W M F by steve jones

by steve jones
world fitness
Models Simone Lewis & Dave Bergwerf
Photo by Steve Jones
Copyright © 2011 all rights reserved
“Fitness Modeling is taking the world by storm, learn how you could be
the next big sensation to feature on the cover of fitness magazines or in
international advertising campaigns”.
ith the ever growing popularity and
following for Fitness Modeling across
the world I thought it would be
appropriate to put together “The
Fitness Models Handbook”.
A resource of information for those wanting to
achieve a Fitness Model body, compete in a
Fitness Model event and most importantly how to
go about marketing yourself to become a
successful Fitness Model.
What defines a Fitness Model? Do you love
working out and following a healthy lifestyle?
Do you have an attractive appearance both
facially and body wise? If you can answer yes to
these three questions you could well be on your
way to a career in the world of Fitness Modeling.
But wait right there! There is a little more to it
than that, and this is where the Fitness Model
Handbook is going to be your guide to becoming
the best Fitness Model you can possible be.
be pushing 5’1. So unlike catwalk fashion modeling where
models are tipping the 6 foot mark Fitness Model is open to men
and women of all heights.
The Fitness Model Diet
The diet of a Fitness Model is very similar to that of a bodybuilder
with one major difference, there is no offseason for a Fitness
Model. You have to find a diet plan you are happy with or more
importantly can stick to year in year out. There is no room for
bulking up, you have to be camera-ready 365 days a year
otherwise you will undoubtedly miss out on a number of
Most Fitness Models have composite cards which we will talk about
a little later. But these are double sided card, much like a super
sized business card with a series of images and your personal bio
reflecting age, height, weight, eyes, shoe size etc. When a
company is looking to hire you they expect that they are hiring
someone who looks like the person on that comp card, not
someone who is 5-10kgs overweight. So the number one rule to
becoming a successful Fitness Model is always be in shape. Never
go over 4-5 kilos of your onstage condition.
The Body Type
What does the perfect Fitness Model look like? This is a tough one
to nail down as the judges of any top level Fitness Model event will
attest to. Fitness modeling is much like regular modeling, a
company thinking of hiring a Fitness Model may have a
particular look in mind e.g Male, dark hair, 6 foot, with brown
eyes. Yet another company could be looking for a guy with blonde
hair and blue eyes. Generally the one thing in common that both
companies are looking for is someone with a lean, healthy athletic
looking body.
Body types obviously vary as much as hair color but what defines
the perfect Fitness Model body for either male or female? For
starters you don’t have to have a huge bodybuilder type of
physique, a more athletic leaner appearance with good overall
balance is ideal. Technically for males you are kind of a smaller
bodybuilder without the bulkiness, you have a great six pack, good
development through your upper body with a good degree of
definition. You have to have the kind of body that looks great both
in and out of clothes, in bathers, sports wear or a suit.
A female Fitness Model encompasses many of the same traits but
obviously without the degree of muscular development. Women do
not necessarily need a blaring six pack but you should have a well
toned flat tummy. You should also possess great tone and shape
through your legs and butt and good muscle tone throughout your
upper body. Too much definition will scare many companies away,
as its just too harsh and most magazine editors generally look for
an attractive, toned woman who depicts a healthy appearance.
A figure competitors body is far too hard for Fitness Modeling,
however a figure athlete in her off season condition may well make
a good Fitness Model.
The great thing about Fitness Modeling is much of the work is
photography, so height is not an issue. In fact there are a number
of extremely successful Fitness Models in the US who are lucky to
Fitness Model
Nutrition Plan:
Breakfast: Eggs are one of the
greatest foods on Earth, they are
high protein low fat and light on the
digestion. For guys 6-8 eggs whites
with 1 yolk is ideal. For girls 4-6 egg
whites and 1 yolk.
Add some chopped onions,
mushrooms or asparagus and a
few mixes herbs and you have a
great way to start the day. Don’t
be scared to cook your eggs with a
little olive oil as your body needs the
good fats.
Lunch: Either chicken or Tuna
salads make a great choice. Once
again high protein, low carb and
plenty of fibre from the greens.Try
and use the green leafy salads if
possible and add a diced tomato and
a little red onion. Don’t be scared
to use a little light vinaigrette and a
little olive oil on your salad.
Salads are light, healthy and are
extremely thermogenic (fat
There is a great deal of confusion about diet and
most people have little understanding of how
their body actually metabolizes various foods and
what effect they have on their body.
