Curriculum Vitae - Department of Pathology

Curriculum Vitae
Date May 2015
Name and Terminal Degrees
Kendall Paul Crookston, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology and Medicine
Professional Address
University of New Mexico Department of Pathology
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 272-3804
(505) 272-6726 [FAX]
Marital Status
Happily married to Crystal Richardson Crookston, with 6 children, ages 13 – 27 years
Licensures with Dates
Colorado Medical Board Physician License DR.0052114, 2013 – present
Utah Physician and Surgeon License 8262388-1205, 2012 – present
New Mexico Medical Board Physician License 99-182, 1999 – present
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Registration, 1999 – present
New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Controlled Substance Practitioner, 1999 — present
State of Washington Medical License, 1995 – 1999
Certifications with Dates
Diplomate in Transfusion Medicine, S-99-123 (lifetime), 7/30/1999, American Board of
Diplomate in Clinical Pathology, 98-567 (lifetime), 11/11/1998, American Board of
Voluntary Recertification in Clinical Pathology and Transfusion Medicine, RC-14066,
1/1/2014-1/1/2024, American Board of Pathology
Educational History
Fellowship in Transfusion Medicine, 1998-1999, Puget Sound Blood Center and
Program, Seattle, WA
Resident Physician in Clinical Pathology, 1995-1998, Chief Resident, 1997-1998,
University of Washington Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seattle, WA
Doctor of Medicine, 1995, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Doctor of Philosophy, 1994, Biochemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Bachelor of Science, cum laude, 1987, Microbiology, Brigham Young University, Provo,
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 2
Associate of Arts, magna cum laude, 1982, College of Eastern Utah, Price, UT
Employment History – Principle Positions
Department of Pathology, Professor, 7/1/11 – present, Associate Professor, 7/1/05 –
6/30/11, Assistant Professor, 7/1/99 – 6/30/05; Director, Transfusion Medicine
Fellowship Program 7/02 – present, Learning Community Mentor, 7/1/14 –
present, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM
Department of Internal Medicine, Professor, 7/1/11 – present , Associate Professor,
7/1/05 – 6/30/11, Assistant Professor, 7/02 – 6/05, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM
Medical Director, United Blood Services of New Mexico 7/99 – present, Medical
Director, Kaneka LDL Apheresis Program, 7/99 – present, Medical Director
National Marrow Donor Program Donor Center, 7/99-3/06, Medical Director,
National Marrow Donor Program Apheresis Collection Center, 7/99 – 6/07,
Medical Director, various small hospital/clinic/helicopter transfusion services,
7/99 – present, United Blood Services, Albuquerque, NM
Medical Director, University Hospital Blood Bank, 7/99 – 6/08 & 12/09 – 3/11; Associate
Medical Director, 7/08 to 12/09; Co-medical Director, Special Coagulation
Laboratory, 7/99 – present, member of TriCore Senior Leadership Team, 2005 2012, TriCore Reference Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Medical Director, University of New Mexico Cancer Research and Treatment Center
Laboratories, 7/08 -1/09; Medical Director, Clinical Laboratory at UNM Cancer
Research and Treatment Center at Lovelace Medical Center, 11/09 – 01/11,
Associate Medical Director of Main Cancer Center Clinical Laboratory, 2/09 –
01/11, TriCore Reference Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Employment History - Concurrent Temporary or Visiting Appointments
Visiting Professor, University of Copenhagen Health Sciences Faculty, Pædagogisk
Udviklingscenter Sundhedsvidenskab [Center for Educational Development in Health
Sciences], 7/04 – 6/05, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hospital Privileges
University of New Mexico Hospitals
Presbyterian Healthcare System
Lovelace Medical Center Downtown (was St. Joseph’s)
New Mexico VA Healthcare System
Lovelace Rehab Hospital of New Mexico (apheresis d/c’d)
Lovelace West Mesa Medical Center
Lovelace Women’s Hospital
Lovelace Medical Center Gibson (hospital closed)
Kindred Hospital (was Vencor) (lapsed while abroad)
(7/08/99- present)
(9/23/99- present)
(1/25/00- present)
(9/23/99- 2012)
(9/23/99- present)
(9/23/99- present)
Heart Hospital of New Mexico (lapsed while abroad)
(Heart Hospital is now part of Lovelace Medical Center Downtown)
Current CLIA Certificates
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 3
(These are required to held by the medical directors of laboratories according to the Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988 which are federal regulatory standards that apply to all clinical
laboratory testing performed on humans in the United States.)
32D0534773 United Blood Services, Albuquerque, NM
06D0912451 United Blood Services, Satellite, Durango, CO
32D0686680 United Blood Services, Satellites, New Mexico
Professional Recognition
Special Recognition “For outstanding performance and lasting contribution in Graduate
Medical Education,” University of New Mexico Office of Graduate Medical
Education, 2011-2012
Listed in Albuquerque The Magazine “Top Docs” feature, 2006, 2007
Adjunkt Pædigogikum [Faculty Development Program in Medical Education, Qualifying
Course for Planning, Executing and Evaluating Education], 2004-2005, University
of Copenhagen Health Sciences Faculty
Fulbright Scholarship for Teaching/Research, 2004, Council for International Exchange of
Scholars and Danish Fulbright Commission
Fellow, Medical Educations Scholars Program, 2002-2003, University of New Mexico
Teacher of the Year, Residency and Fellowship Years, 2002, University of New Mexico
School of Medicine
Fellow, College of American Pathologists, 1999 – present
Physician’s Recognition Award, 1998 – 2004, American Medical Association
Dean’s Award of Distinction, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, University of New Mexico School
of Medicine (award discontinued)
Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award, 1997, Academy of Clinical Laboratory
Physicians and Scientists
Advanced Trauma Life Support Certification, American College of Surgeons, 1994
Sheard Sanford Medical Student Research Award–Honorable Mention, 1994, American
Society of Clinical Pathologists
National Jamboree Medical Staff, 1989, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, Boy Scouts of America
Medical Scientist Training Program Scholarship, 1987 – 1995, University of Virginia
First National Search for Computing to Help the Handicapped–Regional Winner, 1981,
Johns Hopkins University
Non-professional Recognition
Gold Level Certifications in American and International Ballroom Dance, ~1986, United
States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association
Woodbadge Training Beads for Leadership Development, ~1984, Boy Scouts of America
Memberships in Professional Societies
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 1997
AABB (formerly American Association of Blood Banks), 1998
American Society for Apheresis, 1999
Collegium Aesculapium, 1984
College of American Pathologists, 1995
Greater Albuquerque Medical Association, 2006
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 4
Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives, 2012
Other Extramural Professional Activities
University of New Mexico Radiation Control Committee, Member, 2013 – present
American Society for Clinical Pathology, Resident In-Service Exam & Transfusion
Medicine Fellow In-Service Exam Committee, 2012 – 2014; test item
contributor (including Hematopathology) 2007 – present
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS), member, Program &
Finance Committee, 2012 – present
Fulbright Exchange Program Life Sciences: Medical Peer Review Committee, member,
Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Institute of International
Education, 2011 - 2014
Ad hoc Journal Reviewer: Transfusion, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
American Society for Clinical Pathology CheckSamples, European Journal of
Haemotology, Medical Education, Journal of Clinical Apheresis
American Society for Apheresis, Residents and Fellows Training Ad Hoc Committee,
2009 – 2010; Apheresis Physicians Committee, GME Resources Subcommittee,
2010 – present; Apheresis Physicians Committee, Physicians Curriculum
Content Subcommittee, 2010 – present
State of New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, Division of Insurance, External
Review Medical Specialist/Panelist, 2008 – present
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Grand Awards Judge for Medicine and
Health Sciences, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 2007
Central New Mexico Community College, Joint Advisory Committee of Phlebotomy,
Clinical Laboratory Technician, and Medical Laboratory Technician, member,
2006 – present
AABB (formerly American Association of Blood Banks), Residency/Fellowship
Curriculum Committee, 2005 – 2007; Education Committee and CME
subcommittee, 2001-2003 (developed writing guidelines for CME questions for
the journal Transfusion, organized and hosted 2 international teleconferences)
Novo Nordisk Transfusion Medicine Advisory Council, member, 2005 – 2006
World Federation For Medical Education, rapporteur, World Health Organization and
World Federation for Medical Education consensus conference on medical
