Spring 2015 - Policemen`s Benevolent & Protective Association of

Spring 2015 Vol. 23, No. 1
Official publication of the
Police Benevolent & Protective Association
Photo collage credit: Emily Smoot
President Obama Appoints PBPA Director and Chief
Legal Counsel Sean Smoot to Policing Task Force
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 1
For all the Firefighters, Peace Officers, and EMTs...those of you who work hard and risk your
lives to make our communities safer—we want to say THANK YOU. That’s why we are giving
one lucky winner the opportunity to win a new 2015 Custom Harley-Davidson® or $25,000.
For complete rules, visit go.calcas.com/harley
2 Spring 2015
Harley-Davidson is a registered
trademark of Harley-Davidson Motor
Company, USA. All rights reserved.
Harley-Davidson is not a participating
partner in or sponsor of this contest.
Auto and Home Insurance
The Policemen’s Magazine
Executive Board & Staff...................4
PBPA Officer of the Year..................5
The official publication of the Police Benevolent
and Protective Association of Illinois
President’s Message.......................6
Presidential Task Force...................7
2015 PBPA Convention...................8
Aims and Policies of the Police Benevolent
and Protective Association of Illinois
PBPA Convention Guest Program...9
1. To issue a quarterly publication known as The Policemen’s Magazine.
Submission Information.................13
2. To urge adequate compensation for all police officers employed in the vari-
ous police departments in the state of Illinois.
3. To help in defraying the funeral expenses of all police officers dying ofnatu-
ral causes or those who are killed in the line of duty.
4. To act in the interest of and for the benefit of all police officers employed by police departments in the state of Illinois and for those members who have been pensioned from the same police departments and to promote their wel
5. To disseminate useful and helpful knowledge pertaining to law enforcement.
2015 PBPA Golf Outing.................10
PBPA Softball Changes.................12
Unit News - Unit #5.......................14
Unit News - Unit #16.....................15
Unit News - Unit #23.....................16
Unit News - Unit #27.....................17
Unit News - Unit #39.....................18
Unit News - Unit #64.....................20
Unit News - Unit #101...................21
Youth Grant Application.................22
Law Enforcement Spouses...........23
Personnel Record Review Form...24
Presidential Executive Order.........25
6. To create a cooperative spirit between the police departments and the citi-
zensof this state.
PBPA License Plate.......................26
7. To work for the expansion of the order.
Lifetime Member Buyout Form......29
8. To sponsor worthwhile youth programs for boys and girls throughout the state of Illinois.
Police Insurance Exchange...........31
9. To secure suitable pensions and disability remuneration and proper compen sation for dependents of deceased police officers.
Death Benefit Policy......................28
Labor Committee Information........30
PBPA Limited Edition Watch..........31
Ford Discount................................32
Working Advantage Discounts.......33
AT&T Discount...............................34
10. To ensure uniformity of state traffic laws and to promote general public safety.
Prospect Mortgage Benefits..........35
11. To inform government officials and state legislators of the problems of law
enforcement officers as related to their working conditions and salaries.
PBPA Limited Edition Pistol...........37
12. To defend and publicize the integrity of the vast majority of Illinois police of-
ficers who, at great personal sacrifice, are devoting their lives and careers to the noble profession of law enforcement.
The Policemen’s Magazine Member Discounts from NAPO.....36
PBPA Visa Credit Card..................37
PB&PA Challenge Coins/Pins........39
Membership/Beneficiary Card.......40
Spring 2015 3
Troy Hogren
22601 Bo-Sue Ct.
Danville, IL 61834
Cell: 217-474-0429
1st Vice President
Adam Gibson
2818 Parkwood Dr.
Quincy, IL 62305
Cell: 217-430-6966
2nd Vice President
Robert Weisskopf
4445 Leland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60609
Work: 312-307-3303
Matt Williams
8088 North Crestview Road
Stillman Valley, IL 61084
Cell: 815-509-3550
Joe Johnston
1111 Beaver Creek Lane
Mahomet, IL 61853
Cell: 217-722-0811
Todd Keil
13817 Deer Ridge Road
Bloomington, IL 61704
Work: 309-434-2700
Cell: 309-275-0055
Director &
Chief Legal Counsel
Sean Smoot
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
Work: 217-523-5141
Cell: 217-725-9979
Financial Secretary
Kevin Bettis
17331 Woodland Lake Dr
Petersburg, IL 62675
Cell: 217-741-1416
Leah Petty
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
Work: 217-523-5141
Recording Secretary
Mark McDermott
5422 N. Long
Chicago, IL 60630
Work: 773-802-9822
Cell: 773-510-6157
Magazine Editor
Elizabeth Drea
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
Work: 217-523-5141
Youth Activities Director
Dan Williams
150 South Broad Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Cell: 309-335-4347
4 Spring 2015
PB&PA of Illinois
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
Office: 217-523-5141
Fax: 217-523-7677
Toll Free: 800-303-4531
Chair- Jim Genz, Elgin
Joe Bowers, University of Chicago
Ron Hartzell, Peoria
Dave Cone, Rockford
Josh Stuenkel, Springfield
Mike Barz, Chicago 156A
Todd Drought, Normal
James Brown, Aurora
Rick Dhabalt, Springfield
Shane Gibbs, Alton
Todd Weir, Normal
Tina Hartz, Knox County
Dave Zierk, Elgin
Aurelio DeLaRosa, Rockford
Ernie Manrrique, East Moline
Kevin Legate, Galesburg
Jason Dunavan, Danville
Sam Tedrow, Quincy
Bill Wright, Bloomington
Jeremy Oldham, Springfield
Chair-Paul Williams, Bloomington
Brian Lange, Danville
Todd Drought, Normal
Conor Wowra, Peoria
PROUd member
of Napo
The Policemen’s Magazine
Help the PB&PA honor your department’s top cop(s) by sending your
nomination for the PB&PA Police Officer of the Year today!
This award shall be given to an individual police officer or group of officers who, in the opinion of the
selection committee, are worthy of recognition for their accomplishments. In addition to the award itself, there
will be two individual police officers or groups of officers selected to receive Honorable Mention Awards.
Any member of the PB&PA may nominate any certified peace officer employed full-time in any
agency in Illinois for the Police Officer of the Year Award. Membership in the PB&PA is not required to
be nominated or to win. The nomination simply requires a letter from a member identifying the officer(s)
nominated as well as completely and accurately describing the incident(s) in which the officer(s) was (were)
involved where he or she demonstrated outstanding service, exemplary job performance or heroism.
All nominations and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Executive Office of the PB&PA
no later than September 1, 2015.
The nominations should be for heroics or outstanding service that has taken place
during the period of July 1, 2014, through July 1, 2015.
These awards will be presented to the recipients at the banquet on the
Saturday night of the PB&PA’s Annual Convention in October.
Please send nominations to:
PB&PA of Illinois
Attn: Officer of the Year Nomination
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 5
President’s Message
Dear Fraternal Brothers and Sisters,
I hope that everyone enjoyed the Holiday season with their
families and that the New Year has been safe! As you know,
the people of Illinois elected a new Governor, Bruce Rauner,
who was sworn in at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center in
Springfield on January 12, 2015, along with the other statewide
Gov. Rauner has presented a power point presentation throughout the state called “The Illinois Turnaround” which can be
viewed in its entirety on the PBPA Facebook page. Although
I am not personally against many of the fundamental ideas
Gov. Rauner is recommending, I definitely believe his rhetoric
concerning “Worker Empowerment Zones” equate to a goal to
transform Illinois into a Right to Work state. I wrote about this
very issue in the Spring 2014 magazine (Vol. 22, No. 1).
