PUBLIKACIJE ELEKTROTEHNICKOG FAKULTETA UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU PUBLICATIONSDE LA FACULTE D'ELECTROTECHNIQUEDE L'UNIVERSITE A BELGRADE SERIJA: MATEMATIKA I FIZIKA - .N!! 412 SERlE: - MATH:£:MATIQUES NI! 460 ET PHYSIQ UE (1973) HOT ELECTRON TRANSPORT IN SEMICONDUCTOR SPACE-CHARGE REGION* 441. Dimitrije A. Tjapkin and Milan M. Jevtic** ABSTRACT: The distribution function (I) of hot carriers in space-charge region (SCR) is studied with help of steady-state Boltzmann equation. Introducing new variables the partial differential equation reduces to an ordinary one. Assuming the appropriate form for the colIision term and introducing the current density, the comparative results are given for 1 for the case of the uniform SCR (Figs 1 and 2). 1. Introduction In space-charge region (SCR) there exists a built-in electric field of an order of magnitude that would, as an external field, provoke in a homogeneous semiconductor the well-known effects treated by the hot-electron theory. Consequently, the space charge and a strong non-uniform electric field constitute conditions for a specific electron transport compared to the one in a homogeneous semiconductor exposed to a strong external field. The problems of hot-electron transport in homogeneous semiconductors have been widely analysed (e.g. see books [1, 2, 3]). However, the results of these analyses cannot be directly transferred to charge transport through SCRs. Despite a considerable theoretical and practical importance, the later problems have been tackled to a noticeably lesser extent [4, 5, 6, 7]. One of still unresolved problems is the form of EINSTEIN relation since both drift and diffusion processes are present. This and other problems related to carrier transport through SCRs have also become important for the theory of domains [8]. In the papers published so far two approaches are suggested. The first approach relies upon direct solving of BOLTZMANNequation [6, 9] to obtain the distribution function (in [9] the time dependent equation is considered whereas the present paper treats only the stationary case). The second approach makes use of the notion of the equivalent electron temperature, Te [4, 5] in the Maxwellian distribution function of energies Is. According to STRATTON[5] the exact form of Is is unimportant for the majority of problems of practical interest - an assumption which is not immediately obvious. The correction of the * Presented June 30, 1973 by J. POP-JORDANOV. The work reported herein was partially sponsored by Serbian Fund for Scientific ** (under Contract N2 2861; Institute of Phisics of the Belgrade University, Beograd). Research 143 D. A. Tjarkin and M. M. Jevtic 144 distribution function by Te, which is only position dependent, reduces the variety of energy-dependent forms of is. The equivalent temperature defined via a kinetic energy of electrons « w » is not, in general, equal to Te determined by generalized EINSTEINrelation (e. g. see [8]). The theory developed in [5] employs EINSTEINrelation which contains Te determined through < W> thus leaving space for further reevaluation of the ap)roach. The difficulties predominantly of mathematical nature caused that the approach of direct solution of BOLTZMANNequation is far less developed. GORDEEV[6] gave a method of direct solution of DAVYDOV'Skinetic equation* in high-field regions of p-n junctions. He assumes the solution in the form of a combination of MAXWELL'Sand DRYVESTYN'Sforms of distribution functions, but the definitions of the corres:'onding boundary conditio..s are not correct. Substitution of the symmetric J by the equilibrium J in the analysis of electron mobility in [10] is not quite correct. The mobility is also considered in [11] and [12]. The conce;)t of Te is also ap:-,lied in the analysis of the space charge limited currents [13] and GUNN effect [14]. A discussion of some analogies of the space charge current equation and the energy balance equation is given in [7]. The present paper deals with the problem of electro:! trans;Jort through s;,ace charge regions of semiconductors, starting from BOLTZMANN(and POISSON) equation. Special care is devoted to the collision term and to the introduction of current in the calculations. The developed theory is applied to the case of a region containing uniform s~ace charge. 