A 4-day training course for those brokering & managing multi

A 4-day training course for those brokering & managing
multi-stakeholder partnerships
21-24 April 2015
A 4-day skills training and professional development that includes:
• A theoretical framework for partnership brokering and managing, and the importance of good
brokering in the development of robust, efficient and innovative partnerships, consortia &
• Brokering skills development in: scoping, resource-mapping, facilitation, interest-based
negotiation, relationship-management, reaching agreement and reviewing
• Exploration of common partnership management and brokering challenges
• Action planning for individual applications of the lessons from the course
A small, diverse participant group will maximise potential for personal attention and individual
opportunities for skills building and professional development. Previous participants include
representatives from:
Accenture Development Partnerships, Africa Development
Bank, Aga Khan Foundation, AusAID, BBC, Birdlife International,
CARE, Cooperatives Europe, DEG, DfID, Earthwatch, Flora & Fauna
International, GAIN, GTZ, ILO, Lafarge, Marie Stopes, Microsoft, Nike,
Oxfam, Plan International, PWC, Rio Tinto, Save the Children, Shell, Start
Network, Total, UNDP, UNICEF, Universal Sodexho, UNHCR, Unilever,
UNV, US State Department, WEF, WHO, World Vision, WWF
“I now have the framework, tools and confidence to address the challenges of a particularly problematic
partnership, including an action plan and timelines - excellent!” Course graduate (Australia)
Training team
Julie Mundy is
an experienced
partnerships specialist
& a PBA Authorised
Lead Trainer & mentor.
She has worked as
both an internal &
external partnership
broker in international
project design, management, strategy,
leadership & governance for almost 20 years.
Julie has specific sector expertise in women’s
health, food and water security, and the INGO
sector. Her recent focus has been partnership
agreement negotiation, conducting reviews of
major bilateral/NGO partnerships in the rural
development, health, education & NGO sectors,
& designing and conducting partnership training
programs across a range of agencies and sectors.
Catherine Russ
is an accredited
partnership broker
and & facilitator. She
has a background
in the humanitarian
sector: Save
the Children contributing to the
development of
local & global partnerships for development
of the Humanitarian Leadership Academy
initiative. She also supported a wide cross-sector
partnership addressing professionalization
through the Enhancing Learning for Research
and Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA)
Professionalization Initiative. At RedR she was
a co-founder of the Disaster Response Support
Service, a joint pilot partnership with the Bioforce
Institute. Catherine holds an MSc in Continuing
Education & Training.
What is the Partnership Brokers Training Programme?
There is a growing demand worldwide from all sectors for greater competence in scoping and managing the
partnering process in non-traditional partnerships and cross-sector collaboration.
A partnership ‘broker’ is someone who works as an intermediary building effective and innovative collaboration.
Partnership brokers can be either internal – responsible for negotiating or managing partnerships on behalf of
their organisation – or external – those offering independent partnership brokering services.
Established in 2003, the globally recognised Partnership Brokers Training Scheme builds the practical brokering
skills and professional practices necessary to address complex challenges in the partnering process at all phases of
a partnership’s life cycle. Objectives of the training:
• Deepen understanding of professional partnership process management (partnership brokering)
• Introduce partnership brokering concepts and practical tools
• Build key skills and professional confidence in this field
• Explore innovative approaches to problem-solving and transformative interventions
• Promote a ‘reflective’ approach to professional practice and partnership brokering good practice principles
• Create new knowledge about partnership brokering and its value
“The course was highly applicable to the type of work I do with consortia and networks, and the kind of
challenges I am faced with on a day-to-day basis. The material was relevant and helped give perspective
to those challenges. The course also enabled the participants to step back and reflect on our own work
in relation to what we were learning. I really appreciated the whole experience and went back to my role
energised and ready for action.“ Director of humanitarian agency, UK
To be accepted onto the course, applicants should be active partnership practitioners involved
in the management and development of multi-stakeholder partnerships and should be able to
demonstrate the following:
• Educational attainment at higher education level in a related field and/or practical
experience that combines analytical capabilities with an aptitude for working with diverse
• Management support for their participation in this course;
• Opportunities for the practical application of partnership brokering skills.
Please note, participants who attend all sessions will be awarded a formal certificate of
attendance. For those who have to miss 1-3 sessions for good reason, the trainers have the
discretion to invite them to submit further work to show that they have reflected on the missed
material. Anyone who misses more than 3 sessions will be able to complete the course but will
not be awarded a certificate and will not be eligible to apply for any Level 2 course.
“I think the course has encouraged me to think more strategically. It’s introduced me to important tools
which I can use in my day-to-day work, and participants were able to share many interesting experiences
which I can also model.
The focus on a reflective approach to professional practice isn’t something I’d considered before, but I can
definitely see its importance now!” Course graduate (Australia)
The fee is Euro €1700 (includes tuition costs, background reading materials, lunch, refreshments & copies of
training materials. Does not include travel & accommodation). The fee is payable upon application, your place on
the course is secured when full payment is received.
Earlybird rate of €1440: for applications and payment in full before 27 February 2015.
The venue is IFRC in Geneva.
“This programme has given my partnership brokering work a ‘soul’. The delivery was precise and to the
point. I now have a clear picture of the entire brokering process and how best I can execute my role. I have
renewed confidence and increased skills. It was an excellent experience.“ Course graduate (India)
Participants who complete this training will become alumni of the Partnership Brokers
Association giving them access to further partnership brokering resources - research
findings, tools, and advanced (Level 2) training options.
Partnership Brokers Association