Gov. Rauner claims he does not wish to make Illinois a right
to work state, but only wishes to allow cities, counties and local governments the ability to create these so called “right to
work zones.” Approximately twenty-four states in the U.S. are
right to work states at this time. In most of those right to work
states the median household income and per capita income is
lower than those states without right to work laws, Illinois being one of them. Creating and allowing local government to
adapt a “right to work zone” only opens the door to a right to
work state. What’s the difference? This means lower earnings
with reduced and unfair benefits for the employees (Police &
Fire) and their families! I would think that local governmental
employers would embrace such a drastic change in Illinois law.
This type of ideology would allow cities, counties and townships across the state the ability to reduce salaries and benefits
in the future that have already been fairly negotiated under
numerous collective bargaining agreements already in place.
I strongly recommend that you do your own research on this
issue and make your own determination. I have already made
In March 2015 the Illinois Supreme Court will hear SB1 (Pension Reform), which was passed by our lawmakers, then struck
down by a lower court in 2013 as unconstitutional. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has appealed to the high court
with a claim that somehow Illinois has “police powers” which
would reduce pension benefits for state workers protected under bargaining agreements and sustained by the Illinois State
Constitution. Evidently there is a belief that such “police powers” exist to allow reductions of promised and constitutionally
protected benefits under extraordinary circumstances, referring
to the current pension deficit. Key groups supporting such action are the: Illinois Municipal League, Chicago Public Schools
and of course the City of Chicago. I suggest you take note and
pay attention to the outcome of the court’s ruling in this matter.
6 Spring 2015
Troy Hogren
PB&PA President
In light of the anti-police movement across
the country related to police use of force
and police involved shootings our Chief Legal Counsel, Mr. Sean Smoot, was selected
by President Obama to serve as a board member on The Task
Force on 21st Century Policing in December 2014. This committee has met and has held sessions in Washington D.C., Cincinnati, OH, and Phoenix, AZ. The sessions can be reviewed
by going to the COPS website at www.cops.usdoj.gov. The task
force has reported their findings and made recommendations to
the President. Please get involved and take the time to go to the
COPS website and review this material.
As you know, body cameras are a popular topic of national discussion. Some departments have had this equipment for some
time, but I suspect most have not and are testing camera designs that are available to them. The use of this equipment and
having a sound written policy by your department is essential
to protect the Officers, the citizens and of course comply with
the laws in your respective jurisdictions. I recall when police
agencies started placing video cameras in their squad cars. Initially many Officers were opposed to this because they felt that
the technology would be used against them. However, I believe with a well-written department policy and proper training,
camera’s whether in the squad or worn on the body will benefit
the Officers policing our streets today. I would stress that you
keep an open mind; nobody likes change but if that change is
properly administered the transition should be positive.
The fundraising campaign I spoke about at the 2014 Convention in Decatur for the Easter Seals Camp is underway and we
have been successfully raising funds for our organization. We
look forward to continued support and partnership with Camp
Coco/Timber Pointe throughout 2015.
The 2015 State Convention will be hosted by the Executive
Board in Springfield, Illinois, at the Lincoln Hotel on the first
weekend of October. We are still working on details and hope
to have everything published in the next issue of the magazine.
Decatur, Unit #39 is hosting the State Golf Tournament this
year. The date of the event is July 15, 2015, at the Hickory
Pointe Golf Course located in Forsyth, Illinois. See pages 10-11
for more information. Please encourage your members to sign
up and participate in this year’s event.
Be safe and God bless you and your families,
Troy L. Hogren
President, PB & PA of Illinois
The Policemen’s Magazine
President Obama Creates Task Force on 21st Century Policing
PBPA Director and Chief Legal Counsel Appointed
Trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they protect and
serve is essential to the stability of our
communities, the integrity of our criminal justice system, and the safe and
effective delivery of policing services.
In light of the recent events in Ferguson,
Staten Island, Cleveland, and around
the country, the Obama Administration announced new steps to strengthen
the relationships between local police
and the communities they are supposed
to protect and serve. One of the primary actions was the creation of a task
force to improve community policing.
On December 18, 2014, President Barack
Obama signed an Executive Order to
create the Task Force on 21st Century
Policing and announced the members.
Sean Smoot, Director and Chief Legal
Counsel for the Police Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois (PB&PA)
and the Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee (PBLC), was appointed
to the Task Force by President Obama.
The Task Force examined how to strengthen public trust and foster strong relationships between local law enforcement and
the communities that they protect, while
also promoting effective crime reduction.
The Task Force engaged with federal,
state, tribal, and local officials; techni-
cal advisors; young leaders; and nongovernmental organizations to provide a
transparent process to engage with the public.
The task force convened listening
sessions to hear testimony, including proposed recommendations for
witnesses and also received comments/
questions from the public. Listening Sessions were held in Washington,
DC, Cincinnati, OH, and Phoenix, AZ.
The President’s Executive Order directed
the task force to prepare a report and present their recommendations; the interim report was provided to the President March 2.
The Task Force was chaired by Philadelphia
Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey,
who also serves as President of the Major
Cities Chiefs Police Association, and Laurie Robinson, professor of Criminology,
Law and Society at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs.
The Task Force included law enforcement representatives, community leaders,
academics, and youth leaders. Ron Davis,
Director of DOJ’s Community Oriented
Policing Services (COPS) Office served
as the Executive Director of the Task
Force under the direction of the cochairs. In addition to Sean Smoot, the
task force included other law enforcement representatives, community leaders,
academics, and youth leaders, including:
•Cedric L. Alexander, Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Public Safety in DeKalb
County, Georgia
•Jose Lopez, Lead Organizer at Make the
Road New York
•Tracey Meares, Walton Hale Hamilton
Professor of Law at Yale Law School
•Brittany Packnett, Executive Director of
Teach for America
•Susan Rahr, Executive Director of the
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
•Constance Rice, Civil Rights Attorney and
Co-Director of the Advancement Project
•Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive
Director of the Equal Justice Initiative
•Roberto Villaseñor, Chief of Police for the
Tucson Police Department
See Page 25 for Full Executive Order
The Interim Task Force Report is available at:
Sean Smoot provides comments during the final day
of the Task Force Listening Session in Washington,
DC. (Source: www.cops.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 7
The 79th Annual Convention
Hosted by the PB&PA Executive Board
October 3 – 4, 2015
To be held at the
President Abraham Lincoln Hotel
A Double Tree by Hilton
701 East Adams Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701
To make hotel reservations, please call 1-866-788-1860 and ask for the “Police
Benevolent and Protective Association Convention” room rate of $99.00 per night
plus tax. Please note that reservations must be made on or before September 10,
2015 to receive the discounted room rate.
The Business Meetings are scheduled for:
1:00 – 4:00pm on Saturday, October 3, 2015
9:00am – Noon on Sunday, October 4, 2015
This will allow time for delegates who are unable arrive on Friday night to drive in
on Saturday morning before the meeting. This will also cut down on the delegates’
costs by only requiring a one-night stay at the hotel.
