How to Save Your Marriage – Reignite The Passionate and Trusting Relationship You Deserve By Rachel Edison ~~~ Smashwords Edition Copyright © 2013 Rachel Edison All Rights Reserved. Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Are You In An Unhappy Relationship That You Want To Save? Relationships can be rocked without notice. Despite several weeks, months or even years of love, affection and bonding, two people can suddenly become distant and want to leave each other, for a number of reasons. Though that might unfortunately be the case in your situation, you MUST understand that any relationship or marriage, no matter how disastrous the current situation may be, can be saved and nurtured back into health IF you know EXACTLY how to fix it. Download The Ultimate ‘Save Your Relationship’ Resource Pack 100% FREE Click Here for Instant Access Disclaimer No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express writer, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the authors as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the authors reserve the right to alter and update their opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the authors nor their affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Contents Introduction When should you stay and when should you walk away? Try altering your approach.... Helping Your “Silent” Partner Become More Open Effective Strategies for Resolving Conflict How to Rebuild Trust Strategies for a Relationship Lacking Sexual Intimacy How to Reignite Passion Cautions and Remedies What are Realistic Expectations? When Professional Help is Advised You Deserve a Healthy Relationship Where To From Here? Are You In An Unhappy Relationship That You Want To Save? Introduction People, unlike machines, don't come with user guides. Instead, we gain our early knowledge about the life's workings from our parents (and occasionally, grandparents) - folks who have weathered the storms and can share the wisdom they've gained about life's various pitfalls. Parents today, though, with their attention increasingly shifting away from the household and towards more personal spheres like career and recreation, have less time to play this role for their children. This is especially true for relationships. Today's generation, by and large, has had nobody to guide them through the many intricacies of love, lust and infatuation. As products of the sixties, a time closely associated with rebellion, self-indulgence and other excesses, their parents weren't always the best role models (to put it mildly). The upshot of all of this is that we've got a generation making its way through the murky realm of relationships with all the care and sophistication of an unguided missile - hurtling aimlessly towards separation, divorce and other disastrous consequences. The statistics, by now, are common knowledge: just about everybody can recall off the top of their heads that half of all marriages end in divorce, with things getting markedly worse for second and third marriages. There is so little in the way of proper relationship guidance in this day and age that, rather than wondering why so many marriages fail, we might be better off asking why any of them succeed at all! Of course, it's not all doom and gloom - we know, after all, that love, care and passion can hold a relationship together in the face of great adversity - but even the most loving and passionate couple can only hold out so long if there are deep, persistent problems in the relationship itself. Most couples who have been married for over two decades will agree that maintaining their relationship is most challenging at times, so much so that they may have even contemplated ending their relationship at times. However, these same couples will likely also agree that there are substantial rewards in putting the effort into creating a happy and healthy relationship. So what is the winning combination that creates a successful relationship? Start out with commitment and dedication, plus willingness to compromise, and even sacrifice, if necessary. Add to that the comfort of close friendship, the sweetness of passion, and the ability to focus on the light side of life and have fun. That’s what it takes! Inevitably there will be crises in a committed relationship--some readily resolved and others that may shake it to its foundations. These can feel catastrophic when they occur--as if everything you were counting on has been wrenched away. This can lea to the depths of despair. Losing a committed relationship can be one of the most traumatic life events there is. What you once thought was safe and secure can turn into a volatile mix of confusing events in which nothing seems clear or safe. You may fear that you will inadvertently do something that will have catastrophic consequences. You likely know what this is like if you have been in a significant relationship for some time. Even though you are one-half of a couple, you may feel all alone in your desire to stay in your relationship, particularly if your partner is no longer available to you emotionally or physically, or seems to lack a commitment to deal with the issues. In such a situation there is both good news and bad news: it is up to you to deal with it. You may question how that can be good news. Taking responsibility for your relationship is empowering. You will discover that you are not a victim and that you have more power than you think to make a positive impact on your relationship. The important first step is to take responsibility. Because no action exists in isolation, your every action results in a reaction. Changes you make on your own behalf will necessarily result in changes in your relationship. Therefore, the secret to a good outcome is to learn what changes you yourself can make that will spill over into your relationship. Contrary to what we would like to think, problems in relationships always include both people.... Our first and natural inclination is to become defensive and blame our partner for the problems we are experiencing. As much as it is painful to admit, we have also had a part to play, whether or not we intended to. One person does not create problems on his own. (For grammatical ease, the male pronoun is used in this eBook. Please don’t be offended if you are a man.) Let’s say you are married and your husband is treating you disrespectfully. What about the bigger picture? Is this typical of how he treats others? If so, who? If