Membership Information and Application Welcome to the Peachwood Recreation Club! Annual membership in the Club is limited to 350 families, keeping overcrowding at our facility to a minimum. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Club, please review the information below and complete the membership information document following. There is a $25 non-refundable application fee. If there are no membership openings, you will be added to the membership waiting list. You will be notified when an opening becomes available. Membership openings are often not known before the April 15th deadline for existing members dues to be paid. All applications will be acknowledged in writing within 10 business days following receipt. Member Information Form This form provides information such as your mailing address, the names of your family members, birth dates of children and contact phone numbers. This information is important for us to ensure your membership level and for us to contact you if necessary. Please complete and return. Club Bonds and Special Bond Agreement As a condition of membership, applicants are required to purchase a bond. This bond is 100% refundable once fully paid if you decide to terminate your membership as outlined in the Club Bylaws Article XI. Effective with new 2008 memberships, the membership bond price is $400.00. You may pay the bond price in full when you first become a member, or you may elect the installment payment plan as outlined in the Special Bond Agreement Form. If you select the payment plan, your bond payment(s) are not refundable until such time as your bond becomes fully paid. Please review the Special Bond Agreement document and sign if electing this plan. Annual Dues Effective with the 2014 season, annual dues are: $375 for a single or couple $475 for a family unit $175 for Senior Citizens, single or couple $60 for each additional parent living with you Guest Passes Daily guest fees at the Club are $7 for children or adults or $4 for seniors 65 and older. A guest card may be purchased for $60 which may be used for 20 visits, child, adult or senior (2 visits per guest per month still applies). Peachwood Pirates Swim Team If you have children is interested in joining the swim team, please contact the swim team committee via email to Wait List Special Offers As of the 2014 season, there is a Swim Team Season Only membership that allows your family to enjoy full use of the club's facilities with no restrictions through the end of the swimming season (normally the first Sunday in August) if your child(ren) join the swim team. This option allows your child(ren) to participate on the team while you wait for a bond to become available. If you would like to learn more about this membership option, please indicate so on your application and a representative will contact you with the details. There is also an August Only Membership available to families on the wait list. Ask our membership coordinator for details. Website Please visit the club website at for additional information about the club, including pool operating hours, announcements, event calendar and last minute scheduling changes. (Rev. Jan-2014) Peachwood Recreation Club • PO Box 416 • Logan Township, NJ 08085-0416 Membership Information and Application Membership Application Adult Members: Last Name: ________________________________ First Name: ________________ M.I._________ Address: __________________________________ City: _____________ St:_____ Zip: _________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell/Work: _______________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Last Name: ________________________________ First Name: ________________ M.I._________ Address: __________________________________ City: _____________ St:_____ Zip: _________ (write same if applicable) Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell/Work: _______________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Children/Additional Members: Name Relationship Date of Birth Bond Holder Signature: ___________________________________________ Bond Holder Name (print): ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Mail this completed application along with a $25.00 non-refundable application fee payable to Peachwood Recreation Club to the address at the bottom. Once received, you will be added to the membership waiting list. You will be notified when a membership opening is available. (Rev. Jan-2014) Peachwood Recreation Club • PO Box 416 • Logan Township, NJ 08085-0416
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