There will be a Hospitality Room on the evenings of:
Friday, October 2, 2015 hosted by Unit #6 Rockford
Saturday, October 3, 2015 hosted by the PB&PB Executive Board
Registration information will be available in the next issue. Please check www.pbpa.org and
www.facebook.com/illinoispbpa for the most up-to-date Convention information. 8 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
The Convention Guest Program
“Canvas and Cocktails”
To be held at the host hotel on
Saturday, October 3, 2015
1:00 – 4:00pm
Guests will be guided through a painting from start to finish
while they enjoy wine and snacks. The artist instructing the
session will walk guests through each step in the creation of
their painting, so no prior artistic skills are required. They
will be able to completely finish their painting by the end
of the program and take home their completed artwork.
Each guest will be provided with a canvas and paint
supplies for use during the program as well as a keepsake
wine glass and their own bottle of wine from Lynfred
Winery. Located in Roselle, Lynfred Winery was the first
winery to open in Illinois.
Pricing and registration information coming soon.
Please check www.pbpa.org and www.facebook.com/illinoispbpa for the most up-to-date
information. The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 9
2015 State PB&PA Annual Golf Tournament
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Practice Round on July 14, 2015
Practice Round Tee Times held until 1 week prior to tournament
(Mention PB&PA when making tee times)
Location: Hickory Point Golf Course
727 W. Weaver Road, Forsyth, IL 62535
$90 per person which includes the following:
• Hospitality Room on Tuesday night at Homewood Suites (5pm-12am)
• Tournament Round of Golf
• Lunch from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Wednesday
• Tournament Awards
• Proximities/Prizes
Host Hotel: Homewood Suites at 333 W. Marion in Forsyth, IL
PB&PA Rate of $139.00 + tax (Ask for State PB&PA Rate)
Reservations must be made by June 19th to receive special room rate.
Additional Hotels in area:
Hampton Inn (217) 877-5577 Marriott (217) 875-3337
10 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
2015 State PB&PA Golf Tournament Registration Form
Golfers Names: (Please print clearly)
Team Captain______________________________________________________
Circle preferred flight: Morning (7:30 am) OR Afternoon (1:00 pm)
E-Mail address for team captain_______________________________________
(Required for registration confirmation)
4-Person Best Shot Scramble
Limited to 36 foursomes per flight.
Assigned flights determined by the order registration forms are received.
Registration not accepted without payment. No spot confirmed until payment received.
Confirmation of flight assignment will be emailed to team captain.
Deadline for Registration is July 10th, 2015.
Return completed registration form and check payable to: PB&PA Unit #39
PB &PA Unit #39
P.O. Box 2048
Decatur, Il 62524
All questions can be directed to David Dailey at (217) 519-1424 or ddailey@decaturil.gov
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 11
Police Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Phone: (217) 523-5141 Fax: (217) 523-7677
February 10, 2015
Dear PB&PA Members,
At the 2014 Convention held in Decatur, the board was asked to consider a rule change related to the Annual State
Softball Tournament. The Association has had many local units sponsor and support this fraternal activity for several
years. As many of you know, organizing and funding such an event is a monumental task for the host unit, all so that
those members, whether participating on a team or cheering them on, can enjoy themselves.
The rule has been that members participating on a team must be an active or lifetime PB&PA member in good
standing at the time of the event.
Many of our larger units have enough manpower to field at least one team and in some cases 2 or 3 teams. However, it
can be tough to get time off from your respective departments, especially the smaller ones, which prevents some units
who would like to participate from fielding a team at all.
The Executive Board met on February 7th, 2015. This matter was discussed at length. In an effort to increase
participation and continue sponsoring the Annual State Softball Tournament the following changes are effective
immediately: units in good standing may assemble a team or teams made up of non-members of the Association,
provided that all those participating are active sworn law enforcement officers, either full or part time, including state
and local correctional officers.
The Association shall have the right to question and investigate any participating unit or participating team member on
any submitted roster to verify that this rule is being followed.
Any team that is found to have participated in this activity with an ineligible, non-sworn team member will be
Please note that this change does not apply to the golf tournament or other PB&PA events.
With this new rule in place, if there are any units interested in hosting the 2015 State Softball Tournament, please
contact the state office by phone at (217) 523-5141 or by email at office@pbpa.org.
President Troy Hogren
State PB&PA Executive Board
Organized Exclusively by and for the Rank and File of the Police Departments of the State of Illinois
12 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
What has your unit been doing?
• Did you have a local picnic for your members and their families?
Is anyone from your unit involved in the Special Olympics?
Are you using your Youth Grant to sponsor little league teams or other summer activities?
Has anyone been awarded special commendations lately?
Any promotions or retirements you would like to share?
Anything happening in your department or community that you would like to share with other PB&PA
You do not have to be the official “secretary” for your unit. We accept articles and pictures from all of our
members! You can send in anything at anytime and we will add it to the next magazine issue. If you don’t think
you’re a great writer, just send in a picture with who and what is pictured and we’ll add a caption. Just be sure
to include your name and a phone number where we can reach you for verification.
Send submissions to:
Attn: Magazine
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
or e-mail to: edrea@pbpa.org with subject line: Magazine and include your Unit name/#
Editorial Deadlines:
February 1 to print in March (Spring)
August 1
to print in September (Fall)
May 1
November 1
to print in June (Summer)
to print in December (Winter)
• Please type all material.
• Please do not type in all caps.
• Digital photos (jpeg) are preferred, but original images will also be accepted by mail.
• Any photo captions should be typed to be read left to right and easily matched to the picture.
• If you would like original pictures returned, please indicate the name and address of
the person it should be returned to on the back of the picture.
• Use cardboard to protect any photos being sent through the US Postal Service.
• Do not send print outs of images on plain paper. They are not high enough quality for the magazine.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 13
Sprin gfield
In the Community
Springfield Unit 5 raised funds through their annual Cops, Kids, and Christmas raffle
held every October and November. The Unit donated a new workbench and toys to the
children at the pediatric unit at St. John’s Hospital.
Unit 5 also sponsored the Cops, Kids, and Christmas program at Meijer to assist kids
from a local school in purchasing a coat, gloves, stocking hat, and a toy. The annual
fundraiser also enabled Unit 5 to donate to Washington Middle School’s “50” smiles
program held before Christmas Break.
14 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
April 4, 2015
Moose Lodge, Taylorville, IL
In the Fall of 2014, Taylorville Police Officer Gary Jones was diagnosed with liver and colon cancer. He has been treated agressively with chemotherapy. He is facing the possibility of multiple
surgical procedures in the coming months.
Gary has been a Police Officer with the Taylorville Police Department for nearly 13 years and is
a Veteran of the U.S. Army. He is married and has four children living at home.
To help with his medical bills, travel, and other expenses related to his illness, a Benefit will be
held on April 4, 2015, at the Moose Club in Taylorville.
A Mostaccioli dinner (provided by Angelo’s Pizza) is available for purchase. The cost for dinner
is $8 for adults, $5 for children or $25 for Family Carry Out Meal. In addition to dinner, Live
and Silent Auctions will be held. A 50/50 drawing and additional raffles will be held as well. Auctions and raffles will be for a variety of items including: guns, coins, Cardinal/Cub tickets, etc.
For additional information, please contact Sgt. Mills at the Taylorville Police Department. Or
visit the event Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/garyjonesfundraiser
Monetary donations can be made to: Gary Jones Benefit, c/o CNB Bank & Trust, 402 North
Webster, Taylorville, IL 62568.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 15
Pon tiac
New Pontiac Officer
New Pontiac Patrol Officer, Johnathan Marion
Marion graduated from the Illinois State Police Academy on December 18, 2014, and is
currently in the field training phase. Marion looks forward to completing the field training process and is excited about his new career with the Pontiac Police Department.
