2015 State Of The City And Chamber Luncheon

ap r i l 2 0 1 5
To p ro m ote , s u ppo rt a n d e n hance b usi ne ss prospe ri t y, ci vi c vital i ty and q uali t y of life.
2015 State Of The City And Chamber Luncheon
Mark your calendars NOW for the upcoming State
of the City and State of the Chamber Luncheon
at 11:30 am on Thursday April 16 at Desert Willow
Golf Course.
including its goal of creating a thriving and walkable
downtown, as well as the growing challenge of
paying the rapidly rising costs of providing high
quality police and fire services.
In her State of the City Address, the honorable Mayor
Susan Marie Weber will share information about
many of the opportunities and challenges that Palm
Desert is facing as the City enters its fifth decade.
Scheduled topics include updates on development
activity and newly opened and planned businesses,
including the proposed El Paseo boutique hotel
across from The Gardens.
Chairman Ray Rodriguez, of Cork Tree and
Casuelas Café, will give a chamber of commerce
update in this 60th year of operating. He will cover
major milestones and accomplishments, goals
and planning for the future of the valley’s greater
business community and ask for community
awareness and support of our diverse and growing
chamber. The future is bright!
Mayor Weber is also expected to talk about
progress on the update of the City’s General Plan,
Please use the flyer insert to register or to register
online, visit www.pdacc.org.
Mandatory Posting: Approved CFRA
Rule Changes To Take Effect July 1
Amendments to the California Family
Rights Act (CFRA) regulations have
been approved by the Office of
Administrative Law (OAL) and will take
effect July 1.
The California Chamber of Commerce,
along with several other trade
associations, submitted comments on
the regulations, which were proposed
last year by the Fair Employment and
Housing Council.
Several changes align the CFRA
regulations more closely with the
federal Family and Medical leave Act
(FMLA) regulations. Other changes:
• Provide guidance on certain
definitions, such as how to determine
when businesses will be considered
joint employers under CFRA; and
• Clarify the current state of the law
as interpreted by the courts.
Even with the revisions, some differences
still will exist between state and federal
family and medical leave laws, including
how CFRA coordinates with state
pregnancy disability leave laws.
The amended regulations include
changes to the mandatory poster
requirement, as well as changes to
the information that must be included
on the certification form that is given
to health care providers for leaves
involving serious health conditions.
Mayor Susan Marie Weber
Chairman Ray Rodriguez
Habitat For Humanity Coachella Valley
Expands Its ReStore Thrift Store
Habitat for Humanity is moving its
offices and ReStore operations to new,
larger quarters, at 34470 Gateway
Drive, Palm Desert, CA. The store
will be open for business at the new
location on Thursday, March 19.
The move enables ReStore to triple
its space, holding even more new
and gently used household goods,
appliances, furniture, building materials
and construction supplies.
A treasure hunter’s, decorator’s, and
remodeler’s paradise, ReStore provides
an environmentally and socially
responsible way to keep good, reusable
materials out of landfills and into
spaces of those who are looking for
affordable, unique, functional items for
their everyday projects. With deliveries
of new merchandise each week, the
assortment is constantly evolving.
ReStore accepts new and used
materials donated by local businesses
and residents and makes them
available to the general public at a big
discount. Best of all, all proceeds are
used in funding the construction of new
Habitat homes in the Coachella Valley.
Donations to the ReStore may be
dropped off, Tuesday through Saturday,
from 11:00 am to 4 pm. Please phone
ReStore to arrange a time to have
donated items picked up by our pickup
crew. ReStore can be reached at (760)
770-3723, or by emailing restore@hfhcv.
org. Restore is open Tuesday through
Saturday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Gateway
Drive runs parallel to Monterey from
Dinah Shore, behind Sams’ Club, in the
Monterey Business Park.
Permit No. 9
Palm Desert, CA
US Postage
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Legislative Action Team Update
The Chamber Welcomes Two New Staff
Team Captain: Matt Johnson,
Wilson Johnson Commercial RE
Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce
is proud to introduce two new staff
members to our sales force team:
Three bills being closely monitored by
the team are as follows:
Marianne Burton and Alison Regan,
Membership and Advertising Sales
Executives’ both started in March.
AB 2 (Alejo D - Salinas) Community
Revitalization Authority
This bill is currently a shell of what it
is to become. It is the second iteration
of last year’s AB 2280, which passed
both houses but was vetoed by the
Governor. In the Governor’s comments,
while deny the bill, he made mention
that the bill would find more success
should it remove all association with
redevelopment law.
This bill would authorize certain
local agencies, to form a community
revitalization authority (authority)
within a (strictly defined) community
revitalization and investment area, for
purposes related to, among other things,
infrastructure, affordable housing, and
economic revitalization. The financing of
these activities by the issuance of bonds
serviced by tax increment revenues.
SB 3 (Leno D - San Francisco) Minimum
Wage: adjustment
Last year’s bills caused the minimum
wage to increase on July 1, 2014 to $9/
hour; $10/hour January 1, 2016; Then,
increase automatically thereafter. This
bill would increase the minimum wage
to $11/hour January 1, 2016; $13/hour
January 1, 2017; And, annual automatic
California Consumer Price Index (CPI)
increases starting January 1, 2019.
SB 8 (Hertzberg D – Van Nuys) Taxation
This bill would state legislative findings
regarding the Upward Mobility Act,
key provisions of which would expand
the application of the Sales and Use
Tax law by imposing a tax on specified
services, would enhance the state’s
business climate, would incentivize
entrepreneurship and business creation
by evaluating the corporate tax, and
would examine the impacts of a
lower and simpler personal income
tax law. The Upward Mobility Act
would increase funding by $10 billion
for: K-14 education; U.C./C.S.U.; Local
governments; New earned income tax
credits for low-income families that
would offset the proposed sale and
use tax on services; And, finally Small
Business and minimum wage relief.
Alison is thrilled to recently have been
welcomed as a new addition to the
membership and advertising sales team
with the Palm Desert Area Chamber of
Commerce. Alison started her career
in sales right here in the desert with
The Desert Sun back in the 1980’s.
After getting married in 1989, Alison
and her husband relocated to Chicago,
Illinois where she further pursued a
successful sales and marketing career
with The Chicago Tribune and Aon Risk
Management. After 25 years, Alison and
her family have returned to the desert
they love so much to live permanently.
“I am thrilled to be back home again and
look forward to meeting many new faces
and becoming a part of the Palm Desert
business community.”
Marianne is excited about her new
position with the Palm Desert Area
Chamber of Commerce as Membership
Sales and Advertising Executive.
