CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Subject: COUNCIL MOTION – SMOKING RELATED MATTERS On February 23, 2015 Mayor Crouse provided notice in accordance with Section 23 of Procedure Bylaw 35/2009 that he intended to bring forward the following motion: In order for Council to debate the motion, the motion must be formally moved. (Mayor Crouse) "Using current best practise research primarily in Alberta, Administration propose by February 28, 2017 to Council, in the form of actual bylaw(s) and/or policies (new or amendments) relative to smoking related matters, including those identified in IR 210.2015". Attachments: 1. IR 210.2015 – January 16, 2015 Originating Department(s): Author(s): City Manager Signature: Legislative Services Betty Gaskarth, Legislative Officer Date: Council Meeting Agenda April 20, 2015 / Page 1 File No.: 405-12 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION REQUEST NUMBER: IR 210.2015 REQUESTED BY: Mayor Nolan Crouse ORIGIN OF REQUEST: Meeting January 16, 2015 DATE OF REQUEST: January 16, 2015 MEETING TYPE: MEETING DATE: Other January 16, 2015 AUTHOR: DEPARTMENT: DATE RESPONSE DUE: Marta Caufield Legal Services February 16, 2015 DIRECTOR APPROVAL (if not author): GENERAL MANAGER APPROVAL: CFO APPROVAL (if necessary): CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: [{- QUESTION: ^ Smoking: What are each of the Cities in Alberta contemplating or what do each have in place for smoking bylaws relative to Parks, Bus stop areas, E-Cigarettes and in cars with children? RESPONSE: In cars with children The Town of Okotoks enacted the Smoke Free Vehicles for Children Bylaw on July 14, 2008, which prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when any child under the age of 16 years of age is present, regardless of whether or not the "windows or doors are open; or whether it is moving or stationary" (s. 2.1). 1 | City Council Information Request Form sM(Sr ATTACHMENT 1 The City of Leduc passed the Smoke-free Vehicles for Minors Bylaw, which came into effect on July 2, 2011. It prohibits smoking in vehicles with minors "regardless of whether or not any window, sunroof, car-top, door or other feature of the [vehicle] is open, or whether the [vehicle] is moving or stationary" (s. 3). On November 7,2013, the Province of Alberta introduced changes to what is now called the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act, SA 2005, c T-38 (the "Act) (formerly called the Tobacco Reduction Act), in order to, among other things, prohibit smoking "in a vehicle in which a minor is present" (s. 3(b.1». The Act also prohibits smoking in public places, which definition includes outdoor bus shelters (s. 1(f)(iii)). The Act is binding throughout Alberta; however, sections 10(1) and (2) authorize municipalities to pass stronger bylaws which would take precedence over this Act. E-ciaarettes Currently, when there are no specific laws or bylaws restricting or otherwise regulating e-cigarette (otherwise known as electronic smoking product (ESP)) use in Alberta. The Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act does not apply to e-cigarettes. However, the Government of Alberta is monitoring the research on e-cigarettes and is collaborating with stakeholders to determine whether e-cigarette products should be regulated in the future. In its August 2014 strategic brief on Electronic Smoking Products, Alberta Health Services (AHS) indicates that "AHS supports the development of government policy that would restrict the use of ESPs in public places, restrict the flavouring of these products, and prohibit the sale of ESPs to minors." Edmonton's Northlands has banned e-cigarettes in all its venues and ecigarettes may not be used in AHS facilities. The City of Red Deer reviewed its Smoke Free Bylaw in 2014 and confirmed that its current definition of smoking is broad enough such that it encapsulates e-cigarettes and vaping. Therefore, e-cigarettes and vaping are prohibited in Red Deer in the same manner as smoking. The City of Calgary is in the midst of an E-cigarette Review Update. This study includes working collaboratively with AHS on research and will include a citizen engagement component. Calgary's City Council is expected to hear the results of this study in June 2015 and will be looking at adding restrictions on e-cigarettes into its existing Smoking Bylaw. Parks The City of Edmonton's Public Places Bylaw currently prohibits smoking within 10 metres of a playground, seasonal skating rink, skate park, sports field or water spray park. Changes to this bylaw prohibiting smoking in Churchill Square were passed on February 2,2015 and will come into force on April 15,2015. The City of Edmonton's Community Services Committee is scheduled to hear about options for prohibiting 2 | City Council Information Request Form Cultivate l ife ATTACHMENT 1 smoking at all outdoor City-owned recreation facilities, parks, and attractions on April 20, 2015. The City of Red Deer's Smoke Free Bylaw prohibits smoking within 10 metres of a playground, seasonal skating rink, skate park, sports field, water spray park or toboggan hill. The City of Calgary's Smoking Bylaw prohibits smoking within 5 metres of an outdoor pool, outdoor skating rink, playground, skate park, or sports field. The City of Medicine Hat's Smoke Free Outdoor Public Places Bylaw prohibits smoking within 10 metres of an outdoor public place, which definition includes an outdoor beach, pool, park, playground, skate or BMX park, a seasonal multi-purpose pad (a surface on which members of the public are permitted to skate or engage in other physical activities), a sports field or a water playground. Additionally, smoking is prohibited in that City's Heritage Trail System. Bus stop areas While the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act and some municipal bylaws (outlined below) explicitly prohibit smoking in bus shelters, it does not appear that any municipalities in Alberta currently prohibit or are contemplating prohibiting smoking within a designated distance from a bus stop. The City of St. Albert's Smoking Bylaw prohibits smoking in buildings, which definition specifically includes bus shelters. The City of Edmonton's Public Places Bylaw prohibits smoking in buildings, which definition specifically includes any bus shelter or rail platform. The City of Red Deer's Smoke Free Bylaw prohibits smoking in public buildings, which definition specifically includes bus shelters. The City of Airdrie's Smoking Bylaw prohibits smoking in a public transportation vehicle shelter, which is any structure with a roof designed to protect a passenger from the elements while waiting for a school bus, a bus, a taxicab, limousine or other similar vehicles. The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo's Smoke Free Bylaw prohibits smoking within 10 metres of public transportation vehicle shelters. CONFIDENTIAL: No 3 | City Council Information Request Form Cultivate Life
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