2015 DIRECTORY of the Presbytery of South Louisiana 12909 Old Hammond Highway Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 Phone: 225.275.1242, Toll-free: 877.366.7675, Fax: 225.272.1935 Web Address: pbysouthla.org E-mail: secretary@pbysouthla.org Feliciana Retreat Center 10274 Hwy 422, Norwood, LA 70761 Phone: 225.683.9420 / Fax: 225.683.8310 E-mail: office@felicianaretreat.org Website: felicianaretreat.org A special place, set apart to nurture and revitalize the Christian growth of individuals and the mission of churches. The Presbytery of South Louisiana provides a serene setting with facilities for various organizations and families to host workshops, conferences, retreats, seminars, family reunions, weddings, and camps. A beautiful lake, pond, wooded hills and meadows provide opportunities for a variety of contemplative and recreational opportunities. Open year round with a variety of lodging accommodations and recreational opportunities. RATES: Effective January, 2015 (Taxes are not included in these rates.) LODGE Total capacity: 70 guests - 24 rooms, each with private bath and linens included. (Twenty-two rooms have one twin bed and one twin bunk bed, and two have a queen size bed.) Rate: Single Occupancy: $58 per night/per person/Double: $48 per night/per person/Triple: $38 per night/per person LOG CABIN Total capacity: 20 guests - A rustic home for all seasons with central heat and air conditioning. Kitchen and dining area downstairs, and two full bathrooms. Three bedrooms downstairs with a total of ten twin beds, and the upstairs loft has twin beds and bunk beds accommodating ten guests. Rate: $40 per night/per person COTTAGES Total Capacity: 54 guests - Three duplex cottages: Each side of the duplex has four twin bunks and one twin bed, accommodating nine guests, and a bath. No linens provided. A fourth cottage is a meeting room with two bathrooms, small refrigerator, microwave and coffee pot, $50 per day. Rate: $30 per night/per person. Minimum $150 per side (5 guests) CAMP GROUND The Camp Ground offers Hogans and Multi-Use Recreational Facilities, as well as areas for tent camping. There is a central Bath House for the Camp Ground which provides separate facilities for girls and boys, including sinks, toilets, and hot showers. HOGANS Capacity: 8 per Hogan - Screened-in structures up off the ground with tin roofs, with four bunk beds in each hogan. Not air conditioned or heated; fan only. No linens provided. Rate: $10 per night/per person with a minimum of $80 per day MULTI-USE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES MURF A MURF A has a full kitchen, half bath, storage closet and large meeting space, with tables and chairs available. It is air-conditioned. Rate: $75 per day MURF B - BUNK HOUSE Total Capacity: 24 guests - MURF B has ten bunk beds and two staff bunks, half bath and three sinks. No linens provided. It is air-conditioned. Rate: $20 per night/per person with a minimum of $200 per day, 2 day minimum TENT CAMPING No linens included Campers may use the Bath House, but must provide their own tent, bedding, and towels. Rate: $ 5 per night, with payment on arrival MEALS All meals are served at the Lodge Dining Hall with a 20 person minimum required per serving time, and 50% deposit on meals reserved. Rate: Breakfast - $9 / Lunch - $11 / Supper - $13 / Coffee, hot chocolate, and hot tea are complimentary to Lodge & Log Cabin guests. * PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE - PLEASE CHECK WITH RETREAT CENTER FOR MEETING FACILITY & RECREATION PRICES* PRESBYTERY OF SOUTH LOUISIANA Joining Christ in the world, the Presbytery of South Louisiana strengthens congregations, empowers leaders, and impacts communities. STAFF General Presbyter The Rev. Dr. Ronald J. ‘Ron’ Sutto ron@pbysouthla.org Stated Clerk The Rev. Dr. Ronald J. ‘Ron’ Sutto clerk@pbysouthla.org Treasurer Dr. Thomas ‘Tom’ Tucker tom@pbysouthla.org Office Administrator Julia Miller julia@pbysouthla.org Office Assistant Karen Blewitt karen@pbysouthla.org Recording Clerk Amelie Welman afwelman@lpcno.org YAV Site Coordinator The Rev. Layne Brubaker layne@pbysouthla.org Feliciana Retreat Center Operations Manager Ida Sharp office@felicianaretreat.org Editor PSL 10/20 Kim Thompson Bauer e-news@pbysouthla.org Off-Site Accounting Jay Wilkinson / Synod of Lakes and Prairies jwilkinson@lakesandprairies.org Youth Coordinator Alex Pappas youthcoordinator@pbysouthla.org Mission & Hunger Action Enabler Hannah Mills hannahmills7@hotmail.com PRESBYTERY COUNCIL PSL Moderator RE Kathy Randall Finance Committee RE Lee Randall Council Moderator TE Ted Roeling Mission Committee TE Dick Krajeski Council Vice-Moderator TE Layne Brubaker Nominating Committee RE Peggy Carroll Committee on Ministry RE Donna Stogner Personnel Committee RE Dave White Communications Committee TE Zach Sasser Preparation for Ministry RE Mary Mikell Congregational Development TE John Blewitt Presbyterian Women RE Jan Boydstun Feliciana Management Team RE Brad Price Spiritual Formation TE Constance McIntosh Greater New Orleans / Bayou TE Tom Paine North Shore TE Rob White Greater Baton Rouge TE Randall Richmond Western Cluster Representatives: ADVISORY MEMBERS General Presbyter / Stated Clerk TE Dr. Ron Sutto Treasurer RE Dr. Thomas Tucker PSL Office Administrator Ms Julia Miller Feliciana Retreat Center RE Dick Wuensch Young Adult Volunteers TE Layne Brubaker Youth Coordinator Ms Alex Pappas Mission & Hunger Action Enabler Ms Hannah Mills Recording Clerk Ms Amelie Welman Legal Counsel Mr John Dunlap PRESBYTERY OF SOUTH LOUISIANA COMMITTEES Committee on Ministry Class of 2015 RE Martha Beveridge RE Adele Bornkessel TE Peggy Brown RE Marcel El Koubi TE Fred Powell RE Donna Stogner, Chair Vacant Vacant GNO/Bayou, St Charles Ave NS, Hammond, First NS, Pearl River, Northminster West, Leesville, St Andrew GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, First GNO, Harvey, Faith NS West magistrabibita@aol.com abornkessel@webtv.net revpeg_gw@yahoo.com marcel@cebridge.net pastor@fpcno.org dstogner@gmail.com RE Marilyn Dunn CRE Jerry Egbert TE Betsy Irvine RE Melinda Schwegmann RE Pat Sharpe TE Patti Snyder Glenda Keegan West, Lake Charles, St Andrew West, DeRidder, First GBR, Member-at-Large GNO, New Orleans, Lakeview GNO, New Orleans, Lakeview GBR, University GNO/Bayou, Raceland msdrgd@yahoo.com jerryegbert@hotmail.com birvine@ladeltacorps.org mschweg@bellsouth.net acottageplace@cox.net psnyder@upcbr.org keegan.glenda@gmail.com RE Pete Alleman RE Jack Bagent RE Chip Chiphe RE Loretta Credo TE Don Frampton RE Chuck Morton TE Chan Willis West, Lafayette, Trinity GBR, Highland GBR, First of Scotlandville GNO/Bayou, Jefferson GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, SCAPC NS, Covington West, Lake Charles, First pete@ralph.lafayette.la.us jackbagent37@yahoo.com chipchiphe@cox.net lormike9@cox.net frampton@scapc.org acmorto@bellsouth.net pastor@1stpreslc.com Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Committee On Representation Class of 2015 RE Juan Letelier TE Donald Thursby, Chair GBR, Faith NS, Albany, Albany Hungarian juanb1943@aol.com dthursby55@yahoo.com TE Frank Gipson Vacant GBR, First of Scotlandville flgipson@gmail.com RE Brenda Birkett TE Young Chang Jin GBR, First of Scotlandville GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, Korean bsbirkett@yahoo.com yjin94@yahoo.com Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Communications Committee TE Zach Sasser, Chair RE Amelie Welman RE Calvin Bohnet Vacant Vacant West, Lafayette, First GNO, Lakeview Northshore, Slidell, First At-Large At-Large zsasser@gmail.com afwelman@lpcno.org bohnet@fpcslidell.org COMMITTEES CONTINUED Congregational Development Committee TE John Blewitt, Convener TE Jim Rollins RE Donna Gay Anderson & TE Barry Chance TE Jean Marie Peacock & TE Martha Robson RE Dale Tullier TE John Wamsley Transformation Subcommittee Rev. John Blewitt, Chair RE Donna Gay Anderson NS, Hammond, First TE Barry Chance NS, Hammond, First TE Martha Robson GNO, At large TE John Wamsley West, Lafayette, Grace Northshore Representatives GNO/Bayou Representatives GBR Representative West Representatives johnfpc@bellsouth.net dgbanderson1@gmail.com pastor@fpchammond.org pastorwelcome@gmail.com jwamsley16@hotmail.com New Church Development Subcommittee Rev. Jim Rollins, Chair jimrol@cox.net GNO/Bayou, Specialized Minister GBR, Highland GBR, Broadmoor jmpfaithpres@att.net tom@pbysouthla.org dale4bpc@gmail.com TE Jean Marie Peacock RE Dr Tom Tucker RE Dale Tullier Feliciana Management Team Advisory Interim Administrator, Dick Wuensch Operations Manager, Ida Sharp GBR, Broadmoor FRC, Norwood dickwuensch@cox.net office@felicianaretreat.org RE Jill Deroche RE Brad Price, Chair TE Ted Roeling GNO/Bayou, Gray, Bayou Blue GBR, Broadmoor GBR, Church of the Way jusjill1926@gmail.com brad@moorethompson.com twroeling@aol.com RE Dr. Ralph Shaw RE Sherri Courtney CRE Ford Dieth NS, Hammond GBR, Baker GNO, Kenner rshaw@selu.edu sherricourtney@cox.net fordjdieth@yahoo.com RE Jack Bagent RE Buff Slaton RE Dr. Thomas Tucker GBR, Highland NS, Hammond, First GBR, Highland jackbagent37@yahoo.com buffnedie@aol.com tom@pbysouthla.org Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Finance Committee Class of 2015 RE Lee W. Randall, Chair Vacant GNO/Bayou, St. Charles Avenue lrandal@entergy.com TE Martha Robson RE Jim Wright GNO/Bayou, Member-at-Large West, Welsh, First pastorwelcome@gmail.com RE Ann Knapp RE Jeanne M. Tims West, Lake Charles, First GBR, Church of the Way mimiannknapp@gmail.com jeannemt76@aol.com Class of 2016 Class of 2017 COMMITTEES CONTINUED Mission Committee TE Richard Krajeski, Chair GNO/Bayou, Member-at-Large krajeskipeterson@msn.com RE Debbie Serra GBR, University dhserra@gmail.com TE John Spaulding GNO/Bayou, Carolyn Park & Gheens roahg@cox.net Members representing PSL Mission Partners: Bennett Aldredge (YAV - Wetlands Advocate), TE Claire Brooks (Westminster Foundation), TE Layne Brubaker (YAV Committee), Hannah Mills (YAV Hunger & Mission Advocate), Katherine Norwood (YAV - Wetlands Theological Education Project), TE Jean Marie Peacock (Louisiana Interchurch Conference), Kristina Peterson (Peace & Justice Committee, PresbyterianWomen), RE John Spaulding (Project Homecoming), Laura St Clair (Cuba) Nominating Committee Class of 2015 RE Patsy Green GNO/Bayou, Metairie, Parkway patsygreen@bellsouth.net RE Betsy Wilks GBR, University betsywilks@cox.net Vacant West RE Lynne Alexander NS, Bogalusa, First DRLPALEX@gmail.com RE Bill Bottomley GNO/Bayou, Metairie, John Calvin pslclerk@earthlink.net TE Layne Brubaker GNO/Bayou, New Orleans layne@pbysouthla.org RE Peggy Carroll, Chair GBR, University peggoc@eatel.net TE Mike Watson GBR, University mwatson@upcbr.org Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Vacant Permanent Judicial Commission Class of 2015 TE Jennie Thomas TE Theodore Roeling RE Laurence M. Hamric GNO/Bayou, Chaplain GBR, Church of the Way GNO/Bayou, St Charles Avenue jthomas@bcm.org, revjennie@aol.com twroeling@aol.com l.m.hamric@att.net TE Zach Sasser, Chair RE Betsy Wilks West, Lafayette, First GBR, University zsasser@gmail.com betsywilks@cox.net RE Margaret Boone Vacant West, Lafayette, Grace marboone@yahoo.com RE Paul Hoffman TE Rob White GBR, Baton Rouge, University NS, Covington hyhoff@lsu.edu rob@covpresby.org RE Roger Wirth GBR, Broadmoor rog44789@cox.net RE Rachel Benton RE Dave White, Chair GNO/Bayou, Metairie Ridge GNO/Bayou, St Charles Avenue mbenton@loyno.edu, RMBB2077@gmail.com dlw1751@aol.com Class of 2017 Personnel Committee Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 COMMITTEES CONTINUED Preparation for Ministry Class of 2015 TE Crawford Brubaker RE Mary Mikell, Chair RE Louise Kaltenbaugh TE Judy Roeling GNO/Bayou, Chaplain GBR, University NS, Amite-Arcola GBR, Retired brubaker.crawford@gmail.com marymikell@cox.net lkaltenb@suno.edu jagroeling@aol.com TE Rick Pitcher TE Linda Kelly GBR, Chaplain West, Lafayette, Member-at-Large rpit645824@gmail.com lindalkelly@cox.net TE Dick Krajeski RE Richard Seelman TE John Wamsley GNO/Bayou, Bayou Blue GNO/Bayou, St Charles Avenue West, Lafayette, Grace krajeskipeterson@msn.com rseelman@roedelparsons.com jwamsley16@hotmail.com Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Spiritual Formation Committee TE Constance McIntosh, Chair Rt Rev Jimmy Broussard TE Crawford Brubaker TE Barry Chance TE Kathy Crighton TE Dick Krajeski West, Welsh West, Crowley, First GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, Chaplain NS, Hammond GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, Member-at-large GNO/Bayou, First of Bayou Blue bayourevmac@gmail.com revpapasir@yahoo.com brubaker.crawford@gmail.com pastor@fpchammond.org revkathyc@aol.com krajeskipeterson@msn.com Church Clusters Greater Baton Rouge - Baker, Broadmoor, Church of the Way, Clinton, Faith, Jackson, First of Scotlandville, First Zachary, Highland, Norwood, University, West Baton Rouge TE Randy Richmond First, Zachary richmondrandall@yahoo.com Greater New Orleans/Bayou - Atkinson Memorial, Berean, Carolyn Park, Carrollton, Chinese, Faith, First of Bayou Blue, First New Orleans, Gheens, Jefferson, John Calvin, Kenner, Korean, Lakeview, Metairie Ridge, Parkway, Raceland, St Charles Avenue TE Tom Paine Parkway, Metairie paine.tom@gmail.com Northshore - Albany Hungarian, Amite-Arcola, Covington, First Bogalusa, First Hammond, First Ponchatoula, First Slidell, Madisonville, Northminster TE Rob White Covington revrobwhite@gmail.com Western - First Abbeville, First Alexandria, First Crowley, First DeRidder, First Lafayette, First Lake Charles, First Welsh, First of Iberia Parish, Grace, Palmer Memorial, St Andrew Lake Charles, St Andrew Leesville, Trinity, Westminster, Woodland Synod Commissioners Class of 2016 RE Lynn Castle West, Lafayette, Grace lec4242@bellsouth.net TE Ted Roeling GBR, Church of the Way twroeling@aol.com Class of 2017 COMMITTEES CONTINUED Young Adult Volunteers Board of Directors Class of 2015 Alicia Weber TE Fred Powell GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, Lakeview GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, First loringweber@hotmail.com pastor@fpcno.org TE Barrett Milner TE Jennie Thomas GNO/Bayou, Lakeview GNO/Bayou, Chaplain lpcnopastor@gmail.com jthomas@bcm.org, revjennie@aol.com CRE Ford Dieth, Chair RE Ellen Manuel GNO/Bayou, Kenner GNO/Bayou, New Orleans, SCAPC fordjdieth@yahoo.com Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Young Adult Volunteers (2014-2015) 4225 Franklin Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122-6009 Phone: 504-218-5562 Layne Brubaker, Site Coordinator 2221 Filmore St, New Orleans, LA 70122 Phone: 504.715.3715 Bennett Aldredge - Bayou Blue Presbyterian Church bennettinkorea@gmail.com Colleen Ames - Project Homecoming, Volunteer Village Manager smilingstar4him@yahoo.com Vincent Grossi - J W Johnson Community Garden melodicaman11@gmail.com Jennifer Hallberg - Global Maritime Ministries jehallberg@gmail.com John Kupar - Lakeview Presbyterian Church/Mid City Ministries john.kupar@gmail.com Hannah Mills - First Presbyterian Church, New Orleans/Mid City Ministries hannahmills7@hotmail.com Katherine Norwood - Wetland Theological Education Project knorwood10@gmail.com Youth Advisory Board Alex Pappas, Youth Coordinator TE Barry Chance Jonathan Evans Andy Fox Kathy Randall TE Mike Watson TE Rob White GNO/Bayou, Young Adult Volunteers NS, Hammond, First NS, Hammond, First GNO/Bayou, St Charles Ave GNO/Bayou, St Charles Ave GBR, University NS, Covington youthcoordinator@pbysouthla.org pastor@fpchammond.org jpevans83@yahoo.com andy@scapc.org kathyrandall@bellsouth.net mwatson@upcbr.org revrobwhite@gmail.com Officers Moderator Jan Boydstun janboydstun@aol.com Vice Moderator Open Secretary Fannie Easterly easterly.fep@gmail.com Treasurer Kathy Randall kathyrandall@bellsouth.net Bible Moderator Peggy Carroll peggoc@eatel.net Missions Laura St Clair laura.st.clair1@gmail.com Peace & Jus)ce Kris Peterson krajeskipeterson@msn.com Ecumenical Rela)ons Margaret Boone marboone@yahoo.com Historian Edie Slaton buffnedie@aol.com Western Ellyn Macpherson emsande@cox.net Greater Baton Rouge Fannie Easterly easterly.fep@gmail.com Greater New Orleans/Bayou Open North Shore Open Cluster Leaders CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY ABBEVILLE - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021923 109 N. Louisiana Avenue, Abbeville, LA 70510-5116 Phone: 337.893.7200 E-mail: fmb0229@bellsouth.net Website: Commissioned Ruling Elder Fax: Secretary Forrest M. 