2. Theory Assume that in the SCR the energy spectrum is not affected by the influence of electric field (E) and that the processes are such that the conditions of uIicertailty of momentum ad position do not apply. Then it is possible to use BOLTZMANNequation for J(k, r) in the form (1) v \1,1 +!LE \1d= II Of () 0f c valid under steady-state conditions in the absence of tem~erature gradients. In (1) q-carrier charge (-e for electrons, + e for holes), Of ( )- collision operator. Of c In comparison with the homogeneous specimen where E is an externally applied field, the field in the [resent treatment is the sum of the built-in and ap;.:J!ied fields determined by POISSON'Sequation (2) Space charge density p de:-ends upon position (r) via dependences of concentrations n=n(r), Nd=Nd(r), ... . If the collision term (oJ/ot)c and p, were known, the set of equations (I) and (2) defines the distribution function and consequently the electron trans;Jort through an SCR. * This equation is valid only in the case of acoustic scattering and can be derived from BJLTZMANN equation [15, 18] if the collision term is expressed in the form given on page 225 of [2]. Hot electron By writing (e. g. [2]) transport in semiconductor the collision term and space-charge distribution (3) I(k, r)=Is(r, W)+kxg(r, (4) (~~t = (~t -kxg/T, function ( 3 iJW ) 3ft 145 in the form of E. Here W), one obtains for spheric energy surfaces in one-dimensional qE 2W iJg iJls 2W ~ , g+ + = It region ~pace: () iJx iJt c (5) qEItT iJIs --+-~=-g, m iJW where the positive direction - ItT iJIs m iJx of x coincides with the direction Is - symmetric part of the distribution anti symmetric part of f, l' (W) function with respect to the wave vector k, kx g m scalar effective mass of carriers, - - momentum relaxation time in weak fields, and W - kinetic energy of carriers. The collision term (iJls/iJl)c vanishes for elastic collisions or under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. However, in the present case this term can by no means be neglected. By eliminating g from (5) there follows [15] the partial differential equation for Is: q2 E2, 2q, W iJE iJls 2 Wq2 E2 ~ (6)~J-J:'q2 £2~ iJ2is + + + 3m ( iJW2 -1- m 3m iJW 4WqE, _iJ21s 3m iJWiJx + 3m qE'+2qEW m 3m ( ) ~ ) iJx iJW iJls+2W' iJW iJx 3m iJ21s=_ iJx2 iJls () iJt c where the spacial dependence of the relaxation time is not considered, i. e. iJ1'/iJx=O. For the case of a field slowly varying in space the approximation whereby all terms involving derivatives of Is in x in (6) are neglected [17], can hardly give correct solutions, although the term containing iJE/iJx is completely retained. Introducing new variables [16] qcp , Y = 1), (7) u= z+ kT ~ and normalizing Wand x as follows z = W/kT, 1)= x/w, from (6) one obtains a new equation of the form iJ2 Is (8) iJy2 where <p- qEw + kT ( 1 electrostatic iJT iJu + 3 potential: include derivatives of Is in u, then with u as a parameter. 10 Publikacije Elektrotehnickog iJls 2(u-qcp/kT) fakulteta )~-.;;= - 3 mw2 2kT,(u-qcp/kT) iJfs (-;)t)c' iJcp - = E. If the collision term does not iJx (8) becomes an ordinary differential equation D. A. Tjapkin and M. M. Jevtic 146 In the presence of different scattering mechanisms the collision term can be written in the form iJfs iJfs ( )= L( ) , iJ t c i iJ t ci where i denotes i-th scattering mechanism. In general the contributions of each of them is different. As a criterion of the dominance of the electron-electron scattering it is possible to use the inequality [8] (9) where LD = (1::1::0 kT/8 7t ne2)1/2 - DEBYE radius. Typical values of concentrations beyond which the electron-electron scattering prevails are in Ge 1014 cm-3 and in Si 1013 cm-3. There are no obvious reasons that the energy dependence of the collision term in the SCR of a non-homogeneous semiconductor is different from this dependence in a homogeneous semiconductor. Thus, in the