PATMER SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK-2015 Std. 1 ENGLISH 1. Learn spellings from 1 to 50 2. Learn chapter -1, page 15 (End Reader) 3. Learn chapter -2, page 19 (End Reader) 4. Learn Vowel, picture names, animals home (from C.W) 5. Learn grammar page 18, 19 (one and many) 6. Write (Do) in the book page – 25 (End Reader) 7. PROJECT:- Make 10 pictures of different things, colour it and write their names in a half chart paper. HINDI orZuh & 1 ls 50 rd orZuh ;kn djsaA Jqfrys[k & ist la[;k & 16 fgUnh iqLrd ls ;kn djsA fgUnh iqLrd & ikB 1 ls 4 rd ;kn djsaA ist la[;k & 7] 8] 9]12 ,oa 17 esa ls ik¡p&ik¡p ’kCnksa dks viuh xzh"ekodk’k iqfLrdk eas fy[ksaA fgUnh O;kdj.k & ikB & 1 ist la[;k &15 dk iz’u la[;k 6 viuh xzh"ekodk’k iqfLrdk esa fy[kksaA Nfo lqys[k ekyk& ist la[;k 1&10 rd lkQ ,oa lqanj v{kjks esa fy[ksaA ifj;kstuk & dk;Z & pkVZ isij ds pkSFks Hkkx esa **o.kZ o`{k** cukb, ,oa muds jax Hkfj,A MATHS 1. Do pages 8 & 23 in holiday home work note book from the book 2. Do review worksheet 1 in HHW notebook from the book. 3. Learn table 1 to10. 4. M.Maths :- practice Ex1 to 15. FA1 Portion – Maths – page 1 to 28 M.Maths – Exercise 1 to 15 Note – Practice all from CW, HW note books and Maths Book for exam Project Work:- 1. Write counting from 1 to 50 on a chart paper neatly 2. Write table from 1 to 10 on a chart paper neatly. S.ST 1. Write underlined hard words of chapter 2 and 3 in the holiday homework copy from the book. 2. Write exercise B and D of chapter 2 and 3 in the holiday homework copy from the book neatly. 3. Learn exercise A and E of chapter 2 and 3 from the class work note book thoroughly. 4. Learn chapter 1 about yourself. PROJECT WORK 5. Draw the pictures of different parts of the body on the white chart paper neatly from page-9. 6. Paste or draw the pictures of 1o different food items on the white chart paper neatly. STD.1 SCIENCE 1. Write underlined hard words of ch- I,2 and 3 in the Holiday H/W copy neatly. 2. Write Ex-B of ch-I,2 and 3 in the Holiday H/W copy from C/W notebook neatly. 3. Draw the diagram of Cactus and Parts of Plant in the Holiday H/W copy neatly. 4. Learn all the exercises of ch-I,2 and 3 thoroughly for FA-I exam from science c/w , h/w and book. PROJECT WORK Draw the diagram of Parts of Plant neatly on a white chart paper and label it. OR Paste 5 pictures of pet animals, domestic animal and wild animals neatly on a white chart paper and name it properly. COMPUTER 1. Collect different pictures of computers and paste them on a chart paper. (pg-8) 2. Collect pictures of different types of CPUs and Keyboards and paste them on a chart paper. (pg-14) 3. Write six things that you can do on computer in the holiday homework copy. (pg-7) 4. Paste seven pictures of the computer-related objects in the holiday homework copy. (pg-7) 5. Draw the different parts of computer and write their names in the holiday homework copy and colour it. (pg-12) 6. Learn FA-I portion. GK 1. Paste the pictures of six National Symbols of India on a chart paper. (pg-6,7) 2. Paste the pictures of any ten Cartoon Character on a chart paper. (pg-8) 3. Draw the smiling face that has many fruits and vegetables on a chart paper and also label it. (pg-13) 4. Write five sentences to keep ourselves clean and healthy in the Holiday Homework copy. (pg-9) 5. Do pg-13 in the book. 6. Learn FA-I protion. DRAWING & CRAFT 1. The Butterfly (pg. no-11) (paper pasting activity) 2. The fish (paper plate activity) 3. The House (make in your drawing copy) (16) 4. Page - 3, 4 and 5 (Fill in the colour in your draw book)
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