16 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Unit 27 Promotions
Several promotions have occurred due to the retirement of several officers from the
Peoria Police Department.
Assistant Chief of Police Jerry
Mitchell was promoted to Chief of
Police September 17, 2014. Chief
Mitchell was hired October 15,
1990, and has worked and supervised all units within the Peoria Police Department.
Officer Jerry McKean was promoted to Sergeant August 31, 2014.
Sgt. McKean is currently assigned
to second shift Patrol and has over
twenty-five years of service.
Officer Randy Schweigert was promoted to Sergeant November 2,
2014, and is currently assigned to
third shift Patrol.
Sergeant Ginglen was promoted to
Lieutenant August 31, 2014, and is
assigned to second shift Patrol.
Captain Mike Eddlemon was promoted to Assistant Chief of Police.
Lieutenant Loren Marion was promoted to Captain.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 17
December 4, 2014-Decatur City Manager Ryan McCrady
named Bradley L. Sweeney as Chief of Police for the Decatur Police Department. Chief Sweeney was born and
raised in Decatur; he was hired in 1995, moving through
the ranks as a patrol officer, master patrol officer, sergeant
and lieutenant. Congratulations, Chief Sweeney! Pictured
with Chief Sweeney is former Decatur City Manager Ryan
December 24, 2014-Chief Brad Sweeney named James E. Getz
Jr. the Deputy Chief of the Patrol Division for the Decatur Police Department. Jim Getz is a 16-year veteran of the Department. Previously he served as a Patrol Lieutenant, Professional
Standards Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, Detective, Master Patrol
Officer, and Patrol Officer. Congratulations to Deputy Chief
James E. Getz Jr.! Pictured with Chief Sweeney.
January 21, 2015-Chief Brad Sweeney promoted Shane Brandel
to the rank of Police Lieutenant. Lt. Brandel is a 17-year veteran of the Department. He previously served as a Sergeant in
the Criminal Investigations Bureau, Patrol Sergeant, Detective,
and Patrol Officer. Lt. Brandel will now be the third shift Patrol
Lieutenant. Congratulations Lt. Shane Brandel! Pictured with
Chief Sweeney.
18 Spring 2015
December 24, 2014-Chief Brad Sweeney named Cody L. Moore
the Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigations for the Department.
Cody Moore is a 24-year veteran of the Department. Previously
he served as a Patrol Lieutenant, Investigations Lieutenant,
Patrol Sergeant, Investigations Sergeant, Master Patrol Officer, and Patrol Officer. Congratulations to Deputy Chief Cody
Moore! Pictured with Chief Sweeney.
January 7, 2015-Chief Brad Sweeney promoted Steve Hagemeyer to the rank of Sergeant. He previously served the Department as a Master Patrol Officer on third shift. Sergeant
Hagemeyer will now be assigned to second shift patrol. Congratulations to Sergeant Steve Hagemeyer! Pictured with Chief
January 21, 2015-Chief Brad Sweeney promoted Edward Hurst
to the rank of Police Lieutenant. Lt. Hurst is a 17-year veteran of
the Department. He previously served as the Professional Standards Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, Master Patrol Officer, and Patrol Officer. Lt. Hurst will now be the 1st shift Patrol Lieutenant
and Commander of Decatur’s Emergency Response Team. Congratulations Lt. Edward Hurst! Pictured with Chief Sweeney.
The Policemen’s Magazine
January 26, 2015-Chief Brad Sweeney promoted David Pruitt to
the rank of Police Sergeant. Sergeant Pruitt is a 20-year veteran
of the Decatur Police Department. Sergeant Pruitt previously
served as a Detective in the Adult Bureau of Investigations,
Master Patrol Officer, and Patrol Officer. Congratulations Sergeant David Pruitt! Pictured with Chief Sweeney.
February 2, 2015-Chief Brad Sweeney promoted Shawn Guenther to the rank of Sergeant. Sgt. Guenther is a 17-year veteran of
the Decatur Police Department. Sgt. Guenther previously served
as the crime prevention officer and patrol officer. Congratulations Sergeant Shawn Guenther! Pictured with Chief Sweeney.
November 19, 2014-MPO Marty Lowhorn retired from the Decatur Police Department after 30 years of service. MPO
Lowhorn served the department as a patrol
officer, field training officer, and a master
firearms instructor. Congratulations, Marty! Pictured with MPO Lowhorn is Deputy
Chief Chervinko and Sgt. Spain.
November 21, 2014-MPO Keith Mullins retired from the Decatur Police
Department after serving over 26 years!
MPO Mullins served the Decatur Police
Department as a field training officer,
master firearms instructor, and a district
officer. Congratulations Keith!
January 2, 2015-Sergeant Greg Spain retired from the Decatur
Police Department after serving 30 years. Sgt. Spain began his
career with DPD as an Auxiliary Police Officer. Soon after, he
became a sworn officer on January 2, 1985. Sergeant Spain’s
career spanned three decades as he became a well known community leader. Congratulations Greg Spain! Pictured with Chief
January 2, 2015-Chief James R. Chervinko retired from the Decatur Police Department after
serving 30 years. Chief Chervinko began his career with DPD on January 2, 1985, and quickly
rose through the ranks of the Department, serving as a Sergeant, Lieutenant, Deputy Chief,
and finally Chief of Police. Chief Chervinko’s service and commitment to the City of Decatur
is greatly appreciated. Enjoy retirement Chief Chervinko! Pictured with Deputy Chief Getz.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 19
Honored For Her Public Service
By Brian C. Smtih
Mrs. Lorraine Matteucci, a Chicago Heights resident humbly accepted the American Police Hall of Fame’s “Civilian Appreciation” Award that was presented by the training staff of the Metropolitan Police Self-Defense Institute.
Mrs. Matteucci was recognized for her kind generosity to donate her building as a training space for the purpose
of training police wives on how to shoot their husband’s handgun in self-defense.
Annually the Metropolitan Police Self-Defense Institute hosts approximately 3-4 classes titled “Basic Pistol Fundamentals for Police Wives” and “Basic Pistol techniques for Children of Police Officers.” As a public service to
the law enforcement community, the classes are free of charge for those who qualify to attend. The classes are
eight hours in length with time spent in the classroom as well as the range to complete the training. Mrs. Matteucci is the proprietor of the Holbrook Fireman’s Hall that is used for a variety of functions. When approached
by the M.P.S.D.I. staff soliciting use of her hall for the classroom portion of training, Mrs. Matteucci agreed
without hesitation.
Mrs. Matteucci’s generous contribution of donating the fireman’s hall for the purpose of training police wives
along with their children in firearms safety and shooting techniques could be the key factor in a life saved by
preventing an accidental discharge or defending against a vicious attack. Mrs. Matteucci’s effort in assisting
M.P.S.D.I. is greatly appreciated by the training staff and the people who attend the classes.
(L-R) Brian Smith, Mary Janac, Lorraine Matteucci, Jeffery Roesner, and Eric Keyes
20 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Kn ox C ou n ty
On December 13, 2014, the Knox County Sheriff’s Department PB & PA Unit #101 held another successful ShopWith-A-Cop event. It was held at the Galesburg Wal-Mart.