'Mickey' Byrd (Mary) 235 Henry Street, LafayeEe, LA 70506 Phone: Phone: H - 337.235.5131, C - 337.501.9375 E-mail: E-mail: fmb0229@bellsouth.net Treasurer Clerk of Session Dixie Mayard Catherine Ellison 2015 Alcide Circle, Abbeville, LA 70510 9008 LA Hwy 343, Abbeville, LA 70510 Phone: H - 337.893.4368, C - 337.652.3099 Phone: C - 337.349.7464 E-mail: mzdixie@earthlink.net E-mail: law@catherineellison.com ALBANY HUNGARIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011977 P.O. Box 119, Albany, LA 70711-0119 Phone: 225.567.2098 Fax: Street Address: 30767 Hungarian Presbyterian Church Rd, Hammond, LA 70403 E-Mail: ahpchurch@bellsouth.net Website: www.ahpchurch.org Stated Supply Secretary Donald U. Thursby (Barbara) P. O. Box 424, Albany, LA 70711 Phone: Phone: O - 225.567.2098, C - 985.259.0764 E-mail: E-mail: duthursby55@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Anna Arceneaux Alan Ivanyisky P.O. Box 685, Albany, LA 70711 27186 Kropog Lane, Hammond, LA 70403 Phone: H - 225.567.3560, C - 985.507.9710 Phone: H - 225.567.9048, C - 225.454.5713 E-mail: E-mail: alan.ivanyisky@awc-inc.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY ALEXANDRIA - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021925 357 Windermere Boulevard, Alexandria, LA 71303-3530 E-mail: office@alexandriafpc.org Phone: 318.443.7229 Fax: 318.443.5965 Website: alexandriafpc.org Stated Supply Secretary Doyle Bailey (Barbara) Carolyn Sterne 840 Second St, Natchitoches, LA 71457 Phone: 318.443.7229 Phone: C - 318.663.5469 E-mail: office@alexandriafpc.org E-mail: deeb1998@suddenlink.net Treasurer Clerk of Session Jim Smolenski Deborah Clegg 4811 Whitehall, Alexandria, LA 71303 1003 Gretel Ct, Alexandria, LA 71303 Phone: C - 318.730.5319 Phone: C - 318.481.3737 E-mail: jsmolenski@redriverbank.net E-mail: debbeclegg@gmail.com AMITE-ARCOLA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021926 P. O. Box 941, Amite, LA 70422-0941 Street Address: 501 Walnut Avenue E-mail: amitearcola@aE.net Phone: 985.748.7558 Fax: Website: Pastor Secretary Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Katherine Jenkins Lenora L. PaEerson P O Box 347, Roseland, LA 70456 18010 Hwy 1061, Amite, LA 70422 Phone: H - 985.748.9524 Phone: H - 985.748.6843, C - 985.517.9112 E-mail: kjenkins@starband.net E-mail: major.paEerson82@gmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY ARABI - CAROLYN PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021927 7408 W. Judge Perez Dr., Arabi, LA 70032-1960 E-mail: Phone: 504.682.9007 Website: Fax: Stated Supply Secretary John H. Spaulding (PaJ) Amanda Mar)nez 620 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121 Phone: H – 504.682.5636, C – 504.481.9992 Phone: H - 504.733.2326, C - 504.452.1021 E-mail: E-mail: roahg@cox.net Treasurer Clerk of Session James S. 'Jim' Veitch Ruth Laws 612 Spring Branch Drive; Slidell, LA 70460 1610 Robert E. Lee Blvd #507, New Orleans, LA 70122 Phone: H - 985.643.0106, C - 504.421.3994 Phone: C - 504.613.8092 E-mail: E-mail: ruth.laws@me.com BAKER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021928 3015 Groom Road, Baker, LA 70714-2243 E-mail: bkrprsby@bellsouth.net Pastor Phone: 225.775.0866 Website: Fax: 225.774.6397 Secretary Jodi Faust Phone: 225.775.0866 Phone: E-mail: bkrprsby@bellsouth.net E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Barbara BuEon Lydia Cox 10101 S. Runnymeade Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 459 Parklan Dr, Baker, LA 70714 Phone: H - 225.927.4915, O - 225.766.6201 Phone: H - 225.774.7011, C - 225.921.5728 E-mail: geauxrillas@bellsouth.net E-mail: lydia.cox21@gmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY BATON ROUGE – BROADMOOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021929 9340 Florida Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70815-1121 Phone: 225.924.4271 E-mail: bpresby@bellsouth.net Website: broadmoorpresbyterian.org Pastor Fax: 225.924.9613 Administra-ve Assistant Susan Or)z Phone: O - 225.924.4271 Phone: E-mail: bpcsusan@gmail.com E-mail: Secretary Peggy M. Hammond Phone: O - 225.924.4271, C - 225.810.7807 E-mail: bpcpeggychurch@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Barbara Beckmann Roger A. Wirth 4726 BenneE Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 14266 Firethorn St, Baton Rouge, LA 70819 Phone: H - 225.344.8826, O - 225.977.8888 Phone: H - 225.272.4048, C - 225.573.5568 E-mail: barbara.k.beckmann@exxonmobil.com E-mail: rog44789@cox.net BATON ROUGE – CHURCH OF THE WAY PRESBYTERIAN PIN: 021930 250 S. Foster Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806-4103 E-mail: cotwpcusa@aol.com Stated Supply Phone: 225.927.8744 Website: Fax: Secretary Theodore W. 'Ted' Roeling, Sr. (Judy) 279 Marilyn Drive, #5, Baton Rouge, LA 70815-4474 Phone: Phone: H - 225.924.6206, C - 225.933.2564 E-mail: F - 225.218.0980 E-mail: twroeling@aol.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Earl C. Reynolds (Pamela) Myrle Browning 18320 Fountain Hill Drive, Prairieville, LA 70769 12451 Parkciel, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: H - 225.673.1886, C - 225.445.0835 Phone: H - 225.755.0256 E-mail: Earl@RLFLa.com E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY BATON ROUGE – FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011898 12855 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-1025 E-mail: chur7393@bellsouth.net Phone: 225.275.7393 Fax: 225.275.7399 Website: www.faithpcbr.org Pastor Secretary John G. BlewiE (Karen) Karen BlewiE 12500 Old Hammond Hwy. # I-3, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: 225.275.7393 Phone: H - 225.273.9824, C - 225.223.1430 E-mail: chur7393@bellsouth.net E-mail: johnfpc@bellsouth.net Treasurer Clerk of Session John M. 'Buddy' Anderson (Cheryl) Carol Bell 3264 White Shadows Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 12409 Parnell Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Phone: H - 225.751.4641, C - 225.571.3109 Phone: H - 225.275.4649, C - 225.953.4649 E-mail: jmander3264@aE.net E-mail: oldmawbell@aol.com BATON ROUGE – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OF SCOTLANDVILLE PIN: 021932 P.O. Box 74062, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4062 Street Address: 1246 Rosenwald Boulevard Phone: 225.636.2920 E-mail: chipchiphe@cox.net Website: Pastor Fax: Secretary Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session James Forbes Dzandira ‘Chip’ Chiphe 1409 Snipe Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 2820 Lake Forest Park Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: H - 225.775.7546 Phone: H - 225.752.0187, C - 225.772.6655 E-mail: E-mail: chipchiphe@cox.net CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY BATON ROUGE – HIGHLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 023381 10024 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70810-4201 E-mail: hpchurch@bellsouth.net Phone: 225.766.5775 Fax: Website: www.highlandpresbyterian.org Interim Pastor Office Manager Linda L. Kelly 402 DunnoEar Place, LafayeEe, LA 70503 Phone: Phone: H - 337.456.6750, C - 337.849.2212 E-mail: E-mail: lindalkelly@cox.net Treasurer Clerk of Session David 'Dave' Adams Louise Dye 12419 Willows End, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 828 Castle Kirk Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Phone: H - 225.763.6740, C - 864.477.9627 Phone: H - 225.767.3091, C - 225.337.6390 E-mail: davidfadams@yahoo.com E-mail: louisedla@aol.com BATON ROUGE – UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021935 3240 Dalrymple Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802-6912 E-mail: cdurham@upcbr.org Phone: 225.383.0345 Fax: 225.383.3495 Website: www.upcbr.org Pastor Secretary Patricia I. 'PaJ' Snyder (Jim Hanifen) Caralyn Durham Moss 6630 Boone Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Phone: 225.383.0345 Phone: H - 225.766.5631, C - 225.636.0741 E-mail: cdurham@upcbr.org E-mail: psnyder@upcbr.org Associate Pastor Michael C. ‘Mike’ Watson 775 Spanish Town Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Phone: C - 706.825.7051 E-mail: mwatson@upcbr.org Treasurer Clerk of Session Kenton Cooper Jill Clemmons 10533 N. Myrtlelake Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 2100 College Dr, Apt 51, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Phone: H - 225.761.4067, C - 225.614.3165 Phone: O - 225.578.6814, C - 225.328.3602 E-mail: Kenton.cooper@nea.org E-mail: jclemm1@lsu.edu CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY BOGALUSA – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021936 P.O. Box 296, Bogalusa, LA 70429-0296 Street Address: 511 Avenue D E-mail: firstpresbyte964@bellsouth.net Phone: 985.732.4407 Pastor Secretary Fax: Website: www.bogalusafirstpresbyterian.com Tyrona Lopez Phone: Phone: E-mail: firstpresbyte964@bellsouth.net E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Debra 'Debbie' Farmer (Pete) Joan B. Hortman (Richard) P. O. Box 429, Bogalusa, LA 70429 1735 Goodyear Dr, Bogalusa, LA 70427 Phone: C - 985.516.6209 Phone: H - 985.735.9330, C - 985.516.3660 E-mail: debbie.farmer@studiointhecountry.com E-mail: thehortmans@bellsouth.net CLINTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021939 P.O. Box 7938, Clinton, LA 70722-1938 Street Address: 10761 Bank Street Pastor Phone: 225.683.5493 Website: Fax: Secretary Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Patricia J. 'Patsy' Peay Frances D. Phares P.O. Box 8344, Clinton, LA 70722 P. O. Box 1639, Clinton, LA 70722 Phone: 225.719.1295 Phone: H - 225.683.3798 E-mail: pjpeay@yahoo.com E-mail: phrances@aE.net CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY COVINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021940 222 S. Jefferson Ave, Covington LA 70433-3134 E-mail: covpresby@bellsouth.net Phone: 985.892.4821 Fax: 985.892.3591 Website: www.covpresby.org Pastor Secretary Robert M. ‘Rob’ White (Tracy) Jeanie Bazer 16 Woodlawn Dr, Covington, LA 70433 Phone: H - 985.893.7275 Phone: C - 985.718.8677 E-mail: secretary@covpresby.org E-mail: rob@covpresby.org Treasurer Clerk of Session Jennie Fonseca Delitha Lane 71236 Schooner Pl, Abita Springs, LA 70420 16 Country Club Park, Covington, LA 70433 Phone: H - 985-893-9639 Phone: H - 985.892.3964, C - 985.373.8778 E-mail: fatwork@gmail.com E-mail: lanebd@bellsouth.net Bookkeeper Clara Rutland 18041 Million Dollar Rd, Covington, LA 70435-7860 Phone: O - 985.892.4821, H - 985.893.1938 E-mail: finance@covpresby.org CROWLEY - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021941 P.O. Box 654, Crowley, LA 70527-0654 Street Address: 321 E. 4th St. E-mail: she1998@aol.com Phone: 337.783.2249 Fax: 337.783.2245 Website: Stated Supply Secretary Allen J. 'Jimmy' Broussard (Lynne) Sheila Richard 109 Pinewood Dr, Crowley, LA 70526 Phone: O - 337.783.2249, C - 337.326.8619 Phone: H - 337.783.5532, C - 337.384.4256 E-mail: she1998@aol.com E-mail: revpapasir@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Charles Judson Van Fosson Saja Hoffpauir th 214 E 9 St, Crowley, LA 70526 P O Box 10, Estherwood, LA 70534-0010 Phone: H - 337.783.3990, C - 225.266.8899 Phone: H - 337.783.2347 E-mail: judsonjennings@bellsouth.net E-mail: sdogg70@hotmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY DERIDDER - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021943 202 N. Royal Street, DeRidder, LA 70634-3854 E-mail: Phone: 337.463.7339 Website: Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary Jerald Egbert (Bok Soon) Carolyn Applewhite 1705 Lakeview St, DeRidder, LA 70634 Phone: 337.463.7339 Phone: H - 337.202.3844, C - 337.396.1657 E-mail: secretary@fpcd.cc Fax: E-mail: pastor@fpcd.cc, jerryegbert@hotmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Carolyn Applewhite (Ronald) MaEhew Sykes 1006 High School Dr, DeRidder, LA 70634 202 N Royal St, DeRidder, LA 70634-3854 Phone: H - 337.463.7391, C - 337.396.7162 Phone: 337.304.0191 E-mail: secretary@fpcd.cc, applewhite1992@gmail.com E-mail: om@lanierplumbinginc.com GHEENS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 008785 2634 Highway 654, Gheens, LA 70355-2406 E-mail: joangriff55@yahoo.com Stated Supply Phone: 985.532.5916 985.805.0000 Website: Fax: Secretary John H. Spaulding (PaJ) 620 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121 Phone: H - 504.733.2326, C - 504.452.1021 E-mail: roahg@cox.net Treasurer Clerk of Session Donna M Landry Joan C. Griffin 163 N Leon Dr, Gheens, LA 70355-2208 180 Pecan St, Gheens, LA 70355-2217 Phone: 985.532.6587 Phone: H - 985.532.5916, C - 985.805.0000 E-mail: donnamlandry@yahoo.com E-mail: joangriff55@yahoo.