PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,2015 THE CLAM BAY COMMITTEE OF THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 AT 1 PM AT THE COMMUNIry CENTER AT PELICAN BAY, LOCATED AT 8960 HAMMOCK OAK DRIVE, NAPLES, FLORIDA 34108. AGENDA The agenda includes, but is not limited: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roll call Agenda approval Approval of 3123115,2124115,5122114, & 5l31l14 meeting minutes Audience comments Updates on the following: a. USACE permit application b. FDEP permit modification c. Adding oysters to Clam Bay d. Water quality data into STORET e. STORET's successor: WIN f. Tidal gauges 6. Water quality a. Parameters measured by County lab b. Copper in Clam Bay 7. Monthly updates on tidal and copper data 8. Bathymetric surveys 9. Other 10. Adjournment ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES PER ITEM TO ADDRESS THE BOARD. THE BOARD WILL SOLICIT PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SUBJECTS NOT ON THIS AGENDA AND ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE BOARD ENCOURAGES YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS IN WRITING IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD IS MADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILIry WHO NEEDS AN ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION AT (239) 597-1749. VISIT US AT HTTP://PELICANBAYSERVICESDIVISION.NET. 5/2212075 10:00:02 AM CLAMBAY COMMITTEE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION i[''AY 22,2014 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Thursday, May 22 at I p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida. The following members attended. Clam Bay Committee Susan O'Brien, Chairman Joe Chicurel Tom Cravens John Domenie Michael Levy Dave Trecker Staff Neil Donill, Administrator Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst ex-fficio Lisa Jacob, Interim Operations Manager Also Present Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore Engineers, Inc. Tim Hall, Tunell-Hall & Associates Arielle Poulos, Tunell. Hall & Associates Clam Bay Stakeholders Henry Bachman Marcia Cravens Peter Duggan Annice Gregerson Mary Johnson Linda Roth Kathy Worley REVISED & APPROVED AGENDA 1. Roll call 2. Agenda approval 3. Audience comments 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Discussion of Changes to the latest draft of the Management Plan Discussion of approval of Management Plan Time Lines for applications for Nationwide and 1O-year dredging permits Next meeting and suggested topics for same Reconsiderationdiscussion add-on Adjourn ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established, AGENDAAPPROVAL Mr. Ler.y motioned, Mr. Domenie seconded to approve the agenda Reconsideration discussionl. The motion canied AUDIENCE COMMENTS as amended. [add item I Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division Minutes 22,2014 Ms. Kathy Worley suggestions the document itself needed to flow better. Dr. Dabees suggested Section 6 be clarified. The committee discussed Goal and objectives, funding priorities, and annual reports and the language was adjusted by Committee consensus. Ms. Marcia Cravens was concemed about the Obiectives, data collection, and the Nationwide permit conditions. The Committee discussed and clarified by consensus the section on dredging Mr. Donill anticipated the Plan going for Board of County Commissioners' approval in June and suggested that Mr. Hall prepare the executive summary. TIME LINE FOR NATIONWIDE & IO.YEAR DREDGING PERMITS APPLICATIONS Mr. Dorrill explained the permit application processes and reported the l0-year dredging permit application was in the process of being prepared. RECONSIDERATION DISCUSSION (ADD-ON) Mr. Cravens indicated he voted to amend Ordinance 96-16 at a previous PBSD meeting; however, as new information was available on manatees in Clam Bay, he was interested in recommending a reconsideration to pursue further protection ofmanatees. Mr. Cravens motioned to recommend to the full Board to reconsider amending Ordinance 96- 16 to pursue further protection ofthe manatee; however, after much discussion, the motion was tabled' NEXT MEETING The next meeting was scheduled for May 30 at 1:00 p'm. ADJOURN The meeting was adjoumed at 3:58 p.m. Susan O'Brien. Chairman 51112015 1 1:51:37 AlVl CLAM BAY COMMITTEE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION MAY 30,2014 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Friday, May 30 at at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida. The followine members attended. Clam Bay Committee Susan O'Brien, Chairman Joe Chicurel Tom Cravens 1 p.m. John Domenie Michael Levy Dave Trecker ex-officio Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Interim Operations Manager Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Also Present Tim Hall, Tunell-Hall & Associates Arielle Poulos, Turrell, Hall & Associates Clam Bay Stakeholders Henry Bachman Marcia Cravens Peter Duggan Annice Gregerson . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 10. Mary Johnson Linda Roth Kathy Worley APPROVEDAGENDA Roll call Agenda approval Audience comments Discussion of changes to the latest draft of Chapters 1-6 Discussion of Appendix and timeline for completing/approving Plan Timeline for submifting 10-year permit application Discussion of revised ordinance Next meeting and suggested topics for same Other Adjourn ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established. AGENDAAPPROVAL Mr, LeuJ, motioned, Mr, Domenie seconded lo apptove the agenda carried unanimouslv. as presented. The motion Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division May 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Donill indicated the TDC has approved recommending to the County Commission the expenditure of$34,500 on dredging permitting and associated costs. The PBSD would discuss this and consider the construction plans for approval at an upcoming meeting. DISCUSSION OF CHANGES TO THE LATEST DRAFT OF CHAPTERS The Committee reviewed the latest draft of Chapters 1 I TO 6 to 6 and discussed and agreed by consensus to add consecutive page numbers, conect grammar and punctuation. Certain changes were