Teachers of students that live in Knox County were contacted and asked for names of 4th and 5th grade students
who may be in need of a little extra help during the holiday
season. Upon the student’s arrival to Wal-Mart, they met
with Mr. and Mrs. Claus (played by one of our own Deputies). Students are provided the opportunity to shop with a
representative in law enforcement.
This year, thanks to generous donations from local businesses and residents, we were able to take 76 students shopping.
Each student had the opportunity to spend up to $100.00.
We were also able to provide an additional $2,000.00 in gift
cards to Linda Howarter, the Galesburg Wal-Mart Community Involvement Coordinator, to purchase items for the Angel Tree program.
The Policemen’s Magazine It always amazes us to see the number of participants that
place their own desires last and want to concentrate on buying gifts for family and friends. Children have to sometimes
be reminded to pick something out for themselves, and in
many instances, the Deputy picks something out for the student even if it means going a little over budget. It truly helps
remind you of what the season is all about.
Along with the PB & PA Unit #101 members who volunteered their time with the students, we had representatives
from the Abingdon Police, Yates City Police, and the Galesburg/Knox County Communications Staff to lend a hand.
Without these dedicated individuals, as well as the local support this event would not have been possible. Thank you!
J. Kennedy, President
PB & PA Unit #101
Spring 2015 21
2016 Youth Grant Application
Unit #______________________Type of Activity/ Program:__________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Activity/Program: ________________________________________________________________
Number of youth reached by activity: _______________ Estimated total cost to your unit: ________________
Please provide details on the activity/program and the benefit to the youth in your community.
Amount of request: $ ___________ Signature of Unit Officer: _______________________________________
will be mailed upon receipt of your unit’s 2016 membership dues.
ne is
r 15,to20or13fax to:
PB & PA of IL
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
FAX: (217) 523-7677
MDoesat d
er la
15d, ie
The grants must be used for a youth-oriented program sponsored by the local unit such as athletic
sponsorship, educational programs, etc. The specific type of program must be listed on the application.
At the 1992 Convention, the State Executive Board made a recommendation that the Youth Grant should not be
used in conjunction with an agency-sponsored program. The Board felt that the intent of the grant is to provide
assistance to the local PB & PA Unit sponsored programs, and not to subsidize a program that is administered
by a governmental agency.
At the 1996 Convention, held in Champaign, a resolution was passed by the delegates present, which raised
the amount of the grants. The resolution stated that local units could apply for a youth grant requesting up to
If you have sent your request in, please double check with the Springfield office. The master file will be kept at
the office in Springfield and will than be brought to the Convention for review by the Executive Board.
All applications must be returned to the address above by September 15, 2015. If you have any questions or
comments, please feel free to contact me or the Executive office in Springfield at 800-303-4531.
Dan Williams
Youth Activities Director
22 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Law Enforcement Training Advisory Commission
840 S. Spring Street, Suite B • Springfield, IL 62704
Phone (217) 726-7014 • Fax (217) 726-7833 • Email letac@mtu10.com
Website www.letac.org • Ellen L. Petty, Director
My Life - My Husband - My Cop
Law Enforcement Spouses
May 15, 2015
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
LETAC Training Center
840 Spring Street, Suite B, Springfield, IL
(Please park in an unreserved space in our lot. Overflow parking is along Spring & Canedy streets.)
A wife knows her husband better than anyone else. She knows when the stress of police work is invading his life, her life,
her children’s life and her home. Officers experience life in a very different way than their families. They must live in two
very different worlds that require two different skill sets to survive. Crossing the bridge between the streets and the sheets
can be a colossal feat for any police marriage. The perils are many and resources for help are few. Stress has ended more
police marriages than bullets ever have.
Come and share, learn and meet others who can understand. Some of the topics addressed are:
PTSD: What is it? Why can’t I fix it?
Why can’t he just “leave it at work”?
The police family: How it is different
Helping your family and friends understand (or shut up)
Police-Wives & how they change through the years
Caring for yourself – no badge & gun required
Making it to retirement – You. not him!!!!
Presenter: Gail Sullivan is a former police wife. As a police trainer and therapist, she has met thousands of officers
throughout Illinois who are suffering from PTSD and who have families who struggle as well. Her practical and up-front
style is understanding, problem solving focused and entertaining. Come for camaraderie with other women who just may
shed some light on the struggle of being a police wife.
To Register: Email registration to register@letac.org. You may also fill out and submit our online registration form
through the website at www.letac.org or call 217-726-7014 to register by phone (be sure to include all pertinent information). Spouses of MTU #10 local member department officers will be given registration preference until seven days prior
to the date of class. After that date, registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of MTU status.
There is no tuition for this class.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 23
Official Business
I _____________________________, do hereby formally request to review my
personnel file pursuant to the Personnel Record Review Act, 820 ILCS 40/0.01, et seq. 
Accordingly, I request that my employer, the city/town of ________________________,
provide me with a copy, pursuant to Section 3 of the Act, of any and all records to
which I am entitled under the Personnel Record Review Act.
__________________________________                  _________________________________
“Professional Representation for
Law Enforcement Professionals”
For Information Call 1-800-303-4531
24 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Continued from Page 7
Establishment of the President’s Task Force On 21st Century Policing
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws
of the United States of America, and
in order to identify the best means
to provide an effective partnership
between law enforcement and local
communities that reduces crime and
increases trust, it is hereby ordered as
Section 1. Establishment.
There is established a President’s Task
Force on 21st Century Policing (Task
Sec. 2. Membership.
(a) The Task Force shall be composed of not more than eleven members appointed by the President. The
members shall include distinguished
individuals with relevant experience
or subject-matter expertise in law enforcement, civil rights, and civil liberties.
(b) The President shall designate two
members of the Task Force to serve as
Sec. 3. Mission.
(a) The Task Force shall, consistent
with applicable law, identify best
practices and otherwise make recommendations to the President on how
policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building
public trust.
(b) The Task Force shall be solely advisory and shall submit a report to the
President by March 2, 2015.
Sec. 4. Administration.
(a) The Task Force shall hold public
meetings and engage with Federal,
State, tribal, and local officials, technical advisors, and nongovernmental
organizations, among others, as necessary to carry out its mission.
(b) The Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
shall serve as Executive Director of
the Task Force and shall, as directed
by the Co-Chairs, convene regular
meetings of the Task Force and supervise its work.
(c) In carrying out its mission, the
Task Force shall be informed by, and
shall strive to avoid duplicating, the
efforts of other governmental entities.
(d) The Department of Justice shall
provide administrative services,
funds, facilities, staff, equipment, and
other support services as may be necessary for the Task Force to carry out
its mission to the extent permitted by
law and subject to the availability of
(e) Members of the Task Force shall
serve without any additional compensation for their work on the Task
Force, but shall be allowed travel
expenses, including per diem, to the
extent permitted by law for persons
serving intermittently in the Government service (5 U.S.C. 5701-5707).
Sec. 5. Termination.
The Task Force shall terminate 30
days after the President requests a final report from the Task Force.
Sec. 6. General Provisions.
(a) Nothing in this order shall be con-
strued to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to a
department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or
legislative proposals.
(b) This order is not intended to, and
does not, create any right or benefit,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party
against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any
other person.
(c) Insofar as the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C.
App.) (the “Act”) may apply to the
Task Force, any functions of the President under the Act, except for those
in section 6 of the Act, shall be performed by the Attorney General.
