PALAWAN COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Republic Act 7611) PALAWAN MAN AND BIOSPHERE RESERVE Logo Design Contest Registration Form THEME: Palawan, a Man and Biosphere Reserve Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone no.: ___________________________ Landline: ___________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________ Entry Title: __________________________________________________________________ Date painted/rendered: _________________________ Entry Caption: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “By signing this form, I declare that the entry I have submitted was painted/created by me. I will abide by the contest’s rules and regulations. By participating in the contest, I surrender my right to said entry to the PCSD. The design/ entry I submitted shall be considered as property of PCSD and as such, PCSD further reserves the right whether or not to use the winning or non-winning logos” ________________________________ Signature over Printed Name ________________________________ Date PALAWAN COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Republic Act 7611) PALAWAN MAN AND BIOSPHERE RESERVE Logo Design Contest INTRODUCTION Palawan is a land blessed with abundant natural resources. She was blessed by Mother Nature with unique and diverse flora and fauna. Because of her uniqueness, she was declared as a Man and Biosphere (MAB) Reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on March 27, 1990 in Paris, France. The Palawan Biosphere Reserve has an area of 1,150,800 million hectares composed of island clusters with one long main island. It is a haven of diverse habitat types such as mangrove forests, coral reefs, sea grass beds and large forest areas. It has 13 Key Biodiversity Areas and 7 Protected Areas where two of which were also declared by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites namely, Tubbataha Reefs National Marine Park and the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. These two protected areas were also recognized by the RAMSAR Convention as Wetlands of International Importance. Aside from these, it is the home of ¼ of the threatened wildlife species in the whole of Philippines and 42 of these threatened wildlife species are endemic only to Palawan. Lastly, as of 2014, the province has an estimated human population of 1.1 million. The Man and Biosphere Reserve Program by UNESCO was launched in 1971 as an intergovernmental research program to promote better understanding and knowledge of the interactions between people and their environment. Each biosphere reserve shows the different trends and approaches in balancing environmental conservation and human use of an area. They encourage, exemplify and demonstrate different kinds of community-based initiatives that safe-guard the natural environment while guaranteeing the advancement of development and local economy. This is one of the reasons why Palawan was chosen as a Man and Biosphere Reserve, since it has the potential to showcase the co-existence of sustainable development and protection of the environment. MECHANICS 1. This is open to all interested Filipino citizens residing in Palawan aged 18 years old and above. 2. Logo design participants may submit up to 2 original entries. 3. The logo should portray Palawan as Man and Biosphere Reserve.For more information, please visit: 4. Each entry should contain a brief explanation/description to provide context to the suggested logo (i.e. explanation on colors or symbols used, etc.). PALAWAN COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Republic Act 7611) 5. Entries may be picture-based or a combination of picture and text (Text must only contain: PALAWAN MAN AND BIOSPHERE RESERVE). The entries may be done by free-hand rendered in Markers, Ink, Pastel, Watercolor, Oil or Acrylic or by computer/digital design. Colors used must be limited to four (4) color combinations only. Examples: (There are about 600 declared man and biosphere reserves in the world. Here are some examples of the logos they carry) 6. 7. 8. 9. The size of the design must fit an A4 bond paper/photo paper. Each entry should be in full-color. The logo should not carry the name of the artist. Deadline for submission of entries is on June 5, 2015. All entries, together with the application form, should be sent to: 10. Announcement of the Grand Winner will be on June 15, 2015, to coincide with the opening of the week-long celebration of the 23rd Anniversary of the SEP Law or RA 7611. 11. The winning participant will get a cash prize, plus mentions in press releases/social media releases regarding the Palawan Man and Biosphere Reserve Logo Design contest. 12. Grand Winner: Php 10,000.00 ***Those who ranked second to the tenth place will receive consolation prizes*** 13. Application forms may be downloaded from the PCSD website ( or the Facebook fan page of Palawan Council for Sustainable Development ( ). They may also get it from the PCSD office. 14. All designs submitted for entry shall be considered as property of PCSD and as such, PCSD reserves the right whether or not to use the winning or non-winning logos. 15. PCSD reserves the right to disqualify any entry whether on the basis of perceived violation of intellectual property rights pursuant to Republic Act No. 8293 or for any other reason. 16. If any party manifests in writing that their intellectual property rights have been violated by the design, PCSD reserves the right to withhold the cash prize and/or use of the winning logo until such case have been cleared. PALAWAN COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Republic Act 7611) 17. PCSD staff, contest judges and their relatives (up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and affinity) are prohibited to join the contest. 18. For clarifications and inquiries, you may contact: 048-434-4235 and look for Alex Marcaida or Melo Ponce de Leon or text 0927-882-8996. INTERNAL PROCESS OF SELECTION 1. Each entry will bear a number that will correspond to the artist’s/designer’s name. 2. The judges will not be told who the artists/designers of the entries. 3. This first round of judging will be conducted on June 8, 2015. The judges will choose the top 10 entries. 4. The selection of the top 10 finalists will be based on the judges’ collegial decision and the design’s accuracy in portraying Palawan as a Biosphere Reserve. 5. The second and final round of judging will be held on June 12, 2015. 6. In this round, the judges will choose and determine the Grand Winner. 7. The criteria would be the judges’ collegial decision based on the design’s accuracy in portraying Palawan as a Biosphere Reserve. 8. All entries will be displayed at the Provincial Capitol and Robinson’s Place from June 15-19, 2015. 9. The winning logo design will be launched on June 19, 2015 as the official logo of Palawan Man and Biosphere Reserve.
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