She came to the United States from
Germany in 1972 and became a citizen
of the US in 1978. Marianne has a 34
year career in sales, marketing and
management; the last 24 years were
spent right here in the Coachella Valley
selling advertising in the print and digital
media to the businesses in the desert.
She spent a great deal of time as an
Ambassador for the Chamber and also
volunteered her time for organizations
like the Coachella Valley Rescue
Mission and the Muscular Dystrophy
Association. Marianne is looking
forward to increasing the Chamber’s
memberships and helping the members
increase their sales and profits through
Please give them a warm welcome when
you see them at upcoming events as they
are truly great additions to our team.
This is a tax paid by the employers for
services provided by their employees. It
is up to the employers/business owners
to recoup the tax cost by increasing their
charges for services.
Please join us at our next team meeting
if you are interesting in getting involved
in local, state and/or federal issues
concerning the business community.
Third Monday of each Month (April
20th) – 3:30 pm at the chamber.
Please Welcome to the Staff: Marianne Burton and Alison Regan
to the Palm Desert Area Chamber Executive Sales Team.
Chairman’s Council
Thank you to these businesses for voluntarily increasing
their investment in the Palm Desert Area Chamber
partne rs
e xec u t iv e s
Cheers to Andy Mueller on his new career adventures! Andy served eight
years here at the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce and will be missed by his
team. Above photo features Chamber staff, with Jay Chesterton, Past Chairman of
the Board, at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino.
d i r ecto rs
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Community Yard Sale
Dave Mourhess Community Yard Sale, Committee Chair
The Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 9th edition of our
Community Yard Sale on Saturday, March 7th. More than 40 “sellers” rented
space in the Chamber’s parking lot to display their treasures and wares. Food
and beverages were also available for participants.
As a community service event, the Yard Sale allows sellers and buyers the
opportunity to meet exchanging cash for treasures. Many local residents live in
communities that prohibit “garage sales”. This unique Chamber event provides a
venue for people, who may not have any other option, to clean out their garages
and closets.
A unique feature of the Chamber’s Yard Sale is the participation of a local
charity. If the sellers do not want to “haul” their unsold treasures back
home, the charity provides a truck for donations. This has been a popular
enhancement for our Yard Sellers!
The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission provided the donation truck. As usual, the
truck filled up fast, sellers received their donation receipts and everyone was
happy. Talk about a Win–Win–Win scenario!
Our Yard Sale has been part of the Chamber’s calendar of events for more
than 4 years. The twice yearly event has been promoted in the Spring and Fall.
The future of the event is being considered by the Chamber Staff and Board of
Directors. An immense note of “THANKS” to all of our supporters and sponsors.
Without the City of Palm Desert’s endorsement and approval, the Community
Yard Sale would not be possible.
As we always hear, “One person’s trash is another’s treasure”
or so the saying goes!
Ambassador Program
Mentor Program
Interested in getting more involved
within the chamber in a meaningful
way? Consider joining a fantastic
leadership group and the welcoming
arm for the chamber, the Ambassador
Team! Contact Erin Sullivan, Robert Half
International, Ambassador Mentor for
PDACC. erin.sullivan@roberthalf.com
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PDACC recently held another Community Garage Sale in the chamber parking lot and it was
another success! Thank you to everyone who participated. We hope you enjoy your treasures.
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Tools For Your Trade.
Are You Maximizing Their Potential?
Problem Solving | Decision Making
Dr. Jon Warner Ready to Manage
Jeff Harrison SwingPointMedia, Inc
I recall as a youngster helping my dad on
a project. He was working on our family
car and I was the one handing him the
right tool to make his job easier.
I was young and about all I knew was
wrench and screwdriver, when asked for
a specific tool, I not know what to do,
and I recall freezing and doing nothing
This can also be true with the tools
available on the internet.
Avoid Freezing
The next time you decide to apply online
activities,only lay out or choose those
specific and related tools to complete
the job, versus the vastness of the World
Wide Web.
Determining Project and Tools Needed
The best and most effective medium in
which to communicate with them.
• The Written Word (blogs,articles,white
• Images (pictures of new products,
pictures of happy customers)
• Videos ( how to fix, how to assemble,
best practices…)
• Audio ( podcasts, narrated
And once you know this and let’s say
your ideal customer communicates best
via images...and if this is the case do you
need to know how to make a video? How
to make a podcast or write a white paper?
• Sharing or publishing - done directly
from smartphone or device. Upload to
blog, social media and more.
Effective and efficient problem solving
and decision-making is a prerequisite
for organizational performance and
success. If any commercial enterprise
fails to identify problems correctly or
fails to resolve them properly, sales,
market share, expenses, customer
and employee satisfaction, profit
and shareholder dividends can all be
adversely affected. Similarly, if other
organizations like hospitals, police, many
government departments or fire services
fail to identify problems effectively, the
consequences are equally dramatic
(sometimes in terms of direct and
immediate human suffering).
I know I have only touched on images,
and if you’d like to know more, please
join us at the Chamber Sunrise Business
Mastermind events, held once every six
weeks. They are free and sponsored by
the Local SCORE Office. Next event April
30th on Video Marketing.
Staff at all levels in an organization
experience work-related problems
on a regular basis. Some of these
problems may be quite minor, such
as the constant jamming of the
photocopier, while others will be major,
such as the decision to invest in new
No! (only using the tools that are best
for you and your audience)
Actual Tools
i f i mage s:
• To Capture images - your smartphones
(tip- hold the smartphone landscape
when shooting to avoid those ugly black
bars on the side)
• Editing - One of my favorite - pixlr.com
When A CPA Becomes More Than
Just Your “Tax Guy”
Corry Hunter, CPA
Osborne Rincon CPA’s
If you’ve ever received a notice from
the IRS, you know how stressful it can
be. These notices need to be dealt with
quickly and correctly. Your CPA can help
in expediting a solution with the IRS.
If growing from a “mom & pop” to
multiple branches, partnering with a CPA
to manage through this important stage
of growth is key. And when the economy
is going in the right direction, a CPA can
perhaps provide the most value. Making
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Although all of us engage in continual
problem solving and decision-making
during our working life, we often
rush head-long into trying to solve
the issues that we face without fully
appreciating the thinking process, skills
and techniques that could be used
to enhance our problem solving and
decision-making ability. Some time and
effort to investigate what is available is
therefore well worth the investment.
ABWA Member Nomination
Melissa McCaughey, co-owner of
Comfort Keepers, an in-home care
agency, and a member of the Palm Desert
Trendsetter Chapter of the American
Business Women’s Association, has been
approved as a Candidate for District VI
It’s tax time and the scramble is on for
many of us. Using a CPA as more than
just a “once-a-year-tax-guy” can really
pay off.