December 18, 2014
The Interim Task Force Report is available at: www.cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/taskforce/Interim_TF_Report.pdf
Law enforcement code of ethics
My fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against
deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to
respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn
or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed
in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my
department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be
kept ever-secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence
my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law
courteously and appropriately, without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or
violence and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so
long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals,
dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession ... law enforcement.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 25
PB&PA License Plate help
the NEW
Legislation passedPlease
during the
98th us
the office
of theinto
Illinois Secretary of
State to begin production of PB&PA specialty license
plates after 1,500 requests are received from the public.
of State and
In addition, thisAfter
creates the
the Illinois
Police Benevolent
Fund. The Secretary of
of theand
the plates for the
State’s office will they
a portion
the initial registration
fees forsee
the license
purposes of providing death
for families
of police
in the line of duty, providing scholform
on the
next page
arships for undergraduate study to children of police officers, and educating the public and police officers
the office with any questions
regarding policing and publicContact
The Illinois Secretary of State’s office must receive a minimum of 1,500 request forms by December 31,
2015. EVERY PB&PA member is encouraged to complete and submit a request form (see form on opposit
page). Also, please pass along to your fellow PB&PA members, family, and friends.
Completed forms must be mailed to: Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department Special Plates Division,
501 S. Second Street, Room 312, Springfield, IL 62756, along with a $10 request fee (check payable to the
Illinois Secretary of State). The fees collected will be deposited in a special fund while the requests are
pending and will be transferred to the Illinois PB&PA.
The $10 request fee will be disbursed back to PB&PA after the request period ends. Once the plate goes into
production, there is a $25 initial issuance fee for each plate, of which $10 comes back to PB&PA ($15 goes to
the SOS for the Specialty License Plate Fund). There is a $25 annual renewal fee; $23 goes to IL PB&PA and
$2 to the SOS Specialty License Plate Fund.
The PB&PA specialty license plate provides a great opportunity for steady revenue to fund our programs. But
in order to qualify, 1,500 requests MUST be submitted by the deadline. Contact the PB&PA office at 217523-5141 with any questions.
Don’t hesitate to submit your request for
the PB&PA Specialty License Plate!
26 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 27
PBPA Executive Board Policy
Regarding the Payment of Death Benefits
Adopted - January 28, 2006
1. Member death benefits shall be paid to the member’s designated beneficiary, or in the event no
beneficiary is designated, to the member’s estate in the following amounts:
a. Members 70 years of age or over shall be paid a benefit amount of five hundred dollars ($500).
b. Members under the age of 70 shall be paid a benefit amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
c. Members under the age of 70 killed as the result of an accident shall be paid a benefit amount of
two thousand dollars ($2,000).
d. Members killed in the line of duty shall be paid a benefit amount of three thousand dollars
e. No benefit shall be paid when a member’s death is caused by suicide.
2. All claims for a member death benefit must be made within 1 year of the member’s date of death. In
cases where an actual date of death cannot be determined, claims must be received within 1 year of the
date of a judicial finding of presumption of death. Claims not made within this time limitation shall not
be paid.
3. Except in cases where the Executive Board determines that exigent circumstances exist which justify
immediate payment of a member death benefit the following payment policy shall apply. All claims
received by the Financial Secretary on or after January 1st and on or before June 30th shall be paid in the
following month of July. All claims received by the Financial Secretary on or after July 1st and on or
before December 31st shall be paid in the following month of January.
Information needed to claim death benefit
The following items need to be sent to the PB&PA office at:
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
1. Certified death certificate. (Photocopies cannot be accepted)
2. The beneficiary’s:
a. Full Name
b. Social Security Number
c. Date of Birth
d. Current address
e. Current phone number
(If needed, you can call the office at (217) 523-5141 to verify whom the member had designated
as his/her beneficiary.)
3. If no beneficiary has been designated, then the following should be sent with the death certificate:
a. Name and address of Executor of the Estate
b. The Executor’s current phone number
28 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Police Benevolent and Protection Association of Illinois
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Phone: (217) 523-5141 Fax: (217) 523-7677
Lifetime Membership Buyout Form
About Lifetime Membership
Lifetime members retain all of the benefits of being an active member, even after retirement. To become a
lifetime member, you must have paid at least 20 years’ dues. If you have not been a member for 20 years, you may
buy out the remaining years’ dues at $24.00 per year, which is half the normal rate for annual dues. For example, if
upon retirement you have been a member for 12 years, you can buy out the remaining 8 years’ dues for only
$192.00 to become a member for life.
If you have recently retired and you would like to buy out your remaining dues to become a lifetime member,
please fill out the form below and return it along with an updated membership card and a check made out to:
“Police Benevolent and Protection Association of Illinois” for the appropriate amount to your unit’s leadership
before the annual dues deadline of January 31st or return it by mail at anytime directly to our state office in
Springfield at the address above. If you are unsure of how many years you have been a member or if you have any
other questions regarding lifetime membership, please contact Leah at our state office in Springfield at anytime by
phone at 217-523-5141 or by e-mail at office@pbpa.org.
Lifetime Membership Buyout Form
Member’s Name: ___________________________________ Unit #: _______ Phone: ______________________
Example Buyout: 20
(Minimum # of Years)
(Minimum # of Years)
(Years of Membership)
(Years of Membership)
(Years to Buyout)
(Years to Buyout)
X $24
= $ 192.00
(Buyout Cost)
X $24 = $_______________
(Buyout Cost)
Please mail form, membership card, and check to:
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
Organized Exclusively by and for the Rank and File of the Police Departments of the State of Illinois
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 29
Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee
Professional Representation for Law Enforcement Professionals
Protecting the protectors
Heading into collective bargaining
without a professional negotiator
and the backing of a statewide police
union is like confronting an armed
suspect without a weapon and backup.  Your fellow officers have good
intentions, but they’re no match for
the experienced negotiators retained
by your employer. Bargaining a
fair contract requires the work of
skilled negotiators and professionals
trained in the arts of mediation and
arbitration. You need and deserve
excellent representation and with the
PBLC, you’ll have it.
The PBLC commitment
The PBLC is a not for profit
corporation affiliated with the
Our highly trained,
experienced labor representatives
and in-house legal counsel, all of
whom participate in continuing legal
and labor education. The PBLC’s
board of directors, also known as the
State Labor Committee, is organized
by and for the rank and file and is
composed solely of full time police
Leading the way
The PB&PA took the lead in securing
collective bargaining rights for law
enforcement officers in Illinois. By
helping draft the Illinois Public
Labor Relations Act and then
spearheading its passage, the PB&PA
has been at the forefront of police
labor issues. The PBLC was created
to further advance the PB&PA’s
police representation and protection
goals. Since its inception, the PBLC
has led the way in preserving the
rights and enforcing the collective
bargaining agreements of Illinois law
enforcement professionals.
Serving you is our mission
The PBLC is not concerned with
making a profit at the expense of hard
working police officers. That’s why
police officers from every corner of
30 Spring 2015
the state value their relationship with
the PBLC. They know that they can
call upon their Labor Representative
or an Attorney any time a problem
arises — 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. We are committed to
providing the best representation
possible, when police officers need it.
When you’re at work, so is the staff
of the PBLC.
Protecting your interests
Collective Bargaining:
Your bargaining unit is unique. The
PBLC represents each individual
bargaining unit based upon the needs,
goals and expectations of that Unit.
