DARLINGTON Building Society North Yorkshire & South Durham Premier Cricket League Minutes of Management Meeting held at the Springboard Centre, Stokesley on Wednesday 25th March 2015. PRESENT – President C.W.West, A.B Bainbridge, T Briddock, S.Donlan, N. Hutchinson, M.Kirkbright, C. Nicholls, G. Smith, Treasurer D.Stanwix and General Secretary D.Watchman. APOLOGIES for ABSENCE – D. Austin, M Christon, Stewart Clarke and Steve Clarke. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 25th February 2015 were signed as a correct record. MATTERS ARISING The Evening with Yorkshire CCC, held on Monday 2nd March, had been a success with very positive feedback being received. Consideration would be given to holding similar events in the future. The president reported that he had written to Mark Arthur and Dickie Bird to thank them for their involvement in the evening, and a small present of the alcoholic medicinal variety had been purchased for Mr Bird as a token of appreciation. He also reported that Liam Plunkett had been formally inducted into the Hall of Fame during the evening. Darlington Building Society had also taken a major part, organising You Tube video interviews with the three guests which will be used by them for marketing purposes during the next six months. A vote of thanks to Guisborough for their hosting of the evening was proposed to be recorded in the minutes. FIXTURES SECRETARY – Hornby Cup As there was the possibility of a three way tie in the groups stages of this competition it was agreed that the final placings in such an instant would be determined by net run rate. The following changes to fixtures had been agreed since the last minutes were circulated:Division Three Thornaby v Yarm from Sunday 12th July to Sunday 19th July. Sunday Division Two Blackhall v Yarm from Sunday 26th July. New date to be agreed. U19 T/20 COMPETITION 2015 It was reported that eleven entries had been received for this year’s NYSD competition including Stockton. Teams were divided into two groups on a regional basis with each team playing the other teams in their group once. The winners of the competition would be decided by a play-off between the two group winners. The two groups will be as follows: NORTH: Blackhall, Hartlepool, Seaton Carew, Sedgefield, Stockton and Middlesbrough 1 SOUTH: Great Ayton, Marske, Saltburn, Stokesley and Marton. Having obtained opinions from competing clubs, it was decided that two umpires from the league panel would be appointed to each match. As all clubs had now provided their preferred night for playing home matches work could begin on preparing a fixture list. This should be available by the end of April. RESULTS SECRETARY 2015 Administration Guide It was reported that the updated 2015 Administration Guidance document was almost ready to be issued to clubs. You Tube Administration Tutorials It was also reported that a You Tube NYSD video channel service would be available shortly via the league website. This would initially be used to provide short tutorials on the various administration processes that clubs have to carry out pre-season and would provide a helpful back up to the paper administration guide. NB – since the date of this meeting the tutorials have gone ‘live’ Junior Leagues Over Age Allowance The results secretary reported that there had been a modest submission of requests for players to be sanctioned in this category to date. Resolved: This to be covered at the pre-season meeting of clubs with a reminder issued to those clubs yet to take action at the meeting. ACTION POINT: Any club who has not yet submitted their list to the results secretary for consideration should do so immediately as the confirmation of qualifying players has to be sent out before the start of the season. If a club do not submit a list for consideration it will be assumed they do not have any players whom they wish to be considered. TREASURERS REPORTA balance of £23,097.10 was reported. The current contingent liability was £3381 against this balance. The Treasurer was requested to invoice TAG in the sum of £125 for their colour advert in the handbook. A grant of £120 had been made to TACO being 50% of the 1A fees for NYSD umpires enrolled on the recent course. UMPIRES COORDINATOR Who’s The Umpire It was reported that four Premier Division and four Division 1 captains had not yet registered on WTU. ACTION POINT: It is crucial that all clubs complete this process immediately. As a reminder: Secretaries of ALL clubs need to be registered on WTU. All umpire appointments will be automatically e-mailed to ALL club secretaries. Any new officials need to be registered asap. 2 Captain’s reports are compulsory for all Premier and Division One league matches. Clubs should ensure that all new captains are registered by visiting www.whostheumpire.com Clubs have been previously advised, but they should note that the ‘Friday’ bulk emails used in 2014 to advise of any changes to the weekend appointments have been discontinued. 2015 Umpires Panel There were 69 umpires on the league list for the 2015 season, 2 less than in 2014. Ian Lumb and Dave Watson had retired. Resolved: General Secretary to write to both umpires thanking them for their contribution over many years. CORRESPONDENCE None PLAYER REGISTRATIONS Amateur Transfers Sanctioned Faisal Hussain Murton to Muhammad Arslan Riaz Norton to Chris Veazey Marton to Mohammed Nazir Loftus to Paul Freary Blaydon to Michael Stewart Trimdon to Chandimanthu Rodrigo Cobham Avorians to Darryn Bancroft Newton Aycliffe to Reece Wood Middlesbrough to Christopher Freeman Castle Eden to Adam Beaumont Thornaby to Matthew Smith New Rover to Billingham Billingham Redcar Wolviston Darlington Hartlepool Seaton Carew Barnard Castle Blackhall Blackhall Normanby Hall Stokesley Overseas Amateurs (Category 3) Sanctioned Jack Craig Stokesley Approved in principle on details provided