If you are a business owner, a CPA can
be a trusted advisor. They can assist
in solving the challenges of running a
business and maximize your bottom
line. They can help with bookkeeping,
getting a line of credit or even the
outsourcing of comptroller duties to
save on payroll costs.
ventures at home or overseas. Some
of these problems may be technical,
such as a computer software bug,
and others may be people-related,
such as inadequate communication
between two departments. Regardless
of the nature and the dimension of the
problem, all individuals should be able
to identify and resolve problems, so
that organizational performance can
be continuously improved and new
innovations developed.
ABWA is a prestigious national
organization founded in 1949 with the
lofty goal of empowering women in
business across the country by providing
opportunities to help members grow
personally and professionally through
leadership, education, networking
support and national recognition.
regular financial decisions with your
CPA that yield the best tax results can
save you thousands of dollars a year.
To maximize your success – leverage
your CPA’s resources year round. It’s
smart business and will be well worth
the investment.
For more information contact Corry
Hunter, CPA at 760-777-9805.
If Melissa is elected by her peers
at the October National Leadership
Conference, she will serve on the
National Board of Directors for the
association. She will be the official
Leader of District VI Comprised of ten
western states and Hawaii.
award given to chapters. Only one of
four California chapters have reached
that level. For information regarding
membership in ABWA contact Melissa
at melissamccaughey@comfortkeepers.
com or call 760-565-ABWA.
Trendsetter’s holds a “Best Practice
Level 1” designation. It is the highest
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Office Depot | Office Max On The Announcement
Of Staples Merger
A Message to Our Valued Customers
Recently, we announced that Office Depot, Inc. and Staples have reached an agreement to
merge, creating a combined company better positioned to serve your changing needs and
compete in an increasingly competitive marketplace. A copy of the news release is attached
here and is also available in our online Newsroom here.
I wanted to reach out to you directly to explain the rationale behind the merger, and give you
a sense of what you can expect in the months ahead. First and foremost, a combined Staples
and Office Depot, Inc. will offer you enhanced distribution capabilities, global reach and operational expertise to deliver a seamless, omni-channel experience. With increased financial
and human resources, as well as expanded customer insights, the combined company will also
be better positioned to quickly identify and capitalize on emerging trends, invest in innovative
solutions and rapidly bring new products and services to market.
While we are excited about the potential of this transaction, it is also important for you to
know that Office Depot, Inc. and Staples will continue to operate as two completely separate
companies until the transaction closes, which is expected by the end of the calendar year
Since we announced our merger with OfficeMax, we have worked tirelessly to improve our
ability to provide the differentiated, high-quality experience our customers deserve. That focus
will not change, and these principles will be central to the combined entity.
We understand that you may have questions about this announcement. Please feel free to
contact your sales representative, Bob McGuire at bob.mcguire@officedepot.com if you have
any questions.
I want to personally thank you for your business – you play an important role in our success.
Steve Calkins
Executive Vice President, Business Solutions Division
Office Depot
Join Us for Profit Connection:
Where Businesses Connect.
To date, over $900,000 in genuine leads and tips
have been generated. Featuring different speakers
at every Lunch, learn about other businesses, and
promote your own business too.
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
RSVPs required.
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Joining Together To Make A Difference
“She is not trying to live off the system,”
Clymer said. “She’s endeavoring to
do all she can to be a good mother
and provider to her son. So being able
to maintain a job in this day and age
without a vehicle is very admirable. We
want to make sure she had that hand up
for working that hard.”
Arrow Picasso was chosen to receive a
car from Ben Clymer’s The Bodyshop
Car Giveaway Thursday.
For Arrow, this was an emotional day. The
single mom was raised in the foster care
system. She is now employed but sold
her car when she was laid off. She and her
11-year-old son, Devin, take the bus.
How To Raise $1 Million To Support Our Schools Without Writing A Check!
Dr. Gary Rutherford, Superintendent Desert Sands Unified School District
During each school year, parents and
community partners in the Desert
Sands Unified School District raise
hundreds of thousands of dollars
in grass root fundraising efforts to
preserve and strengthen important
student programs in our schools. From
parent organizations to booster clubs,
from education foundations to service
groups, it seems there is no limit in the
opportunities to give generously…and
many do.
In a perfect world, parents would not
need to raise funds for public schools
to do their job. However, to address the
budget shortfalls that school districts
must undertake, many individuals and
organizations have joined forces to
identify areas of need and actively solicit
donations to address those needs.
I’d like to suggest another way
that parents, individually and as a
community, can easily raise millions
of dollars to help maintain high quality
instructional programs in the Coachella
Valley. And no one would be required
to write a single check. All parents need
to do is reduce the number of days that
their children miss school.
On average, a student in the Desert
Sands Unified School District misses
about 10 days of school a year (8 days
for K-8 students, 13 days in grades 9
-12). The school district is paid by the
state based on actual attendance. No
money is received for any day that a
student is absent – regardless of the
reason for that absence. For each lost
day of attendance, the district loses out
on about $40 in state funding.
If parents could reduce the number of
days a child misses school by only one
day, to an average of 9 days a year, the
Desert Sands Unified School District
would receive an additional $1,058,181 in
state funding!
Improved attendance works for
everyone. Research clearly shows
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 6
that children who are in school most
of the time perform better on state
standardized tests and school work in
general. It’s no surprise that students
who are frequently absent often score
at lower levels on these same measures.
The Parent Institute provides the
following suggestions for helping to
improve school attendance:
• Talk with your child about the
importance of attending school
• Avoid scheduling family trips or doctor
appointments during school hours.
If you must make an appointment
during the school day, schedule it
in the afternoon so that every child
receives the benefits of as much of the
instructional day as possible and the
district will receive its state funding.
• Make sure your child stays healthy
by eating nutritious foods and getting
enough sleep and exercise.
• Don’t accept excuses for why your
child “must” miss or be late for school.
• Lead by example. If children see
parents taking off work for no valid
reason, they will expect the same
If each student in the Desert Sands
Unified School District attended school
even one extra day between now and
the end of the school year, our districts
would recover more than a million
dollars in much-needed income!
Even more important, each child’s
success in school would be enhanced
through increased learning time.
Let’s work together so that everyone
wins – parents, children, educators –
ensuring a high quality educational
experience and a bright future for each
and every student in the Desert Sands
Unified School District.
To learn more about the schools of
DSUSD, sign up to receive our weekly
newsletter The Beacon. Go to www.
dsusd.us to subscribe.
“I try really hard,” she said. “I’m a single
mom. I don’t have any family members.
I went through foster care. So I’ve been
doing a lot of this on my own. It’s like I
never get a break. It’s always struggle,
struggle, struggle. This is the first time
that I’ve had a break.”
