PARSA ELECTIONS GUIDE 2015 Note: The most important documents for the PARSA 2015 elections are the 2015 Electoral and Discipline Regulations and the PARSA Constitution (as at May 2013). All candidates must familiarize themselves with those documents. This guide is only a summary and checklist and in no way overrides or replaces those documents. As a summary, not all the information in those documents is captured in this guide. Students should ALWAYS refer to the 2015 Electoral and Discipline Regulations and the PARSA Constitution (as at May 2013) for clarification rather than reliance on this guide. Further information is contained within the 2015 Electoral and Discipline Regulations and the PARSA Constitution (as at May 2013). CONTENTS Key Dates 2015 Infographic 2 3 Voting (by the colleges and student body) for the PRC 4 Nominations 4 Candidate Profile 4 Ticket Registration 5 6 Voting (by the PRC) for PARSA Officers Nominations 7 Officer Positions 8 Election of Officers 8 Electoral Offences 9 PARSA Role Descriptions 11 General Information 16 PARSA 2016 Elections 17 18 2016 Infographic 1 KEY DATES Nominations and Ticket Registration Open: Monday 27th April 2015 Ticket Registration Closes: Thursday 7th May 2015 Friday 8th May 2015 Monday 11th – Friday 15th May 2015 Monday 18th – Friday 22nd May 2015 Nominations Close: Candidates Week: Elections: PARSA AGM (Election Results Announced): Monday 25th May 2015 1st PRC Meeting (Election of PARSA Officers): Monday 25th May 2015 2 3 VOTING BY THE COLLEGES AND STUDENT BODY FOR POSTGRADUATE REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (PRC) REPRESENTATIVES Nominations Nomination Forms Nomination forms shall be available on the PARSA website or at the PARSA Office. Nomination Forms be lodged by email to the Returning Officer at or handed in at the PARSA offices. Students may run for both College and General Representative positions but will only be elected to one position (ie. can not hold two representative positions). You need to tick which positions you’ll be running for. Candidate Profile Candidate Profile & Photo During the period that nominations are open, candidates are permitted to send to the Returning Officer, a photograph of the candidate, a short (250 word maximum) personal statement in support of their nomination for inclusion on 4 the PARSA website (“the Candidate Prolife”). The Candidate Profile must be submitted in writing. Audio or Video The Candidate Profile may also be provided as an audio or video statement. Transcript of an audio or video statement SHOULD BE THE SAME as the Candidate Profile. The Returning Officer will decide if a video includes additional content that makes it ineligible. Candidate statements will not be accepted outside of the nomination period Ticket Registration The Ticket Registration form will be available on the PARSA website. Ticket Registration Forms should be lodged by email to the Returning Officer at or handed in at the PARSA offices. Ticket registrations must be lodged between 9am Monday 27th April 2015 and 4pm Thursday 7th May 2015 (one full day prior to nominations closing). The application for registration of the ticket name must be signed by at least 5 ordinary members of the Association who have not been signatories to the application for registration of another registered ticket name 5 No person is entitled to apply to the Returning Officer or her/his delegate for registration of a ticket name under Section 2.7(b) if that person was a signatory to an application to register a ticket name for another ticket already entered in the register. The Proposed ticket name MUST NOT: (i) be more than 90 characters long (including spaces); or (ii) be obscene, defamatory, sexist, racist or homophobic; or (iii) be the same as the name of another registered ticket name; or (iv) be so nearly the same as the name of another registered ticket name (including a registered ticket name used in a previous election) that it is likely to be confused or mistaken for that name; or (v) be the same or so nearly the same as any name of a political party in Australia as likely to be confused or mistaken for that name; and (vi) be including the word “independent”; and 6 VOTING BY THE PRC FOR OFFICERS Nominations Eligibility Under the 2015 PARSA Electoral and Discipline Regulations if the person intends to nominate for a position as an officer of the Association under clause 7 of the Constitution, NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN of the position or positions for which the person intends to stand, if elected to the PRC. The nomination forms have boxes that may be ticked to indicate if you intend to run for to be an officer of PARSA. Subject to 3.2.2, a member of the PRC may not nominate for or be elected to a position as an Officer of the Association set out in clause 7 of the Constitution or Section 3.1.1 of these Regulations, unless the member had provided notice under Section 2.3.1 (ii) of their intention to stand for that officer position in their nomination for election to the PRC. If no elected member of the PRC had provided notice under Section 2.3.1(ii) of intention to nominate for a particular officer position, any member of the PRC may nominate for or be elected to that position. NOTE: Only elected members of the PRC are eligible to elect officers at the PRC meeting held after the AGM in accordance with the Constitution. 