Common Ground: Creating a Community Where All Belong

Common Ground:
Creating a Community Where
All Belong
Un Interés Común:
Creando una Comunidad Donde Todos Pertenecen
Center is an
of parents of
children with
special health
care needs and
reaching out to
assist other
Keynote Speakers
Oradores Principales
Keith Jones
Equity in Education for All Students
Serena Lowe
Promoting Full Citizenship
March 25th, 2015
@ the Doubletree
parents and
El Centro de
PEAL es una
organización de
padres de niños
impedidos y
con necesidades
de cuidado de
salud especial,
extendiendo la
mano para asistir
a otros padres y
Scholarships Available
at a Glance
Registration &
Networking Continental Breakfast
Coffee Break & Brown Bag Auction
Morning Breakout Sessions
Keynote Speakers
Keith Jones
President and CEO of SoulTouchin’
Why We Educate: Equity In
Education For All Students
The presentation discusses the importance of the roles
Families, Educators, and Communities play in the attaining
and delivering of equitable and high quality education for all
students, particularly for students with disabilities. Mr. Jones
will discuss how the continued lack of awareness and
importance given to policies and practices that are barriers
to true inclusion of people with disabilities.
Lunch & Brown Bag Auction
Serena Lowe
Afternoon Keynote
Rising to the Occasion:
Defining our Collective Role in
Promoting the Full
Citizenship of Individuals with
Brown Bag & Exhibitors
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Para más información:
1-866-950-1040 ext. 26
Available in alternate formats upon request,
including Spanish.
Disponible en español por solicitud.
Employment Advocate
Ms. Lowe will present an overview of key national trends
and policy developments that will impact the socioeconomic
outcomes of individuals with significant disabilities in the
future. She will engage the audience in a frank discussion
about each of our collective roles in ensuring fidelity
with respect to policy implementation, so that all youth
and young adults with significant disabilities have access
to individualized supports that are focused on achieving
optimal self-sufficiency and independence.
* Follow Me!
Sponsors & Donors
Additional sponsorship opportunities
are available. Consider donating an
item to the brown bag auction. For
more information visit the
Sponsor/Donor link at to review the
many options.
Call Amy Fascio-Burke at
1-866-950-1040 or e-mail Amy at
Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Ph.D.
* Follow Me!
Inclusive Education Consultant
CAST: Transforming
Education through
Universal Design for
Throughout these two sessions
participants will get to explore two
issues that are important to both
parents and professional alike: friendship and transition.
Join Dr. Jorgensen in her first breakout where she will
discuss what to do, and what not to do, to facilitate
meaningful friendships. In Dr. Jorgensen’s second session
she will be sharing the importance of person-centered
transition planning.
Reverend Sally Jo Snyder
Director of Advocacy and
Consumer Engagement,
Consumer Health Coalition
Reverend Sally Jo Snyder’s calling is to
work with marginalized populations to
help them become proactive in their own health care. She
brings her experience and expertise to this session where
she will discuss the important role parents play in their
child’s heath care.
Jeannine Brinkley
Susan Copeland
Professor, University of New Mexico
In these sessions you will learn about
creating meaningful literacy instruction for
students with diverse learning abilities that
addresses age appropriate standards and is
meaningful for students. We will use a broad
conceptualization of literacy as a basis for developing
literacy-learning activities for all students.
Bullying Panelists
Sarah Heinzl
Julia Kaluzny
Helenka Foley
Aaron Ross
Educational Consultant
PaTTAN Pittsburgh
Leanna Lawson
IDEA Training and Consultation
Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Liz Keefe
Professor, University of New Mexico
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
research-based framework for designing educational
goals, methods, materials, and assessments that
enable all individuals to gain knowledge, skills, and
enthusiasm for learning. This is accomplished by
simultaneously providing rich supports for learning
and reducing barriers to the curriculum, while
maintaining high achievement standards for all
students. Join CAST staff as they discuss this effective
method of inclusion.
Join staff from Pennsylvania Training and
Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) and The
Allegheny Intermediate Unit as they discuss the
importance of special education and behavioral
health systems working together to create student
teams that effectively support all learners.
Nearly 1 in 3 students report being bullied
during the school year (National Center for
Educational Statistics, 2013). Join youth and young
adults from across Pennsylvania as they discuss the
effect bullying has had on their lives.
* Follow Me!
These presentations build on one
another. Consider attending both
sessions to get the most in-depth
AM Breakout Sessions 10:30-12:00
1. Difference Is O.K. Self-Respect and
Keith Jones, Soul Touchin’ Experiences
This presentation will discuss how positive self-esteem and
self-respect can influence the acceptance of difference;
including how it affects youth, disability awareness, inclusion
and how the issues of disability can affect youth self-perception.
2. Implementing Effective Literacy
Instruction and Addressing the Core
Susan Copeland Ph.D. & Liz Keefe Ph.D.
University of New Mexico
This session will help participants understand the
importance of designing and implementing effective and
challenging literacy instruction for all students, including those
with extensive needs for support. Ways to align this instruction
with age appropriate Core Curriulum standards will be
discussed. PART ONE
3. Seeing the Charade: What We Need to Do
and Not Do to Make Friendships Happen
Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Ph.D.