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY GRAY, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OF BAYOU BLUE PIN: 021945 3200 Highway 316, Gray, LA 70359-4521 Phone: 985.876.7687 E-mail: Website: Fax: Facebook: hEps://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Presbyterian-Church-of-Bayou-Blue/384589154944397?rf=139632599417620 Stated Supply Secretary Richard ’Dick’ Krajeski (Kris)na Peterson) Janis Pitre 106 Sandalwood Dr, Gray, LA 70359-4611 Phone: 985.876.7687 Phone: Dick - 304.266.3845, Kris - 304.266.2517 E-mail: jrpitre43@gmail.com E-mail: krajeskipeterson@msn.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Karan Bland Ramona R. Naquin 102 Jackie Street, Gray, LA 70359 179 St. Bridget Dr, Schriever, LA 70395 Phone: C - 985.852.2427 Phone: O - 985.876.2874, H - 985.447.1889 C - 985.860.6766 E-mail: monanaquin@bellsouth.net E-mail: karanbland@rocketmail.com HAMMOND - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021947 P.O. Box 726, Hammond, LA 70404-0726 Street Address: 111 N. Pine St., Hammond, LA 70401-3244 Phone: 985.345.1543 E-mail: adm@fpchammond.org Website: www.fpchammond.org Fax: 985.345.8523 Pastor Administra-ve Assistant Barry W. Chance (Ka)e) Donna Sbisa P. O. Box 726, Hammond, LA 70404-0726 Phone: 985.345.1543 Phone: H - 985.543.0522, C - 985.415.2630 E-mail: adm@fpchammond.org E-mail: pastor@fpchammond.org Treasurer Clerk of Session Kurt Bornkessel Shirley Hunt 14738 Rhonda Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 19315 Country Club Ln, Hammond, LA 70401 Phone: O - 985.419.9144, C - 985.320.5523 Phone: O - 985.542.4780, H - 985.345.6015, C - 985.320.7176 E-mail: shirleyhunt7176@bellsouth.net E-mail: kbornkessel@gmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY HARVEY – FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 023292 2525 Apollo Avenue, Harvey, LA 70058-3003 E-mail: faithpresbyterianh@aE.net Phone: 504.368.2525 Website: Fax: 504.368.2525 Evangelist Secretary Jean Marie Peacock Gwen PaEerson 610 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121 Phone: H - 504.367.3387, C - 504.616.3387 Phone: C - 504.259.5812 E-mail: faithharvey@bellsouth.net E-mail: jmpfaithpres@aE.net Treasurer Clerk of Session Rick Neil Yvonne Jones 2106 La Quinta Via, Harvey, LA 70058 2501 Sonora Via, Harvey, LA 70058 Phone: C - 504.362.6492 Phone: C - 504.210.5027 E-mail: neilfam05@cox.net E-mail: faithpresbyterianh@aE.net JACKSON – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021950 3661 College Street; Jackson, LA 70748-5510 Street Address: 3017 Bank Street, Jackson, LA 70748 E-mail: Pastor Phone: 225.634.0734 Fax: Website: Secretary Elizabeth L. 'BeEy' Acosta Phone: H - 225.634.0734, C - 225.245.2753 Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Elizabeth L. 'BeEy' Acosta Elizabeth L. “BeEy” Acosta 3661 College Street, Jackson, LA 70748-5510 3661 College Street, Jackson, LA 70748-5510 Phone: H - 225.634.0734, C - 225.245.2753 Phone: H - 225.634.0734, C - 225.245.2753 E-mail: E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY JEFFERSON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 008791 4450 Jefferson Highway, Jefferson, LA 70121-3313 Phone: 504.309.9763 E-mail: jpc@jpc.nocoxmail.com Website: Pastor Fax: 504.309.9768 Secretary Lillian S. Moore Phone: O - 504.309.9763, C - 504.606.5024 Phone: E-mail: jpc@jpc.nocoxmail.com E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Andrew Daigle Patricia A. Spaulding (John) 220 Vinet Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121 620 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121-1233 Phone: H - 504.734.1118, C - 504.343.1118 Phone: H - 504.733.2326, C - 504.427.7463 E-mail: adaigle1@cox.net E-mail: roahg@cox.net KENNER – CHINESE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021970 2901 W. Esplanade Avenue, Kenner, LA 70065-3348 E-mail: cpcnola70065@gmail.com Phone: 504.461.0702 Website: Fax: Pastor Secretary Peter W. Choi (Angela) Lily CroEy 3708 Lake Trail Dr, Kenner, LA 70065 Phone: 504.461.0702 Phone: H - 504.533.4151, C - 408.390.0975 E-mail: liliuokalani_q@yahoo.com E-mail: revpeterchoi@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Debbie Mengel Lila K. CroEy 517 Beverly Garden Dr, Metairie, LA 70001 3957 Haddon Street, Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: H - 504.832.0199 Phone: H - 504.885.1616, C - 504.220.6806 E-mail: lagniapp@bellsouth.net E-mail: liliuokalani_q@yahoo.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY KENNER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021953 P.O. Box 12, Kenner, LA 70063-0012 Phone: 504.466.6729 Fax: Street Address: 2139 Iowa Ave., Kenner, LA 70062 E-mail: kennerpresbyterian@juno.com Website: Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary Ford J. Dieth 9600 Garden Oaks Lane, River Ridge, LA 70123 Phone: Phone: H - 504.738.9600, C- 504.452.6621 E-mail: E-mail: fordjdieth@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Ridgely Myers (Adam) Stephenie PiEman (Rodney) 103 Laura Lane, Destrehan, LA 70047 2001 Houma Blvd, Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: H - 985.307.0614, C - 504.508.7804 Phone: H - 504.889.2526, C - 504.451.9757 E-mail: ridge324@hotmail.com E-mail: stephenie721@yahoo.com LAFAYETTE – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021954 1130 Johnston Street, LafayeEe, LA 70501-7812 E-mail: office@fpclafayeEe.org Facebook: hEp://www.facebook.com/fpclafayeEe Phone: 337.234.5182 Fax: 337.234.5183 Website: www.fpclafayeEe.org TwiEer: @fpclafayeEe Pastor Office Manager Zachary 'Zach' Sasser (Treva) Frank Sherard 403 Steeple Chase Dr, LafayeEe, LA 70506-5085 Phone: 337.234.5182 Phone: C - 337.296.3749 E-mail: office@fpclafayeEe.org E-mail: zsasser@fpclafayeEe.org, zsasser@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Tom Foard Monique ‘Mo’ Peddy (M. C., Jr.) 110 Shannon Rd, LafayeEe, LA 70503 144 Normandy Dr, LafayeEe, LA 70503 Phone: H - 337.984.7353, C - 337.288.3466 Phone: 337.298.8825 E-mail: Thomas.h.foard@morganstanley.com E-mail: mpeddy1@gmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY LAFAYETTE – GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021955 518 Roselawn Boulevard, LafayeEe, LA 70503-4012 Phone: 337.984.6400 E-mail: gracpreb@bellsouth.net Website: gracelafayeEe.org Pastor Secretary John T. Wamsley (Linda) Sarah Gaspard 655 Marie AntoineEe St, Apt 142, LafayeEe, LA 70506 Phone: 337.984.6400 Phone: C – 337.207.6056 E-mail: gracpreb@bellsouth.net Fax: 337.984.6412 E-mail: jwamsley16@hotmail.com Treasurers Clerk of Session Jeff Elmore Lynne Castle 101 Wicklowe Rd, LafayeEe, LA 70503 655 Marie AntoineEe St #113, LafayeEe, LA 70506 Phone: H – 337.981.3270 Phone: H – 337.406.0562, C – 337.849.0506 E-mail: gracpreb@bellsouth.net E-mail: lec4242@bellsouth.net Janet Stelly 212 Belle Maison Dr, LafayeEe, LA 70506 Phone: H – 337.984.9768 E-mail: gracpreb@bellsouth.net LAFAYETTE – TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 010782 3001 Verot School Road, LafayeEe, LA 70508-5422 E-mail: trinityprez@gmail.com Phone: 337.856.8145 Website: Fax: Stated Supply Robert F. 'Bob' Ogle (Cheryl) Secretary Cheryl Ogle 123 N. Meyers Drive, LafayeEe, LA 70508 Phone: O - 337.856.8145, C- 337.344.3181 Phone: H – 337.984.7183, C – 337.344.8481 E-mail: cogle@wcala.org E-mail: ogles5@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Jeff Townsdin Cindy Rankin 103 Lita Dr, LafayeEe, LA 70507 414 Broadmoor Blvd, LafayeEe, LA 70503 Phone: H - 337.237.6322, C- 337.347.3447 Phone: H – 337.981.2581 E-mail: treastrinitypres@gmail.com E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY LAKE CHARLES – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021956 P O Box 4665, Lake Charles, LA 70606-4665 Street Address: 2525 2nd Avenue, Lake Charles, LA 70601 E-mail: secretary@1stpreslc.com Phone: 337.433.4667 Fax: 337.433.4601 Website: firstpres-lc.org Pastor Secretary Chandler M. 'Chan' Willis, Sr. (Barrie) Wendy Dees 710 W. McNeese St #17, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Phone: 337.433.4667 Phone: H – 225.344.1635, C – 985.246.9752 E-mail: secretary@1stpreslc.com E-mail: pastor@1stpreslc.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Rebecca Liles Dorothy Strait 1615 Twen)eth St, Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: O - 337.491.8701, C - 337.842.0068 Phone: H - 337.479.0400, C - 337.794.5852 E-mail: beccakay1@yahoo.com E-mail: straddoro@aol.com LAKE CHARLES – ST. ANDREW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021957 4020 Hodges Street, Lake Charles, LA 70605-2920 E-mail: standrewpres@suddenlinkmail.com Presbyterian Campus Fellowship E-mail: pcfmcneese@yahoo.com Phone: 337.477.6166 Fax: 337.477.6002 Website: www.standrewpres.com Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary NaneEe H. 'Nani' Cagney Anita Duhon 1420 N. Chateau Circle, Lake Charles, LA 70605-1312 Phone: 337.477.6166 Phone: H – 337.477.3986, C – 337.794.6197 E-mail: standrewpres@suddenlinkmail.com E-mail: cagney13@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Ron Kaspar Marilyn Dunn 508 Orchard Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70605-4450 1216 Inverness Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605-2618 Phone: H – 337.477.5374, C – 337.794.3527 Phone: H – 337.477.5396, C - 337.802.2515 E-mail: ronorreta@yahoo.com E-mail: msdrgd@yahoo.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY LEESVILLE – ST. ANDREW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011592 751 Abe Allen Memorial Drive, Leesville, LA 71446-4163 E-mail: standrewleesville@aE.net Commissioned Ruling Elder Phone: 337.238.3999 Website: Fax: Secretary Sandra ‘Sandy’ Brister (Kenneth) 100 Oakbrook Dr, Pineville, LA 71360 Phone: Phone: H - 318 .640.1363, C - 318.451.3520 E-mail: E-mail: chaplainsandy4@aol.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Marcel El Koubi (Nancy) Terri Wessling 173 El Koubi Road, Leesville, LA 71446 216 Roy Bridges Rd, Leesville, LA 71446 Phone: H – 337.238.3549, C – 337.208.4150 Phone: H – 337.238.1506, C – 337.397.2733 E-mail: marcel@cebridge.net E-mail: terrimclellanwessling@yahoo.com MADISONVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021959 P.O. Box 417, Madisonville, LA 70447-0417 Street Address: 701 Pine St., Madisonville, LA 70447 Phone: 985.845.8901 E-mail: jwilliamanderson@aE.net Website: madisonvillepc.org Stated Supply Fax: 985.370.5090 Secretary James W. 'Jim' Anderson (Carroll) P.O. Box 326, Ponchatoula, LA 70454-0326 Phone: Phone: H – 985.386.2090 E-mail: E-mail: jwilliamanderson@aE.net Treasurer Clerk of Session John Malm Jimmie Ann Thompson 19340 Kenzie Rd, Covington, LA 70435 12588 Joiner Wymer Rd, Covington, LA 70433 Phone: H – 985.809.9317 Phone: H – 985.892.2306, C - 985.335.0605 E-mail: j.malm@ieee.org E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY METAIRIE – JOHN CALVIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021962 4201 Transcon)nental Drive, Metairie, LA 70006-2647 E-mail: dianne.boan@johncalvinchurch.org Phone: 504.888.1375 Fax: 504.779.5823 Website: www.johncalvinchurch.org Pastor Secretary Harry A. Brown (Laurell) Dianne Boan 19 Echezeaux Street, Kenner, LA 70065 Phone: 504.888.1375, C - 504.432.4304 Phone: H – 504.469.0515, C – 504.982.4775 E-mail: dianne.boan@johncalvinchurch.org E-mail: harry.brown@johncalvinchurch.org Treasurer (Receiving) Clerk of Session Dianne Boan William H. BoEomley, III 3 Rue Saint Louis, Kenner, LA 70075 4800 Zenith Street, Apt. 234, Metairie, LA 70001-1183 Phone: H - 504.305.0515, C - 504.432.4304 Phone: H – 504.885.3850, C – 504.296.9710 E-mail: dpboan@live.com E-mail: pslclerk@earthlink.net METAIRIE – METAIRIE RIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021963 215 Phosphor Avenue, Metairie, LA 70005-3732 E-mail: metridgepc@yahoo.com Phone: 504.833.6357 Fax: 504.833.1419 Website: www.metairieridgepc.org Pastor Secretary Daniel L. ‘Dan’ Robertson (Sara) Julie Boudreaux 600 Codifer Blvd, Metairie, LA 70005 Phone: 504.833.6357 Phone: C - 504.314.1186 E-mail: metridgepc@yahoo.com E-mail: robertsonmrpc@aE.net Treasurer Clerk of Session PaJe Stanley CharloEe MaEhew 417 Dorrington Blvd, Metairie, LA 70005 241 Metairie Heights, Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: H - 504.834.3462, C - 504.388.4554 Phone: H - 504.831.2435, C - 504.905.2858 E-mail: stanley417@cox.net E-mail: charloEe1753@yahoo.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY METAIRIE – PARKWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021964 6200 Camphor Street, Metairie, LA 70003-3639 E-mail: secretary1@ppc.nocoxmail.com Phone: 504.733.1644 Fax: 504.733.1112 Website: www.parkwaypresbyterianchurch.com Pastor Administra-ve Assistant A. Thomas 'Tom' Paine (Lesley) Jackie Hezeau 6800 Blanke Street, Metairie, LA 70003 Phone: 504.733.1644 Phone: C - 504.444.1813 E-mail: jackie@ppc.nocoxmail.com E-mail: paine.tom@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Bill Weissborn Martha Bauman 4108 Academy, Metairie, LA 70003 429 Pellerin Dr, Kenner, LA 70065 Phone: H - 504.887.1485 Phone: H - 504.468.3091 E-mail: billw30@cox.net E-mail: marthabauman@bellsouth.net MORGAN CITY – ATKINSON MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021965 P.O. Box 3164, Morgan City, LA 70381-3164 Phone: 985.384.7685 Street Address: 212 Fourth St., Morgan City, LA 70381 E-mail: ampc@bellsouth.net Website: www.atkinsonmemorial.org Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary H. Richard Maag (Maggie) Lisa Breaux 4904 Clarke Street, Metairie, LA 70006 Phone: 985.384.7685 Phone: H - 504.780.9165, C - 985.714.2002 E-mail: ampc@bellsouth.net Fax: 985.384.7685 E-mail: hmaag@cox.net Treasurer Clerk of Session PaEy Ellis (Les) Leslie ‘Les’ Ellis (PaEy) 400 Snead, Berwick, LA 70342-2024 400 Snead; Berwick, LA 70342-2024 Phone: H - 985.924.8058 Phone: H - 985.384.8058, C - 985.759.1414 E-mail: paEyellis@atvci.net E-mail: tcpipe@tricitypipe.