Clerk; Stuart Bacon, c/o 3 Mountfield Road, Earl Shilton, Leicestershire LE9 7LW 07818 261 585 MARCH MINUTES Minutes of meeting held at 7:30 pm on Monday 23rd March 2015 at Stapleton Village Hall, School Lane, Stapleton Present: Cllr P. Chick (Chairman) (P) Cllr M. Hill (P) Cllr A. Porter (Vice Chair) (S) Cllr J. Newbury (KM) Cllr G. Dover (S) Cllr J. Ball (KM) In attendance: Stuart Bacon (Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer) Cllr Mrs Ruth Camamile – Leicestershire C.C. (LCC) and Hinckley & Bosworth B.C. (HBBC) Cllr Brian Sutton – Hinckley & Bosworth B.C. (HBBC) 3x Parishioners 15/017 Welcome/Apologies for Absence The Chairman welcomed those present. 15/018 Declarations by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests (In relation to Agenda items) including requests for dispensations Cllr Hill declared a Non-Pecuniary interest in item 15/023.1 application 14/01226/FUL. Cllr Chick declared a Pecuniary interest in item 15/025.7. 15/019 To Review, Approve and Sign the Minutes from the Meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2015 and Tuesday 17th February 2015 Members reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2015. RESOLVED: To accept and to sign as a true and accurate record. Cllr M. Hill proposes, Cllr P. Chick seconds, all agree Cllr R. Camamile arrived. Members reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17th February 2015. RESOLVED: To accept and to sign as a true and accurate record. Cllr A. Porter proposes, Cllr M. Hill seconds, all agree 15/020 Matters Arising/Update of actions from previous Minutes None. 15/021 Reports from County and District Councillors (10 minutes on items relating to the parish) Cllr B. Sutton - HBBC Cllr Sutton explained landlords across the district have shown their displeasure at the change in national policy to pay benefits direct to tenants as not all tenants paying landlords. Cllr R. Camamile – HBBC/LCC Cllr Camamile explained electoral review is planned across the county, reviewing LCC ward divisions. The Director of Public Health’s Annual Report has been published and oversees public health across the county. Minutes – 23rd March 2015 Peckleton Parish Council Page 1 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Date ___21/04/2015___ Cllr Camamile noted the County Council precept had increased by 1.99%. Unfortunately the bid by the ‘Friends of Snibston’ didn’t stack up, meaning exhibits will be spread around other museums across the county, and the museum at Snibston will be closed. 15/022 Parishioners’ time A parishioner raised concerns around the new fencing in Kirkby Mallory recreation ground, with dogs being allowed in by owners. Play area is designated as ‘no dogs allowed’ to prevent small children catching myxomatosis and Toxicariasis. The parishioner also questioned if the fence could be painted. The parishioner went on to comment on the planning application West of Summers Close, referring to previous applications for the site and asking Members to be mindful of decisions affecting those who live on surrounding land, asking Members to oppose the application. Cllr M. Hill temporarily departs due to Non-Pecuniary interest. 15/023 Planning Issues/Applications 15/023.1 To review planning applications received since last meeting 14/01226/FUL - Erection of 1 No. wind turbine (up to 41.5 metres in tip height) with associated infrastructure including access track, turbine foundations, crane hardstanding, substation and associated underground cabling at Odd House Farm Cottage, Rogues Lane, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 3DX RESOLVED: No comment. Cllr M. Hill re-joins the meeting. 14/01276/OUT - Erection of two dwellings with associated access (outline access) at 16 Main Street, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JN – APPLICATION WITHDRAWN 15/00113/HOU - Erection of new garage with studio over and enclosure of swimming pool in new The Old Farmhouse, Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire RESOLVED: No comment. 15/00115/HOU - Proposed single storey conservatory at 37 Manor Crescent, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JQ RESOLVED: No comment. 15/00112/FUL - Erection of 3 field shelters and associated hard standing at Meadow View Farm School, Brookland Farm, Kirkby Road, Barwell, Leicester RESOLVED: No comment. 15/00139/HOU - Two storey side extension including roof alterations and porch to front at 16 Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JB RESOLVED: No comment. 15/00062/TPO - Works to Horse Chestnut tree at 6 Summers Close, Kirkby Mallory, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 7QP RESOLVED: No comment. 15/00147/HOU - Extensions and alterations to garage at 14 Summers Close, Kirkby Mallory, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 7QP RESOLVED: No comment. 15/023.2 To review planning consultations received since last meeting 15/00172/FUL - Erection a dwelling with associated parking, landscaping and infrastructure on Land to the West of 1 Summers Close, Kirkby Mallory, Leicester, Leicestershire Cllr Ball read details she provided to Members at meeting. RESOLVED: To object with recommendations RESOLVED: Clerk to circulate letter to Members before submitting to HBBC. 15/00113/HOU (Re-consultation) - Erection of new garage with studio over and enclosure of swimming pool in new building – at The Old Farmhouse, Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire RESOLVED: No comment. Minutes – 23rd March 2015 Peckleton Parish Council Page 2 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Date ___21/04/2015___ 15/00115/HOU (Re-consultation) - Proposed single storey conservatory at 37 Manor Crescent, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JQ RESOLVED: No comment. Cadeby Quarry, Naneby Hall Farm, Brascote Lane, Cadeby, Leicestershire, CV13 0BB (i) Extension of Sand and Gravels Workings, Construction of a Field Conveyor and Subsequent Restoration to Agriculture and Water (REF 2015/CM/0059/LCC); RESOLVED: No comment. (ii) S73 Application To Enable The Existing Processing Plant, Clean Water Lagoon, Settlement Lagoons, Pipes And Conveyor System Until 31st December 2021 (REF. 2015/VOCM/0060/LCC). RESOLVED: No comment. Cllr Dover updated Members on planning permission, quarry working with pub to develop business plan/advertising. 15/024 To receive situation update for: 15/024.1 Undeveloped Land Adjacent to Summers Close, Kirkby Mallory Discussed earlier in the agenda. 15/024.2 New fence for Kirkby Mallory recreation ground RESOLVED: Clerk to obtain lock for double gates. ACKNOWLEDGED: Grant money received from HBBC towards fence. 15/024.3 Oak tree for Kirkby Mallory recreation ground New oak tree has now been planted. RESOLVED: Jubilee tree plaque to be reinstated. Cllr Chick to relocate plaque from Peckleton if possible. 15/024.4 New goal posts for Kirkby Mallory recreation ground RESOLVED: Clerk to go ahead with order subject to meeting safety standard. 15/024.5 Mallory Park Racetrack It was noted there had been no changes or developments since the last council meeting, other than planning application received. 15/024.6 Monthly playground inspections on parish council owned recreation grounds ACKNOWLEDGED: Issues with moles reported, no other items requiring action. RESOLVED: Clerk to appoint mole control company. 15/024.7 New hedge plants installed against new fence in Stapleton ACKNOWLEDGED: Hedge plants have now been placed. 15/024.8 Locally reported crime including any update from police safer neighbourhood team Instance of horse reported on KM recreation ground – 9th February, Police aware and horse removed. RESOLVED: Cllr Chick to bring copy of crime figures to all future meetings. ACKNOWLEDGED: Members noted various correspondences received from Police. 15/024.9 Earl Shilton and Barwell Area Action Plan ACKNOWLEDGED: A meeting with developers took place revising S.106 contributions down by £7m. 2x parishioners depart. Minutes – 23rd March 2015 Peckleton Parish Council Page 3 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Date ___21/04/2015___ 15/024.10 2015 Stan Pitt Community Award. RESOLVED: Cllr Chick, Cllr Dover and Cllr Ball to act as Award committee and meet to review nominations. 15/024.11 Hinckley and Bosworth Parish Forum Meeting - 27th January 2015 ACKNOWLEDGED: Minutes of the meeting were circulated to Members. Cllr Dover believed Superfast broadband may not yet be working in any of our villages. 15/024.12 Cadeby Quarry liaison meeting Cllr Dover updated Members earlier in the meeting. Existing quarry manager Phil Lee is retiring in May and being replaced by his present understudy. 15/024.13 7th May 2015 Elections HBBC Electoral Registration team held a Candidates and Agents briefing on 5 March 2015 at Hinckley Hub. The Clerk reminded Members of the 9th April @ 4:00pm deadline for submitting nominations for election. 15/025 Finance 15/025.1 To receive update following LRALC Pensions briefing The Clerk updated Members following briefing, noting the differences in Pension schemes and that whichever Pension scheme is chosen will demonstrate the Council’s opinion of how they value their employees. RESOLVED: Members agreed to revisit the topic in June 2015. 15/025.2 To receive and acknowledge briefing on Pensions (Auto-Enrolment) and Local Government Pension Scheme ACKNOWLEDGED: Peckleton Parish Council has been given a staging date of 01 February 2017 and a declaration deadline of 30 June 2017. Details of the action plan for automatic enrolment had been circulated to Members. 15/025.3 To confirm purchase of Councillor Induction Dividers from LRALC RESOLVED: To approve purchase of 10 packs of Induction Dividers. Cllr P. Chick proposes, Cllr A. Porter seconds, all agree 15/025.4 To confirm website/email domain name registration for two years RESOLVED: To approve renewal of website/email domain name registration for two years. Cllr P. Chick proposes, Cllr A. Porter seconds, all agree 15/025.5 To approve purchase of sign to be placed on new fencing in Kirkby Mallory Play Area RESOLVED: Members agreed a budget of £100 for sign. RESOLVED: Cllr Chick to recirculate design to Members. ACKNOWLEDGED: Cllr Porter updated Members that delay in obtaining sign for Stapleton was to ensure sign falls in line with new standard, which is about to be released. 