents Play Parrish Playworks presented “Red Rooster Tales: “The Train to Yesterday” to our third through fifth grade students at Williams Elementary on Wednesday, April 29th. Fourth grade teacher, Kelly Kincannon welcomed playwright and director, Karen Romant, who introduced the play and the purpose of producing the play. As a class assignment, 4th grade student, Colton Baal wrote how he would end the legend of the “Indian Princess and the Warrior” as cast members acted out his version. Following the play, students were given a chance to ask the cast questions about Florida or Manatee County history, oral histories, taking stories from one’s family, acting and auditioning for Parrish Playworks. Thank you to the cast of Parrish Playworks for an educational and fun play! Parrish Village News page 44 The Parrish Civic Association welcomes our new and returning members! Thank you for your support! Basic Sandy Badger Ralph & Tommie Bellrose Millie Billick Todd & Michelle Bosso Glen & Debbie Chase Frederick Dinse, Jr. Don & Lenore Doucette Peter Ghizari Kent & Kathy Greene Nick & Lourdes Jefford John & Marilyn Kennedy John & Rosie Korfant Josephine Knoedler Stacey Larkin Joe & Connie LeBlanc Dan & Ann Lyon Tom & Gladys McLenahan Bob & Mary Minter Frank & Daryl Nosek Sawyer Ramsey Roger & Brenda Rodriguez JoAnn Gillett Rogers Robert Roth Barbara Taketa Community Booster DW & Nancy Bailey William A. Britt Robert & CArolyn Cordes Marian Erwin Charles & Ilene Gaffney Bernard & Sandra Hahnke Debbie Hampton David K. & Carmen J. Johnson Don & Mercedes Kratz Karen Mohl Charles & Patsy Kudlec Larry & Karen Murphy Kathleen H. & Pam Parrish Barbara Quinn Travis & Dorothy Seawright Mary & Dennis Zlosel Parrish Sponsor Gene & Jackie Bowen Vickie & Joe Crupi Marlene Ghezzi Don & Cindy McKelvy Joseph & Barbara Novak Art & Peg Saltz William & Katherine Turner Community Patron Carl Gomes & Rebecca Lowe Tor Hultgreen Donice Youngblood Michael Dr. Mary Porter Jerry & Sandy Titsworth Join the Parrish Civic Association for 2015 The Parrish Civic Association has been going strong for over 30 years. In the beginning, it accomplished a really significant thing for Parrish - helping to establish the Parrish Fire Department. This has had so much importance to Parrish. After all these years, the Parrish Civic Association is still working hard for the common good of the community: organizing the Parrish Heritage Day Festival including the parade and Chili Cook Off, helping with the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party for needy children and families, helping to get the Y established in Parrish, developing Overlays to the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan and the Village, and currently working with the Parrish Arts Council on cleaning up the corridor along 301 from CR 675 to Moccasin Wallow Road. We still have work to do. Help us out in this effort by joining the Parrish Civic Association in 2015. A form is on page 47. Clip it out, complete it, enclose a check and mail it in today! Help your community continue the efforts! Mark the date - October 24th - “Music & Art by the Train” A LPHA O K UTDOOR ITCHENS l l l 2907 COUNTRY RIVER DRIVE PARRISH, FLORIDA 34219 941-725-0156 EXPERT DESIGN & CRAFTMANSHIP ALL TYPES OF OUTDOOR CABINETRY WE BUILD ALL OUR CABINETS ALPHAOUTDOORKITCHENS.COM Parrish Village News page 45 At left tthe formal Opening Cermenony for the Pinewood Derby. Annual Pinewood Derby Held by Cub Scout Pack 41 Stephanie Eige Below: the derby cars. At right the track is prepared for the start of the derby. Above: Marin Eige, the only girl to compete with Mom Stephanie. Keeping with the longstanding tradition of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scout Pack 41 held its annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday, April 18th at St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church in Parrish. Pack 41 has 75 boys. There were five divisions based on the rank/age of the cub scouts in addition to a sibling division. The winners were as follows: Tiger (1st grade) – 1st Parker Hartmeyer; 2nd Charlie Moyer Wolf (2nd grade) – 1st Max Stoner; 2nd Caleb Diamond Bear (3rd grade) – 1st Jonathan Van Beuren; 2nd Thomas Burkhart Webelo 1 (4th grade) – 1st Tony Genderaeau; 2nd Tyler Indermark Arrow of Light (5th grade) – 1st Carter Krahnert; 2nd Jose Soto Sibling – Marin Eige (The only girl to compete! Marin is in 1st grade and her brother, Emerson is a Wolf and was very proud of her.) All of the competing boys also voted on their favorite cars bases on creativity and design. The winners were as follows: Tiger – Andrew Van Beuren Wolf – Bodie Jernigan Bear – Jonathan Van Beuren Webelos – Erik Matson The parents, friends and family in attendance also voted for their favorites. The winners were as follows: Most Creative – Bodie Jernigan Coolest Paint Job – Max Stoner Funniest – Peter Van Beuren Best Overall Design – Jon Jernigan A special award, the Turtle Award, was given to the slowest car of the day – it went to Torian Zaagman. The first Pinewood Derby was held on May 15, 1953 by Cub Scout Pack 280C of Manhattan Beach, California. The tradition and flexibility of the event continue to make it a fun part of many Cub Scout packs activities. Boys working side by side with their parents to craft the perfect car is one of the best parts of the derby tradition. Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Pack 41 serves boys in Parrish, Florida and the surrounding area that are in first through fifth grades including home school and virtual school equivalents. Harvest Field Community Church located in Parrish is their Charter Organization and generously supports our pack as we support their community. If you are interested in your child joining Cub Scout Pack 41, you may contact Lisa Van Beuren at or phone her at 941-448-3451. Below left: the trophies. Below right: ready to begin. Left: refreshments. “Our Name Says It All” “WELCOME TO PARADISE” SALES AND VACATION RENTALS FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ELLENTON OFFICE: 941-729-2381 PARRISH OFFICE: 941-776-1411 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CALL 941-729-2381 OR 941-776-1411 New Listing New Listing Reduced New Listing $239,000 3/2 condo, water views, gated community with pool and tennis, carport, minutes to the beach Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680 $119,900 2/2 condo, well maintained, quiet West side neighborhood, close to beaches, restaurants and shopping Kathy Woodruff 941-524-4190 $75,000 2/1 single family home, move in ready, bonus room, new roof, fenced yard, great West side location Barbara Bushard 941-405-8360 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE CALL 941-722-5108 New Listing Make Offer! $19,900 2/2, great investment, furnished, washer & dryer, utility shed, 55+ community, bring offers! Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 $17,900 Colony Cove 2/2, turnkey furnished, private setting, 55+ community with clubhouses and pool Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie anny 941-807-5192 Great Location $48,900 Ridgewood Estates 2/2, plenty of storage, inside laundry, patio, pond view, furnished, 55+ community Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 MOBILE HOMES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT RENTAL RENTAL Ridgewood Estates 2/2 annual in a popular gated, 55+ community with pool and clubhouses. Turnkey furnished, small pet okay. $1250 monthly. Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie Manny 941-807-5192 PARRISH 12244 US HWY 301 N. l NORTH RIVER 2500 Blk of US HWY 301 N. Ridgewood Estates 2/2 annual, furnished, storage shed with washer and dryer. 55+ community with pool and clubhouses. $1150 monthly. Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie Manny 941-807-5192 l HOLMES BEACH 5201 Gulf Drive l BRADENTON BEACH 102 Bridge Street Parrish Village Newspage 46 How Your Driving Record Can Affect Your Insurance Premium Jackie Felix, Felix Financial Group Becauseyourpastdrivingbehaviorisindicativeofyourfuturebehaviorontheroad, yourdrivinghistoryisamajorfactorinhowyourriskisviewedand,inturn,how yourpremiumgetscalculated.Let’slookintohowyourdrivingrecordaffectsyour autoinsurancerates. Everything You’ve Always Wanted in a Bank and More! At 1st Manatee Bank, we realize your needs are as individual as you are. When you bank with us, you are assured personalized service and uncompromised customer care. 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Driving under the Influence GettingaseriousmovingviolationlikeaDUIorDWIfordrivingundertheinfluence ofalcoholand/ordrugscancauseyourcarinsuranceratestoskyrocket.Insurance companiesgoonalertwhentheyseeaDUI,asthisisindicatorofanextremelyhighriskdriver.IfyouhaveaDUIconvictiononyourrecord,expecttoseeariseinyour insurancecosts.Insomecases,youmightbeunabletorenewyourpolicyorface cancellationofyourcurrentpolicy,leavingyouwithfewoptionsotherthanobtaining anexpensivepolicyfromyourstate’sautomobileinsuranceplan. 900 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton • 941.776.5040 12215 US 301 N., Parrish • 941.776.5040 5100 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton • 941.795.5040 Member FDIC • Bauer 5-Star Rated Bank Speeding Speedingisacommonbutpotentiallydeadlymovingviolation.TheNationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministrationreportsthatalmost33%oftrafficdeathsarerelatedtospeeding,andspeedingclaimsalmost10,000livesperyear.Asinglespeedingticketmightnotaffectyourcarinsuranceratesmuchifyouhaveanotherwise cleandrivingrecord,butyourautoinsuranceratesmightincreasesubstantiallyaftera speedingticketifyouhaveahistoryofaccidentsandmovingviolations.Also,ifyou wereticketedforexcessivespeeding,you’lllikelyseebiggerrateincreases. Ifyoudogetticketed,therearesomestepsthatyoumaybeabletoperformtotake pointsoffyourlicense.Thefollowingmaybepossible,dependingonwhichstate