made for clarity and uniformity as well as delegation of responsibility. An executive summary would be included in the Plan, and Mr. Hall was in the process of preparing it for the plan and for the submission for approval ofthe Plan to the Board ofCounty Commissioners. It was agreed the summary should be a brief narrative and include a synopsis of the dredging plans. Section Five would be moved to the Section 3 position, and Mr. Hall would discuss with Dr. Dabees changing the verbiage in certain sections with in an effort to make them easier to understand. The Committee discussed mangroves at length, and it was suggested to include Conservancy's report on benthic studies in the Plan. A lengthy discussion was held regarding monitoring and restoration ofthe oyster beds and sea grasses. The Committee decided to exclude a sentence regarding actions to promote sea grass and oyster expansion. APPENDIX & TIMELINE FOR COMPLETING & APPROVING PLAN Mr. Hall would provide the executive summary to the Committee within the next week and the next meeting was scheduled for June I I at I p.m. to recommend approval ofthe Plan. Ms. Cravens was concerned about the timing and approval should be delayed until fall and the Committee discussed its options. TIMELINE FOR SUBMITTING TEN-YEAR PERMIT APPLICATION Mr. Hall indicated pre-application meetings would need to be scheduled with both agencies (FDEP and Army Corps) and it would take about 30 days to prepare the 10-year permit application. The process could take l8 months or more before the permit is issued. Mr. Hall noted that the Plan was not required to be submitted with the permit application. Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division May 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes The Committee discussed briefly the placement of the dredged material. The Nationwide permit would be discussed at the next full Board meeting. DISCUSSION OF RE\'ISED ORDINAIICE Mr. Cravens motioned, Dr. Trecker seconded to recommend to the full Board to reconsider and rescind the motion to amend Ordinance 96-16. The motion carried ansnimouslv. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjoumed at 3:30 p.m. Susan O'Brien. Chairman 51112015 1:15:00 Pl\4 PELICA-I\I BAY SERVICES DIVISION CLAM BAY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 24,2OI5 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Tuesday, F ebruary 24, 2015 at l:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida. In attendance were: Clam Bay Committee Susan O'Brien, Chairman Joe Chicurel Tom Cravens Ken Dawson Michael Levy Board Members Also Present Trecker Henry Bachman Dave Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst ex-offcio Lisa Jacob, Recording Secretary AIso Present Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore, Engineers Tim Hall, Tunell, Hall & Associates Mary Johmon, Pelican Bay Foundation Board of Directors Linda Roth REVISED APPROVED AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Approval of l/22115 Meeting Minutes Audience Comments Questions/Comments on 2014 Tidal Analysis Report Updates on the Following: a. Funding from County for 2015 Clam Bay Monitoring b. Tidal gauges installation c. RFP for Clam Bay monitoring d. Adding oysters in Clam Bay e. Final 201.4 Clam Bay Report f. Water quality data into STORET g. FDEP Permit modification proposal h. USACE Permit Copper in Clam Bay and along berm Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division Febrtary 24,2015 Meeting Minutes a. b. Altemative lab for copper Reasonable assurance plan 9. Monthly updates on tidal gauges and copper 10. Other a. Set next meeting date b. Update on motorized vessels in upper Clam Bay I l. Adjournment ROLL CALL All Committee members were present and a quorum was established. AGENDA APPROVAL seconcled to approve the agenda with the addition of the Pledge ofAllegiance after the agenda approval, and Irems I0a, set next meeting date dnd 10b, update on motorix,ed vessels in upper Clam BaJ). The motion carried Mn Dawson motioned, Mn Levy Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Leuy seconded to approve the January 22 minutes with the placement of Dr. Trecker under the "Also Present" heading and indicstion that Mr. Bachman and Kathy Worley were not present; on p. 3, last line at bottom, add "hand dug channels before "interconnected waterwals'. The motion canied AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ms. Anne Georger-Harris thanked the Committee for curing their algae problems by installing floating islands in the Avalon lake. Ms. Linda Roth asked that future communications regarding Clam Bay refer to PBSD as Collier County/PBSD. UPDATE ON TIDAL GAUGES Mr. Hall indicated that the engineer had visited the sites, and a platform would have to be built for the device being put in upper Clam Bay. Updated costs will be available for the Board at their meeting the following week. Mr. Cravens molioned, Mr. Dawson seconded to recommend to the full Board to approve the Tidal Analysis Report w h loday's changes, then pending PBSD Board approval, recommend to the Board of Coun,, Commissioners to approve the report. Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division February 24, 2015 Meeting Minutes UPDATES ON THE FOLLOWING: FIJNDING FROM COUNTY FOR FY '15 CLAM BAY MONITORING The County has approved the second $50,000 funding request, and it is expected that another $50,000 will be granted later in the year. RFP FOR CLAMBAY MONITORING The deadline to submit bids for the RFP for environmental services is February 27, then the County will evaluate the bids received and vendor selection process. ADDING OYSTERS IN CLAM BAY Mike Bauer, City of Naples, will be asked to address the Committee on the feasibility of adding oysters to Clam Bay. Mr. Hall will obtain a proposal to test the water for larvae. FINAL 2014 CLAM BAY REPORT Mr. Hall anticipates having this report available in about a week. WATER OUALITY DATA INTO STORET Mr. Hall reported the software to enter water quality data into STORET is being set up. ACOE PERMIT APPLICATION Dr. Dabees' is preparing additional material for the Army Corps of Engineers dredging permit application and submission is imminent. Mr. