ABN 31 792 554 660 Number: 2015.7.4 Policy Name: Fee Payment Aim: To provide a clear and precise set of guidelines for the setting, payment and collection of fees to ensure the viability of Pedder Patter Child Care Centre Inc as a not-for-profit service. Explanation: Pedder Patter CCC is a not for profit organisation. Families need to be aware that we rely on prompt fee payments to assist the centre with meeting other costs. Families are informed of all fees payable at time of enrolment. Fees are set by the Board of Management and are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Regulations: The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), National Regulation 172 (2) states: The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that parents of children enrolled at the service are notified at least 14 days before making any change that will affect the fees charged or the way in which fees are collected. FEES All fees are charged one week in advance and are charged on a daily basis, according to the child’s booking; Fees are subject to increases annually; Families will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to fees being increased; Fees are charged at the beginning of each week and payable by the end of the same week; Fees must be paid weekly or fortnightly only; Revised April 2015 Invoices are sent out fortnightly, by either mail or email and have fortnightly terms; All accounts must be settled at the end of the year and before the Christmas break, even if families are returning the following year; Pedder Patter CCC Inc reserves the right to suspend or cancel any families enrolment for the following year where the previous year’s fees have not been settled in full; Pedder Patter does not charge for public holidays; Families must provide Pedder Patter with the child and family Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) for their enrolment to be formalised with Centrelink; Full fees apply until the CRN numbers are received by the centre. Payment Method and Fees Fees are charged at the following rates (as of July 2014) and are adjusted accordingly with CCB and CCR if applicable. AGE DAILY RATE SESSION RATE FULL WEEK RATE** Up to 10 months 10 months-20 months 20 months-2 years $99* NA $470.25 $95 NA $451.25 $95 $65 $451.25 2-3 years $90 $60 $427.50 3+ years $85 $55 $403.75 The Starfish room (0-8 months) provides a boutique service for young babies, with a maximum of 4 babies with 1 educator. **A 5% discount applies for children attending 5 days a week. Session times are as follows: Morning 7:30am-12:30pm, Afternoon 12:30pm-6pm Full time bookings (Mon-Fri) are eligible for a 5% discount. Payments will be made by direct debit from a nominated account or credit card through EziDebit; Payment forms are included within the Enrolment packages Revised April 2015 OVERDUE ACCOUNTS Accounts are due fortnightly; Any money outstanding beyond this period will be highlighted on the account; Any accounts that are 21 days in arrears will receive formal notification that they have seven days to settle the account; At the expiration of seven days from receipt of the notice of 21 days in arrears, families will be asked to settle their account immediately or implement a payment plan; If no response is received after this time, care will be cancelled with immediate effect and monies owing placed into collection; If families leave the Centre with monies owing, the account will be placed into collection and families will be liable for all collection fees. FEE SUBSIDIES Child Care Benefit (CCB) assists families with the cost of approved child care; CCB can be paid directly to child care services to reduce the fees. Fee reductions are based on an estimation of adjusted taxable income, with reconciliation after the end of the financial year. Families receive the Child Care Rebate (CCR)if they are eligible for CCB and use an approved child care centre (CCR is not income tested); 50% of out of pocket child care expenses for approved care up to the annual cap; Out of pocket expenses means the amount paid for child care after CCB and any Jobs Education and Training (JET) amounts have been deducted; Families have the option to receive the CCR paid fortnightly either directly to the centre or to their nominated bank account; Families still have the option to receive their CCR quarterly or annually as a lump sum directly to their nominated account. Pedder Patter CCC encourages families to have the CCR paid directly to the centre as this makes the gap fee payable lower. Further details are available at www.humanservices.gov.au (Excerpt taken from “A Guide to Australian Government Payments, 2014”) Revised April 2015 ABSENCES, HOLIDAYS & BOOKING CHANGES Full fees apply when a child is sick or absent for any reason, however CCB and CCR does apply; CCB and JET assistance can be paid for up to 42 absences per child per year; CCB can be paid for additional absences over the 42 per year for certain reasons with supporting documentation; Families must notify the Centre as soon as possible if their child will not be attending care that day; however full fees do still apply unless two weeks notice have been given; Any changes to a child’s permanent booking must be given a least one week in advance, where possible; Families are entitled to 20 days per year of holidays; Holidays are charged at 50% of the full fee (CCB/CCR still apply); Holiday forms are kept at the office and must be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the child taking holidays; If less than two weeks notice is given, normal fees will apply; Pedder Patter CCC is closed between Christmas and New Year for approximately a week; Families will be given a minimum’s month notice if Pedder Patter will be closed longer than this one week period; Families who do not require care during this period will be charged a fee of $20 per normal booking day from Christmas closure until their booking resumes the following year. DISCONTINUATION OF CARE Two weeks written notice is required when a booking is no longer required; Normal fees are charged for two weeks if less notice than this is given; Full fees will be charged if the child is absent on their last day of care. Revised April 2015 LATE COLLECTION FEES Pedder Patter LDC and OSHC closes at 6pm. Preschool closes at 5:30pm. Any child still in care after these closing times will be liable for a late fee of $25 per child for the first 15 minutes and $20 per child for every 15 minutes thereafter. Please direct any queries relating to this policy to the Centre Manager. Developed By: Board of Management & Centre Manager Scope: Families References: NQF QA 7 Education and Regulations 168 Care Services National A Guide to Australian Government Payments 2014 Date approved: January 2010 Current version: April 2015 Next review: 1 year Signed: Revised April 2015
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