School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION In addition to our standard conference programme this year we are offering professional development at optional “Advanced Classes”. These classes will be held one day prior to conference on Thursday 13 August 2015 at the Sky City Convention Centre. Numbers are strictly limited and entrance to the Advanced Classes is included in the full registration fee. Please note that the Advanced Classes are capped at 60 attendees per session. Acceptance to the Advanced Classes will be allocated on a first in first served basis. Please refer to the programme for more information relating to the Advanced Classes. Registration closes 31 July 2015 Register online at REGISTRATION INCLUSIONS Entrance to conference, catering, conference bag, name tag, pen, pad and conference handbook. Please note that spaces for conference are limited. We advise that registration priority will be given to those schools that are already participating in Positive Behaviour for Learning School-wide. A confirmation letter will be issued to the attendee confirming their registration details. An invoice will be issued DIRECT to the school/ organisation. 13-15 AUGUST SKYCITY CONVENTION CENTRE CANCELLATION & REFUND POLICY 88 FEDERAL ST, AUCKLAND CONFIRMATIONS All cancellations of registration should be sent in writing to EventMergers prior to 22 July 2015. Cancellations received prior to this date will receive a refund less an administration fee of NZ$150.00. Regrettably cancellations after this date cannot be refunded. A transfer of the registration to another person may be available, please contact our Conference Manager, EventMergers. TRAVEL INSURANCE It is recommended that you take your own personal travel insurance for your domestic flights to provide coverage for unforeseen events beyond your control. REGISTRATION FEES PER PERSON / INC GST $575 REGISTRATION INCLUDES OPTIONAL ADVANCED CLASSES (LIMITED TO 60 ATTENDEES PER CLASS) DISCLAIMER The registration form and programme is correct on the date of release. However, the PB4L-SW Conference Organising Committee reserves the right to change the registration form and programme at any time without notice to registrants and reserves the right to decline registrations. The PB4L-SW Conference Organising Committee and EventMergers shall not be responsible for any costs and damages arising from any action based on the information contained in this form or programme. The conference committee reserves the right to cancel the Advanced Classes if sufficient interest is not received. During the course of the public events we take photographs for use on our website and other promotional material relating to Positive Behaviour for Learning School-wide. CONFERENCE MANAGERS EventMergers PO Box 500, Silverdale, 0944, New Zealand P 09 394 4478 P 027 4721 805 E Please feel free to call EventMergers our Conference Managers if you have any questions or queries. 1 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... CONFERENCE ATTENDEE DETAILS PLEASE INCLUDE ONLY ONE REGISTRATION PER FORM Title First name Last name Please tick from the list below that best describes your role: Role Role Description Senior Leaders Principal, Associate Principal, Deputy Principal Middle Leaders Head of Faculty, Head of Department, Dean, Teacher in Charge Teacher Specialist Teacher, SENCO, Teacher Aide, School Counsellor, Librarian PB4L-SW Coach, Trainer, Team Leader RTLB Cluster Manager, Practice Leader Ministry of Education PB4L-SW Practitioner Board Member Parent Representative, Proprietor’s Representative, Commissioner/LSM Community Parent, Kaumatua, NZ Police, Corrections, Youth Justice Academic University Professor, Doctor, Instructor Other Please comment Home postal address Suburb City Postcode Email address of the attendee to receive conference information Phone Mobile Dietary requirements please list Special requirements please list SCHOOL/ORGANISATION Name of school/organisation Contact name for enquiries and accounts Postal address Suburb City Postcode Email Phone Mobile GENERAL Is your school currently engaged in Positive Behaviour Yes No N/A for Learning School-wide? WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 2 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... ADVANCED CLASSES: THURSDAY 13 AUGUST 2015 ADVANCED CLASSES OVERVIEW: Classes are focused on a particular theme or kaupapa for the duration of the day. They are designed to be interactive to allow participants to share ideas and experience with others to support adopting and enhancing implementation of PB4L-SW. Classes will align and integrate with the key principles and framework of PB4L-SW. BACKGROUND: 596 schools are engaged with PB4L-SW and 67 schools that are beginning this year. The first cohort received training in 2009/10. There are 92 schools that have been trained in tier two. Previously, people that have attended with a range of roles and functions, such as: school staff members, Principals, Deputy Principals, Board of Trustees, Universities and Government departments. Attendees come from all types of schools. This is the first year that we will be holding advanced classes immediately prior to the actual two day conference. 