Participation Manual A complete guide to exhibiting at the AIS Greenworks Conference 2015 5th - 8th July Jupiters, Gold Coast AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 1/13 CONTENTS CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT 3 CRITICAL DATES 3 Statement of Account 3 REGISTRATION & ENTITLEMENTS 4 - Complimentary Trade Registration 4 - Additional Trade Registration 4 Online Registration Instructions 4 EXHIBITOR KIT 5 BOOTH SET UP 5 FURNITURE HIRE 5 Car Parking 5 VENUE EXHIBITION SERVICES 6 BUMP‐IN & BUMP‐OUT 6 EXHIBITION OPENING TIMES 6/7 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS 8 SECURITY 8 INSURANCE 8 FLOOR PLAN & PROGRAM 8 RULES & REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS 9 / 10 EXHIBITOR CONFIRMATION FORM 11 SATCHEL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS 12 DELIVERY AND COLLECTION INSTRUCTIONS and LABELS 13 AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 2/13 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT ASN Events PO Box 200 Balnarring Vic 3926 Tel + 61 3 8692 2032 Fax + 61 3 5983 2223 Steve Robin: M 0414 606 341 Emily Gangell: M 0488 663 476 E: CRITICAL DATES Please mark these important dates in your diary. Monday 1st June Satchel inserts due at ASN Events Monday 1st June Balance of sponsorship and exhibition payments due Monday 1st June Exhibitor Confirmation Form due at ASN Monday 1st June Deadline for special requirements Sunday 5th July Exhibition bump in 8 am Sunday 5th July Exhibition opening 1 pm Sunday 5th July Welcome Function 6 pm Monday 6th July Dinner 7 pm Tuesday 7th July Exhibition bump out (3.30pm) Statement of Account Please note that your sponsor and exhibitor payments are due by 1st June 2015 and all other amounts must be paid prior to the conference. If your account is outstanding, we would be grateful f you could make payment at your earliest convenience. Please contact ASN Events on + 61 3 8658 9530 or at if you have any further queries. AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 3/13 REGISTRATION & ENTITLEMENTS Standard Trade exhibitors receive one (1) complimentary registration per site booked. (All major sponsors have additional entitlements). Complimentary Trade Registration entitles your representative to: All daily catering The trade registration does not include the conference dinner. If you wish to attend this function, a ticket must be purchased. Additional Trade Registration Entitlements All daily catering Gala Dinner tickets are not included. If you wish to attend this function, tickets must be purchased. Registration Type Complimentary Trade Registration Cost $0 Inclusions Daily Catering Welcome function Extras Conference Dinner @ $120 Additional Trade Registration $500 Daily Catering Welcome Function Conference Dinner - $120 Please register your delegates online. This is a special URL for sponsors and exhibitors only: Scroll down to AIS Greenworks PCA Conference 2015 Online Registration Instructions - You can either: ‘Register for this event’ Go to “Begin here”. You will be asked for your email address and password. Or you can register multiple delegates by clicking on: ‘Act on behalf of more than one delegate’ Each delegate requires a separate email address and profile. Go to “Begin here”. You will be asked for your email address and password. Proceed through the registration and payment process. For assistance and queries please contact Emily at ASN Events: or phone: + 61 3 8658 9530. Dinner Tickets can also be booked online for Monday 6th July at $ 100. Accommodation can be booked online through the conference registration process. Special rates are available for Jupiters - to take advantage of these please book now via the conference web site when registering your trade delegates. Accommodation must be paid IN FULL by 1st June. Your booking will not be secured until payment is received. AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 4/13 AnEXHIBITOR Exhibitor kit will KITbe sent to you upon you sending the participation confirmation form on page 11, This Exhibitor Kit includes the Exhibitors Confirmation form on page 11. The information compiled from these forms will ensure the smooth installation of the exhibition. Should you have any queries relating to the exhibition, your stand, or if you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Steve: Phone + 61 3 8692 2032 Fax: + 61 3 5983 2223 Email: BOOTH SET UP AND FURNITURE HIRE BOOTH DESIGN The 3 m x 3 m booth with dark blue walls, power and lighting, Fascia name. • No other inclusions (all equipment must be hired from ExpoNet or brought in by you.) Please contain your display to your allocated space, not in walkways, and do not block fire exits. The official exhibition supplier has been appointed to ExpoNet. ExpoNet will contact you to provide you with your unique log on and link to view the online exhibitor kit. If you have any issues with this please contact ExpoNet direct on: Exhibitor Services Department 02 9645 7070 The online exhibitor kit can be accessed via this link: For any custom stand requests please contact: Daniel Roger 0411 475 488. Note: Persons under the age of 15 years are not permitted without adult supervision. And: All unloading of materials for the exhibition may be done through the Jupiters loading Dock, via the main driveway. AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 5/13 CAR PARKING Car parking is via the main drive. For all parking maps and prices visit: VENUE - JUPITERS Jupiters Hotel & Casino Gold Coast Highway BROADBEACH QLD 4218. Ph: +61 7 5592 8100. If you have any questions about the venue, contact: Renee Roberts: 07 5592 8666 BUMP‐IN & BUMP‐OUT BUMP IN Day Sunday 5th July Your access to the site for exhibitor set up is from: From 8 am First session with delegates is at: 1 pm The trade area will already be set up when you arrive, so this time frame refers to when you must actually set up your stand or place your material on your display. To ensure all exhibitors experience a speedy and trouble‐free build of their exhibition, exhibitors must adhere to the access time provided to them by the Conference Secretariat. Access into the Exhibition space prior to the scheduled time will not be permitted. BUMP OUT Day Tuesday 7th July Delegates access finishes 3.30pm, following afternoon tea Please complete hand removal items by: 6.00pm Please remove your display material promptly when finishing. Due to limited storage facilities all exhibitor goods should be organised or booked for removal on the day of the teardown. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Any special requirements, contact: Steve – EXHIBITION OPENING TIMES Morning tea, lunches and afternoon teas are expected to be the busy times, so trade spaces should be manned during allocated tea and luncheon breaks. There is a Welcome function on the Terrace from 6pm. Sunday 5th July Welcome Function on the Terrace at 6pm. Trade is invited. AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 6/13 Monday 6th July 8.00am ‐ 4.30pm (M/ tea 10.30am, Lunch 12.45pm, A/ tea 3.00pm) – Dinner 7 pm Tuesday 7th July 8.15am ‐ 4pm (M/ tea 10.30am, Lunch 12.15pm, A/ tea 2.15pm) AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 7/13 DELIVERY AND COLLECTION INSTRUCTIONS DELIVERY Jupiters will accept delivery of goods on behalf of exhibitors, from Thursday 2nd – Friday 3rd July. Please refer to attachment for delivery details. Renee Roberts: 07 5592 8666 th COLLECTION Please make sure all your gear is collected on Tuesday 7 July. STORAGE AREA The organisers will make available a room to store material during the conference. SECURITY The venue is generally secure, and whilst every reasonable precaution is taken, the Conference organisers and the venue accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur to persons or property at the exhibition resulting from any cause whatsoever. THE PROTECTION OF YOUR PROPERTY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Exhibitors must make provisions for the safeguarding of their goods, materials, equipment and displays at all times. Please be security conscious. Do not leave wallets, laptops, mobile telephones or any easily portable items unattended, at any time, in your stand. INSURANCE All exhibitors should ensure their public liability policy covers their activities during this show: Whilst all care is taken, exhibitors should make their own decisions as to whether fire and theft cover is required. ASN Events and the venue shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur to the exhibitor employees or property from any cause what so ever prior, during and subsequent to the exhibition. The exhibitor, on contracting for space or an exhibition stand, expressly releases the organiser and the venue from, and agrees to indemnify same against, any and all claims for such direct and indirect loss, damage or injury. Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold harmless ASN Events, the venue and their agents from all liability (damage or accident) which might ensure from any cause resulting or connected with transportation, placing, removal or display of exhibits. FLOOR PLAN & PROGRAM The Trade exhibition is on the ground level of Jupiters Hotel in their convention centre. A floor plan is available from Steve CONFERENCE PROGRAM: AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 8/13 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS Whilst ASN Events’ approach to exhibition management is to facilitate the interaction with trade and provide an environment where all trade participants can maximise the value of their investment in this Event, please note the following rules and guidelines for exhibition behaviour. Please ensure all of your representatives are aware of the following conditions on participation. 1. Exhibitor responsibilities - principal(s) and/or employee(s) of the exhibitor must be present in the exhibit space at all times during the open hours of the Exhibition 2. No dismantling or packing may start before the official close of the exhibition without the written permission of the Event Organiser. 3. Displays and decorations - merchandise, signs, decorations or display fixtures shall not be pasted, taped, nailed or tacked to walls. No exhibit, merchandise, equipment, trunks, cases or packing materials shall be left in any aisle, but shall be confined to the exhibit space or block any allocated fire exit. No trunks, cases or packing materials shall be brought into or out of the exhibit space during exhibit hours. No signs, advertising devices or merchandise shall be displayed outside the exhibit space or project beyond limits of exhibit space, or cover any designated fire exit sign. 4. Construction - standard space can only be supplied and constructed by the approved event decorator. The reverse side of any wing panel extending from the back wall of the display must be draped in order to avoid a raw exposure to a neighbouring booth. If the exhibitor does not comply with the above standards, the Event Organiser will have the decorator drape the area and bill the exhibitor. 5. Exhibit personnel - all participants affiliated with exhibits must be registered. Each person will be issued an exhibitor's badge and must be employed by the exhibitor or have a direct business affiliation. Complimentary entitlements are outlined in correspondence to your representative and reflect overall space size and sponsorship support. 6. Amendments to exhibition layout - while every effort is made to preserve the published layout of the exhibition, the Event Organiser shall be entitled to vary the layout if this is in the general interest of the exhibition. 