first approximation it is possible to use for (0Is/0 t)c the form obtained by using Is valid for a homogeneous semiconductor in a strong electric field, for each scattering mechanism. In doing so there appears the field E which is also included in the energy balance equation (10) JE=- iJfs j w ( ) dVk+~ iJt c 47t3 Vk ~(kxg)WdVk. iJx .f 3 m Vk 47t3 The current density J introduced in (10) is of basic impQrtance for the treatment of electron transport in SCR since in an SCR there exists a built-in electric field even under equilibrium conditions. This complicates the calculations but alIows certain approximations, especially if the second term on the right hand side of (10) is much smaller than the first. In the latter case (10) reduces to (11) For small current and weak fields (1 I) combined with (13) gives E 2=-s E n2=~ (12) . , enb nb - carrier density at the edge of SCR (boundary between the homogeneous and non-homogeneous regions), and [LiO- low-field mobility for the i-th scattering mechanism. An application to a specific physical model defines the spacial dependence of E. If in the case of acoustic scattering (ols/ot)c is used from [2], the described approximation gives where (13) iJfs =2v/(2mz)1/2.S(2s-z2+Z)J;, l(kT)1/2 (Z+S)2 iJt Ca () s wherevs-sound velocity in the crystal, and s=E2/En2 with E/= 16v//(37t[La02). The field variable s in (13) has to be replaced by the right hand side of eq. (12). Hot electron transport in semiconductor space-charge region 147 3. Distribution function in the region of a uniform space charge The theory of Section 2 will be applied to a particular physical model of the SCR in a non-polar semiconductor. The electric field (E) and electrostatic potential (r.p)are defined as follows: qE --= kT (14) where the constant -G 0 wy, Go is determined by each specific of the SCR. For an abrupt asymmetrical p-n junction field Em at y = 1, Go= eEm/kTw. model, and w having maximum For acoustic scattering at moderate fields (s~ 1, u'}> Gow2y2), ~ and (13) the following differential equation is derived d2 J. --"--y dy2 (15) a dl' JS+(A II dy 0 y2+C 0 y)J;=O S - width electric from (8) , where (16) fLaokTJw B o = -~ 16 C0 = IlDe2v/' Jaw(1-3~ fLaollbkTII' The boundary conditions are chosen to obtain a well behaved solution at the transition between non-homogeneous and homogeneous regions at y = O. They can be expressed as follows: dfs is (u, 0) = Ae-u, (17) I dy Iy~o = 0. Here E = 0 at y = 0, and constant A is determined from the conditions assumed to apply at the boundary of the homogeneous region A = lib 113 (2 7t mkT)-3/2, 2 After several transformations the solution of (15) is obtained in the form (18) with fs = V (u, y)fs (u, 0), (19) a C (1.=---4/1 II' $ = $ 12' b= - 10' (l!.- a2 C= ~'~ 2' ) 2 ' C02 + 20( C2 C3 ~ ' --Ao, u2 ~= Co. C' ( $ 2 = t $ l!.-+~, 2 2 t = - yC- y-c ( 2~ )' 3. 2' t2 2' ) D. A. Tjapkin and M. M. Jevtic 148 . "" (a, c, Z ) = 'I-' , a 1 ,--- (20) <1>10 = ( .L. 2' - 2 ~b <1> <1> <1>~0= iJ.. 2' c z '-. I! a(a+l) + -c(c+ Z2, 1) 2! 2 ~o~ 2 ' ) <1> 20 (iJ..2 + I ' 2.. 2' = a(a.d) T ~ V/ C 102 (ac.2) Z3 -- c(c+ I) (c+2) <1> ( _k. 2 3! 3. + }-2 , 2' + ... , 102 ) 2 ' ~; 1;2)+ 4:2 <1> +%, (~ <1>;0=-VC[<1> (i+-}, ) 2 ' .}; 1;2)]- Here <1> (a, c; z) is hypergeometric confluent function [19] of the independent variable z, and parameters a and c. Distribution function (18) depends on y and u, i. e. on "f)and z, and satisfies conditions (17) at y = O. It also satisfies the transition from nonequilibrium to equilibrium conditions, for if J -+ 0, also Co-+ 0, Ao -+ 0, a:-+ 0, and Is reduces to the Maxwellian form. If Ao~ 0, then a:~ 0 and the following approximations can be used (21 ) , C~.ll U t~ -.ll U (y- 3 Co U2 , a2 ) -_C02 U3. b~ a' At moderate electric fields t2, to2<t;,I, and the corresponding functions <1> (a, c; z) can be approximated by two first terms when calculating Is. The results obtained for an Si abrupt p-n junction are shown in Figs 1 and 2. Donor and acceptor impurity concentrations are assumed Nd= 1017cm-3 10 9.0 I I V(",OJ) ~83.5tS 1 0.9 5"; ::p-~~ J 08 07 / / / / / 8.0 4 j-- ~. 