Your PBLC Labor Representative
provides assistance, advice and
advocacy at the bargaining table.
Contract maintenance:
Once an agreement is reached, the
PBLC monitors employer/employee
actions during the term of the contract
to ensure compliance. Your Labor
Representative takes a proactive
stance by meeting periodically
with both the bargaining unit and
management to address concerns
and prevent misunderstandings.
Interest arbitration:
If a satisfactory bargaining agreement
cannot be reached, the PBLC will
provide an experienced attorney to
represent your bargaining unit at
interest arbitration at no additional
expense to the unit.
Grievance processing:
Through a Labor Representative and,
in some cases, Legal Counsel, the
PBLC provides advice and assistance
to bargaining units and individual
members in filing and processing
Grievance arbitration:
There are occasions in which a
compromise cannot be reached
amicably. If your contract provides for
grievance arbitration, the PBLC will
provide and experienced attorney
to represent your bargaining unit
or an individual member at binding
grievance arbitration at no additional cost
to the unit.
Unfair labor practices:
The PBLC will process all unfair labor
charges against your employer and argue
before the State Labor Relations Board at
no additional cost the unit or its member.
Defending your rights:
Legal advice is as close as a phone call
The Legal Defense fund is a pre-paid,
pre-planned legal service available to all
certified PBLC members in good standing.
The Legal Defense Benefit includes:
• Representation at discipline and
discharge proceedings at Arbitration
or before the Police and Fire Board or
Civil Service Commission.
• Representation
investigation interviews.
• Representation
investigations and proceedings in
which the criminal offense allegedly
occurred during the performance of
the member's official police duties.
• Initial consultation and advice in
civil rights violation cases, including
referral to a reputable civil rights
attorney for representation at a
discounted rate.
• Peace of mind in knowing that if you
are accused, you have someone to
turn to.
Attorney-client relationship
Any member who uses this benefit
becomes the client of the individual
attorney retained for representation. The
PBLC will not infringe upon the attorney’s
independent professional judgment in
rendering legal services under this plan.
Of Special Note
Legal services will not be provided under
this plan if the adverse party is the
Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee
or the Police Benevolent and Protective
Association of Illinois.
The Policemen’s Magazine
Need Affordable Health Insurance?
The Illinois Police Insurance Exchange is here to help.
The Illinois Police Insurance Exchange, provided by IXStore, gives members of the
Illinois Police Benevolent and Protection Association (PBPA) a new way to manage their
health insurance needs. This free, online resource gives active and retired officers direct
access to affordable insurance plans from leading insurers.
And more.
Open enrollment is currently closed, but you may still be able to get covered.
Have you recently:
If so, you may qualify for a special enrollment period.
Get Free Health Insurance Quotes Now
NEW PB&PA Limited Edition Watch
for Active and Retired PB&PA Members
Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective Association
Limited Edition Custom Watch
Featuring Exclusive Custom Design, 44mm
Sport Case, Swiss Made Chronograph
Movement, Blue Dial, Sapphire Crystal, 330FT
Water Resistant, Solid 316L Stainless Steel
Construction, PB&PA Logo on Dial,
Case Back and Buckle
PB&PA Member Price is $285 (+ tax/shipping/handling).
Watch is valued at $475. Members save 40%.
For More Info Visit and Pre-Order Now:
www.americasfinestpolice.com & click on the PB&PA badge.
Contact Melisa or Michael at 212-452-1544 Audemars M&M Inc. c/o America’s Finest Police
Available Exclusively at www.AmericasFinestPolice.com
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 31
ExclusivE $500 savings
for naPo MEMbErs
We salute those who protect —Ford Motor Company is honored to reward your
commitment to our country through our exclusive Police Appreciation Program.
All active members of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO)
who are residents of the United States are eligible for this incentive. So, if you
have signed up to serve, you’re eligible to save!
Take advantage of this special $500 offer today by visiting
Program #33460: $500 Bonus Cash offer exclusively for active members of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) who
are residents of the United States. Offer is valid through January 3, 2012 for the purchase or lease of a new eligible Ford or Lincoln vehicle
32 Spring 2015
(excludes Mustang Shelby GT500, Shelby GT and all Hybrids). Limit one $500 Bonus Cash offer per NAPO member. See your Ford or Lincoln
dealer for complete details and qualifications.
The Policemen’s Magazine
Save 60
% on tickets, travel
and shopping!
Police Benevolent & Protective Association
members are eligible for the Working
Advantage discount program.
Register for your FREE account today!
Go to www.workingadvantage.com
Select the Register button at the top of the page
Call PBPA at 217-523-5141 to request Member ID
Complete registration and start saving today!
Exclusive discounts include:
Shopping & Gifts
Save up to 60% on movie tickets, theme
parks, ski resorts, hotels, museums, zoos,
attractions, aquariums and more!
Working Advantage has partnered with your
favorite online retailers to bring you excellent
discounts on apparel, books and music,
electronics, office supplies, flowers, food,
and home. Don’t miss our wide selection of
gift certificates for everyone on your list.
Theatre & Events
Find great seats and super deals on a huge
selection of Tony Award®-winning Broadway
shows, family events, concerts and sporting
events nationwide.
Earn Rewards
Look for the Advantage Point symbol and
earn points to be redeemed for movie
tickets, gift cards, and more.
or call (800) 565-3712
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 33
Because you are a part of: Policemen's Benevolent & Protective Association you could be saving 15% on the monthly service charge of qualified wireless plans At AT&T, we are the one and only national unionized wireless
provider, with 45,000 of our employees represented by
the Communications Workers of America.
In addition to the AT&T Sponsorship Program discount,
you’ll also enjoy these benefits:
To find the AT&T store closest to you visit: att.com/find-­‐a-­‐store If you visit a local AT&T store, please have proof of eligibility (Membership Card, pay stub showing payment of Union dues or employee badge). Mention FAN: 5787719 Sponsorship Program discounts: Monthly service discounts are available to qualified employees, students and other authorized individuals associated with eligible sponsoring organizations, such as companies and colleges/universities with a qualified business agreement (“Business Agreement”). Individuals must provide proof of eligibility (valid employee badge/student ID card, paystub or other approved validation method) and subscribe to service as Individual Responsibility Users (IRUs), taking personal liability for their accounts. Discounts are subject to the Business Agreement and may be interrupted, changed and/or discontinued without notice to you. A minimum number of employees, minimum monthly service charge for qualified plans, additional AT&T services or other requirements may apply for eligibility. Under some Business Agreements, the discount can vary monthly depending on your organization’s aggregate volume of qualified charges. Discounts apply only to the monthly service charge of qualified plans (unless otherwise provided in your organization’s Business Agreement). Discounts are not available with any unlimited voice plans. For Family Talk plans, discount will only apply to the primary line. For Mobile Share plans, discount applies only to the monthly service charge for the data allotment of eligible plans, not to the additional monthly device charge(s). Additional plan and other restrictions apply. Discounts may not be combined. Offer subject to change. If you have a question about available discounts and/or your eligibility, contact your organization’s telecom manager or contact us at att.com/getIRU. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. © 21 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 20141 Wi-­‐Fi enabled devices required. Access includes Wi-­‐Fi Basic. Other restrictions apply. See attwifi.com for details and locations. ** AT&T Mobile Share Value Plans (with Unlimited Domestic Talk and Text) Smartphone required. Up to ten (10) devices per plan. Additional monthly charge per device. Unlimited talk and text for phones only. If you are using a shared data plan without a Smartphone(s) on the account or you do not have all required elements of the plan, AT&T reserves the right to place the non-­‐complying device(s) on an appropriate plan(s). If you exceed the amount of data in your plan during your billing period, an additional 1GB is automatically provided as specified in your rate plan. Overage charges are billed to the primary line. All data allowances, including overages, must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided or they will be forfeited. Authorized users on the account may temporarily suspend data access for each device using the Shared Data Plan. Data access will be restored at the beginning of the next billing cycle. Monthly charges, however, will continue to apply. Tethering and mobile hot spot use is permitted with up to five (5) simultaneous devices. Access to corporate email, intranet and apps available for $15/mo. per device. Additional monthly charge per device not eligible for discounts. Domestic use only. Activation fee may apply. Additional deposits and other restrictions may apply. ^ Reliability claim based on data transfer completion rates on nationwide 4G LTE networks. L TE is a trademark of ETSI. 4G LTE not available everywhere. 34 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Are you Buying Your First Home or Considering Refinancing?