To cut to the chase you will have to consume a
high to moderate protein diet with good fats and
keep a close eye on your carbohydrate intake.
If there is one food group that will destroy your
chances of developing a Fitness Model body it
would be carbs.
You never need to go zero carbs, this is a fad
diet and has little to do with healthy. What you
do need to do is eat your carbohydrates when
they are more likely to be used, this being either
pre workout or post workout. I believe a Fitness
Model can achieve a great look on 3-4 meals per
day, forget the 6 meal a day plans as it’s a drain
to be preparing food 24/7. To be honest spacing
your meals so they are around 4 hours apart will
do more to tap into unwanted bodyfat and keep
you looking lean.
How much protein at each meal?
Having an exact measure is not all that important
as it is actually quite tough for your body to
convert protein into bodyfat. I would, however
suggest 20-30gms of protein per meal for females
and around 30-40gms for males.
Ignore the flawed Glycemic Index
that’s states brown rice is better
than white, it’s simply not true.
Latest research has shown there is
no difference in the effect on Insulin
release whether it’s brown or white
rice. Plus you will be consuming this
meal with a serving of protein and
some good fats.
The golden rule is to watch the
total grams of carbs in this meal.
For women you should be no more
than 50-60gms and for males
between 80-100gms.
You do not need a lot of carbs per
day as they are a very concentrated
energy source and are easily
converted to bodyfat if
By eating your only starchy carb
meal close to your workout you are
ensuring those carbs will be burned
as fuel. The rest of the day you will
be burning up bodyfat and
maintaining a lean Fitness Model
body by sticking with protein and
vegetables (Fibrous carbs).
Stay Hydrated
To maintain optimum fat
burning you need water.
A dehydrated body finds it
hard to break down
fat and perform to its best
during a tough workout
session. Aim for 3-4 litres
of water per day depending
on the environment you are
in. Best option is to always
carry a bottle of water with
you wherever you may go.
Exercise for Fitness Models
Is there a particular way to train to get a Fitness
Model body? Yes there is but it is nothing new.
It comes back down to making weight training
your preferred exercise choice over hours of
tedious cardio! Science has shown that weight
training offers a much great fat burning benefit
than cardio work does. One weight session will
keep you burning fat for up to 48 hours after!
After cardio there is very little post exercise
burning that takes place.
Another good reason to make weight training a
major part of your program is because it builds
and maintains lean muscle mass. Muscle is what
gives you body shape and the more lean mass
you have the more energy you burn even while
Dinner: Lean beef or chicken breast
with vegetables (broccoli, green
beans, cabbage, zuchinni,
Pre exercise meal: This is the best
time to consume your starchy carbs
(bread, potato, oats, rice).
This meal should be consumed
around 1 hour before you go to the
gym as it will provide fuel for your
workout. In any respect it does not
matter where you get the carbs
from it can be wholemeal bread,
potato, pasta, rice as it all ends up
in your system as the same thing,
in one sitting!
Cardio workouts should be kept separate from
weight sessions. For example get up early and go
for a brisk walk before breakfast. Then head to
the gym later in the afternoon after you have had
your complex carb/protein meal.
An example workout program
for a Fitness Model would look
like this
Supplements For Fitness Models
Is it necessary to supplement to achieve a
Fitness Model body? Not at all, you can do it
with straight food but supplements will make the
entire process a whole lot easier and quicker.
Especially getting to a point where you are happy
with your body shape and conditioning.
So what supplements offer the best bang for the
buck? If I had to choose two products it would be
a good Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA)
supplement and a good fat burner. BCAAS not
only help you build and maintain lean muscle they
also assist with fat burning. You can supplement
each meal with 1 teaspoon of BCAA to boost the
amino acid profile of each meal.
What about protein shakes?
Dairy base protein drinks are quick and easy and
no doubt have their place, however there is no
replacing solid food. The latest science reveals
that having eggs for breakfast alone offers
significant fat burning benefits over oats. Try
making a nice omelette with 6 egg whites and 1-2
yolks, you will be surprised at how much better
you start to feel and look.
If you can’t live without your protein powder and
oats make sure you make it your pre workout
meal, not your breakfast. Also keep an eye on the
grams of carbs in the serving of oats you have, as
I know some people who pile them in a bowl and
would easily be consuming 150-200gms of carbs
Day 1: Morning cardio: 45 minute power walk
Afternoon weight session: 45-60 minutes
(chest, back, triceps, abs)
Day 2: Morning cardio: 45 minutes power walk
Afternoon weight session: 45-60 minutes
(Legs,shoulder, biceps,abs)
Day 3: Morning cardio: 45 minute powerwalk
Day off weights.