school accreditation, Copenhagen Denmark, October 4-6, 2004
State of New Mexico Department of Health, Hospital Preparedness [Bioterrorism]
Planning Committee, 2002-2003; Governor’s Task Force on Hospital Capacity,
2001 ; Hepatitis C Task Force, 1999-2001
University Hospital Consortium, Consensus Panel on Blood Product Leukoreduction,
2000, Steering Committee, Blood and Blood Products Utilization Benchmarking
Project, 2001-2002
College of American Pathologists, Laboratory Accreditation Inspector, 1997 – present,
Inspections in Longview, Washington; Denver, Colorado; Geneva, Switzerland;
Brussels, Belgium; Berlin, Germany; Salt Lake City, Utah
Washington State Clinical Laboratory Advisory Council, 1995 – 1997, Washington State
Department of Health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 5
Intramural Professional Activities Not Otherwise Specified
Radiation Permit Holder for cesium-source irradiator, UNM Blood Bank, 1999-present
(regulated by Homeland Defense and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Content Specialist for Medical Student Curriculum Questions, UNM School of Medicine
Office of Undergraduate Education, see, 20092011
Providing Publication, Presentation and Research Training Opportunities for Residents,
Fellows, Medical Students, and Allied Health Personnel (through 12/2014)
o Peer-reviewed publications: 10 papers and chapters
(17 total authorships--15 resident/fellow, 13 RN/med
o Abstracts accepted at national meetings: 29 abstracts
(58 total authorships--36 resident/fellow, 9 medical student, 13
RN/med tech/”midlevel”)
o Research protocols: 4
(5 coinvestigators on 4 HRRC protocols)
o Other scholarly products: 3
(3 coauthors on 2 online chapters)
Invited Presentations Outside of the University of New Mexico
o Blood Curdling Mysteries: Evaluation of Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolus in
the Clinical Laboratory
Gallup Regional Medical Center Grand Rounds, Gallup, NM, 6/01
o Use of the Quantitative D-dimer Assay in Evaluation of Pulmonary Emboli in the
Emergency Department
St. Vincent Hospital Conference, Sante Fe, NM
o Transfusion Medicine 101
Zuni Hospital Grand Rounds, Zuni Pueblo, NM, 12/01
o Blood Curdling Mysteries: Hypercoagulability and Venous Thrombosis
New Mexico Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Association Winter
Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, 1/18/02
o Artificial Blood Substitutes and Beyond! (The Risks of Blood Transfusion and What
Science Is Doing To Make It Safer)
CLIA Southern Regional Meeting, Sante Fe, NM, 3/02
o Transfusion Reaction Investigation
New Mexico Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Spring Symposium,
Albuquerque, NM, 4/02
o Blood Substitutes and Beyond: Making Transfusion Safer
4th Annual Pediatric/Neonatology Hematology and Oncology for the Practitioner,
Albuquerque NM, 11/13/02
o Conducting Transfusion Medicine Accreditation Inspections
College of American Pathologists Laboratory Accreditation Program Inspector
Training Regional Seminar, Albuquerque, NM, ~2002
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 6
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM, 3/21/03
o Venous Thromboembolism: What are the chances of MY patient clotting?
Gila Regional Medicine Center CME presentation, Silver City, NM, 3/25/03
o Update On Blood Substitutes and Other Weird Things They Might Try to Put in Your
Blood Bank American Association of Clinical Chemists and New Mexico Society
for Clinical Laboratory Science Joint Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 4/24/03
o Case Studies in Transfusion Medicine: Transfusion Practices—Coagulation,
Hematology, Component Therapy
United Blood Services National Medical Directors Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
o What’s New in Blood Products and Hemostatic Support in the Operating Room?
New Mexico State Society of Anesthesiologists Anesthesia Update, Albuquerque,
NM, 5/17/03
o Blood Substitutes and Beyond—Making Transfusion Medicine Safer
Monticello Hospital Laboratory Staff CE presentation, Monticello, UT, 7/22/03
o 76 Ways to Mess Up Coagulation and Blood Bank Testing (Preanalytical Variables)
Southwest Symposium on Thrombosis, Hemostasis, and Transfusion Medicine,
Albuquerque, NM, 10/2/03
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM,
o Basic Immunohematology
American Association of Blood Banks Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 11/2/03
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM,
o Aphereseprincipper og Betydning for Patientbehandlingen [Principles of Apheresis:
Implications for Patient Management]
Nephrology Division Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 3/05
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM,
o Blood Innovations in Europe
United Blood Services, Albuquerque, NM, 12/14/2005
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 7
o Improving Patient Care by Insuring Appropriate Plasma Use
Blood Systems National Medical Directors Meeting, Scottsdale, AR, 4/8/06
o Transfusion Medicine Update
San Juan Regional Medical Center Grand Rounds, Farmington , NM, 6/28/06
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM,
o Forget the Pathways! The New Paradigm for Hemostasis and Thrombosis
8th Annual Southwest Pediatric and Neonatal Hematology/Oncology for the
Practitioner, Albuquerque, NM 8/19/06
o Why We Give
Talk sponsored by United Blood Services for 200 teenagers/parents, Farmington
LDS Stake Center, Farmington, NM, 9/10/06
o Medical Technology in Europe—What Can We Learn From Each Other
New Mexico Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Association Fall Symposium,
Albuquerque, NM, 10/20/06
o Transfusion Medicine in Europe: Technology, People, Practice . . . a Whirlwind Survey
AABB Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, 10/24/06
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM, 11/02/07
o Laboratory Medicine Education in Europe and in the United States
American Association of Clinical Chemistry Rocky Mountain Section 32nd Annual
Educational Seminar/New Mexico Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Association Spring Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, 04/26/07
o Unicorns, Ogres, Blood Transfusion Triggers, and Other Mythical Creations . . .
Physician Continuing Education Presentation, United Blood Services, El Paso,
Texas, 6/19/07
o Transfusion Triggers, VBAC, Massive Transfusion
Mercy Medical Center Grand Rounds, Durango, Colorado, 7/25/07
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: Introduction to Hemostasis and
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: Coagulation’s Dark Side—Thrombosis
Advanced Preceptorship in the Management of Anticoagulation Therapy and
Clinical Thrombosis, Lovelace Clinic Foundation, Albuquerque, NM, 11/03/07
o Tracking Blood Donations and Setting Life-Goals
Valencia High School, Los Lunas, NM, Spring 2008
o Transfusion Medicine in the Trauma Bay, ICU, and Surgical Suit: Many good
questions, few good answers . . .
Surgery (Trauma) Grand Rounds, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,
El Paso, Texas, 3/20/08
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 8
o The Bermuda Triangle of Education
Center for Educational Development, University of Copenhagen Faculty of
Health Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5/08
o Unicorns, Ogres, Blood Transfusion Triggers, and Other Mythical Creations . . .
Continuing Education Presentation, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, Grand
Junction, Colorado, 7/15/08
o Transfusion Reactions 101
2008 Indian Health Service Laboratory Education Seminar, Navajo Nation,
Window Rock, Arizona, 8/12/08
o Star Trek, Star Wars, or Harry Potter? How science is making blood safer
2008 Indian Health Service Laboratory Education Seminar, Navajo Nation,
Window Rock, Arizona, 8/12/08
o Blood Substitutes and Beyond: An Update on What Science is Doing to Make Blood
Transfusion Safer, Dr. John Gribble Memorial Lecture, 10th Annual
Pediatric/Neonatology Hematology and Oncology for the Practitioner,
Albuquerque NM, 09/20/08
o Modern Blood Letting! Apheresis Become a Science
Continuing Education Presentation, Christus-St. Vincent Regional Medical
Center, Santa Fe, NM, 04/28/09
o The Role of the Community Blood Center in Mediating an Altruistic Gift between Blood
Donor and Transfusion Recipient
United Blood Services Staff, Farmington, New Mexico, 7/01/09
United Blood Services Staff, Durango, Colorado, 07/02/09
o Appropriate Platelet Transfusions
Physician Staff Quarterly Meeting, Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital, Gallup,
New Mexico, 11/22/09
o Politically-Correct (Adult) Stem Cell Transplantation: How This Is Already Being Used to
Cure Cancer and Genetic Diseases in New Mexico
Health Professions Classes, University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Gallup,
New Mexico, 11/22/09
o Prospective Review of Transfusion Practice
Laboratory Staff, Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital, Gallup, New Mexico,
o Bones—What They Are and What They Do
S.Y. Jackson Elementary School 4th grade classes, Albuquerque, NM, 1/14/10 &
o Teaching and Learning Apheresis Medicine: The Bermuda Triangle
American Society for Apheresis Annual Meeting Graduate Medical Education
Forum, New Orleans, Louisiana, 5/26/10 (see )
o Blood Transfusion: Why (or WHY NOT), When, How Much?
