PCVMA NEWS April 5, 2015 | Volume 26, No.4

April 2, 2015
Volume 26, No. 4
Jessica Stine, DVM,
Lens Disease & Updates On Cataract Surgery
BluePearl Veterinary Partners
Stokes Pharmacy
Bascom's Chop House
3665 Ulmerton Road
Clearwater, Florida
May 18, 2015 - Monday Night
Registration, Meet and Greet - 6:30 PM
Meeting and Dinner - 7:00 PM
Board meeting to Follow
President : Dr. Caroline Olausen (Avian and Animal Hospital/Relief Services)
President-Elect: Dr. Brooke Certa (Andes Animal Hopspital)
Past-President: Dr. Rachel Kelly-Klemawesch (Northeast Animal Hospital)
Secretary: Dr. Janell Dowling (Bayshore Animal Hospital)
Treasurer: Dr. Ernest Godfrey (Pinellas Animal Hospital)
Dr. Don Howell (Midway Animal Hospital)
Dr. Tom Callahan (Relief)
Dr. Kim Donovan (Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital)
Dr. Frank Mills II (Pasadena Veterinary Hospital)
Dr. Mark Scribano (Northeast Animal Hospital)
Dr. Don Morgan – Donmorgansr@aol.com
President’s Message
I'd like to encourage everyone to congratulate our newest board members Drs Frank Mills, Mark
Scribano, and Kim Donovan, and our president-elect Brooke Certa. It is great to be part of an
organization that continues to be so involved in our community. There is no PCVMA meeting this
month - instead please attend the FVMA conference 4/9-4/12/15 in Orlando, FL. We will be back
to our monthly meetings in May as we partner with Blue Pearl for a great presentation on
ophthalmology. As always, I am available for any comments, questions, and concerns, 727-2496792 or colausendvm@gmail.com.
Caroline Olausen, DVM
Avian and Animal Hospital/Relief Services
Please support your county organization providing you with
information and opportunities on continuing education,
political/legislative issues, business/financial issues, Pharmacy
& Laws and Rules required CE and social events throughout the
year. Practice owners, please help your associates with their
membership and the PCVMA with your continued support
Dues are $100.00 per year per veterinarian. Checks and inquires
can be address to:
Dr. Ernest Godfrey
PCVMA Treasurer
Pinellas Animal Hospital
7791 52nd Street North
Pinellas Park, Fl 33781
(Telephone: 727-546-0005)
As we are nearing the end of our spring semester, our senior students are preparing for
graduation and the Veterinary Technician National Exam. We anticipate approximately
44 graduates from our AS program and 9 graduates from our BAS program.
Applications continue to be high for both programs. We have admitted 25 new students
for our summer semester with 10-15 more anticipated. We will fill our 30 student fall
campus class and should have 40-45 new online students for the fall semester.
We awarded scholarships for the following students as a result of the $5,000 donated for
scholarships through the PAF Bowser Ball:
Richard Quartararo
Casey Kiernan
Brittany Daniels Cassidy Bentley
Ellen Morrell
Jessica Dibling
Andrea Fuster Ginny Gilbert
Melanie Moore Amber Craig Ashley Koonce Bethany Blayden
Cheyenne Wingfield Kassandra Cole Lisa Constantin Priscilla Fuentes
Susan Weldon Terrence Kraus
Brandy Madeiros
Karen Wnek
As you can see the generosity of the PCVMA has touched many of our students. We
appreciate your continued support for our students.
Rich Flora
Richard M. Flora, DVM MSBA
Dean - School of Veterinary Technology
St Petersburg College
12376 Ulmerton Road
Largo, FL 33774
(727) 302-6721
Fax: (727) 444-6971
Break the Chain – Don’t Tether Your Dog. It’s the Law.
A new Pinellas County ordinance (Chapter 14, Article II) makes it illegal to tie or chain
your dog or cat outside except for brief periods of time while the owner is with the pet
and keeps the pet within sight. The new tethering provision is intended to prevent dogs
and cats from being left alone and tied in a yard. It is also to protect the safety of the
animal and improve the welfare of the animal.
The owner or keeper of a dog or cat must remain outside with the animal while it
is tethered.
The owner or keeper of a dog or cat must keep the animal within sight.
The tether must be of a size and weight necessary to safely restrain the dog or cat
without placing excessive weight or strain on the dog or cat.
If there are multiple animals, each one must be tethered separately so they do not
get tangled.
Tethering of dogs and cats that are sick or injured is prohibited.