7.00am Registration open New Zealand Promenade, Level 5 8.45am Welcome New Zealand Room 1 9.00am-10.30am Concurrent Session 1 – Advanced Classes (OPTIONAL) Please note: 60 attendees per class, from the programme select ONE Advanced Class for the duration of the day A. Advanced Class: B. Advanced Class C. Advanced Class D. Advanced Class E. Advanced Class Strengthening Inclusive Practice – PB4L-SW meets success for all: This advanced class will be facilitated by Lynda Stuart, Principal of May Road School; Myles Ferris, Principal of Te Kura o Otangarei; and Phil Palfrey, Principal of Manurewa East School who are members of the Ministry of Education’s Inclusive Practice and the School Curriculum Sector Advisory Group as well as leading School Wide schools. In this class you will see how the tools developed to strengthen inclusive practice can be used to good effect in PB4L-SW setting. You will engage with the tools and see what works and what doesn’t. From this class you will have a better understanding of strategies for school leaders and teachers to enable them to include all students in their classroom programmes. Suggested Participants: Primary School leaders and coaches. The Role of the Coach and Team Leader in PB4L-SW: This advanced class is facilitated by PB4L-SW Coaches and Practitioners who have supported their school teams to implement PB4L- SW in their schools. In this class they will share their experiences and facilitate key areas pertinent to the role of Coach and Team Leader such as sustaining implementation efforts, supporting a schoolwide team and balancing workload pressures. Presenters: PB4L-SW Practitioners; Liz Winfield, Joshua Couperus and School Coaches: Nicola Jackman (Aotea College), Kate Parker-Corney (Queen Elizabeth College) Suggested participants: Coaches and team leaders. Modern Learning Environments in PB4L-SW: This advanced class will be facilitated by Louisa Barham (Principal Peachgrove Int School), Lisa Morrissey (Principal Mount Maunganui Int School) and Jill Weldon (Principal Te Puke Intermediate School). The class addresses current challenges faced by school leaders who want to maintain a PB4L-SW climate and culture while responding to the ministry’s current requirements for schools to be “Modern Learning Environments” (MLE). You will see how PB4L-SW and MLE philosophies can complement each other and how they can be used proactively to develop successful schools that exemplify modern learning protocols using PB4L-Sw practices. You will take away examples of positive practices while also being alerted to potential pitfalls. Session 1: Establishing Knowledge Content Suggested Participants: School leaders, teachers, BOT members. Communities of Practice in PB4L-SW: This advanced class is facilitated by Kate Gainsford (Principal Aotea College) and Nicola Jackman (PB4L-SW coach) who have overcome barriers and developed consensus on the way to make PB4LSW a living thing in their community. In this class they will share their stories, what worked and what didn’t and how they were able to mould PB4L-SW into a sustainable model for their school and their community. From this you will take away ideas about how to overcome barriers to whole school and community participation and will have some time to think about how this could work in your school. Restorative Practice (RP) in PB4L-SW: This advanced class will be facilitated by Andy Fraser (Principal Otaki College) and Murray Lucas (Principal Tawa College) who have implemented restorative practices in their schools and worked to develop the PB4L-SW RP kete. In this class they will take you through PB4L-SW approaches to RP that are modelled in their schools. They will show how the exercises available in the five books can be used to the greatest effect and the things you can expect to encounter on the way. From this you will have a better understanding of how to implement RP with fidelity in your school. Suggested Participants: Anyone involved in RP who wants to learn about the PB4L-SW model. Some experience of RP is expected. (Secondary focus). 10.30am Morning Refreshments Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 11.00am-12.30pm Advanced Classes continue... Suggested participants: School leaders, coaches, and community agencies (Secondary and across schools focus). A. Advanced Class: B. Advanced Class C. Advanced Class D. Advanced Class E. Advanced Class Strengthening Inclusive Practice – PB4L-SW meets success for all Continuation of above The Role of the Coach and Team Leader in PB4L-SW Continuation of above Modern Learning Environments in PB4L-SW Session 2: Positive practices and Potential pitfalls Communities of Practice in PB4L-SW Restorative Practice (RP) in PB4L-SW Continuation of above Continuation of above 12.