W Bv FAX /Sneed Post OFFICE OF TIfi PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER-9F ACCOUNTS (Fvs.). 10-A, SHAIIEED KSI{UDIRA}I BOSE ROAD" KOLtsATA-7000.91. EIreULA No.371 To The Date: 27104 DAls. /AN-VI (Central) / Order of F & A (Fys)/ c.D.A Rtc (E.R)/ c.t.A M. Local. The OfficerA.O.,OFP, Nalanda Subiect: Reimbursernent of expenditure on account of acquiring ....Plif.'..g..tr.xo--af::1.{:j9.1.".1.T-J-:-D**P:J:}.*'.9.T{XH;************* A copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) OM No- 35Afifi12014- Estt. (D) dated 19.03.201,5 on the above subject received under Hqr Office, New Delhi letter NoAN/XIV/I901S/Govt. Orders/2015, dated -13.04.2015 is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action please. The contents of the circular may please be brought out to the notice of all concerned under your jurisdiction. Addl C ofA (FYs) has seen. Encls:- as stated. -s+ (G H Kundu) Copy to:The Officer in Charge All Sections of Main OIIice / Raitway'G' Section, M.0., 6, Espl*nade East, Kol-69. ./. / \.ftne Officer in Charge EDP WDC CELL of Main Office For uploading the same to the Official Website of PCA (Fys) Kolkata please. Senior Accgtrnts{ffi cer (Admin) / File:-Desktop/ FY-15-16/371-AN Vl(Centrtrllorder, Page'l. EPABX: 033-2248-50?7 ttt 80 FAX: {033) 2248 A99ll 2248 1649 ?- ,'?ril*< qr "i-f -v nilry -''u m ffi,Ftr;r ,l/ a. n{'' ,'j \ ,r.| ra {J A / tv ^- Erei$ rfi?t, rlirfrr frlF* utrat;l 10010 CGDA" UIan Batar noa fts \-: No. AN/X|V/1 901 S/Govt' Orders/201 5 13.04.2015 To ',/ / Alt Pr.csDA / csDA (through CGDA Mail Server) of acquiring driving licence Reimbursement of expenditure-on account for Motor cars to Desptach Rider I MTS - reg' and Pensione A copy of Ministry of Ministry of Personnel, P,ublic Grievances dated (Department of p"irorl*.f and f*ining)-Or' ry: 1501111t2014-Estt'(D) necessary herewith for information and 19.03.2015 on the J""".rUiect is fon,rarded =,^\ actibn. sub: Encls: As stated (Saniiv\ Bajaj) s_rL_(Sanjiv J Bajaj) For CGDA N0,3501 U1l2014-tsrr. (D) L, i: 6overnment of lndia Ministry of Personnel, public 6rievances and pensions Department of personnel & Tr.aining North Block, New Delhi Dated the 1,9tt'March, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Reimbursement of expenditure on account of acquiring driving license f.or Motor cars to Dispatch Rider / MTS. The undersigned is directed to say that a revised Model Recru.itment Rules (RRsi for. the post of staff car driver has been issued vide this Department OM No. AB- uoaTll0/2o14-Estt (RRJ dated 1.7,20L4, Accordingty Ministries I Departments have been advised to review the existing rules to bring them in conformity with the rnodel RRs. lt may be observed from coiurnn 10 of the model RRs that the method of recruitment prescribed for filling up the post of staff sar driver (orciinary grade) is ,.Deputation/absorpUon failing which.bi direct recruitment". With regard to Deputation / Absorption following criteria has been prescribed:- '1From amongst the regular Dispatch Rider (Group C) and Group C emplol,gss in pay Banci I Rs' 520C-20200 Grace pay Rs. 18.00 in the s;i-,re Minisiry / Departmeni who possess the basis of a Driving Test to assess the competence to drive Motor cars failing which frorn offjcials holding the post Dispatch of Rider on regular b.asis or regular Gfgup C employees in pay Band 1 Rs. 5200_20200 Grade pay Rs. 1800 in other Mlnistries / Department of the central $ove.nment who fulfil the necessary qualifications as mentioned in column 7.,, valici Di'iving License for Motcr Cai.s on 2' To etrcourage fiiiing up cf the pcst of Staff Car Driver through the method of Depuiation/Absorption of Despatch Rider and Group 'C' employees pay in Band I rarith Grade Pay of Rs'1800/-, it has been cjecided to reimburse the expenditure incurred on account of acquiring Driving Licence for Motor cars to Despatch Riders (Dn)/vrrs subject to the condiiion that reimbursement is allowed to only such Dfu/MTS who otherwise fulfil the criteria laid down in the RRs for appointment as Staff Car Drivers. . ..: 3. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure vide their OM No, 15056/E.Coord-2015 dated l.3th February, 2015 ffs ,/.y' *-* Under Secretary to the Govt. of tndia Tele. No. 23040340 ./ #mr istries f pep-artm e : -r or rn e G sve rn m e-rrt srudra \*** ,i v" ,.t ii.::: .:*. :', '::n.:::,:.:-,.: :. .- , ir= \ ti, \ :.I , a. ' Copy to:-. New Delhi' 1. The President's Secretariaq Delhi 2. The Vlcq.presidentrs SectL New Delhi' 3. The Prime Minister"s Office, New Delhi' 4. The Cabinet Secretariat, New New Delhi' 5. The Lok Sabha /RaivaSabha Secretariat' New Ot'n: €omptroller and Audit Generat of India' ,, . New Delhi Commission' Service Public 7. The Secretary, Uniqn 6. The New Delhi' 8. The Staff Selection Csmmission, Pensions' of Personnel' Public Grievances and All attached offices under the Ministry Department of Personnel and Training' l-0. All Officers and Slections in the 9. copies) 11. Estabtishment (D) Section, QoP&T t20 12. NIC for uPdation on the website &*-'/) (S. K. Prasad) lndia Under Secreta'ry to the Govt' of Tele' No' 23040340 /l
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