The #1 issue facing students and adults with significant
disabilities is loneliness and the lack of authentic, reciprocal
social relationships. This session will describe how adults –
parents and professional alike – need to view and
present our students in a way that illustrates that they are “more
alike than different” from their peers without disabilities.
The session will also explore the barriers to social relationships
that we unintentionally set up and specific strategies for
supporting both a wider and deeper circle of friends for
students with significant disabilities
4. Being the Most Valuable Player of Your
Join Pat for Lunch!
Pat Hozella, Director PA Bureau of
Special Education
Ideas or questions? This
is an opportunity to sit
with Pat for an informal
discussion over lunch.
Patricia Hozella has served as the Director of
the Pennsylvania Bureau of Special
Education (BSE) since February 2014. Prior
to her appointment as Bureau Director, Ms.
Hozella held several positions including
Assistant Director for the PA Bureau of
Special Education; State Contact at the U.S.
Department of Education’s Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP); Division Chief
for the PA Bureau of Special Education; and
Special Education Adviser for the PA Bureau
of Special Education. Previously, Ms. Hozella
taught emotional support and learning
support classes for 13 years. Ms. Hozella has
a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education, a
Master’s Degree in Special Education with
an emphasis in Behavior Disorders and has
completed the coursework for an Education
Doctorate in Special Education.
Health Care Team
Reverend Sally Jo Snyder, Consumer Health Coalition
The most valuable player in all health care encounters is you!
As parents, your role of helping to navigate and advocate for
your child is critical. From preparation for, to the actual
appointment, to follow-up and course of treatment, learn how
to be engaged and activated to ensure quality health care
5. Universal Design for Learning
CAST is an educational research and development
organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all
individuals through Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
UDL is a framework for making curriculum more inclusive.
This session will provide attendees with a broad overview of
UDL and how UDL supports the learning of all students in
inclusive settings.
Registration Rates
Professionals: $125
Parents, Students and
Persons with Disabilities:
Scholarship Rate: $30*
PM Breakout Sessions 2:00-3:30
10. Universal Design for Learning
6. Implementing Effective Literacy
Instruction and Addressing the Core
Curriculum for ALL students
Susan Copeland Ph.D. & Liz Keefe Ph.D.
University of New Mexico
This session will help participants understand the
importance of designing and implementing effective and
challenging literacy instruction for all students, including
those with extensive needs for support. Ways to align this
instruction with age appropriate standards will be
discussed. PART TWO
7. Movin’ On: Using Person-Centered
Planning to Support Transitions
Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Ph.D.
Transitions are a natural part of education for all students.
This session will describe how both year-to-year and
school-to-adult transitions can be facilitated so that students
are assured a rich inclusive education every year and
graduation to an inclusive life in the community. The
transition planning processes that will be shared are
person-centered – that is, they fully involve students and
their parents and are based on the student’s unique
personality, strengths, goals, and support needs.
CAST is an educational research & development
organization that works to expand learning opportunities for
all individuals through Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
UDL is a framework for making curriculum more inclusive.
This session will provide a deeper understanding of UDL
and how it provides a blueprint for creating instructional
goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for
everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather
flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for
individual needs.
The PEAL Center would
like to thank our Gold
and Silver Bell Sponsors
of this year’s conference.
8. Special Education and Behavioral
Health Systems: Maximizing Effectiveness
through Collaboration
Jeannine Brinkley , PaTTAN
Leanna Lawson, Allegheny Intermediate Unit
When students with disabilities are engaged in multiple
systems for support, it can be challenging to coordinate the
efforts of all systems. This session will highlight the ways that
Special Education and Behavioral Health systems can work
collaboratively to create student teams that effectively address
a student’s individual educational, behavioral, and mental
health needs. The session will highlight examples of the ways
PaTTAN and the Intermediate Unit Interagency
Coordinators have collaborated with County Department of
Human Services to facilities teams in building cohesive plans,
improving communication, and navigating the complex
systems to identify, engage, and maintain critical resources,
services, and supports.
9. Real Stories: Overcoming Bullying
Youth and Young Adult Panel
Sadly, bullying has become a common and anticipated part
of adolescence, especially for youth with disabilities. In this
session, youth will discuss their experiences with bullying, its
effect, and recovering from its impact.
See page 5 for details
General Information
Conference Location and Date
The conference will be held on
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at the
Doubletree Monroeville
101 Mall Boulevard, Monroeville, PA
Registration Options
Conference Registration deadline
is Tuesday March 17, 2015 at
There is a $10 fee for on-site
registration and registrations
received after the deadline.
Online registration is available at or submit
your registration form by mail or
fax 412-281-4408.
We accept checks, cash,
purchase orders, credit cards
or online payments through
our website. Payment in full or
proof of purchase order must be
received in advance or on-site at
Conference Registration.
Registration Rates
Professionals: $125
Parents, Students and Persons
with Disabilities: $60
Scholarship Rate: $30*
All Conference plans and costs are
based upon pre-registration. If you
must cancel or leave early during
the conference, we regret that we
cannot offer refunds or release
purchase orders.
