PAM GOLDING ON MAIN N OW LET TIN G Locate your office in Kenilworth. Peter Golding 082 825 5561 | Mike Morey 082 820 0429 Office: 021 426 4440 VOLUME 32 No 4 MAY 2015 The importance of remembering Below is a speech by Michael Cohen that he delivered at Yom Hashoah Vehagevurah at Pinelands Cemetery on 16 April. Michael is head student at Herzlia. H ave you ever come across something so horrific that it leaves you silent? All you feel is something you cannot explain… numbness. This time last year I participated in the March of the Living in Poland. As a regular 17 year old Capetonian, nothing could fully prepare me, absolutely nothing, for being at the sites of such inconceivable horror in the history of our people. So unimaginable that it still haunts me to this day. Together with my fellow South Africans and others of my age from all over the world — from Argentina, to Hungary and even Panama — we began our march. What I have realised is that the March of the Living was not an end in itself, it was the starting point of a much longer journey — of reflection, questioning, deeper understanding, realisations and responsibility — the responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism and all injustice, to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and to ensure the continuity of the story of the Holocaust for the next generation. My personal connection to this period of history is through my grandfathers Sonny Jaffe and Oscar Cohen. They both volunteered to serve in the South African army in their effort to stop Hitler’s rampage across Europe and North Africa. My one grandfather, Sonny Jaffe, was captured in North Africa and taken as a POW to Europe where he was held until he was liberated by the Russians. Fortunately they both returned home safely to loving families, after giving up five years of their lives. This was a privilege not shared by survivors in Europe whose families, homes and livelihoods were broken and destroyed. My grandfathers were not much older than I am now when they went to war in 1940 and I realise with a sense of pride that they felt the responsibility to stand up and join the march against brutality. In 2014 in Poland, while surveying the vast compound of Majdanek and seeing the lines of barracks preserved in their entirety stretching into the distance — taking half an hour to walk the length of AuschwitzBirkenau — only then did I get a true sense of the scale of the killing operations and the Nazi effort to murder those who they despised. I kept on asking myself how it was possible that a nation like Germany used its resources and its educated minds to create a sophisticated infrastructure specifically designed to murder millions of people. So many ordinary citizens on every level of society collaborated with the Nazi government to cause such pain and suffering — a phenomenon that occurred not only in Germany but in many countries across Europe. If human beings can use their power for evil, then surely, we can use our power for good. My generation cannot change history but we can change attitudes by our actions. What struck me with devastating impact is that the Holocaust did not start with murder but with racist attitudes and prejudice. Attitudes became laws which led to concentration camps, and ultimately to the final solution — death camps and genocide. Jews and many other groups of people were murdered by the Nazis and it is our responsibility to stand up for all humanity. We must never stop speaking out against anti-Semitism, intolerance, prejudice and all forms of discrimination. That is how we can continue our march. Today a year ago I was at the Yom Hashoah service at Auschwitz. 10,000 of us walked, some in silence, others singing and chanting, retracing the steps of those who marched the 3 kilometres from Auschwitz to Birkenau to their deaths. We remembered those who had been murdered and those who had suffered under the brutal hands of the Nazis and survived. We marched knowing our fate, but the victims did not know whether they were going to live or die. We are privileged to have survivors with us here today — we are inspired by your resilience and courage to overcome the horrors that you faced as you continued with your lives. We marched under the flags of our different countries but were united under the banner of Am Yisrael. We were united as young Jews in the knowledge and living proof that Hitler and the Nazis did not succeed in their mission — to murder the Jewish Nation. I felt a deep connection with everyone marching, an overwhelming sense of grief, but also of unity and pride — of being Jewish. We are the link between that generation which experienced the horrors of the holocaust and the next generation when there will be no more survivors still with us. Our generation is responsible for ensuring the continuity of the story of the Holocaust. It is part of our Jewish story as is Pesach when we speak about the Exodus so that it lives on from one generation to the next. We must keep the memories of the Holocaust alive in a way that does not diminish their importance nor reduce the impact it had on the victims, survivors and their families. It is impossible to fully comprehend the events that took place all those years ago, but I feel a step closer to understanding what happened and an overwhelming sense of responsibility not only to react, but to be proactive. As we, the youth, march into the future, join us as we stand up against anti-Semitism, injustice and prejudice, wherever it may be. I fear that if we remain silent, we could allow evil to be perpetuated. Today on Yom Hashoah — 70 years later — to remember and to act is as important as ever. Lighting candles for victims. Taken at MotL 2015. Magen David at Gensia Cemetery, Umschlagplatz Mila 18, Warsaw Ghetto. Taken at MotL 2015. Camp at Lublin/Majdanek, Poland. Taken at March of the Living 2015. Photographs by Emmanuel Tolentino Santos 2 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 news & views It’s never too late to contribute your annual voluntary subscription for 2015 Community Noticeboard SA JEWISH MUSEUM David Rubinger — n Photographic exhibitio From 18 May See page 29 R270 NEW Banking details: Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square; Branch code: 020 909; Account no: 070 703 493; Account name: The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; Account type: current. Please email confirmation of payment to and kindly quote your communal number, which you can find on your address label. Please also inform us of any change of address. Cheques to Cape Jewish Chronicle, P O Box 4176, Cape Town 8000, Credit card: Phone office 021 464-6721 (am) HERZLIA AGM 20 May See below GITLIN LIBRARY Book Launch ‘A Piece of Cake’ by Cecile Levin 4 May See page 30 YAD LAUNCH Milk & Honey See page 31 ons are The following organisati Cape e Car affiliated to Jewish ation oci Cape Jew ish Seniors Ass use Ho nds hla Hig • le • Glenda vices • Jew ish Community Ser TR A • Nechama • Ora njia • AS Centre (Jew ish Sheltered urt Employment and Roseco Group Homes) ww w.jew Thank you for your support! our hama Nec and Humes or tat H o rr d Es The Wills an 2 May 1 of day 29 Tues a p ge S ee MOVED HOUSE? Remember to update your address Contact Gail: 021-464 6700/748 email : UJW MAY ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMME 6 Anny Wynchank 13 Rowan Polovin 20 To be advised 27 Karen Kallman The Alliance Israelite Universelle and how it protected Jews and educated over 1 million Jewish children Israel Innovations To be advised Jewish Adventures in the Ethiopian Highlands with a family of 7 CSO emergency number for security and medical emergencies 24 hours 086 18 911 18 Shabbat and Yom Tov Times Date 1 May/12 Iyar 8 May/19 Iyar 15 May/26 Iyar 22 May/4 Sivan 23 May/5 Sivan 24 May/6 Sivan 29 May/11 Sivan Portion Candle lighting Achare/Kedoshim Emor Behar/Bechukkotai Bemidbar 1st day Shavuot 2nd day Shavuot Naso 5.47pm 5.31pm 5.35pm 5.31pm 5.31pm 6.21pm 5.28pm Ends 6.39pm 6.33pm 6.28pm 6.25pm 6.24pm 6.22pm Please note The Cape Jewish Chronicle’s NEW banking details: Standard Bank — Branch: Thibault Square; Branch code: 020 909; Account no: 070 703 493; Acc name: The Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust; Acc type: Current DISCLAIMERS Errors, omissions and corrections The Cape Jewish Chronicle regrets any errors or omissions that may occur in the paper and, where possible, will attempt to rectify these in a subsequent issue, should such a measure be deemed appropriate. No repeat advertisement or credits will be given for small typographical errors which do not appreciably lessen the value of the advertisement. The appearance of an advertisement or photograph does not necessarily indicate approval or endorsement by the Editorial Board for the product or service advertised or photograph reproduced, and it takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the reliance upon the information contained therein. Letters and Opinions Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or its sponsoring bodies. Letters submitted anonymously will not be printed. However, by agreement, the writer’s name may be withheld in the publication. Letters are published subject to space being available. The Editor and the Editorial Board have the right to decide on the inclusion of any item submitted for publication. Letters may be edited for clarity, space and/or language. Kashrut Unless otherwise stated, food and catering services advertised in this publication are not under the supervision of the Cape Beth Din. Financial You should always obtain independent expert advice prior to making any financial investment, commercial or other decisions. Do not enter into any transactions of the above nature, based partly or wholly on the content of any advertisements or articles published in the Cape Jewish Chronicle. news & views Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Lindy with a why Why should we speak up? This has been a thought-provoking month for Capetonian Jews. We read in horror of 147 students in Kenya murdered at the hands of brutal terrorists, two icons have stepped down (one voluntarily, one not so much), and we remember the tragedy of the Holocaust. O n 2 April Al-Shabaab gunmen stormed the Garissa University College in Kenya, killing 147 students and injuring many more. The gunmen took over 700 people hostage, freeing Muslim students and killing those who identified as Christians. Social media lit up with responses to the tragedy. Many people posted graphic images of the aftermath, sparking debate on whether it is OK to show such images, and if it is OK, whether social media is the place to do it. One of the social media awareness campaigns that struck a chord with me came under the hashtag #147notjustanumber. Images of the students in happier times, in casual poses, laughing and enjoying the sorts of activities that young people enjoy — these images show just how “normal” the students were, as people rather than statistics of gruesome news content. This isn’t some far-removed horror story. These were a group of educated Kenyans who are suddenly no longer a part of Africa’s future. On to involuntary step-downs; in March, the UCT Senate “voted overwhelmingly in favour of recommending to council that the statue of Rhodes be moved”. The council’s decision came after much protest and debate over the statue online and on-site. Dr Max Price said of the decision “Rhodes must fall. Out of his dust, may UCT rise.” The conversations around shabbat tables following this action were lively. For many, the removal of the Rhodes statue felt like a violent attack on white South African history. Some questioned why colonialism was seen as such a terrible thing. Others felt it was a daily reminder of what the colonialist era did to African civilisation and that its removal was a necessary part of healing our country. I read one view that resonated with me. There is no greater revenge than success, and the ultimate gesture of defiance against colonialism and apartheid is the education and graduation of black students out of UCT. Imagine Rhodes, eternally perched on his plinth, forced to watch generations of non-white students become doctors, lawyers and teachers — becoming the educated future of our country. I quite liked that reality. But it is much easier for me to not be offended by something that never affected me. So my final opinion has to be, if it hurts you, it’s not alright with me. And on to voluntary step-downs; Helen Zille dropped the bombshell that she would not be running for another term as party leader of the Democratic Alliance. Following the advice that says, “the best time to go is when no-one wants you to”, she made her announcement which was immediately followed by excited debate on prospective replacements. Eight years of leadership have left their mark on the political landscape, and opening the floor up to fresh blood to lead the party leaves us with a potentially exciting few years to come. Lastly, we remember our Jewish history. We marked Yom HaShoah on 16 April. We commit ourselves to remembering the atrocities of the past. We pledge to teach them to the next generation, to educate those around us and to honour those who were removed too soon from our past. We recall them in the present so that they may live on in our future. In a moving speech at the Yom HaShoah event at Pinelands Cemetery, Michael Cohen said, "What struck me with devastating impact is that the Holocaust did not start with murder but with racist attitudes and prejudice. Attitudes became laws which led to concentration camps, and ultimately to the final solution — death camps and genocide." On the same day in Durban, a march was held to stand up against xenophobia and the horrific violence that was occurring at the time. It behoves us to recognise discrimination and hatred of “the other”. It is our duty to stand up and reject these ideas. We need to ask ourselves if we are making enough noise in support of the human rights of foreigners and "the other" in our country — as we wish had been done for us 70 years ago. Leave it in our hands Contact our offices: Tel: 021 419 2277 Email: / Don’t let winter get you DOWN 100% genuine down CJC Editorial Board Chairman: Lester Hoffman. Ex-officio: Ben-Zion Surdut. Committee: Julie Berman, Geoff Cohen, Barbara Flax, David Jacobson, Ben Levitas, Barry Levitt, Eric Marx, Myra Osrin, Jonathan Silke. Editor: Lindy Diamond, Secretary: Tessa Epstein, Advertising: Anita Shenker, Layout: Desrae Saacks Women’s Swan Down Jacket | R1299 Men’s Drake Down Jacket | R1299 Visit us for our our range of K-Way 100% genuine superior down jackets. SHOP ONLINE at FREE delivery on all orders. Fans find out first. Call 0860-3333-29 | Available at selected stores Issued under the auspices of the SA Zionist Federation (Cape Council) and the SA Jewish Board of Deputies (Cape Council) 87 HATFIELD STREET CAPE TOWN 8001 P.O. BOX 4176 CAPE TOWN 8000 PHONE 021 464-6700 FAX 021 461-5804 e-mail: EDITOR: LINDY DIAMOND 3 4 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 A witness to history City Coins By Tali Feinberg C A P E T O W N, E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 6 7 WE BUY AND SELL: KRUGERRANDS GOLD COINS SILVER COINS BANKNOTES TOKENS MEDALLIONS WAR MEDALS SERVICES: VALUATIONS CASH PURCHASES COMMISSION SALES HOME VISITS BY APPOINTMENT C O N T A C T: NATALIE JAFFE F.S.A.N.S. Street Level, Tulbagh Centre, Ryk Tulbagh Square, CT, 8001 T E L: 021 425 2639 F A X: 021 425 3939 Leonard Berney with Richard Freedman “It is not often that the liberators are asked to tell their stories, yet they are key witnesses to the horrors of the Holocaust,” said Richard Freedman (Director of the South African Holocaust & Genocide Foundation) upon meeting Leonard Berney, one of the British officers who liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany in April 1945. M OBTAIN LITHUANIAN CITIZENSHIP THROUGH IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS GARY EISENBERG & STEFANIE DE SAUDE • Unrestricted right to visit, live and work in European Union (including UK) • Visa-free travel to US, Canada and Australia • Local tuition at European universities 000878 Gary Eisenberg Stefanie de Saude For more information, visit Feel free to contact us at 021 421 7003 r Berney, who lives on the cruise ship ‘The World’, which recently docked in Cape Town, spent time speaking to members of the local press; sharing his story of being one of the first people to enter the camp 70 years ago. It was in Bergen-Belsen that Anne Frank and her sister Margot perished just a few days before liberation. “She was one of 500 people who died there every day,” said Mr Berney. He explained that at the time, the prisoners had had no water or food for four or five days, and most were desperately ill with typhus, dysentery and tuberculosis. He recalled: “I remember being completely shattered. There were dead bodies lying beside the road, emaciated prisoners still mostly behind barbed wire, open mass graves containing hundreds of corpses. The sights, the stench, the sheer horror of the place, were indescribable. None of us who entered the camp that day had any warning of what we were about to see or had ever experienced anything remotely like it before.” In a written account of his experiences, he asked: “What should you do when faced with 60 000 dead, sick and dying people? We had no knowledge of dealing with a situation like this and we had been all more or less traumatised by the sights we had seen... Yet the major priority was to save lives.” There were several immediate tasks, including providing water and food; burying the dead; evacuating the camp; hospitalising the sick; and rehabilitating and repatriating the prisoners. “We managed to do this in the face of such horrors because of our army discipline”, explained Mr Berney, who was a Staff Officer in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery (rank of Major). “We had to put aside what we felt and get on with it.” He described how the British Army was quickly able to establish a water supply, and that they discovered stores of food nearby – demonstrating that it could have been possible for the Nazis to provide food and water at Bergen-Belsen. “Although it was not a death camp, hundreds of people died every day due to deliberate starvation, slave labour and allowing disease to run rampant,” he said. These nearby food stores were in barracks that also had dormitories, kitchen facilities and a hospital; all these were converted into a Displaced Persons (DP) camp, of which Berney was in charge. “In just six days the hospital was ready to receive its first patients from the concentration camp. Eventually the hospital had 15,000 beds and patients – the largest hospital in the world, before or since!” Mr Berney explained how after a few weeks with decent meals, separate beds, proper washing and sanitary facilities, “the physical recovery of the previously emaciated and dehumanised inmates took place with remarkable speed. We started to receive gift parcels from many countries, mostly food and clothing. One crate we received contained hundreds of lipsticks! I remember remarking at the time, of all the essentials the camp inmates need, lipstick isn’t one. I was wrong - those lipsticks probably did more to recover the self-esteem of the younger women than anything else could have done!” The former Major told how “As the weeks went on and it became clear that no country would offer asylum. The inmates were asking, ‘What is to happen to us?’ Many became desperate and believed that their only salvation was to make their way to Palestine. Every day or two, groups of between 20 to 50 people would leave for that 2,000 mile long and perilous journey. I would see to it that they were well supplied with food and water and that they knew the locations of other DP camps along their route to the Mediterranean,” he said. Mr Berney supervised the DP camp for a number of months, and after the war he returned to Britain. He started sharing his wartime experiences about 10 years ago, when he noticed an increase in Holocaust denialism. “How can they say it didn’t happen? I was there!” Mr Berney’s message is that “the same thing can happen again if you let it happen.” He emphasised that we must be vigilant in the face of dictatorships, and keep trying to prevent prejudice, oppression and the genocides that plague our world. Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 5 6 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE CAPE SA JEWISH BOARD OF DEPUTIES Prioritising Education TALKING TACHLIS Are we sounding the alarm unnecessarily? By David Jacobson, Executive Director, Cape Jewish Board of Duputies The incredible outpouring of sentiment, argument and anguish around the ‘Rhodes must fall’ campaign and the community mobilisation from our own ‘Kippahs Against Hate’ campaign got me to thinking. H ow do we balance the memory of a traumatic past or a harrowing event with the need to always reflect the hope and light that is a legacy of our creator? There is something spiritually powerful about holding up examples of positive achievement, of success and triumph, as vehicles for propelling an individual and a society forward. We are more likely to want to do better, to be better, if we are surrounded by people and images and indeed memories that reflect this optimistic reality. Simply put: positivity breeds positivity. It is far more inspirational to turn to the sports pages of the paper to be greeted by the triumph of the human spirit (Cricket World Cup pain notwithstanding) than sink in the stories of crime and corruption that populate the front pages. Immersing ourselves solely in ‘good news stories’, however, could create a false sense of complacency and fill our brains with warm and woolly thoughts — which would then preclude us from averting real danger and facing a harsh but necessary reality. That is a dilemma facing us as a Jewish community in Cape Town and the same dilemma faced by Jewish communities around the globe. Do we paint a picture of a community under threat, holding up examples of racism and hate, or do we shine the light on the incredible lives that most Jews continue to enjoy in our respective countries of birth? We have just finished celebrating Pesach. Perhaps more than any other Jewish festival, Pesach is very much about that delicate balance between past trauma and present possibilities. At the Seder we look backwards, acknowledging the pain of slavery, the cruelty of Pharaoh, while at the same time celebrating the freedom that accompanied this dark period and the nation that was formed by our departure from Egypt. And we look forward to ‘next year in Jerusalem’ — a constant reminder that we carry our values forward with hope and do not let the baggage of our painful past slow us down. If we only ever bemoaned the trauma of our Jewish past, we would not have been able to contribute so powerfully to the present and the future. It is this balancing act that Jewish leaders must get right. If we focus too much on incidents of hate and anger, we run the risk of creating a picture that will paralyse any possibility of moving forward. There is necessary vigilance and then there is unhealthy hysteria. Our core responsibility has to be to enable our communal future by inspiring our community with the light that shines from so many of our Jewish individuals and Jewish organisations. That is without doubt our best protection against the forces of darkness. Record Jewish involvement in UCT Mentorship The Peer2Peer Mentorship Programme at UCT is aimed at combating the extremely high drop-out rates of first year students from disadvantaged areas. I t is run in collaboration with the HCI Foundation which provides bursaries towards the tuition of these students, and the Cape SA Jewish Board of Amy Kessler and Siwabongile Mandlevu Deputies. The Board assists in finding 3rd and 4th year students to take on the responsibility of being a mentor for one academic year, to these first-year mentees. The mentors are given training and are supported in their first meeting with their mentee. The group then meets three more times formally in the year for an exam preparation workshop, and inspirational speaker breakfast and a graduation celebration to round off the year. In between, mentor-mentee pairs meet informally at least once a month. We are delighted to have a large contingent of Jewish students in the mentor body in this, the 4th year of the Peer2Peer Programme. Education is one of the pillars on which Judaism stands. On 10 March, the MEC for Education in the Western Cape, Debbie Schäfer, was hosted by the Cape Board as part of our ‘Drink and Think’ series. M inister Schäfer, a lawyer by profession, was an MP in the previous Parliament. However, a few days before the elections last year, she received an unexpected call from Premier Helen Zille, asking her to be the MEC for Education. She said that she nearly fell off her seat! However, to date she has made her mark on the Western Cape education system. Unlike other departments which have national counterparts, those of Health and Education are quite independent in their respective provinces. Those present at the event heard some of the inroads which she has made in the province, and one that certainly stuck out was E-learning in our schools. After years of planning, the Department now has the potential to make a major contribution towards improving the quality of teaching and learning in the province. The Minister said that “E-learning will assist us in tackling some of the problems we face including increasing access to quality education in disadvantaged communities, providing support for struggling learners, contributing toward teachers’ training and professional development and improving management and administration at schools. It will also provide learners with the skills to participate in our increasingly technology-based economy in the future.” As is the case whenever education is raised, there were many present anxious to ask questions about the state of education in South Minister Schäfer Africa and the province. One of the questions was why there was not enough accommodation for learners when they began the new school year. She replied that due to a massive influx of people from the Eastern Cape, the province cannot deal with children who are not registered in the system. She also mentioned that parents often do not register their children at schools until the first day of the new term, which results in many children being turned away. However, she ended on a more positive note. When asked about the Matric pass rate, and that the Western Cape was ranked fourth out of the provinces. She said that the results did not show that the province had the highest retention rate of students in the country, with less learners dropping out each year. This shows the provinces commitment to its learners and the future of education in the country. In the footsteps of ‘Mensches’ Mensch member Danielle Ehrlich speaking to Herzlia High School learner and what inspires them to do what they do. Later the same day, Ben Getz from Urban Harvest Edible Gardens and Dalit Shekel from Relate Bracelets addressed the Grade 11s and spoke about their organisations and roles and how working in the area of Social Change was so important and satisfying for them. The expo was on display for students to he Mensch Network collaborated with come and see and read about, in their own the Jewish Life and Learning curriculum time, in the Media Centre, for three weeks at the end of term one. The Mensch Network is teachers Rabbi Sean Cannon and Debra Suiza grateful for the warm welcome we received at the Middle School, to bring young, dynamic from Herzlia and would like to say a special Mensch Network members to speak to the thank you to Rabbi Sean for inviting us and learners about their work and their personal Head Librarian Lorraine Rabinowitz for her journeys leading them to this area and sector. assistance with setting up the physical expo. Jason Woolf from Umbiyozo – a traditional African dance and song troupe co-ordinating The Mensch Expo is available to be installed organisation — and Kayli Levitan from The in other spaces. If you are interested Street Store — a free pop-up clothing store for in inviting us to do so, please contact the homeless — spoke to the Middle School Grade 7s and 9s with stories of their initiatives Following the enormous success of the Mensch Network launch expo at the South African Jewish Museum this summer, it was decided that the expo should be displayed again – this time installed in the Media Centre and Library at Herzlia High School. T Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE A crucial conversation: Cape Board of Deputies hosts Public Protector 7 By Tali Feinberg In an unprecedented event, the Cape South African Jewish Board of Deputies recently hosted Public Protector Thuli Madonsela and Tony Leon in conversation. Part of the Board’s ‘Straight Talking’ series, this event was entitled ‘Speaking Truth to Power.’ I n a Gardens Shul filled with over 500 people, these two leading South Africans spoke about the challenges, successes and aims of the Public Protector’s work in the country today. While the discussion mainly focussed on national politics, it demonstrated the Jewish community’s commitment to engaging with South African society and its challenges, and the esteem with which it holds figures of authority, like Advocate Madonsela. Indeed, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies “works for the betterment of human relations in South Africa and debates issues of concern for all South Africans,” said Cape Board Chairman Eric Marx. “We draw inspiration from our Jewish values and traditions to effect social change.” This was echoed by Gardens Synagogue Rabbi Osher Feldman, who said that the parsha of the week in fact dealt with accountability, describing how Moses ensured that a record was kept of all the precious metals used to build the Mishkan. “Stories like these demonstrate how Judaism expects every person in power to behave beyond reproach,” he explained. These ideas were emphasised by Advocate Madonsela herself, who said that one of her aims during her years in office has been to encourage more people to be aware of corruption, engage government and to expect accountability. In her humble manner, she said that “we [the office of the Public Protector] get more acclaim than we deserve. We are not the only problemsolvers — we are simply one of many.” Describing the limits and challenges of her work, she told the audience that “we only have the power to make findings and recommendations,” yet she hoped systems would be put in place to enforce these. She said that since the fall of the Scorpions, more corruption cases had The Cape Board and Public Protector’s professional staff Tony Leon interviewing Adv Thuli Madonsela come to her office, but these had not all been investigated to their ultimate conclusions due to a lack of resources. Getting down to ‘tachlis’ and the R246 million dollar question, in Tony Leon’s words; the two discussed her report on President Zuma’s Nkandla homestead. Perhaps to the disappointment of the audience, Advocate Madonsela refused to criticise the president directly, saying that she “tries not to personalise things. We rather ask how best we can help the President regarding the enforcement of ethics, and by extension how we can ensure that the ethical codes of all organisations are upheld.” She added that she thinks her report on Nkandla will be resolved to her satisfaction, no matter how long it takes. Turning to the recent accusation that Madonsela is a ‘CIA spy’, she said that although the claim was laughable, it was also serious in that it leads to the dangers The crowd gives a standing ovation for Adv Thuli Madonsela w w of conspiracy theories. She worried that her conversations could be tapped and that her independence and privacy could be compromised if this was actually investigated. “A misuse of security can lead to a sinister agenda and outcome,” she said. Leon asked Advocate Madonsela why she thinks she is so well-known, even being named one of TIME magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’, while her predecessors were practically ‘invisible’. “They had to make simpler decisions, and had to build this office from scratch. I stand on their shoulders, and therefore ‘higher ground’”, she answered, modest and generous in her perspective. “Justice Edwin Cameron recently said that ‘the tide of corruption is coming higher and higher, threatening democracy and all we hope to achieve,” said Mr Leon, asking the Public Protector if she thought this was true, and her view of the future. She agreed that “we are engulfed by complaints and do have a lack of resources,” but that “I am 100% certain that things will get better.” Questions from the audience included asking if she had ever feared for her safety — she answered that “her family was concerned”; her plans for the future — she “has no interest in going into politics”; and why there was such a prevalence of corruption at present. To this she answered that “We are actually not the most corrupt country — we’re in fact one of the most transparent. Our Constitution is a sacrosanct agreement between citizens and those in power, and my aim is for everyone to know it, so that leaders can be held accountable.” “What I’m proud of is that South Africans are saying ‘no’ to maladministration, which is why we are hearing more about it,” she said. “There are many institutions that are successful in fighting these challenges, but this is not grounds for resting on our laurels. Every South African has to play their part.” 8 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 View from the Chair By Ben Levitas, Chairman, SAZF Cape Council As Jews, we are imbued by our religion to value life above all else. W e say a blessing every time we experience something pleasant, thanking Hashem for allowing us to live to reach this special day. Our spirituality instills in us a deep sense of human dignity and of human worth. Whilst we don’t deny that evil exists, we are commanded to fight against it, as partners with Hashem, in the process of redemption. To be redeemed, we are guided by the words of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hassidism, that ”Remembrance is the Secret of Redemption” and that forgetting leads to exile. “Through memory, we identify with what happened so that it becomes part of us and who we are. History is the story of a past that is dead. Memory is the story of a future. When we remember as Jews, we do so for the sake of the future, so that those who died may live on in us.” (Rabbi Jonathan Sacks) We are witnessing forces, drawing succor from an extremist interpretation of Islam, that are so vile and wicked, which contradict our values of humanity and of cherishing life. They also stand in stark contradiction to all the progress that humanity has made. These forces are so destructive and glorifying of death, that they threaten the very fabric of civilisation. The perpetrators see no shame in committing the most heinous acts of decapitation and of mob justice in full view of the public and even in front of cameras. They seem to revel in causing hurt and suffering to their victims. They parade their dead and headless victims as trophies to their frightened, bloodthirsty and baying supporters. They generally show no remorse for abusing the weak and of raping women. All who value human rights and a caring culture should be alarmed and outraged. Yet the United Human Rights Council sits in silence, still obsessed with pinning the blame on Israel for human rights violations. Its silence speaks volumes about its indifference to the real perpetrators of crimes against humanity. It is at times like these that our core Jewish values offer hope and illumination. The halachic response to these types of tragedies and crimes is the act of ‘remembering’ (Yizkor), which is an affirmation of life and of our respect for our collective consciousness. These crimes are perpetrated by barbarians who have no memories. Rather they strive to eliminate memory and all signs of civilisations and of history. The best way of fighting this scourge of death worship is to cherish our values which offer a path of light and redemption in a world where there are few such sources. 48th SAZF Conference 2015 The 48th annual SAZF conference took place on 8 March at the Sandton Convention Centre. T he theme of this year’s conference was: ‘Israel Nation of Creation’. The conference opened on the preceding evening with welcome messages from Mr. Arthur Lenk, the Israeli Ambassador to South Advocate Jonathan Silke receiving an award for his outstanding contribution to the SAZF by Paula Slier Africa and by Mr. SAZF. Mr. Silke said: “It is with much Natan Sharansky, the pleasure and pride that I am able to bring, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. after serving a tumultuous term of eight Mr. Avrom Krengel, the chairman of the years as National President of the SAZF, SAZF, then gave his official welcoming a message of hope and fulfilment to the speech and said “that it has fallen upon SAZF Conference in Johannesburg.” Mr. us, as South African Jewry, to lead the fight Silke then continued by saying that: “we, against this modern day “blood libel” and to persuade the people of South Africa that together with the diaspora communities, Israel is a country worthy of their love and look forward to the time when there will be support rather than hatred and enmity”. This peace between Israel and Palestine with the ultimate realisation of a two state solution, opening was then followed by two inspiring which has been the primary objective of speakers; Mr. Nir Barkat, the Mayor of Jerusalem and Mr. Irwin Cotler, who is a successive Israeli governments since the signing of the Oslo accords. We are keenly member of the Canadian Parliament and Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney aware of the South African government’s General. Irwin Cotler has been described support for a two state solution and would like to see our government play an as being “at the forefront of the struggle for important role in facilitating the advance of justice, peace and human rights.” Advocate Jonathan Silke, the National the peace process, knowing full well that South Africa achieved a miracle in attaining President of the SAZF received an award for his outstanding contribution to the a free and democratic society.” Palestinian and Greek Orthodox priest speak on Israel Monday 9 March marked the beginning of what the supporters of BDS and the PSF like to refer to as ‘Israel Apartheid week’. Those who have visited Israel and are more informed refer to it as ‘Israel Awareness week’. invited to meet with both Father Naddaf and with Mr Eid. Father Naddaf is an Israeli Christian Greek Orthodox priest and a familiar face in Israel who told the guests in attendance that Christianity he various would have events marking never existed the week were I love Israel just as without Judaism held on university much as the Jews and that the campuses across love Israel and we C h r i s t i a n South Africa. It people and was an incredibly need to protect the Jewish difficult and Israel together people have the emotional time for because we have same destiny Jewish students nowhere else to go and therefore and also for we need to Christian Zionists. support each The South African other. Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) worked Father Naddaf hard and were preparing long in advance continued by saying that this is his first to counter the anti-Israel stance of the BDS, visit to South Africa and that he is here PSF and the numerous other organisations in order to inform people about the real who would like to see the destruction of Israel — the Israel that he knows and Israel. This year, the SAZF was very fortunate loves. “I am here to tell the truth and to say that enough is enough, I love Israel to host Father Gabriel Naddaf and Mr just as much as the Jews love Israel and Bassem Eid who came all the way from we need to protect Israel together because Israel in order to support the UCT students we have nowhere else to go”. In addition during this hostile week. As part of the IAW events, the SAZF Cape Council hosted a to being a judge of religious law for the Greek Orthodox Community and the press breakfast where the local press were T Bassem Eid patriarchate spokesman, Father Naddaf is the spiritual leader of the Christian Israeli IDF Recruitment Forum that encourages the enlistment of Christians into the Israeli Defence Force. After the strong words by Father Naddaf, the attendees listened to an inspiring speech by Mr Eid who is a proud Palestinian and who grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp. Mr Eid told us that the Palestinian people were the ones responsible for most of the damage in Gaza. He continued by Father Gabriel Naddaf saying that things are now much worse in Gaza than they were when Gaza was under Israeli sovereignty and that Gazans are suffering much more under their own brutal regime than they are from any supposed Israeli oppression. According to him, it appears that the authorities in Gaza are not interested in reaching any peace agreement with Israel. After the press breakfast, Father Naddaf and Mr. Eid conducted interviews with the SABC and journalists from Joy magazine. @SazfC 9 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Sea Point A FRESH NEW LOOK Our Sea Point store will give you a great shopping experience. You’ll find variety, freshness and everything you are looking for from our bakery, butchery, deli, sushi bar, fresh produce and kosher counters. Come and shop at your favourite supermarket. Trading Hours: Address: Monday - Friday: 8am - 8pm Saturday - Sunday: 8am - 7pm Adelphi Centre, Main Road, Sea Point Tel: 021 434 8987 1193056 1193056_Sea Point_Announcement.indd 1 2015/04/13 9:47 AM 10 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Natan Sharansky in Cape Town addresses Aliyah Expo The Israel Centre recently held an Aliyah Expo which was informative and helpful for potential Olim. This exciting expo culminated with a spectacular address by Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Mr Sharansky is an ex-Soviet prisoner and freedom fighter who discussed his harrowing but inspiring history. Higher Education Expo T he Israel Centre was proud to host numerous representatives of Higher Education institutions and long-term MASA gap year programmes in Israel. These included the IDC, Technion, Aardvark Israel and Israel Experience Long-programmes amongst others — there was even a current South African pupil taking part in the delegation. These delegates addressed an excited audience of Grade 11 and 12 pupils at Herzlia High School addressing their post-school options in Israel. T hroughout the day people explored Israel and considered the land home, however Mr Sharansky also emphasised the importance of diaspora Jewish communities and their role in maintaining a strong Israel for the future. Mr Sharansky mentioned that assimilation is a threat to Jewish communities around the world with research showing that communities need one of two traits to maintaining Jewish continuity, strong religious observance or a strong connection to Israel. Mr Sharansky identified Cape Town as a Jewish community with admirably strong ties to Israel, warm hospitality, a caring community and the beauty of an incredible city. The enjoyable and informative day ended with a delicious wine tasting offered by a delegation from Mateh Yehuda in Israel (South Africa’s partner region in Israel within the Partnership2Gether programme) highlighting the exciting industries growing in Israel and the strong relationships nurtured by the programme in South Africa. Natan Sharansky addressing the Cape Town Jewish Community at the close of the Israel Centre Aliyah Expo Vintner Lin Gold with Veronica Belling at the Partnership2Gether Mateh Yehuda wine tasting. Ex-Capetonian Mateh Yehuda vintner Paul Dubb showcasing his wine to Michael and Nicola Ralph, at the wine tasting. Giselle Rotman of the Technion meeting with Herzlia High school pupils at the Higher Education Expo The Knoetze family meeting with Dorron Kline of Telfed at the Aliyah Expo. To be free people in our land On the same evening as the Israeli elections were taking place, the Israel Centre and the SAZF Cape Council held a community event providing some understanding around the foundation of the Israeli political system. Hagai Dagan reports back on this event. W e were fortunate to have the Deputy Ambassador of Israel, Mr Michael Freeman, and the previous Shaliach, Mr Yaniv Nachmias join us through video calls, as well as Ms Hila Zetler, the SAZF Media Officer and I (as the current Community Shaliach) providing the voice on the ground at the event. Prior to the elections, the different parties had presented in their campaigns their different agendas, and argued their various standpoints. I am not going to discuss the different stances, but rather point out a different level of debating between the parties — a philosophical level which deals with the definition of Zionism. I would like to start with the assumption that a Zionist, in its most broad sense, is someone who believes that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish State and is constantly striving for a better future for that state. Using Makom (an educational unit of the Jewish Agency for Israel) as a tool to examine Zionism we can translate the aspiration of a Zionist that was just mentioned above, to a sentence from Hatikva, the Israeli National Anthem: “To be a free people in our land”. Now, we can break up that sentence into four different components, and ask questions about their meaning as follows: •“To be…” — Questions of existence; how we can ensure Israel’s existence against literal threats, for example against the Iranian threat? •“…free…” — Questions of freedom, Justice; what kind of civil society are we dreaming of? •“…People…” — Questions of nationality; the relation between State and Religion. •“…in our land”— Questions of borders; what is our land? What are the right answers? What is the right priority to place within these questions? This is the debate amongst the parties. Although there are many parties, the political battle is between two main blocs: Right and Left. In order to try and offer an alternative to the Right-wing that has been in power for the last few years, a Left-wing party and a Centrist party joined together under the name “The Zionist Camp”. The Zionist Camp offered a different interpretation of Zionism. While the Rightwing in general are more conservative, and regarding the four questions that we have mentioned, they emphasise security issues and border issues (“To be” and “in our land”), The Zionist Camp claim that the focus should be on social issues, dealing with welfare, the economy and healthcare. Both sides call themselves Zionist and both sides have criticism toward the other side — and they use this to try to convince the Israeli population to give them the mandate to lead the country To make it clear, the Right-wing do care about social issues and the Left-wing do care about national security, but still have a very different interpretation of the meaning of these four questions. The debate about what Zionism means is an important debate for the entire Jewish people, although it is an insoluble dispute, it is one that is important to continue having within a constructive and democratic framework. Hopefully the new government will take us a step forward along the path of “being a free people within our land”. @SazfC Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 South Africa visit for Telfed CEO Telfed CEO Dorron Kline travelled to South Africa in March for a two-week visit where he was a guest of the Israel Centre. COMMUNITY & CULTURE 11 Lone Soldiers’ Luncheon in memory of Aubrey Diamond (z”l) Friday 20 March marked the first biannual event to acknowledge and thank lone soldiers in Israel. H e met with many community leaders, building bonds between the Southern African communities in Israel and South Africa, raising awareness of Telfed’s fundamental role for South African Jewry and laying the groundwork for fruitful collaborations. Dorron was a guest at this year’s SAZF Conference at the Sandton Conference Centre, Johannesburg; the 48th event of its kind. The demand for the conference was evident from the 1500 strong crowd that attended on the opening night. Even the vitriolic protests staged outside the venue by the BDS Movement and Anti-Jewish and anti-Israel activists were not enough to deter the crowd who wished to participate . T he idea was born out of a desire to remember Aubrey Diamond Dorron Kline, Telfed CEO, with prospective olim Z”L, a South African man with a During the two days of the conference, Dorron giant heart and a Dorron Kline and Susan Sharon (Telfed staff) greeting a worked flat-out offering advice and direction to love for soldiers in lone soldier – March 2015 many potential Olim. the IDF. He also attended a number of professional His daughter Nicci Diamond-Levenstein, together with Susan Sharon, the meetings, addressed over 400 congregants at four Klita Counselor at Telfed, created a day in which Lone Soldiers from South Johannesburg synagogues and was interviewed Africa and Australia could be acknowledged and thanked for the vital and twice on the local Jewish radio station “Chai FM. courageous role they play in the IDF. The event was hosted at the Michael Levin Lone Soldier Centre in On Sunday 22 March, several representatives of Telfed attended a heartTel Aviv and attended warming Children’s Pesach Seder held in the Maksam Centre in Hadera. by the lone soldiers and Telfed volunteers. early 50 primary school children of Ethiopian origin enjoyed an hour singing “Thank you so much,” traditional Pesach songs (including Echad Mi Yodea) with great enthusiasm, said Tanya, one of the asking the Four Questions and reading about the Four Sons. female lone soldiers. The gathering was partly funded by donations secured by TECI, the Telfed “Our families are so far Ethiopian Community Initiative. away. It means a lot to Dorron Kline, CEO of Telfed, held a lively interactive session with the children, us that we can turn to challenging them with questions and answers about Pesach and the importance Telfed to help care for of the concept of “Dayenu”. us here.” TECI has been involved in upgrading the computer centre at Maksam; It is our intention to sponsoring parent and child participation in a unique summer programme host such events in the focusing on relationships, learning about Zionism, Yiddishkeit, Jewish History future before Pesach and culture. The group visits the Kotel, Yad Vashem, Mt. Hertzl and other and Rosh Hashanah. Ethiopian children ready to enjoy their seder important sites. Telfed Ethiopian Community Initiative N HEBREW MONUMENTS HM MARBLE GALLERY CENTURY CITY I R5 000 000 Hebrew Monuments continues to expand its services In order to meet additional requirements we are pleased to announce that we have appointed SARA LEIBOVITZ to our growing staff. Sara is a dynamic professional and we look forward to working with her. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN OUR COMPETITORS WITHOUT THE QUALITY BEING COMPROMISED SARA LEIBOVITZ : 082 375 7777 CANTOR IAN CAMISSAR : 072 679 5533 HELENE CAMISSAR : 082 551 3344 Email : Visit our website : Idyllic resort lifestyle in tranquil surroundings for ultimate privacy at Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort. Offering a wide range of indoor/outdoor facilities managed by experts. VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT 12 opinion Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Thoughts on the Israeli elections Elections for the 20th Knesset were held in Israel on 17 March 2015. The final voter turnout was 72.3% - 4.6% higher than in the previous election and the highest since the 1999 elections, which had seen a 78.7% turnout. The incumbent Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, confirmed a victory in the election for Likud. Initially, exit polls reported a virtual tie between the Likud and the Zionist Union — a coalition headed by Leader of the Opposition Isaac Herzog and former Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. The CJC asked two community members to reflect on the results and give their opinions on the ramifications for Israel in the near future. B enjamin Netanyahu’s victory in the any State of Palestine. Surely even the most recent Israeli elections was a decisive blinkered among us can grasp that the Arab moment in safeguarding Israel’s future. It and Muslim world has changed. In this reflected an understanding deep within new ISIS world, Netanyahu will not commit Israeli society of the realities facing their national suicide by abandoning Judea and nation in these days. It demonstrated Samaria. He will not allow ‘Hamastan’ on courage to face those realities head on, his eastern border the way it is in Gaza. irrespective of the tide of international and It is crucial for the safekeeping not just of media opinion. Israel but also of the West that Islamists are Netanyahu’s crushing defeat of the denied any more territory. Hertzog/Livni duo shows how the preHerzog and Livni are fully committed to election media hype and exit polls were re-igniting the peace process and working hopelessly wrong and completely out of towards a so-called two state solution, touch with Israeli society as a whole. which in its essence is a land for peace One of the criticisms of Netanyahu’s agreement. Have they chosen to forget government has been its lack of attention the disaster that was the land for peace to the dire state of housing and cost of disengagement from Gaza? Israel gave living in Israel today. The Left-led Zionist the land but never got the peace. Instead, Union alliance wholeheartedly concerned the area has been transformed into one big itself with these issues. True, these social rocket launching pad. Is this what they want problems must be addressed more closely for Judea, Samaria and even Jerusalem? and Netanyahu has stated his commitment Netanyahu will not be pushed around or to do just that. forced to give away yet more Like people the world over, land to a ‘partner’ that seeks Social and Israelis care about paying his nation’s destruction. If economic their rent and the price of the withdrawal from Gaza bread. However, in today’s is an advertisement for issues are very climate, something else that the land for peace mantra important but for Israelis have to care about then it is clearly time to Israel there are is whether or not they will be start singing a new tune. even more crucial alive to eat that bread. Any political party or leader Benjamin Netanyahu is who persists with the same matters at stake. firmly committed to issues of failed, regressive policies of security and Israel’s survival. land for peace is doing so Social and economic issues are very to Israel’s detriment. Thankfully, Netanyahu important but for Israel there are even more will not submit to such folly. crucial matters at stake. Even one of Israel’s veteran Arab Moslem But wait, according to the Left all this talk journalists, Khaled Abu Toameh, lambasted of existential threat and security concerns the nature of the peace process. He said, are nothing but scare mongering and fear “Under the current circumstances, where tactics. Really? some Palestinians continue to seek the Somebody’s got their head in the sand. destruction of Israel and others are unable Netanyahu is a leader who discerns the to make any concessions for peace, any very real threats facing his country and talk about the resumption of the peace who is determined to defend and protect process is nothing but a silly joke.” his kinsmen. During the Second World War A healthy dose of reality, however many could not bring themselves to believe unpleasant and inconvenient it may be, that the evil rhetoric of Hitler would actually is needed for those who insist on giving translate into action. Benjamin Netanyahu is land away on a silver platter and engaging a man who has learnt from history, whose with lunatics determined to build nuclear head is not in the sand and who will do weapons — and use them. everything in his power to prevent a second Netanyahu has taken a resolute stand Holocaust against his people. against those seeking to compromise Israel, like every country, has a long list of Israel’s security. Disrespectful Obama problems ranging from the cost of living to and hateful Europe cannot be allowed minority rights to deal with. It’s not that the to call the shots when it comes to Israel’s domestic, internal struggles of Israeli society identity, safety and future. If the American do not matter or are somehow irrelevant to administration wants to punish and isolate the greater struggles that Likud is focusing Netanyahu for actually leading his own on. They do matter. Netanyahu has country and not bowing down to Obama’s acknowledged that. However, unlike most wishes then healthy diplomacy has suffered other countries, Israel also has genocidal a tragic blow. neighbours like Hamas, Hezbollah and At the end of the day Netanyahu has