The ordinance (effective May 1, 2015) will be enforced primarily through education and
warnings prior to issuing citations. There is a grace period to give citizens time to become
educated and make the necessary adjustment to become compliant with the new
requirements. However, pending investigation, citations and fines of up to $500 could be
levied against owner. For more information, visit www.pinellascounty.org/animalservices
or call (727) 582-2600.
Also, we inadvertently left out of last month’s newsletter the fact that Pinellas County
Animal Services received the 2014 Outstanding Agency of the Year Award from the
Florida Animal Control Association (FACA).
Linda L. Boger
Administrative SecretaryPinellas County Animal Services
12450 Ulmerton Rd.
Largo, Florida 33774
(727) 582-2657
SPCA Tampa Bay, and all the other rescues and shelters, are starting to see the beginning of
“kitten season,” an annual swell in intake, primarily from litters of kittens in the community, but
also adult cats, and puppies and dogs. This is classically the busiest time of year, and
unfortunately can last all the way until September and October. One thing that can really make
a difference—foster families! We’re holding multiple Foster Orientations this time of year, and
our next one is Saturday, April 11. Whether it’s your clients, or your staff, please consider
recommending being a foster parent, it can literally save lives. Please contact Connie Kostoff, at
ckostoff@spcatampabay.org, or see our website for more orientation dates and details.
Sniff University, our dog training program, is filling up quickly with clients. Our classes range
from basic obedience, Canine Good Citizen, all the way to private lessons in clients’ homes.
Behavior issues are a common reason animals are surrendered to shelters, and a way that you
lose good clients. Training helps all parties—clients with successfully integrated 4 legged family
members, shelters with less intake, and veterinarians by keeping their patients. Please see our
website for continually updated class schedules and courses, and consider scheduling a lunch
and learn with our training staff right in your hospital, for your team. Contact us at
SniffUClasses@spcatampabay.org, or call 727-388-0452.
Our UF Gainesville approved veterinary extern program is now virtually booked solid through
2015, and many spots in 2016 are now filling up. We were approved last August, and we are one
of only 21 agencies in the United States on this Maddie’s Shelter Medicine externship list (out of
thousands of shelters in the United States). Recently, shelter medicine clubs in vet schools
became the top attended clubs, and ABVP has approved a board specialty in our field. When I
graduated, back in the 20th century, I’m not sure I even heard the word “shelter” during my
training, and there certainly weren’t any clubs on campus. Now I’m having to turn down
students for externship spots—times have changed. SPCA Tampa Bay has been a part of the
Pinellas County community for 74 years, and we constantly strive for better medicine, better
care, and better options for the community (which includes ways to keep animals out of
shelters). If you haven’t been to our campus at all, or it’s been a while, please feel free to
contact me for a tour and update on how we do our work.
We’ll be closed on Easter Sunday, April 5, happy Easter to you and your teams.
Rizal Lopez, DVM
Senior Director, Veterinary Services
SPCA Tampa Bay
Dogs with Lymphoma
Approximately 25% of dogs with peripheral lymphoma have the T-Cell form. BluePearl is
offering a clinical trial to assess the benefit of adding a novel monoclonal antibody treatment to
a single-agent CCNU chemotherapy protocol in dogs with T-Cell lymphoma.
This is a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Dogs with peripheral lymphoma will have blood
work, radiographs, lymph node biopsy, and flow cytometry performed to confirm the presence
of non-indolent T-Cell lymphoma. Those dogs with the T-Cell form will be offered inclusion in
the study. Those dogs determined after screening to have B-Cell lymphoma will not be eligible
for the study.
Inclusion criteria for screening:
* Dogs older than 1 year of age and at least 10 kg.
* One or more peripheral lymph nodes ≥2 cm diameter
* Owners must be willing to pay for the initial exam, blood work, and
radiographs used to screen potential candidates
Exclusion criteria:
* Prior chemotherapy, immunotherapy or molecular-targeted therapy
* Glucocorticoid therapy for more than 7 days prior to enrollment
* Concurrent uncontrolled medical condition
What do pet owners have to do?
Owners must be willing to pay for their dog’s initial consultation, blood work, urinalysis and
thoracic radiographs. Biopsy of the lymph node and flow cytometry to confirm the presence of
T-Cell lymphoma will be performed at no charge to the pet owner. Owners must be able to
present their dog twice per week for 4 weeks, then every other week for 4 treatments, then
monthly for 8 months or until disease progression. Once progressive disease is confirmed, the
dog will be removed from the study.