San Juan Regional Medical Center Grand Rounds, Farmington, NM 7/28/10
o Introduction to Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine: What’s Happening with the
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 9
2010 Indian Health Service Laboratory Education Seminar, Navajo Nation,
Window Rock, Arizona, 9/10/10
o Crash Course in Laboratory Medicine Education: How to Effectively Train Your Staff
2010 Indian Health Service Laboratory Education Seminar, Navajo Nation,
Window Rock, Arizona, 9/10/10
o Giving Patients Blood is More Dangerous Than We Thought . . . What Should a Doctor
12th Annual Pediatric/Neonatology Hematology and Oncology for the
Practitioner, Albuquerque, NM, 10/2/10
o Transfusion Medicine Update for Primary Care and Emergency Clinicians
Blue Mountain Hospital Clinical Conference, Blanding, Utah 4/17/11
o What’s New in Transfusion Medicine for the Community Hospital?
Altavista Hospital Medical Staff Presentation, Las Vegas, NM 5/10/11
o Survey of Careers in Medicine and the Health Sciences: What does it take to get
University of New Mexico Health Careers Academy, Albuquerque, NM 7/8/11
o Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Blood Banking and Transfusion,
United Blood Services Donor Recruiters Retreat, Albuquerque, NM 8/23/11
o What’s New in Transfusion Medicine for the Community Hospital?
Tséhootsooí Medical Center, Fort Defiance, Arizona, 10/7/11
o Blood Comes From Bones
S.Y. Jackson Elementary School 4th grade class, Albuquerque, NM, 1/12/12
o Highlights of the 2012 NATA meeting in Copenhagen
United Blood Services National Medical Directors’ Transfusion Medicine
Academic and Policy Meeting, National Web Conference, Scottsdale, AZ
o What is the Pathologist Going to Do . . . When Your Patient Refuses Blood Transfusion?
3rd Annual New Mexico Pathology Alumni Conference, Albuquerque, NM
o Is Blood Transfusion Really As Dangerous As It Says On The Internet? Transfusion
Medicine Update 2012
Holy Cross Hospital, Taos, New Mexico, 8/12/12
o Your patient refuses blood transfusion for religious reasons: Why would they do that?
What should a clinician do to keep them from dying?
Collegium Aesculapium Fall 2012 Meeting, Lehi, Utah, 10/4/12
o How to treat patients that refuse blood transfusion for cultural and religious reasons.
Presbyterian Hospital Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11/27/12
o Transfusion Reactions LITE. Lovelace Women’s Hospital General Staff Meeting,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11/29/12
o SWITCH: How to Change Things When Change is Hard.
Blood Systems Inc. Physicians Book Club Review, national teleconference,
Scottsdale, AZ 11/21/13
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 10
o Your patient refuses blood transfusion for religious reasons: Why would they do that?
What should a clinician do to keep them from dying?
Blood Systems Inc. Transfusion Medicine Academic and Policy Meeting, National
Teleconference, 12/12/13
o So What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?
Amy Biehl High School Service Learning Class, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
o Blood Product Availability in Rural Hospitals
Carlsbad Medical Center, Medical Executive Committee, Carlsbad, New Mexico,
o Transfusion Reaction Identification and Management at the Bedside
Infusion Nurse Society Annual Convention and Industrial Exhibition, Phoenix,
Arizona, 5/5/14
o The blood transfusion chain: From donor arm to patient vein
United Blood Services of New Mexico, employee continuing education
presentation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 5/22/14
o Transfusion Reaction Evaluation for Medical Technologists
Central New Mexico Community College Medical Laboratory Sciences students,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 6/20/14
o Teaching and Learning Laboratory Medicine: The Bermuda Triangle of Education
Central New Mexico Community College, Medical Laboratory Sciences faculty
development presentation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 6/20/14
o What do blood center nurses do? Therapeutic apheresis and other activities.
United Blood Services of New Mexico, employee continuing education
presentation. Albuquerque, New Mexico, ~6/18/14
o Transfusion Reactions Made Simple: Is there a downside to receiving blood products?
United Blood Services of New Mexico, employee continuing education
presentation. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7/23/14
o How to treat patients that refuse blood transfusion for cultural and religious reasons,
Medical Staff Continuing Education Meeting, Rehoboth McKinley Christian
Hospital, Gallup, New Mexico, 8/6/14
o Why we give? Are some types of service more valuable than others?
United Blood Services of New Mexico, employee continuing education
presentation. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8/20/14
o Transfusion Reaction Identification and Management at the Bedside
Lovelace Westside Hospital day shift nurses, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2/9/15
o Transfusion Reaction Identification and Management at the Bedside
Lovelace Westside Hospital day shift nurses, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2/12/15
o Cultural Humility: Why we can’t assume that we know which blood products a patient
will accept or refuse.
United Blood Services of New Mexico, “Blood Talk” [employee continuing
education presentation], Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2/18/15
o Transfusion Reaction Identification and Management at the Bedside
Kindred Hospital nursing staff, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 3/11/15
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 11
Transfusion Reaction Identification and Management at the Bedside
Kindred Hospital nursing staff, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 3/16/15
o Life without hemoglobin? Understanding patients that refuse blood transfusion for
religious reasons and how to keep them alive.
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, Utah Chapter Spring Seminar,
Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, 3/26/15
o Apheresis Education Issues
American Society for Apheresis Annual Meeting, Breakfast with the Expert, San
Antonio, Texas, 5/9/15
Invited Presentations within the University of New Mexico
o Can Bacteria Change My Blood Type?
Pathology Department Special Seminar, ~2/99
o What to do when your patient refuses blood transfusion . . .
Obstetrics and Gynecology Departmental Conference, ~8/00
o What Science Is Doing To Make Blood Safer
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, 10/01
o Modern Blood Letting: The Clinical Use of Therapeutic Apheresis
Internal Medicine Pulmonary Division Seminar, 9/01
o Artificial Blood Substitutes and Beyond! (The Risks of Blood Transfusion and What
Science Is Doing To Make It Safer)
Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, 6/02
o What’s New in Blood at UNM: Nucleic Acid Testing, Electronic Cross-match, Artificial
Blood, Bloodless Surgery. . . What does it all mean?
UNM Cancer Center Noon Conference, 8/14/02
o Pre-Analytical Errors in Coagulation Laboratory Testing
Ted R. Montoya Hemophilia Program Journal Club, 2003
o When your patient refuses blood transfusion . . .
Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, 8/15/03
o Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Teleconference Review
Ted R. Montoya Hemophilia Program Journal Club, 2004
o Smart Students, Better Blood, Priceless Perspective: Report on Fulbright Sabbatical to
the Kingdom of Denmark
Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, 09/29/05
o The Approach to the Patient Who Refuses Blood Transfusion
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds, 12/9/05
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 12
o Transfusion Medicine Update for the Anesthesiologist: New Tests, New Products, New
Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, 01/06/06
o Teaching and Learning Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, 11/09/06
o Life Without Hemoglobin: The Approach to Patients Who Refuse Blood Transfusion
Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, 01/19/07
o Preventing Children from Bleeding To Death
Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, 1/31/07
o Scholarly Teaching: How to Help Your Learners and Get Promoted at the Same Time!
Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, 03/08/07
o Blood Safety at the University of New Mexico Hospitals
UNM Hospital Administrators Coffee, 5/17/07
o First do no harm . . . Reducing Risks for Obstetrical Patients Getting Blood.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds, 9/14/07
o Proposed Protocol for Massive Transfusion at the University of New Mexico
Trauma Rounds, 12/04/07
o Neoteric Blood Track Implementation at the University of New Mexico Hospitals
UNM Hospital Administrators Coffee, 5/29/08
o Update on the UNM Massive Transfusion Protocol: Data from 4-08 to 11-08
Combined ED/Trauma Rounds 12/9/08
o Modern Blood Letting 1: Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference 11/2/09
o Modern Blood Letting 2: Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference 11/9/09
o Blood Curdling Mysteries I: The Approach to the Bleeding Patient
Nephrology Division Conference 12/7/09
o Blood Curdling Mysteries II: The Approach to the Patient with Venous Thrombosis
Nephrology Division Conference 12/14/09
o Crocodile Icefishes Don't Have Erythrocytes: Can Hospital Patients Survive Without
RBC's Too? (A discussion of why patients refuse blood transfusion and what to do when
they do.)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds, 12/18/09
o Your Patient Is Bleeding To Death and You Can't Give Blood. What Should You Do?