Bryan Clymer, who owns the Palm
Desert The Bodyshop location, said
Arrow showed she is really trying to take
care of herself and her son.
AAA of Southern California provided
the car, which was stripped after a theft,
Toyota of the Desert provided parts, Ben
Clymer’s The Bodyshop fixed it up and
Enterprise is insuring Arrow for a year.
KMIR was proud to be the media
sponsor. KMIR’s Gloria Rodriguez served
as the event MC.
Arrow says this will improve the quality
of life for her son.
“So now, I can take him back to church
again, and take him to karate and do
all his activities, and take him to school
because I was having trouble picking
him up and dropping him off at school,”
Arrow said.
Now, they’ll do it in style.
Interstate 10 Monterey Avenue Interchange
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Ramp Ribbon Cutting for Monterey On Ramp L to r: John Standiford, RCTC Deputy Executive
Director; Mayor Pro Tem Dana Reed, City of Indian Wells; Van Tanner, Palm Desert City
Council; Sabby Jonathan, Palm Desert City Council; Susan Marie Weber, Mayor of Palm Desert;
Councilmember Ted Weill, City of Rancho Mirage; John Wohlmuth, Palm Desert City Manager;
Jan Harnik, Palm Desert City Council; Lupe Ramos, Mayor of Indio; Tom Kirk, CVAG Executive
Director; Councilmember Shelley Kaplan, City of Cathedral City
The Coachella Valley Association of
Governments (CVAG) and the City of
Palm Desert hosted a
ribbon cutting ceremony on March 6,
2015 for the I-10 / Monterey Avenue
Interchange as part of the I-10 Coachella
Valley Corridor Improvement Projects.
Northbound drivers on Monterey
Avenue now have a new access to the
I-10 from the right lane. The new loop
ramp will allow drivers get onto the
freeway without waiting at a left-turn
traffic signal. Drivers headed
southbound on Monterey Avenue will
continue using the existing on-ramp.
The left turn lane for the eastbound
on-ramp was also lengthened to fit more
“All of us who drive Monterey Avenue
know that at certain times of the day,
it can take a while to get on westbound
Interstate 10,” said City of Palm Desert
Mayor Susan Marie Weber. “This new
ramp will help change that, improving
access to the freeway for the motoring
public and providing a smoother,
safer experience for our residents and
City of Palm Desert Mayor Susan Marie
Weber was joined at the ceremony by
CVAG Executive Director Tom Kirk,
CVAG Deputy Director Allyn Waggle,
Riverside County Transportation
Commission (RCTC) Deputy Executive
Director John Standiford, Transportation
& Land Management Agency (TLMA)
Assistant Director Patricia Romo, and
other local officials, as well as community
This project is a collaborative effort
between CVAG, Riverside County,
California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) and the City of Palm Desert.
As the lead agency, CVAG obtained the
funding for this project, which totaled
$10.3 million.
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How To Think About Insurance
Carrie Babij, Desert Insurance Solutions
I believe success is both your situation
and how you think about it.
The fourth Annual Coachella Valley
Economic Forecast Conference hosted
by Claremont McKenna College with
the UCLA Anderson Forecast, in
conjunction with CVEP, is on Thursday,
April 9 at the Miramonte Resort & Spa
in Indian Wells, California. This exclusive
Economic Forecast Conference, which
drew 400 attendees last year, features
nationally noted economists, and
industry experts. Seating is limited.
Registration and breakfast begin at 7:00
am. The Conference runs from 8:00 am
to 10:30 am. Tickets: $115 per person
and $900 for a table of 8. For more
information, call (909) 607-7572. To
register, visit: www.inlandempirecenter.
How should you think about insurance?
A really bad way to think about it is you
“win” if you collect more in claims than
you paid in premium.
If it’s a big claim (house fire, car totaled
or lawsuit), the best you can hope for
is to offset your financial loss, but even
so you will have experienced a very
unpleasant hassle.
If it’s a series of small claims, your
insurance company will increase your
rates or cancel your insurance forcing
you into the high cost, low quality
“secondary market”.
Either way, you don’t win.
A good way to think about insurance
is to “partner” with your insurance
company. You get protection against
unavoidable major risks at reasonable
rates. In return, you manage the risk
exposure for yourself and the insurance
company. You “win” if you never have a
claim, but if you have one your financial
loss is offset.
The best risk management ideas are
common sense:
• Maintain (e.g. replace old water
heaters before they blow, cut down old
trees before they fall)
• Protect (e.g. get a water leak detection
system, make sure your smoke alarm is
linked to the fire department)
• Control (e.g. don’t own a vicious dog,
trampoline or water slide)
• Avoid Distractions (e.g. texting, phone,
eating, and make-up)
• Drive Defensive (e.g. speed limit and
aggressive moves)
• Set Rules for Young Drivers (e.g. limit
friends in car, limit night driving)
Small Business:
• Manage Premises (e.g. take steps to
avoid slips/falls)
• Manage Autos (e.g. maintain your
vehicles, require clean records for
drivers and don’t allow texting)
• Manage Product (e.g. establish a risk
management culture and use quality
control engineering)
• Manage Professional Risk (e.g.
get professional education, avoid
distraction and overwork where
mistakes can be made)
• Manage Employees/Worker
Compensation (e.g. establish policies
and training for a safe workplace and
avoid sources of employee lawsuits
which include sexual harassment,
wrongful termination, failure to hire,
hostile workplace and retaliation).
Business specific risk management is
beyond the scope of this newsletter so
call me if you want to learn more. One
key for small business owners is to find
an experienced insurance broker they can
trust to structure the insurance package
and let them shop the carriers. If small
business owners shop on price across
brokers they create a strong incentive for
less ethical brokers to propose stripped
down coverage. Most ethical brokers will
decline to participate in a price-driven
beauty contest for that reason.
Moderator for the Industry Perspective
Panel is Tom Davis, Chief Planning and
Development Officer, Aqua Caliente
Band of Cahuilla Indians. Panelists
include: Rob Field, County of Riverside
as Assistant County Executive Officer/
Economic Development Agency (EDA)
and Nachhattar Chandi, President &
CEO of the Chandi Group USA.
Current Sponsors include Rabobank and
the County of Riverside EDA (Gold),
Best, Best & Krieger and Chandi Group
USA (Silver) and the Agua Caliente
Band of Cahuilla Indians (Community),
and the Palm Desert Area Chamber of
Commerce (Affiliate). Media Sponsors
include: Time Warner Cable, Desert
Radio Group, The Desert Sun, and
The Public Record. For sponsorship
opportunities contact Marionette Moore
at (909) 607-7572.
Carrie Babij is President of Desert
Insurance Solutions in La Quinta.
Phone 760-564-6800 or visit
Watch for our weekly Food for Thought Thursday Emails.