7 Officer Positions President* International Officer Indigenous Officer Vice President Social Officer Equity Officer Treasurer Environmental Officer General Secretary Communications Officer Education Officer Notification A PRC Representative may only hold 1 Officer position. *By virtue of their position the President is also elected as University Council member elected by the postgraduates. Election of Officers The Returning Officer conducts the election of officer positions (Extracts from 2015 PARSA Electoral and Discipline Regulations) Election by Secret Ballot 3.6.2 A person is elected to a position as an officer of the PRC if they obtain a majority of votes cast at the PRC meeting for that position. 3.6.3 If, after a ballot for a position, no candidate has obtained a majority of votes, the results of the ballot shall be announced to the PRC, the candidate with the least number of votes shall be removed as a candidate for that position and the ballot shall be repeated until a candidate has obtained a majority of votes cast in a ballot for that position. 3.6.4 For the purposes of Sections 3.6.2 and 3.6.3, “a majority of votes” means more than 50% of votes cast in a ballot for a position. 8 ELECTORAL OFFENCES (Extracts from 2015 PARSA Electoral and Discipline Regulations this is not a full listing of the electoral offences or remedies) Publications 2.8 (b) It is an electoral offence for any candidate, member of a ticket or any other person to publish in connection with an election any election-‐related publication (including electronic publication) which: (i) does not clearly identify that the publication is on behalf of the ticket or candidate (where not part of a ticket) in letters at least 10 mm high or in font at least as large as the most commonly used font on the publication (whichever is larger); (ii) does not contain a date of publication; (iii) contains racist, sexist or homophobic or defamatory material; (iv) contains any untrue statement likely to mislead a voter in casting his or her vote; or (v) is larger than A3 size. Electronic Communication (including emails & social media) 2.8 (c) It is an electoral offence for any candidate, member of a ticket or any other person to send or publish any election-‐related electronic communication (including emails and social networking posts) which: (i) does not clearly identify that the electronic communication is sent on behalf of the ticket or candidate (where not part of a ticket) in font at least as large as the most commonly used font in the communication; (ii) does not contain a date of communication; (iii) contains racist, sexist or homophobic or defamatory material; (iv) contains any untrue statement likely to mislead a voter in casting his or her vote; or (v) is a paid advertisement. General Offences 2.8 (f) It is an electoral offence: 9 (i) to offer or provide gifts, bribes, money, food, drink or any other enticement to any person to influence the person to exercise their vote in favour of the candidate. This provision does not prevent a candidate or ticket explaining policies for the benefit of students that the candidate or ticket would pursue if elected. (ii) for a person who is not a member of PARSA to campaign on behalf of a candidate or ticket during an election. (iii) for a person engaging in campaigning during an election to fail to produce their student ID, if requested by any person. (iv) to cast a vote which a person is not entitled to cast. (v) to engage in discrimination or intimidation in the course of an election. (vi) to make racist, sexist, homophobic or defamatory statements in the course of an election. (vii) to make untrue statements likely to mislead a voter in casting his or her vote. (viii) for any person to incite another person to commit an electoral offence. (ix) to campaign in any place, whether on or off-‐campus, which is normally primarily a place of work or study or accommodation, including libraries, offices and laboratories (but excluding common areas of residential colleges). Remedies available to the Returning Officer 2.8 (j) Depending on the seriousness and nature of an electoral offence (including any potential impact on the outcome on the election) and to ensure that confidence is maintained in the electoral process, the Returning Officer may: (i) reprimand a person or persons involved in commission of an offence; (ii) place constraints on campaigning for a candidate or ticket to compensate for any benefit derived by a candidate or ticket from commission of an electoral offence; (iii) declare the candidacy of a candidate benefiting from an electoral offence null and void; (iv) remove membership rights from a member for a period not exceeding 12 months; (v) remove a member’s right to stand for any office in the Association for a specified period, not exceeding 2 years; (vi) declare an entire poll null and void and order a new election; or (vii) any combination of the above. 