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 1.30pm-3.00pm Advanced Classes continue... A. Advanced Class: B. Advanced Class C. Advanced Class D. Advanced Class E. Advanced Class Strengthening Inclusive Practice – PB4L-SW meets success for all Continuation of above The Role of the Coach and Team Leader in PB4L-SW Continuation of above Modern Learning Environments in PB4L-SW Communities of Practice in PB4L-SW Restorative Practice (RP) in PB4L-SW Session 3: Questions/ Answers/ Reflections/Future planning Continuation of above Continuation of above 3.00pm – 3.30pm Wrap Up & Afternoon Refreshments New Zealand Room 1 WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 3 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... DAY ONE: FRIDAY 14 AUGUST 2015 7.15am-8.40am Registration open New Zealand Promenade, Level 5 8.40am Powhiri – Conference Opening, Student participation from Western Springs High School Kapa Haka New Zealand Rooms 3+4, Level 5 9.00am Opening Address – Angela Roberts, PPTA President New Zealand Rooms 3+4 9.10am Minister’s Address – Hon Hekia Parata New Zealand Rooms 3+4 10.00am Morning Refreshments Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 10.30am Keynote One: Dr George Sugai, Professor, Special Education The Fundamentals of Classroom Behavior Management within a Tiered System of Behaviour Support: The purpose of this presentation is to describe the importance, key practices, and systems of effective classroom behaviour management practices within a multitiered system of behaviour support. Topics include teaching instructional routines, integrating within school-wide systems, and establishing positive classroom climates. New Zealand Rooms 3+4 11.30am-12.45pm Concurrent Session 1 – International Expert & New Zealand Best Practice Workshops begin 1. Dr George Sugai, International Guest Speaker Theory to Research to Practice: Improving Implementation of Tiered Systems of Behaviour Support. The purpose of this presentation is to revisit core features of PB4L-SW in the multitiered behaviour framework context. How theory shapes research and practice is considered using implementation examples from school climate and positive behaviour support. 2. Dr Lucille Eber, 3. Diana Shepherd, Practice International Guest Speaker, State and Implementation Manager Coordinator, Illinois PBIS Network PB4L-SW & Martin Henry, PPTA 4. Sally Boyd, Senior Researcher, New Zealand Council for Educational Research Installing Tier 2: Systems Data and Practices Tier 2 behavioural systems build directly from the research-based foundation of the Universal PB4L-SW structure. This session will describe how schools/districts can build Tier 2 systems, data and behavioural practices, thus developing capacity for effectively supporting students needing more targeted supports. Examples of foundational Tier 2 interventions and structures will be shared. A local view: What can evaluation findings tell us about PB4L-SW successes and challenges in a New Zealand context? This presentation draws on the findings from a two-year evaluation of PB4L School-Wide in New Zealand to discuss short-term outcomes across schools, and implementation challenges and solutions. Suggested Participants: Primary, intermediate and secondary focus. PBIS in the US of A In this workshop Martin will explore a visit to Salem High School with requisite ghost stories and the use of witch sticks to improve behaviour. He will also reflect on the similarities of barriers towards full implementation whatever part of the world you’re in and the sorts of things that may help a New Zealand specific approach. He will report on New York system of PBIS implementation and the learning we can do around big city implementation. Diana will look at our visits to Elementary Schools, in particular Quincy Elementary School. She will also reflect on the things we learnt from the American system that could have implications for New Zealand’s implementation of PB4L-SW. 12.45pm-1.45pm Lunch with student participation and light entertainment by Avondale College Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 1.45pm-3.00pm Concurrent Session 2 – School Seminars begin 5. Avondale College 6. Gore High School 7. KatiKati College 8. Oxford Area School HEART - the Avondale College PB4LSW journey Avondale College is the largest school in NZ implementing PB4LSW. A recent ERO visit found our initiatives to have “lived culture - not rhetoric, with integrity”. This session will cover our 2 ½ year journey. Integrating Restorative Practice Principles Into The PB4L-SW Framework – One School’s Approach This session will explore how the school has used flow diagrams and a continuum of consequences to manage both minor and major problem behaviours. Key documentation - ‘high on structure and support’ - will be shared. Maintaining Momentum - Enablers And Barriers To Effectively Implementing Tier 1 With Fidelity Throughout our PB4L-SW journey we have encountered enablers and barriers that we would like to share with others to enable them to learn from our mistakes and take heart from our successes. How Do You Make It Work, How Do You Make It Yours? You’ve seen the examples of implementation in schools, you’ve been to the training days, you’ve read