Just give us your thoughts and be eligible for free food! That’s right. It’s that
simple. How you think we are doing as a Chamber is very important to us.
Every Thursday, we’ll be emailing all Chamber members, asking for feedback
about the Chamber. Just complete the short, 2-3 question survey, and you will
be entered into a drawing for a Free Lunch!
Recent lucky winners of Lunch for Two at The Grill at Shadow Ridge in Palm
Desert were Jenna LeComte-Hinely, PhD, Director of Research and Evaluation,
HARC, Inc. (Health Assessment and Resource Center) and Elizabeth Jones,
Store Manager at The Pet Oasis. Congratlutions!
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 7
“We are bringing the UCLA Anderson
Forecast who will present the national
and California forecast. Claremont
McKenna is presenting the Inland
Empire Forecast and Coachella Valley
Forecasts,” notes Marc Weidenmier,
Professor of Economics and the Director
of the Lowe Institute of Political
Economy at Claremont McKenna
College. Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior
Economist, UCLA Anderson Forecast
will present state and national Forecasts.
The Coachella Valley Forecast will be
given by Manfred W. Keil, Professor
of Economics at Claremont McKenna
College and the former Chairman of
the Faculty at the Robert Day School of
Economics and Finance at Claremont
McKenna College and Research
Associate at the Lowe Institute of
Political Economy at Claremont
McKenna College.
Bottom line: forget about getting
your premiums back in claims dollars.
Your hope should be to never have a
single claim.
Food For Thought Thursdays!
Will you be our next lucky winner?
Fourth Annual Coachella Valley Economic Forecast
Conference To Be Held Thursday April 9th
Ironwood Country Club, Sponsor of COD Women’s
Golf Team, Gifts Team Members and Coaches with
10 Personalized Golf Bags
Ironwood Country Club, one of
California’s premier country clubs,
sponsor of College of the Desert’s
Women’s Golf Team, recently gifted the
team and coaches with 10 personalized
golf bags. “All the team members,
myself and Assistant Coach Rogers
are very grateful for Ironwood’s most
generous gift,” notes Gary Sabella,
Coach of the COD Women’s Golf Team,
the Roadrunners. “We are very excited
to be affiliated with Ironwood and their
history of great golf courses,” he adds.
“We are thrilled to continue to provide
our support the College of the Desert
and the Women’s Golf Team.”
Bob Manion, President of the Ironwood
Country Club Board of Directors notes
that the Club will be hosting one of the
Roadrunner’s matches in September.
In November, the Roadrunners won the
California Community College Athletic
Association Women’s Golf State
The bright red professional quality golf
bags bearing the Ironwood logo are one
example of Ironwood giving back to the
community. “Providing commemorative
golf bags celebrating their State
Championship will be a keepsake that
the team will remember for years
to come,” says Josh Tanner, General
Manager of Ironwood Country Club.
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Chamber of Commerce Tour of the 29 Palms Marine Base. Thank you Marines and 1st Marine Division Association.
Ribbon Cutting for Rumbaugh Financial Inc. rumBAUGH FINANCIAL CATERS TO SUCCESSFUL FAMILIES,
(760) 341-5010 www.rumbaughfinancial.com
ribbon cutting for Community Valley Bank. established in 2007, community valley bank serves the financial needs of those in Brawley, el
centro and the coachella valleY. (760) 200-1794 www.yourcvb.com
Ribbon Cutting for Renova Solar Expansion, renova solar provides solar panels for residential
or business applications in the coachella Valley. (760) 568-3413 www.RenovaSolar.com
Congratulations to Ambassador of the Month for February Marianne Burton. Certificate
Presented by Debbie Frazer, Mary Kay Cosmetics and Ambassador President.
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Business Development Calendar And Ribbon Cuttings
New Member Induction
Tuesday, April 7
The perfect introduction for new
members to meet the chamber staff,
board members, ambassadors and find
out the latest happenings for the year.
Receive your plaques and a directory/
referral guide. New members also
introduce their business to us and
everyone leaves with your business
card. Light refreshments, complimentary
event. 7:15am coffee/7:30am start at the
chamber offices: 72559 Highway 111 Palm
Desert, 92260. Info@pdacc.org to RSVP
Palm Desert’s Premier
Networking Group: Profit
Connection Leads Lunch
Thursday April 9 and
Thursday 23
Enjoy business leads, learning and lunch
at Profit Connection leads lunches held
on the second and fourth Thursdays.
Profit Connection is made up of
informative member presentations,
self-introductions, business news
announcements and power networking
with other PDACC Members to increase
your business, exposure and sphere
of influence.
In April, local business professionals
will be meeting on Thursday the 9th
and Thursday the 23rd from 11:30am
to 1:00pm at the Area Chamber
Offices: 72559 Highway 111. PDACC
Members $15 / $25 nonmembers. Must
RSVP, spaces fill up quickly. Buy your
Stagecoach Opportunity ticket at this
event for a chance to win two passes!
Business Breakfast Speaker
Series Features Tom Kirk of
CVAG Presenting on the CV Link
Tuesday April 14
Morton’s of Chicago Hosts
Networking Mixer for Area
Chamber Members
Wednesday April 22
Get an update on the CV Link progress
and ask questions at the upcoming
Business Breakfast on Tuesday, April 14th
at 7:00am, Desert Willow: 38995 Desert
Willow Dr $20 Members $30 Non.
Please make reservations by noon on
Monday the 13th at 1pm to be included
in the Hot Sheet. Speaker is Executive
Director of Coachella Valley Association
of Governments, Tom Kirk. Sponsored
by Southern California Gas Company.
Full breakfast buffet included. Buy your
Stagecoach Opportunity ticket at this
event for a chance to win two passes!
The staff of Morton’s of Chicago
welcome Palm Desert Area Chamber
of Commerce Members to a great
networking mixer!
Annual State of the City
& Chamber Luncheon
Thursday April 16
Join us at 11:30am at the Desert
Willow Clubhouse at 38995 Desert
Willow where the Honorable Mayor
Susan Marie Weber and Chairman Ray
Rodriguez, Cork Tree & Casuelas Café,
present accomplishments, plans and
projects throughout the City of Palm
Desert and within the greater business
community. Attendees $60 - Bronze
Sponsor $500 (8 seats and logo on
materials) – Silver Sponsor $2,000 (8
seats, Half page ad in program, logo
on PowerPoint) – Gold Sponsor $5000
(16 priority seats, Full page ad, logo on
PowerPoint and on all materials)
The Five-Star Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce can be
reached at: info@pdacc.org, (760) 346-6111 or www.pdacc.org
Join us for a lively event on Wednesday,
April 22 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at
74880 Country Club Dr, Palm Desert.
Mixer admission is $5 per person for Palm
Desert Area Chamber Members and $25
for Nonmembers. No RSVP needed/No
credit cards please. Drawing items are
always welcome and are a great way to
advertise. Contact us to be included.