Ted R. Montoya Hemophilia Program Journal Club, 1/20/10
o When the Worst-Case Scenario Becomes Reality: The Approach to the Patient that Is
Severely Refractory to Platelet Transfusion.
City-Wide Hematology Conference, TriCore Reference Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM 1/22/10
o The Use of Plasmapheresis in Critical Care Medicine.
Department of Internal Medicine Pulmonary/Critical Care Seminar, 9/15/2010
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 13
o Modern Blood Letting 1: Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference, 4/11/11
o Modern Blood Letting 2: Clinical Decisions in Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference, 4/11/11
o The Rise and Fall of Autologous Blood Donation
Citywide Transfusion/Coagulation Rounds, 5/6/11
o Bleeding and Clotting
Internal Medicine Thursday Resident School, 9/15/11
o First Do No Harm . . . Reducing Risks For Your Patients Getting Blood
Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, 9/30/11
o Cutting Edge Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis for the Anesthetist
Department of Anesthesiology Resident Conference, 4/20/12
o Finding balance in life
Finding balance between research and clinical care
Finding balance between private industry and academics
Finding balance between seeking more training and actually doing a real job
FINDING BALANCE: incomplete answers to common questions from MD/PhD students
University of New Mexico MD/PhD Program Student Retreat, 9/28/12
o Blood is more dangerous than we thought: Part 1. Transfusion Reactions
The Society of Critical Care Medicine-New Mexico Chapter and the UNM
Center for Surgical Critical Care Conference, 9/26/13
o ROTEM Essentials
UNM Hospital Pharmacy Lunch and Learn Seminar, 10/1/13
o Points to remember when dealing with Jehovah’s Witness patients
Hospitalist Best Practice Conference, UNM Department of Internal Medicine,
o Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference, 6/16/14
o Clinical Decisions in Therapeutic Apheresis
Nephrology Division Conference, 6/23/14
o The Bedside Approach to Transfusion Reactions for Heme-Onc Physicians
Hematology-Oncology Division Conference, 4/29/15
o The approach to the patient who refuses blood transfusion.
Pathology Interdisciplinary Conference, 4/28/15
o When the crossmatch cannot be done: Transfusion of uncrossmatched or incompatible
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 14
Pathology Interdisciplinary Conference, 5/4/15
Web-based Instruction
Artificial Blood Substitutes and Beyond! (The Risks of Blood Transfusion and What
Science Is Doing To Make It Safer), MedLecture.Com, 3/00
How Adults Learn, a training module for Blood Systems Optimum Tx Blood
Management Services online portal, 09/12
Meeting Sessions Chaired
AABB 2006 Annual Meeting Morning Session 5307-TC Organizer and Moderator:
“Comparative Transfusion Medicine Worldwide: What Can We Learn from
Each Other?” Miami Beach, Florida, 10/24/06
American Society for Apheresis 2010 Annual Meeting Opening Combined Scientific
Symposium, “Major Clinical Trials in Apheresis”, Co-moderator. New Orleans,
Louisiana, 5/27/10
Scholarly Achievements
Books Authored
1. Crookston, KP, Cytokine binding to alpha-2-macroglobulin: Determination of
dissociation constants under apparent equilibrium conditions. Ph.D. Dissertation.
University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia. 142 pages, 1994.
Books Edited or Co-Edited
1. McLeod, BC, Crookston, KP, Eder, AF, King, KE, Kiss, JE, Sarode, RS, and Winters, JL,
Eds. Therapeutic apheresis: A physician’s handbook, AABB Press, 196 pp., 2005.
2. Winters, JL, Crookston, KP, Eder, AF, King, KE, Kiss, JE, McLeod, BC, and Sarode, RS,
Eds. Therapeutic apheresis: A physician’s handbook, 2nd Ed., AABB Press, 245 pp.,
3. Linz, W., Crookston, KP, Duvall, D, Kong, B, Jones, H, and Sabin, S, Eds. Principles of
Apheresis Technology, 4th Ed., American Society for Apheresis, 110 pp., 2010.
4. Winters, JL, Crookston, KP, Eder, AF, King, KE, Kiss, JE, Sarode, RS, and
Szczepiorkowski, ZM, Eds. Therapeutic apheresis: A physician’s handbook, 3rd Ed.,
AABB Press, 271 pp., 2011.
5. Winters, JL, Crookston, KP, Eder, Delaney, M, Eder, AF, Kiss, Linz, W, Sarode, RS,
Schwartz, J, Shaz, B, and Szczepiorkowski, ZM, Eds. Therapeutic apheresis: A
physician’s handbook, 4th Ed., AABB Press, 2013.
6. Linz, W, Chhibber, V, Crookston, KP, Vrielink, H, Eds. Principles of Apheresis
Technology, 5th Ed., American Society for Apheresis, 2014.
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 15
Original Research or Scholarly Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Webb, DJ, Crookston, KP, Hall, SW and Gonias, SL, Binding of transforming growth
factor beta-1 to immobilized human alpha-2-macroglobulin. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
292:487-492, 1992.
2. Crookston, KP, Webb, DJ, LaMarre, J, and Gonias, SL, Binding of platelet-derived
growth factor-BB and transforming growth factor beta-1 to alpha-2-macroglobulin
in vitro and in vivo: Comparison of receptor-recognized and non-recognized
alpha-2-macroglobulin conformations. Biochem. J. 293:443-450, 1993.
3. Crookston, KP, Webb, DJ, Wolf, BB and Gonias, SL, Classification of alpha2-macroglobulin-cytokine interactions based on affinity of noncovalent association
in solution under apparent equilibrium conditions. J. Biol. Chem. 269:1533-1540,
4. Gonias, SL, LaMarre, J, Crookston, KP, Webb, DJ, Wolf, BB, Lopes, MBS, Moses, H.L.
and Hayes, M.A. Alpha-2-macroglobulin and the alpha-2-macroglobulin
receptor/LRP: A growth regulatory axis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 737:273-290, 1994.
5. Crookston, KP and Gonias, SL, The role of cys-949 in the binding of transforming
growth factor beta-1 and transforming growth factor beta-2 to alpha2-macroglobulin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 200:1578-1585, 1994.
6. Webb, DJ, Atkins, TL, Crookston, KP, Burmester, JK, Qian, SW, and Gonias, SL,
Transforming growth factor beta isoform 2-specific high affinity biding to native
alpha-2-macroglobulin. Chimeras identify a sequence that determines affinity for
native but not activated alpha-2-macroglobulin. J. Biol. Chem. 269:30402-30406,
7. Webb, DJ, Crookston, KP, Figler, NL, LaMarre, J, and Gonias, SL. Differences in the
binding of transforming growth factor beta-1 to the acute-phase reactant and
constitutively synthesized alpha-macroglobulins of rat. Biochem. J. 312:579-586,
8. Crookston, KP, Henderson, R, Chandler, WL. False negative factor V Leiden assay
following allogeneic stem cell transplant. Brit. J. Haematology 100:600-602. 1998.
9. Crookston, KP, Marsh, CL, and Chandler, WL. A kinetic model of the circulatory
regulation of tissue plasminogen activator during orthotopic liver transplantation.
Blood Coag Fibrinolysis. 11:1-10. 2000.
10. Crookston, KP, Reiner, AP, Cooper, LJN, Sacher, R., Blajchman, MA, and Heddle, NM.
Red blood cell T activation and hemolysis: Implications for pediatric transfusion
management. Transfusion 40:801-812. 2000.
11. Ratko, TA, Cummings, JP, Oberman, H.A., Crookston, KP, DeChristopher, PJ,
Eastlund, DT, Godwin, JE, Sacher, RA, Yawn, DH, and Matuszewski, KA.
Evidence-based recommendations for the use of leukoreduced cellular blood
components. Transfusion 41:1310-1319. 2001.
12. Rosen, SA**, Merchant, SH**, VanderJagt, TJ**, and Crookston, KP. Spontaneous
subcapsular liver hematoma associated with pregnancy. Archives of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine 127:1639-1640, 2003.