the books? Successful tips and tricks that work from 5 year olds to 18 year olds. 3.00pm Afternoon Refreshments Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 3.30pm-4.30pm Keynote Two: Mina Pomare-Peita, Principal at Te Kura Taumata o Panguru, Northland Change to Positive Behaviour for Learning School-wide for Maori Students: Successful Maori are reluctant to put themselves out there for others to model or learn from - “Kaore te kumara e whaakii ana tana reka” - “The kumara does not say how sweet he/she is” and Mina is no exception in that thinking and although attitudes are changing and forthright people will say what is needed to be said, Mina has asked colleagues to write her bio for her. Mina gained her Masters in Maori Boys education and started her PHD study in 2014 where she is researching the extent of Pakeha teachers and how they have influenced and contributed to educational outcomes for Maori. She has been a leader, tumuaki for 17 years and an educator for many more. Mina comes from Panguru, North Hokianga. New Zealand Rooms 3+4 WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 4 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... DAY ONE: FRIDAY 14 AUGUST 2015 (continued...) 4.30pm-4.45pm Close of Day One New Zealand Rooms 3+4 4.45pm-7.00pm Networking and refreshments amongst the school poster displays. Entertainment by Soul Samba Circus. The following schools will be presenting posters: Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 Dominion Road School: Review of School Wide Behaviour Systems We are now in our third year of the PB4L-SW programme. Our team (including students) regularly meets to review data, new initiatives, discuss and plan the next steps in our journey. The PB4L-SW contract has enabled us to review and strengthen our current systems, deepen our understanding across the organisation and move forward collaboratively. Homai School, Kelvin Road School & Reremoana School A collective theme by three Auckland primary schools - “First Year out of Training” Linwood College: You Can’t Reason With Someone Who is Unreasonable At Christchurch’s Linwood College, we have been working from the ground up in our journey from referral to restorative approaches. We have had some unique challenges to face that have given rise to some very practical solutions. Some of the changes we have made to our environment using an integrated pathways approach, we are striving to put connection before correction through PB4L-SW. Longford Intermediate School: A Five Year Journey Of Discovery Using PB4L-SW in an Intermediate School. PB4L-SW is the foundation and guides decisions and change to make school safe and effective for 100% of students. Promoting community engagement and involvement has helped drive change and been successful in doing so. Mount Aspiring College: Our Maunga, Our Climb Our 3 year journey has been exciting yet very challenging. We have completely changed our framework to be more sustainable and culturally responsive. It now has heart, meaning and our students embrace it with pride. Positive behaviour means fewer criminals and safer communities. This Poster presentation describes active partnerships between Police and PB4L-SW schools to achieve shared goals through shared planning in accordance with shared principles and values. PB4L-SW schools describe the added value Police bring to positively impact the behaviour of students. Runanga School: Using a Passive Playground to Overcome the ‘Mind-Field’ of the Typical Playground The playground is a ‘mind-field’ for ASD children which often leads to confrontations with and social isolation from their peers. Establishing a passive playground allows for positive interaction between neuro-typical and ASD children. University of Canterbury: The Effects of Teaching The Prevent-TeachReinforce Model To Teachers And Their Reliability Of Recording Disruptive Behaviours In The Classroom This poster provides an overview of the study methodology as well as the results that are available to date. This ongoing project will be contextualised within relevant P-T-R literature and the New Zealand educational context. WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 5 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... DAY TWO: SATURDAY 15 AUGUST 2015 7.30am-8.30am Registration open New Zealand Promenade, Level 5 8.30am Welcome to Day Two. Sector Committee Speaker – Recap Day One highlights New Zealand Promenade, Level 5 9.00am Keynote Three: Dr Lucille Eber, State Coordinator, Illinois PBIS Network Integrating Mental Health Within a School-wide System of PB4LSW. This presentation will describe how schools, partnering with mental health and other community providers, can expand their continuum of multi-tiered systems of behavioral support for stronger prevention and intervention systems. Rationale, history and core features of an Interconnected Systems Framework to address the mental health of all students through schools will be described. New Zealand Rooms 3+4, Level 5 10.00am Morning Refreshments Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 