Stagecoach Opportunity ticket drawing
will be held at this event – must be
present to win!
Ribbon Cuttings:
Thursday, April 9 - 4:00pm Olive Crest
73700 Dinah Shore Ste 101
(760) 341-8507
Ambassador Team 2014-2015
Angela Henderson
Bank of Southern California
Betty Baxter
Betty Baxter Coaching
Bob Solomon
Desert Business Machines
Debbie Frazer - President
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Don Raiselis
Halo Branded Products
Dorcas Greene
Collaborative Coaching
Erin Sullivan
Office Team
Jeane Snavely
Morton’s of Chicago Palm Desert
Joy Diffendal
Take Shape For Life
Marianne Burton
MBX international
Teri Bona
Family YMCA of the Desert
Terry Jones
Palm Springs Vacation Properties
Saleen Rowan
Loving All Animals
Saturday, April 11 - Noon to 2:00pm
A Child’s Cottage is having an event
at 73910 Highway 111. Claudia CreasonHoffman & Troy Hoffman
(760) 432-8257
Ambassador Mission:
Tuesday, April 21 - 4:00pm East Valley
Republican Women Federation Ribbon
Cutting will be held at the Chamber
Offices 72559 Highway 111
(760) 772-2727
The Ambassador Team plays a
vital role in the PDACC and the
community by retaining existing
members, recruiting new members,
and strengthening the PDACC.
Committee Meetings:
The Ambassador Team helps
to create productive working
relationships, encourages member
involvement, and acts as a catalyst
in the PDACC effort to produce a
dynamic business climate within
the City of Palm Desert and
the greater community of the
Coachella Valley.
The Legislative Action Team meets the
third Monday of every month at 3:30
pm at the chamber offices, and the
Marketing Committee meets the third
Wednesday of every month at 3:30 pm
at the chamber offices.
Newsletter News
Wanted: Words Of Widsom
Do you have an article to share? Some
great words of wisdom, or tips for success? If so, we want to hear from you!
Send your 150-200 words (maximum)
our way, and we will include them in our
next B2B Monthly Newsletter, based on
space available and time of receipt.
The deadline is the 15th of the month for
the following month’s Newsletter.
Just email them to us at info@pdacc.org.
Want To Be Seen And Heard?
Do you want to get your message out
to over 1,100 Valley businesses and
consumers? Then advertise with us in
the monthly B2B Newsletter!
Get in touch with us today. Email us for
more information on ad sizes and rates
at info@pdacc.org..
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 9
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Welcome To Our New Members April 2015
Celebrating Over 40 Years
Bank of the West
Maria Thomas
(760) 469-4002
74989 Highway 111
Palm Desert, CA 92260
We are a wealth management and banking center. We
are here to service both our high retention clients with
estate planning and investment management.
Palm Desert High School Foundation
Heather Greenwood
(760) 687-2407
PO Box 1083
Palm Desert, CA 92261
The PDHS Foundation fully supports academic excellence
for all students. We are dedicated to strengthening
public education by fundraising and creating education
Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services (1974)
Electric Car Distributors (1974)
Healey & Healey - Attorneys at Law (1974)
Powers Awards (1974)
Southern California Edison (1974)
Southern California Gas Company (1974)
The Desert Sun (1974)
Time Warner Cable - Desert Cities Division (1974)
White Sheet (974)
Clean Bottom Diapers
Heidi McArthur
(760) 625-1213
80144 Queensboro Drive
Indio, CA 92201
Fresh cloth diapers delivered to your door. Cloth - the
sustainable choice.
Desert Cities indoor Air
Susan Rosenberg
(760) 902-2545
202 Desert Falls Drive, Suite E
Palm Desert, CA 92211
An independent, woman-owned consulting firm
providing professional mold inspections, indoor air
quality and healthy home assessments including
allergen evaluation and odor and sick building analysis.
Desert olympic Acquatics
Ben Hobbins
(608) 513-3535
PO Box 7011
La Quinta, CA 92248
We own and operate US Masters Swim & USA Triathlon
Desert Olympic Tritons, TESA Tritons Elite Select
Academy, Desert Swim Wellness Program Triton Fitness
Circles, Genesis Veterans Program.
Fast Auto Loans
Jevon Hicks
(760) 766-2407
72990 Highway 111
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Charlie Reeds
(760) 567-7106
1150 East Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 54
Palm Springs, CA 92264
Marketing, branding and internet marketing specialists
getting real results for our clients for a fraction of the
cost. Charlie Reeds has had 20 years experience in
interactive communications.
Gold Coast Business Solutions
Jeff Summerlin
(760) 541-9171
964 Camino Concordia
Camarillo, CA 93010
Gold Coast delivers IT technology consulting network
design, cloud hosting, hosted VOip, data security, and
data storage.
Premier Satellite Communications
Eddie Ortiz
(760) 774-4139
68465 Perez Road, Suite A
Cathedral City, CA 92234
We are an Authorized dealer for DISH Network, DIRECTV
and TIME WARNER services. We take pride in providing
excellent services to you and all our customers.
Rumbaugh Financial, inc.
Craig Rumbaugh
(760) 341-5010
73525 El Paseo, Suite E2516
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Our firm caters to successful families, individuals and
businesses to keep them accountable in reaching their
financial goals.
Sit Means Sit Palm Springs
John Dellavecchio
(760) 469-4930
71560 Mirage Road
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
At Sit Means Sit Palm Springs, we help people
communicate with their family pet through positive training
methods, creating a well-mannered dog. Train as you live,
take your dog anywhere.
The Annenberg Foundation Trust
at Sunnylands
Eric Ornelas
(760) 20-2222
71231 Tamarisk Lane
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Sunnylands is a retreat center offering tours of the
Gardens and historic house. Here Walter and Leonore
Annenberg entertained Presidents, royalty, and cultural
Ygrene energy Fund
Loucinda Ablin
(877) 819-4736
77760 Country Club Drive, Suite H
Palm Desert, CA 92260
We are a (PACE) Property Assessed Clean Energy provider.
We certify Contractors and provide leads to make these
improvements to Residential and Commercial property.