13. Rund, CR**, Pourbabak, S.**, and Crookston, KP. Three cases of massive fetalmaternal hemorrhage presenting without clinical suspicion. Archives of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine 128:463-465, 2004.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 16
14. Merchant, SH**, Mathew, P., VanderJagt, TJ**, Howdieshell, T.R., and Crookston, KP.
Recombinant factor VIIa in management of spontaneous subcapsular liver
hematoma associated with pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 103:1055-1058,
15. Hunt, K.**, Crookston, KP, Simon, TL Plasma derivatives and hemophilia treatment:
Emergence of recombinant factor VIIa as a treatment for inhibitors. Transfusion
Medicine (ASCP Check Sample) 48:73-82. 2005. Abstract published in Am. J. Clin.
Path. 125:316, 2006.
16. Rogers, DM**, and Crookston KP. The approach to the patient who refuses blood
transfusion. Transfusion 46:1471-1477. 2006.
17. Mintz, PD, Neff, A, Mackenzie, M, Goodnough, LT, Hillyer, C, Kessler, C, McCrae, K.,
Menitove, J E, Skikne, B S, Damon, L, Lopez-Plaza, I, Rouault, C, Crookston, KP,
Benjamin, RJ, George, J, Lin, JS, Corash, L, and Conlan, MG. A randomized,
controlled Phase III trial of therapeutic plasma exchange with fresh-frozen plasma
(FFP) prepared with amotosalen and ultraviolet A light compared to untreated
FFP in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Transfusion 46:1693-1704, 2006.
18. Mathew, P, Simon, TL, Hunt, KE,** and Crookston, KP. How we manage requests for
recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven). Transfusion 47:8-14, 2007.
19. Fung, MK, Crookston, KP, Wehrli, G, Domen, R, Lopez-Plaza, I, Davenport, R,
Gottschall, J, and Spitalnik, S. A proposal for curriculum content in transfusion
medicine and blood banking education in pathology residency programs.
Transfusion 47:1930-36, 2007.
20. Marinaro J, Smith, J**, Tawil, I, Billstrand, M**, and Crookston KP. HBOC-201 use in
traumatic brain injury: Case report and review of literature. Transfusion 49: 20549, 2009.
21. Wagenman, BL**, Townsend, KT***, and Crookston, KP, The laboratory approach to
inherited and acquired coagulation factor deficiencies. Clinics in Laboratory
Medicine 29:229-252, 2009.
22. Smith BR, Aguero-Rosenfeld M, Anastasi J, Baron B, Berg, A, Bock, JL, Campbell, S,
Crookston, KP, Fitzgerald, R, Fung, M, Haspel, R, Howe, JG, Jhang, J, Kamoun,
M, Koethe, S, Krasowski, MD, Landry, ML, Marques, MB, Rinder, HM, Roberts,
W, Schreiber, WE, Spitalnik, SL, Tormey, CA, Wolf, P, Wu, YY. Educating
medical students in laboratory medicine: a proposed curriculum. Am J Clin Pathol
133: 533-42, 2010.
23. Crookston, KP, Richter, DM.*** Teaching and learning apheresis medicine: The
Bermuda Triangle in education. J Clin Apheresis 25:338-346. 2010.
24. Marshall CS, Andrzejewski C, Carey PM, Crookston KP, Li Y, Lopez-Plaza I, Sachais
BS, Schwartz J, Winters JL, Wong ECC, Wu Y. Milestones for apheresis
education. J Clin Apheresis. 27:242-246, 2012.
25. Crookston, KP, Sibbitt, WL, Chandler, WL, Qualls, CR, Roldan, CA. Circulating
microparticles in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus. International
Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 16:72-80, 2013.
26. Roldan CA, Sibbitt WL, Jr., Qualls CR, Jung RE, Greene ER, Gasparovic CM, Hayek RA,
Charlton GA, Crookston K. Libman-sacks endocarditis and embolic
cerebrovascular disease. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 6:973-83, 2013.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 17
27. Parsons, J,** Rosenbaum, L, Crookston, K P, Kamel, H. Incidental arterial phlebotomy
of a whole blood donor. Transfusion 54:1220-1220, 2014.
28. Crookston, KP, Koenig, SC, Reyes.** Transfusion reaction identification and
management at the bedside. Journal of Infusion Nursing 38:104-113, 2015.
Review Articles and Articles Appearing as Chapters in Edited Volumes
1. Crookston, KP, and Spiess, BD. Coagulation Support in the Perioperative Setting. In:
Simon T, Dzik S, eds. Principles of Transfusion Medicine. 3rd ed: Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins, pp. 622-631, 2002.
2. Crookston, KP, and Simon, TL Physiology of Apheresis. In: McLeod, BC, et al, eds.
Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis. 2nd ed., AABB Press, pp. 71-93, 2003.
3. Crookston, KP, The Approach to Patients Refusing Blood Transfusion. In: UpToDate,
Rose, BD (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2007; updated yearly. [This article had
>25 ‘hits’ per day in 2011.]
4. Crookston KP, Wilkinson, SL, and Simon, TL. Recruitment and Screening of Donors
and the Collection, Processing, and Testing of Blood. In Simon, TL, Snyder, EL,
Solheim, BG, Stowell, CP, Strauss, RG, Pettrides, M, (eds): Rossi's Principles of
Transfusion Medicine, 4th ed., Wiley-Blackwell & AABB Press, pp. 975-992, 2009.
5. Crookston, KP, and Novak, DJ.** Physiology of Apheresis. In: McLeod, BC, et al, eds.
Principles of Therapeutic Apheresis. 3rd ed., AABB Press, 2010.
6. Strauss RG, and Crookston KP. Complications of Therapeutic Apheresis. In: Popovsky
MA, ed. Transfusion Reactions. 4th Edition. Bethesda, MD: AABB Press; pp.407437, 2012
7. Crookston KP, Pritchard, AE,** and Simon, TL. Recruitment and Screening of Donors
and the Collection, Processing, and Testing of Blood. In Simon, TL, Snyder, EL,
Solheim, BG, Stowell, CP, Strauss, RG, Pettrides, M, (eds): Rossi's Principles of
Transfusion Medicine, 5th ed., Wiley-Blackwell & AABB Press; (In Press), 2015.
Articles Published Without Peer Review
1. Crookston, KP, "The bug syndrome." Loki Science, 1990.
2. Crookston, KP, "Fare enough." New Era, September, 32-33, 2002.
3. Crookston, KP, ”Why We Give: En transfusionsmedicinlæge på besøg fra USA
forklarer.” Donornyt, 79:13, 2005 (also published online at
4. Crookston, KP, "Transfusion Medicine in Europe." Pulse 31:6-7, 2005.
5. Crookston, KP, “Modern bloodletting: Apheresis becomes a science.” M.D. News
1(5):7, 2006.
6. Crookston, KP, “The Pledge of the Community Blood Center.” Transfusion 50:2768,
Refereed Abstracts at Professional Meetings (other presentations are listed under
“Invited Presentations Outside of UNM”)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 18
Crookston, KP, Daum, PR, Petteway, JC, Brawer, MK, and Wener, MH. Pooled serum
controls detect lot-to-lot variability in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) reagents.
Journal of Urology 155:369A, 1996.
Crookston, KP, Delaney, CJ, Bankson, DD, and Haver, VM. Managing the integration
of two hospital laboratories: A case study. Am. J. Clin. Path.106:152, 1996.
Crookston, KP, Henderson, R***, and Chandler, WL. Improved factor V degradation
assay identifies false negative factor V Leiden PCR resulting from an allogeneic
stem cell transplant. Am. J. Clin. Path. 108:107, 1997.
Crookston, KP, Cooper, LJN, Waldhausen, JH, Reid, LA***, and Reiner, A. Successful
plasma-free exchange transfusion for massive hemolysis associated with Th
antigen activation in a neonate with necrotizing enterocolitis. Transfusion 37:85S,
Crookston, KP, Marsh, CL, and Chandler, WL. Regulation of fibrinolysis during
orthotopic liver transplantation. Am. J. Clin. Path. 110:115, 1998.
Reid, LA***, Armour, R***, and Crookston, KP. Incidental discovery of a massive fetalmaternal hemorrhage. Transfusion 39:55S, 1999.
Pourbabak, S**, and Crookston, KP. Massive fetomaternal hemorrhage may occur
without clinical suspicion. Am. J. Clin. Path. 114:313, 2000.