10.30am-12.00pm Concurrent Session 3 – International Expert & New Zealand Best Practice Workshops begin 9. Dr George Sugai, International Guest Speaker 10. Virginia Burton-Konia, Ministry of Education Improving the Implementation of Effective Tier 2/3 Practices and Systems Implementing effective individualised and group-oriented supports presents multiple challenges to educators. The purpose of this presentation is to describe implementation efforts that shift intensive behaviour support systems from compliance to results. Topics include features of effective practices, implementation support systems, and data-based decision making. Culture and Values The Positive Behaviour for Learning Action Plan was formally approved by government and endorsed by key education sector groups in November 2019. What was the intent of this action plan and has this intent being achieved? What are some of the key principles, theories and frameworks that underpin PB4L? What lessons have been learnt along the way and where to next? 12.00pm- 1.00pm Lunch Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 1.00pm-2.30pm Concurrent Session 4 – School Seminars begin 11. Dr Lucille Eber, 12. Vaughan Couillault, Principal International Guest Speaker, State James Cook High School Coordinator, Illinois PBIS Network Where to next for us? What does the Interconnecting School Mental Health (student well being) and PB4L This session will further describe the Interconnected Systems Framework for embedding evidence-based mental health practices within multitiered behavioral systems in schools. Implementation examples of community and school leaders and practitioners designing, delivering and monitoring an expanded continuum of evidence-based practices will be shared. data tell us? A couple of questions that can often be difficult to answer. The idea of being able to quantify behaviours that are causing concern, areas where these behaviours are occurring, or just who on the staff is recording what can be intimidating. This session hopes to create some data clarity for you, to give you a few simple tools to help demystify “what’s on top?”. 13. Prospect School 14. Tarawera High School 15. Westport North School 16. Pakuranga Intermediate Prospect School’s PB4L-SW Journey: Resistance, Capacity, Sustainability and Innovation Prospect School’s journey into PB4L-SW meant overcoming our own resistance to new systems and practices, developing leadership and learning different pedagogies. Now we are challenged with sustainability and innovation for students with major behaviours. Tarawera High School: Where M.A.N.A Flows... New School, New Beginnings, New Challenges The framework of PB4L-SW has helped us to create a positive school culture & develop a common language across our school. We have shared our journey with our whanau, community, staff and most importantly our students. Getting Back on Track Getting back on track is the PB4LSW story of how our Westport North School started the PB4L-SW journey with great enthusiasm, creativity and a desire to embed PB4L-SW into the culture of the school. After a great start, things started to go wrong. This is the story of how we worked to turn it around and get back on track. Tier 2 at Pakuranga Intermediate Pakuranga Intermediate is a decile 3, multi-cultural intermediate in Auckland. Our Team will discuss the successes and challenges we have faced in establishing Tier 2 systems and interventions in our School. A specific focus of our presentation will be on how we implement the Check-In Check-Out (CICO) intervention in our school through a showcase of student and staff voice and outcome data. 2.30pm-3.30pm Panel Presentations Panel Session: Future of PB4L-SW Dr George Sugai, Dr Lucille Eber, Andrew Gibbons – Assoc Professor AUT, Angela Roberts – President PPTA, Louise Green – President NZEI Te Riu Roa. Chair – Martin Henry, PPTA New Zealand Rooms 3+4, Level 5 3.30pm Poroporoaki – Conference Wrap Up New Zealand Rooms 3+4, Level 5 3.50pm-4.20pm Afternoon Refreshments Auckland Room 1+2, Level 4 WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 6 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... ADVANCED CLASSES SELECTION: Acceptance to the Advanced Classes will be allocated on a first-in first-served basis. Using the indicative programme (page 3) please indicate your class preference, as classes are strictly limited to 60 attendees per class. THURSDAY 13 AUGUST 9.00AM - 3.00PM PREFERENCE 1 (tick one) PREFERENCE 2 (tick one) Adv. Class A – Strngthg Inclusive Practice Adv. Class B – Role of Coach & Team Ldr Adv. Class C – Modern Learning Envnmts Adv. Class D – Communities of Practice Adv. Class E – Restorative Practice PREFERENCE 3 (tick one) Adv. Class A – Strngthg Inclusive Practice Adv. Class B – Role of Coach & Team Ldr Adv. Class C – Modern Learning Envnmts Adv. Class D – Communities of Practice Adv. Class E – Restorative Practice Adv. Class A – Strngthg Inclusive Practice Adv. Class B – Role of Coach & Team Ldr Adv. Class C – Modern Learning Envnmts Adv. Class D – Communities of Practice