PW NL May - Peachtree Presbyterian Church

May 12, 2015
“ T O G O D B E T H E G L O R Y, F O R E V E R A N D E V E R ”
It’s Been a Wonderful Year for:
Studying - with our Bible leaders in Church and
Community, Disciple, and Tuesday circles, we
have had a wonderful year of learning together! Giving - with your monetary donations plus
material items to support so many of our causes,
we have had a wonderful year in service to others! Working Together - With our capable leaders
in so many areas, we have had a wonderful year
of doing God’s work in His world! Save toiletries this Summer!
As you travel this summer, SAVE small
toiletries and we will collect them for
Covenant House when we come back
in September.
My thanks to each of you for supporting me
and making my year as Moderator
so grand and wonderful! Betty Slater, Moderator
A big “Thank you” to Marnie and Mark Crumpler
for another amazing year of Bible Study!
Please make a note:
Monday, May 11: Church & Community Circle meet
Tuesday, May 12: General Meeting, Honorary Life
Member Award, & Installation of Officers
No CT Meeting in May!
May 12, 2015
9:30 am Clock Room - Check-in, Coffee,
9:50 am Wilson Chapel
Bible Study with the Crumplers
Music by Mary Hoffman, Ken Axelson, and
Heather Ellison
10:50 am Wilson Chapel - General Meeting
11:15 am Circle Meetings
Noon St. Andrews Room - Lunch ($10.00)
Menu: Apple Waldorf Salad,
Honey Roasted Pork Loin,
Wild Rice, Green Beans, Rolls & Butter,
Ice Cream!
Marianne Lassiter, Chair; Teresa Cross,
Kris Hoppe, Marsha Moorer
Mission Haven “15 in ’15” Campaign
asks all PW members to continue supporting the
renovation and maintenance of our residences by:
Giving a tax-deductible gi' of $15 per person,
Giving a gi' of $150 per church PW group,
Adopting 15 urgent renovation projects!
Send contributions to:
Mission Haven, 235 Inman Drive,
Decatur, GA 30030.
Mission haven is owned and supported entirely by
Presbyterian Women in 6 southern states, providing a home
away from home for missionaries of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.). working in many countries around the world.
Maureen Marsolan (C&C)
gave an account of the
Mission trip to Costa Rica
last month. Several PW
members went on that trip
and PW provided over $400
to purchase supplies. Local
women were taught to make
cra's for sale to tourists to
augment income, a'er a
devastating earthquake
destroyed the local economy.
Do you have adult-size bikes you no
longer need or use, and they are just
sitting? Mission Haven is in real need
of them for two missionary families
moving here in early June, with a total
of seven teenagers (3 girls and 4
boys). Bicycle South in Decatur will
help us refurbish them and you can
get a form for your taxes from Bicycle
South or from Mission Haven.
Contact Janet with the Mission Haven
Team for questions:
May PW Birthday Offering
The Birthday Offering asks us to celebrate
the blessings in our lives and “give as you are
blessed.” This year’s offering will provide
grants to ministries supporting women who
are overcoming oppressive, violent
situations, resulting from the drug trade and
human trafficking in Memphis, Tenn., and
Barranquilla, Columbia.
PW Honors Dr. Steve Huntley at April Meeting
Our beloved Steve Huntley retires at the end of May, a'er over 50 years of service
to God as an ordained Minister! He and his wife Catchie will be retiring to
Memphis, Tennessee.
PW invited Steve for lunch and presented him with a tray covered
with PW members’ personal messages to him. The Knit Wits
presented gi's of beautiful hand-knit scarves for both
him and Catchie. Vic Pentz joined us for a slideshow of
Dr. Huntley’s early years, including churches he has
pastored, and highlights from his 26 years at Peachtree.
A wonderful teacher, pastor, friend, pianist, and “Hymn
Expert,” Steve has been our speaker at our Annual
Christmas Service for many years, and has gladly filled
in to teach our Bible lessons when called upon.
Best wishes, Steve and Catchie, we will miss you!
❋Email photos and changes in your email address to Cathy Williams:
Be sure to copy Sally Protiva with photos, for Scrapbook:
A 3-fer! Alice Gartley’s daughter Kathy married
Travis Worthman on April 4 in Cairo, Georgia. With
his two children, Joshua, 6, and Sophia, 11, Alice
gained a son AND two grandchildren!
Mary Ellen Snodgrass (GN/former Moderator) and
husband John, welcomed grandchild Anders Wilhelm
Christiansen into the world on March 16. Parents are
Mary Frances and Eric Christiansen.