Celebrating Over 30 Years
Bill Carver (1984)
Desert Arc (1985)
Desert Business Machines, Inc. (1976)
Desert Empire Insurance Services, Inc. (1985)
Desert Personnel @ Work (1980)
Desert Regional Medical Center (1985)
Inn at Deep Canyon (1976)
J & W Management (1983)
Jensen’s Finest Foods (1983)
John’s Restaurant (1985)
JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Spa (1983)
Lakes Country Club (1982)
Lawrence Watson, O.D. (1978)
Lund & Guttry CPAs (1985)
Maryanov, Madsen, Gordon & Campbell, CPAs (1981)
McCallum Theatre (1985)
Michael Baker International (1977)
Monterey Country Club (1979)
Oliphant Enterprises, Inc. (1977)
Pacific Premier Bank - El Paseo (1980)
Palm Springs Life Magazine (1984)
Palm Valley Country Club (1984)
Pat’s Lighting & Lamps (1982)
Shadow Mountain Resort & Club (1976)
Sunny 103 Today’s Hits & Yesterday’s Favorites (1982)
The Living Desert (1979)
The Lock Shop, Inc. (1976)
Westfield Palm Desert (1979)
Celebrating Over 20 Years
American Medical Response (1987)
Anderholt & Whittaker LLP (1986)
Angel View Thrift Mart (1995)
Automated Telecom (1990)
Best Best & Krieger LLP - Attorneys at Law (1995)
Boelzner and Associates (1994)
Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley (1993)
Brandman University Palm Desert Campus (1990)
Bud Johnson Designs (1992)
Building Industry Association Desert Region (1992)
Burgess North American (1994)
Cardiff Limousine & Transportation (1992)
Casuelas Cafe (1993)
Classic Party Rentals - Palm Desert (1989)
Coachella Valley Collection Service (1990)
College of the Desert (1991)
College of the Desert Alumni Association/
COD Street Fair (1994)
Computer Gallery (1995)
Costco Wholesale (1990)
CSUSB Palm Desert Campus (1987)
Cuistot (1988)
Daily Grill (1993)
Desert Lexus (1993)
Desert Oral Surgery (1991)
Desert Sands Unified School District (1990)
Doug Wall Construction, Inc. (1995)
Drs Schantz & Moranda, ADC (1986)
El Paseo Business Association (1988)
Embassy Suites / Sonoma Grille (1990)
Esser Air Conditioning and Heating (1993)
Family YMCA of the Desert (1988)
Farmers Insurance / Ellen Kane Agency (1991)
FirstBank - Washington Street (1995)
FunTrafficSchool.com (1991)
General Patton Memorial Museum (1992)
Jonathan & Associates Inc. (1990)
Kiner Communications (1995)
Law Office of Dale S. Gribow - Attorney at Law (1994)
McDonald’s (1994)
Michael David Borovac, D.D.S. (1989)
Mills Insurance Services (1992)
No Da Te Japanese Restaurant (1994)
Oasis Date Gardens (1993)
Office Depot Business Services Division (1995)
Pacific Western Bank (1993)
Palm Desert Tennis Club (1992)
Palm Desert Tobacco, Inc. (1994)
Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (1992)
Palm Springs Air Museum (1995)
Palm Springs Art Museum (1995)
Palm Springs Motors, Inc. (1995)
Palms to Pines Rotary Club of Palm Desert (1993)
Ristorante Mamma Gina (1986)
Riverside County Office of Education Indio Branch (1993)
Riverside County Sheriff (1992)
Ruth’s Chris Steak House (1992)
Salon Suites (1992)
Sign-A-Rama (1992)
Soroptimist International of Palm Desert (1989)
Spectacular Shades (1989)
Spencer Auto Body (1990)
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church (1988)
State Farm Insurance - Peggy Ames #0571475 (1992)
The Desert Radio Group (1986)
The Fountains at The Carlotta,
a Watermark Retirement Community (1994)
The Joslyn Center (1989)
The Printing Place (1993)
Tri-A-Bike (1994)
Union Bank - Rancho Mirage (1993)
Gold Coast Community Management
Tim Peckham
(760) 202-9880
75178 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite B1
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Gold Coast Community Management located in Palm
Desert has been providing associations with professional
management since 1978. We customize our services to
meet your specific needs.
L&L Contracting/L&L Door & Window
Luka McKeever
(760) 345-8089
77670 Springfield Lane, Suite A1
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Vet retired owned General Contractor specializing in finish
carpentry, kitchen and bath remodels. Palm Desert native.
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 10
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Renewing Investors
Ayotte & Shackelford Inc
Donna Ayotte Evans
(760) 340-2181
74900 US Highway 111, Suite 216
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Patel Architecture
Narendra Patel
(760) 776-5031
71711 San Jacinto Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
US Bank - El Paseo
Nannette Brenden
(760) 773-2300
74010 El Paseo
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Burgers & Beer
Marco Honold
(760) 202-4522
72773 Dinah Shore
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
IMG Worldwide
Michele Collier
(760) 324-4546
2 Racquet Club Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Enchanted Memories Parties & Rentals
Lizette Vela
(760) 340-3304
41955 Maryn Street
Palm Desert, CA 92211
El Ranchito Taco Shop
Sergio Barajas
(760) 320-9182
34580 Monterey Avenue, Suite 103
Palm Desert, CA 92211
iKarma Inc. DBA - El Paseo Jewelers
Raju Mehta
(760) 773-1040
73375 El Paseo Drive, Suite O
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Once Upon A Greeting
Paul Brisson
(925) 785-9693
74923 Highway 111, Suite 220
Indian Wells, CA 92210
CPV Sentinel LLC
Mark McDaniels
(760) 514-7277
PO Box 1328
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Palm Springs Art Museum in Palm Desert
Arlene Amick
(760) 346-5600
PO Box 2310
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Fresh Agave Mexican Bar and Grill
Cecilia Gracia
(760) 836-9028
73325 Highway 111
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Peter Asten
(760) 834-6923
74245 Highway 111, Suite 200
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Savory Spice Shop
Mary Cardas
(760) 346-4372
73399 El Paseo, Suite 103
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Mathis Brothers Sleep Center
James Dorris
(760) 863-3578
34460 Monterey Avenue
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Wet ‘n’ Wild Palm Springs
Andrea Harvey
(760) 327-0499
1500 S Gene Autry Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92264
Tarbell Realtors - Victor Minetti
Victor Minetti
(760) 333-9875
74245 Highway 111 Suite 100
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Good Feet
Bev Kuehler
(760) 837-9400
44489 Town Center Way, Suite E
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Gary Okamoto, D.M.D. - Pediatric Dentistry
Gary Okamoto, D.M.D.