10 PARSA ROLE DESCRIPTIONS Background While all PRC members volunteer to be part of PARSA, the work they do is integral to the smooth-‐running of the organisation. The President leads the PRC and the Officer team, who are each elected by the PRC to hold a specific portfolio. The PRC meets every two months, and the Officer team meet weekly-‐fortnightly. All members are expected to attend meetings and, where possible, other PARSA events. The Officer team members are given an honorarium that acknowledges the significant amount of work they do in their portfolio area. While the Officer team members do not have set hours per week, they are expected to report regularly to the President, and at PRC meetings on the work they are doing in their portfolio areas. The duties outlined in this document are an important reference point for the President and the PRC, to monitor the progress of the Officer team. It is the President's responsibility, on behalf of the PRC, to ensure that PRC members and members of the Officer team are fulfilling their obligations as set out in this document. Likewise, it is the PRC's responsibility to ensure the President is doing the same. President • Chair PRC and Executive Committee meetings, arrange agenda, approve minutes and encourage participation of PRC members • Have responsibility for the general operation of PARSA including supervision of the Executive team and staff, management of the PARSA office and oversight of expenditure, official correspondence and PARSA's formal records 11 • • • • • • Act as the spokesperson for PARSA to the media and on official matters within the University Represent postgraduate students on the University Council, as required by Section 10 of the Australian National University Act 1991 Liaise with University staff, ANUSA, CAPA and other local, state and national organisations about issues relating to postgraduate students Be accountable to the membership and elected representatives through regular reporting to the PRC Communicate the decisions of the PRC and its committees to PARSA staff, and the wider University community as appropriate Coordinate and monitor officers' work plans Vice President Support the work of the President in the following areas: • Staffing and employment matters • Office administration matters • Deputise where required • Advocacy • Deputise where required Treasurer • With the support of the Administrator, receive, pay into the bank accounts of the Association, disburse, and be accountable for all moneys of the Association • Through the Administrator, keep full and complete accounts of the financial affairs of the Association and present a report of these affairs to the AGM • Coordinate requests for grants in accordance with the PARSA Grants Guidelines • Chair, PARSA Finance Committee Equity Officer • Develop ideas for special programs and campaigns related to equity matters affecting postgraduate students • Provide input and support for existing, ongoing and developing equity initiatives in the ANU, such as Mental Health Day, childcare for ANU postgraduate students, student employment opportunities • Organise casual discussion group sessions -‐ invite student groups to voice their concerns, suggestions, feedback and existing or potential issues of concern, ideas for events 12 • • Meet with the PARSA Student Assistance Officers when necessary to monitor the cases being dealt with and to ensure appropriate input and support is provided from the PARSA executive and PRC Chair, PARSA Equity Committee Social Officer • Develop ideas for social and networking events • Coordinate the PARSA social events calendar • Ensure PARSA social events are advertised widely with appropriate promotional materials (posters, flyers, FB and tweets, website content and Orgsync • Actively promote the PARSA social mailing list to postgraduate students • Ensure that PARSA social events are documented (photos, videos, articles) • Work closely with the Social and Marketing Manager in undertaking these duties • Chair, PARSA Social Committee Indigenous Officer • Support and advocate for the teaching and learning of postgraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at ANU • Promote awareness of the issues facing postgraduate Indigenous students at ANU • Represent PARSA and actively participate in the ANU Reconciliation Action Plan Committee • Promote the involvement of PARSA members in Indigenous advocacy within ANU and in wider community Indigenous events • Have input in the integration of Indigenous advocacy practices at ANU • Provide information and updates to the postgraduate student body about opportunities relating to Indigenous advocacy, research relating to Indigenous interests, conferences, guest lectures, RAP outcomes International Officer • Promote international student participation in PARSA activities • Help to coordinate postgraduate international student programs in conjunction with the International Student Department (a department of ANUSA) • Promote an environment for harmonious integration of international students to life in Canberra • Advocate for the interests and needs of international postgraduate students in the ANU and beyond, for example by liaising with CISA 13 • • Facilitate network building among stakeholders with an interest in supporting international students Chair, PARSA International Committee Environment Officer • Promote environmental awareness and responsibility among PARSA members • Actively participate in the ANU Environmental Management and Planning Committee • Facilitate active involvement of PARSA members in environment and sustainability initiatives within ANU and beyond • Organise PARSA members to participate in wider community sustainability events which would raise the public profile of PARSA • Participate in the implementation and maintenance of environmental awareness and environmentally