but as the registration form was largely unreadable then a new form, signed by the player, should be deposited with the league secretary before the individual plays. Chandimanthu Rodrigo Seaton Carew Approved in principle on details provided but as no fee was deposited with the registration the individual should not play until such time as the appropriate fee has been paid. Jacob Dinger Bishop Auckland Approved in principle subject to a signed and amended form being received before the individual plays. Josh Mason Barnard Castle Jaedyn Bartosh – Short Normanby Hall Ullrich Boshoff Marske Overseas Amateur Transfer Sanctioned Ullrich Boshoff Pershore to Marske Professional Transfers Sanctioned John Watson Saltburn Hasantha Fernando Sudbury Hartlepool Marton to to 3 Sachithra Serasinghe Haverigg to Normanby Hall Professional Registrations Sanctioned England Qualified (Category 1) Muhammed Zahid Redcar Jonathan Rickard Hartlepool Overseas (Category 3) Fazal Subhan Hasanthe Fernando Shanuka Dissanayaka Sachithra Serasinghe Redcar Marton Hartlepool Normanby Hall Application for Amateur Reinstatement Sanctioned John Watson Hartlepool Paid Employee Registrations Sanctioned Mitchell Brown Redcar Robert Munro Redcar Callum Brown Redcar Dan Conway Guisborough (Part Time Bar Person) (Part Time Bar Person) (Part Time Bar Person) (Coach) Paid Employee Registration Deferred Ullrich Boshoff Marske (Part Time Bar Person) Deferred pending sight and approval of work contract Amateur (EQ) Registrations Dominic Hindmarsh Nathan Parry James Knowlson Newton Aycliffe Newton Aycliffe Newton Aycliffe ACTION POINTS ON REGISTRATIONS: All clubs should note that the following categories of player need ANNUAL registration – Professionals Special registration (overseas exempt category 3E) Overseas amateurs (category 3) Paid employees County contracted CHAIRMENS MEETING The meeting had been held at Darlington CC on Thursday 19th March 2015 with 28 attendees. A very positive night with useful insight from those attending. Details of the issues discussed, and the views of the meeting, had been circulated to all clubs with a news item posted on the league website by the president. PRE-SEASON MEETING OF CLUBS Arrangements for the meeting on Wednesday 1st April 2015 at Teesside University had now been completed. All clubs had been sent details including directions to the university and car parking arrangements. 4 Anniversary hoardings measuring 4ft. x 2ft. would be available for all clubs to collect at the meeting. PITCH QUALITY STANDARDS SCHEME – REPORTS AND AWARENESS EVENING A seminar for the premier clubs who were involved in the PQS scheme, run jointly by the IOG and ECB Pitch Advisors, would be held at Stokesley CC on Wednesday 8th April at 7.30pm. All clubs had been advised and asked to supply the details of their attendees by the 31st March. TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY NYSD FIFTEENS FINALS DAYS It was reported that Stokesley had confirmed their acceptance of the offer to host the 2015 finals day. Resolved: The Fifteens committee to arrange a meeting with the club in the near future to discuss their plans in more detail and provide advice. APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Rockcliffe Park Messrs. C. West, M Kirkbright, T. Briddock and D Watchman visited the ground to review facilities on Saturday 21st March 2015. Although the overall standard of the ground and facilities was considered satisfactory based on the ground assessment procedures and marking, there were three areas of concern identified :1. Absence of a fixed scoring facility. 2. Separate area for umpires changing needs upgrading. 3. There was only one shower unit in each dressing room. The meeting felt there should be a minimum of two. The first two points had been discussed with the club during the visit and the inspection committee understood that plans were in hand to upgrade and that these would be completed in time for the 2016 season. Resolved: Although broadly supportive the committee felt that written assurances were required about the nature of upgrading work to be done and the timescale for the same. The general secretary would write to the club seeking this information, which would be requested to be available to the next committee meeting. Barton The club had confirmed that they wished to proceed with their application to join the NYSD League. They had further advised their intention to create a separate umpires changing facility and to install showers to both team changing areas by the start of the 2016 season. They had also advised that their two lane practise facility was now complete. The club had queried whether they would be allowed to enter just one team in the league, and also asked for an update on the possible regionalisation of Division 3. The committee felt that any works improvement programme would require monitoring to ensure it was carried out, and they also felt they would like some more detail as to the longer term plans for the improvement of the scoring facilities. There was some debate and concerns were expressed on the issue of the club entering just one team in the league. It was pointed out that this had never been allowed in the past. Resolved: The general secretary to write to the club once more asking for the additional information and raising the issue of the number of teams the club wished to field. 