proven Iran breathing down her neck. How could himself to be the leader that the majority of security not be a primary issue? Israelis feel they need. Their alternative was Regarding creating a Palestinian a prime ministerial duumvirate that would state under the current circumstances, submit to Obama and continue forward with Netanyahu has a clear understanding a flawed and dangerous ‘peace’ process of the bigger picture. Who could really full of short-sighted strategies. doubt that a state of Palestine today would By voting for Netanyahu the majority of unavoidably become yet another proxy of Israelis have voiced their agreement that Iran and others? For a number of years it Israel’s security concerns are legitimate has been easy to see that if Israel left Judea and paramount. They have expressed their and Samaria, Mahmoud Abbas would never desire to preserve their ancient, Jewish have been able to withstand Hamas. Today, homeland and they have chosen a leader Hamas is but one in a queue of increasingly who will lead with bravery, courage and more barbaric groups poised to take over conviction. I sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin he has accused the Europeans of Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party plotting to overthrow him — a clearly scored a resounding victory in the baseless charge. country’s recent election. Pre-election Netanyahu has earned the distrust opinion polls indicated that he was in and resentment of his critics. Anybody trouble; chief rival Isaac Herzog of the who has followed Israeli politics Zionist Union enjoyed a slight lead. knows that Netanyahu’s promises Exit polls then showed the two camps stand for nothing. Every Israeli has deadlocked but once the final results been let down by Netanyahu on one were in it was confirmed that Likud or other front: He says that tens of was the winner. thousands of apartments are being Netanyahu’s victory took a number built but where are these affordable of Israelis by surprise. Many perceive apartments? He says we defeated Netanyahu as a man living in a bubble, Hamas in Operation Protective Edge as a politician who is disconnected — but Hamas is visible from Kibbutz from the real issues faced by the Nahal Oz; Netanyahu says he is the Israeli public and whose own life no victim of a worldwide plot — where longer reflects reality. These Israelis and what is this plot? It’s as if his were desperate for a change. sense of reality has become warped. Netanyahu won the 2009 election Like many of his predecessors, he has with the slogan “Netanyahu strong reached a point in his career in which on Hamas”, which brought us to the personal vendettas, hatred and fear longest continuous become his primary conflict in Israel’s driving forces. That Many perceive history since the War cannot be good news Netanyahu as of Independence for his upcoming term (Operation Protective as Prime Minister. a man living in Edge which lasted Netanyahu’s victory a bubble, as a 50 days). He ignored in the election comes politician who many opportunities on the back of his is disconnected to solve the conflict supposed strength in a multilateral way regarding security from the real with other countries issues. The failures issues faced by in the region. Instead, of our prime minister the Israeli public Israel left Gaza with no during his prolonged clear achievements, term in office has and whose own no real change in caused significant life no longer these conditions and damage to Israel’s reflects reality. with many people just security. waiting for the next An equally serious round to start. I was not failing on the security against the mission — Hamas firing front has been his inability to see rockets left Israel with no other choice and seize the security and political but to fight back — but Netanyahu opportunities created by years of missed every single opportunity to regional upheavals, which have solve the conflict and open a route for weakened most of Israel’s main rivals open dialogue with moderate forces in and created a common interest not the Middle East. just between those countries with It feels like in this campaign as well which we have already signed peace as in the past six years, Netanyahu accords — Jordan and Egypt — but forgot the real things that matter to also governments from North Africa the majority of Israelis. He stated that to the Persian Gulf. A rare window of Iran is the biggest threat to Israel’s opportunity was opened up for a new security. There are many more issues dynamic in the region — a dynamic of that are as important as dealing with dialogue, calm, political agreements Iran — the relationship between the and security pacts. Netanyahu missed US and Israel, for example. Speaking this opportunity with his aggressive at the American Congress, behind foreign policy actions. Obama’s back and against his will, Netanyahu hasn’t done much to deal isn’t the way to deal with the situation. with the criticism Israel has received Due to Netanyahu’s speech and his in the international community. There refusal to follow protocol regarding are more and more countries calling this visit, Obama stated that the US will Israel an apartheid state. Israelis who rethink the automatic protection Israel have witnessed the occupation first has in the UN. Iran is an important hand know we are not at that point yet, issue — but we cannot disregard but without a major change, it could other important issues, such as the deteriorate into some problematic relationship with Israel’s biggest ally. situations. It is unlikely that these And if that is not enough, he has changes will occur in Netanyahu’s undermined the international entities next term. that are working tirelessly to thwart The centre-left camp woke up to the Iran’s nuclear aspirations, and similarly results on 18 March realising that their has eroded their support of his antihope for a better future in Israel had Hamas stance. His behaviour over not come to pass, and we can only the past two years is endangering the hope for a better tomorrow in internal very fabric of our strategic relationship and external affairs. Right now, Israel’s with the United States; and, recently future looks uncertain. Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 13 14 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 15 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Why RE/MAX? RE/MAX was established in 1973 and is today the largest selling Real Estate Brand in South Africa and the world with over 6400 offices in 98 countries worldwide. The website is the busiest real estate website in the world with more than 50* million visits per year. As of the 1st of January 2015 RE/MAX had more than 97 000 sales associates worldwide. By number of agents, by number of transactions and by sales volume, RE/MAX is now the largest** Real Estate Group in South Africa. * Experian Marketing Services Hitwise data. USA Statistics ** Adrian Goslett, CEO RE/MAX of Southern Africa If you are curious to know the current value of your home or would like to know the current prices and trends of other suburbs, please contact me and I will gladly assist Glenn Joselowitz Cell 083 454 3377 RE/MAX Living Sea Point | Camps Bay | City Bowl Office 021 423 4488 | Each office independantly owned & operated 16 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE 17 18 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Likud SA: Growing and Protecting South African Zionism “Israel must always choose strength” — Menachem Begin The people of Israel have spoken and thankfully B e n y a m i n Netanyahu prevailed in the Israel elections. Jewish people. Fifth, stand united in the face of the enemy. We Jews love life, for life is holy. But there are things in life more precious than life itself. There are times when one must risk life for the sake of rescuing the lives of others. And when the few risk their own lives for the sake of the many, then they, too, stand the chance of saving themselves. Sixth, there is a pattern to Jewish history. In our long annals as a nation, we rise, we fall, we return, we are W riting in Arutz Sheva, Ronn Torossian (CEO of 5WPR, one of the largest PR agencies in the USA) declared that “despite the US Government relentlessly going after Netanyahu in the aftermath of his victory, Israel must always choose strength” – quoting the words of the great Jewish leader, Menachem Begin, who as Prime Minister in 1981 spoke the following words: “I believe the lessons of the Holocaust are these. First, if an enemy of our people says he seeks to destroy us, believe him. Don’t doubt him for a moment. Don’t make light of it. Do all in your power to deny him the means of carrying out his satanic intent. Second, when a Jew anywhere in the world is threatened or under attack, do all in your power to come to his aid. Never pause to wonder what the world will think or say. The world will never pity slaughtered Jews. The world may not necessarily like the fighting Jew, but the world will have to take account of him. Third, a Jew must learn to defend himself. He must forever be prepared for whenever threat that looms. Fourth, Jewish dignity and honor must be protected in all circumstances. The seeds of Jewish destruction lie in passively enabling the enemy to humiliate us. Only when the enemy succeeds in turning the spirit of the Jew into dust and ashes in life, can he turn the Jew into dust and ashes in death. During the Holocaust it was after the enemy had humiliated the Jews, trampled them underfoot, divided them, deceived them, afflicted them, drove brother against brother, only then could he lead them, almost without resistance, to the gates of Auschwitz. Therefore, at all times and whatever the cost, safeguard the dignity and honor of the “W honor. These, I believe, are the underlying lessons to be learned from the unspeakable tragedy of the Holocaust.” Menachem Begin rightfully said what needed to be said. And no matter what President Barack Obama says, Israel must continue to do what is needed to protect the Jewish nation. US-Israel cooperation defies Obama-Netanyahu confrontation By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger 27 March 2015 D efense, scientific and commercial co-operation between the US and Israel is surging unprecedentedly, in defiance of the unbridgeable gap between the worldviews of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. For example, 250 major US hightech companies maintain research and development centres in Israel, which has become a major source of cutting-edge innovative technologies, improving US competitiveness, increasing US exports and expanding US employment. In 2014, Israeli startups raised an alltime record of $3.4bn, mostly from US investors. Israel operates hundreds of US military and homeland security systems, providing the US defense industries with critical lessons of operation, maintenance and repairs, which dramatically upgrade the quality of those systems. US-Israel co-operation in the areas of cyber, nano and space technologies is rising sharply. Israel provides the US with intelligence, exceeding the intelligence provided to the US by all NATO countries combined. The formulation of US battle tactics, in general — and urban warfare, in particular, is based largely on Israel's In a "Special Celebration Message" on the morning of Wednesday 18 March, David Abel (National Vice-Chairman of LikudSA & Chairman, LikudSA Cape) e-mailed Likudniks as To join Likud SA follows: (Cape Region) contact David Abel: david@sazionism. or 0823496018 exiled, we are enslaved, we rebel, we liberate ourselves, we are oppressed once more, we rebuild, and again we suffer destruction, climaxing in our own lifetime in the calamity of calamities, the Holocaust, followed by the rebirth of the Jewish State. So, yes, we have come full circle, and with G-d’s help, with the rebirth of sovereign Israel we have finally broken the historic cycle: no more destruction and no more defeats, and no more oppression — only Jewish liberty, with dignity and hat a good day it is today! The sun is shining, the birds are singing in the trees and Likudniks the world over are celebrating a landslide election victory in Israel. And Jabotinsky must be smiling in heaven! Likud's massive victory is so much sweeter as it comes against all the odds! Many, many people were praying and fasting — and eventually Divine Providence was revealed in all its glory this morning. I battle experience. Joint US-Israel air force exercises are conducted regularly. US Army units on their way to Afghanistan are trained by Israeli experts in urban warfare, car bombs, suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Contrary to the one-way-street type of relationship of 40 years ago (the US gave and Israel received), current USIsrael ties have been transformed into a mutually-beneficial two-way-street, expanding cooperation — especially at a time of drastic cuts in the US defense budget and the US withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen — irrespective of the intensified tension between Obama and Netanyahu. While President Obama harshly criticises Prime Minister Netanyahu's attitude toward the Palestinian issue, US national security and commercial interests, as well as US-Israel relations and Obama's legacy transcend, by far, the Palestinian issue. While Obama and Netanyahu are on a collision course, the US Congress — the most authentic representative of the American constituent and a co-equal, co-determining branch of government in all areas — has been a systematic supporter of enhanced US-Israel cooperation. The US political system provides Congress with the muscle to initiate policy and change, suspend, de-fund rollback and abort presidential domestic, foreign policy and national security initiatives. Unlike US ties with most other countries, US special ties with the Jewish State reflect the sentiments of most constituents, independent and irrespective of presidential policies. They are based on Judeo-Christian values, dating back to the 17th century Pilgrims. Today, there are statues of Moses in the US House of Representatives (facing the Speaker) and the US Supreme Court (above the desk of the Justices), and Ten Commandments monuments stand on the grounds of the Texas and Oklahoma state capitols. For Netanyahu to embrace Obama's policies on Iran and the Palestinian issue would spare him the wrath of the White House, but would distance him from Middle East reality, dooming the Jewish State to destruction. "Congratulations to Likud!" have been receiving emails, Facebook messages and phone calls — many informing me that they and many of their members were praying and fasting for Likud's success in the elections. When one considers that US President, Barak Obama; the overwhelming majority of the world's politicians and media; as well as many worldwide Jewish and other Leftists — all demonised Netanyahu and wanted him replaced as Prime Minister (with the chant “anyone but Netanyahu”) — Likud's achievement in turning around the significantly negative position in the pre-election polls into a remarkable victory, brings to mind what Menachem Begin used to say: “Man proposes; and God disposes! Israel Likud's inspiring victory truly exhilarates and motivates LikudSA to continue carrying the Jabotinsky legacy forward into the future. Am Yisrael Chai!” Rev Kenneth Meshoe you all, and thanking God for emailed, “Even though I will answered prayer. Bless you all.” sadly not be with you during Luigi Bonfig (former the celebration in Cape Chairman, SAUJS Cape Town, please know that Region) said, “I wish all my family, ACDP members Likudniks a hearty mazel and DEISI International are tov and chazak to the new rejoicing with Likud SA over Netanyahu-led government. the stunning victory that May Israel prosper, grow under Prime Minister Benjamin his leadership and may Am Reverend Kenneth Netanyahu and Likud Israel stand in unity.” Meshoe have achieved against Rev Albert Mabenga wrote, all odds. VIVA PRIME “G-d has spoken clearly MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and He answered the prayers of all VIVA!!! VIVA LIKUD VIVA!!! Wishing you those praying for a strong right wing a very successful celebration and G-d’s government in His nation richest blessings.” “He is the One who raises Israeli Typical of many such messages, Beryl leaders up and He removes them. and Don Loram of Belville emailed, Yes miracles are still happening in “We have been praying and fasting for Israel. Congratulations to Likud for the Israel and for Netanyahu in particular outcome of what may amount to be — we are so thrilled for the victory; we the most strategically important Israeli have been celebrating in our hearts with election.” Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE ORT SA CAPE hosts successful annual fundraiser Eric and Sheila Samson hosted the ORT SA CAPE annual fundraiser event at their beautiful farm, Klein Cabriere, in Franschhoek on Sunday 15 March. G Dr Lydia Abel, Director of ORT SA CAPE uests arrived to the beautiful sounds of Two Flutes and enjoyed delicious starters under the oak trees. After Dr Lydia Abel, Director of ORT SA CAPE, welcomed all to enjoy a wonderful day, Merle Rubin served a splendid lunch and guests enjoyed the humorous magic show performance by renowned magician Jacques le Seuer. Berg Rivier Secondary School in Wellington is one of the beneficiaries of ORT SA CAPE’s Constructive After School Programme for EnRichment (CASPER). This CASPER drama group performed a poem, ‘Dream Chaser’ to the 200 adults and 100 children. They were well-rehearsed, confident and their message was well thought out and communicated. Their performance brought tears to the eyes of many guests. Ariella Kuper conducted a successful auction in her inimitable style, raising funds for the ORT SA CAPE CASPER programme. The function ended on a sweet note while guests enjoyed dessert. A special thank you to the Samson family for their generosity and to all our friends for their ongoing commitment to ORT SA CAPE. ORT SA CAPE prides itself on development for social change; opening minds, getting children off the street into enriching learning experiences and balancing this with helping teachers engage with their challenges. Berg Rivier Secondary drama group, part of ORT SA CAPE’s Constructive After School Programme for EnRichment in Wellington 19 ORT SA CAPE is an accredited B-BBEE organisation (Level2) and you will receive a Section 18A Certificate for your donation. Guests enjoying the luncheon catered by Merle Rubin Children at the robotics station — one of the many activities provided on the day Deloitte Western Cape and ORT JET invite you to a Women’s Work–Life Integration Breakfast Work-life integration … Myth or reality? Come and join our panel of successful business women for a lively and robust discussion on this complex, yet very important topic which impacts our lives daily. Our panel will also share their experiences and practical tips on how they are striving to attain integration in their lives. Anthea Scholtz – Deloitte Partner Anthea is the chairperson of Deloitte Women in Leadership in the Western Cape and serves on the boards of Deloitte Southern Africa and Deloitte Africa. She is the leader of the national Tax Oil and Gas Industry team for South Africa and heads up the Global Employer Services unit for Deloitte in the Western Cape. Lara Rosmarin – Co-Founder and CEO: Seed Academy | Executive Director: Seed Engine Business Accelerator With a passion for philanthropy and a background in behaviour risk management, Lara has advised some of SA’s top companies on their CSI strategies. Through Seed Academy, she educates and empowers entrepreneurs to take control of their destinies. She is the author of the best-selling children’s book, A Magical Day for Dreaming, of which all proceeds go to charity. Vanessa Borchers – Deloitte Partner Date: 5 June 2015 Time: 07h30 for 08h00 until 10h00 Venue: Deloitte, First Floor, The Cape Quarter, 27 Somerset Road, Green Point RSVP: or 021 448 8516 by Friday, 29 May 2015 Vanessa has worked for Deloitte in the United States, The Netherlands and South Africa, where she has served large multinationals in various industries and capacities, including as an audit partner and lead client service partner. She is also the Global Diversity Leader for Deloitte worldwide. Nina le Riche – Deloitte Partner Nina is the leader of the Risk Advisory practice of Deloitte in the Western Cape and leader of the Governance service line for Deloitte Africa. She specialises in financial services, with a particular focus on market conduct. © 2015 Deloitte & Touche. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Ortjet Advertorial.indd 1 2015/04/02 9:00 AM 20 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 People ask the Darndest Things Family Announcements CONDOLENCES — THANK YOU The Jewish Board of Deputies is known for monitoring Anti-Semitism, networking with government and building bridges with other faith communities. CECIL LEVITT HAZEL WINER Berenice, Janis, Dalida, Justin and families sincerely thank Rabbi Wineberg, Rabbi Liebenberg, Rabbi Knof, Basil Sacks, family and friends for the love and support on the passing of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. I cannot find sufficient words to express my gratitude and deepest and sincere appreciation for the unbelievable kindness and support received on the sudden passing of my beloved wife on the 22 February. Our two daughters Belinda and Alison and our four grandchildren share my message of appreciation. Special thanks to all those who provided us with so much sustenance at this very difficult and painful time. We also extend grateful thanks to Temple Israel for their wonderful support, and extra special thanks to Rabbis Richard Newman and Greg Alexander who were both outstanding. Selwyn Winer Cecil will always be remembered with love for his positive loving caring nature and the lessons which we have learnt from him. To place a family announcement, email: or phone Tessa 021 464 6736 (9am — 1pm) By Gwynne Robins – Deputy Director of the Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies A lesser known role is that of providing an information resource on Jewish life and history. One way it does that is through its annual Guide to Jewish Southern Africa and through the recently launched Map to Jewish Cape Town produced with the help of Marco van Embden and Philip Todres. The Board receives numerous queries from Jews and non-Jews. Here are some of the more unusual ones. Where can I buy a shofar? Our church in Elsie’s River is having trouble with the Council over building permits. We want to blow a shofar at the four corners of our property like the Holy Book says, in case it will help. I gave them the name of shops. They never phoned back to tell me if it worked Can you lend me a Jewish scarf so that I can dress like Jesus at Easter? (after referring to a rabbi). Unfortunately as it will be Passover at the same time, taleisim will be in use. Quick, I am doing a crossword — what is a small Israeli coin in six letters, the first and third letters are “a”? Agarot Important All donations to information: Glendale are tax deductible Thank you most sincerely for your continued support. Our residents are most grateful Our well-known Shabbat, miniature Shabbat and Yartzeit candles and Shabbat glass candle holders are now available from all supermarkets and at our office. Getting married overseas? Ask your guests to donate to Glendale Home in lieu of wedding gifts. An appropriate letter will be sent to the bride and groom advising them of your donation. No amount will be disclosed. For further details contact the office. Glendale Greeting Service: Letters can be sent to loved ones for birthdays, wedding anniversaries and chaggim or any special occasion. Make use of this service, which is available worldwide. Tins: If your tin needs collecting, please phone the office tel: (021) 712 0270 fax: (021) 712 0873 10 Galway Road Heathfield PO Box 40 Bergvliet 7864 email: Glendale activities now on YouTube — search ‘Glendale Cape Town’ Do Jewish people anoint themselves with oil? No. Hi. I am Muhammed and I am giving a talk on divorce in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Could you give me information on Jewish divorce? Certainly, just give me your e-mail address and good luck with your talk.(and then I googled the answer, which he could have done himself) (two years later), Where can one buy anointing oil? I am afraid you have stumped me there. I do not know. Can you answer the following questions? My 8 year old granddaughter’s class is studying religions and she got Judaism. Ask your granddaughter to phone me. It is her project. Reply: She is far too busy with ballet. I have a very difficult neighbour. Would it be anti-Semitic if I complain? You see she is Jewish and I am German. You get good and bad Jews just as you get good and bad Germans and good and bad people. If she were my neighbour, I would also complain. I am being victimized by a neo-Nazi cult who can hear every word I say through the electric wires in my house and the television. I got her rabbi to contact her family to tell them she needed treatment I will be visiting South Africa from America. My parents were German Jewish refugees who lived in Sea Point. My mother died when I was small and my father remarried. His wife divorced him moving to Johannesburg with my halfsister. I was sent to my uncle in London. I am now 80 and I would like to find my half-sister. With the help of Charisse Zeifert of SAJBD, notices in community newspapers, and an amateur genealogist who spotted the notice, we were able to find his half-sister who knew nothing about him or her father and there was an emotional reunion in Pretoria. Who says life at the Board is not interesting? BIRZH – BIRZAI, LITHUANIA Did your ancestors come from Birzh, a small town in the northeast of Lithuania? If so please advise who they are and provide contact details. We hope to have a memorial with the names of the murdered Jews created at the killing site just outside the town - as has been done in other Lithuanian towns such as Plungian and Keidan. The Lithuanians in Birzai, who have created a Tolerance Centre in their local high school, are also keen to have a panel about the Jews in their local museum in which Jews are currently not represented. Do you have any photos of Birzai in the period before the Nazi Holocaust? If so could you please scan them (300 dpi) and send them to us. Please let us hear from you on both queries. You can contact us at or Rubi and Anne Chaitman Foundation With Compliments With compliments from Ben Rabinowitz in memory of Shirley FREDDY AND AGGIE HIRSCH THE CAPE JEWISH COMMUNITY RECORDS ITS GR ATITUDE AND APPRECIATION TO O Meyer Hirsch Goldschmidt Foundation THE HAROLD AND BEATRICE KRAMER FOUNDATION Paul Arieli Goldschmidt Family Trust opinion Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Is ‘Mein Kampf’ a learning tool, or too offensive and dangerous to reissue? 21 By Robert Gluck/ Given the current climate of rising antiSemitism in Europe and elsewhere, is it too offensive and dangerous to reissue Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” autobiographical manifesto? Critics of the book’s planned republication say yes. But others believe that with the proper annotation and commentary, the book can be an important learning tool. based on the current research knowledge on the origins of National Socialism and the Third Reich, to deconstruct the ideological theories of the book and its racist agenda to prevent further misinformation.” Some Jewish leaders have expressed concern about the reissuing of “Mein Kampf” amid the uptick in global antiSemitism. Levi Salomon, a spokesman for the Berlin-based Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism, told The Washington Post, “I am absolutely hen “Mein Kampf” (translated in against the publication of ‘Mein Kampf,’ English as “My Struggle”) was first even with annotations. Can you annotate published in 1925, it sold poorly. Next year, a new edition will go on sale in bookstores the Devil? Can you annotate a person like Hitler? This book is outside of human in Germany for the first time in 75 years. The logic.” state of Bavaria has owned the German Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World copyright to the book and has legally Jewish Congress, wrote in a letter to The blocked attempts to print it. The copyright New York Times, “Because of Germany’s expires this December, and the Munichbased Institute for Contemporary History history, publishing it there again at a time of rising anti-Semitism would be a travesty. (IfZ) plans on reissuing an annotated Only recently, Germany elected a neoversion of “Mein Kampf” full of criticism Nazi deputy to the European Parliament, and analysis that will stretch its original size showing that the Hitler virus has yet to be from 700 pages to nearly 2,000. stamped out.” IfZ is regarded as the world’s leading “What would the Holocaust survivors institute for the research of National and their relatives think if they visit a Socialism — also known as Nazism. German bookstore and see Hitler’s book Founded after World War II, the institute on the shelves?” added Lauder. “We has the goals of examining how National must do everything we can to prevent the Socialism took root in Germany and publication and mass distribution of ‘Mein understanding the reasons behind the preKampf.’ We owe it to Hitler’s victims.” Hitler failure of German democracy. But Dr. Jürgen As far as “Mein Matthäus — director Kampf” goes, its text “This book is most evil; of applied research is widely available at the United States it is the worst antieven without IfZ’s new Holocaust Memorial edition. Semitic pamphlet and Museum’s Jack, “The book was a guidebook for the Joseph and Morton printed in its German Holocaust.” Mandel Center for version in more than Advanced Holocaust 12 million copies,” Studies — agrees Magnus Brechtken, with IfZ’s Brechtken. Speaking as an deputy director of IfZ, told expert on Nazi propaganda and not as a “Many hundred thousands of these representative of the museum, Matthäus copies have survived the Third Reich and told that the reissuing of “Mein are available in academic libraries and Kampf” might have a fairly minimal impact antiquarian bookshops. The German text on readership. is also available through the Internet. The “Those who have a right-wing philosophy copyright of the English translation was have access to ‘Mein Kampf’ anyway,” sold in the 1930s and the book has been Matthäus said. “My hope would be, and in print ever since. The English version I hope also the hope of those putting the has been constantly available all over the new edition together in Germany, that world.” the general public would be aware of the Though the copyright expiring at the end additional context that would be taken into of this year prevents the republication of account. The general readership would “Mein Kampf,” it has “no influence on the benefit from this [new] critical edition by given availability of the text,” according to finding out more about the context in Brechtken. “It is an open question whether or not the which this document emerged, and also end of copyright will make any difference to the context that is needed to understand it properly.” the availability of the text,” he said. “Should To understand “Mein Kampf,” experts there be re-publications of the original text say, it is important to understand its author. without any comments, it is even more Matthäus and Brechtken agree that one of urgent to have a critical edition which is W the most definitive books on the subject is “Hitler: A Biography,” by Ian Kershaw, a modern history professor emeritus at the United Kingdom-based University of Sheffield who was given the German award of the Federal Cross of Merit in 1994. Kershaw believes “Mein Kampf” provides important insights into Hitler’s thinking in the mid-1920s. “By then,” Kershaw wrote, “he had developed a philosophy that afforded him a complete interpretation of history, of the ills of the world, and how to overcome them. Tersely summarized, it boiled down to a simplistic, Manichean view of history as racial struggle, in which the The first edition of Adolf Hitler's book, highest racial entity, the Aryan, was being Mein Kampf, on exhibition at the German undermined and destroyed by the lowest, Historical Museum in Berlin. Credit: Anton the parasitic Jew.” Huttenlocher via Wikimedia Many of Hitler’s contemporaries “made Holocaust.” a mistake in treating ‘Mein Kampf’ with Asked to address criticism of the book’s ridicule and not taking the ideas Hitler reissuing, Brechtken told, “We expressed there extremely seriously,” understand and respect the feelings Kershaw explained. and views of those who have suffered “However base and repellent they as victims of National Socialism, and we were, they amounted to a set of clearly respect their feelings of uneasiness and established and rigidly upheld political concern at the thought of seeing the text principles,” he wrote. being republished.” Kershaw actually started his career as a “The text is a historical source which historian at IfZ. Known as a “structuralist” must be analyzed to understand the link — in line with the theory of humankind between the formulation of anti-Semitism in which all elements of human culture, before 1933 and including literature, anti-Semitic political are thought to be “Like any other document actions after 1933,” he parts of a system of said. that pertains to this signs — Kershaw sees “It is important to the structures of the piece of history, there is analyze this historical Nazi state as far more a need for [‘Mein Kampf’] text to deconstruct important than the the myths which to be out there, to be personality of Hitler (or produced antiresearched, and to be any other individual) in Semitism at the time, explaining the way Nazi acknowledged.” to deconstruct racist Germany developed. worldviews in general, In particular, Kershaw and to prevent racist subscribes to the view adopted by the ideologies from ever coming close to German historian Hans Mommsen that political power again. With a critical edition Nazi Germany was a chaotic collection as the IfZ currently works on we assume of rival bureaucracies in perpetual power to aim for the same overall objective — to struggles with each other. In Kershaw’s fight racism and anti-Semitism.” estimation, the Nazi dictatorship was not a Matthäus argued, “Like any other totalitarian monolith, but rather an unstable document that pertains to this piece of coalition of several blocs in a “power history, there is a need for [‘Mein Kampf’] cartel” comprising the Nazi Party, big to be out there, to be researched, and to be business, the German state bureaucracy, acknowledged.” the army, and the SS police. Each of the “What is missing is the critical “power blocs,” according to this view, were engagement of [‘Mein Kampf’] by scholars divided into several factions. who know the history and can put that in But for some whose primary concern the right context,” said Matthäus. “The is contemporary anti-Semitism, such worst thing that can happen is to put historical details are not the point in any this into the poison cabinet and make it discussion of “Mein Kampf.” Charlotte inaccessible and prohibit the use of it, and Knobloch, head of the Jewish community thus create, or enhance, the myth that this in Munich, told Time magazine, “This is something that the establishment, or book is most evil; it is the worst antithese evil powers or conspiratorial forces, Semitic pamphlet and a guidebook for the don’t want the general public to see.” The Susman Charitable Foundation With compliments The Jack & Ethel Goldin Foundation With compliments Inge Marks and family in memory of Solly OUR PATRONS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SPONSORSHIP OF THE ‘CAPE JEWISH CHRONICLE’ With compliments The Henry Van Embden Family Foundation With compliments Stanley and Zea Lewis Foundation With Compliments Kalman, Esther and Michael Maisel Trust 22 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Members of The Union of Jewish Women are committed to investing in the people of South Africa and endeavour to create a better life for all South Africans. Cape Town Blankets knitted for Glendale Therapies at Herzlia Cookie Icing with Tikva Donation in lieu of a gift Launch of the 33rd Women's Jewish Community Fund Our three ideals are: • Tzedakah-toembracematerialandspiritualgenerosityandthereby promoterighteousnessandjustice • Feminismandthepromotionofwomen’srights • Abroadhumanity-undenominational,educationalandphilanthropic. With your help, we can continue to provide support for: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TheMalachaFund EmergencyassistanceforindividualmembersoftheJewishcommunity Oranjia Glendale HighlandsHouse KosherMealsonWheels Tikvah-supplementaryfoodparcelsforJewishfamiliesinneed FriendshipClub-onceamonthlunchesforJewishseniors AdultEducation TherapiesatHerzlia Bobba’sTrip BursariesattheBoardofDeputies JewishCommunityServices CapeJewishSeniors OperationJonathan TheIsraelParasitologyLaboratory. Join us in making a difference 7AlbanyRoad,SeaPoint,CapeTown,8005,SouthAfrica P.O.Box339,SeaPoint,8060,0214349555 NPO000777PRO93001544 A project of the Union of Jewish Women COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 23 JCS @ WORK Confronting poverty Poverty is a complex, dynamic and multifaceted condition which may be chronic or temporary. Multiple studies have shown that living in poverty has a devastating effect on psychological well-being. Abraham Maslow, the renowned psychologist, himself born into a poor Jewish family, t reflects gross violations of human constructed a hierarchy of needs. dignity through the inability to access choices and opportunities. Its narrative The daily worry and stress caused by is one of insecurity, powerlessness and existing in a state of survival-mode exclusion. Poverty comes as the harsh acts against positive psychological development and contributes to an array blow of insufficient income to feed and of psychopathologies. clothe one’s family and the In Maslow’s hierarchy, inability