Day 4: Morning cardio: 45 minutes powerwalk
Afternoon weights: 45-60 minutes
Day 5: REPEAT.
Your workouts should be hard and fast with
minimal rest between sets. The best rep range is
8-12 and your should aim for 3-4 sets per
exercise. One of the best ways to increase your
workout intensity is to use super sets. E.g
Perform a set of bench press and then jump
straight into a set of lat pulldowns. Repeat this
with no rest between sets. You can do this with
any body part grouping but it seems to work
better for opposing groups, e,g chest/back. Or
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1. Decide on which competition you
are going to compete in. ( Look for an
event that offers good exposure and
opportunities to further your career.)
Check the dates mark them on your
calendar as a goal and also check to
see if any magazines will be
conducting photo shoots at the event
so you can arrange to book in for the
shoot. ( Take advantage of this as you
could land yourself a front cover)
2. View DVDs from previous events to
you can get a general feel for how the
show is run and what sort of look the
judges are looking for.
3. Choose three outfits that
complement your body type, skin color
and personality. You will need
swimwear, sports theme and
evening club wear. Each organization
has a different requirement so ensure
you check the official organization
website to ensure you are within their
4. The girls will need to find a good
make-up and hair stylist if they are not
experienced in doing their own.
Hair and make-up can make a huge
difference and finding someone who
has experience in how to bring out
your best look onstage can make all
the difference.
5. Get your tan right! Ensure you have
a healthy tan for the big day as this
can make a huge difference.
Find a good spray tanner and book
in the day before the event, or early
morning. Some events have spray
tanners onsite, some don’t. Probably
pays to ask your spray tanner if they
have a small bottle they can provide
for touch ups just in case you need it.
Your first Fitness Model
You have now got to the point where you are
happy with your physical condition and want to
step onstage in your first Fitness Model event.
Fitness Modeling events are a great way to get
your face out there and be seen by the right
people. Most shows have company executives in
attendance and magazine editors. As much as
you want to win the event think of these events
as marketing strategies where you place yourself
in front of the right people who may want to use
you in a campaign or on a front cover of a Fitness
Always keep in mind that Fitness Model
competitions are subjective, it all depends on
the judging panel on the day. Different panel can
mean a different result. This is obviously out of
your hands but what is in your control is how you
present yourself onstage with your overall stage
Most editors of magazines generally do not care
where you place in an event, they are looking for
someone who makes a great cover model and
represents a great image for health and fitness.
Many times a Fitness Model that places 5th or 6th
will land a front cover. Don’t get me wrong
everyone is out to win but it’s important to keep
your goal in mind and that is to market yourself in
the most professional and stylish manner.
Making an impact onstage
Stage presence encompasses an entire range of
things, it’s not just the way you walk, or the way
you smile. It is all of that and more, it’s having a
confident yet relaxed appearance that draws all
eyes to you. If it’s over done it can look cheesy
and tacky, so don’t over play a good thing.
Obviously your first event is going to be your
toughest with a few nerves settling in. Just remind
yourself that all of the other competitors are
probably feeling the same way and it’s only you
that has the power to control your nerves. My
best advice is relax and just have fun the rest will
fall into place.
Tips to achieve that winning
The competition is going to be tough so how do
you ensure that you stand out from the crowd
and have that little bit extra to make you shine
The first step is to ensure you start your
preparation early enough to be in shape for the
event. By rights you should not go over 4-5kgs of
your stage weight when you are not competing.
There is no off season for fitness models!
6. Make a list of everything you need
to bring in your gym bag, as its often
quite easy to forget even the most
obvious items.
To get that extra tightness and bring out the
definition start applying a cream called
Thiomucase 2-3 weeks before your event. It
release’s an additional 20-30% more water from
under your skin and is great for stubborn areas
that tend to hold more fat and water.
Here are a few of them:
- Your 3 outfits and for the girls a
spare swimwear outfit.
- Touch up for your tan.
- Any make up for touch up or hair
product needed.
- A large towel and hand towel.
- A bottle of body oil ( make sure you
put this in a plastic bag as you don’t
want it leaking all over your outfits)
- Your meals for the day in
prepackaged containers.
- 2-3 bottles of water.
- Any event entry forms, registration
forms and fees required for the
- If your category requires music bring
along two copies of your CD.