(760) 360-0622
77564 Country Club Drive, Suite 190A
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Atria Hacienda
Fred De Stefano
(760) 341-0890
44600 Monterey Avenue
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Gene Hunt
(760) 837-0390
41995 Boardwalk, Suite E
Palm Desert, CA 92211
CAPAX - Yosemite Pacific Insurance
Services, LLC
Gus Kurupas
(760) 340-4600
78370 Highway 111, Suite 260
La Quinta, CA 92253
Roemer & Harnik LLP
Elizabeth Lopez
(760) 360-2400
45025 Manitou Drive
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Comfort Keepers of the Desert
Melissa McCaughey
(760) 340-2166
42800 Bob Hope Drive, Suite 209 J
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Indio Surgery Center
Diana Jesson
(760) 396-5733
46900 Monroe Street, Suite B201
Indio, CA 92201
Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio
Knea Hawley
(909) 748-7223
1751 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Baxter Coaching & Consulting
Dr. Betty Baxter Ed. D.
(760) 424-9980
72828 Joshua Tree Street
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Fast Fix Jewelry & Watch Repairs
Mikhail Zeeb
(760) 346-0313
12752 Wine Cellar Court
Rancho cucamonga, CA 91739
Palms to Pines Automotive
Kenneth Williamson
(760) 346-3115
74725 Joni Drive, Suite D
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Huss, Inc
Christian Bayer
(760) 322-5692 x 309
77524 El Duna Court, Suite H
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Pathfinder Ranch
Chris Fife
(951) 659-2455
35510 Pathfinder Road
Mountain Center, CA 92561
RE/MAX Signature Services
Annie Hall
(760) 289-8812
315 Vista Royale Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Pat’s Lighting & Lamps
Vib Verma C.L.C.
(760) 770-0449
70025 Highway 111
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Walmart Neighborhood Market #3026
Richard Beserra
(760) 469-3428
72314 Highway 111
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Al Miller & Sons Roofing
Russel Miller
(760) 346-1214
68760 Summit Drive
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Altura Credit Union
Sonia Gil
(951) 205-3311
2847 Campus Parkway
Riverside, CA 92507
Walter Clark Legal Group
(760) 862-9254
72098 Highway 111
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Desert Aids Project
Brett Klein
(760) 969-4504
1695 North Sunrise Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Anderholt & Whittaker LLP
Christina De Leon
(760) 674-0998 x304
73525 El Paseo, Suite E-2516
Palm Desert, CA 92260
California Window & Door
Catherine Schieffer
(760) 773-1053
75091 St Charles Place, Suite G
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley
Quinton Egson
(760) 836-1160
42600 Cook Street, Suite 120
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Hospitality Dental Group
Debbie Bottroff
(760) 360-7074
77900 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
G. O. Langlois Construction, Inc.
Gerry O. Langlois
(760) 772-2333
PO Box 4386
Palm Desert, CA 92261
Coachella Valley Repertory
Ron Celona
(760) 296-2966
PO Box 2962
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Fisherman’s Market & Grill
Rebecca Hernandez
(760) 327-5880
590 South Oleander Road, Suite B
Palm Springs, CA 92264
La Bella Cucina
Elena A. Riccio
(760) 836-3280
72355C Highway 111
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Jeff Tropple
(760) 346-3440
72216 Highway 111 Suite F3
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Westfield Palm Desert
Vanessa Torres
(760) 346-2121 x4
72840 Highway 111, Suite 166
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Piero’s Pizza Vino
Piero Pierattoni
(760) 568-2525
73722 El Paseo Drive, Suite 1
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Casswood Insurance Agency
W. Chad Ballard
(760) 322-4466
560 S Paseo Dorotea, Suite 4
Palm Springs, CA 92264
Law Offices of Alvin B. Sherron
Alvin Sherron
(760) 835-0089
777 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 200
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Palm Springs Life Magazine
Marie Montenegro
(760) 325-2333 x213
303 North Indian Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92262
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 11
The Estate Jewelry Collection
Wendy Portman Lewis
(760) 779-1856
73470 El Paseo, Suite 4
Palm Desert, CA 92260
PaintNite Palm Springs
Trish Carpico
(310) 930-4703
79210 Ashley Place
La Quinta, CA 92253
Mario’s Italian Cafe
Mario Del Guidice
(760) 341-1130
42104 Washington Street, Suite 1B
Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203
B oard o f D ir ecto rs
2014 -2015
Executive Committee
Ray Rodriguez
Board Chair
Casuelas Cafe
Dave Mourhess
Revco Solar
Linda Long
Chair-Elect 2015-2016
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Margaret Claggett
Chief Financial Officer
Melanie Hinrichs
Indian Wells Tennis Garden
Patrick Klein
Westfield Palm Desert
Board of Directors
Rob Ballew
Family YMCA of the Desert
Steve Bohm
VIP Promotional Services
Precision Screen Printing
Ryan Brown
Classic Party Rentals
Cindy Burreson
Tommy Bahama Restaurant
Carl Karcher
Carl’s Jr.
Jennifer Cusack
Southern California Edison
Mike Hardin
The Lock Shop
Christine Hunter
Kiner Communications
Matthew Johnson
Wilson Johnson Real Estate
Brandt Kuhn
Integrated Wealth Management
Deborah McGarrey
Southern California Gas Co.
Cindy Pieper
State Farm Insurance
Naran Reitman
Law Office of Naran Reitman
Natalie Russo
Dominque Shwe
Desert Sun Publications
Meegan Sullivan
Proper Solutions
Stacy Thetford
Thetford Web Development
Chamb e r Staff
Barbara deBoom, IOM, ACE
Katie Slimko, IOM, ACE
Membership Services
Linda Davis
Administrative Assistant
Harriet Walters
Sales Executive
Marianne Burton
Sales Executive
Alison Regan
Sales Executive
Linda Smith
Administrative Assistant
Tari Marek
Admin Asst. / Finance
Riverside County Office of Education - Indio
Kenneth Young
(760) 863-3363
PO Box 868
Riverside, CA 92501
3/23/15 1:31 PM
su nday
t ue sday
we dne sday
New Member Induction
thu rsday
Economic Forecast
Conference at
Miramonte 7:00 am
fr iday
satu rday
Ribbon Cutting:
A Child’s Cottage
Profit Connection Lunch
11:30 am (RSVP required)
Ribbon Cutting:
Olive Crest 4:00 pm
Business Breakfast
Speaker Series: Tom Kirk
of CVAG Presenting on
the CV Link
Committee Meeting:
Legislative Action Team
3:30 pm at chamber
Executive Board Meeting
7:30 am
Morton’s of Chicago Hosts
Networking Mixer for
Area Chamber Members
Profit Connection Leads
Lunch Meeting 11:30 am
RSVP required
Ribbon Cutting: East
Valley Republican Women
Federation at Chamber
Offices 4:00 pm
Annual State of the City
& Chamber Luncheon
Board Meeting 7:30 am
PDACC_B2B_April2015.indd 12
Mastermind Series
7:30 am
3/23/15 1:31 PM