ry Sated Ns.,{/li1 1 3lPM/201 4'1 5 17 ,CI3.401S T9 oo : Ref : $ub -::,^^, Annual elosing of Accounts for the year 2014"20{5. HQrs Office letter No. Alll11331 I1ACN?014-2015 dated ,16.03'?015. As per guidetines by the CGA, MoF (Deptt of Expdr), the accounts of financial year 20't4-15, will be cloeed in the following phases :(a) March (FrqliminarY), ' (b) March ($upplementary): and. . (c) uareh'subitarnentary Corrections) (Maroh rr": ': Final) ' r:r' rr :r ' ' '' Aceordingly, there will be ns Manual ,Aicount, March $upplementary Correction will be treated as Mareti Final Account. However, 3 to 4 days time window for reporting any exeeptional manual correction have been provided to the PCsDAIQsDA before finalizing of March $upplementary Correction Account (March Final) in terms of Para 29 of Defence Account Code, 2014. The following dates have been fixed for the closing of accounts for the financial year 2014-15 Month's Accounts March (Preliminary) 201 5 March ($upplementary) 201 5 (1 3 Accounts) March ($upplementary Correetion) 2015 (Mareh Manual) March Supplementary Time Wlndow Correction Accsunt (Merch Final) for . Date by which last bateh of Punching Medium to reaeh DDPIEDP Centre (with requisite eertifieates). 14.04.2015 27.04.201$ 12.05.2015 15.09.2015 lt may he ensured that the prescribed dates are strictly adhered to. Detailed inotruetions, given in HQrs ibid letter, are available at CGDA/PCDA(SWQwebsite. It is requested to go through the above HQrs letter and adhere to the deadlines/instructions contained therein. -sl' Agatt. ODA (AJes). cop ytoThe 0. ll0 EDP Seetiqn (Local) 1. 2. For necessary aetion pleese Alongwith a photocopy of the HQrs Office letters cited under reference for uploading the same on PCDAfSWQrwebsite '! YZ'€ AEctt, CDA (A1Cs
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