it is only you who receives this treatment, that is enlightening. If that is how he consistently is in the world that is good information to know, as the odds of him treating you well are then lessened. If that is not his basic character, then in some way you are allowing him to mistreat you in that way. This point is central to this eBook: However your partner treats you, whether that is loving, kind, disrespectful, or abusive, you have taught him how to do so. While this may seem shocking, it actually offers hope. If you take responsibility for having taught him how to treat you, you can then also take responsibility for “un-teaching” him. This may take time, but it can be done! That does not guarantee that it will happen, as some people are not capable of sustaining a positive relationship. In that eventuality, you are faced with the decision as to whether or not you want to continue in the relationship. I’ll explore that possibility later... Whatever the situation, hard work is involved. If you are still with me, I hope you are willing to do what it takes! The payoff of a happy relationship makes it worthwhile, right? Although both partners are involved in relationship problems, don’t take this to mean that you caused his unacceptable behavior. He must also take responsibility for his choices. If your actions to this point have not brought about the results you desire, then it is time to attempt some different strategies. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes is crazy, so stop what you are doing and start over with some new strategies. Only then can you expect new outcomes. Ready for exciting change and new sanity? Then let’s continue.... Although this is hard to accept, the only person you can change is you! Don’t forget that. If you have any hope that this eBook will teach you how to remake your partner, or find ways to control or manipulate him, toss that false hope into the garbage. That is a dead end street. (If I knew how to make someone else change, I’d be insanely rich.) If that doesn’t work, what then? Before you continue reading, check out this amazing free video which shows you how to actually text the romance back into a dead or dying relationship Important Video To Watch Now: Text the romance back When should you stay and when should you walk away? Recently a young woman requested my advice regarding her relationship. She described a tumultuous relationship in which her partner continually vacillated about whether or not he wanted to be with her. He had broken up with her many times, only to change his mind a short time later and seek reconciliation. When with her, he might engage with her for a short time, and then withdraw to be alone for a while. Conflict was frequent and it did not take much to set him off. She wanted to do what was right and did not want to end her relationship with him. Seriously? While there were more details to what she related to me, the general theme was an unstable, unhealthy, conflictual relationship with a man who had some major issues, both personally and in his relationship with her. I asked her why, given her unhappiness and his characteristics, she continued in that relationship. She responded that she sincerely loved him. (Unfortunately, this is a frequent response.) I asked her whether she really loved him as he was, or as she hoped he might potentially become. I share this account because it highlights a central question that must first be honestly asked when having conflicts about your relationship: Is there enough health in your relationship to make it worth continuing? Often the answer to this is “yes,” but you have to make your own determination. If what this woman shared with me was accurate, I question whether her relationship was worth salvaging. I would place it right at the bottom of the scale--absolutely, positively, undoubtedly, for sure not worth saving. (That’s a bit dramatic, but I wanted to make my point.) There are a number of scenarios in which your relationship might be in danger or not worth continuing. If any of these resonate with you, it may be better to honestly face the fact that, as painful as it might be, it is better to end your relationship than to keep pouring energy into it. Sometimes it is better to cut your losses than allowing them to keep building. Here they are: 1. Your partner has a pattern of being unfaithful to you, or refuses to end a current affair. No matter how you look at it, cheating in your relationship is destructive. While it is not true that a cheater will never change, there is no valid excuse to cheat with an affair. Your partner having an affair is not a reason to automatically terminate your relationship, and many couples manage to come through this crisis with a strong relationship in the end. However, this is a serious problem that must be addressed. If your partner is chronically unfaithful and does not wish to change his behavior, he is disrespecting you and being extremely selfish. This is damaging and destructive of any trust you might have in him, and it could also have deleterious consequences to your health if he is involved with many sexual partners. 2. You are being abused. Abuse spans a wide range of behaviors: verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical. These are all expressions of varying degrees of violence. Abuse, especially when it is sexual or physical, is intolerable and can have tragic outcomes. Many people, mostly women, are murdered every day by abusive partners. If you are in a relationship where you are experiencing significant abuse, you need to leave before you become a statistic. I strongly advise you to find professional support if you are experiencing any abuse. If your abuse is violent, you need to find a safe place to stay, even if that means going to a shelter. It is important that you determine why you are tolerating being abused. If you continue to allow your victimization, you are telling your partner that you are deserving of mistreatment and are not deserving of being treated respectfully and lovingly. 3. Your partner is an addict. Addictive behavior can be highly destructive to any relationship. The list of addictions is long: gambling, alcohol, pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol. The reality is that the addiction comes first, and you will not be the priority in his life. Unless addicts are willing to admit their problem and accept help, the changes are low that they will change--ever. 4. Your partner chronically lies. A partner who lies habitually can’t be trusted. Without honesty there can be no trust, and your relationship will not be healthy or happy. 