7. Subletting of exhibit space - exhibitors are prohibited from assigning or subletting their exhibit space or any part of the space allotted to them. Exhibitors cannot exhibit or permit any merchandise or advertising materials to be exhibited in their space which are not part of their own regular products. It is not permitted for money to change hands (including credit card payments) for products, merchandise, membership, or services of any kind in the exhibit hall. Orders may be taken for payment at a later date. 8. Noise - exhibitors may not use audible electronic, mechanical apparatus, or open audio systems which may be heard outside the exhibitor's assigned space. The Event Organiser reserves the right to require any exhibitor to discontinue any activity which may cause annoyance or interference with others. 9. Exhibitor conduct – the exhibitor and its representatives shall not congregate or solicit trade in the aisles or other common areas of the venue. 10. The exhibitor shall refrain from any action which will distract delegates from attendance at any official meeting or function of the event. The exhibitor shall not enter another exhibitor's space without invitation or when unattended. AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 9/13 11. Exhibitors are to respect the rights assigned to sponsors. These rights include (and are not restricted to) lanyard naming rights. Using, making available or handing out alternate branded lanyards is forbidden though exhibitor staff may use a product neutral lanyard supplied by ASN. 12. Social events - social events may not be arranged for delegates without the consent and knowledge of the Program Committee and must never occur during the scientific program (including the satellite symposia), or during the opening ceremony or the gala banquet. 13. Closing of exhibit – the Event Organiser shall be entitled to terminate an exhibitors participation forthwith, close the exhibit and remove the exhibitor's property from the exhibit space at any time for failure by exhibitor or its duly authorised assignee or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives to perform, meet or observe any Term, Condition, or Rule set forth herein, and such exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund of any payment. 14. No storage will be permitted behind booths or within the exhibition space. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 10/13 AIS GREENWORKS PCA CONFERENCE EXHIBITOR CONFIRMATION FORM (fax to ASN on + 61 3 5983 2223 or email to by 1st June 2015) 1) Organisation: 2) Do you have any special exhibitor requirements? _______________________________________________ Name: Contact details: 3) Person in charge of stand: Mobile: Email: 4) Name of the complimentary included staff member: (Note this is a check only - they must register on line using the dedicated sponsors and trade link Scroll down to AIS Greenworks PCA Conference 2015 (See page 4 of this document for instructions). For assistance please contact Emily Gangell: The trade pass entitles you to attend the Welcome Function, but not the Dinner – additional passes cost $500. 5) Additional Names/Registrations: a) b) Additional Staff on Site - consult Emily Gangell for assistance. Additional staff must be registered and paid for on line Note: You can book accommodation at the time you register – please see website for the booking form. Dinner tickets must be purchased on line. Additional Trade Pass Registration th Dinner Tickets for Monday 6 July $ 500 $ 120 AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 11/13 SATCHEL INSERTS DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS Deliver By 1st June 2015 An online PDF of this label is available: To: ASN Events AIS PCA CONFERENCE 2015 Satchel Insert Via Australia Post or Courier To: ASN Events 3056 Frankston-Flinders Road (PO Box 200) BALNARRING VIC 3926 AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 3 8692 2032 Fax: +61 3 5983 2223 From (Organisation)……………………………..……… Contact Person ………………………………………… Contact phone number………………………………… AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 12/13 DELIVERY TO JUPITERS DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS - PLEASE ATTACH ONE FORM FROM LABEL ON SEPARATE PAGE TO EACH ITEM BEING DELIVERED To enable us to efficiently manage the large amount of material arriving into the hotel each day, it is essential that you complete the separate forms and attach one copy to each item being delivered for your function/event. Your courier will also require this information to access the loading dock for delivery purposes: 1. No parking is allowed in the loading bay – only short term drop off and pick up is allowed (up to 15-20 minutes only) 2. DO NOT LEAVE ANY ITEMS ON THE LOADING BAY AREAS AT ANY TIME, the hotel will not be responsible for items left on the loading bay areas 3. The hotel does supply staff or trolleys for the movement of goods to and from the dock to storage. 4. Items must be delivered Thursday – Friday prior to the event. Items will be stored in the conference & events operations client storeroom. Conference staff will assist in the move from Loading Dock to storage, of material delivered in person, or by courier arranged by the exhibitor. 5. At the conclusion of your function, we ask that all items be taken with you on the day. If this is not possible, items must be picked up on the next working day after the event. 6. Each individual is responsible to seal and clearly label ALL items that are left behind 7. The hotel will not be responsible for incorrectly labelled or unsealed packages. All such items will be stored. Any items not collected from the hotel will be disposed of after 7 days. 8. All deliveries made on pallets must be delivered on branded pallets eg CHEP or Loscam. If any items are delivered on non branded pallets it will be the exhibitor/senders responsibility to ensure the pallets are removed from the Loading Dock area at the conclusion of the event. _________________________________________________________________________________ FREIGHT DELIVERY AND COLLECTION FORMS: see labels on Jupiters web site: AIS Greenworks PCA Exhibitors Manual 2015 Page 13/13
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