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY NEW IBERIA – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF IBERIA PARISH PIN: 011638 P O Box 13350, New Iberia, LA 70562-3350 Phone: 337.364.8118 Fax: 337.364.0936 Street address: 204 N. Lewis Street, New Iberia, LA 70563-2841 E-mail: fpcni@bellsouth.net Website: www.fpcni.org Pastor Secretary Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Marvin Wingfield, Sr Hal Burge 1718 Vida Shaw Rd, New Iberia, LA 70563 705 Loreauville Rd, New Iberia, LA 70563 Phone: H - 337.229.8560, C - 337.967.3635 Phone: H - 337.364.1427, 337.380.2115 E-mail: marvin992@cox.net E-mail: swamp705@cox.net NEW ORLEANS – BEREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021967 P.O. Box 50549, New Orleans, LA 70150-0549 Phone: 504.525.3198 Fax: 504.525.3198 Street Address: 1629 Simon Bolivar Ave, New Orleans, LA 70113-2331 E-mail: presbycarl@gmail.com Pastor Website: Treasurer Aaron H. Steele (Rhonda Prevost) P.O. Box 2521, New Orleans, LA 70176 Phone: Phone: H - 504.899.8136, C - 504.231.3852 E-mail: E-mail: aaron.steel@irs.gov Treasurer Clerk of Session Faye W. Mar)n (Elvin) Carl Williams 4002 Dryades Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 1528 Melplmene St, New Orleans, LA 70130 Phone: H - 504.891.8384, C - 504.460.2318 Phone: H - 504.586.9177, C - 504.289.9965 E-mail: favmar)an@bellsouth.net E-mail: carlassociates@bellsouth.net CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY NEW ORLEANS – CARROLLTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021969 4302 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70119-5945 E-mail: Stated Supply Phone: 504.861.8102 Website: Fax: Secretary Lloyd A. Harsch (Jill) 4337 Seminary Place, New Orleans, LA 70126 Phone: Phone: C - 504.343.3144 E-mail: E-mail: geldman6115@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Norman Haydel Mary J. Koss 408 Kent Ave, Metairie, LA 70001 7710 Sycamore, New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: H - 504.455.4291, C - 504.415.6680 Phone: O - 504.831-4949, H - 504.866.4056 C - 504.442.0885 E-mail: maryk@bb-cpa.com E-mail: nhaydel53@gmail.com NEW ORLEANS – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021974 5401 S. Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70125-4997 Phone: 504.866.7409 E-mail: info@fpcno.org Website: www. fpcno.org Pastor Secretary Fred J. Powell, III Cheryl A. Roberts 4409 Fontainbleau Ave, New Orleans, LA 70125 Phone: 504.866.7409 Phone: C - 803.209.5807 E-mail: info@fpcno.org E-mail: phledd3@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Kristy Ruppel TBD 2120 TaY Park, Metairie, LA 70001 Phone: H - 504.456.7457, C - 504.401.0559 Phone: E-mail: kristyruppel@gmail.com E-mail: Fax: 504.866.7400 CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY NEW ORLEANS – KOREAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 010780 7001 Canal Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124-3409 E-mail: yjin94@gmail.com Phone: 504.444.2884 Fax: Website: www.kpcno.org Pastor Secretary Young Chang Jin (Hea Yeon Jin) 7018 Vicksburg St, New Orleans, LA 70124 Phone: Phone: H - 504.444.2884 E-mail: E-mail: yjin94@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Young My Kim Young My Kim Phone: H - , C - Phone: H - C - E-mail: E-mail: NEW ORLEANS – LAKEVIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011786 5914 Canal Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124-2954 E-mail: lakeviewpresbyterian@lpcno.org Phone: 504.482.7892 Fax: 504.483.3764 Website: www.lpcno.org Pastor Administra-ve Assistant BarreE C. Milner (Carrie) Amelie Welman 74 Hawk St, New Orleans, LA 70124-4118 Phone: 504.482.7892 Phone: C - 859.608.5254 E-mail: afwelman@lpcno.org E-mail: lpcnopastor@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Allen Porter Jim Miller 298 Midway Dr, River Ridge, LA 70123 6656 Vicksburg St, New Orleans, LA 70124 Phone: H - 504.737.1008, C - 504.201.4723 Phone: C - 504.343.0634 E-mail: aporter521@gmail.com E-mail: jwmilz@bellsouth.net CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY NEW ORLEANS – ST. CHARLES AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021979 1545 State Street, New Orleans, LA 70118-6147 Phone: 504.897.0101 Fax: 504.897.0105 E-mail: events@scapc.org Website: www.scapc.org Pastor Administra-ve Assistant Donald R. 'Don' Frampton (Colleen) 538 Joseph St, New Orleans, LA 70115 Phone: O - 504.897.0101 x110, H - 504.894.7070, C - 504.952.0774 E-mail: frampton@scapc.org Emily Fleshman Phone: O - 504.897.0101 x 112 E-mail: emily@scapc.org Interim Associate Pastor Philip L. ‘Phil’ Stagg (Molly) 2932 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70115 Phone: C - 985.516.5977 Interim Associate Pastor F. James ‘Jim’ Stayton (Sue) 510 W Charles St, Hammond, LA 70401 Phone: C - 985.634.0121 E-mail: phil@scapc.org E-mail: jim@scapc.org Treasurer Lee Randall Clerk of Session John Pearce 170 Walnut, Unit 3F, New Orleans, LA 70118 1441 Washington Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130 Phone: H - 504.866.7435, C - 504.220.3279 Phone: O - 504.585.7674, H - 504.304.1054 E-mail: leewran@aE.net E-mail: jpearce@monbar.com NORWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021983 P.O. Box 214, Norwood, LA 70761-0214 Street Address: 13922 Elm St, Norwood, LA 70761 Phone: 225.629.5151 E-mail: Website: Pastor Fax: Secretary Phone: Phone: E-mail: E-mail: Clerk of Session Treasurer Jack R. Jones, Jr. Becky Bellue 7240 Hwy 422, Norwood, LA 70761 P O Box 35, 4060 Norwood Blvd, Norwood, LA 70761 Phone: H - 225.629.5948, C - 225.719.2065 Phone: H - 225.629.5561 E-mail: rebeccabellue200@msn.com O - 601.645.5214 E-mail: richlandinc@hotmail.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY PEARL RIVER – NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011140 63140 N. Military Road, Pearl River, LA 70452-4134 E-mail: info@northminster.info Phone: 985.863.3331 Fax: 985.863.0160 Website: www.northminster.info Pastor Secretary Margaret A. ‘Peggy’ Brown Phone: 4438 Bienville Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119 E-mail: Phone: C - 307.689.0243 E-mail: revpeg_gw@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Jan Ritchey Lynn Johnson 63140 N. Military Road, Pearl River, LA 70452 804 Hancock Court, Slidell, LA 70458 Phone: O - 985.863.0800 Phone: H - 985.646.0159, C - 985.502.8884 E-mail: northminster@aE.net E-mail: LynnMarieTJ82@gmail.com PINEVILLE – PALMER MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021985 820 Williams Lake Rd, Pineville, LA 71360-9392 Street Address: 386 Williams Lake Road, Pineville, LA 71360 E-mail: Pastor Phone: 318.487.9237 Fax: Website: Secretary Phone: E-mail: Phone: E-mail: Treasurer Clerk of Session Callie Voorhies Abner Voorhies 820 Williams Lake Rd, Pineville, LA 71360-9392 820 Williams Lake Rd, Pineville, LA 71360-9392 Phone: H – 318.443.5000 Phone: H - 318.443.5000 E-mail: E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY PINEVILLE – WOODLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011255 2889 Military Highway, Pineville, LA 71360-4336 E-mail: woodland2@suddenlinkmail.com Phone: 318.640.3023 Fax: Facebook: hEps://www.facebook.com/woodlandpcusa Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary Jane M. Conerly (Bill) 131 Dana Dr, Pineville, LA 71360 Phone: Phone: H - 318.442.3563, C - 318.229.9543 E-mail: E-mail: janeconerly14@suddenlink.net Treasurer Clerk of Session Wayne Staton Barbara Breedlove 128 Dana Drive, Pineville, LA 71360 320 Park Place Dr, Alexandria, LA 71301 Phone: H - 318.487.9310, C - 318.452.4000 Phone: H - 318.487.9911 E-mail: scis@suddenlink.net E-mail: bbreedlove838@suddenlink.net PONCHATOULA – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021986 197 S. 4th Street, Ponchatoula, LA 70454-2605 E-mail: sgspring@bellsouth.net Phone: 985.386.8422 Fax: 985.386.8422 Facebook: hEps://www.facebook.com/First.Presbyterian.Church.Ponchatoula.LA Stated Supply Secretary Stephen A. Sanders (Claire) 40430 E. I-55 Service Rd, #57, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 Phone: Phone: H - 985.467.0460, C - 985.687.7437 E-mail: E-mail: stephen.sanders@selu.edu Treasurer Clerk of Session Jill Head A. J. Bodker P.O. Box 353, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 2064 Angela Dr, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 Phone: H - 985.386.8231, C - 985.981.9912 Phone: H - 985.386.3902, C - 985.974.0354 E-mail: jill.ray@charter.net E-mail: CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY PORT ALLEN – WEST BATON ROUGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021987 P.O. Box 486, Port Allen, LA 70767-0486 Street Address: 640 Florida Ave., Port Allen, LA 70767 E-mail: mayersd@cox.net Phone: 225.344.1486 Fax: Website: www.westbrpres.org Stated Supply Secretary James W. 'Jim' Sawyer (Anita) Dean A. Mayers (Suzanne) 14713 Breton Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: H - 225.627.5000, C - 225.939.4026 Phone: H - 225.275.6362, C - 225.937.7888 E-mail: mayersd@cox.net E-mail: jsawyer53@cox.net Co-Treasurer Clerk of Session Suzanne H. 'Sue' Mayers (Dean) Dean A. Mayers (Suzanne) 7430 Rougon Road, Port Allen, LA 70767 7430 Rougon Road, Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: H - 225.627.5000, C - 225.937.6119 Phone: H - 225.627.5000, C - 225.939.4026 E-mail: shmayers@cox.net E-mail: mayersd@cox.net Co-Treasurer Mrs. Jimmie Oliver 4464 South River Road, Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: H - 225.749.5771, C - 225.939.8679 E-mail: jimmieoliver@yahoo.com RACELAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021989 P.O. Box 326, Raceland, LA 70394-0326 Street Address: 3883 Highway 308, Raceland, LA 70394 Phone: 225.572.6093 975.537.3609 E-mail: valndon@charter.net Website: Fax: Commissioned Ruling Elder Secretary Glenda K. Keegan (Harold) Donovan 'Don' Bourgeois (Valerie) 1224 Carter Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: 985.537.3609 Phone: C - 225.572.6093 E-mail: valndon@charter.net E-mail: keegan.glenda@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Harris Adams Donovan ‘Don’ Bourgeois (Valerie) 137 South Service Rd, Raceland, LA 70394 196 Texas Street, Raceland, LA 70394 Phone: H - 985.537.6498 Phone: H - 985.537.3609 E-mail: valndon@charter.net E-mail: valndon@charter.net CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY SLIDELL – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021990 1041 Ninth Street, Slidell, LA 70458-2017 Phone: 985.643.0871 E-mail: churchoffice@i-55.com Website: fpcslidell.org Stated Supply Secretary T. Keith Abramowski Tana Patzer Fax: 985.643.0868 Phone: 985.643.0871 Phone: H - 985.288.0391, C - 318.664.0263 E-mail: churchoffice@i-55.com E-mail: kabramowski@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Laurie Clark Wilma Dickey 214 Hampshire Dr, Slidell, LA 70461 58090 Liberty Oaks, Slidell, LA 70460 Phone: H - 985.847.9353 Phone: H - 985.641.1076 E-mail: l.clark1980@aol.com E-mail: finooone@yahoo.com SULPHUR – WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021991 301 Center Circle, Sulphur, LA 70663-5533 Phone: 337.625.5249 Fax: E-mail: westminster@sulphurchurch.org Website: www.sulphurchurch.org Commissioned Ruling Elder Commissioned Ruling Elder Erich D. Mansell (Leslie) Leslie E. Mansell (Erich) 513 N. Lebanon St, Sulphur, LA 70663 513 N. Lebanon St, Sulphur, LA 70663 Phone: H - 337.625.6876, C - 337.802.6382 Phone: H - 337.625.6876, C - 337.802.8907 E-mail: erichmansell@gmail.com E-mail: mansells@bellsouth.net Treasurer Clerk of Session James D. 'Jim' Thorne James D. 'Jim' Thorne 203 Audalia, Sulphur, LA 70663 203 Audalia, Sulphur, LA 70663 Phone: H - 337.625.5384 Phone: H - 337.625.5384 E-mail: thornecorp@aol.com E-mail: thornecorp@aol.com CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERY WELSH – FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 021994 305 W. Hudspeth St, Welsh, LA 70591-4221 E-mail: Phone: 337.734.3212 Website: Pastor Fax: Secretary Constance McIntosh 208 N. Joseph St, Welsh, LA 70591-3826 Phone: Phone: H - 337.734.2948, C - 626.590.6470 E-mail: E-mail: BayouRevMac@gmail.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Mary Gaudin Mary Reighney P.O. Box 186, Welsh, LA 70591-0186 825 Willowood Circle, Welsh, LA 70591 Phone: H -337.734.2893 Phone: H - 337.370.6515 E-mail: gaumary@centurytel.net E-mail: treighney@gmail.com ZACHARY, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIN: 011791 P.O. Box 624, Zachary, LA 70791-0624 Phone: 225.654.8359 Fax: Street Address: 4580 Lakewood Dr., Zachary, LA 70791 E-mail: richmondrandall@yahoo.com Website: zacharyfirstpresbyterian.org Pastor Secretary Randall G. 'Randy' Richmond (Terri) Kathleen Yllander 883 E. Plains-Port Hudson Road, Zachary, LA 70791-6026 Phone: 225.654.8359 Phone: H – 225.658.9925, C – 225.614.6941 E-mail: kyllander@aol.com E-mail: richmondrandall@yahoo.com Treasurer Clerk of Session Kathleen Yllander Kathleen Yllander P.O. Box 431, Zachary, LA 70791 P.O. Box 431, Zachary, LA 70791 Phone: H – 225.654.4764, C – 225.938.6211 Phone: H – 225.654.4764, C – 225.938.6211 E-mail: kyllander@aol.com E-mail: kyllander@aol.com OTHER MINISTERS - ACTIVE ROLL Brubaker, Crawford F, III Brubaker, Layne B. (Crawford) Carroll, John T., Ph.D. (Cindy Walker) Desterhaft, Janice Evans, Ronald T. 'Ron' Hendrix, Nancy M., MSLS, M.Div. Irvine, Elizabeth T. 'Betsy' (Stuart) Krajewski, Gary A. (Kathryn Herrold) Paine, Lesley Blair, M-Div (Tom) Peacock, Jean Marie, MDiv; MSW (Peter Kulakosky) Pitcher, Richard W. 'Rick', D.Min. (Deborah) Pussman, David B. (Sabelyn) Richardson, Gilley G. 