5. Your partner frequently disrespects you, disregards your feelings, and/or does not appreciate your input. A healthy relationship is based on mutuality. If you are being disrespected or disregarded, your selfesteem will end up being damaged, and you may build up anger and resentment. Your love is not being reciprocated in such a relationship, and you end up being hurt. 6. Your partner is irresponsible. Irresponsible behavior creates frustration and conflict, and negatively impacts your relationship in many ways. 7. You and your partner engage in continual conflict. While it is normal to experience some conflict, constant conflict is highly stressful and ultimately destructive. If children are exposed to this, it is particularly damaging to their emotional health. While professional couple therapy might be helpful, there is a chance that such a relationship will never work. If you resonate with any of these scenarios, it is time to do a careful analysis of your relationship. The cost of trying to save such a relationship is often high, and the prognosis is poor. If you and your partner seriously commit to the necessary treatment and/or professional support, there may be a future for you together. As much as you may hope for a favorable outcome, these kinds of issues tend to not have good outcomes, and you may end up paying a high price. On the other hand, if your relationship does not fit in the scenarios outlined above, keep reading. If both you and your partner are essentially healthy and reliable, I have some suggestions on what you can do to make your relationship work (even when your partner is extremely stubborn). Pointers on How to Respond to a Stubborn Partner Now that we are on the topic.... Perhaps you are living with a partner who is stubborn and you want to save your relationship. It is natural to be stubborn at times, and is something we all do, as we want to maintain aspects of our life that are important to us, whether they be values, beliefs, or behaviors that are meaningful to us. It is often the fear of loss of one sort or another that leads us to hang on to what we have. However, stubbornness can become extreme, and living with such a person is an exercise in frustration, especially when conflict is experienced (and stubbornness tends to breed conflict). In such a situation you may feel extremely frustrated and exasperated. Stubbornness can become entrenched, and your partner may have developed expertise in using it. After all, there is a payoff in taking an unwavering position and therefore not needing to consider other factors. Also, there may be some perverse satisfaction in frustrating one’s partner. And if you become highly invested in making him change his mind, heaven help you! But don’t give up prematurely. There are effective strategies in working with a partner who is stubborn. You don’t have to embrace a fruitless power struggle in which you ultimately have to give in or give up. Diggings in will only exacerbate matters. Try altering your approach.... Here are some potential strategies to do so: 1) Power struggles are not worth the frustration and stress they cause. You will end up feeling defeated, frustrated, resentful, and indignant if you engage in them. The basic concept here is embodied in the quote, “If you can’t beat’em, join ‘em.” Do your best to find something in common, rather than keeping defending yourself. This is not easy to do, as our natural tendency is to push back and defend ourselves, or become aggressive towards our partner. As this is counter-productive, it is time to pull back, breathe deeply, and take another perspective. 2) Start by attempting to understand your partner’s perspective, as it likely has some truth to it. Find and acknowledge any points on which you agree, no matter how small they are. When you discover points in common on which you agree, some of the intensity is removed from the struggle, and your partner may become somewhat more open to seeking a common solution. 3) Openly share how you feel with your partner using “I” statements. This is disarming, as “you” statements tend to be perceived as blaming and may, indeed, misrepresent your partner’s reality. You may be assuming that your partner understands what you are feeling, but he may be resisting because you are not making yourself clear and are not clearly letting him know what you are feeling. For example, let’s say he is messy when getting ready for bed, not putting his clothes away and leaving them scattered around on the floor. Without blaming, calmly say, “When you leave your clothes lying around I don’t feel appreciated or respected. At the end of the day I’m feeling tired and would be so happy if you would ease my workload by placing your clothes in the laundry rather than leaving them lying on the floor. It would also make me feel happier when sleeping with you.” Make your statement sincerely without any hint of blame, and don’t repeat it. Since he was expecting to be scolded, this approach will surprise him. Listen to what he has to say. If he doesn’t say anything, ask him whether he would share his thoughts or feelings so you can understand him better. 4) Blaming or attacking will only entrench his stubbornness, so never engage in those behaviors. 5) After you share your feelings with him, give him some time and space. Impatience and demanding increases stubbornness, as does persistence for an immediate response. Maybe he needs some time to process what you said. 6) When he responds, listen carefully to him and let him know you value his feelings and thoughts. Ask questions so that you are clear about his position. Don’t interrupt him when he is talking or counter what he is saying. 7) Confrontation or antagonism will only reinforce what you do not want--defensiveness and stubbornness. If you can create an exchange that feels safe for him, he is much more likely to respond in kind and be open to participation. 8) Nagging is counter-productive. Never engage in it. Even if you get your way by nagging, your partner will become resentful as a result. 9) After your partner has shared his perspective with you, ask him to listen to what you have to say. After all, relationships are built on give and take. (While you deserve to be listened to, if you take that approach it will likely be unproductive.) Then calmly share your thoughts and feelings using “I” statements. 