Continental breakfast and lunch
are covered by the conference
registration fee. Coffee and
tea will be provided during the
morning break.
Please indicate on the registration
form if you are requesting a
vegetarian meal or have any other
dietary restrictions.
Request Accommodations
in Advance
Persons requiring accommodations
under the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) should
contact Amy Fascio-Burke at
1-866-950-1040 ext 26 or e-mail to
discuss needed accommodations.
ASL and Spanish Interpreters
will be available for the keynote
presentations and breakout sessions
with request in advance.
This year’s conference has increased
exhibit spaces available in high traffic
areas. Organizations interested in
exhibiting should explore the options
at the Exhibitors link on the PEAL
Call Brenda Cole with questions at
1-866-950-1040 or e-mail Brenda at
Scholarships are available for
parents, family members, persons
with disabilities and students.
To receive a scholarship check the
scholarship box on the registration
The PEAL Center is unable to
support participant travel and/or
lodging. You may want to contact
your school district, Intermediate
Unit (IU) or your Independent
Supports Coordinator (ISC).
They may have funds available to
support parent attendance for the
Act 48 Credits
Act 48 Credits will be available. Please
indicate on your registration form if
you want to receive Act 48 Credits. You
must have your Professional Personnel
ID number at the close of the
conference to receive Act 48 credits.
There is free parking available on site.
First Name
Register and pay on-line at
Para la forma de registración en español, visite
Last Name
Address Home  Work
Home phoneAlternate phone
Email Address
School DistrictIUCounty
Check all that apply:
 Parent/Family Member
 Person with a disability
 Student: School_________________
 Professional/Other
 Paraprofessional
 (Optional) I would identify myself as
culturally and/or racially diverse
AM Sessions
Wednesday, March 25th
PM Sessions
 1. Jones/Self-Respect and Acceptance
 2. Copeland & Keefe/Literacy, Part One*
 3. Jorgensen/Friendship
 4. Snyder/ Health Care Team
 5. CAST/ UDL, Part One*
Interpretes para Lenguaje de Señas
Americano (ASL) y español estarán
disponibles para las presentaciones de
apertura y sesiones de talleres mediante
Conference Registration Form
Brown Bag Auction
A Brown Bag Auction will be held
featuring items donated by local
merchants and community groups.
Buy tickets and shop for your favorite
prizes! You could go home with a gift
card for dinner at a local restaurant,
bath and beauty products or tickets for
a local attraction.
Go to the PEAL website, www. and donate an item by
clicking on the Auction link.
Questions? Email Cassie at
or call 1-866-950-1040.
 6. Copeland & Keefe/Literacy Part Two*
 7. Jorgensen/Transition
 8. Brinkley & Lawson/ Coordinating Behavior
 9. Panel/ Bullying
 10. CAST/UDL, Part Two*
*The following presenters will be doing two presentations that build on one another. You may want to attend both
sessions to get the most in-depth experience.
 Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Parents, family members, persons with disabilities and students. . . . . .
 Scholarship Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DONATION: I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to The PEAL Center.
PEAL is a 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are tax deductible
DONATION AMOUNT = ________________
TOTAL DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________________
$125 $60
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DEADLINE — Tuesday, March 17 2015, at Midnight.
There is a $10 fee for on-site registration and registrations received after the deadline.
 Veggie Meal
 ASL Interpreter
 Spanish Interpreter
 Other Accommodations Call: 1-866-950-1040
I want to earn *Act 48 credits  Yes  No
*You MUST have your Professional Personnel ID number
at the close of the conference to receive Act 48 credit.
Register and pay online at
Or send your registration form and payment or purchase order to:
PEAL Center
1119 Penn Ave., Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Charge to my  VISA  Mastercard  American Express
Card # ______________________________________________
Expiration Date _____________________3 digit CVV_________
Name on card ________________________________________
 Purchase Order Enclosed # ____________(Tax ID for PO-20-2943378)
 Check # _______________ (Payable to PEAL Center)
 Money Order
Parent Education &
Advocacy Leadership Center
1119 Penn Avenue, STE 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Toll Free 1-866-950-1040
Fax 412-281-4408
TTY 412-281-4409
You will find that the
PEAL Conference is
the place to be if you
are looking to build
and expand your
You will connect with
a group of educators
and parents who
and celebrate diversity
with you.
Common Ground: Creating a
Community Where All Belong
March 25
Un Interés Común:
Creando una Comunidad Donde
Todos Pertenecen
Doubletree Monroeville
101 Mall Boulevard,
Monroeville, PA 15146
The PEAL Center welcomes parents, youth with disabilities, teachers,
paraprofessionals, administrators and other professionals to join a discussion about
inclusive schools and communities. Make plans to join in this important gathering.
Exhibitors and
Co-Sponsors Welcome
Expositores y copatrocinadores
están bienvenidos
For more information:
Amy Fascio-Burke
1-866-950-1040 ext. 26
TTY 412-281-4409
Para mas información:
1-866-950-1040 ext. 26
TTY 412-281-4409
Available in alternate formats
upon request, including
Disponible en español
por solicitud