youlivein. Attending a defensive driving school.CheckwithyourstateDMVagencyfirst, sincesomestatesonlyhonorcoursecompletioncertificatesfromanarrowlistofap- Waiting it out.Manystateswilldroppointsafterasetnumberofyears. provedschools. Ifthisoptionexistsandyouareinthemarketforanewprovider,donotshop Maintaining a spotless driving record.Ifyoudriveviolation-freeandwithoutac- forquotesuntilthepointshavebeendroppedfromyourrecord.Otherwise, cidentsforacertainnumberofyears,yourstatemaydeductpointsfromyourdriving you’llbequotedahigherrate. record. Monitor Your Driving Record CheckwithyourDMVtofindoutwhetherthisoptionexists. Becausepointsonyourdrivingrecordcanbesocostly,it’simportanttomonitoryour drivingrecord.Makesureyouknowwhat’sonit,andcheckitperiodicallyforaccuracy.Itisespeciallyimportanttocheckyourrecordifyouareshoppingaroundfor carinsurancequotes,orifitisalmosttimetorenewyourcurrentpolicy. DMVofficescanmakemistakesandoccasionallypostincorrectdrivingrecordinformationthatcanunfairlyhikeyourautoinsurancerates.Atrafficviolationthatshould havebeenremovedfromyourdrivingrecord,forexample,couldaddhundredsof dollarstoyourcarinsurancerates. IfyouareinthemarketforAutoInsurance,callJackieFelixat941-504-2376. Parrish Village Newspage 47 Parrish Civic Association Corner Dear Friends: May 2015 Put October 24, 2015 and March 5, 2016 on your calendars There are two future dates you need to mark on your calendar. The first is Saturday, October 24th and that is the date of the Parrish Arts Council’s Music & Art by the Train concert at the Railroad Museum. Much more about the event later, but I can tell you that there will be some amazing musical talent performing in Parrish on that date. The second date is Saturday March 5, 2016 and that is the date of the Heritage Day Parade, Festival and Chili Cook Off. This will be the 5th anniversary of the Cook Off and you can expect an exciting day with lots of family fun. When this year’s round of grants are awarded in the fall, the event will have funded over $110,000 in grants to the small not for profit corporations serving Parrish area residents. Take a bow – this has happened in large part because of your support. Stop light or US Highway 301 N and SR 675 needed There is a renewed push to convince FDOT that we need a stop light at the corner of US Highway 301 N and 675. This is a very dangerous intersection and something needs to be done before a really bad accident happens there. FDOT says their studies don’t show enough traffic to justify the light but with the new Fort Hamer Bridge coming, they need to reevaluate this. If you support asking them to do this, please write a letter to: Secretary Billy Hattaway, FDOT, 801 North Broadway, Bartow, FL 33831. Let’s make this happen!! PCA Meeting on April 30th well attended If you missed last Thursday’s PCA meeting, you can find a link to the presentation at Our thanks to Todd Anderson at Parrish Design for getting this up for us. Before the presentation started, we had pictures and maps of the new bridge location along with the enhancements that will be made to Fort Hamer and Upper Manatee River Roads on display. (There is a large crane in place at the site and we understand that they should start driving some test pilings this week.) As for Thursday night’s meeting: we had a good group with a lot of new faces in the audience. The two new committees the PCA is starting -- Marketing and Beautification – will help us begin to make real progress in the renewal of the Village area. We will be having organizational meetings for both committees soon and if you are interested in either being on the committees or just attending the meeting to learn more about the committee send me an email with your contact information. Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or concerns about Parrish. Ben Jordan President, Parrish Civic Association or (941) 776-9019 Message from the Membership Chairman Dear Friends: The Annual Membership Drive for the Parrish Civic Association began in January for 2015. You should have already received a letter telling you it’s time to mail in your annual dues. Please complete it and mail it along with your check. If you provide your email, we will send you notices of important meetings about development in the area, meetings scheduled and events you might like to attend. We appreciate your generosity and your joining the PCA. The only source of revenue for the Parrish Civic Association is dues. Your dues go to help our organization in many ways: supporting the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party, funding for the annual Heritage Day Parade and next year’s fifth Chili Cook Off (signs, posters, publicity), helping to pay for the Ys Fall Festival held in October, helping pay for bringing the Board of County Commissioners to our PCA meetings, bringing other guest speakers to meetings and many other activities performed by the Parrish Civic