Lahiri, S**, Rosenbaum, S*, Waltman, EE***, Jager, TE*** and Crookston, KP. Informing
type O Rh-negative donors how their blood was used: Influence on the
frequency of subsequent donations. Transfusion 41:127S, 2001.
Humphrey, PE*,Townsend, K***, Irani, MS and Crookston KP. Refacto® Factor VIII
therapy may be monitored using traditional clotting assays with the appropriate
calibrator. Transfusion 42:62S, 2002.
Rosenbaum, LS*, Lahiri, S**, Waltman, EE***, Jager, TE***, and Crookston, KP.
Informing committed vs. first time type O Rh-negative donors how their blood
was used: Influence on the frequency of subsequent donations. Journal of
Investigative Medicine 51:S103, 2003.
Starkey, C**, Rosen, SA**, Owens, L***, Johnson, C, and Crookston, KP. Acquired
Hemophilia in SLE. Am. J. Clin. Path. 120:283, 2003.
VanderJagt TJ**, Merchant, SH**, and Crookston, KP. Paradoxical hyperfibrinolytic
state in response to electrical injury. Am. J. Clin. Path. 120:278, 2003.
VanderJagt TJ**, Merchant, SH**, and Crookston, KP. Use of recombinant factor VIIa
in management of subcapsular liver hematoma and massive hemorrhage
complicating pregnancy associated with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Am.
J. Clin. Path. 120:277, 2003.
Hunt, KE**, and Crookston, KP. The hemostatic agent QuickClot activates coagulation
directly via the contact pathway. Transfusion 43:6A, 2003.
Hoppe, PA., Decatur, GA, Verpoort, T, Sivan, Y, Kline, L, Rugg, N, Sacher, R,
Greenwalt, TJ, Whitley, P, Taylor, H, McDonough, W, Simon, T, Bonner, P,
Crookston, K, Strauss, D. First USA studies of MacoPharma LCG2
investigational pre-storage leukoreduction filters. Transfusion 43:58A, 2003.
Gardner, DL**, Oden, EI, and Crookston, KP. Rituximab treatment for refractory
myasthenia gravis. Accepted for presentation at Academy of Clinical Laboratory
Physicians and Scientists, 2004.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 19
17. Elliott, C**, and Crookston, KP. The hemostatic agent Quikclot™ accelerates clot
formation of whole blood. Accepted for presentation at Academy of Clinical
Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 2004.
18. Glass, J**, and Crookston, KP. Detection of maternal anti-Diego antibody by antibody
panel but not on screening cells. Accepted for presentation at Academy of
Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, 2004.
19. Crookston, KP, Townsend, KT***, and Luke, MM. Personalizing laboratory data as a
way to aid instruction in laboratory medicine. Presented at the Association for
Medical Education in Europe Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, September
2004, published at
20. Mintz, PD, Neff, A, MacKenzie, M, Hillyer, C, Goodnough, LT, Kessler, C, McCrae, K,
Menitove , J, Damon, L, Lopez, I, Roualt, C, Crookston, K, Benjamin, RJ,
George, J, Van Doren, A, Lin, JS, and Corash, L. Therapeutic plasma exchange
(TPE) for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) using plasma prepared
with photochemical treatment (INTERCEPT plasma). Blood 104(11):#838, 2004.
21. Fabre, A*, Blacklock L*, Crookston, K, Libby E, and Garcia, D. D-dimer stability of
specimens stored at –20 and –70 degrees Celsius. Journal of Investigative
Medicine, 53(1):#153. 2005
22. Conlan, MD, Corash, L, Lin, J, Mintz, PD, Neff, AT, MacKenzie, M, Hillyer, CD,
Goddnough, LT, Kessler, C, Menitove, JE, Damon, L, Lopez, Rouault, C,
Crookston, K, Benjamin, R, George, J. vWF cleaving protease activity and
inhibitors in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) treated
with INTERCEPT FFP vs. conventional FFP: Results of a phase III trial.
Transfusion 45:30A, 2005.
23. Garcia, D, Libby, E, Fabre, A*, Blacklock, L*, and Crookston, K. D-dimer stability of
specimens stored at -20 and -70 degrees Celsius. Journal of Thrombosis of
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 3(S1):#P2268, 2005.
24. Mintz, PD, Neff A, MacKenzie, M, Hillyer, C, Goodnough, LT, Kessler, C, McCrae, K
Menitove, J, Damon, L, Lopez, I, Roualt, C, Crookston, K, Benjamin, RJ,
George, J, Van Doren, S, Lin, JS, Conlan, MG, and Corash, L. Therapeutic plasma
exchange (TPE) for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) using plasma
prepared with photochemical treatment: clinical responses, vWF CP levels and
vWF-CP inhibitor levels. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 3(S1):#OR268,
25. Hanna, H**, Olson, K**, Johnson, K*, Townsend, K***, and Crookston, KP. Refining
von Willebrand’s Disease (vWD) Reference ranges by blood type to decrease
equivocal results. Am. J. Clin. Path. 128:506, 2007.
26. Hubbell, MW**, Burns, J**, Crookston, K. Increasing blood donor and employee
satisfaction by informing them of the disposition of their blood. Am J Clin Pathol
130:488, 2008.
27. Vennapusa, B**, Mathew, P, and Crookston, K. Efficacy of rituximab treatment for
acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) resistant to
plasmapheresis resistant—a pediatric case report . Am J Clin Pathol 130:489,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 20
28. Stobaugh, C**, Novak, D**,Masten, B, Chambers, M***, and Crookston, K.
Unexpected antibody pattern in c4d-negative renal allograft rejection responds
to the use of plasma exchange: A case report. Am J Clin Pathol 130:485, 2008.
29. Novak, D**, Bakhirev, A**, and Crookston, K. Validation of blood component
transport through a pneumatic tube system. Transfusion 48:261A, 2008.
30. Stobaugh, C**, Novak, DJ, Nonemaker, B***, Crookston, KP. Implementing a massive
transfusion protocol: Turning ideas into reality. Am J Clin Pathol 132:451 2009.
31. Crookston, KP, Rosenbaum, LS**, Sharrar, J***, Sibbitt, WL, and Roldan, CA
Microparticle quantitation in patients with and without systemic lupus
erythematosus. Am J Clin Pathol 132:461, 2009.
32. Hubbell, MW**, Donohue, R*, Crookston, KP. Increasing blood center donor and
employee morale and retention by informing them of the disposition of collected
blood. Am J Clin Pathol 132:461, 2009.
33. Rosenbaum, L**, Gober-Wilcox, JK**, Luke, MM, Townsend, K***, Crookston, KP.
Functional protein S levels in pregnant women. Am J Clin Pathol 134: 500, 2010.
34. Meredith D,** D’Angio, R,*** Crookston, KP. Review of recombinant activated factor
VII use and proposed protocol for off-label use. Archives of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine 134:1394, 2010.
35. Parsons, J**, Smith, TC**, Koenig, SC, Crookston, KP. Antibody to Diegoa Can Cause
Severe Hemolysis, Yet is Not Detected By Standard Antibody Screening. Am J
Clin Pathol 138: 468, 2012.
36. Koenig, SC, Crookston, KP. Enhancing formative evaluation using a game show format.
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day, June 4, 2012.
37. Ley, MT*, Wheeler-Buenger, JL**, Crookston, KP, Koenig, SC. The Use of Thawed
Type A Plasma in Emergency Situations. Presented at the Academy of
Laboratory Physicians and Scientists 2013 Annual Meeting. Am J Clin Pathol 140:
427, 2013.
38. Reyes, MD**, Crookston, KP, Koenig, SC. A Comparison of Thromboelastometry
(ROTEM) and Standard Coagulation Testing: Similar Results but Improved
Patient Care? Am J Clin Pathol 142: 702, 2014.
39. Krehbiel, L**, Rosenbaum, L., Risan, J,** Marinaro JL; Sponsor: Crookston, KC.
ROTEM Case of the Week: An Online, Case-Based Educational Intervention for
the Introduction of a Novel Coagulation Test to Practicing Physicians. Am J Clin
Pathol 142: 705, 2014.
40. Routh, JK**, Rojas-Hernandez**, CM, Crookston, KP, Koenig, SC. Severe Vitamin B12
Deficiency Mimicking Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Am J Clin Pathol
142:702, 2014.
Works In Progress: Original Research or Scholarly Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Personalizing Laboratory Data as a Way to Aid Instruction in Laboratory Medicine.