10) It is possible that this approach won’t work because your partner is too entrenched in his stubbornness, or you may find yourself becoming angry and frustrated when using it. If that happens, couple therapy may be indicated. (If your partner won’t go with you, then you can go alone.) A professional in the area of couple relationships is a neutral third party who can help identify the underlying issues and help you find ways to become more successful. Helping Your “Silent” Partner Become More Open Almost invariably, a troubled relationship has communication problems. Often, one partner is desperate to communicate and resolve issues while the other one is unwilling (or unable) to do so. Open communication is essential to create a healthy relationship. In its portrayal of relationships, Hollywood has not helped matters. Think of the “strong, silent” man or the “mysterious, alluring” woman. While these stereotypes may seem appealing in the movies, in reality this is not a model that works well in relationships. My father was the strong, silent type, and this was most difficult for my mother. They did not separate, but the cost to my mother (and their relationship) was high. There were periods of tense silences with palpable frustration. We all knew something was wrong, and it took its toll on all family members. In the latter part of their lives, my parents did learn to communicate more effectively. Perhaps my father softened with age. After my mother almost died on one occasion, he may have gained a new perspective on the value of his marriage. Instead of having to wait for a traumatic event to occur, let’s look are some strategies that may improve your communication patterns with your partner. Sometimes it does not take much to dissolve the barrier of silence. Before I get to what works, let’s first consider what doesn’t work. There is overlap here with what doesn’t work with the stubborn partner: 1) Nagging never works. In fact, it only makes the situation worse, adding fuel to the fire. It results in opposition and resentment, and entrenches the opposite of what you want. If you are nagging, you must stop doing so immediately! 2) Begging and pleading. Engaging in this approach is counter-productive and will not result in positive change. In doing so, you are putting yourself down and making yourself less attractive to your partner. 3) Becoming angry and upset. Upping the ante by making an emotional scene won’t be productive either, and will cause your partner to resent you even more. 4) Engaging in criticism and complaints. Pressuring your partner to talk will result in him deepening his silence. He may feel defeated and hopeless, and so keep his thoughts and feelings internalized. l 5) Becoming demanding. Placing pressure on your partner just increases resistance. 6) Interrupting him. When he does speak, if you interrupt him you will tend to shut him down again, as the message you are giving him is that you don’t care what he has to say, and what you have to say is more important. Is this the message you want to communicate? 7) Engaging in threats or ultimatums. These strategies are not effective and reduce your power, making you look desperate. If you give an ultimatum and then don’t carry through, the threat is empty and you lack credibility. If the above strategies don’t work, what does? 1) Start by calmly sharing your feeling with openness and honesty. Take the lead and model how you would like to make your relationship work. Let your partner know that you are genuinely interested in what he is thinking and feeling. Perhaps you have not been a good model and have not been completely open or honest. 2) Don’t be impatient. Patiently allow time for a response from your partner. He likely does not find it easy to open up and may need to take time to express himself. He may be cautious because he does not want to create more conflict as a result of what he shares. He may not trust that you will listen to him non-defensively and may become reactive. Don’t make his fears a reality! 3) Choose a good time and place. Timing is crucial here. Don’t try to have your partner open up when there is a lack of privacy or other pressing matters stressing him. When he is hungry or tired, or when the children are yelling is not a good time. A good conversation needs a relaxed atmosphere when other needs are not pressing. 4) Listen actively. This is critical. If you want him to talk and then interrupt or react in any way that is critical or judgmental, you will shut him down. He will be enticed out of silence only when he feels safe and validated for what he has to say. He may be cautious at first as he assesses your emotional tone and decides whether you can be trusted to openly listen to him. Effective Strategies for Resolving Conflict Conflict is a given in any relationship. It is not possible for two people to live together long-term without differences arising. Unfortunately, many couples can’t effectively deal with and resolve conflict, with the result that their relationship suffers. Unresolved conflict may start out small but then escalate into something big. Major wars start over small incidents. It is like not attending to a small cut that becomes infected. What was once a minor wound can become life-threatening if not properly attended to. While attending to the wound and cleaning it out may become painful, it is necessary to do so if it is to heal. Conflict that lacks resolution may build to the point where it terminates your relationship. However, this does not need to occur if you can make small changes n your approach that will enable you to resolve conflict more rapidly and easily. If you are going to have conflict, it needs to be a fair fight. Dirty fighting involves bringing in old grievances and resentments that are not pertinent to the issue at hand. Blaming and accusing each other is fighting dirty, and will only lead to retaliation and an escalation of the conflict. If this happens for you and your partner, it is helpful to agree to some basic rules as to what you will or won’t don’t do when having a conflict. Then keep to them! This is not easy, but if you honor them you have a much better chance of resolving your issues. Here are some suggestions as to how to deal with conflict. Some have been given previously, but bear repetition: 1) Always remain calm. This is one of the hardest things to do when dealing with an intractable conflict. Your partner is much more likely to de-escalate from being angry or upset if you remain calm and focused. It takes two to escalate a conflict, so if you don’t join in the escalation, he won’t be fueled to do so. 2) Listen carefully. I have mentioned this before because this is key. Try to understand both his verbal and non-verbal communication. Anger results from not feeling heard, and often quickly deescalate when one feels understood. Avoid interrupting when he is talking, and ask questions that help clarify what he is trying to communicate. If this approach is new to you, it is time to start using it. Active listening is a way of demonstrating respect and value. If you are just waiting for him to stop talking so you can respond in a challenging manner, you will not be reducing the conflict. 