PATMER SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK-2015 STD.4 ENGLISH ENG. LANGUAGE 1. Learn CH-1 to CH-4. 2. Write down the list of words often confused given on page no. 71 and learn it. 3. Write a paragraph of “INDIAN FESTIVALS” from page-95 and learn it. 4. PROJECT:- Write definitions of “KINDS OF SENTENCES” along with the diagram on a Chart Paper. ENG. LITRATURE 1. Learn all the spelling from spelling notebook. 2. Learn all the word meanings of CH.-1 and CH.-2. 3. Learn short answers of CH-1 and 2 given in the exercises. 4. Write 10 pages of Cursive Writing Book (date wise). 5. PROJECT:- Write a poem “Trees” and draw a diagram on a Chart paper. HINDI lkfgR; 1- ikB & la[;k 1- izkFkuk & dfork ekSf[kd iz’u cgqfodYih; iz’u y?kq mRrjh; iz’u 2- ikB & la[;k 2- jke dk ouokl ekSf[kd iz’u cgq fodYih; iz’u fy[kdj ;kn djksA y?kqmRrjh; iz’u 3- ikB & ijksidkj dk Qy ekSf[kd iz’u cgq fodYih; iz’u y?kqmRrjh; iz’u 4- leLr fganh orZuh fy[kdj ;kn djksA fgUnh O;kdj.k 1- ikB & 1 ls 5 rd ;kn djksA 2- foykse ’kCn i`"B – 81] 80 fy[kks rFk ;kn djksA 3- i;kZ;okph ’kCn ¼es?k ls bZ’oj½ rd i`"B &86 ls ns[kdj fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA 4- vusd ’kCnksa ds fy, ,d ’kCn 1 ls 10 fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA 5- vusdkFkhZ ’kCn i`"B & 95 ls ¼xq: ls /ku½ rd ;kn djksA 6- v’kq) dks ’kq) djks i`"B – 97 ;kn djksA 7- eqgkojs & i`"B – 101] 102 ls ¼ 1 ls 15½ ;kn djksA 8- dgkuh ys[ku ¼i`"B &113½ ls fy[kdj ;kn djksA 9- vuqPNsn ‘‘esjk fe=** fy[kks rFkk ;kn djksA 10- lqys[k iqfLrdk esa 10 i`"B lqys[k fy[kksA ifj;kstuk dk;Z ,d pkVZ isij esa fyax ds nks Hksn fp= lfgr fy[kdj mldh ifjHkk"kk fy[kksA STD.4 MATHS 1. 2. 3. 4. Do. Q/No.:- 6, 9, 11 and 13 of Ex:- 1(A) page :- 2 & 3. Do Q/No.:- 1, 5, 6, 8, and 10 of Ex:- 1(B) of page:- 4. Do Q/No.:- 1, 4, 5, and 6 of Ex:- 2(A) of page:- 7 & 8. “Project-work” – write the Roman Numerals from (1 to 100) on a chart paper colourfully and write its rule of Page 6 (also). Note:a.) Make a separate copy for doing all those H/W. b.) Practice the given portion for the FA1 exam. SCIENCE 1. Collect the pictures of some insectivores and parasitic plants and find the information about them. 2. Write the name of some medicinal plants and their benefits. 3. Do Ex-A, Ex-B and Ex-C page no.10 in holiday homework copy. 4. Learn all the topics given for FA1 portion. 5. Learn Ex-D of CH-1 and CH-2. 6. Do Ex-A, and Ex-B page no.17 in holiday homework copy. S.ST MAKE A SEPARATE COPY FOR HOLIDAY HOME WORK Chapter 1 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex D – All, Ex E – All, Ex F – Q.No. 2,3 & 5 Chapter 2 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex D – All, Ex E – All, Ex F – Q.No. 1,2 & 3 Chapter 3 :- Ex A – All, Ex B – All, Ex C – All, Ex E – All, Ex F – Q.No. 1, 3 & 4 Project Work:- collect photographs and information about the Dalai Lama. What is his real name? When did he receive the Nobel prize? Paste his picture on a chart paper and write a few lines about him. ( Take help from your parents or visit the internet) COMPUTER 1. Learn all the topics given for F.A.-I portion. 2. Do the following in a stick file with your Name, class, section and roll_no. on front page. a. Page no.-12: Do complete the following. b. Calculate the no. of bytes required to store the following in computer of page no.-12. 3. PROJECT:- Do the project of page no. 6 on a chart paper. G.K 1. Complete all the chapters of unit-1 and 2 2. Write the names of all the states and union territories of India with their capitals. Drawing & craft 1. Page 3, 4, and 5 (Fill in the colour in your drawing copy) 2. The Tribal Cap (Paste cutting activity 3. Page 18, 19 make drawing in your drawing copy
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