Adv. Class E – Restorative Practice WORKSHOP AND SEMINAR SELECTION: Using the indicative programme (pages 4-6) please SELECT ONE workshop/seminar from each of the sessions available. FRIDAY 14 AUGUST SATURDAY 15 AUGUST Session 1 – International Expert / Best Practice Workshops Friday 14 August 11.30am-12.45pm 1 2 3 4 Session 3 – International Expert / Best Practice Workshops Saturday 15 August 10.30am-12.00pm 9 10 11 12 Session 2 – School Seminars Friday 14 August 1.45pm-3.00pm 5 6 7 8 Session 4 – School Seminars Saturday 15 August 1.00pm-2.30pm 13 14 15 16 REGISTRATION PAYMENT I confirm the purchase of one conference registration at the rate of $575.00 including gst per person Please choose one of the following: Cheque: Please make cheques payable to EVENTMERGERS PB4L 2015 CONFERENCE TRUST ACCOUNT Online Banking: Kiwibank A/C 38-9016-0389904-00 (Please include invoice number as reference) Credit Card: Please tick your choice of card: MASTERCARD VISA Name as it appears on the card Card number Expiry date Signature of cardholder We recommend that you retain a copy of this form for your records. REGISTRATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS I have read and accept this is my registration for the PB4L-SW 2015 Conference. I understand and acknowledge that my school/organisation will be invoiced for this registration. I confirm I have the authority to purchase this registration on behalf of my school/organisation and that my school/organisation will be invoiced and is responsible for payment. Yes, I accept WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 7 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... CONFERENCE ACCOMMODATION We are pleased to offer rooms at the special rate below. All pricing includes GST. These prices are exclusive to conference attendees and cannot be booked direct with the hotels. Accommodation is subject to availability. Your account must be settled direct with the hotel upon your departure. Prior to booking please refer to hotel terms and conditions at PLEASE TICK YOUR PREFERRED ACCOMMODATION All prices include GST and are quoted per room per night Auckland City Hotel,157 Hobson Street Ph. 09 925 0777 6 minute walk to conference venue Deluxe Queen Deluxe Twin Share 2x single beds Executive Queen Executive Twin Share 2x single beds $130.00 $130.00 $145.00 $145.00 Breakfast: Available at the Mustard Seed Restaurant $25.00 per person. Parking: $25 per night, subject to availability. Parking charges can be paid direct or added to your room bill. Rendezvous Grand Hotel, 71 Mayoral Drive Ph. 09 366 3000 6 minute walk to conference venue Deluxe Room King $180.00 Deluxe Room Twin Share 2 x king single beds $180.00 SKYCITY Hotel, 88 Federal Street Ph. 09 363 7000 1 minute walk to conference venue Premium King Premium Twin Share $209.00 $209.00 Breakfast: Available at the Fortuna Restaurant $22.90 per person. Parking: $20 “One Shot” validated ticket for long term parking in the general car park. See page 8 for further parking terms and conditions. WE RECOMMEND BOOKING ACCOMMODATION WITH YOUR REGISTRATION TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. ROOMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IF YOU WISH TO ADD ACCOMMODATION TO YOUR REGISTRATION AT A LATER DATE. Breakfast: Available at the Pacific Restaurant $22.00 per person. Parking: $20 for overnight self-parking or $40 for overnight valet parking. Check in date: Check out date: Please list the first and last name of the second guest (if applicable) First name Last name WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 8 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... HOTEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MAKING YOUR ACCOMMODATION BOOKING. AUCKLAND CITY HOTEL 157 Hobson Street > 6 min walk to venue SKYCITY HOTEL 88 Federal Street > 1 min walk to venue Non arrivals and cancellations: Cancellations or non arrivals within 8-30 days before the agreed arrival date will incur a charge of one night’s accommodation per room. Cancellations and non arrivals within 7 days prior to the agreed arrival date will incur a cancellation fee of the full accommodation costs per room. All cancellations/ amendments must be received by EventMergers in writing. Non arrivals and cancellations: Cancellations or non arrivals within 30 days before the agreed arrival date will incur a charge of one night’s accommodation per room. All cancellations/amendments must be received by EventMergers in writing. Cancellations and non arrivals within 14 days prior to the agreed arrival date will incur a cancellation fee of the full accommodation costs per room. All cancellations/amendments must be received by EventMergers in writing. Check in: 2.00pm Check out: 11.00am Payment: This reservation is subject to the following requirements: Auckland City Hotel Credit Card Authorisation Form needs to be sent to the hotel 30 days prior to check in dates. The hotel will invoice the guest directly and the full payment will be charged upon check out. Parking: $25 per night, subject to availability. Parking