5 ECB PREMIER LEAGUE 2015 PRPF The proposed targets for 2015 were still under discussion at Lord’s although the president had been given some prior detail of what was likely to be included. This had sparked a debate with the ECB over the lateness of the issue of the information, and the proposed timetable attached to some of the targets. It was understood that a formal announcement would be made on April the 2nd. Play-Cricket Data Cleanse It was known that a player communications package would be rolled out for the 2015 season. This required work to be undertaken to ‘data-cleanse’ some player details on all club websites – this would be a PRPF target. ACTION POINT: ALL clubs to check their registered player details to ensure that a fully up to date e mail address is noted on play-cricket for each. In addition, the ECB information boxes under the profile menu of the player should be checked to ascertain whether the ‘yes’ box has been marked – if the ‘yes’ box hasn’t been marked then the club should attempt to obtain the players permission to mark the ‘yes’ box as only then would the player receive the comms package. The ECB will be checking on the success of this process later in the summer. Get the Game On Campaign The League Campaign Manager had received the information pack and would make a short presentation at the pre–season meeting on 1st April 2015. Computer Scoring The ECB would be making a big push via PRPF for all Premier Division teams to computer score. The president reported that the NYSD lagged behind other PL’s in this area, and therefore a concerted effort was required to prioritise this during the forthcoming season. It had been confirmed with the press office that scorecards could be e mailed to them on a Saturday evening, thus removing the necessity to ring the scorecard in. In addition the ability to upload the scorecard direct to play-cricket means there are very positive additional benefits to scoring on-line. Neil Hutchinson would head a small scorers help group which would include Kevin Moore and Bev Spencer who would be available to assist clubs/scorers with queries and concerns. Details of these initiatives would be issued to clubs separately before the start of the season. Resolved: It was agreed that Premier Division teams who score on line during the 2015 season should be rewarded, and that the annual accreditation payment received in July, which is distributed under the discretion of the LMC, would be used to incentivise clubs as follows: Clubs who computer/live score during 2015 would receive £750. Clubs who do not computer/live score during 2015 would receive £250. YORKSHIRE PREMIER LEAGUES MANAGEMENT BOARD The president confirmed this was now up and running and the NYSD had two seats. He had asked for volunteers to fill the second slot on the Board as it was important that the League had representation at all meetings. Steve Clarke had offered his services. Resolved: The president and Mr S Clarke to be the two NYSD Board members. DURHAM CRICKET BOARD Durham Recreational Cricket Forum The AGM will be on Monday 30th March 2015 and the president will attend. 6 LEAGUE CRICKET CONFERENCE The AGM had been held at Middleton on the 14th March. Mr West had been re-elected for a third term of office as chairman of Conference. The quarterly legal update contained some important topics for clubs and had already been distributed to them. LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVE CRICKET NYSD Select XI v Yorkshire CCC First Team at Marton, May 6th Yorkshire had requested that several Yorkshire players be included in the NYSD team and this had been agreed subject to details being provided well before the date of the game. There would be an after match reception attended by all the players, with a Q&A session conducted by BBC Leeds’ Dave Callaghan. Attendance at the reception would be limited to 100 with Marton requiring details of the League and sponsors numbers for planning purposes. The League would cover the cost of the reception food. A ‘top gun’ competition would be run in two parts in conjunction with the match. The first part would consist of a heat of the Yorkshire Top Gun event (only players from Yorkshire clubs can enter that), whilst the second part would consist of an NYSD ‘top gun’ competition seeking the fastest bowler in the league. All clubs would be supplied with posters for both the game and top gun initiatives at the pre-season meeting. ACTION POINTS: All clubs are requested to display both posters in their clubhouse well before the event, and they are also requested to place details on their websites. Wilkinson Cup The 1st round match against the Darlington District League had been arranged for 31st May at Darlington CC, 2pm start. Team Management - Under 21’s It was reported that Matthew Thomas had offered to take on the role of U21 manager advertised in the last minutes. Resolved: Matthew Thomas confirmed as team manager with Andrew Weighell to assist on match days. Team Captain Mr Nicholls had advised that Andrew Weighell would captain the senior league side in the 2015 season. 2015 HANDBOOK The handbook artwork had been something of a nightmare this year, with no fewer than seven proof reads having to be undertaken under significant deadline pressure and this had put one or two individuals under considerable strain. The printers had received the final draft a fortnight before the pre-season meeting and assurances had been received that the books would be available in time. 7 ANY OTHER BUSINESS League Photographer It was reported that the photographer, who had done an excellent job in the 2014 season, had been approached to continue into the 2015 season. He had subsequently provided a verbal quote which indicated a moderate increase in rates and this was put to the committee. Resolved: The quote was broadly acceptable subject to a small adjustment to the terms which would be put to the photographer. Sunday Sun Cricketer of the Year awards It was reported that J. Marsay of Great Ayton CC had won the Sunday Sun junior cricketer of the year award for 2014. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th April 2015 at the Springboard Centre, 7.30pm. Dates for the summer meetings (all at the Springboard Centre) will be as follows: 20th May 17th June 22nd July 26th August 9th September (Rules Review) 8
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