to get to school Suffering from a lack poverty gives a perfect or to a job to earn a living. of fulfillment and demonstration of It is a insidious network how needs that go of harm — economic, enrichment paves a unmet disable us from psychological, social, steep life-trajectory continuing to ascend to emotional and spiritual. of struggle. higher aspirations. Absolute poverty or Suffering from a lack of destitution refers to the fulfillment and enrichment deprivation of basic human paves a steep life-trajectory of struggle. needs — the starkness and desolation An account of poverty within the context of which is portrayed in the media as of the Jewish community would be the extremes of malnourishment and kwashiorkor. Relative poverty is defined incomplete without including Halacha; and the signpost of relative poverty in a contextually as economic inequality in the predominantly affluent context. society in which people live. I COMPONENT The olden day Jewish sages viewed assist the Jewish community to the extent poverty as a great affliction and said that, that it does. “he who is crushed by poverty is as if he The most revered response is considered were subject to all the afflictions of the to be that which facilitates the fullest world.” (Midrash Rabbah, Exodus, 31; 12). expression of the dignity of the needy by At the core of Jewish values is enabling them to become self-sufficient. tzedakah which means righteousness. Confronted with the ever-rising cost Righteousness translates into compassion of living, decaying socio-economic where a person cannot assist financially. conditions and reduced funding, JCS This feeds into the mandate of JCS mobilises various intervention strategies which not only in order to combat and provides material alleviate the stress and The most revered relief but supportive instability of poverty. response is considered to counselling and other This is facilitated by community projects using a combination of be that which facilitates simultaneously. social work intervention; the fullest expression of Our responsibility general, supportive, the dignity of the needy to the poor is an preventative and expression of solidarity educative counselling and in the wider South services; material relief African cultural perspective translates into and community projects in a courageous Ubuntu. mission to facilitate optimum levels of selfThe mitzvah of giving tzedakah is the reliance and independence in our clients. most central of the mitzvot that define Tabled below are approximate figures Jewish communal life. It is this philosophy outlining the JCS’s monthly response to that enables the Jewish Welfare sector to assist with poverty alleviation: NO OF RECIPIENTS COST PER MONTH TIKVAH (fruit and vegetable hampers) 80 families/individuals R25 000 MOW (meals on wheels) In partnership with kosher MOW. 46 families/individuals R35 000 (In partnership with kosher MOW) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 150 families/individuals R300 000 PSYCHIATRIC CARE (nursing home) 8 individuals R100 000 BARGAINS GALORE (clothing, furniture and household items) Available to all qualifying clients for basic needs. 24 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 A new lease on life for Jewish seniors Joan Sarembok, Nan Scholij, Barbara Nakin and Cecile Becker at the garden party Suppers are an opportunity to sit around a table and chat with friends instead of being alone at home. Our social workers are highly trained and hatever your reason for joining the they perceptively use their skills to assist association, there are numerous any member who might need support in benefits. You can become an integral any way. Individual counselling sessions or part of a caring group and you can be as involved as you wish. Some of our home visits allow members to feel cared for members attend functions every day of the confidentially and in a professional manner. The myth behind membership is that week, but you are also welcome to be more selective, choosing activities that take your most senior citizens feel that they are “too fancy. Whether you wish to be stimulated young” to belong to a senior’s organisation which is so far from the truth! Existing by guest speaker presentations, unleash members will attest to the fact that CJSA your creativity in our art classes, go on great has given them a new lease on life and outings or keep fit in our exercise or yoga new friends and a reason to get up in classes; there is certainly something for everyone. Transport is provided for those the morning and most importantly the opportunity to give back to the community who no longer drive and members are also able to make use of our driving service to should you wish to volunteer in your area of expertise. do their weekly shopping. Monthly Twilight Purim @ Astra CJSA members really do benefit from belonging to a caring organisation. W Rabbi David Benchlouch with some of the workers T he Cape Town Sephardi Hebrew Congregation’s Rabbi David Benchlouch visited Astra Centre to deliver mishloach manot to the Workers, ensuring a chag purim sameach for everyone. Rabbi David Benchlouch with Paul Rawraway. Picnic @ Astra On right: Jonathan Hirschberg, Loren Weiner and Ian Sank enjoy the day. Below: Astra’s annual picnic for the Workers and their families was once again a huge success. Thank you to the Astra Committee for the wonderful braaiing. Achievements @ Astra G raduates of iLearn, Daniel Isaacson and Bradlee Gruss, proudly show their certificates after completing beginners courses in Word and Excel. The courses were generously donated by Richard Rayne of iLearn Training. COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 TEMPLE 25 ISRAEL CAPE TOWN PROGRESSIVE JEWISH CONGREGATION Consider This The Destruction of Cult Objects — Still a Torah Imperative? The anniversary of the giving of the Ten Utterances (Aseret haDibrot) at Mount Sinai is celebrated near the end of the month. T Purim and Star Trek By Rabbi Malcolm Matitiani he first two utterances demand exclusive loyalty to G-d who brought our ancestors out of Egypt and that no images be made for worship. Any likeness of anything contained in the universe is forbidden to be an object of veneration. The Torah goes further in commanding that when the Israelites settle in the Land of Israel they must destroy all the cultic high places, sacred pillars, altars and images of Canaanite worship (Exodus 34:13-14, Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 12:2-3). The context of this instruction was that the Israelites who had spent forty years in isolation (apart from a few skirmishes with the Amalekites, Moabites and Ammorites) were about to enter and settle in the Land of Canaan to be surrounded by the local populace. The fear was that the new inhabitants would be vulnerable to the temptations of the Canaanite religious cults and be lured away from the worship of the God of Israel. They only way to prevent this from happening was to deliberately destroy all sacred objects and spaces of the indigenous gods. Indeed a reading of the books of Judges and Kings reveals that the Israelites were attracted to the veneration of Canaanite gods, especially El, Ba’al and Asherah because they failed to demolish the altars, sacred posts and images of these gods. Archaeological finds have proven that many Israelites counted statuettes of El, Ba’al and Asherah among their possessions. The Mishnah and Talmud (both the Babylonian and the Jerusalem) dedicate an entire tractate (Avodah Zarah) to the discussion of how Jews should relate to the non-Jewish world. The restrictions on socialising with the then mostly pagan world and the ban on entering their places of worship were motivated by the fear of being lured away from Judaism. The question is whether this fear of idolatry is still relevant today. It is highly unlikely that an observant Jew would be tempted to abandon Judaism simply because he or she has friends, acquaintances or colleagues that profess another religion (be it Abrahamic or Eastern). Neither would such an occurrence occur if an observant Jew entered a church, mosque, temple or shrine. I believe that the vast majority of us condemn the fanaticism that led members of Islamic State to destroy archaeological artefacts and sites in Syria and Iran, claiming them to be idolatrous. In March 2001 the Taliban in Afghanistan blew up two 1,700-year-old sandstone statues on the same pretext. This unwarranted disregard for the sacred sites and objects of other cultures and faiths, not to mention the wanton destruction of the archaeological history of humankind is rightly condemned by all enlightened people. Yet the perpetrators of these crimes cite the Quran as justification of their destructive behaviour. As pointed out above the Torah also explicitly demands the obliteration of all manifestations of Mazeltov to those Canaanite religion. Yet none of us would enter who celebrated B’nei a Hindu temple and take a sledge hammer to Mitzvah with us in the statues of Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti or the last month: any other deity. The historic circumstances have drastically changed since biblical times and we all acknowledge that it is possible, and indeed of paramount importance, to live as Jews in harmony with and alongside those of other faiths We are blessed in Cape Town in that we have a very strong interfaith initiative and I have been privileged to be asked to participate in many Alexander Ackerman interfaith services held in various places of worship 11 April including Temple Israel. It is only through dialogue and sharing knowledge of each other’s traditions and beliefs that we can combat prejudices and intolerance. The world has changed since biblical and Talmudic times and there are no longer grounds to fear the religion of others. There is, however, the very real threat of religious fanaticism that expresses Thomas Ackerman hatred towards those who do not subscribe to a 11 April particular faith or to a specific interpretation of that faith. A fanaticism that leads its adherents to destroy the heritage and sacred objects of another culture, a fanaticism that drives its follows to gruesomely murder anyone who does not conform to their world view. It is these religious expressions that we must target for obliteration, not statues and artefacts that are revered by peaceful devotees of the various Aliyah Joseph 18 April faiths of the world. The carnival atmosphere at Temple Israel Wynberg filled the shul and the whole campus. I t all started with the interactive megillah reading, with all three rabbis in action, and the chapters translated by different congregants. Then, after a parade of costumes, everyone headed out to the stalls, booths and food stands and an instant street party erupted. On the more serious side of Purim, coming just as the Southern Peninsula fires began to be brought under control, we set up a spontaneous collection for the Volunteer Fire Services which brought in more than R2000 for these heroes of the City. The themes of rescue and being saved took on a very real feeling. So many of the costumes were outstanding, but one needs mentioning – just before Purim, the actor Leonard Nimoy died, most famous for his portrayal of Mr Spock in Star Trek. Nimoy never hid the fact that the iconic Vulcan hand salute that he created for the character was remixed from an ancient Jewish blessing ritual, the birkat kohanim. In some non-Progressive synagogues on the festivals, Kohanim are called up to the front of the shul to bless the congregation with “May G!d bless you and keep you...” (B’midbar 6:23– 27). The Kohanim traditionally cover their heads and arms with their tallit and hold their hands palms-down, touching at the thumbs, with the first two fingers of each hand separated from the other two, in a shape resembling the letter Shin. When the producers of Star Trek were looking for an appropriate Vulcan salute, Nimoy suggested the gesture of the Birkat Kohanim and added the words, “Live Long and Prosper.” As we are sure you will agree, Rabbi Greg was a pretty convincing tribute to Leonard Nimoy z”l! TIMEOut (Temple Israel Machaneh Experience Outdoors) — What a Blast The weekend of 6-8 March saw the first ever TIMEOut weekend take place at the beautiful Langdam Farm near Montague. M ore than 70 people drove from Cape Town and either pitched their tents or unpacked their bags in the luxury chalets and then joined up for the service and dinner, with some gusto-filled singing afterwards bringing Erev Shabbat to a close . With some activities such as an early morning run as well as a yoga session bringing in Shabbat morning, the awe-inspiring Torah service led by Rabbis Greg and Malcolm with musical accompaniment from Nina Hoffman brought us to the communal lunch and afternoon activities like machanayim, shiurim and hikes in the mountain, by which time Havdallah brought Shabbat to a close. We all then got together for a communal braai at the campsite which was followed by another song session around the campfire in true machaneh style. Sunday morning saw continued frolicking in the dam and general relaxing before we had to begin the trip home as our weekend sadly came to an end. We would like to thank everybody who contributed to this wonderful weekend and look forward to planning the next TIMEOut experience. Torah service — creative and beautiful Temple Israel goes camping 26 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE 27 28 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Nechama Compassion Pack Waiting to exhale F By Dr Brad Beira, Chief Executive Officer of Jewish Care Cape or many years Nechama has been providing the Cape Town Jewish community with Compassion Packs. Packed by the volunteers at Astra and distributed by the Chevra Kadisha and the rabbi’s in each community, the Compassion Pack has been positively accepted in the community as a source of comfort at a great time of distress. Everyone at Glendale is reflecting on our recent period of tremendous activity. O ne of our frequent visitors described the past year (in a fashion) “as if the strong south Easter blew through Glendale.” Well, here is hoping — just like the change in season — that the wind is past and calm will prevail. We welcome a host of new talent to Glendale. Rehana, our new occupational therapist is settling in. Charmian, our new social worker will have begun her role by the time this article is in print. Five new carers are experiencing life at Glendale and adding their passion to the existing team. In our effort to provide the best possible care and support, on advice from Highlands House we have added two new outsourced partners to Glendale’s support team: Korserv has taken over our daily cleaning tasks and Feedem/Pitseng are managing our kitchen and catering services. This frees up our full time staff to do what they do best — care for our residents. A thank you must go out to Solly and Gita Lison, Paula Baskir and all the support persons from Glendale for running an excellent second-night seder. Our hall was filled with residents, their families and friends. Friends sharing matza on the outing Where to from here? Hopefully a calm period of reflection; the beginnings of our renovation project, a period of laughter and joy and activities and even the odd game of pool and karaoke” 29 The pack comprises: • 1 Yahrzeit candle, matches and two shabbat candles • A tzedakah box that people can donate to the charity of their choice in the name of the departed. • A handbook for mourners supplied by the UOS • A Nechama pamphlet entitled "When Comfort Is Needed" • A Nechama shiva pamphlet explaining the shiva process. • Conduct in a shiva home • Tehillim booklet to use at the cemetery If you would like to honour the memory of your loved one by making Compassion Packs available to those that need them, a dedication label will be placed on the container. Please contact Shana on 021 465 9390/021 462 5520 or email Packs may be sponsored at R240.00 each. Banking Details: Nechama, Nedbank, Gardens Centre. Branch Code: 106939. Account No: 1069278939. Reference: Name/ Compassion Pack Please take this opportunity to do a mitzvah in the name of your loved ones THE HORROR & HUMOUR OF WILLS AND ESTATES Date: Venue: Time: Ari, Dale and Megan enjoying the view Tuesday 12th May 2015 Coffee Time @ Astra, 20 Breda Street, Gardens 09H00 – 11H00 Presented by Barry Pogrund. R.S.V.P. The Office on 021-462 5520 or KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Residents and staff having a picnic on the Sea Point Promenade Getting ready to go home after the Pesach picnic 30 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 JACOB GITLIN LIBRARY ALBOW CENTRE PHONE: 021 462-5088 FAX: 021 465-8670 email: FABULOUS FICTION AZRIELI, Avraham. The Jerusalem Assassin. This fast paced sequel to the Jerusalem Inception will keep you engrossed till the end. In the wake of the 1995 Oslo Peace Accords, a wave of Palestinian terror hits Jewish targets in Europe and Tel Aviv. When a Mossad agent is critically wounded in Amsterdam, the master spy, Jerusalem Gerster, follows the attackers back to Israel. He uncovers a conspiracy to carry out the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin. Brims with gritty authenticity. BLOOM, Joe. RIDLEY ROAD. The book takes us into 1960’s London capturing the music, clubs and vibrant fashions of the time. Vivien Epstein leaves Manchester after her father’s death to start a life as a hairdresser in London and to search for Jack, a man who captured her heart. When she locates him he appears to be part of a Nazi-style fascist group operating in the heart of the Jewish East End. Blending facts with fiction Bloom creates a fast paced story and reveals the chilling hatred and bigotry of the time. DIAMANT, Anita. THE BOSTON GIRL. An unforgettable novel about the daughter of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe coming of age in the United States. It portrays her complicated life in Boston and looks at a generation of women finding their places in a changing world. 