Annual Mothers Day Tea on Saturday, May 9th
takes place at Villa International beginning at 2:00
p.m. with savories, sweets and tea. Entertainment and
door prizes! The $25.00 cost benefits Villa
International. PW’s support is needed to for this
special mission. Dress up, wear your hats & gloves for
a fun afternoon. For reservations call 404-633-6783.
Villa International is located at 1749 Clifton Rd. NE.
Disciple Bible Study
Thursdays in room 2202, 10am-12.
Twelve Women of the Bible
Caye Teegarden: 404-256-2844
or Jennifer Batka:
Peachtree Book Club
Tuesday, May 19 - 10:30am, Room 3309
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
by Muriel Spark
Patty Smith will lead our discussion.
Showing MOVIE afterward--bring a sandwich!
Contact Susan Gornall:
404-266-8387 or
Knit Wits
Meets 2nd Tues. (after PW lunch)
1:00pm, in Room 2301
Contact Rosie Brannon: 404-579-8557 or
Visit our PW webpage: go to
Click on Community, then Women, then Presbyterian
Women. Latest Newsletter can be found there.
New Officers 2015-2016
*Moderator: Sally Hinkle
*Vice Moderator: Maureen Marsolan
Secretary: Karen Vereb
*Treasurer: Sarah Reinhold
*Bible Study Chair: Dot Duprow
*Mission Chairs: Mary Dye & Emily Hendrick
Search Committee Chair: Susan Gornall
Social Chair: Jan Perrett
*Membership Chair: Trisha Williamson
Past Moderator: Betty Slater
Care Co-Chairs: Nan Heuman & Meryl Dilcher
Music Chair: Mary Hoffman
Music Co-Chair: Heather Ellison
Communications: Cathy Williams
Historian: Wendy Moore
Yearbook: Marge Anderson
Tickets: Betty Prim & Carol Bell
Book Club Chair: _____________
Christmas Choir Reception: Karen Vereb
Helping Hands: Eloise Shepherd
Memory Garden: Caye Teegarden
Tender Loving Care: Marge Anderson
Circle Leaders:
Church & Community:
Margaret Carriere & Virginia Dilkes
Disciple: Caye Teegarden
Good News: Jeanne Dille & Alice Gartley
Knit Wits: _____________
Martha: Mary Sadler
Mary: _____________
*Members of the Program Council
Do You Shop on Amazon?
Every purchase
can support
Mission Haven!
Always shop at and designate
Mission Haven Inc., Decatur, Ga.,
as your charity. It’s easy!
Prayers of encouragement & good health for
Barbara (C&C) and Pat Beard,
struggling with Pat's health issues.
Pat Milne (GN), whose 29-yr.-old niece, Katy,
a young mother, is battling breast cancer.
Patti Bell (GN) home with limited mobility.
Needs help and company 1 - 8 pm.
Marsha Moorer (GN) whose husband, Bill, had
brain surgery, and is doing very well at home.
Teresa (GN) and James Cross, whose son Mark
died 10 years ago April 23, 2005, in the line of duty
as an Atlanta Police Officer.
Susan Gornall (GN) whose father passed away recently
at the age of 96. Prayers for her, her mother, and family.
Staci Graham, has a blog, discussing her travels in the
Middle East.
Betsy Harrell (GN) back surgery, recovering at home.
Nan Heuman (GN) had arthroscopic knee surgery
April 24. At home doing well.
Carolyn Withers Jones (GN), at home, is battling
serious health issues. Prayers for MRSA infection to
Marianne Lassiter’s (GN/Knit Wits) mother, Winnie
Boylston, at home at Renaissance, recovering from a
recent heart attack, and a still not-healed ankle.
Continued prayers for recovery on all fronts.
Coy (GN) and Leigh Mayerson, whose
granddaughter, Morgan Bass, a Nursing student at
Georgia Southern, died April 22.
Gilda Morris (The Gym) suffered a rare spinal stroke,
and is now home from Emory, using a walker & doing
rehab. Send her a card or email: 230 Brighton Rd.,
Atlanta, GA 30309 or
Fraser Perrett, Jan Perrett’s (GN/former
Moderator) son, in China with Campus Crusade.
Jan Perrett (GN/former Moderator) specifically for
continued recovery from Pneumonia. Cards, calls and
emails welcome. To deliver a family meal, contact her
by phone, or email:
Jo Shippen (C&C) whose husband Ben is on the
Care Floor at Lenbrook.
Mary Ellen Snodgrass’ (GN/DSC/HH/former
Moderator) brother-in-law David,
diagnosed with Liver Cancer.
Payton Szpindor (Mary/HH),
continued prayers for her husband Ed and family.
Caye Teegarden (GN/DSC/former Moderator) had
successful surgery, starts chemotherapy in early May.