'l0 .1.0 : ! I 0-6 O.S li' 0'1 0.3 /1120 V (<I,o.t) 1, I 01 ° 109 --\0 Fig. 1. Symmetric part of the distribution function total energy (u.kT~ W + q 'P) for several positions y in SCR at constant ~ 2.0 --- U. (Is) and factor V versus ~ x/w (or field strengths) space charge. and No = 1012 cm-3, maximum electric field Em = 4 X 102 Vjcm and SCR width are the curves corresponding to homogeneous w:::: 10- 3 em. Also shown semiconductors (after [2]). Curve (5) of Fig. 1 obviously is not an acceptable approximation since it does not reflect any current dependence. If E2 in s is Hot electron transport in semiconductor space-charge 149 region calculated using (I2) which contains current density, one obtains curves shown in Fig. 2. Noticeable difference between these results and those obtained for a homogeneous semiconductor confirm that the latter cannot be directly transferred to the transport problems in SCRs. Fig. I also shows V (u, y) at y = 0.1 which ~=0.1. 1 - e-U. 2 - J = 10-'A/"," , - .J =10" Aim' 0.8 - E'\; <'8) - from aHer rcf.IZ/'wi~:I> -. -.- '- .=JE/en~}J E.. 4 - J;': IQ"2Alm< 0.7 06 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 O.OL 0.0, 0.1 0.5 10 Fig. 2. Symmetric part of the distribution from eq. (18) and after ref. [21, current 5. 10, 20..u. function versus total energy, density being a parameter. indicates that the "deformation" effect is considerable at low energies. At high energies, despite the steep rise of V (u, y) final contribution of Is is of little importance because of the very sharp falloff of exp (-u). The result (I8) indicates that in general it is not possible to replace the symmetric part of the distribution function by the equilibrium di~tribution function in SCR in nonequilibrium conditions. 4. Conclusion The problem of electron transport in nonhomogeneous semiconductors and strong electric fields can be treated starting from BOLTZMANN(and POISSON'S) equation. Aprlying approj)riate transformations it is possible to derive a new equation for Is> eq. (8). By making suitable choice of the collision term (8) reduces to an ordinary differential equation of second order. Applying the energy balance equation (subject to low current densities and moderate electric fields) current density has been introduced into calculations. This is of particular importance for treating nonequilibrium processes in SCRs. The developed theory is applied to the uniform charge SCR, defining the boundary conditions which satisfy the transition from the nonhomogeneou; to homogeneous region. An ex)licit solution for Is is obtained, eq. (I8). The results calculated from this Is (Figs 1 and 2) show that: (i) the symmetric part of the distribution function differs increasingly from the equilibrium distribution function as the built-in electric field or current density increase; (ii) the resulting effect of high electric field is such that the low energy carriers undergo most D. A. Tjapkin and M. M. Jevtic 150 of the induced changes; (iii) the Is dependence on energy and position becomes much more complicated from that expressible via the equivalent temperature approach. Applications of the present theory to calculating EINSTEINrelation, mobility current flow characteristics in SCR, etc. are being investigated. The results, if significant, will be published in due course. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Interesting discussions and useful suggestions of Prof. Dr. J. POP-JORDANOV,Dr. Z. DJURIC, and Mr. M. SMILJANICare gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18. W. E. V. G. R. G. M. V. SHOCKLY: Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors. New York, 1953. M. CONWELL: High field transport in semiconductors. New York, 1967. DENIS, Yu. POZELA: Goryacie elektrony. Vi!'nyus, 1971. M. AVAKYANTS:Zurnal eksp, i teorer. fiziki 27 (1954), 333. STRATTON:Physical Review 126 (1962), 2002. V. GORDEEV: Fizika tverd. tela 4 (1962), 317. SANCHEZ: Solid-State Electronics 16 (1973), 549. L. BONC-BRUEVIC et al: Domennaya elektriceskaya neustojCivost' v poluprovodnikah. Moskva, 1972. G. THOMAS, P. K. LIN: Journal of Appl. 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