What do pet owners receive if their dog is accepted into the study?
All procedures and treatments required by the study, including chemotherapy, antibody
therapy, exams and recheck blood work will be fully funded.
Enrolling your patients in this trial
If you have patients that meet the criteria above, please contact Drs. Curtis Kane or Jen Coyle,
or technicians Emily Kinsler, Lexy Julian, or Brenda Fulcher in our Tampa hospital at
Dr. Kristen Brauer, Experienced in small and exotic animal medicine. 727-3659285 © or kbrauerdvm@yahoo.com.
Michelle D. Falcon, DVM - 2002 graduate of Texas A&M University CVM;
internship-trained with extensive exotic animal experience; practicing in Pinellas County
since 2003. I will take good care of your clients, your patients and your reputation. Contact
me at 727-543-6641 or falconvetserv@gmail.com
Dr. Ed Haeussner, available for small animal and exotics relief work.
Contact (h) 727-789-2890, © 727-641-6289, or (e-mail) gatorveteh@sbcglobal.net
Dr. Lisa McNeil, available for small animal medicine relief work in the Tampa
Bay/South FL area. Practiced in St. Petersburg for 4 years. Skilled, excellent
communication skills, easy to get along with and flexible. 727-417-6132 © or
Dr. Elena C. Foley- Available for relief work in small animal medicine and
surgery. Flexible scheduling, often available on short notice. Fluent in English
and Spanish. Please call 417-483-4710 or email elenacfoley@gmail.com.
Dr. Lynn Danesi - Available for relief work in small animal medicine and
surgery and emergency medicine. 1987 Penn grad. 727-612-7456,
Dr Joseph Priest, Small Animal practice owner 30 years, enjoy surgery.
Available for small animal relief work or part time. 813-963-7385, cell 813-2305998, e-mail Joedeepriest@aol.com.
Dr. Frank Burgard, Available for relief work in small animal medicine and
surgery. 727-415-8954 or e-mail Rxforlife1@aol.com.
Dr. David Hoch, Experienced in small animal medicine, surgery, and emergency
medicine. Flexible scheduling, often being available on < 24hr notice. Resume or
references available upon request. 727-418-4049 or g8r06@yahoo.com.
Dr. Monica Suarez with Greater Tampa Bay Veterinary Services, LLC.
Providing compassionate, reliable, quality, stress-free veterinary relief services
in the Tampa Bay area. Contact me at 727-265-1072 or email me at
monicasuarezdvm@gmail.com. You may also
visit my website at www.gtbvet.com for details."
Dr. Cathy Deptula Available for small animal relief and part-time work in the
Tampa Bay area. Please call 813-766-5342.
Dr. Emily Dugas Rosenzweig - "Small Animal Relief Veterinarian available for
travel to state of Florida for multi-day consecutive bookings of 4 days or more.
Medicine, Soft Tissue Surgery, Dentistry, and Basic Abdominal Ultrasound
experience. Please see website RELIEFVETERINARIAN.NET for letters of
recommendation, resume, and booking availability. You may also call Dr. Emily
Dugas Rosenzweig @ #813-215-8078."
Dr. Victor Povis: Experienced veterinarian seeking relief work in
Pinellas/Hillsborough counties . Call (727) 586 0984 or vmpovis@hotmail.com
Dr Tracy Morris: Available for small animal medicine and surgery. Also available
for emergency shifts. Available for both Pinellas and Hillsboro counties. Call 561758-1313 or email at Talley13DVM@gmail.com
Dr. Tara Gardtner - 5 years of experience in small animal emergency medicine,
general practice, and soft tissue surgery. Please contact 727-577-5419 or
Dr. Hillary Hart, Small animal veterinarian available for relief work in the Tampa
Bay area Reliable, compassionate, great attitude, excellent client communication
skills. Please contact me at hhartdvm@gmail.com or (727) 698-4425.
Dr. Rebecca Moretti - Experienced veterinarian available for relief work in small
animal medicine, soft tissue surgery and emergency. Pinellas/Hillsborough. Call,
text or email. 727-744-8467 cell or rebecca_moretti@hotmail.com
Dr. Sherrie Demirjian- available for relief work, 2007 Auburn graduate practicing
in Pinellas county for almost 8 years. Experienced in small animal soft tissue
surgery, medicine, and exotics. 727-412-4334, call, text or email
Diego Rafael Sobrino, DVM
I am currently an intern in the Integrative Medicine department at the University of
Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine. The Integrative Medicine department focuses on
physical rehabilitation, acupuncture, nutrition and the integration of herbal therapies with
conventional medicine. I am seeking a position at an innovative small animal practice
where I can utilize the skills I have gained in my current internship program. I am also in
search of mentorship to further develop my clinical and surgical skills, especially in
regards to learning to perform more advanced surgical procedures. I can be reached via
email (drsdvm@gmail.com) or by phone at (305)505-3085.