3) Don’t talk over your partner. This can’t be stressed enough, which is why I am hammering the point home. This is not only rude behavior, but it is disrespectful as well and may infuriate your partner. It makes him feel that what you have to say is more important than what he has to say, and so diminishes his value and worth. 4) Leave past hurts behind. The past belongs in the past, and will only confound the situation you are trying to resolve if you bring it up in a hurtful and blaming manner. This is never productive and will exacerbate your conflict. It makes it appear that you are keeping score, and doubtlessly will result in your partner feeling hurt and defensive. 5) Deal with conflicts in private. No one likes to be party to others’ conflicts. If you try to bring up conflicts with your partner in the presence of other people, he may feel set up, uncomfortable, and embarrassed. This will not work to your advantage. 6) Be adults. Childish behaviors such as name calling, intimidating, threatening, or bullying have no place in adult relationships. Leave them behind. 7) Own up. Acknowledge your part in the conflict. Blaming your partner as the sole cause of your problems will be completely unproductive and could result in you being alone. 8) Don’t insist that you are right. If you make this a power struggle over who is right and who is wrong (with you naturally being “right”), you will not have a successful relationship. What is needed is a sense of mutuality and humility in which both of you recognize that you have a role to play in the conflict. 9) Seek agreement. Discover any points of agreement possible in what your partner has to say, even if they are really small. Chances are he has valid points and is not totally in the wrong. Agree with whatever points you can. 10) Avoid extremes. Using words like “always” or “never” in a conflict invariably results in an escalation of defensiveness and further arguments. These designations are rarely true and only create further wounding. If you are serious about improving (and maybe even saving) your marriage, I encourage you to discuss these points with your partner and ask for his response. If he thinks they are reasonable, ask if he will commit to them when you engage in conflict. Of course, this applies to both of you. How to Rebuild Trust The foundation of a healthy relationship is the ability to trust your partner. Without it, there is no ease or comfort. Once trust has been significantly damaged, it will not be possible for your partner to be truly open and authentic with you, and this will destroy your intimacy. Trust is as fragile as it is powerful. It does not take much to destroy or damage it. Among things that wreck trust is infidelity, dishonesty. manipulation, irresponsibility, sabotage, deceit, control, and unreliability. Of all these, infidelity is one of the greatest destroyers of trust for couples. Affairs tend to leave permanent damage, although couples are sometimes able to heal the damage and move forward. And if a relationship ends as a result of an affair, the aggrieved against partner may find it hard to trust again in a new partnership. If your trust has been damaged, here are some suggestions regarding how to heal the damage: 1) If you are the one responsible for having broken the trust, own up to the responsibility for having done so. Making excuses or blaming your partner to weasel out of responsibility gives the message that you are not sincere about valuing your relationship and making amends. 2) Never again engage in the behavior that destroyed trust. If you are given a second chance it is a gift. Don’t expect any more. Doing the same thing three times makes it a pattern and is completely inexcusable. 3) Cultivate openness and honesty about your relationship. If you are not honest and try to hide things, your partner is unlikely to believe you in any area. 4) If trust was destroyed in your relationship due to an affair, all contacts with that person must cease. In fact, you must take care to avoid any situations that appear to compromise you and create suspicion (such as private phone calls or business trips with male co-workers). If you can’t avoid contact with the person due to circumstances beyond your control (such as a neighbor or coworker), minimize the contact and keep it businesslike. All potentially compromising situations must be avoided. 5) Understand your partner’s need to check up on you on occasion. This is only natural and reasonable to do for a period of time until trust is re-established. Don’t become defensive or reactive at this, or your partner’s trust in you will be diminished. 6) Go out of your way to rebuild your partner’s trust in you. If necessary, go for professional help if you and your partner think that would be helpful. Rebuilding lost trust is a long process that takes time and nurture. Be patient and you can make it happen. Strategies for a Relationship Lacking Sexual Intimacy Lack of sexual intimacy is common in our society. A sexless relationship is described as one in which a couple has sex less than 10 times a year. In the USA, surveys suggest that about 20 million couples fit this definition--and that does not include the many unmarried couples. With those numbers, it is not surprising that the divorce rate is as high as it is! If you are in this situation, it is a cause for concern, as your relationship is vulnerable, particularly to infidelity. Of course, although both men and women initiate affairs, men especially tend to express love to their partner through sexual intimacy. (If this is not happening between the two of you, he might seek it elsewhere.) The importance