- Bring some of your composite cards
if you have any. You can give these
to company executives or magazine
editors. Remember it’s all about self
Make sure you have an even streak free tan,
not too dark as it is not a bodybuilding event.
You want to look healthy, not like you have been
dipped in a barrel of orange paint!
Choose your apparel wisely. Wear colors that
complement both your skin, eyes and hair color.
Ensure they fit well and the styling enhances your
body shape not detracts from it. Girls should be
mindful of not coming across too explicit with
overly short skirts, or revealing tops. You want to
look stylish and sexy not cheap and tacky. A great
fitting suit always looks good on a guy, but a bad
fitting one looks like a disaster. So guys, make
sure if you are going to wear a suit it is well fitted.
Smile and enjoy yourself. Events are fun so make
sure you show the judges and audience that you
love this lifestyle, smile, look confident and enjoy
the experience.
Zoe Daly & Kynan Nahrung Photo by Inspired Photography
Discover the secret weapon used by
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Bodybuilders, figure competitors and models rely on
Thiomucase Cream as an integral part of their total
fitness program as it assists them in achieving not
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Thiomucase is used to temporarily tighten the skin
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Thiomucase may just give you that extra 15% edge
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PH: 0410 169 595
see! Social etiquette and a little common
sense needs to come into play when using
social media platforms.
Unfortunately many facebookers tend to
have an “all about me” approach to
postings. For example if they place 3rd in
an event its wow, look at me, look at me.
What about writing a few shorts words
saying what a great line up it was and also
congratulate everyone else who competed
even the winners.
A good way to ostracize yourself is by
becoming self obsessed.Be humble and
gracious and think about others as well.
This type of attitude will take you so much
further than the “all about me
Marketing yourself
Now that you have hit your first
Fitness Model competition it’s time to use
the exposure from the event to market
yourself. To start with you will need good
quality images either taken at the event or
at the pre event photo shoot if there was
one. These need to be professional images
not fuzzy shots taken with an Iphone.
Remember any image is a personal advert
for yourself so you don’t want to be
throwing out poor quality images that do
you no justice. You will have to pay for
good quality images, but even half a dozen
great images can really boost your career
and open some doors in the industry.
The next step is to start to network with
people in the industry. People that call the
shots, editors of magazines, model agents,
TV producers and CEOs of companies. If
any of these people are at an event you
are competing in politely introduce
yourself and pass on one of your
composite cards. Fitness expos and major
events are usually good places to make
good connections.
Get your own website
It does not need to be a fancy website
just something where you can provide a
BIO on yourself, a good photo gallery and
maybe an application to upload videos as
well. You can add your website address
to your business and composite cards for
interested parties to learn a little more
about what you have achieved or to view
your online gallery.
Social Networking
Facebook, twitter, youtube have gone
crazy and even big corporate companies
now have facebook pages!
Networking is one of the keys to success
in any business. In this instance you are
your business and facebook is a great way
to connect with the right people across
the world. It can be a powerful tool in the
right hands. A word of Warning. Images
and words are quite wide reaching on
facebook so think before you post. I have
seen some posts that use a number of four
letter words that I am sure you would not
want a CEO or a prospective sponsor to
Fitness Model: Kirra Longmuir Photo: Inspired Photography
Don’t forget to place a link on your website
advising people to add you on facebook
and include your website and email on
your facebook page. Smart networking
and social media use can go a long way
to helping your career, but make sure you
don’t overdo the entire process as it can
and will have the opposite effect.
Submitting to magazines
Now this comes from experience as I
receive hundreds of emails on a daily basis
from Fitness Models and athletes from
across the world. Rule number 1 is do not
make a nuisance of yourself as most
editors are extremely busy and will reply
to any emails in good time. If an editor
likes what he or she sees they will get
back to you. Send an email introducing
yourself, a short bio and a link to your
website along with 2-3 quality photos.
Another way to get your foot in the door
with a Fitness Magazine is to submit an
article about anything related to fitness.
They are always looking for good content
and if the article is well written it may get
published along with your credits which is
a great ways to build credibility and gain
exposure within the industry.
Putting it all together
Hopefully this has given you a good insight
into what is required to establish yourself
in the world of Fitness Modeling. To make
it work you have to really have a passion
for the health and fitness lifestyle and
have a little patience.
Big things generally don’t happen
overnight it takes a little time to establish
some good connections and put
yourself out there for people to see.
Fitness Modeling is not something you are
going to give up your day job for. However,
you can earn some extra money if you
secure some promo or TV work.