charges can be paid direct or added to your room bill. RENDEZVOUS GRAND HOTEL 71 Mayoral Drive > 6 min walk to venue Non arrivals and cancellations: Cancellations or non arrivals within 7 days before the agreed arrival date will incur a charge of two night’s accommodation per room. Non arrivals prior to the agreed arrival date will be charged a 100% cancellation fee. If the guest does not arrive by 11am on the following day, the room will be released automatically for the entire length of stay. All cancellations/amendments must be received by EventMergers in writing. Check in: 3.00pm Check out: 11.00am Payment: All reservations must be accompanied by a valid credit card or have completed and sent in a 3rd party authorisation form prior to arrival. This will be requested on check in to guarantee incidentals should a guest not have a credit card or completed the authorisation form a cash bond of NZ$200.00 along with 100% of their accommodation will be asked on check in along with valid identification e.g. Passport, Drivers License. The hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodation should this not be adhered to. Parking: $20 for overnight self-parking or $40 for overnight valet-parking. Check in: 3.00pm Check out: 11.00am Early check in is available subject to occupancy the night before. Late check out is subject to availability also and may incur a half-day room charge. Payment: Any board opting to be invoiced direct will need to provide full payment by credit card or direct debit/internet banking which will be payable by no later than Friday 11 August 2015. Please note that if you are paying by credit card a surcharge of 1.5% will apply. At check in, each guest will be required to complete a hotel registration form. Each guest’s credit card details will be supplied in the rooming list provided by EventMergers. If the guest’s account is pre-paid and the card holder is not present, the guest will provide or have previously sent a copy of the SKYCITY Credit Card Authorisation Form to secure payment for the balance of all other services provided during their stay (including, but not limited to, room service and mini-bar charges). The SKYCITY Credit Card Authorisation Form must be received no later than 29 July 2015. If no credit card details are provided, a cash security deposit of $200.00 per night will be required. Parking: A discounted rate is available from our parking validation machine located on Level 4 SKYCITY Convention Centre outlets or by purchasing food or beverage from one of our outlets. “One Shot” validated ticket for long term parking in the general car park - this is at a cost of $20 and can be purchased from the SKYCITY Hotel front desk. These tickets enable you to exit the car park once for a flat fee of $20 which is ideal if you are parking for the duration of the event and only want to leave once (each time you exit you will need to purchase another ticket). Before you depart the car park take your parking ticket to the hotel front desk and have it validated. *All parking fee’s include GST WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 9 School-wide Conference 2015: Kiwi classrooms and corridors, the story continues... PAYMENT OF ACCOMMODATION Each guest’s credit card details will be supplied in the rooming list provided by EventMergers. If the guest’s account is pre paid and the card holder is not present, the hotel may require a third party credit card authorisation form to be completed. EventMergers will post a third party credit card authorisation form to the guest with the registration confirmation letter. The guest will have sent a copy of the form to the hotel prior to their arrival at the hotel. The third party credit card authorisation form is used to secure payment for the balance of all other services provided during the guest’s stay (including, but not limited to, room service and mini-bar charges). If no credit card details are provided, a cash security deposit may be required. Accommodation will be reserved only if you provide credit card details. Do you confirm we can use the credit card number you used to pay your registration to hold the accommodation? Yes No (if no, please supply details of credit card below) Credit Card: Please tick your choice of card: MASTERCARD VISA Name as it appears on the card Card number Expiry date Signature of cardholder Credit card holder confirmation: Will the credit card holder (owner) be present upon check in at the hotel? Yes, card holder present No, card holder not present* *If your accommodation has been booked or pre-paid with another person’s credit card and that person will not be present at the hotel check in desk, a 3rd Party Authorisation Form is required to be filled out and sent direct to the hotel. Our Conference Manager will post the forms direct to the conference attendee. Accommodation Charges Authorisation please select one: Accommodation costs only Accommodation and Incidentals (meals & carparking) Notes Partners: E tipu e rea... WWW.PB4LCONFERENCE.CO.NZ 10
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