Lake Seminole Animal Hospital is searching for an exceptional full or part
time associate with excellent clinical and communication skills. We have in-house
labs, digital x-ray, therapeutic laser and other bells and whistles, as well as a
great staff and positive work environment. Weekend hours will be required.
Please send your resume to DrRumore@LakeSeminoleAH.com, fax to 727-3934645, or call 727-393-4644.
Tampa Bay Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Care Center is looking to
hire full time, part time, and relief emergency veterinarians. If you are looking to pick up
relief shifts to make some extra money or simply to gain some emergency experience
please apply! TBVSECC is a multi-specialty and 24-hour emergency hospital equipped
with extensive laboratory equipment, in-house digital radiology, ultrasound, EKG,
Digicare monitors, oxygen chamber, defibrillator, in-house blood products, and a fully
staffed 24-hour ICU. We are a fast-paced, team-oriented work environment. We offer an
excellent salary, flexible schedules, generous time off, and comprehensive benefit
package. Please contact Jennifer Andersen (Practice Manager) at 727-531-5752 ext. 145
or emergencycaremgmt@gmail.com
Northeast Animal Hospital
GREAT OPPORTUNITY in beautiful Old Northeast area of St. Petersburg.
EXPERIENCED ASSOCIATE needed for well-established, well managed practice.
Northeast Animal Hospital has been in business since 1973, our NEWER, MODERN
facility is up to date with the latest technology, complete with laser, ultrasound,
videoscopy, new dental suite, and digital radiography equipment. Great Location.
Excellent compensation package and benefits.
Qualified professionals may email resume to our Medical Director, Rachel Klemawesch,
DVM at dr.klemawesch@northeastanimalhospital.com and may go to
www.northeastanimalhospital.com for more information about our practice.
Small Animal Emergency Hospital looking for relief veterinarian.
Must be available for overnight shift, 6:00pm – 8:00am; 2-4 shifts per month.
Emergency experience preferred.
For more information please contact by email at aecangie@gmail.com
"After Hours Emergency & Urgent Care hospital seeks veterinarian FT or PT
in Palm Harbor. 727-480-6865, aenp789@gmail.com "
The Hillsborough Animal Health Foundation
(HAHF) seeks an experienced veterinarian for our new
charitable clinic, Vets4Pets, in Tampa, Florida. The
HAHF is supported by more than 40 animal hospitals in
Tampa, and is opening a new charitable clinic for indigent
pet owners; as well as providing spay/neuter services for
animal rescue groups and voucher pets. This is a brand
new clinic, and an opportunity to be on the beginning
team of a new and exciting type of charitable effort. We
will be using high quality standards of care, and
candidates for this position are expected to possess
strong surgical skills, good diagnostic abilities and a high
degree of professionalism. Our ideal candidate is a DVM
with 2+ years' experience. Competitive salary and
benefits based on experience. Visit our website at
www.hahf.org to learn more about the Foundation. For
further questions or to submit a resume,
email director@hahf.org.
Degree in veterinary medicine from an accredited university of
veterinary medicine. Veterinary licensure in Florida. Two years'
experience practicing veterinary medicine. Experience with highvolume spay-and-neuter surgeries is a plus. Possession of or
ability to obtain a DEA controlled-substance registration. Proven
effective organizational skills and meticulous attention to detail.
Commitment to the objectives of the organization.
Allison Bodnar, UF CVM Class of 2015 – planned graduation May 2015
I am a senior veterinary student at University of Florida (Go Gators!) and am planning to
graduate at the end of May. Originally from the South Tampa area, I would really like to
move and work in Pinellas County. I have built a strong foundation of clinical thinking
and technical skills while at UF and only look to continue my growth. I have performed
many spays and neuters at my externships, shelter medicine rotations, and volunteering
with Operation Catnip (TNR program at UF). My strengths include building a good
rapport with clients and bringing an enthusiastic attitude to work every day. I have
interest in dentistry and overall good preventative care. I am looking for a clinic that has
an opening for a new graduate that would be willing to mentor, as well. I am currently
finishing up my last clinical rotations at UF and can be reached either by email
(abodn001@gmail.com) or by phone (813-810-9188).