of a sexual relationship cannot be overestimated because it is a significant way for the two of you to feel connected and intimate. When sexual intimacy does not occur, powerful emotions that are destructive to your relationship can be released. Included in these are feelings of emptiness, loss, sadness, depression, frustration, anger, and resentment. While there are many reason while couples have a sexless relationship, for men the most common reasons include a partner who: • Does not like sex • Lacks sexual adventurousness or spontaneity • Lacks physical attractiveness to him and/or has gained a lot of weight Other reasons why men don’t engage in sexually include: • Problems with erectile dysfunction • Being bored in the relationship • Having an affair • Experiencing an undue amount of stress or exhaustion Reasons why a woman may lack interest in sex include: • Feeling that her partner sees her only as a sexual object, rather than valuing her for who she is • Feeling pressure to participate in sexual practices she is not comfortable with or does not find enjoyable • Not finding her partner physically attractive (Becoming overweight applies to both parties!) • Feeling depressed • Not achieving orgasms when having sex • Harboring negative feelings, such as anger or resentment, at her partner • Feeling exhausted or overly stressed For starters, to regain sexual intimacy it is important to understand the underlying dynamic that is causing the problem. Often the stated problem is not the real reason. and is only a cover-up for the actual reason. To uncover the real reason takes open, honest communication. Not addressing this issue at a fundamental level, or avoiding and denying it, will only make it worse. After you are satisfied that you have determined the fundamental problem, you need a plan of action to create a mutually stimulating and satisfactory sexual relationship. Both partners need to agree on their approach, which may require a degree of compromise. Most importantly, any negativity affecting your relationship must be addressed. If you feel anger or resentment, among many other possible negative emotions, it is unlikely you will feel intimate with your partner. The key, as in most areas, is open, healthy communication. If you are not aware of what is causing the problems with your intimacy, or become stuck, it may be important to consider professional couple therapy. How to Reignite Passion Sometimes a lack of passion is the primary cause of a lack of sexual intimacy, and, once it returns, your sex life may soon improve. After being together for many years, it is not uncommon for couples to feel a diminishment of attraction and passion for each other. This may occur more for one partner than for the other. If you have neglected taking good care of yourself physically, this can make your partner lose interest in you (and vice-versa). While you may think that this is being shallow and a relationship is more than physical attraction, it is true that physical attractiveness is important. Remember when you first fell in love? If you are a woman and have gained a large amount of weight since you married, do you expect that your husband will still be aroused by your body? Would you be aroused by him if the situation was reversed? Likely not in either case. Yet many people deny that this reality may be a significant in their sexual problems. In addition, if your physical appearance has been neglected, you have likely also experienced a loss of self-esteem. Your level of energy may also have become depleted, and you may become less confident and enthusiastic sexually. This can lead to your partner being less sexually interested in you. To boost the spark of passion that was there when you first met, consider the things you can do to increase your attractiveness to your partner. You don’t have to go to extremes, such as having cosmetic surgery or not eating until you look like a supermodel, but you can attain a healthy weight, increase your muscle tone, and wear flattering clothes. Think about what you initially did to gain your partner’s attention and affection, and replicate that. There are also other ways to make yourself attractive. Developing interests and activities in your life that you are passionate about gives you more energy and makes you a happier person, which results in making yourself more attractive. Exercise is always a good place to start. There are numerous ways to increase the passion in your relationship: 1) Flirt with your partner, and let him know you think he is “hot”. Anticipation builds excitement, so leave him playful notes where he does not expect them or text him with suggestive messages. Remember the start of your relationship when you were eager to be intimate together? 2) Dating is important, so book a night together as often as possible. Dating means that the focus is on being together and valuing your relationship, something that is often neglected when couples have been together for some time. When children arrive, it can be much more difficult to date, but it is important to take time away from them and focus on your relationship as a couple. When you do have a date, focus on enjoyable experiences. This is not a time for heavy confrontations. The health of your relationship as a couple is central to the stability and integrity of the whole family, so nurturing it is not self-indulgent or neglectful. The children will only benefit if your marriage relationship is healthy and strong. In addition, you are modeling for them what it means to be a healthy couple, which is most important as they grow up. They will naturally tend to replicate the relationship they experienced in their home. 3) Create a sense of sensual and sexual adventure with your partner. Buy some fun toys at an adult store. Stepping a bit out of your comfort zone can be arousing, even if it seems silly at first. You can be conservative or completely uninhibited. Some pleasing massage oil or sexy lingerie may be enough. The important thing is to have fun. Sensual massages and new sexual positions may create a missing sense of adventure. 