Glynnis Ingall, Matthew Luke, Kelly Townsend,*** Kendall Crookston
2. Wagenman, BL, Starkey, C.**, Rosen, SA**, Townsend, KT***, Mathew, P., and
Crookston, KP. Acquired hemophilia in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
3. Teaching and Learning Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Part 1. Historical Underpinnings
of Laboratory Medicine Practice Worldwide. Matthew Luke, Hank Hanna,**
Deborah J. Davis (Copenhagen) Kendall P. Crookston.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 21
Teaching and Learning Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Part 2. Educational Theory for
Laboratory Medicine Professionals. Matthew Luke , Deborah J. Davis
(Copenhagen) Hank Hanna,** Kendall P. Crookston
Other Writings and Scholarly Products
1. Crookston, KP, and Williams, TM “Jeffery Craig” (A problem-based learning case
about hemophilia A--first used in the Mechanisms of Disease Block) University of
New Mexico School of Medicine, 2002.
2. Crookston, KP.“The Scholarship of Teaching.” (A peer-reviewed faculty training
module developed in conjunction with The Symposium.) University of New
Mexico School of Medicine, 2003.
3. Crookston, KP. “The Balance of Coagulation” (A teaching demonstration exhibit),
2000, updated 2006.
4. Crookston, KP. “Coagulation.” Author/Reviewer of Online Coagulation Overview
Chapter [19,000 words],, 2005 edition.
5. Crookston, KP, “Transfusion Outcomes Notification Project” (A collaboration
between UNM and United Blood Services of New Mexico to present data to all
members of the transfusion supply chain [donors, blood center employees,
hospital blood bank employees, recipients] illustrating where blood comes from,
where it goes, and how it is used. Then intent is to increase both donor and
employee investment in the process. Data was collected from both donors and
employees to measure the impact of the project.)
6. Crookston, KP, Rosenbaum, LS**, Gober-Wilcox, J.** “Coagulation.”
Authors/Reviewers of Online Coagulation Overview Chapter [>19,000 words],, 2010 edition, see [3.5 million visits to parent
site in 2011]
7. Crookston, KP. “Midnight at Chaco Canyon: Have anything really changed in 1,000
years?” (Cover photograph). Medical Muse 16 (1):front cover, 2011, see .
8. Parsons, JP**, Crookston, KP. “Coagulation.” Authors/Reviewers of Online
Coagulation Overview Chapter [>19,000 words],, 2012
edition, see . [3.5 million
visits to parent site in 2011]
Current and Past Grant and Contract Funding
RO1 grant as co-investigator
o HRRC 06-117 Libman-Sacks Endocarditis as a Cause of Neuropsychiatric Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE) funding from NHLBI, 2006. >$450,000, Roldan, C (PI),
Crookston, KP, Sibbit, W, co-investigators, 10% effort initially, 5% from 2008 to 2011.
Non RO1 studies approved by the UNM Human Research Review Committee with
Crookston as initial PI
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 22
o HRRC 10-134 Functional Protein S Levels in Pregnant Women (4/10 – 4/11) ;
Crookston, KP, and Rosenbaum, L**
o HRRC 05-400 Evaluation of the Safety of Repeated Autologous Infusions of EnzymeConverted Group A-to-O (A-ECO®) Red Cells into Group A Volunteers. (11/4/05 to
10/23/07); Kendall Crookston (PI), Liz Rosenbaum**, Hank Hanna**, Funded by
Zymequest (grant administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 03-456 In Vitro Evaluation of the Leukotrap® WB System with CP2D/AS-3
Anticoagulant and the WBF2 Filter (12/05/03 – 11/10/04); Kendall Crookston (PI), Toby
Simon, Pall Medical (grant administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 03-238 In Vitro Coagulation Studies on Whole Blood and its Interactions with
QuikClot, a Topical Hemostatic Agent (06/10/03 – 6/15/04)
o HRRC 03-235 In Vitro Studies of the MacoPharma Leukoreduction Systems for Blood
Components (Leucoflex MRL1-RBC and Leucoflex MTL1-Mulitflex) as Used in the
Collection and Processing of AS-1 Red Blood Cells and the Preparation of Platelets
(05/9/03 – 4/9/04); Kendall Crookston (PI), Toby Simon, Maco Pharma (grant
administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 03-217 Comparison of Blood Bank Collection Tubes for Viral Testing (05/22/03
– 5/3/05); Kendall Crookston (PI), Toby Simon, Greiner Bio-one (grant administered by
o HRRC 03-133 Evaluation of the Greiner Vacuette Quickshield Safety Tube Holder
(3/20/03-3/4/04); Kendall Crookston (PI), Toby Simon, Greiner Bio-one (grant
administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 02-568 The Efficacy of Using Personal Laboratory Results as Educational
Materials to Teach Medical Students Laboratory Medicine (12/17/02 - present), Kendall
Crookston (PI) with Mathew Luke and Glynnis Ingall added as co-investigators in 2006
and Dr. Luke became the PI on 2/10/09. A medical student was also a coinvestigator.*
o HRRC 02-238 In Vitro Evaluation of the LEUKOTRAP WB System with Modified
WBF3 Filter and Vent System" (5/3/02-5/2/03); Kendall Crookston (PI), Toby Simon, Pall
Medical (grant administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 01-528 Blood Donation for In Vitro Research Evaluating the Maco Pharma
Leukoreduction Filter Leukolab LCG2F (12/17/01 to 12/11/02); Kendall Crookston (PI),
Toby Simon, Maco Pharma (grant administered by TriCore)
o HRRC 00-092 Transfusion of S-59 Fresh Frozen Plasma in Patients with Thrombotic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (2/14/00 to 3/27/02); Kendall Crookston (PI), Gow Arapelli,
Mehraboon Irani, Cerus Corporation, $64,465,
Other grant funding
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico,
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Incorporated, 1/15-12/15, $86,159
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico,
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Incorporated, 1/14-12/14, $82,162
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Incorporated, 1/13-12/13, $82,162
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/12-12/12, $82,376
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 23
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/11-12/11, $81,999
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/10-12/10, $82,376
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/09-12/09, ~$76,000
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/08-12/08, ~$73,000
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/07-12/07, $74,919
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/06-12/06, ~$29,850
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/05-12/05, $49,785
o Determination of long term immune responses and plasma collection in survivors of
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. A Multicenter Study of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center/
Chile, International Collaborations in Infectious Disease Research. Diane Goade (PI),
Brian Hjelle, Kendall Crookston, and Greg Mertz. Funded by the NIH as supplement to
the UNM International Centers for Tropical Disease Research Network Hantavirus
grant, $46,000 (the portion funding my contributions). (~10/04 to 2007)
o Fulbright Scholarship for Teaching/Research, Council for International Exchange of
Scholars and Danish Fulbright Commission, 8/04- 12/04, 120,000 Danish kroner
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI), Blood Systems Foundation, 1/04-12/04, $34,730
o Development of Faculty Training Modules in Education (“MES Lite”)
(Awarded to a group of faculty called The Symposium, of which I was a member) 7/036/04, UNM School of Medicine SEAC grant, $11,000
(see )
o Improving Laboratory Medicine Education at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston, Matthew Luke, 7/03-6/04, UNM School of Medicine SEAC grant,
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI) Blood Systems Foundation, 1/03-12/03, $41,102
o Medical Education Scholars Program
Kendall Crookston, Recipient, UNM School of Medicine Deans Office, 7/02-6/03, $2000
o Transfusion Medicine Fellowship at the University of New Mexico
Kendall Crookston (PI) Blood Systems Foundation, 1/02-12/02, $57,964
o Quantitative D-dimer Levels After Crotalus Envenomation,
Kendall Crookston, Peter Humphries,* UNM Dept. Pathology Medical Student Research
Grant, 1/02 – 2004, $3000 [added to HRRC 01-204, a Department of Emergency
Medicine study]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Legend to coauthor symbols on papers, abstracts, and grants with Crookston as principle investigator:
* = medical student, ** = resident/fellow, *** = medical technologist, RN, or other allied health
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 24
Teaching / Education
Ph.D. Student Mentoring
Elizabeth Ann Martinson, Ph.D., 2002. University of New Mexico Department of
Anthropology. Reassessing the Etiology of Cribra Orbitalia and Porotic
Hyperostosis: A Case Study of the Chiribaya of the Osmore Drainage, Peru
(member of dissertation committee and pathology consultant).