If you are actively involved in the health
and fitness industry, a gym owner, personal trainer or any other fitness related
business exposure in magazines is a major
benefit to your business as it builds your
For the latest news in Fitness Modeling, up
and coming events, photographers,
composite cards and a whole lot more
visit www.worldfitnessmodels.com
The 2011 ANB Asia Pacific Fitness Model /
Sports Model two-disk set is now available.
If you missed the event or have a friend or
family member who competed this DVD set is
the perfect gift. It contains all the Fitness Model
and Sports Model categories along with some
bonus footage including the Natural Bodz Photo
shoot and Interviews with Monica Jones.
If you are thinking of competing in next years
Fitness Model or Sports Model Category the DVD
provides some great insight so you have a
better idea of how each category is performed
and the competition you may be up against.
To order this two disk set visit:
www.naturalbodzmagazine.com or call
0410 169 595
Balding may be caused by genetic disorders
such as androgenetic alopecia, alopecia
areata and so on. It can also be caused by
hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy and
some medications. There are many options
available to people who suffer from balding
which, as you can see from the following
statistics, is a large portion of the
• 25% of men begin balding by age 30.
• As many as 50% of men are affected by
male pattern baldness by the age of 50.
• By the age of 60 as many as two-thirds of
men are showing signs of balding.
Bodchua Cosmeceuticals have released a
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Adopting pure natural herbs extracts from
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time to take action now with Hair Growth –
SF Support Formula by Bodchua.
The product is available through
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Ph: 0410 169 595 or visit
By enhancing blood circulation to the scalp
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Bodchua Cosmeceuticals Hair
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Show your support for Australia’s leading health and fitness magazine that promotes Australian Fitness Models to the mainstream market. They have some great
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These are great t shirts made from quality cotton that can be worn around town
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style sleeves.
Price: $34.95 (inc gst) Free post Australia-wide
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Order online through: www.naturalbodzmagazine.com
Phone: 0410 169 595
“A guide to getting the most out of a professional photo shoot”
he time has come, you have got your body to the point
where you want to get some quality photographs shot by
a professional photographer. Where do you start, what do
you wear, what poses do you do, what shouldn’t you do?
A lot of questions but certainly very important ones as you
don’t want to waste your time and money on a unproductive
photo shoot.
Locate a good photographer
The first step is to make sure you hire a professional
photographer who has a creative eye, someone who
understands light,angles and has an artistic flair.
Photography is indeed an art as is painting, the difference is
the photographer uses various backgrounds, you the subject
and lighting to create a digital work of art. Having quality
equipment is important but not as important as a good artistic
eye. So make sure you check examples of the photographers
work before you commit to a shoot. Ensure that the work they
produce is the type of look you are desire.
Once you have made a decision you can discuss fees etc, as
most photographers have various packages available.
Make sure you do have rights to the images so you can use
them to promote yourself and send to various magazines.
Many models get caught out after they have paid for a shoot
only to find the photographer wants hundreds of dollars for an
image if it is going to be published! So make sure you confirm
this before making a commitment.
Make sure you have a good even tan
A great tan is essential for any photo shoot. There are a
variety of options available these days. You can either pay for
a professional spray tan or you can purchase the product
yourself and get someone who you can trust to apply it for
you. The most important factor is ensuring the tan is even
over your entire body and your face matches you body colour.
It does make things a little tough for a photographer if you
body colour is different than your face. Images can be touched
up in photoshop by the photographer but this takes additional
time and there will most often be a fee involved.
So make sure your tan is even throughout and does not have
any streaks.
Add a little oil
For your body shots in swim wear you may want to add a little
oil or glaze to your skin. It all depends on the type of look you
are aiming for but a little shimmer on your skin will certainly
enhance any muscle definition. You can use simple baby oil or
purchase a professional glaze product that is designed for this
purpose. Just make sure you don’t go too heavy with the oil as
you don’t want to look greasy.
Bring a variety of outfits and small props
You want to make the most out of your photoshoot and try and
get a variety of images in various outfits to produce a good
array of images. Not much point in having 100 shots in the
same swim wear! So make sure you bring along 2-3 pairs of
swimwear, 2-3 gym wear outfits and maybe a pair of jeans
with a singlet or T-shirt. Sometimes a simple shot in a pair of
Levis and a black or white singlet can make a great shot.
Bring along a few simple props so you can use these in some
of the shots. The rubber bands are always good to use as
props and are available at a low cost from most sports stores.
If you are shooting on location in a gym for example you can
utilize the various pieces of equipment. This is all going to
depend on what you have arranged with your photographer.