'Gil' (Cindy) Chaplain, Hospice Compassus, Metairie, LA Specialized Minister, YAV Site Director, New Orleans, LA Professor, Union Seminary-PSCE, Richmond, VA Member-at-Large, Houston, TX Member-at-Large, New Orleans, LA Chaplain, Christus Hospice and Palliative Care, Alexandria, LA Member-at-Large, Baton Rouge, LA Member-at-Large, Excelsior, MN Member-at-Large, Metairie, LA Specialized Minister, Evangelist, Westbank Community Ministries, Harvey, LA Hospice Chaplain/Pastoral Counselor, Baton Rouge, LA Member-at-Large, Austin, TX U.S. Army Chaplain, Fort Sam Houston, TX Robson, Martha J. Member-at-Large, New Orleans, LA Rollins, James A. ‘Jim’ (Chris) Member-at-Large, Baton Rouge, LA Thomas, Jennie Thursby, Barbara (Don) Vanek, Daniel C (Haley) Wolfe, Hawley L. (Anne) Staff Chaplain, The McFarland Institute, New Orleans, LA Member-at-Large, Albany, LA Chaplain, St Tammany Parish Hospital & Hospice, Covington, LA Member-at-Large, Baton Rouge, LA HONORABLY RETIRED MINISTERS - ACTIVE ROLL Anderson, James W. ‘Jim’, Th.D. (Carroll) Stated Supply, Madisonville, LA Bennett, William J. ‘Bill’ New Orleans, LA Brooks, Claire Vonk (Gary) New Orleans, LA Brown, J. Ewing (Sabra) Austin, TX Brown, William J. ‘Bill’ New Orleans, LA Carr, S. Wallace, Ph.D. (Ruth) Carver, W. Edmund ‘Ed’, D Div. (Norean) Cutter, Alan (Ann) Dinkins, Frederic R. ‘Fred’, Th.M. (Frances) Fischer, George J. (Louise) Frazier, Shirley R. Covington, LA Stated Supply, Clinton & Norwood, LA Baton Rouge, LA Fayetteville, NC Luling, LA Marrero, LA Hahn, Jr., C. Joseph ‘Joe’ (Lilian) Baton Rouge, LA Heaton, Charlene Baton Rouge, LA Hopper, George D. Birmingham, AL Krajeski, Richard L. ‘Dick’, M.Div. (Kris Peterson) Gray, LA Mackintosh, William H. ‘Will’, Ph.D. (Ruth) New Orleans, LA Malsbary, Robert E. ‘Bob’, Pastor Emeritus (Jane) New Orleans, LA McGehee, Elizabeth G. ‘Betty’ Murray, James C. ‘Jim’ (Anna Lee) Oler, L. Thomas 'Tom' (Sharon) Bradenton, FL Jenks, OK Estancia, NM Pride, Herman (Karen) Baton Rouge, LA Roeling, Judith Gabel ‘Judy’, MCE, M.Div. (Ted) Baton Rouge, LA Roeling, Sr., Theodore W. ‘Ted’, Pastor Emeritus (Judy) Stated Supply, Church of the Way, Baton Rouge, LA Rogers, Robert M. (Carolyn) Sawyer, James W. ‘Jim’, D. Min. (Anita) Spaulding, John H., D. Min., Pastor Emeritus (Patti) Stagg, Philip L. ‘Phil’ (Molly) Stalcup, Bobby L. ‘Bob’, Th.D. (Thelma) Stayton, F. James ‘Jim” (Sue) Stuart, Jr., George R. Sutto, Ronald J. ‘Ron’ (Karen) Tipton, Julius ‘Tip’ (Beverly) Weathersby, Robert L. (Donna) Wells, Richard C. ‘Dick’, D. Min. (Dodie) Youngsville, LA Stated Supply, West Baton Rouge, Port Allen, LA Stated Supply, Gheens & Carolyn Park, Arabi, LA Interim Associate Pastor, SCAPC, New Orleans, LA Tyler, TX Interim Associate Pastor, SCAPC, New Orleans, LA Marks, MS General Presbyter & Stated Clerk, Harvey, LA Baton Rouge, LA Hammond, LA Austin, TX CANDIDATES FOR THE ORDAINED MINISTRY Ms. Lindsey Becker - New Orleans, St Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church Ms. Kathy Lee - Kenner, Chinese Presbyterian Church Mrs. Barbara Tomek-White - Lake Charles, First Presbyterian Church Ms. Allie Utley - Metairie, Metairie Ridge Presbyterian Church Mrs. Elizabeth M. Soileau Acton (Andy) - Baton Rouge, Faith Presbyterian Church Mr. Charles ‘Chad’ Wright Pittman (Lauren) - New Orleans, First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Lauren Wright Pittman (Chad) - Gray, First Presbyterian of Bayou Blue Mr. Scott Crawford - Metairie, John Calvin Presbyterian Church Mr. Jeffrey M. Ferguson (Heidi) - Metairie, John Calvin Presbyterian Church Ms. Maegen Norman - Metairie, Metairie Ridge Presbyterian Church INQUIRERS Mr. Jerald ‘Jerry’ Egbert (Bok Soon) - DeRidder, First Presbyterian Church - University of Dubuque Seminary CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSIONED RULING ELDER Ms. Miriam Schulingkamp - New Orleans, St Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church Mr. Bob Emanuel (Christi) - Lake Charles, First Presbyterian Church Mr. James P. Goff (Bernadette) - Pearl River, Northminster Presbyterian Church Mrs. Gayan Juarez (Paul) - Harvey, Faith Presbyterian Church Dr. Tom Tucker - Baton Rouge, Highland Presbyterian Church Mr. Dale Tullier (Nora) - Baton Rouge, Broadmoor Presbyterian Church Mr. Jamie White (Mae Ann) - DeRidder, First Presbyterian Church WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION HOUSING CORPORATIONS WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, INC.: This is a benevolence foundation which assists in the Presbytery's mission of housing for older adults, together with making available consultants to the housing corporations and the Foundation. The board is composed of seven members-at-large, plus president (or representative) of each housing corporation. WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Nancy Bourgeois, Ponchatoula Chris Levy, Hammond, Treasurer Jeff Day, Hammond President John Dardis, Hammond Rev. Claire Vonk Brooks, Kenner, Secretary Blair Sundquist, Covington Dave LeJeune, Welsh Brenda Birkett, Baker Stephenie Pittman, Metairie Rev. Don Thursby, Albany, Vice President Ford Dieth, River Ridge WESTMINSTER GARDENS I AND II 501 Edwin Neill Way, Hammond, LA 70403-4053 985.345.5010 Diane Mathews, Manager E-mail: 0732@nationalchurchresidences.org WESTMINSTER ALBANY I AND II 29955 West Street, Albany, LA 70711 225.567.9021 Diane Mathews, Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Rev. Don Thursby, Albany Ralph Shaw, Hammond, Treasurer Julius S. Megyesi, Livingston Rachel Koger, Ponchatoula John Dardis, Hammond Chris Levy, Hammond Nina Ross, Hammond, Secretary Anne Magnuson, Hammond James King, Hammond Vice President Louise Kaltenbaugh, Belle Chasse Janet Bornkessel, Hammond Anna Arceneaux Wayne Kreko, Albany WESTMINSTER WOODS I AND II 1600 Avenue F, Bogalusa LA 70427-4900 985.735.5007 Frankie Blackwell, Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Joan Hortmann, Bogalusa Secretary Marsha Adams, Bogalusa Dr. Lynne Alexander, Bogalusa Frances J. Mills, Bogalusa President James Farmer, Bogalusa Eugene Hayman, Sandy Hook, MS Mary Boulware, Bogalusa Sylvia Drake, Bogalusa Kelli Garwood, Bogalusa Craig Thomas, Bogalusa Katie “Kitty” Baker, Bogalusa Bennie King, Bogalusa WESTMINSTER HOMES I AND II 1810 Cary Avenue, Jennings, LA 70546-3645 337.824.9835 Peggy Daigle, Manager E-mail: 0733@hotmail.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 ‘Sug’ Robertson, Jennings Herschel L. Bourque, Welsh President Jim Wright, Welsh Julia Leblanc, Roanoke Mary Reighney, Welsh Mary Gaudin, Welsh Dave Lejeune, Welsh Rev. Constance McIntosh, Welsh Sonny Lyons, Jennings Vice-President Kirk Dommert, Jennings WESTMINSTER TOWER I AND II 2301 Idaho Avenue, Kenner, LA 70062-0000 504.469.4056 Trisha Crain, Manager E-mail: 0730@nationalchurchresidences.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Kent Meyers, Covington Stephanie Pittman, Metairie President Rev. Claire Vonk Brooks, New Orleans Secretary Susan Ann Hom, RN, BSN, MSN, Metairie Blair Sundquist, Covington Vice-President Chuck Prewitt, River Ridge Martha Edwards, Metairie Rev. Tom Paine, Metairie Frances Rodgers, Metairie WESTMINSTER PLACE 250 S. First Street, Ponchatoula, LA 70454-2646 Latasha Hutton Banks, Manager E-mail: 0731@nationalchurchresidences.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Jeff Day, Hammond Alfred Hanible, Hammond President Lawrence J. Drude, Jr., Ponchatoula C. W. Kinchen, Ponchatoula J. R. Bardwell, Ponchatoula Vice-President Ann Poche, Ponchatoula Katherine Yeargain, Ponchatoula Albert Poche, Ponchatoula Nancy Bourgeois, Ponchatoula Rhonda Sheridan, Ponchatoula Secretary WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, INC. 1800 Rosenwald Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70807-4318 225.774.2525 Harold Robinson, Manager E-mail: 0861@nationalchurchresidences.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Luttrell Cox, Baton Rouge Al Barron, Baton Rouge Cheryl Reams, Baton Rouge Robert McKinnis, Baton Rouge Brenda Birkett, Baker Secretary Mildred W. Penson, Baton Rouge Treasurer Marion Zachary, Baton Rouge Homer J. Scott, Jr, Baton Rouge Rep. Dalton Honoré, Baton Rouge Consultants Carol Fernandez Joyce Stowers Todd Puhl Housing Consultant Regional Director Regional Vice President Westminster Foundation National Church Residences National Church Residences NATIONAL CHURCH RESIDENCES: Beginning July 1, 1994, the Westminster Foundation, Inc. contracted with National Church Residences (NCR) for the management (receiving, managing, disbursing funds) of the Foundation's properties and for development support. NCR is one of the largest national providers of Section 202 senior housing and is headquartered at 2335 Northbank Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43220; phone (800) 388-2151; FAX (614) 451-0351; Thomas W. Slemmer, President; Christina Garcia Sanchez, Regional Director, 3500 Camino Real, Suite 106, San Antonio, TX 78238; phone: (210) 680-9199. CAMP & CONFERENCE CENTERS FELICIANA RETREAT CENTER - http://www.felicianaretreat.org 10274 Highway 422, Norwood, LA 70761; Phone: (225) 683-9420 Fax: (225) 683-8310 MONTREAT CONFERENCE CENTER - http://www.montreat.org P. O. Box 969 Montreat, NC 28757; Phone 1-828-669-2911 or 1-800-572-2257. MO-RANCH Presbyterian Conference Center - http://www.moranch.com/ HC1 Box 158 Hunt, TX 78024-9711; Voice 1-800-460-4401 or 830-238-4455. Evergreen's mission is to help people with disabilities build better lives. Southwest Louisiana Southeast Louisiana 1146 Hodges St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 337.433.9495 906 C. M. Fagan Dr., Hammond, LA 70403 985.543.6591 Keith Stevenson, Executive Director kstevenson@epmi.org Doug Ryland, Executive Director dryland@epmi.org We provide Christ-centered care and support for children and families in need since 1903. PCHAS values its covenant relationship with the Synod of the Sun, its member presbyteries and congregations. The Baton Rouge Child and Family Program offers preventative in-home services and strengthens family relationships. Contact: Mavis Matthews, Child and Family Specialist, (225) 252-1914, mavis.matthews@pchas.org Lynn Howard, Development Officer, (225) 276-1421, lynn.howard@pchas.org PRESBYTERY AGENCIES Listed below are agencies to which the Presbytery contributes support, or elects representatives, or both. PRESBYTERIAN FOUNDATION OF LOUISIANA, INC. A foundation affiliated with the Synod of Louisiana, this group provides scholarships to students in medicine and engineering. For scholarship information, contact: The Rev. John S. Spaulding, 504.733.2326 or Nell Johnston, Scholarship Chair, 504.737.1691. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nominated by the Board, elected by Synod of the Sun Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 John H. Spaulding F. David Grissett Ann W. Graff Nell Johnston Vacant Karen Eigenbrod LOUISIANA BOARD OF PRESBYTERIAN PUBLICATIONS Established during the era when Louisiana was a Synod of the Presbyterian Church U.S., the foundation continues to administer funds, making annual grants to the church in the area of publications and other media. It's membership is elected by the Presbyteries of the Pines and of South Louisiana. Officers: TE Zach Sasser – President, PSL RE Nancy Bergeron – Secretary, Pines RE Sandra Watson – Vice President, Pines RE Lee Randall – Treasurer, PSL Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 TE Zach Sasser TE Jim Stayton TE Harry Brown RE Lee Randall RE Mary Mikell RE Mary Davis CAMPUS MINISTRIES LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY: UKirk Presbyterian Campus Ministry; Contact Rev. Mike Watson at University Presbyterian Church, 3240 Dalrymple Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802; 225.383.0345; mwatson@upcbr.org McNEESE STATE UNIVERSITY: St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 4020 Hodges St, Lake Charles, LA 70605; 337.477.6166; www. mcneesepcf.org; E-mail: pcfmcneese@yahoo.com SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY: First Presbyterian Church, P O Box 726, Hammond, LA 70404, 985.345.1543, Fax - 985.345.8523, E-mail: adm@fpchammond.org UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES OF NEW ORLEANS: Michelle Baker (mbakerno@gmail.com) and Beth Poe (bethpoe@tulane.edu); St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1545 State Street, New Orleans, LA 70118; 504.897.0101 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT LAFAYETTE: Campus Ministry (Wesley United Christian Ministry): The Rev. Daniel Hixon, Director, 337.235.6073; E-mail: daniel@u/wesley.com UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS: Young Adult Volunteer Alex Pappas working in conjunction with Episcopal Campus Ministries, Father John Craft, 2220 Lakeshore Dr, New Orleans, LA 70122; Fr Craft: 504.920.1223 LOUISIANA INTERCHURCH CONFERENCE (LIC) Composed of representatives of Louisiana judicatories of 13 denominations — Catholic and Protestant and Church Women United. The General Presbyter and his/her designate serve as members of the Board of Directors. LIC strives to identify, declare and strengthen essential unity in Christ. It is the intention of LIC to seek the realization of justice, mercy and reconciliation in society. Commissions, task forces and programs include: Faith and Order, Aging, Justice, Stewardship of the Environment, Television, and Farm. Father C. Dana 'Dan' Krutz, Executive Director; 527 North Blvd, 4th Floor, Baton Rouge, LA 70802; 225.344.0134 (o); FAX 225.344.0142 Synod Directory Toll free: 1-866-381-7075 Synod of the Sun Local: 214-390-1894 6100 Colwell Blvd, #200 Fax: 214-390-0755 Irving, Texas 75039 Website: www.synodsun.com Synod Moderator Ruling Elder Christianne Chase chasechristianne@gmail.com Member, Cimarron Presbytery First Presbyterian Church, Enid, OK Co-Leader for Mission and Partnership Co-Leader for Administration & Stated Clerk Rev. Dr. Dan Saperstein dsaperstein@synodsun.com Ruling Elder Valerie Knox Young vyoung@synodsun.com www.solarunderthesun.org PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-1396 1-888/728-7228 or www.pcusa.org The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has approximately 2.3 million members, 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ordained and active ministers. Presbyterians trace their history to the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation. Our heritage, and much of what we believe, began with the French lawyer John Calvin (1509-1564), whose writings crystallized much of the Reformed thinking that came before him. Presbyterians are distinctive in two major ways: they adhere to a pattern of religious thought known as Reformed theology and a form of government that stresses the active, representational leadership of both ministers and church members. Portions of the Presbyterian church in the United States have separated from the main body, and some parts have reunited, several times. The greatest division occurred in 1861 during the American Civil War. The two branches created by that division were reunited in 1983 to form the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), currently the largest Presbyterian group in this country. Some of the principles articulated by John Calvin remain at the core of Presbyterian beliefs. Among these are the sovereignty of God, the authority of the scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. What they mean is that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God's purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) through Jesus is God's generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments. It is everyone's job - ministers and lay people alike - to share this Good News with the whole world. That is also why the Presbyterian church is governed at all levels by a combination of clergy and laity, men and women alike. Presbyterian Distribution Service (PDS) — 1-800-524-2612 or http://store.pcusa.org The Presbyterian Planning Calendar; the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study, and the Book of Order, as well as devotional and study resources. Presbyterian Foundation — 200 East Twelfth Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, http://www.presbyterianfoundation.org The Presbyterian Foundation can provide material witness to Presbyterians’ support of the church and its mission through gifts, bequests, and deferred giving. PSL contact: Sherry Kenney, 376 Albion St, Denver, CO 80220 Phone: 720-402-1156 or 855-342-4130, E-mail: sherry.kenney@presbyterianfoundation.org Presbyterian Outlook — 1-800-446-6008 or www.pres-outlook.com. A weekly independent paper. Presbyterian Publishing Corporation — 1-800-672-1789 or www.ppcbooks.com - Church school curriculum, Presbyterian hymnbooks, and Christian Education catalog items. The Presbyterian Leader - www.thepresbyterianleader.com These Days - www.ppcbooks.com/thesedays.asp The Thoughtful Christian - www.thethoughtfulchristian.com Westminster John Knox Press - www.wjkbooks.com Presbyterians Today — 1-888-728-7228 x5637 or www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/today The award-winning general-interest magazine of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with articles about Presbyterian people, beliefs and mission. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Abramowski, The Rev. T. Keith Stated Supply, First Presbyterian Church 1041 Ninth St, Slidell, LA 70458-2017 H - 985.288.0391, C - 318.664.0263 E-mail: kabramowski@yahoo.com Adams, Ms. Marsha P. O. Box 474, Bogalusa, LA 70429 H - 985.732.2682 E-mail: kba54@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2016 Alexander, Dr. Lynne P. 1623 Piney Branch Rd. Bogalusa, LA 70427 O - 985.732.2575, H - 985.735.5189 E-mail: DRLPALEX@gmail.com Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2016 WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2017 Alleman, Mr. Pete 110 Thorn Dr, Youngsville, LA 70592 Google Voice - 337.205.3125 E-mail: pete@ralph.lafayeEe.la.us CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Anderson, Mrs. Donna Gay 706 E. Charles St, Hammond, LA 70401 H - 985.345.7777, C - 985.969.7779 E-mail: dganderson1@gmail.com Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, Transforma)on SubcommiEee Anderson, The Rev. Dr. James W. 'Jim' Stated Supply, Madisonville Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 417, Madisonville, LA 70447-0417 O - 985.845.8901, H - 985.386.2090 E-mail: jwilliamanderson@aE.net Honorably Re)red Arceneaux, Mrs. Anna P. O. Box 685, Albany, LA 70711 H - 225.567.3560, C - 985.507.9710 WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2017 Bo:omley, III, Mr. William H. 'Bill' 4800 Zenith Street, Apt. 234, Metairie, LA 70001-1183 O - 504.734.4304, H - 504.885.3850, C - 504.296.9710 E-mail: pslclerk@earthlink.net Barron, Mr. Al 5334 Bellfountaine Ct, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2016 H - 225.767.0277, C - 225.205.8479 Boulware, Mrs. Mary E-mail: albarron@live.com 1005 Beauregarde Circle, Bogalusa, LA 70427 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2016 H - 985.735.0261, C - 985.516.1669 WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2015 Benton, Mrs. Rachel 231 Forest Loop, Mandeville, LA 70471 Bourgeois, Ms. Nancy H - 985.792.5258 131 Ann Dr, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 E-mail: mbenton@loyno.edu H - 985.507.1797 Personnel CommiEee, 2017 E-mail: laacep@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2015 Beveridge, Dr. Martha WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2015 4916 Laurel St, New Orleans, LA 70115 H - 504.899.2224, C - 504.481.3417 Bourque, Mr. Herschel L. E-mail: magistrabibita@aol.com 8463 Highway 99, Welsh, LA 70591 CommiEee on Minstry, 2015 O - 337.734-2223, H - 337.734.3643, C - 337.540.2094 Birke:, Dr. Brenda E-mail: maximswaterwell@yahoo.com 7970 Dyer Rd., Baker, LA 70714 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2016 H - 225.775.1072, C - 225.978.2041 E-mail: bsbirkeE@yahoo.com Boydstun, Mrs. Jan WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2016 3027 Myrtle Grove Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2016 CommiEee on Representa)on, 2017 H - 225.766.8696 janboydstun@aol.com Blewi:, The Rev. Dr. John G. Moderator, Presbyterian Women Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church 12855 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA Brister, Mrs. Sandra ‘Sandy’ 70816 Commissioned Ruling Elder, St Andrew PC O - 225.275.7393, C - 225.223.1430 751 Abe Allen Memorial Dr, Leesville, 71446 E-mail: johnfpc@bellsouth.net H - 318 .640.1363, C - 318.451.3520 Chair, Transforma)on SubcommiEee of the E-mail: chaplainsandy4@aol.com Congrega)onal Development CommiEee Brooks, The Rev. Dr. Claire Vonk Bohnet, Mr. Calvin H - 504.862.5263, C - 504.481.4281 1150 Rue Rochelle Dr, Slidell, LA 70458 E-mail: claire.brooks@yahoo.com H - 985.649.6909 Honorably Re)red E-mail: bohnet@fpcslidell.org WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2016 Communica)ons CommiEee WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2017 Bardwell, Mr. J.R. 25190 Memory Ln, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.969.4096 WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2016 Bagent, Mr. Jack 120 University Highlands Ct, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 H - 225.757.0960, C - 225.245.1236 E-mail: jackbagent37@yahoo.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Feliciana Management Team, 2017 Boone, Ms. Margaret 229 Grand Ave, LafayeEe, LA 70503 O - 337.262.2962, H - 337.981.2475 E-mail: marboone@yahoo.com Personnel CommiEee, 2015 Ecumenical Rela)ons, Presbyterian Women Bailey, The Rev. Doyle Stated Supply, First Presbyterian Church 357 Windermere Blvd, Alexandria, LA 71303 C - 318.663.5469 E-mail: deeb1998@suddenlink.net Bornkessel, Mrs. Adele M. 110 Evergreen Dr, Hammond, LA 70403 H - 985.350.6340 E-mail: abornkessel@webtv.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 Baker, Ms. Ka-e ‘Ki:y’ 1801 Avenue G, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.735.6788, C - 985.759.1920 WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2016 Bornkessel, Mrs. Janet 45344 Pine Hills Rd, Hammond, LA 70401 H - 225.567.1917 E-mail: janetbornkessel@hotmail.com WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2016 Broussard, Rt. Rev. Allen J. 'Jimmy' Temporary Supply, First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 654, Crowley, LA 70527-0654 O - 337.783.2249, H – 337.783.5532, C - 337.384.4256 E-mail: revpapasir@yahoo.com Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee Brown, The Rev. Harry A. Pastor, John Calvin Presbyterian Church 4201 Transcon)nental Dr, Metairie, LA 70006-2647 O - 504.888.1375, H - 504.469.0515, C - 504.982.4775 E-mail: harry.brown@johncalvinchurch.org Louisiana Board of Presbyterian Publica)ons, 2017 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Brown, The Rev. Margaret A. ‘Peggy’ Pastor, Northminster Presbyterian Church 63140 N. Military Rd, Pearl River, LA 70452 O - 985.863.3331, C - 307.689.0243 E-mail: revpeg_gw@yahoo.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 Brubaker, The Rev. Crawford Hospice Compassus, 2424 Edenborn Ave, Ste 230, Metairie, LA 70001 C - 504.214.7513 E-mail: brubaker.crawford@gmail.com CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2015 Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee Brubaker, The Rev. Layne Site Coordinator, YAV Program 2122 Filmore St, New Orleans, LA 70122 C - 504.715.3715 E-mail: layne@pbysouthla.org Vice-Moderator of Council, 2015 Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2016 Byrd, Dr. Forrest M. 'Mickey' Commissioned Ruling Elder, First PC 109 N. Louisiana Ave, Abbeville, LA 705105116 O - 337.482.5496, H - 337.235.5131, C - 337.501.9375 E-mail: fmb0229@bellsouth.net Cagney, Ms. Nane:e H. 'Nani' Commissioned Ruling Elder, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 4020 Hodges St, Lake Charles, LA 70605-2920 O - 337.437.3880, H - 337.477.3986, C - 337.794.6197 E-mail: cagney13@yahoo.com Carr, The Rev. Dr. S. Wallace 204 E. FiYh Ave, Covington, LA 70433 H - 985.893.0794 E-mail: shelstone@bellsouth.net Honorably Re)red Carroll, Mrs. Margaret ‘Peggy” 32695 Cypress Dr, Springfield, LA 70462 H - 225.695.6661 E-mail: peggoc@eatel.net Chair, Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2017 Bible Moderator, Presbyterian Women Carver, The Rev. W. Edmund ‘Ed’ 6528 Chaucer Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70817 H- 225.753.2431, C - 225.954.6900 E-mail: moxcar@aol.com Honorably Re)red Castle, Ms. Lynne E. 655 Marie AntoineEe St, #113, LafayeEe, LA 70506 H - 337.406.0562, C - 337.849.0506 E-mail: lec4242@bellsouth.net Synod Commissioner, 2016 Chance, The Rev. Barry W. Pastor, First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 726, Hammond, LA 70401-0726 H - 985.543.0522, C - 985.415.2630 E-mail: pastor@fpchammond.org Congrega)onal Development CommiEee Youth Advisory Board Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee Chiphe, Mr. Dzandira ‘Chip’ 2820 Lake Forest Park Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 H - 225.752.0187, C - 225.772.6655 E-mail: chipchiphe@cox.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Choi, The Rev. Peter W. Pastor, Chinese Presbyterian Church 2901 W Esplanade Ave, Kenner, LA 70065 H - 504.533.4151, C - 408.390.0975 E-mail: revpeterchoi@gmail.com Conerly, Mrs. Jane Commissioned Ruling Elder, Woodland PC 2889 Military Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360-4336 O - 318.640.3023, H - 318.442.3563, C - 318.229.9543 E-mail: janeconerly14@suddenlink.net Courtney, Mrs. Sherri 833 W. Magnolia Dr, Baker, LA 70714 O- 225.219.3334, C - 225.936.2261 E-mail: sherricourtney@cox.net; sherri.courtney@la.gov Feliciana Management Team, 2016 Cox, Mr. Lutrell 1515 Sora St, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 H - 225.772.2006 E-mail: luErellc@cox.net WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2015 Credo, Ms. Lore:a 8913 Camille Ct, River Ridge, LA 70123 H - 504.738.3979, C - 504.388.3979 E-mail: lormike9@cox.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Crighton, The Rev Kathleen ‘Kathy’ 1715 Valmont St, New Orleans, LA 70115 H - 504.899.1794 E-mail: revkathyc@aol.com Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee Cummings, Mr. Washington 246 Rivercrest Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 H - 225.774.6870 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2015 Cu:er, The Rev. Dr. Alan D. 3123 Grassy Lake Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 H - 225.752.4342, C - 225.329.6724 E-mail: cuEer2658@bellsouth.net Honorably Re)red Dardis, Mr. John P. O. Box 2513, Hammond, LA 70404 H - 985.542.5957, C - 985.507.5705 E-mail: dardisj@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2015 WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2016 Day, The Rev. W. Jefferson 'Jeff' 604 Joe Farris Dr, Hammond, LA 70403-3406 H - 985.345.8249, C - 985.320.6005 E-mail: day_w@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2015 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2017 Deroche, Ms. Jill D. 3148 Hwy 316, Gray, LA 70359 H - 985.851.7559, C - 985.381.6748 E-mail: jusjill1926@gmail.com Feliciana Management Team, 2015 Desterha@, The Rev. Janice ‘Jan’ 19611 Mills Meadow Ln, Houston, TX 77094 C - 504.402.5190 E-mail: revjan114@yahoo.com Member-at-Large Dieth, Mr. Ford J. Commissioned Ruling Elder, Kenner PC P. O. Box 12, Kenner, LA 70063-0012 H - 504.738.9600, C - 504.452.6621 E-mail: fordjdieth@yahoo.com Feliciana Management Team, 2016 Chair, YAV Board of Directors, 2017 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2017 Dinkins, The Rev. Frederic R. 'Fred' 2773 Gillis Hill Rd, FayeEeville, NC 28306 H - 910.867.8112 E-mail: frandinkins@webtv.net Honorably Re)red Dommert, Mr. Kirk 219 Roberta Ave, Jennings, LA 70546 H - 337.824.1489 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2017 Drake, Ms. Sylvia 1509 Avenue I, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.516.1190 E-mail: sylviadrake@aE.net WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2016 Drude, Mr. Lawrence J., Jr. 20065 Esterbrook Rd, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.386.6361, C - 985.969.2523 WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2017 Dunn, Mrs. Marilyn 1216 Inverness Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70605 H - 337.477.5396, C - 337.802.2515 Email: msdrgd@yahoo.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Easterly, Ms. Fannie 2553 Rosedale Rd, Port Allen, LA 70767 H - 225.383.2591 E-mail: easterly.fep@gmail.com Secretary & GBR Cluster Leader, Presbyterian Women Eigenbrod, Mrs. Karen 316 Elmeer Ave, Metairie, LA 70005 H - 504.837.1780, C - 504.214.4223 E-mail: deigen@cox.net Presbyterian Founda)on of LA, 2017 Edwards, Ms. Martha 2994 Frankel Ave, Metairie, LA 70003 H - 504.888.1831, C - 504.427.3578 E-mail: chidmared@msn.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2015 Egbert, Mr. Jerald J. ‘Jerry’ Commissioned Ruling Elder, First PC 202 N. Royal St, DeRidder, LA 70634-3854 H - 337.202.1392, C- 337.396.1657 E-mail: jerryegbert@hotmail.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 Inquirer, University of Dubuque Seminary El Koubi, Mr. Marcel 173 El Koubi Rd, Leesville, LA 71446 H - 337.238.3549, C - 337.208.4150 E-mail: marcel@cebridge.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 Emanuel, Mr. Robert ‘Bob’ 5033 Stephanie Dr, Lake Charles, LA 70663-4205 C - 337.405.8500 E-mail: bbemanuel1@gmail.com CRE Candidate, First PC, Lake Charles Evans, Mr. Jonathan 70363 11th St, Covington, LA 70433 C - 985.246.0536 E-mail: jpevans83@yahoo.com Youth Advisory Board Farmer, Mr. James S. ‘Pete” P. O. Box 429, Bogalusa, LA 70429 O - 985.732.3600, H - 985.732.1760, C - 985.516.0839 E-mail: info@jfarmerlaw.com WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2016 Fox, Mr. Andy Director of Youth and Young Adults, St Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118 O - 504.895.0101 x124 E-mail: andy@scapc.org Youth Advisory Board Frampton, The Rev. Dr. Donald R. 'Don' Pastor, St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church 1545 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118-6147 O - 504.897.0101 x110, H - 504.894.7070, C - 504.952.0774 E-mail: frampton@scapc.org General Assembly Reader for Theological Examina)ons, 2015 CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Frazier, The Rev. Shirley R. 5204 Pritchard Rd, Marrero, LA 70072 H - 504.348.8918, C - 504.491.4368 E-mail: revshirl39@gmail.com Honorably Re)red Hahn, Jr., The Rev. C. Joseph 'Joe' 17031 Chadsford Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70817-2526 H - 225.755.0086 E-mail: joehahn1@cox.net Honorably Re)red Hamric, Mr. Laurence M. 'Larry' 2024 General Pershing St, New Orleans, LA 70115 O - 504.891.0603, H - 504.891.1262, C - 504.491.2424 E-mail: l.m.hamric@aE.net Permanent Judicial Commission, 2015 Hanible, Mr. Alfred 43344 Klein Rd, Hammond, LA 70403 H - 985.662.3772, C - 985.956.2982 E-mail: vhanible@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2016 Garwood, Ms. Kelli 437 Columbia St, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.807.3258 WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2017 Harsch, The Rev. Dr. Lloyd A. Temporary Supply, Carrollton Presbyterian Church 2032 S. Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118-2999 O - 504.282.4455, C - 405.343.3144 E-mail: geldman6115@yahoo.com Gaudin, Ms. Mary P. O. Box 186, Welsh, LA 70591-0186 H - 337.734.2893 E-mail: gaumary@centurytel.net WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2017 Hayman, Mr. C. Eugene ‘Gene’ 387 Twin Bridge Rd, Sandy Hook, MS 39478 H - 601.876.5522, C - 601.731.0865 E-mail: ceh31@aE.net WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2017 Gipson, The Rev. Dr. Frank L. P. O. Box 73635, Baton Rouge, LA 70874 O - 225.636.2920, C - 225.288.7140 E-mail: flgipson@gmail.com CommiEee on Representa)on, 2016 Heaton, The Rev. Charlene M. 640 Steele Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 C - 225.803.9194 E-mail: charlene_9@bellsouth.net Honorably Re)red Goff, Mr. James ‘Jim’ 212 Chan)lly Loop, Pearl River, LA 70452 H - 985.781.5144, C - 985.290.3787 E-mail: pops1142@gmail.com CRE Candidate, Northminster PC Hendrix, The Rev. Nancy M. Chaplain, Christus Hospice & Pallia)ve Care 4801 Jackson Street Ext., Suite B, Alexandria, LA 71303 O - 318.448.6764, H - 318.641.0289, C - 318.308.1271 E-mail: nancy.hendrix@christushealth.org Graff, Ms. Ann W. 706 Wall Williams Rd, West Monroe, LA 71291 H - 318.397.7940 E-mail: agraff1@comcast.net Presbyterian Founda)on of Louisiana, 2017 Fernandez, Ms. Carol Westminster Founda)on Housing Consultant Southern Proposals P. O. Box 1473, Hammond, LA 70404 O - 985.542.4005, C - 985.320.6504 E-mail: fernancj@bellsouth.net Green, Ms. Patsy 4925 James Dr, Metairie, LA 70003 O - 504.522.1962, H – 504.887.2400 E-mail: patsygreen@bellsouth.net Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2015 Fischer, The Rev. George J. 106 Beaupre Drive, Luling, LA 70070 H - 985.785.2819, C - 985.210.6699 E-mail: gfischer1@bellsouth.net Honorably Re)red Grisse:, Mr. David F. 862 Camp St, New Orleans, LA 70130 H - 504.568.1892 E-mail: dave_grisseE@hancockbank.com Presbyterian Founda)on of LA, 2016 Hoffman, Mr. Paul 443 Centenary Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 H - 225.769.2430 E-mail: hyhoff@lsu.edu Personnel CommiEee, 2016 Hom, Ms. Susan Ann, RN, BSN, MSN 5207 Avron, Metairie, LA 70006 C - 504.885.7559 E-mail: sawilson0916@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2015 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Honoré, Rep. Dalton W. 8776 Scenic Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 O - 225.771.5674 E-mail: honored@legis.la.gov WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2017 Hopper, The Rev. George D. 2385 Dolly Ridge Road, Apt. 329W Birmingham, AL 35243 H - 205.979.9708 Honorably Re)red Hortman, Mrs. Joan B. 1735 Goodyear Dr, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.735.9330, C - 985.516.3660 E-mail: thehortmans@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2015 Irvine, The Rev. Elizabeth T. 'Betsy' Louisiana Delta Service Corps P.O. Box 64799, Baton Rouge, LA 70896 O - 225.930.9949, H - 225.336.9023 C - 225.603.1439 E-mail: birvine@ladeltacorps.org Member-at-Large CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 Jin, The Rev. Dr. Young Chang Pastor, Korean Presbyterian Church 7001 Canal Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70124 O - 504.283.7299, H - 504.444.2884 E-mail: yjin94@yahoo.com CommiEee on Representa)on, 2017 Johnston, Mrs. Nell 57 O.K. Avenue, Harahan, LA 70123-4743 H - 504.737.1691 E-mail: mnjohn@bellsouth.net Presbyterian Founda)on of LA, 2015 Juarez, Mrs. Gayan University of Dubuque Seminary 1808 Lake Michigan, Harvey, LA 70058 C - 504.957.1070 E-mail: gayjua@gmail.com CRE Candidate, Faith PC, Harvey Kaltenbaugh, Mrs. Louise 117 Royal Crescent Dr, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 H - 504.394.8105, C - 504.296.1625 E-mail: lkaltenb@suno.edu CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2015 WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2015 Keegan, Mrs. Glenda K. Commissioned Ruling Elder, Raceland Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 326, Raceland, LA 70394-0326 H - 225.925.5636, C - 225.572.6093 E-mail: keegan.glenda@gmail.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 General Assembly Reader for Theological Examina)ons, 2015 Kelly, The Rev. Linda L. Interim Pastor, Highland Presbyterian Church 10024 Highland Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 H - 337.456.6750, C - 337.849.2212 E-mail: lindalkelly@cox.net CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2016 Lee, Ms. Kathy Aus)n Presbyterian Theological Seminary 103 E 30th St, Bldg 1, Apt 401, Aus)n TX 78705 E-mail: kathyfaylee@gmail.com Candidate, Chinese Presbyterian Church Kinchen, Mr. C. W. 922 Weinberger Trace Dr, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.386.6275 WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2015 LeJeune, Mr. Dave 10486 Hwy 90, Welsh, LA 70456 H - 337.734.4556, C - 337.368.4439 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2015 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2015 King, Mr. Bennie L. 1521 Avenue J, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.735.6788, C - 985.759.1920 E-mail: bennieleeking@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2016 Letelier, Mr. Juan 12417 Parkvale Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 H - 225.756.5534, C - 225.954.1225 E-mail: juanb1943@aol.com CommiEee on Representa)on, 2015 King, Mr. James J. ‘Jim” 26800 James King Rd, Hammond, LA 70403 H - 225.567.9670, C - 985.507.2156 E-mail: jamesking1525@gmail.com WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2017 Levy, Mrs. Chris-ne ‘Chris’ 27679 Hwy 43, Hammond, LA 70403 H - 225-567-3059, C - 985.542.5220 E-mail: chrs.levy@gmail.com WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2016 WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2017 Knapp, Mrs. Ann P O Box 1622, Lake Charles, LA 70602-1622 H 337.477.9814, C - 337.304.5559 E-mail: mimiannknapp@gmail.com Finance CommiEee, 2017 Koger, Ms. Rachel H. 555 W. Willow St, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.386.8011, C - 985.956.0266 E-mail: rachel.koger@gmail.com WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2015 Krajeski, The Rev. Richard L. 'Dick' Stated Supply, First Presbyterian of Bayou Blue, 3200 Hwy 316, Gray, LA 70359 C - 304.266.3845 E-mail: krajeskipeterson@msn.com Honorably Re)red Chair, Mission CommiEee CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2017 Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee Krajewski, The Rev. Gary A. 6601 Pipewood Curve, Excelsior, MN 55331 H - 336.643.8341 E-mail: g.krajewski@mchsi.com Member-at-Large Kreko, Mr. Wayne 30124 Jacob St, Albany, LA 70711 H - 225.209.5153 E-mail: Ka4psg@aol.com WESTMNSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2015 LeBlanc, Ms. Julia 18055 Farm Supply Rd, Roanoke, LA 70581 H - 337.753.2650 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2015 Lyons, Mr. Sunny 21020 Hwy 102, Jennings, LA 70546 H - 337.616.3303, C - 337.329.0023 E-mail: wigglypiggly@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2015 Maag, Mr. H. Richard Commissioned Ruling Elder, Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 3164, Morgan City, LA 70381-3164 H - 504.780.9165, C - 985.714.2002 E-mail: hmaag@cox.net Mackintosh, The Rev. William H. 'Will' 2104 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118 H - 504.899.2200 Honorably Re)red Macpherson, Ms. Ellyn 4306C Landry Rd, ScoE, LA 70583 H - 337.935.6662 E-mail: emsande@cox.net Western Cluster Leader, Presbyterian Women Magnuson, Ms. Anne 606 Rue Chalet, Hammond, LA 70403 H - 985.419.8082, C - 985.320.5652 E-mail: afm2k@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2016 Malsbary, The Rev. Robert E. 'Bob' 92 Woodlake Blvd, Kenner, LA 70065 H - 504.466.4929, C - 504.250.6105 E-mail: robertmalsbary@gmail.com Honorably Re)red ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Mansell, Mr. Erich D. Commissioned Ruling Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church 301 Center Circle, Sulphur, LA 70663-5533 O - 337.625.5249, H - 337.625.6876, C - 337.802.6382 E-mail: erichmansell@gmail.com Mansell, Mrs. Leslie E. Commissioned Ruling Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church 301 Center Circle, Sulphur, LA 70663-5533 O - 337.625.5249, H - 337.625.6876, C - 337.802.8907 E-mail: mansells@bellsouth.net McGehee, The Rev. Elizabeth G. 'Be:y' 1700 3rd Ave West, Apt 712, Bradenton, FL 34205 C - 337.526.4045 Honorably Re)red McIntosh, The Rev. Constance Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 305 W. Hudspeth St, Welsh, LA 70591-4221 O - 337.734.3212, C - 626.590.647 E-mail: BayouRevMac@gmail.com Chair, Spiritual Forma)on CommiEee WESTMINSTER HOMES, 2017 McKinnis, Mr. Robert 4118 Mon)cello Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70814 O - 225.343.0754, H - 225.272.3220, C - 225.572.0868 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2015 Megyesi, Mr. Julius S. P. O. Box 1072, Livingston, LA 70754-1072 H - 225.686.2457, C - 225.405.8289 E-mail: jmegyesi@aE.net WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2017 Meyers, Mr. Kent 490 Laurelleaf Ln, Covington, LA 70433 H - 985.327.5453, O - 504.232.1276 E-mail: kentmeyers@msn.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2015 Mikell, Ms. Mary 505 Denta)on Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 H - 225.769.6705, C - 225.485.6441 E-mail: marymikell@cox.net Chair, Prepara)on for Ministry, 2015 Milner, The Rev. Barre: C. Pastor, Lakeview Presbyterian Church 5914 Canal Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70124 O - 504.482.7892, C - 859.608.5254 E-mail: lpcnopastor@gmail.com YAV Board of Director, 2016 Mills, Mrs. Frances J. 540 N. Columbia St, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.732.9978 WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2015 Mills, Ms. Hannah Mission & Hunger Ac)on Enabler 2525 Apollo Dr, Harvey, LA 70058-3003 C - 609.613.1628 E-mail: hannahmills7@hotmail.com Morgan, Ms. Ellen 2285 Cedardale Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 H - 225.344.3930 emmorgan@cox.net Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, New Church Development SubcommiEee Morton, Mr. Charles ‘Chuck’ 7 Penny Lane, Covington, LA 70433 H - 985.249.7183, C - 504.430.2358 E-mail: acmorto@bellsouth.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Murray, The Rev. James C. 'Jim' 12535 S. 4th St, Jenks, OK 74037-5072 H - 918.518.5214 E-mail: murmom70@cox.net Honorably Re)red Ogle, The Rev. Robert F. 'Bob' Stated Supply, Trinity Presbyterian Church 3001 Verot School Rd, LafayeEe, LA 70508 H - 337.984.7183, C - 337.344.8481 E-mail: ogles5@gmail.com Oler, The Rev. L. Thomas 'Tom' 71 Arroyo de Tajique, Estancia, NM 87016 H - 505.384.1119 E-Mail: tomoler@yahoo.com Honorably Re)red Paine, The Rev. A. Thomas 'Tom' Pastor, Parkway Presbyterian Church 6200 Camphor St, Metairie, LA 70003 O - 504.733.1645, C - 504.444.1813 E-mail: paine.tom@gmail.com Leader, Greater NO/Bayou Cluster WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2016 Peacock, The Rev. Jean Marie Specialized Minister, Evangelist, Westbank Community Ministries Faith Presbyterian Church,2525 Apollo Ave, Harvey, LA 70058-3003 O - 504.368.2525, H - 504.756.8029, C - 504.259.5812 E-mail: jmpfaithpres@aE.net Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, New Church Development SubcommiEee Penson, Mrs. Mildred W. ‘Winnie’ 249 Hillcrest Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70807 H - 225.775.6516 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2017 Peterson, The Rev. Kris-na Joy 'Kris' 106 Sandalwood Dr, Gray, LA 70359-4611 C - 304.266.2517 E-mail: krajeskipeterson@msn.com Member-at-Large Peace & Jus)ce, Presbyterian Women Pitcher, The Rev. Dr. Richard W. 'Rick' Hospice Chaplain/Pastoral Counselor 6133 Hagerstown Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70817-3918 O - 225.767.4673, H - 225.751.4098, C - 225.938.0679 E-mail: RPit645824@aol.com CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2016 Pi:man, Mrs. Stephenie 2001 Houma Blvd, Metairie, LA 70001 H - 504.889.2526, C - 504.451.9757 E-mail: stephenie721@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2016 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2017 Poche, Mr. Albert 39421 KraY Dr, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.386.4046, C - 985.974.7888 E-mail: albertpoche@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2017 Paine, The Rev. Lesley Blair 6800 Blanke St, Metairie, LA 70003 C - 504.444.8604 E-mail: LesleyP26@gmail.com Member-at-Large Poche, Mrs. Ann 39421 KraY Dr, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 985.386.4046 E-mail: gigirandle@hotmail.com WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2017 Panek, Mr. Robert F. ‘Bob’ 13247 Riverlake Dr, Covington, LA 70435 H - 985.809.9945, C - 985.373.3075 E-mail: panekr@bellsouth.net Finance CommiEee, 2014 Powell, The Rev. Fred J., III Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 5401 S. Claiborne Ave, New Orleans, LA 70125 O - 504.866.7409, C - 803.209.5807 E-mail: phledd3@gmail.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 YAV Board of Directors, 2015 Pappas, Ms. Alex PSL Youth Coordinator 311 S. Cortez, New Orleans, LA 70119 C - 972.741.0917 E-mail: youthcoordinator@pbysouthla.org ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Prewi:, Mr. Charles E. ‘Chuck’ 9608 Robin Ln, River Ridge, LA 70123 O - 504.561.1131, H - 504.737.0998, C - 504.858.5610 E-mail: ceprewiE@cox.net, ceprewiE@densoneng.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2017 Richardson, The Rev. Gilley G. 'Gil' U.S. Army Chaplain, Fort Sam Houston, TX 3723 Mary Mont Dr, San Antonio, TX 78217-3415 O - 210.221.0226, H - 210.277.1545, C - 210.262.9550 E-mail: gilpastor@aol.com Price, Mr. Brad 30807 BarneE Ln, Denham Springs, LA 70726 H - 225.667.5713, C - 225.362.8223 E-mail: brad@moorethompson.com Chair, Feliciana Management Team, 2015 Richmond, The Rev. Dr. Randall G. 