free church of scotland FREE CHURCH, ARNISDALE, KYLE, IV40 8JL Former Church Residential Conversion/Development Property Picturesque Views Remote and Peaceful Location Rare Opportunity OFFERS OVER £85,000 DESCRIPTION The subjects comprise a traditional stone and slate single storey building, which is currently used as a Free Church. The property is not a Listed Building and presents a rare opportunity to acquire a development project for conversion/development of an existing building in to a residential use. The subjects occupy a remote location with picturesque outlook and are set within an area of land extending to approximately 0.185 acre. LOCATION The subjects lie on the north shore of Loch Hourn looking south to the mountains of the Knoydart peninsula and are found at the end of a 10 mile single track road running south from Glenelg. Arnisdale comprises a line of cottages hugging the shore of a shingly bay, culminating at its southern end with the imposing, white-painted Arnisdale House, built in 1898. Close to Arnisdale House is the pier, sloping into Loch Hourn. Moored in the bay in the shelter afforded by the tidal Eilean Tioram you will usually find a few small fishing and leisure craft. The subjects occupy one of the more remote outposts in mainland Scotland. Inverness is located approximately 82 miles north east of the subjects whilst Kyle of Lochalsh is approximately 35 miles north. Cuillin Cottage Donlla FLOOR AREA The building foot-print extends to circa 169 sq m (1,819 sq ft) as measured using Promap. SERVICES Mains water and electricity. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves on services to the property. PLANNING The property is considered to be suitable for residential conversion/ development, subject to relevant consents being obtained from ENTRY Early entry available. VIEWING By arrangement via the selling agents on 01463 234742 or 0131 226 5286. OFFERS Offers over £85,000 are invited and should be submitted in writing to:- k Trac DIRECTIONS From Inverness take the A82 signposted Fort William. Follow this road until you reach Invermoriston and take the right hand turn signposted to Kyle (A887/A87). Follow this road for approximately 35 miles, go through Shiel Bridge and turn left on to Old Military Road which is signposted as an alternative router for the Isle of Skye, via Glenelg ferry. Follow the road from the A87 for 19 miles and you will reach Arnisdale which lies beyond Glenelg. The property is located on your left hand side before the graveyard. ACCOMMODATION The accommodation comprises a hall and entrance vestibule. Arnisdale Arnisdale House Deiseal Church Cottage Church TCB Zion Cottage M ea n Shingle 0m 10m 20m 30m Gr av e Hi gh W at er S The Old School ya rd pr in gs Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432. Plotted Scale - 1:1000 the local authority. The property currently has a Class 10 (non-residential institutions) Consent in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997. Prospective purchasers should make their own planning enquiries with The Highland Council on 01349 886608. RATEABLE VALUE Listed in the Valuation Roll online as Church - RV £1,925. Where there is a Change of Use, the subjects will be reassessed for nondomestic rates or council tax, as appropriate. It is possible that a Closing Date for offers will be fixed and, to ensure that they receive intimation of this, prospective purchasers should formally intimate their interest in writing or by email. As offers will require to be considered by a church committee, they should not be subject to short time limits for acceptance. The sellers do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any of the offers received. Free Church of Scotland – Scottish Charity Number: SC012925 Free Church of Scotland Offices The Mound Edinburgh EH1 2LS Telephone: 01463 234742 or 0131 226 5286 These particulars, while believed to be correct, are not warranted on behalf of the sellers. They do not form part of a contract and prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves with regard to all matters prior to submission of any offer. 50791
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