Undergraduate Medical Student, Resident, and Fellow Mentoring (information
available by request)
Classroom, Laboratory Teaching and Tutoring
University of Virginia School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
o Teaching Assistant in Medical Microbiology, 1987
o Teaching Assistant in Human Biochemistry, 1990,1991
University of Washington Physician's Assistant Training Program, 1995
o Guest Lecturer in Pathology Course: Infectious Disease (3 hours)
University of Washington Medical Technologist Training Program, 1995 - 1998
o Guest Lecturer in Clinical Chemistry Course: Gastrointestinal System and
Pancreas (5 hours)
o Guest Lecturer in Microbiology Course: Enteric Pathogens (~1 hour)
University of New Mexico School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
o Lecturer, Medical Student Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Block: Hemostasis
and Thrombosis, 2000 – present, Introduction to Transfusion Medicine, 2007 –
2009 (taken over by junior faculty member that I mentored)
o Lecturer, Mechanisms of Disease/Infection and Immunity/Neoplasia Block:
Introduction to Hemostasis/Enzyme Cascades and their Regulation, 2001- 2004,
2006 – ~2010
o Lecturer, Transition Block: Introduction to Laboratory Medicine, 2003 – 2008 (2
to 3 hours/year) (taken over by junior faculty member that I informally
o Medical Student Problem-Based Learning Tutorial Group Leader, 2001 –
2004, 2006 – 2007
o Expert Panel/Lecturer, Genetics and Neoplasia Block, Hemachromatosis, 2007
– 2012
o Faculty Preceptor, Fundamentals of Clinical Practice, 2014 – present
o Faculty Preceptor, Diversity of the Human Experience, 2015 – present
University of New Mexico Medical Laboratory Sciences Program
o Guest Lecturer, Medical Technologist Training Program, 2000 – present:
Thrombophilia, Introduction to Laboratory Medicine (1-2 hours/year), 2006 –
Fetal Maternal Hemorrhage, Transfusion Practice.
University of New Mexico Physician’s Assistant Program
o Guest Lecturer, UNM Physician’s Assistant Program, 2001 – 2007:
Introduction to Hemostasis for Physician Assistants, Introduction to Laboratory
Medicine I and II (1-2 hours/year)
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 25
Resident and Fellow Teaching and Mentoring: Formal Presentations
Transfusion Medicine at UNMH, UNM New House Staff Orientation (4 hours/year),
~2001-2003, 2006, 2007
Fundamentals of Transfusion Medicine and Coagulation, Pathology Resident Didactic Series
(~8 hours/every 3 years)
Preparing for Transfusion Medicine Call, Pathology Resident Conference (1 hour/year)
Transfusion Medicine 101 (Overview), Anesthesiology Resident Conference, 2002
Transfusion Medicine Overview, Surgery Teaching Rounds, 4/18/02
Perioperative Coagulation, Surgery Teaching Rounds, 2002
Hemostasis in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellows Conference,
Cutting Edge Research in Transfusion Medicine, Pathology Resident Journal Club, 12/3/03
Transfusion Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellows Conference,
Transfusion Medicine Weekly Didactic Series, Pathology Residents and Fellows, 1/30/06 –
Transfusion Reaction Investigation, Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents Conference,
Therapeutic Apheresis, Pathology Resident Didactic, 11/10/08
Transfusion Medicine Weekly Didactic Series, Pathology Residents and Fellows, 2
presentations in 2011
Transfusion Medicine Weekly Didactic Series, Pathology Residents and Fellows, 2
presentations in 2012
Transfusion Medicine Weekly Didactic Series, Pathology Residents and Fellows, ~2
presentations in 2014
Continuing Medical Education (please see also “Invited Presentations . . . " and
“Web-based Instruction”)
American Association of Blood Banks International Teleconference, Organizer and
Moderator: “Coagulation Made Simple and Relevant.” 2/12/03
American Association of Blood Banks International Teleconference, Organizer and
Moderator, “Update on the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura." 1/14/04
Curriculum Development or Educational Administrative Positions
Director of Pathology Resident Rotation in Transfusion Medicine and Coagulation, 1999
– 2011
Director, Transfusion Medicine Postgraduate Fellowship Program, 2002 – present
Undergraduate Medical Education Block Chair, Transitions, 2003, 2004, 2006 (co-chair)
Mentoring of Faculty in Education (available upon request)
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 26
(Much of my work is not reflected in RVU’s [the medical workload reporting
system] as it involves many things other than direct patient care. These include
clinical leadership, quality assurance, and consultation with clinicians throughout
New Mexico and the Four Corners area.)
Present Patient Care Activities
University of New Mexico Hospitals
o Clinical Consultant in Transfusion Medicine and Coagulation
o Attending Physician in the Therapeutic Apheresis Program including admitting
several patients each week for treatment at the UNM Outpatient Treatment
o Laboratory Consultant to the Ted R. Montoya Hemophilia Treatment Program
United Blood Services:
o Regional Medical Director
o Clinical Consultant to 47 hospitals/transfusion services in New Mexico and the
Four Corners region of Utah, Colorado, and Arizona
o Medical Director, Kaneka LDL Apheresis Program
o Medical Director, Autologous Blood Donation Program
o Medical Director, Mononuclear Cell Collection Program (UNM Cancer Research
and Treatment Center autologous stem cells, Dendreon Sipuleucel-T, Argos
AGS-003 protocol)
TriCore Reference Laboratories
o Attending Physician, University Hospital Blood Bank
o Co-medical Director, Special Coagulation Laboratory
o Clinical Consultant in Laboratory Medicine
o Member of the Special Coagulation Workgroup
o Member of Transfusion Medicine Medical Directors Clinical Meeting Group
Past Patient Care Activities
Medical Director, National Marrow Donor Program of New Mexico 1999 – 2006
Medical Director, University Hospital Blood Bank 1999 – 2011
Medical Director, UNM Cancer Research and Treatment Center at Lovelace Medical
Center Laboratory
Associate Medical Director, UNM Cancer Research and Treatment Center Main
University, SOM, HSC, UNMH, and Department Committees
Pathology Residency Training Committee, member, 1999 – 2013
Pathology Department retreat/associated committees to develop 7 year plan (CP,
residency, UME), 2002-2003
UNM Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Committee, chair, 2001 – 2012
UNM Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, chair, 2012 –
UNM Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee, chair, 2012 –
Crookston Curriculum Vitae 27
UNMH Tissue, Transfusion and Autopsy Committee, chair, 2000 – 2003, 2006 – 1/2009;
member 2004-2005,2/2009--present
UNMH Quality Management Committee, member, 2000 – 2003, 2006- 2007
UNMH Point of Care Advisory Committee, member, 2001 - 2008
UNMH Computer Implementation Committee (CERNER Millennium), member, 2001–
Medical Scientist Training Program Committee (M.D./Ph.D.), 2001-2002
SOM UME Foundations/Mechanism of Disease Block committee, 2001-2002
SOM UME Transition Block Committee, member, 2001 – 2003, chair, 2003 – 2004
SOM Admissions Committee, member, 2005 – 2009
SOM BA/MD Curriculum Committee, member, 2006 – 2011
SOM Human Research Review Committee, member, 2009 – 2014
SOM Sabbatical/Leave From Assigned Duties Review Committee, member, 2011 –
Pathology senior faculty group charged to clarify requirements for educational
scholarship, member, 2011 – 2013
University of New Mexico Radiation Control Committee Member, 2013 – present
SOM Academic Affairs Advisory Committee Member, 2013 – present
Current Local, State, Regional, and National Committees (contains duplicates with
Other Extramural Activities)
American Society for Clinical Pathology, Resident In-Service Exam & Transfusion
Medicine Fellow In-Service Exam Committee, 2012 – 2014; test item
contributor (including Hematopathology) 2007 – present
State of New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, Division of Insurance, External
Review Medical Specialist/Panelist, 2008 – present
Central New Mexico Community College, Joint Advisory Committee of Phlebotomy,
Clinical Laboratory Technician, and Medical Laboratory Technician, member,
2006 – present
Fulbright Exchange Program Life Sciences: Medical Peer Review Committee, member,
Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Institute of International
Education, 2011 - 2014
American Society for Apheresis, Apheresis Physicians Committee, Physicians
Curriculum Content Subcommittee, 2010 – present
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS), member, Program &
Finance Committee, 2012 – present
United Blood Services of New Mexico Senior Leadership Team, member, 1999 – 2014