Association. We now have over 400 members of the Parrish Civic Association. That’s a very good number of people in the community who are interested in the Parrish community and making it the best place to live in Manatee County. If you are interested in helping out on any of our activities and want to be on a committee, please contact Ben Jordan, our President, at We would be pleased if you would like to help. We have already met with several people new to the area who are getting involved in our community’s activities. It is a lot of fun and a great group of people who work to make a lot of activities occur. And, volunteering is also fun. Every year, we need people for the Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off and Parrish Arts Council as well as other activities during the year. We hope to see you soon in and around our Parrish community! Cookie Jordan Membership Chairman 941-776-9019 Join the Parrish Civic Association. Just clip out the form below and mail it in with a check for your dues. I wish to join the Parrish Civic Association. Here are my dues. Mail to Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish. FL 34219. (Please print.) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: Email Address: (Above information is for PCA use only. We do not give out or sell to outside parties.) Please check one: Amount Enclosed $ New Member $15.00 Basic Member (Member and Spouse) $25.00 (Community Booster) $50.00 (Parrish Sponsor) $100 or more (Community Patron) $500.00 or more (Community Sponsor) Renewal 941-776-5571 Parrish Village Newspage 48 8268 US Hwy 301N, Parrish Our Agents Are Annual Rentals in Manatee County Happy Memorial Day! True Stars! #1 in North of River Most Transactions 2014* RYE WI ESTLADERNE TES SS The WOW FACTOR! Custom built, one owner home. From the moment you pull into the driveway you will appreciate the owner’s attention to detail. A4114862 $579,900 SARA SOTA What a beauty! Great curb appeal with the paver driveway and brick front. This home boasts of 5 large bedrooms, 3 full baths and two half baths A4114170 $485,000 ANCI ENT OAK S This home has it all. A very functional split Situated on one of the largest homesites in Anfloor plan with kitchen family room combo cient Oaks, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with and beautiful large screened in lanai with a Den shows well. A4112031 $374,500 pool. A4119468 $389,900 LEXI NGTO N Set on a beautifully manicured lot that backs up to a preserve setting. 4/3 split floor plan with an oversized 3-car garage and casual luxury everywhere you turn! A4120741 $264,900 COPP ERST ONE 4 Bedroom with bonus room. 3 years old. 2417 sq ft. Master Bedroom on the first floor. Great Room plan with eat in kitchen. Security system and water filtration system. A4120797 $235,000 WES COUN TRY M EADO WS OA HAMKLEAF MOC K COPP ERST ONE Gorgeous water views in this 4BD/3BH home situated on a large premium lakefront lot in one of Parrish’s most popular and convenient communities. A4120003 $255,000 SHEF FIEL D GL ENN Located on a premium 1/3 acre. Great location near the kids schools (Mills Elementary & Buffalo Creek Middle), Buffalo Creek Park and a Golf Course. A4119947 $224,900 T BR ADEN TON Find ultimate luxury in this Gorgeous 3-BR/3BA custom pool home with a den. This beautiful home is located on a on a premium .50 acre lake and preserve front lot offering complete privacy. A4111115 $437,500 Oversized split-floor, family pool home has it all! From the lusciously landscaped yard featuring mature Oak trees and foliage boasting real Florida Charm, to the beautifully updated Gourmet Kitchen. A4119604 $399,000 Less than 1-year old home definitely offers the WOW factor. You will be amazed by the open floor plan as you enter the full glass double door’s to the formal dining area A4118429 $369,900 Beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 bath + den with a 3 car garage. List upgrades including: granite countertops, extended cabinets, tray ceilings, crown molding, 18” tile. A4119843 $279,900 GAM BLE C REEK RIVE R PLA NTAT ION COV ERED 5ACR ES Lush, Serene, Park like setting with adorable Florida cottage home. Real Hardwood flooring, open deck surrounded by fabulous oak providing natural shade. A4118358 $248,000 EAST PARR ISH BRID GE 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home offers not just comfort but many extras. Enjoy the spacious open floor plan, master walk-in closet, and an extended lanai for enjoyment. A4115387 $239,900 Congratulations to Bailey Mosley, daughter of Clint and Tiffney Mosley, 2015 Hernando Desoto Historical Society Investment opportunity in East Parrish, cash only for this livable fixer upper! Sellers are packing and working towards moving for a quick closing! A4120404 $53,000 Visit for variety of Annual Rentals in Manatee County *per MLS statistics 8268 US Hwy 301N, Parrish, FL 34219 • 941-776-5571 •
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