Practice in front of the mirror prior to your shoot
I know it sounds vain but you want to make sure that the
photographer captures a number of different expressions.
Some smiling, some serious, some sexy, etc.
Not much point in having 200 images with a big smile!
You want to create a very versatile portfolio to show that you
have more than one look. The more you have the better your
chances will be of securing more paid work.
Obviously every model has strengths and weaknesses, some
models look better with more of a serious or sexy look while
others look better smiling. You are not going to know this until
you get your first lot of images back from the photographer.
From there you can tailor your next shoot to work the looks
that suit you the best. Obviously if you can look great across
a wide number of expressions this is going to be a bonus for
Relax and enjoy the shoot
Nerves can show on film and produce very stiff awkward
looking images, so make sure you have fun with the shoot,
relax and just be yourself. The first time is aways going to
be the toughest but just do your best to relax and enjoy the
The more time you spend in front of a camera the more
confident you will get. This is all part of becoming a successful
Fitness Model and being relaxed in front of a camera is
essential when it comes time for your first paid photo shoot for
a company that hires you. Practice makes perfect so spending a bit of time in front of the mirror does not go astray. Yes,
it sounds vain but Fitness Modeling is a visual art form that
requires you to bring your best look each and every time.
Working to perfect your different expressions and looks before
jumping in front of a professional photographer will make
things a great deal easier for both you and the photographer.
What to do once you get your images
The shoot is over and you now have your images back from
the photographer, what do you do now?
Your photographer will usually supply the images on disc for
you, just make sure they are in both high resolution -300 dpi
and also 72 dpi. Magazines require 300dpi for print while
anything on the internet requires only 72dpi for screen
Sending a 24mb file through email is virtually impossible so
this is where the 72 dpi images come into play. They are easy
to send through email to editors, company CEO’s etc.
If the editor wishes to use one of your images you can always
send them the 300dpi high res images through a online service
like www.yousendit.com. You can send up to 100mb for free
on a basic account.
Your 72 dpi images are fine to upload to your website if you
have one or to post into any social media website.
It is also advisable to get some professional composite cards
printed. These are a usually a 5x7” double side card with a
large head shot on one side with a series of body shots along
with your Bio on the other. These are great to hand out at
events or various fitness expos.
This workout program is suitable for both men and women the only difference will be the amount of weight used.
Your workouts should be hard and fast with minimal rest between sets. The best rep range is 8-12 and your should
aim for 3-4 sets per exercise. One of the best ways to increase your workout intensity is to use super sets. E.g
Perform a set of bench press and then jump straight into a set of lat pulldowns. Repeat this with no rest between
sets. You can do this with any body part grouping but it seems to work better for opposing groups, e,g chest/back.
Or Shoulders/Biceps.
Day 1: Morning cardio: 45 minute power walk
Afternoon weight session: 45-60 minutes
(chest, back, triceps, abs)
Day 1 exercises:
Dumbell incline bench press super set with lat pull downs
Flat bench dumbell flyes super set with seated cable rows
Tricep dips super set with bent over barbell rows
Tricep pushdowns
Rope crunches super set with hanging leg raises
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
Day 2: Morning cardio: 45 minutes power walk
Afternoon weight session: 45-60 minutes
(Legs, shoulders, biceps,abs)
Day 2 exercises:
Standing calf raises super set with stiff leg deadlifts
Dumbell lunges super set with leg extensions
Barbell squats
4 sets of 12-15 reps
4 sets of 12-15reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
Seated dumbell shoulder press super set with barbell curls
Side lateral dumbell raise super set with rear lateral raise
Dumbell hammer curls super set with reverse curls
Rope crunches super set with hanging leg raises
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 8-12 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
Day 3: Morning cardio: 45 minute powerwalk
Day off weights.
Day 4: Morning cardio: 45 minutes powerwalk
Afternoon weights: 45-60 minutes
Day 5: REPEAT.
Note: The amount of cardio you perform will depend on your body fat percentage and how fast your metabolism
is. This does vary from person to person and some people can get away with virtually no cardio work while just
relying purely on weight training. My advice is to only use daily cardio if you have a larger percentage of bodyfat
you are trying to drop. Getting lean has more to do with good clean nutrition, so if you clean up your diet you will
not need to perform cardio as frequently.
BEHIND the scenes
at the 2011 natural
bodz media day photo
Grab your copy of Australia Natural Bodz at leading news agents across the
country or subscribe online at www.naturalbodzmagazine.com
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