St. Francis Pet Care Center
We are in need of a regular PT Associate with experience. Do you want to become
part of a team providing excellent small animal care in an advanced hospital which
has nurtured a culture of compassion and respect? I am seeking an experienced
veterinarian, a person of compassion and skill to assist me in taking excellent care of
our clientele and their pets. For the right person, full-time status and ownership is a
distinct probability. I enjoy my work, I like to work smart. We have a well trained team
who work well together in order to leverage me well. Please see our website and
contact me if you have interest. Michael Amsberry DVM 503.580.1804
Humane Society of Pinellas (HSP) is seeking a per diem veterinarian, for 8-12
hours a week, to perform spay/neuter and vaccine clinics for public animals on our
accessible and affordable Mobile Medical Center. The Mobile Medical Center operates in
Pinellas county, targeting at-risk areas. Many clients in these areas would not be able to
afford or have accessible transportation in order to have their pets spay/neuter or
Primary responsibilities include performing high volume spay/neuter surgeries for public
animals and occasionally shelter animals, providing veterinary health checks, vaccines,
basic wellness testing and monitoring health conditions. The ideal candidate is a
motivated, positive, compassionate, team player and willing to play a role in the
development and growth of our program. Minimum of 1 year of small animal experience.
Email resume and salary requirements to Susie@humanepinellas.org.
Northeast Animal Hospital is looking for a full-time, certified veterinary
technician or other qualified individual to join our ever-growing team! Competitive
salary and excellent benefits, please reply with cover letter and resume to
Lake Seminole Animal Hospital is searching for an experienced
technician with excellent clinical and communication skill. Management skills and
certification would be ideal . We have in-house labs, digital x-ray, therapeutic
laser and other bells and whistles, as well as great co-workers, skilled and nice
doctors, a community-active hospital, and a positive, team-oriented work
environment. Weekend hours will be required.
Please send your resume to Jessica@LakeSeminoleAH.com, fax to 727-3934645, or call 727-393-4644.
St. Francis Pet Care Center - We are growing and looking for a proactive,
fun-loving, compassionate team leader who is interested in growing in his/her
career. We practice advanced medicine/surgery/dentistry. We believe that
excellent communication combined with proper protocols is essential. In our care
of patients and communication to their pet parents, we strive to be exceptional.
You would be expected to provide excellent care to your patients, clientele and
team. Renumeration is based upon experience and skill level. If you have at least
3 years of veterinary client service experience, like to teach, and want to
thoroughly enjoy your work, please email me with your resume' and contact info.
See us at www.SFVET.us . Email cover/resume to sternerjenniferlyn@gmail.com
Pinellas Animal Hospital NOW HIRING – Full time experienced Veterinary
Technician required for busy 3 doctor practice in Pinellas Park, Florida. We are looking
for an experienced, energetic self starter proficient in all technical skills. Must possess
strong communication skills with the ability to work well within a team. Benefits include
401K, health insurance contribution, uniforms, holiday/sick pay and continuing education
opportunities. Wages depend upon qualifications and experience.
Must be proficient in phlebotomy, IM, SQ, IV injections and catheter placement.
Experience in performing in-house diagnostics including in-house fecal analysis,
urinalysis, CBC, Chemistry, blood smears, ear and fungal analysis and radiography.
Knowledgeable in veterinary medicine, commonly used medications and protocols.
Proficient anesthetic skills. Applicant must have strong background in monitoring
anesthesia and anesthetic protocols.
Confident in restraint and patient handling. Must be able to lift 40lbs, stand for extended
periods of time and can effectively manage fractious patients.
Excellent communication skills to promote client education and answer client questions
regarding preventative and medical questions/concerns.