4) Cultivate romance in your relationship. When you first met you likely came up with all manner of creative ways to let your partner know that he was important to you. After being together for some time, you may have started to take each other for granted. Romance spices up a relationship and lets your partner know that he is important to you. Don’t be limited by the traditional gestures of romance, such as a candlelight dinner or unexpected gifts. Find out what your partner most values. For a busy mother, it may be her husband taking the children out for the evening so she can have some time to nurture herself with a bubble bath or some quiet time. Anything that tells your partner he is special can be romantic. It is important to make those gestures often. 5) The bedroom is only one place for affection. It is important to show affection to each other in many other environments. When you were first together, you likely held hands, kissed spontaneously, and embraced each other. How frequently do you currently do that? Loving touch is a crucial tool in non-verbal communication, so make sure you use it often with your partner. Hugging, holding hands, and kissing are important displays of affection that are reassuring to the children (if they are still home) that all is well in the home and the family is secure. Children absorb both negative and positive emotions in the home, and tend to blame themselves if their parents separate. Everyone benefits from displays of genuine affection. 6) Finally, if there are medical issues that are impacting your sexual relationship, have these addressed appropriately. Various physical problems impact sexual functioning and libido, to make sure you talk to your doctor about them. Hormonal changes associated with menopause can make major differences in a woman’s self-esteem, sexual satisfaction, and mood. Men also can develop sexual changes with aging, such as decreasing desire and even erectile dysfunction. Aging does not need to mean a diminishment of sexual enjoyment and satisfaction. Do whatever you can to keep your passion alive, and have a mutually rewarding sexual relationship. Cautions and Remedies It is natural to think that, whatever its strengths and weaknesses, your relationship will continue. You may have blind spots, so you need to be aware of things that could possibly kill your relationship. These may include: 1) Taking it for granted. Because of the long-term nature of committed relationships, changes that cause it to deteriorate can gradually occur over time, and you may falsely assume that all is well. The reality is that your relationship requires maintenance, just like your car does, or it may stop working. Never take your relationship for granted and become lazy. Let your partner know on a daily basis that he is loved, cherished, and appreciated. Never forget to use the words, “I love you.” Focus on things that you value in your partner and your relationship. You tend to get back what you give, and your partner is much more likely to meet your needs if he feels special, significant, and loved. He then will have no reason to look anywhere else to have those needs met. 2) Neglect. Relationships are able to grow and be nourished when they meet both partners’ needs. While you are not a one person show who is responsible for meeting all of his needs, it is important for you to fulfill the ones you can. Check in with your partner on occasion to see how he thinks you are doing. He will be unlikely to look elsewhere if you are doing your part to meet his needs. 3) Poor sexual intimacy The power of sexuality in your relationship must not be underestimated. If you notice that your sexual ardor and practice is diminishing, take the initiative in speaking with your partner. Positive and open communication is essential for your sex life to prosper. 4) Unhealthy communication Problems in communication can mean the slow death of a relationship. Keeping communication open and healthy at all times is one of the best things you can do. Don’t allow negative emotions to fester without resolution. Listen to your partner when he wants and needs to talk. If positive communication is an ongoing problem for you, consider engaging with a therapist who can facilitate this process for you and your partner. This will pay big dividends in the health of your relationship. 5) Not making your partner a priority You may be neglecting your partner if you do not make time for him. Your relationship demands that you have quality time together. No matter how busy you are, it is crucial that you and your partner find time for each other. And, by the way, sleeping together is not counted as “alone time.” 6) Believing your relationship is invulnerable Don’t be lulled into thinking that your relationship is immune from serious problems. All relationships have some vulnerability. Too many people have been shocked to find out that their partner engaged in some behavior that totally surprised them. This is not to make you feel paranoid, only to advise you to not be blind to what is happening in your relationship. If you are not paying attention, you may be devastated by something unexpected, like so many people have who thought they had excellent relationships. By being proactive in actively keeping your relationship strong, this is much less likely to happen to you. 7) Making your career more important than your relationship When you are dating it is understandable if you place your career before your relationship, but once you are married or in a committed relationship, your career has to come second if you don’t want to jeopardize your relationship. If you chronically overwork and your partner feels like you are not her priority, it is unlikely that she will be happy, and your relationship may be threatened. While at times long hours are required, especially when one is building a career, make sure that this is of limited time duration, and that you do whatever you can to compensate by building in quality time together. Don’t allow overwork to become habitual at the expense of your relationship, or you may lose it altogether. What are Realistic Expectations? The movie industry tends to glamorize images of beautiful people with flawless lives. We grow up to believe in tales of happy ever after--the handsome knight and gorgeous princess riding into the sunset where they will always be happy. If only relationships were like that! The reality is that they never are. One of the keys to a successful relationship is to have realistic expectations of it. Both you and your partner are coming from family, cultural, and religious backgrounds in which you have certain assumptions and expectations. Both of you have your own vulnerabilities and weaknesses which will manifest themselves. Conflict is a given, no matter how committed you and your partner are