MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR REGISTERED No. E/II/ARWE/24/2014-15 O/o The PCDA (WC) Chandigarh Date: 06.05.2015 To Shri ……………………… AAOGE/AOGE/AAOBSO/LAO …………………………… Sub: FINALISATION OF APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS (DEFENCE SERVICES) REVIEW OF WORKS EXPENDITURE 2014-15 As intimated by the HQ Office vide letter No. 18079/AT-X/ARWE/2014-15 dated 20.04.2015, Annual Review of Works Expenditure Report for the FY 2014-15 along with its various statements together with its supplementary details is to be submitted to HQ office by 10th July, 2015. It has been experienced that while sending the required information / data to main office, due attention and care is not being given by AOs GE which has resulted in to unnecessary correspondence and undue delay in rendition of the report to HQ Office. In order to ensure correct compilation of ARWE for the FY 2014-15, in accordance with the directions of the competent authority, a copy of / Statements of ARWE for 2013-14 is being placed on PCDA (WC) website and also being mailed through ZIMBRA MAIL for guidance and furnishing the details in the statements duly verified by AOs GE to this office by 10 th June, 2015 positively through ZIMBRA MAIL / Speed Post / By hand. It is your duty to ensure that documents reach this office in time and safely to the concerned task holder. Make sure to get your acknowledgement of the document. The following statements related to “Review of Works Expenditure” for the year 2014-15 may please be submitted to this office duly typed and legible on Proper Proforma (in duplicate) i.e. in Two Sets alongwith supporting details containing the name of Auditor/ AAO/AO/ who prepared/checked the report. The formats on which statements are to be rendered to this office had already been forwarded to your office under our letter of even no. dated 23.4.2009 during submission of the ARWE for the year 2008-09. „Nil‟ statements are also required to be submitted. 1. Statement ‘A’ Part I & II (Para 13): The reasons for variation are to be mentioned clearly against each item. The reason column should under no circumstances be left blank. In Statement „A‟ Para 13 Part-II, it may be indicated whether the work has been sanctioned under Para 34, 35 & 36 of DWP 2007. Complete details of work sanctioned under Para 35 of DWP should also be enclosed indicating the steps taken for getting Admin Approval in respect of cases incorporated in previous year report and sanctioned in current year. Please separately mention in Part-I of the statement, the no. of cases showing variation of over 50% between allotment & expenditure in respect of works costing Rs 25 Lakh & above and in Part-II of the statement, the no. of cases of non-budgeted works with amount less than Rs. 10 Lakhs and amount of Rs. 10 Lakhs & above. 2. Statement ‘B” (Para 14): The total number of works completed during the year under review costing Rs. 25 Lakhs and above (estimated cost or actual expenditure) may be indicated without fail. The details of the work carried out without Admin Approval and without allotment of Funds during the year may please be attached (the cases not remaining outstanding and objected in the earlier years should be excluded). CA No. & Date of completion of jobs in respect of effected cases may also be intimated interalia stating whether revised Admin Approval has been obtained or otherwise. 3. Statement ‘C’ {Para 15 (a), (b) (a), (b) (b) & (c)}: It may be ensured that the opening balance of the current year statement should tally with the closing balance of the respective statement for last year except Statement ‘C’ want of appropriation and excess over appropriation. No amount is to be shown as outstanding in the opening balance in Statement „C‟ Para 15 (a) & (b). Objections for want of appropriation shown in closing balance in the previous year report may be watched separately. Reasons for not obtaining covering Sanction / Admin Approval and remarks are also to be attached with the statements in respect of outstanding amount as on 31/03/2014. 4. Statement D-I to V, D-VIII, D ‘A’ and D ‘B’ {Para 21 (a),(b),(c) &(d)} along with Analysis and Annexures: CA No., date and description of work in respect of all the works where irregularity occurred must be indicated. 5. Statement D-VI: The details where extensions were granted for more than the original time may be furnished. 6. Statement E-I & II (Para 20) alongwith analysis 7. Statement ‘E’ Supplementary alongwith analysis 8. Statement ‘F’ (Para18) alongwith analysis: The statement should be furnished indicating the recoveries of license Fee, Rent & Allied charges in respect of the bills issued upto 28 th Feb 2015 and position of outstanding amount as on 30th June 2015 with year-wise breakup and the steps taken to reduce the outstanding License Fee and Allied charges may please be furnished alongwith Statement „F‟ (Para 18). The Amount irrecoverable, if any, may be indicated as note in the Statement. It may also be ascertained from executive authority what steps have been taken to reduce the outstanding under these items. Please also ensure that the amount shown in Statement „F‟ (Para 18) and the amount reflected in Statement 6A of AAC are same and the difference (s), if any, may be explained with reasons. 9. Statement ‘G’ (Para23): Percentage may be worked out separately for SSR 1996, 2004 & 2010. 