85 year old Addie tells the story to her 22 year old granddaughter. Written with the same attention to historical details and emotional resonance that has made Diamant a best-selling author. RELIGIOUS INTEREST BOGACZ, Yoram (Rabbi). FACETS OF ETERNITY: An Exploration of Seven Intriguing Topics in Jewish Thought. What did our forefathers observe before the Torah was given? Are we rewarded in this world for mitzvoth? What should our attitude be towards the suffering of wicked people? Do our Sages have the authority to forbid that which the Torah explicitly permits? These are a few of the intriguing questions posed by Rabbi Bogacz in an exciting new book, valuable to lay people and advanced Torah scholars alike . PEREZ, Laurence (Rabbi). LEADING THE WAY: Collected Writings on Some of Life’s Most Important Matters. In his capacity as the Rabbi of Mizrachi South Africa and Head of the Yeshiva College Schools, he made an enormous and transformative impact on the South African Jewish community with his inspired, creative and visionary leadership. Israel, education, virtues and vices, the Days of Awe, leadership, life and death are all covered in this outstanding, easy-to-read book. NOTEWORTHY NON-FICTION EIDELBERG, Joseph. THE JAPANESE AND THE TEN LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. The mysterious origins and past of the Japanese people are revealed in this fascinating story. Eidelberg analyses ancient Japanese writings, religion, traditions, names and folk songs and discovers similarities between ancient Hebrew and Japanese language and culture. A possibility is suggested that the Japanese are descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes who were exiled 27 centuries ago. OREN, Ram and KFIR, Moti. SYLVIA RAFAEL: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy. Rafael, born in Graaff-Reinet, became a young dedicated Mossad agent. The book details her rise to fame within the organisation and her ultimate arrest for murder and espionage as a result of a fatal misidentification of a targeted terrorist mastermind. The book is written by Moti Kfir, the man who trained her and Ram Oren, an author and journalist. A thrilling and engrossing story of espionage and the Israeli-Arab conflict. ROSENBERG, David. BATTLE FOR THE EAST END: Jewish Responses to Fascism in the 1930’s. Charts the rise of Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Blackshirts. Mosley, an avid anti-Semite, styled himself on Mussolini and Hitler. The shocking anti-Semitism in Britain during the 1930’s culminated in an attempted march through the streets of London’s Jewish East End. As the campaigns became more intimidating, Jewish groups debated how to deal with the fascist threat. Book launch by Cecile Levin A delightful & humorous novel about facing change, while remembering the past. Date: Monday 4th May 2015 Time:10:00a.m. Place: 88 Hatfield Street, Gardens Refreshments will be served. For catering please RSVP by 28th April 2015 RSVP: 021 462 5088 Email: Book of the month The Girl from Human Street C By Roger Cohen ohen, an award-winning New York Times columnist, is a wonderful storyteller. Linked to Lithuania through his ancestors, he places the Zagare genocide at the centre of his three-generational history of a Jewish family that chose different homelands — South Africa, USA, England and Israel — in which to bury or confront their past. His parents left for England in 1957 and at the heart of the book is his mother’s dreadful struggle with bipolar disorder. The title of this luminous book refers to the actual street where his mother once lived. ROSENSAFT, Menachem Z. (Ed.) GOD, FAITH AND IDENTITY FROM THE ASHES: Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors. Well-known contributors, from 16 countries and 6 continents, respond to the question of how the experiences of their parents and grandparents have shaped their identity and attitude towards God, faith, Judaism and the world. These moving and compelling accounts allow us to glimpse how much the world has lost and will have a profound effect on the way future generations understand the Holocaust. WINTON, Barbara. IF IT’S NOT IMPOSSIBLE…THE LIFE OF SIR NICHOLAS WINTON. This book, written by his daughter, is a testimony to his remarkable rescue of 669 children from Czechoslovakia at the age of 29. He worked from Prague and persuaded the German authorities to let children leave by identifying British foster families who would open their homes to them. For half a century Winton knew nothing about the nearly 700 people who call themselves “Nicky’s children.” MEMORABLE MEMOIRS CARNESON, Ruth. GIRL ON THE EDGE. Ruth’s life was turned upside down at age of 4 when her father was arrested for high treason. Thereafter she lived in constant fear of the Special Branch Policemen, moving from family to friends. At 14 she moved to England and struggled to reconstruct her life. She shares her stays in asylums, her ‘Hippie’ days in London and then her journey back to a changing South Africa. Written with honesty and heartbreakingly sad at times, Ruth allows the reader to look deep into her life. FEDLER, Dov. OUT OF LINE. Fedler describes himself as a true product of Johannesburg. He was born in 1940 and the third child of a family struggling to exist. Although he always enjoyed drawing the last thing on his wish list was to be a political cartoonist and yet he has been South Africa’s leading one for 50 years. His memoir is personal, honest, humorous and filled with emotion. FRY, Stephen. MORE FOOL ME. A heady tale of the late Eighties and early Nineties. The book paints a picture of Fry’s extremely busy but often lonely life and reveals some wonderful celebrity encounters. He partied with his many famous and infamous friends regardless of the consequences and admits to having spent “an enormous amount of time and money on cocaine”. If you enjoyed “ Moab is my Washpot” and “The Fry Chronicles” then this eloquent third autobiography is for you. HALBREICH, Betty. I’ll drink to that: New York’s Legendary Personal Shopper and Her Life in Style – With a Twist. Halbreich has dressed the rich and powerful for 40 years at Bergdorf Goodman and her clients have ranged from Candice Bergen to Betty Ford to Meryl Streep. Interwoven is her childhood, her marriage to a wealthy hotel owner and her life in the dressing room and beyond. This 86 year old grand dame is delightfully funny, honest and inspirational. “Dressing someone well is as divine as helping someone to walk, to see, to smile or to bake a tall, light angel food cake.” COOKERY MELAMED, Caron. A PINCH OF… Her inventive and inspiring recipes are detailed and will reach the table of the most inexperienced cook. She guarantees stress-free entertaining. The book is beautifully designed and features traditional Jewish food, exotic Asian fare, Italian and much more. Whatever your culinary taste you should find this book as appetising as each mouth-watering delight. LINKSFIELD Senderwood Hebrew Congregation. TANTALIZE WITH SALADS. This beautifully laid out cookery book is filled with recipes to nourish your body and soul. It is a collection of the best dishes of a group of ladies from the Linksfield Shul kitchen. Each contributor is passionate about sharing the joy of cooking and food. This will offer the accomplished hostess fresh and innovative ideas on how to prepare soups, salads and pasta. Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE 31 32 community connections Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Simcha Snaps Shana Miller married Kevin Trope Photographer: Moira West Printing is in our genes (to suit Your PoCKet); 3110 KAdimah JC Ad#2 40 x 110mm.indd 1 Fax: 021 447-5545 Tel: 021 448-2130 email: Owned and operated by Diane and Ivan Sabath 2013/04/12 7:09 PM community connections Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Simcha Snaps 33 To enhance your Ceremony or Reception with the best performance in Jewish Music IVOR JOFFE Also SHEVA BROCHOS AND BENTSCHING with SUPERB musical accompaniment to add the finishing touch Maurice and Anita Shenker (nee Kleinberger) celebrated their 40th anniversary. They were married in the Vredehoek Synagogue on 16 March 1975 by Rabbi Marcus and Cantor Lichterman. 082 7777740 021 434-2002 Send us your Simcha Snaps! Have you recently celebrated a birthday, barmitzvah, batmitzvah, anniversary, the birth of a baby, an engagement or a wedding? Send us a photo and share your simcha with the community! Email or call the Chronicle office: 021 464 6736 for more information. Office hours: 9am - 1pm WE WANT TO BUY SILVER JEWELLERY CHINA GLASSWARE ART SCULPTURE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, etc Burr & Muir Antiques/Collectables The Mirage, Shop 5, Cnr Strand & Hudson Streets, De Waterkant, Cape Town 021 4181269 Fax: 021 418 1273 email: website Visit South Africa’s Premier Jeweller The leader in Fine Diamond Engagement Rings Custom Made to your Ideal Specifications 373A Main Road, Sea Point - (+27) 021 434 1254 To discuss your ideal engagement ring, contact our design team on 34 community connections CHRONIC ADS Rates: R34 per line + VAT Phone: 021 464 6736 (mornings) HOLIDAY APARTMENTS SYDNEY Eastern Suburbs. A selection of fully furn apartments available for holiday or short/ long term. Email: HOUSE SWAP MELBOURNE / CAPE TOWN Caulfield South. Dec 2015 / Jan 2016. Melbourne house offers 3 bedrooms, study, playroom and pool. Deborah 078 374 5533 HOME SWAP CAPE TOWN/LONDON Mid Jan - Mid Feb 2016. One/two bedroom flat swap Sea/Green Point for a two bedroom cottage Hampstead Garden Suburb, NW London. Car avail. David: CARER Seeks full time position, 33yrs experience. Please phone Joyce 072 953 3037 HOUSE/PET SITTER / CARER-COMPANION Reliable, professional, refs avail. Linda 083 726 9873. Student/driver afternoons To collect kids from school in Camps Bay and drop in Milnerton. 083 444 9552 DRIVER / CHAUFFEUR / BABYSITTER Sea Point area. Neil 072 133 0954 HOWIE’S SHUTTLE — Since 2007 Airport transfers, general transport. Howard 082 711 4616 BECK ’N CALL Shuttle and airport transfers. Avail 24/7. Covering the peninsula. Air cond vehicle. 072 252 6989 MEL’S SHUTTLE SERVICE Mel Gottschalk 082 396 0370. Email: RELIABLE DRIVER AVAILABLE (JHB) To lift you OR Tambo / anywhere — 24hrs. Gershon 073 422 8447 SORT IT Downsizing home? Retirement move? Kids leaving home? Deceased estate? Organising, sorting, disposing of books, household effects, etc. 083 265 7738 EXQUISITE CHUPPAH FOR HIRE Sturdy and versatile. R1200. In support of UJW projects. Barbara 082 566 7611 CHUPPAHS FOR HIRE Gorgeous hand painted, for weddings. Ph Sybil-Ann Creations 083 285 7336 or 021 762 6729 Too old to drive? Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 PERSONALISED SERVIETTES Stickers and stationery. Michelle Shev 021 434 3290 or 083 353 5732 CLOTHING LABELS/STICKERS... ... and Bridge Cards. Gayle 021 423 4115 TUX Inc. – DJ JORDAN TUCKER With Chris Taylor and other famous DJs. Club quality sound equipment and lights. For all Barmis, Batis and parties. Contact Talia 082 525 2022 PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ALL OCCASIONS All the glitz without the gelt. Ph. Yolande for a quote 082 442 8795. www.facebook. com/YolandeKretzmerKeysphotography CONVERT VHS AND PICS TO DVD Barry Kay 082 885 7458 ACTIVE ELECTRIC Reliable 24hr 7-day service. All contracting, maintenance and servicing (including intercoms). Phone Norman 021 439 4311 or 083 225 7409 JOFFE PLUMBING For all sanitary plumbing repairs, maintenance and renovations. Phone Hilton 082 789 2897 or 021 439 5550 BLINDS New blinds, servicing, repairs and cleaning. Stephen Guinsberg 082 563 1955 CARPET CRAFT For the steam-cleaning of carpets and upholstery. All work done personally. Phone Leslie Kaplan 082 547 7208 MAZAL MOTORS Leon Levitt — Maintenance and repairs to all types of vehicles. Try us. Ph 021 797 1550 or 082 410 2756 COMPUTERS All PC needs including new computers, virus removal, upgrades, ADSL, Skype and troubleshooting. Phone Ilan 082 732 4830 or 021 434 7691 THE COMPUTER GUY Internet connectivity, upgrades, new systems, specialised software, repairs and troubleshooting. 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BARGAINS GALORE OUR CHARITY STORE 65 REGENT ROAD SEA POINT TEL 021 4347142 (NEXT TO SEPHARDI SHUL) under the auspices ofJewish Community Services Tel No 021 4625520 Treatment in the following areas: • Chronic foot, ankle, knee and lower back pain • Sports injuries • Foot orthotic management — Video gait and cycling assessment • Computerised Foot Force plate analysis •3D designed digitally manufactured orthotics, 48 hour turn around time •All general foot and nail conditions Diabetic foot Assessment and management Laser treatment for fungal infection of nails Undercover parking at the Cape Quarter NPO 003-172 No garage space? Emigrating? I will buy your vehicle! since 1996 Melville Silke Ph 072 132 5572 021 5523429 a/h CARLO LONGANO PODIATRIST BIO-DYNAMICS INSTITUTE, THE POINT, 3RD FLOOR, REGENT ROAD, SEA POINT My practice of 30 years has grown into a state-of-the-art practice specialising in performance enhancement (biomechanics) and rehab for orthopedic and sports injuries. I use the latest in technology — Dartfish, Zephyr, SEMG, dyno/Myo (muscle function and strength testing) and thermography. We are known worldwide for our treatments and orthotic therapy. I also run a sports shoe clinic in partnership with top shoe brands to match the shoe closest to your activity profile. Call 021 434 0126 or 082 727 7147 for an appointment Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Jewish Fragility opinion 35 By Ayal Belling Sitting at the Seder table the other night I found myself struggling to restrain an angry and emotional reaction to something that was said. moves ultimately lead the White Fragile to claim that they are being attacked and victimised. Fragility undoubtedly occurs in many groups that have power and privilege. Male Fragility would be the state in which even he statement, about me, was undeniably, incontrovertibly true. mild references to misogyny in society are unbearable to men, often causing them However, the person who said it was my mother. As an adult, there are few to point out that, in fact, they are the real victims (of feminisation or experiences more universal the burden of being the than being reduced by provider, for example). a parent to a crotchety, Or Hetero Fragility where explosive, teenage version The state in which the mere suggestion that of yourself. My friends will even muted homophobia remains tell you that I can sometimes criticism of Israel evident is greeted with have a masochistic fetish for claims of attack on is intolerable to critique of my personality, marriage, the family and the illumination of my blind Jews is what I call religious institutions. In spots. Unless, the source is Jewish Fragility White, Male and Hetero my mother. Or, in the terms Fragility it is the discomfort of a 2010 paper by the from the loss of some American academic, Robin degree of privilege (largely only in statute) DiAngelo, I have very low psychosocial that leads to feelings of victimhood and stamina for even minimal critique of myself fear. when it comes from my mother. The state in which even muted criticism DiAngelo, though, looks at how some of Israel is intolerable to Jews is what I white people in North America angrily call Jewish Fragility. Consider how the and emotionally react to being told that following familiar statements (triggers) they have all sorts of privileges accruing make you feel. to them from the colour of their skin. She introduces the term White Fragility - Israel's response to attacks by Palestinians to describe the “state in which even a is sometimes disproportionate minimum amount of racial stress becomes - Israel illegally occupies the West Bank intolerable, triggering a range of defensive - Palestinians suffer discrimination in Israel moves. These moves include the outward -The Israeli army sometimes mistreats display of emotions such as anger, Palestinians at checkpoints fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as DiAngelo tries to get at the source of argumentation, silence, and leaving the the offence caused by the triggers stress-inducing situation.” These defensive of White Fragility. She says that the T challenge to beliefs white people hold Israel is a country of eight million people, about themselves is at the heart of their an externality, while race, gender and reactions. Four of these challenges — sexual orientation are internal qualities that to objectivity, solidarity, liberalism and form our identity. I would argue though that meritocracy — can be reframed to apply we see Israel as our family home and a to Jewish Fragility. Objectivity relates to particular version of its story as our family the challenge that our view comes from a story — one which we have internalised. Jewish frame of reference. Jews who break DiAngelo says that white people don’t with the Jewish consensus challenge the think complexly about racism which leads solidarity of the group. The them to trivialise their accusation that Israel's history of brutalisation of actions have a racist impact other races and to confuse (We) not only or that access is unequal discomfort for fear and wield significant between Jewish and nonlack of safety. This is true power as a Jewish Israelis, challenges of Jewish Fragility too. In the perception that we are my experience, Jewish nation but can liberal, unprejudiced and communities around the also commit meritocratic. world operate varying discrimination, The most well-worn degrees of — decentralised, response to the triggers usually disorganised, human rights of Jewish Fragility is often rancorous — Zionist abuses and even the accusation of antinarrative lock-down which atrocities Semitism. This is backed reduces our capacity for up by arguments about empathic and complex disproportionate focus, thinking about Palestinians historic treatment of Jews by Arab states, and Israel. Many of us are unable to Israel’s right to self-defence and that admit that we, a people who suffered Palestinians are responsible for Israel’s the holocaust and who have been so occupation and behaviour because they thoroughly persecuted for thousands of cannot be trusted or do not have leaders years, today not only wield significant to represent them. These defensive power as a nation but can also commit manoeuvres prevent nuanced thinking discrimination, human rights abuses and about the morality of Israel’s behaviour even atrocities. and how it is experienced by Palestinians. While White, Male and Hetero Fragility Ayal Belling is a tech entrepreneur working are caused by the fear induced by in Cape Town. He previously worked in the reduction in privilege and power, finance in the UK. He studied mathematics Jewish Fragility derives from the loss of at UCT and real estate investment in victimhood and discomfort with Jewish London. He returned to Cape Town in 2012 power and privilege in Israel. Of course, after spending 13 years in London. We are happy to announce that Endee Panel Shop (since 1969) has amalgamated their goodwill and customer base of 46 years with Dent Magic Cape Town (address: l20 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, entrance in Helliger Lane) under the name of Dent Magic, in association with Endee Panel Shop. Dent Magic, in association with Endee Panel Shop, will continue to strive to provide Endee clients with the same standard of integrity, quality and service to which they have been accustomed over the last 46 years. Our telephone numbers and email addresses will remain the same. Looking forward to welcoming our long-standing customers and friends. Milton Berger Phone: 021-4224201/2/3 ; Fax 021-4224749 Email :;; 36 Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 COMMUNITY & CULTURE ‘There was once a home…’ Every month in this Chronicle series, Veronica Belling shares aspects of her trip to Lithuania. Text and photographs by Veronica Belling Kovno The final destination on our trip was Kovno. K ovno, (Kaunus in Lithuanian) is the second largest city in Lithuania after Vilnius, with a current population of just over 300 000. During the interwar years