15/025.6 To review request for contribution from Stapleton Village Hall RESOLVED: Members approved a grant of £70 to the over 63’s annual luncheon. Cllr Chick temporarily departed due to Pecuniary interest. Cllr Porter temporarily took over as Chair. Minutes – 23rd March 2015 Peckleton Parish Council Page 4 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Date ___21/04/2015___ 15/025.7 To review and approve items to be Paid/Cheques for signing/Income received Details of payments were circulated at meeting. Payee Total Item Amount NALC £ 19.99 Local Councils Explained Staff wages £ 434.00 Mar Salary + Office Allowance HM Revenue & Customs £ 312.00 Jan - Mar PAYE NIC Website/email domain name 2commune £ 60.00 registration Clerk £ 30.00 Clerk's Expenses - Phone Credit Clerk £ 53.96 Clerk's Expenses - Mileage Feb P. Richards Environmental Services £ 28.00 Dog Bins Michael Smith £ 100.00 Supply & planting of KM Oak Tree 25 Hawthorne Whips Stapleton Michael Smith £ 50.00 parish field Michael Smith £ 10.00 Removing mole hill soil Stapleton Michael Smith £ 25.00 Play Area Inspection Mideco Engineering Limited £ 42.18 Paper for Community Award Mideco Engineering Limited £ 57.56 Paper for newsletter L&R Playing Field Association £ 22.00 Annual Membership RESOLVED: To accept and to sign as a true and accurate record. Cllr J. Newman proposes, Cllr A. Porter seconds, all agree. Cllr Chick returned to the meeting as Chair. Payee Ladywell Accounting P. Richards Environmental Services Ironcraft of Earl Shilton Peckleton Village Hall Peckleton Village Hall Staff Wages Clerk Clerk Michael Smith Michael Smith Total Amount £ 40.00 £ 28.00 £5,278.80 £ 14.00 £ 21.00 £ 434.00 £ 63.23 £ 20.00 £ 25.00 £ 40.00 Item Payroll Services Dog Bins KM Play Area Boundary Fence Clerk Induction January Meeting Feb Salary & Office Allowance Clerk's Expenses Clerk's Expenses Inspection of Play Equipment Litter Collection Removal of Ivy hedge and fitting of Michael Smith £ 160.00 fence in Stapleton Michael Smith £ 80.00 New bench installation Stapleton RESOLVED: To accept and to sign as a true and accurate record. Cllr J. Newman proposes, Cllr A. Porter seconds, all agree. 15/025.8 Review of Monthly Bank Reconciliations against corresponding Bank Statements RESOLVED: Cllr Chick to sign following meeting. 15/025.9 To review and approve Quarter Three Finance Report RESOLVED: Members reviewed and approved Q3 Finance report. Cllr A. Porter proposes, Cllr P. Chick seconds, all agree. ACKNOWLEDGED: Council selected as part of 5% for Intermediate Audit 15/025.10 To review council’s internal controls policy and risk assessments RESOLVED: Members reviewed and approved council’s internal controls policy and risk assessments. RESOLVED: Cllr Chick to complete tree assessment in next few days. rd Minutes – 23 March 2015 Page 5 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Peckleton Parish Council Date ___21/04/2015___ Cllr A. Porter proposes, Cllr P. Chick seconds, all agree. 15/026 To review correspondence received 15/026.1 Letter from Central Electrical Services (Hinckley) offering 2015 Christmas decorations RESOLVED: Members declined projected costs for Christmas decorations. 15/026.2 Introduction of Universal Credit in Hinckley & Bosworth and the role of the Voluntary and Community Sector from HBBC ACKNOWLEDGED: No suitable facilities within the parish with publically accessible internet access. 15/026.3 Email from Tooley Park Farm, Peckleton Common for relaying access ACKNOWLEDGED: Tooley Park Farm acknowledged as maintaining access, and the green. RESOLVED: Results of legal discussions required before pursuing any further. 15/027 To receive Clerks report LRALC Elections workshop – 19th Feb Western Power Distribution issued New Unmetered Certificate - Peckleton Parish Council – 50027719 LCC Communities Strategy workshops have been a mixed success. More for community groups than parish councils. Superfast Leicestershire Stakeholder Forum, County Hall – 23rd Feb Grant Thornton Audit Briefing – 5th March 15/028 Any Other Business (It should be noted that no substantive issues can be raised under this item (i.e. those requiring decisions or with a financial implication). It should be used only to register items for a future Agenda or items that are solely for information only) None. 15/029 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 21st April 2015 – Peckleton Village Hall, Main Street, Peckleton @ 7:30 pm Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 28th April 2015 – Peckleton Village Hall, Main Street, Peckleton @ 7:30 pm Meeting closed @ 9:40pm. Minutes – 23rd March 2015 Peckleton Parish Council Page 6 of 6 Chairman’s Signature _______________ Date ___21/04/2015___
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