'Randy' Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 883 E. Plains-Port Hudson Road, Zachary, LA 70791-6026 H - 225.658.9925, C - 225.614.6941 E-mail: richmondrandall@yahoo.com Leader, Greater Baton Rouge Cluster Pride, The Rev. Herman 277 Bonnie Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70819 H - 225.275.6455 E-mail: karenh.pride@gmail.com Honorably Re)red Puhl, Mr. Todd Regional Vice-President, Na)onal Church Residences 3 Glenwood Circle, Arden, NC 28704 E-mail: TPuhl@na)onalchurchresidences.org Pussman, The Rev. David B. 809 East 47th St, Aus)n, TX 78751 O - 512.674.8536, H - 512.964.1932, C - 337.499.8044 E-mail: dpussman@aus)n.rr.com Member-at-Large Randall, Mrs. Kathy 170 Walnut Street, Unit 3F, New Orleans, LA 70118-4866 H - 504.866.7435, C - 601.519.2413 E-mail: kathyrandall@bellsouth.net Moderator of Presbytery, 2015 Treasurer, Presbyterian Women Youth Advisory Board Robertson, The Rev. Daniel L ‘Dan’ Pastor, Metairie Ridge Presbyterian Church 215 Phosphor Ave, Metairie, LA 70005-3722 C - 504.314.1186 E-mail: robertsonmrpc@aE.net Robertson, Mrs. Delores ‘Sug’ 4226 Grand Marais Rd, Jennings, LA 70591 H - 337.824.2765 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2015 Robson, The Rev. Dr. Martha J. Robson 6225 Ca)na St, New Orleans, LA 70124 H - 504.488.0158, C - 732.618.6130 E-mail: pastorwelcome@gmail.com Member-at-Large Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, Transforma)on SubcommiEee Finance CommiEee, 2016 Rodgers, Mrs. Frances 5813 Marcie St, Metairie, LA 70003-1191 H - 504.887.2584, C - 504.430.0331 E-mail: rockyrodge@aol.com WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2017 Randall, Mr. Lee W. Roeling, The Rev. Judith Gabel 'Judy' 170 Walnut Street, Unit 3F, New Orleans, LA 279 Marilyn Dr, #5, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 70118-4866 H - 225.924.6206, C - 225.921.8071 O - 504.576.6579, H - 504.866.7435 E-mail: jagroeling@aol.com C - 504.220.3279 Honorably Re)red E-mail: lrandal@entergy.com, leewran@aE.net CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2015 Chair, Finance CommiEee, 2015 Secretary, LA Board of Presbyterian Publica)ons Reams, Ms. Cheryl 1592 Snipe St, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 Roeling, Sr., The Rev. Theodore W. 'Ted' H - 225.774.4427 Stated Supply, Church of the Way E-mail: creams@amrad.com 250 S. Foster Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70806-4103 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2017 O - 225.927.8744, H - 225.924.6206, C - 225.933.2564, F - 225.218.0980 Reighney, Mrs. Mary E-mail: twroeling@aol.com 815 E. Russell Ave, Apt 34, Welsh, LA 70591 Honorably Re)red O - 337.824.2925, H - 337.370.6515, Moderator of Council, 2015 C - 337.370.6433 Feliciana Management Team, 2015 E-mail: Westminster.homes@hotmail.com Permanent Judicial Commission, 2015 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2016 Synod Commissioner, 2017 Rogers, The Rev. Robert M. 250 Griffin Rd, Youngsville, LA 70592-5508 E-mail: robtmsn@aE.net Honorably Re)red Rollins, The Rev. Dr. James A. 'Jim' 8942 Darby Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 H - 225.923.2796, C - 225.803.0490 E-mail: jimrol@cox.net Member-at-Large Chair, New Church Development SubcommiEee, Congrega)onal Development CommiEee Ross, Mrs. Nina 505 E. Robert St, Hammond, LA 70401 H - 985.542.0257 E-mail: ninashawross@gmail.com WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2015 Sanders, The Rev. Stephen A. Stated Supply, First Presbyterian Church 197 S. 4th Street, Ponchatoula, LA 70454-2605 H - 985.467.0460, C - 985.510.0352 E-mail: stephen.sanders@selu.edu Sasser, The Rev. Zachary ‘Zach’ Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 1130 Johnston St, LafayeEe, LA 70501 O - 337.234.5182, C - 337.296.3749 E-mail: zsasser@gmail.com Blog: www.revzach.blogspot.com Chair, Communica)ons CommiEee Permanent Judicial Commission, 2017 Alternate, General Assembly Reader for Theological Examina)ons Sawyer, The Rev. Dr. James W. 'Jim' Stated Supply, West Baton Rouge Presbyterian Church 14713 Breton Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 H - 225.275.6362 E-mail: jsawyer53@cox.net Honorably Re)red Schulingkamp, Ms. Miriam 831 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118 C - 231.330.5754 E-mail: schuling@aol.com CRE Candidate, St Charles Ave PC Schwegmann, Mrs. Melinda 104 Sena Dr, Metairie, LA 70005 H - 504.9837.2029, C - 504.582.7164 E-mail: mchweg@bellsouth.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 Sco:, Mr. Homer J., Jr. 11370 Gibbens Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 H - 225.775.0885 WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2017 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Seelman, Mr. Richard L. 1012 Napoleon Ave, New Orleans, LA 70115 O - 504.566.1801, H - 504.891.0595, C - 504.261.8700 E-mail: rseelman@roedelparsons.com CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2017 Serra, Mrs. Deborah ‘Debbie’ 1530 Foster St, Lake Charles, LA 70601-5814 H - 337.436.2204, C - 337.912.9731 E-mail: dhserra@gmail.com Mission CommiEee, Cuba Partnership Sharp, Ms. Ida Opera)ons Manager, Feliciana Retreat Center 10274 Highway 422, Norwood, LA 70761 O - 225.683.9420 E-mail: office@felicianaretreat.org Sharpe, Mrs. Pat 3443 Esplanade Ave, Apt 665, New Orleans 70119 C - 504.388.8400 E-mail: acoEageplace@cox.net CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 Shaw, Dr. Ralph W., Jr. 808 W. Michigan St, Hammond, LA 70401 H - 985.345.0482 E-mail: rshaw@selu.edu Feliciana Management Team, 2016 WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2016 Sheridan, Ms. Rhonda 12339 Wadesboro Rd, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H - 225.294.2917, C - 985.320.6038 E-mail: rsheridan@cityofPonchatoula.com WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2015 Slaton, Mr. Gaynell R. ‘Buff’ 601 N. General Pershing, Hammond, LA 70401 H - 985.345.1476 E-mail: buffnedie@aol.com Feliciana Management Team, 2017 Snyder, The Rev. Patricia I. 'PaC' Pastor, University Presbyterian Church 3240 Dalrymple Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 O - 225.383.0345, H 225.766.5631, C - 225.636.0741 E-mail: psnyder@upcbr.org CommiEee on Ministry, 2016 Soileau Acton, Mrs. Elizabeth M. 4636 Chimney Rock Dr SW, Lilburn, GA 30047 H - 770.381.6321 E-mail: emsoileau@hotmail.com Candidate, Faith Presbyterian, Baton Rouge Spaulding, The Rev. Dr. John H. Stated Supply, Carolyn Park Presbyterian 7408 W. Judge Perez Dr, Arabi, LA 70032 and Gheens Presbyterian Church 2634 Hwy 654, Gheens, LA 70355-2406 H - 504.733.2326 E-mail: roahg@cox.net Honorably Re)red Mission CommiEee Presbyterian Founda)on of Louisiana, 2015 St. Clair, Ms. Laura 829 Eleonore St, New Orleans, LA 70115 H - 504.891.9255, C - 504.858.2378 E-mail: laura.st.clair1@gmail.com Missions, Presbyterian Women Stagg, The Rev. Philip L. 'Phil' Interim Associate Pastor, St Charles Ave PC 1545 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118 O - 504.897.0101x117, C - 985.516.5977 E-mail: phil@scapc.org, rev.stagg@gmail.com Honorably Re)red Stalcup, The Rev. Dr. Bobby L. 'Bob' 200 Golden Meadow Dr, Covington, LA 70433-6624 H - 985.327.5217, C - 504.289.8604 Honorably Re)red Su:o, The Rev. Dr. Ronald J. 'Ron' General Presbyter & Stated Clerk, Presbytery of South Louisiana 2812 Hyde Park, Harvey, LA 70058-2909 PSL - 225.275.1242, C - 325.650.0860 E-mail: suEoron@gmail.com, ron@pbysouthla.org, clerk@pbysouthla.org Honorably Re)red Thomas, Mr. Craig 618 Avenue I, Bogalusa, LA 70427 H - 985.732.0180, C - 985.750-2541 E-mail: maint2_2000@yahoo.com WESTMINSTER WOODS, 2015 Thomas, The Rev. Jennie Staff Chaplain, The McFarland Ins)tute 3421 Roger Williams St, New Orleans, LA 70119 O - 504.988.1566, H - 504.304.7010, C - 504.919.2166 E-mail: jennie.thomas@hcahealthcare.com, revjennie@aol.com CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2014 Permanent Judicial Commission, 2015 YAV Board of Directors, 2016 Thursby, The Rev. Barbara P. O. Box 424, Albany, LA 70711 C - 985.259.0790 E-mail: thursbybarbara@gmail.com Member-at-Large CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 Stayton, The Rev. Dr. F. James 'Jim' Interim Associate Pastor, St Charles Ave PC 1545 State St, New Orleans, LA 70118 O - 504.897.0101x123, C - 985.634.0121 E-mail: jim@scapc.org, staytonj@bellsouth.net Thursby, The Rev. Donald U. Honorably Re)red Temporary Supply, Albany-Hungarian Presbyterian Church Stogner, Mrs. Donna H. P. O. Box 119, Albany, LA 70711-0119 2048 S. Glencove Ln, Gretna, LA 70056 O - 225.567.2098, C - 985.259.0764 O - 504.362.4108, H - 504.392.2399, E-mail: duthursby55@yahoo.com C - 504.235.9131 Chair, CommiEee on Representa)on, 2015 E-Mail: dstogner@gmail.com WESTMINSTER GARDENS & ALBANY, 2015 Chair, CommiEee on Ministry, 2015 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2016 Stowers, Ms. Joyce Regional Director, Na)onal Church Residences 5106 Charing Way, Baton Rouge, LA 70817 C - 225.362.6609 E-mail: jstowers@ncr.org Tims, Mrs. Jeanne M. 333 Lee Dr, Apt 333, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 H - 225.766.6248 E-mail: jeannemt76@aol.com Finance CommiEee, 2017 Stuart, Jr., The Rev. George R. c/o Mrs. Frances CallicoE 223 Knox Dr, Marks, MS 38646 H - 662.326.4443 Honorably Re)red Tipton, The Rev. Dr. Julius ‘Tip’ 2324 W. Contour Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 H - 225.248.6281, C - 407.970.2545 E-mail: )pbev@cox.net Honorably Re)red Sundquist, Mr. W. Blair 18673 Clear Creek Ln, Covington, LA 70435 O - 504.728.4118, H - 985.327.7047 E-mail: wbsundquist@bellsouth.net WESTMINSTER TOWER, 2016 WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION, 2017 Tomek-White, Dr. Barbara C. 17904 Calm Harbor Dr, Pflugerville, TX 78660 C - 337.263.5005 E-mail: topmonek@gmail.com Candidate, First Presbyterian, Lake Charles ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Tucker, Dr. Thomas ‘Tom’ Treasurer, Presbytery of South Louisiana 12909 Old Hammond Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 PSL - 225.275.1242, H - 225.769.8474, C - 225.573.3260 E-mail: tom@pbysouthla.org Feliciana Management Team, 2017 Congrega)onal Development CommiEee CRE Candidate, Highland PC Tullier, Mr. Dale M. 7705 Kingsley Dr, Denham Springs, LA 70706 H - 225.667.4504 E-mail: dale4bpc@gmail.com Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, New Church Development SubcommiEee CRE Candidate, Broadmoor PC Utley, Ms. Allie Elizabeth Aus)n Presbyterian Theological Seminary 100 East 27th St MB#9, Aus)n, TX 78705 C - 336.687.2037 E-mail: Utley.12@gmail.com Candidate, Metairie Ridge PC Vanek, The Rev. Daniel C. Chaplain, St Tammany Hospital & Hospice 42 Hollycrest Blvd, Covington, LA 70433 O - 985.898.4562, C - 251.753.7237 E-mail: dvanek@stph.org Wamsley, The Rev. John T. Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church 518 Roselawn Blvd, LafayeEe, LA 70503 O - 337.984.6400, C - 337.207.6056 E-mail: jwamsley16@hotmail.com Congrega)onal Development CommiEee, New Church Development SubcommiEee CommiEee on Prepara)on for Ministry, 2017 Watson, The Rev. Michael C. ‘Mike’ Assoc. Pastor, University Presbyterian Church 3240 Dalrymple Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 C - 706.825.7051 E-mail: mwatson@upcbr.org LSU UKirk Campus Ministry Youth Advisory Board Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2017 Weathersby, The Rev. Robert L. 45573 Tranquil Trace, Hammond, LA 70401 O - 985.345.1889, H - 985.340.3024, C - 504.208.2472 E-mail: robert.weathersby@mac.com Honorably Re)red Weber, Ms. Alicia E-mail: loringweber@hotmail.com YAV Board of Directors, 2015 Wells, The Rev. Dr. Richard C. 'Dick' 6904 Fence Line Dr, Aus)n, TX 78749 H - 512.369.3668, C - 504.450.6187 Honorably Re)red Welman, Ms. Amelie Recording Clerk, Presbytery of South Louisiana 139 N. St. Patrick #2, New Orleans, LA 70119 O - 504.482.7892, C - 504.220.6325 E-mail: afwelman@lpcno.org Communica)ons CommiEee Yeargain, Ms. Catherine 18470 Weinberger Rd, Ponchatoula, LA P. O. Box 1046, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 H: 985.386.3586 E-mail: kyeargain@hotmail.com WESTMINSTER PLACE, 2015 White, Mr. David ‘Dave’ 317-B Cherry Blossom Ln, Terrytown, LA 70056 C - 504.756.3550 E-mail: dlw1751@aol.com Chair, Personnel CommiEee, 2017 Zachary, Mr. Marion 6842 Blue Grass Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70811 E-mail: marionzac@aol.com WESTMINSTER SCOTLANDVILLE, 2015 White, The Rev. Robert M. ‘Rob’ Pastor, Covington Presbyterian Church P O Box 819, Covington, LA 70434-0819 C - 985.718.8677 E-mail: rob@covpresby.org Personnel CommiEee, 2016 Youth Advisory Board Leader, Northshore Cluster Wilks, Ms. Betsy 120 Beverly Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 O - 225.769.4810, H - 225.336.0737, C - 225.975.1875 E-mail: betsywilks@cox.net Nomina)ng CommiEee, 2015 Permanent Judicial Commission, 2017 Willis, Sr., The Rev. Chandler M. 'Chan' Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 1801 2nd Ave, Lake Charles, LA 70601-6400 O - 337.433.4667, H - 225.344.1635, C - 985.246.9752 Email: pastor@1stpreslc.com CommiEee on Ministry, 2017 Wirth, Mr. Roger 14266 Firethorn St, Baton Rouge, LA 70819 H - 225.272.4048, C - 225.573.5568 E-mail: rog44789@cox.net Personnel CommiEee, 2016 Wolfe, The Rev. Hawley L. 1717 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 C - 225.614.8477 E-mail: hawleylwolfe@gmail.com Member-at-Large Wright, Mr. James F. 'Jim' P. O. Box 391, Welsh, LA 70591 O - 337.734.4043, H - 337.734.2199, C - 337.370.1565 E-mail: jim9246@centurytel.net Finance CommiEee, 2016 WESTMINSTER HOMES, JENNINGS, 2017 Wuensch, Mr. Richard D. 'Dick' 2775 Woodland Ridge Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 H - 225.292.2244 E-mail: dickwuensch@cox.net Interim Administrator, Feliciana Retreat Center NOTES Project Homecoming is a community development organization based in New Orleans. We are committed to building quality homes for families who are low-income, uninsured, underinsured, disabled, and elderly. With the help of volunteer labor, we make rebuilding affordable for those who would not otherwise be able to return home. New Homes! - Project Homecoming now has homes for sale for those who qualify in the New Orleans area! To find out more information, contact Kelly Sharkey at 504-942-0444 ext. 222 or kelly@projecthomecoming.net. Need Help Rebuilding? - Project Homecoming has helped over 200 families rebuild their homes since 2007 and we are still working! If you need assistance with helping to rebuild your home, contact Brea Whitfield, Community Liason at 504-233.4163 or brea@projecthomecoming.net. 2014 saw the completion of the restoration of Professor Longhair’s home on Terpsichore Street. Hear the National Public Radio story at http://www.npr.org/2014/03/01/284338469/ new-orleans-piano-legends-home-finally-restored-after-katrina Project Homecoming, Inc. Kevin Krejci Interim Executive Director 2221 Filmore Avenue New Orleans, LA 70122 Phone: (504) 942-0444 Fax: (504) 942-0408 E-mail: info@projecthomecoming.net Website: http://projecthomecoming.net/ http://www.facebook.com/ProjHomecoming
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