On June 6th in 1944 American Paratroopers flew over the English Channel and jumped to the shores of Normandy to free Europe. June 6th, 2015 is YOUR chance to be a hero for local Veterans. Skydiving for Veterans is the Foundation’s newest “Party With a Purpose” and a once-in-a-lifetime way to help Portland area Veterans Causes — and you can participate in this great event! You can be a hero by participating any … or all of three ways: You can register to jump June 6th; you can be a sponsor; and you can donate. 2015 SKYDIVING FOR VETERANS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: 5-STAR SPONSOR $10,000 • • • • • • • Military Experience Package for 4 Armed Forces Reserve Center VIP Tour Historical Presentation – Oregon’s role in WWII Event VIP area ownership Special signage at event PWAPF Website recognition Jump Day Medallion and 2 Event T-shirts MEDAL OF HONOR SPONSOR $5,000 • • • • • • Armed Forces Reserve Center VIP Tour Historical Presentation – Oregon’s role in WWII Event Registration area ownership Special signage at event PWAPF Website recognition Jump Day Medallion and 2 Event T-shirts SILVER STAR SPONSOR $2,500 JUMP! SPONSOR! DONATE! Share the excitement! Invite your friends to help make this once in a lifetime Event on June 6th a real tribute to our Vets as we raise awareness and funds for local Veterans charities. For more information, please call: 503-201-8839 or Email: info@PWAPF.org Armed Forces Reserve Center VIP Tour Historical Presentation – Oregon’s role in WWII Event Mess Tent ownership Special signage at event PWAPF Website recognition Jump Day Medallion and 2 Event T-shirts BRONZE STAR SPONSOR $1,000 • • • • Historical Presentation – Oregon’s role in WWII Special Signage at event PWAPF Website recognition Jump Day Medallion and 1 Event T-shirt PURPLE HEART SPONSOR $500 • • • • SKYDIVING FOR VETERANS will be held on Saturday, JUNE 6, 2015, (The Anniversary of D-DAY in 1944) at SKYDIVE OREGON located at 12150 S. Hwy 211 in Molalla, OR. • • • • • • Historical Presentation – Oregon’s role in WWII Signage at event PWAPF Website recognition Jump Day Medallion and 1 Event T-shirt DETAILS FOR PACKAGES AND PRESENTATIONS: Military Experience Package: Ride in a tank, a Humvee and shoot military weapons with a professional. An up close and personal experience with weapons and the various levels of security elements used to protect our service men and women. PARTY WITH A PURPOSE FOUNDATION Please visit www.Jump4Vets.org to learn more! Armed Forces Reserve Center Tour/41st Division: A VIP tour guided by the Oregon National Guard’s Command Historian. To include a detailed behind-the-scenes tour with discussion and insight and an up close look at many of the historical artifacts on loan from the Oregon Military Museum. Historical Presentation: Spirited presentation and history recalled of Oregon’s role in WWII. Includes lunch, maps and educational resources for the whole family to enjoy. PARTY WITH A PURPOSE FOUNDATION’S SKYDIVING FOR VETERANS SERVES LOCAL VETERANS CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS. Among those for 2015 are the Historical Outreach Foundation and Oregon Military Museum, local Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts, Team Red,White and Blue and other local Veterans Causes. The Historical Outreach Foundation honors members and veterans of the armed forces through several programs. The Brigadier General James B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum at Camp Withycombe in Clackamas, Oregon, shares Oregon’s rich military heritage from the Tribal Wars to today’s campaigns with engaging exhibits, interpretive programs and special events. Education Outreach offers curriculumbased, hands-on presentations to schools throughout Oregon and SW Washington, educating 6,000 students, annually. Reaching across generations to share from beyond our locality, the Veterans’ Legacies Project is an online database recording and preserving personal accounts of veterans throughout history; with key partnerships, these stories are shared with over 10,000,000 unique viewers, annually. Remembering the Greatest Generation, the Oregon World War II Memorial continues to honor the service men and women who served during WWII. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) mission is to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans. The VFW Vision is to ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country. And the VFW’s Core Values are to: Always put the interests of our members first; Treat donors as partners in our cause; Promote patriotism; Honor military service; Ensure the care of veterans and their families; Serve our communities; Promote a positive image of the VFW; and Respect the diversity of veteran opinions. Party With A Purpose Foundation’s Skydiving For Veterans Event helps raise awareness about the VFW and connect those who can help to local VFW Posts. Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. Their chapters and communities deliver consistent, local opportunities for veterans and the community to connect through physical and social activity. And it is so much more than running. They host regular fitness activities, social gatherings, and participate in local races and events together. Team RWB (Red, White and Blue) has an eagle, our National Bird for their logo representing the organization. Team RWB practices what they refer to as “The Eagle Ethos”, which is based upon six words that uniquely characterize Team RWB … passion, people, positivity, commitment, camaraderie, and community. For more information about Team RWB’s Portland, Oregon Chapter, please visit their website. www.historicaloutreach.com www.vfw.org www.teamrwb.org Other local Veterans’ Causes. Party With A Purpose Foundation’s mission is to provide giving opportunities to local charities. With our Events, we raise funds and awareness for select local charities. The Skydiving for Veterans Event will do this for the Historical Outreach Foundation and Brigadier General James B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum and local VFW Posts. And it also will help the Foundation provide funds and awareness for other Veteran based causes, like Team RGB as well as assisting in underwriting the expenses of a Boy Scout’s Eagle Scout project to create a Plaque to recognize Veterans as well as a Medallion in front of each U.S. Military Veteran’s grave at the Pleasant View Cemetery in Clackamas County. The funds raised at Skydiving For Veterans go to help local Veteran-related Causes. If you would like more information on being involved in something great, please call 503-201-8839. For more information, please call: 503-201-8839 or Email: info@PWAPF.org Party With A Purpose Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. Tax ID: 46-2970372 www.Jump4Vets.org
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