If this sounds like you, please contact:
Jennifer Ballinger CVT
Practice Manager
Pinellas Animal Hospital
7791 52nd St N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
opening for an EXPERIENCED Veterinary Technician to work Nights (including
overnight), Weekends, and Holidays. Scheduling flexibility is a must. FT/PT
available. CVT/LVTs compensated accordingly. The ideal candidate(s) will be
proficient in phlebotomy, IV catheter placement, laboratory, anesthesia , surgery
monitoring, radiology, nursing care, as well as office procedures. Good
communication skills and a pleasant personality are a must to minimize
client/patient stress. Competitive wages, Health Ins, Disability, Dental
(>25hrs/wk) premium 100%, at cost pet care, paid vacation, CE, Retirement
Animal Emergency & Urgent Care – Dr. McKnight -727-786-5755 @5:30 PM or
VCA Noah's Place Animal Medical Center is seeking an
experienced Veterinary Technician to join our thriving, AAHA-accredited, small
animal practice in north St. Petersburg, Florida. Signing Bonus available! We’re
looking for a believer in the possibilities of high quality veterinary medicine and patient
care—with the experience and technical know-how to make them happen…a devoted
team player who thrives in a collaborative environment, and is invested in their
colleagues’ success…someone who takes enormous pride in their ability to listen and
speak to clients like a trusted friend…a service-minded professional who is energized by
the gratitude of others and in the satisfaction of a job done right.
If this describes you, then we want you on our team!
Yolanda Maqsoud
Hospital Manager
VCA Noah’s Place Animal Medical Center
2050 62nd Ave N
St. Petersburg, Fl 33702
727-525-6327 (fax)
Harborside Animal Hospital in Clearwater
"We are looking to hire a part and/or full time receptionist and/or veterinary
technician for our growing hospital. The ideal candidate will have excellent
customer service skills; a friendly and outgoing personality; and great
organizational, communication, interpersonal, and time-management skills.
Wages will depend on experience. Benefits available for full time employees. If
interested, email resume to harborsidevet@gmail.com or fax to (727) 408-6922."
Melissa Walk, DVM
Harborside Animal Hospital
1590 N McMullen Booth Rd
Clearwater, Fl 33759
(727) 726-1616
Florida Veterinary Clinic is looking for a few full time Certified Veterinary
Technicians to join our growing practice. We are not your average clinic, we have a
fixed and mobile clinic. We are looking for adventurous team players. Please email
resumes to flvetclinic11@verizon.net or stop by in person. 8500 4th St. N. St.
Pinellas Animal Hospital
NOW HIRING – Full time Veterinary Customer Care Coordinator required for busy 3
doctor practice in Pinellas Park, Florida. We are looking for an experienced, energetic
self starter with good computer skills. In addition to basic receptionist and client support
service duties, the right candidate will possess a friendly and outgoing personality, high
integrity and character, compassion for animals, great organizational, communication,
interpersonal and time-management skills and the ability to work well within a team.
Benefits include 401K, health insurance contribution, uniforms, holiday/sick pay and
continuing education opportunities. The ability to work some weekends and evenings a
must. Wages depend upon qualifications and experience.
If this sounds like you please contact:
Julie Williams
Office Manager
Pinellas Animal Hospital
7791 52nd St N
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
LIKE NEW - $15,000
Custom Whirlpool-TX with
Electroceutical Treatment Option
Custom VetLift with Custom Slings
Omnistim 500 PRO
Electroceutical System
3 shelf cart
www.vetsystems.net For Photos and information.
Please call Christina at Medicine River Animal Hospital with any questions
727-299-9029. We have moved to a much smaller location and unfortunately
we don't have the room for it. (placed 7/10 and expires 2/11)
Seeking cats newly diagnosed with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus for participation in a clinical
study for a new treatment for diabetes mellitus. For more information, including benefits to you
(referral veterinarian) and your client:
Shor Line Stainless Cat Cages
18' and 24 " Have perching area in cage
and slide out bottom to remove feces/urine
Can be stacked or put in metal rack
Any number of cages available $100 each...
up to 6 or eight"Dog and cat cages....Shoreline cages in excellent condition
Single cages or bank of cages...cat cages have
perching areas and pull out trays.
Starting at $75 and up....
Contact Lester Mandelker DVM
Air Animal Pet Movers.. We have a 5 cage Shor-Line unit for sale .....
the cages are in good condition and are available immediately.
asking price is $2,100.00 ... the cages may be inspected at Air Animal's offices ...
at 4120 West Cypress ... Tampa, Florida
I wish to have the cage unit out of the building by year end 31 December 2013.
I also have a stainless steel gurney .. with wheels .. 4 feet long, and 2 feet high.
as well as an x-ray filing cabinet ..sufficient to hold 14' x 17' films
with thanks .. Walter
AirAnimal Pet Movers
4120W. Cypress Street, Tampa, FL 33607 USA
LocalTel: 813-367-8875Toll Free USA Tel:866-826-3564
LocalFax: 813-367-8865Toll Free USA Fax:966-341-6077
If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the
PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or
727-347-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.
Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.