By Jody Anderson – Vice President of Strategic Business Development, Prospect Mortgage
Like a tailor fitting a person for clothing, everyone’s mortgage needs are different and each
lender offers you unique skills and experiences. All lenders want to know your employment
history for the past two years, bill payment record for the last 6 – 12 months, credit score, down
payment, current rent and monthly obligations. This is only the beginning.
My mission is to help union members and their families understand the mortgage process and the
different mortgages available. There are so many choices today it can be overwhelming.
Knowing if and when you can buy or refinance, how to navigate through a renovation mortgage,
buying a HUD foreclosure, or just wanting to figure out when you can re-enter into the mortgage
market after a short sale, bankruptcy, or foreclosure are just some of the questions that arise.
Whether you are a young worker or seasoned member perhaps you are wondering what it takes
to get started when looking to buy a home or refinance. It’s essential to understand there is a
difference between how banks, mortgage bankers and brokers may advise you depending on the
products they offer. There are so many new mortgage products available today, it is important to
speak with someone who has the full array of mortgages to offer you. One such product is
FHA’s New Opportunity loan which will allow credit scores from 580 to 640.
I’ve worked in the mortgage industry, specifically with unions and their members for the past 18
years. I’ve aligned myself with Prospect Mortgage because of their service driven culture,
variety of products available, mortgage education and their commitment to assist union
members. I have a team of Loan Officers ready to help with your mortgage needs. You work
hard every day—I want to help you move into the home you’ve been saving for.
Union members who use Prospect Mortgage when purchasing a home will receive a $750 Visa
card approximately four weeks after closing. Members who refinance using Prospect Mortgage
will receive a $500 Visa card.
For more information on benefits I can offer to union members or to discuss your situation, feel
free to call me at 815-353-1196, or email me at jody.anderson@prospectmtg.com or visit
myprospectmortgage.com/unionBenefits/jody-anderson. I look forward to meeting and getting to
know the members of PBPA.
The Policemen’s Magazine Spring 2015 35
As a member of the PB&PA of Illinois, you are also
a member of the National Association of Police
Organizations, and are therefore eligible to partake
in the member benefits which NAPO has available through the
following organizations:
Get great discounts on Apple Products at NAPO’s specialized
Apple Store! iPods, iBooks, and much more are all available through
NAPO’s online Apple store. Get product discounts, free shipping, and
NAPO-only benefits at
Worldwide discounts for business and leisure rentals. Receive a 5-15%
discount on your vehicle rentals around the world. Call the members
only reservation line at 1-800-654-2200 or logon to
Use CDP # 1477094
Save 50% on select suites, year round. All-inclusive vacation,
honeymoon and family packages. Four resorts in the Pocono
Mountains of Pennsylvania. Call 1-800-862-9323 or make your
reservation online at
Getaway Club#: 25807
36 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
PB&PA 75th Anniversary Pistol
Limited Edition
Springfield Armory XD-40
Dealer Name
Phone Number
Firearm Model Desired Model
Please send your font as an attachment in .ttf format.
All artwork submitted should be photo quality artwork. If submitted electronically should be 16 bit bitmap.
Please indicate depth of inscription.
1… OF 500
Contact the PB&PA office at 217-523-5141 to find out how to order your limited edition pistol. Only
500 will be made, you can choose what number you would like, but it is first come first serve!!!
Springfield Armory has given us a great deal at $800 a gun.
Show your pride and support
of the PB&PA by carrying a
The card comes with many great benefits including an annual percentage rate (APR) as low as 7.15%*, no annual fee, no balance transfer fee, and
the option of earning cash rewards. But what makes this card different than all other credit cards is that each time you make a purchase with the card
the PB&PA will earn money! Offered through the exclusive partnership formed between the PB&PA and ISPFCU – Your Law Enforcement Credit
Union, you can be proud to carry a card representing the PB&PA and help the association at the same time. In addition to the PB&PA VISA Platinum Credit Card, ISPFCU offers a complete line of share and loan products including Fixed Rate Mortgages, New
and Used Auto Loans, Home Equity Loans, and free Checking Accounts just to name a few. Membership is open to all law enforcement employees that
work in the State of Illinois and their family members. Contact ISPFCU today at 800-255-0886 with any questions you may have or visit us online at www.ispfcu.org to apply for a PB&PA VISA
Platinum Credit Card or to take advantage of any of the other great products and services available through an ISPFCU membership. *For each billing period we use the first publication of the Wall Street Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal. APR for purchases
is Wall Street Prime plus 3.90%. APR for cash advances and balance transfers is Wall Street Prime plus 6.90%. Rates quoted are for the
ISPFCU VISA Platinum Elite without rewards. This card is for individuals with excellent credit. Individuals with less than excellent credit
may be offered a different ISPFCU VISA at a higher rate. Visit www.ispfcu.org for complete terms and conditions.
The Policemen’s Magazine Federally Insured by NCUA
Spring 2015 37
38 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine
Challenge Coins, Lapel Pins & Member Stickers!
Challenge Coin
$10 plus $1.50 S&H
Lapel Pin
$4 plus $1 S&H
Member Sticker/Cling
$.50 plus $.50 S&H
Member Sticker
or Window Cling
Lapel Pin
1” Diameter
Order Form
Front and Back view of
Challenge Coin
Deliver To:
Lapel Pin:
Challenge Coin:
Member Sticker/Cling:
Mail Check and Order form to:
PB&PA of Illinois
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
The Policemen’s Magazine Please do not mail cash.
Spring 2015 39
Police Benevolent & Protective Association
840 South Spring Street, Suite A
Springfield, Illinois 62704
presort std.
u.s. postage
pa i d
Do you know who is designated to receive your death benefit?
When was the last time you updated your PB&PA of IL membership information? It is very important that
we have a current, signed beneficiary designation card on file at the Springfield Office for all of our members.
Please cut out the card below and mail to 840 South Spring Street, Suite A, Springfield, Illinois 62704 to
update your information. Thank you for helping keep our records as up-to-date and accurate as possible.
* Regular Member:
Those persons who are active, full-time, certified Law Enforcement Officers of any municipality of the State of Illinois.
** Social Member:
Those persons vested with the powers of arrest but not employed as
full-time, certified Law Enforcement Officers within any municipality
of the State of Illinois.
40 Spring 2015
The Policemen’s Magazine