10. Statement ‘H’ (Para): 11. Statement’I’ (Para 16) : Complete details of all operational works indicating Task No. / Admin Approval wise and total expenditure incurred during the year may be indicated in the report. 12. Statement ‘J’ (Para 24): 13. Statement K Part I & K Part II (Para 12) : In the Para 12 of the report, only Budget and Expenditure under woks Head (Minor Head / Sub Head as applicable) may be taken into account. Budget and Expenditure (under Revenue and Capital) on works of NCC, ECHS, RR and Joint Staff may also be included under the respective heads of account. The details of allotment and expenditure incurred on DGMAP works (Army, Navy, and Air Force) should be given separately under Para 12 of the report. 14. Loss Statement awaiting sanction (Para 17) with year wise break-up: Age-wise analysis in r/o loss statements awaiting sanction may be indicated alongwith action taken for regularisation of outstanding cases. 15. Recovery of outstanding Barrack Damages (Para 19) with year wise break-up: 16. Over payments/short/non-recovery from the contractors still outstanding (Para 21 e) with year wise break-up: Over payments/short/non recovery from the contractors still outstanding (Para 21e) with year wise break-up giving the present status whether in Arbitration/Court, date of next hearing, action proposed by executive for liquidation of demands may also be furnished. Please also furnish details of outstanding demands against contractor category-wise viz. Arbitration cases/Court cases, Risk and Cost, Blank Tenders, STE recoveries, Misc cases on Separate Proforma. Particulars of outstanding over Rs. One Lakh from contractor reported, under statement Para 21 (e) may be attached with the statements for examination by E-in-C‟s Branch. Please ensure that All the statements should be on the Standard Proforma. The statements should be Exhaustive and Self-explanatory to avoid back reference. While forwarding the reports the following points may please be kept in view:i) Each statement must be made in separate sheet of paper as the statements are to be sent to DGA (Defence Services) independently in a separate file by HQ Office. ii) No abbreviations are permitted in the Appropriation Accounts. All concerned may therefore ensure that even the usual abbreviations are not used in the various statements. iii) Each statement should be critically reviewed and analysed before submission and detailed comments should be furnished. Age wise analysis of the statement, wherever required should be enclosed. iv) The figures shown in ARWE should be duly reconciled with complied actuals. The Closing Balance as shown in ARWE report for the year 2013-14 must tally with the Opening Balance of ARWE report for the year 2014-15 . v) The amount may be shown in the whole Rupees and not in the decimal with naye Paise or in Lakh, Crore etc. vi) In past, it is noticed that due regard is not being paid by AAOs / AOs GE concerned while rendering the correct information on proper format as required for consolidation of this important report. Despite clear instructions on the subject, Incomplete Reports/information furnished lead to unwarranted correspondence at all levels as well as delay in submission of report to HQ Office on due date. An Annexure indicating the shortcomings noticed in the previous year is also enclosed for reference to help you avoid such errors and omissions in the Report for the year 2014-15. vii) It is the personal responsibility of AAOs/AOs GE to ensure that the report is submitted to Main Office well in time. Any delay or inaccuracies will entail initiation of disciplinary action. It is therefore, again stressed upon all concerned to ensure timely submission of the required report by the due date so as to enable this office to exercise proper check before consolidation of the same for onwards submission to HQrs Office. viii) All AAOs/AOs are directed to ensure that all the information incorporated in the report has been verified and correct. A certificate to this effect may also be recorded by the AAOs/AOs/LAOs on the forwarding memo of the report. ix) The report may please be submitted in such a way that it reaches Main Office by 10-06-2015 positively in a separate cover addressed to Smt Vanadana Kuniyal, SAO (E) except Statement ‘F’ which may be submitted upto 20-06-2015. Change in the format, if any, on later date received from HQ Office will be communicated to your office. x) Please Acknowledge Receipt of this Important Circular under the signature of AAOs/AOs. In case of Transfer of present AAO/AO GE/LAO, the same please be handed over to successor during Handing-Taking over of the assignment. It has been observed that no follow up actions on the outstanding cases are being intimated to this office. You are requested to go through the circulars issued by this office and uploaded on the website of PCDA (WC) CHD in this regard & submit your quarterly report showing the progress achieved by your office by minimizing the outstanding cases particularly relating to License Fee & allied charges, Losses, barrack damages, Statement „C‟, Statement „D-6‟, Statement „D-A‟, Statement „K‟, Contractors Demands Para 34, 35, 36 of DWP 2007etc. . --sd-(Vandana Kuniyal) Sr. Accounts Officer (E)
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