details. - Pelagic Sailing Club

Safety At Sea:
What To Do If You Are Suddenly Alone
And in Charge
June 13, Sat. -0900-1700 hrs.
Savin Hill Yacht Club
400 Morrissey Blvd., Dorchester
Provides shorthanded crew members the tools, knowledge and confidence to handle
emergencies. For sail and power boaters. Couples are encouraged to attend.
Includes Instruction, Lunch, Snacks, and Workbook
The Corinthian Yacht Club of Philadelphia 2013 610.521.4705
Topics include:
1- Introduction and Psychology of SUDDENLY ALONE,
2-Stabilizing the Situation
3-Communicating a Request for Assistance,
4-Navigating to a Safe Haven
5-Recovery of an Overboard Person.
Presenting Staff:
Chuck McWilliams, Craig Spear, Elaine Olmstead, Will Phillips and several others.
Space is limited and reservations are taken on a first-come first-served basis. Reserve your
space by sending a check. Cruising couples are encouraged to attend together even if one is
very experienced.
Over 2,000 people have taken this seminar that was developed by
the Cruising Club of America. It has been positively reviewed In
Soundings, Cruising World, Blue Water Sailing, and Yachting
$40 as a member of Savin Hill Yacht Club or Pelagic Sailing Club
$50 for non members.
Make Check out to Pelagic Sailing Club
MAIL TO: Will Phillips, 97 Cliff St. Quincy, MA 02169.
At the dock Life Sling Practice June 25 evening. Details will be announced at the Seminar.