when Vilnius was annexed to Poland, it was the capital city of independent Lithuania. During this period it accommodated a Jewish population of 38 000. The city was a hub of Jewish culture with schools, synagogues and the headquarters of the Jewish People’s Bank. Kovno University had a thousand Jewish students and many attended the Hebrew Teaching Seminary including future South African Jewish educationalist, Moshe Natas. Sugahara Museum The Sugahara Museum is also located in Kovno. It is named in memory of the Japanese diplomat, Chiune Sugahara who was responsible for issuing 6000 visas for Jews to leave Lithuania during the Holocaust. The director of the museum, Simon Davidovich, was our guide for this leg of the trip. In the Vilijampole district, known to the Jews as Slobodka, a simple stone memorial marks the entrance to what was the Kovno ghetto where 29 000 Jews were incarcerated on 15 August 1941. Another stone marks the spot where the ghetto hospital once stood. It was burnt down by the Nazis with the patients and medical staff inside. The Bet Midrash of the famous Yeshiva of Slobodka still stands in that area today. Just over 200 Jews remain in Kovno today, including our guide, Simon Davidovich, whose parents and grandparents survived the Holocaust. Kovno’s darkest side is the Ninth Fort on the northwest outskirts of the city where approximately 30 000 Jews amongst people of many other nationalities were executed by the Nazis. Its stark walls house a chilling museum to the dead. It is built along the contours of a hill, overlooked by a brooding Soviet statue to the victims, built in 1983. The Ninth Fort Slobodka Yeshiva Soviet memorial to victims at The Ninth Fort Memorial at entrance to the Kovno Ghetto A truly fantastic line-up for Limmud Conference 2015 The difference you deserve... Limmud Conferences around the world have come to be associated with a phenomenal variety of Jewish thinkers, movers and shakers from across the globe. This year, Limmud Cape Town (7-9 August 2015) is no different in this regard, as we look forward to welcoming stellar Jewish minds to our shores. We are thrilled to announce a taste of our international presenters for this year’s Conference, each of whom is sure to add to our programme content that is as fascinating and exciting as their resumes: A nnika Hernroth-Rothstein, a political advisor and writer from Sweden, made international headlines in 2012 when she filed for asylum in her own country on the basis of religious persecution, in order to force her government to protect the Jewish minority and acknowledge the growing Anti-Semitism in the country. Y air Dalal, an Israeli musician of Iraqi-Jewish descent, is an oud- and violin-player, as well as a singer and composer. He has won several Israeli music awards and has also been nominated for a Grammy and BBC World Music Award due to his interwoven influences of Arab, Jewish, Indian and European music. I ttay Flescher is a Jewish educator, born in Israel and currently teaching at Mount Scopus Memorial College in Australia. His courses there and elsewhere include Religion and Society, Israeli Society through Film and Music, and teaching Tanach in a Pluralist setting. Julia Lieman 083 303 1002 Office: 021 434 8755 Behind the scenes of our conference’s riveting line-up is a team of dedicated volunteers, working to make Limmud Cape Town a weekend of stimulating and fulfilling experiences: Gabi Nudelman and Heidi-Jane Esakov-Jacobson are our Programme Co-Chairs; Melissa Marcus and Lauren Kessler are heading up our Logistics Team; Sofi Zway and Nina Hoffman are planning the children’s portion of conference, Young Limmud; Jackie Maris is taking care of Marketing, and Nancy Krisch is our National representative. Overseeing this executive team are Craig Nudelman and Maxine Boyd – a duo whose extensive, passionate experience with Limmud in the past is sure to make this year’s conference one of the best yet. Diarise the dates now (7-9 August) and don’t forget to register for this amazing event, so that you can be a part of a weekend which takes you one step further on your Jewish journey. Go to now to get the Early-bird special. 37 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 ‘mensch of the month’ Whether you’re into banting, yoga, CrossFit, vegetarianism, juicing, or earth-friendly produce... Whether you’re a vitamin junkie, detox queen, smoothie fanatic or gym bunny… There’s only one store for you! the MENSCH network Jason Woolf Founding Director with Anele Xhali Dance Ambassador of Umbiyozo Jason Woolf is a twenty-one year old social entrepreneur, cultural activist, musician and university student. Raised in the U.S. by South African parents, Jason was one of 17 inaugural members of the social enterprise accelerator, Watson University, and will graduate from New York University‘s Gallatin School of Individualized Study in May 2016. He is a dual citizen, with both his mother and grandparents residing in Cape Town. Jason is the Founding Director of Umbiyozo a youth-focused social venture uniting the traditional-song and -dance troupes of Cape Town’s townships. Umbiyozo’s mission is to incentivise youth participation within their communities’ troupes so as to prevent gangsterism, drug usage, teenage pregnancy, social isolation, and disempowerment. Umbiyozo aims to empower individuals and showcase these independent troupes through the creation an Umbiyozo Hub based in Khayelitsha, as well as helping the troupes to help themselves through assistance and training in fundraising, self-promotion and event organising. Umbiyozo are urgently in need of financial support to continue to grow and build on their success thus far. Please contact Jason if you are interested in assisting Umbiyozo: 0761862245 The Atlantic Seaboard and City Bowl Team have established themselves as a Super Sales Team always at your service. Shop 3 Mimosa, Cnr Church & Regent Roads, Sea Point 021 439 3903 shop bantinapgles t snacks, s re o &m helping you live life well shop wellness warehouse wellnews ® 38 COMMUNITY & CULTURE Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 HABONIM DROR NETZER The future is bright for Habonim Dror’s upcoming leaders The past few weeks have seen highly successful Mini Machanot run in both of Habonim’s main kenim of Johannesburg and Cape Town. W e also saw excellent visits to the smaller centres of Durban and Port Elizabeth. This has made it a very exciting time for Habonim channichim and madrichim across the country. Furthermore, these events have allowed for a fantastic opportunity to foster a future generation of leaders in the movement. The Mini Machanot in both cities were privileged to have many young and upcoming leaders in Habonim take on leadership roles, Channichot pose for the camera at some for the first time. Our madrichim Johannesburg Mini Machaneh who have recently returned from our year-long gap year programme in for many years to come. But of course, mini Israel, Shnat Hachshara, were able to use machanot would not be worthwhile were these experiences to put what they learned it not for the dozens of smiling, laughing into practice and make these weekends channichim spending a weekend away; unforgettable for our newest chaverim. learning, making new friends, playing Alongside them were recent matriculants sport, doing arts and crafts and generally having their first experience in Habonim having a remarkable Habonim experience. Dror leadership roles as well as matrics We were delighted to have had this, in and grade 11s taking part in a journey of numbers, in both cities and are looking leadership preparation that will hopefully forward to the next few months of channich see them actively involved, both on our events, Shorashim, leadership tours and December machanot and during the year, much more. SA Union of Jewish Students Madrichim bonding at Kirstenbosch Gardens We cannot believe that the first quarter of the year is over. I t feels like just yesterday camp ended, but you know what they say, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ and Netzer Cape Town has definitely been having tons of fun! In March we celebrated Purim at Wynberg Temple Israel Synagogue, where different games and stalls were set up for the children and parents to enjoy. There was face-painting, a jumping castle and several games where many sweet prizes were won. We also had a bonding day for our Madrichim in Kirstenbosch. We discussed all our exciting plans for the year and our new initiatives, while exploring the botanical garden. We left our bonding session brimming with ideas and new ways to improve the movement. Some other events from March include a Hadracha Seminar for our madrichim. Here they learn skills on how to run successful peulot and other leadership skills which will be useful in all spheres of life. In the second term of the year we might be holding a Netzer Cape Town sleepover for all the channichim. Other events that we will be involved with during this time include some Lag Ba’omer festivals, Yom Ha’azmaut at Ratanga Junction and our very first big camp meeting where we will start to plan what is sure to be one of the most amazing December camps yet! If you are interested in finding out more about Netzer and what we represent, feel free to look up our website, which has just had a very modern make-over; www.netzer. You will find articles about our most recent events, photos, information about our mazkirut as well as Netzer’s ideology. Nilmad vena’aseh Kalia Barkai BNEI AKIVA The Shlichot’s report At the beginning of the year we told ourselves that 2015 would be an extraordinary year for Bnei and we were completely right! A SAUJS peace tent at UCT SAUJS has been incredibly busy for the past three months with Orientation Week, Israel Apartheid Week, campus braais, Pesach seders and many other events. W e recorded our highest number of sign-ups ever with nearly 200 new members. We have a full leadership committee of 13 people who have put together even more great plans for the year. Israel Apartheid Week was highly successful for all at UCT with UWC and Stellenbosch being fairly quiet. Our Israeli delegation from Stand With Us and IDC as well as support from the Israel Centre, Bnei Akiva, Netzer, Habonim and the Jewish Board of Deputies helped to make this week possible. The biggest thanks need to go the SA Zionist Federation Cape Council for all their support and advice before and during this tough week. Our campaign would not have even got off the ground if it weren’t for the assistance of the SAZF. We had the right balance of materials and personal support to get our message across to the student body. We were also grateful to see the support of the greater community who attended our lunchtime talks and enforced our sentiments that the students are not fighting this battle alone. We are already strategising for next year and would appreciate any input from the community. We are now looking forward to our Yom Yerushalayim party. It promises to be even bigger and better than the one we hosted last year at Salt Vodka Bar. The event should be up on Facebook soon and we invite all Jewish young adults and tertiary students of Cape Town to attend! We would like to assure the community that we are still dedicated to building the Jewish student community at universities across the Western Cape and we would like to wish all students good luck for the second semester. Jonathan Levi Western Cape Chairperson 2015 fter an unbelievable camp we kicked off the school year by doing visits to all the schools around Cape Town with a programme including music and fun and games during breaks. Every week, when the Shlichot are in Sea Point, they run a program at Channies outside in the sunshine Morasha Shul called ‘Snif’ which includes For the younger Gurim kids (grade 3-6) fun activities in a safe environment that we had a Mini Machaneh in Villiersdorp at enriches the kids that participate. the SOS Campsite. It was only a weekend The first event of the year was for but the kids got a taste of what Winter Ktantanim (Grades 3 and 4) we made Camp in July will be like. yummy pizza with over 30 primary school Bnei Akiva South Africa launched a kids. The first event of the year for Chevre campaign for “World Chessed Day” to take (Grades 7-10) got great reviews and we place nationally. Chessed is one of our have subsequently turned it into a biweekly fundamental pillars and we wrote letters to event called Mifgash. We started off with IDF solders and made sandwiches for an sushi making and every second week underprivileged nursery school. there is supper with amazing activities, This is just a handful of the many things discussions and chilling. we have done this year and we are looking At Purim we made Mishloach Manot. forward to the many more amazing Many people ordered from us and we were activities to come! happy to help them fulfill the Mitzvah! We had over 500 Mishloach Manot orders, Bevirkat Torah Ve’Avoda, which was amazing and we thank everyone Tamar Sa’ar and Lee-el Shoshtari who supported the movement. (Bnei Akiva Shlichot) sport Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 Reflections on the ICC World Cup Cricket Afghan fielding coach, Ryan Maron, shares his experiences Ryan Maron, a parent at Herzlia Kerem, visited Herzlia Constantia for their weekly assembly to share his experience as field coach for the Afghanistan Cricket Team in their first ICC Cricket World Cup. 39 Five minutes with Ryan O ur boys, who are cricket enthusiasts, followed the World Cup cricket very closely. Ryan shared the experiences he had with the Afghanistan Team and many of the matches they played. The fascinating complexity of the lives of the cricketers, so foreign to our children, added a new dimension to the presentation. Ryan shared that as a Jewish man he was fully accepted by the Muslim cricketers who were very religious and who prayed 5 times a day. He spoke about the training that had to take place in Dubai as it was too dangerous to be in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. He described the lifestyle of the cricketers whereby up to 40 family members all live together in one home and contribute to their shared income. The questions that the children asked were intelligent and thought-provoking and created added value to the discussion. Ryan kindly dished out World Cup paraphernalia to children who could answer cricket questions. Herzlia Constantia received an Afghanistan cricket shirt from Ryan which we will frame for our hall. How did you find the atmosphere at the ICC? he atmosphere was massive. Being exposed to the highest level of oneday cricket and meeting top coaches and players was a priceless experience. I often had to pinch myself to remind myself where I was and the level of cricket I was involved in. It has been an honour and privilege working with the Afghanistan players. I tried to see as much of Australia and New Zealand as I could and was fortunate enough to have my wife with me to share the experience. T Herzlia cricket fans pose with Ryan Maron after the talk Isabella Sherman, Hannah Cohen, Rebecca Chin and Emma Rabinowitz with Ryan Maron Game, set, match for Cape Town star Aaron Marks is currently ranked Number 1 in Western Province and Number 5 in South Africa for tennis, in his age group — U14. His match record for 2015 is 9 matches, 8 wins and 1 loss. H e competes in all the local Western Province and Boland tournaments — some of which he plays in the U16 age group. He also plays in the National tournaments around South Africa. Aaron trains at The Anthony Harris Tennis Academy in Sea Point. He is very committed, focussed and dedicated. Icy water doesn’t stop Michael Michael Levitt is 11 years old and has already completed his second relay Freedom Swim from Robben Island to Big Bay. (Last year his relay team won the event) Michael with his medal T his year the water temperatures made it extremely difficult to swim, but he still did his part in a speedo. The team, called Three Suits and a Polar Bear, comprised four swimmers — two 16 year-olds, a 15 year-old and Michael. They came 14th overall and 7th in the wetsuit relay competition. Aaron has also started to play in ITF (International Tennis Federation) Tournaments which is the 18 and Under International Junior Tour played around the world. Aaron gives his all on the court. To date he has played ITF Tournaments in Zimbabwe and Kenya, and two in South Africa, in Stellenbosch and Potchefstroom. Players from all over the world including Russia, Spain, Britain, USA, Netherlands, France and Italy play in these tournaments. He will be playing in Botswana and Namibia in April/ May. Are you happy with your team’s performance? he team played well in stages, but I still feel that they could have performed better, especially with the bat. I have been very satisfied with the level of the fielding. It was an all-round great experience for the players, this being their first Cricket World Cup. T What is your plan for after ICC? am going to spend some time with my family and catch up with outstanding admin at my Cricket School of Excellence. I am looking to get more involved with the Afghanistan side and also to improve my coaching through international coaching in the future. After meeting with the Australian fielding coach, Mike Young, I am hoping to work closely with him to improve as a coach and also broaden my horizons. I Keeping it in the family B rothers Adam Gradner (Grade 6) and Jason Gradner (Grade 4) broke two records each at the recent Herzlia interschools sports day held in Green Point. Adam also won the Victor Ludorum at the Weizmann Sports Day the previous week. In the past year Aaron played and won several tournaments, including: Winner Western Province Summer — Doubles Winner Boland Sportsman’s Warehouse Mini 1 — U14 Singles Winner Boland Sportsman’s Warehouse U16 — Singles and doubles Winner Boland Civvio Winter — Boys singles Runner up Boland Masters invitational U14 for top 8 performers of 2014 Runner up Western Province Masters Invitational U14 for top 8 performers of 2014 Winner Boland Sportsman’s Warehouse Mini in U16 age group. Swimming far out at sea Adam and Jason pose with a trophy at the Weizmann Sports Day. 40 TING ETTING ng living . Cape Jewish Chronicle May 2015 S E E F F C A M P S B AY We Sold Over R440 MILLION! *March 2014 - February 2015 Over the past 12 months, Seeff Camps Bay sold over R440 Million of real estate. Just another reason why Seeff is the smart move to make when it comes to choosing a real estate company to handle your needs. 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Bedrooms Bathrooms Garages 1 &Parking 4 Open-plan living room leads out to pool & garden + separate 2 roomed income-producing cottage. Quaint garden chalet facing Lion's Head avoiding summer heat & sun glare. Open-plan living POLAleads 083out 261to0116 | NADINE 072 23021947 | CHRYS 072 470 5252 room pool & garden + separate roomed income-producing cottage. ROCHELLE | LYN 082 575 1999 WEB 341572 WEB 341572 POLA 083 261 0116 | NADINE 072 230 1947 | CHRYS 072 470 5252 346954 346954 Imma ex Imm e
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