to each other. There are simply too many variables in a relationship to always have an easy mesh of needs and expectations. Feelings of love will come and go. Your partner is not you and can’t read your mind. Your life won’t always be filled with romantic moments. However, hopefully your relationship will mature into secure, strong love. While realistic expectations are important, this does not mean that you should settle for a poor or mediocre relationship, or that you should suffer intolerable behavior. What realistic expectations means is that you should not expect your partner to meet all your needs. You must take responsibility for having some of your needs met through other avenues. In doing so, your partner feels less pressure. After all, no one person can be responsible for meeting all the needs of someone else. When both partners have a variety of ways of meeting their needs, they can come together out of strength rather than neediness. Your joy and happiness needs to come from within, rather than from your partner. While a healthy relationship can result in much joy, you can’t be dependent on that person to make you happy. You must be responsible for your own happiness. That is why it is important to have friendships and close ties to family. Activities, interests, and hobbies outside your relationship are all vital in building healthy self-esteem, which enhances your primary relationship. Your relationship can attain its potential when it is liberated from having to be everything to you. If you think your relationship is threatened, consider whether your expectations of it are realistic. If you don’t know, check in with someone you think has a healthy relationship, or see a therapist. The more realistic your expectation is, the sooner you will be able to enjoy a healthy relationship. When Professional Help is Advised As has been recommended a number of times in this article, professional individual or couple therapy can be considered if your problems are chronic and significant, and you have been unable to achieve a satisfactory resolution on your own. While this is not a panacea, a person who specializes in relationship therapy can provide a great deal of insight into the dynamics of your relationship, and help you find solutions for the issues troubling it. While family and friends can be helpful, they come with certain biases and allegiances, and so may not be seen as neutral. In addition, family and friends tend to give advice and attempt to problem solve, which is not always the most effective strategy. A therapist should not display a bias regarding your relationship, and can assist in helping you understand what is creating and maintaining the patterns that sabotage it. A therapist can then assist you in learning new skills and creating strategies to bring about the desired change. Often relationships are plagued from deep-seated issues that go back to childhood, as we tend to act out traumas and replicate unhealthy responses we learned when young. When these dynamics are revealed and dealt with, you and your partner will be freed up to create new and more healthy patterns. You Deserve a Healthy Relationship You have made a major investment in your relationship and, even if you are having problems, there is hope for you. Even if it fits one of the “red flag” categories that do not mean that it can’t succeed, although the chances of it doing so are not favorable. If you are committed to make the necessary changes, it is much more likely that your relationship will surmount any challenges, and it may even become stronger. As I wrote at the start of this eBook, YOU are the one who must take the initiative in making changes, not waiting and hoping that your partner will do so. Even if your relationship ends when you did not want it to, you will have gained much valuable experience, insight, and competencies to take with you in possible future relationships. Most importantly, remember that you are a person of worth and value who deserves love and happiness. The more this is engrained into you as your reality, the higher the chances that you will have a healthy, successful relationship. Never forget this! Where To From Here? If you enjoyed this book write a review! If you enjoyed this book it would mean the world to me if you would please write an honest review for it because that will help others know what they are going to get and get the same benefits you have achieved. I strongly believe that the advice in here can help you save your relationship and you can help too by spreading the word! If you think this book could be better in any way you can let me know what needs to be improved by sending an email to I can then update this and future books and provide the best information so that you and others can get even more value from it. Important videos for you to watch ASAP How to text the romance and spark back into your relationship: How to text your ex back If your relationship is really on the rocks, then you might be surprised to learn that text messaging could hold the power to a re-invigorated relationship. This free video shows you how to actually text the spark back into a dying or dead relationship. How to save your marriage This free video provides you with reliable and foolproof techniques for saving a flagging marriage. Pay close attention, because what you’re about to learn in this video will take your marriage from sour to superb. Creating your dream marriage Are You In An Unhappy Relationship That You Want To Save? Relationships can be rocked without notice. Despite several weeks, months or even years of love, affection and bonding, two people can suddenly become distant and want to leave each other, for a number of reasons. Though that might unfortunately be the case in your situation, you MUST understand that any relationship or marriage, no matter how disastrous the current situation may be, can be saved and nurtured back into health IF you know EXACTLY how to fix it. Download The Ultimate ‘Save Your Relationship’ Resource Pack 100% FREE Discover simple but amazingly effective secrets & strategies to save your relationship including: 15 disastrous relationship mistakes that you are probably making, without even knowing! 7 simple but profound secrets that can keep any couple happy, for life! A complete, step by step, introspective guide that shows you how to save your relationship! Click Here for Instant Access
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