sensitive practices at the University • Have input into the integration of environmentally sustainable concepts into University course and program offerings where appropriate Communications Officer • Establishing and maintaining networking rapport with all media institutions and communication platforms at the ANU to raise PARSA's profile • Taking overall responsibility for developing and disseminating press releases, and working closely with the president and other executives and staff members • Assuming overall responsibility to facilitate the writing of short articles/news stories about PARSA's projects and policy positions on activities affecting postgraduate students • Assists with the briefing of the Executive team and PRC around information/stories which are expected to prompt enquiries • Act as first point of contact for PARSA on all media related inquires related to PARSA • Prepare and supervise the production of branded promotional materials, e.g. brochures, pull-‐up stands, business cards, website and email designs, promotional videos and multimedia programmes for PARSA • Identify opportunities to promote PARSA by organising promotional stalls at key events at the university Education Officer • Responsible for developing the higher education policy of PARSA 14 • • • • • Conduct research into higher education policy developments at a college, university, state and national level Represent PARSA on university committees relating to education policy Provide advice on academic policy and issues to the President who sits on the Academic Board and University Council Prepare submission to relevant government bodies on issues that impact postgraduate students Liaise and collaborate with College Representatives on educational matters pertaining to Colleges at the university All Officers • Sit and be active on at University committees on behalf of PARSA (or the PARSA President in some cases) • Ensure regular reporting of matters discussed at University committee meetings to the PRC • Deal with PARSA member enquiries and/or refer them to the appropriate person or body • Provide information related to your portfolio and committees you sit on, for the PARSA website, social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Orgsync) and the PARSA bi-‐monthly e-‐newsletter • Assist the President with duties, and deputise, as required • Keep appropriate records of the above duties College Representatives • Liaise with College management and administration, identify as the elected representative and advocate for postgraduate students in the College • Host an event each semester engaging with postgraduate students of the College • Deal with enquiries from postgraduate students and refer them to the appropriate Executive team member where necessary General Representatives • Be active within the ANU community identifying as an elected representative and advocate for postgraduate students in the University • Deal with enquiries from postgraduate students and refer them to the appropriate Executive team member where necessary 15 GENERAL INFORMATION Returning Officer: Dale Brosnahan Dale has been the Returning Officer for the 2014 and 2013 PARSA elections. Additionally Dale was the ANUSA Returning Officer in 2012. Dale has a high level of expertise in the University sphere and particularly with IT systems. Dale has always undertaken the role of Returning Officer with professionalism and integrity. Electronic Voting: Apollo The Apollo Ballot system shall be used to conduct the 2015 elections. Counting of Vote & Reporting the Election Results: The Returning Officer will arrange for the counting of votes and will make an announcement of votes received at the AGM. Additionally the Returning Officer shall provide a report on the election to the PRC at the AGM. 16 2016 ELECTIONS Pending University Council ratification,* PARSA will operate under a new constitution as of June/July 2015 and as such the 2016 Elections will be held in accordance with this new constitution (direct election model, officer positions stated in the constitution and enshrining of certain regulations). For the new constitution and what the 2016 elections will look like please see, the 2015 Constitution and the 2016 Elections infographic. *Following the March PARSA OGM a new constitution was adopted by the postgraduate students of ANU by special resolution. Any constitutional amendments must be ratified by University Council and submitted to the Office of Regulatory Services (ORS) to take effect. University Council stipulated that the entire constitution would not be able to be ratified until the 29th May 2015 as Council needs time to go over the entirety of the document. In an effort to allow PARSA the opportunity to run direct elections sought to ratify sections 6 & 7 of the 2015 constitution. However, legal counsel provided to PARSA suggested that it would be more appropriate to wait until the entire document is ratified so that it may be lodged with the ORS and take legal effect, as the postgraduate body voted in an new constitution and did not amend sections. The PRC decided to follow this advice. Thus, pending University Council ratification and ORS acceptance, a new Constitution will take effect in June/July of 2015. This will mean that the 2016 elections will be held in accordance with the new Constitution. 17 18
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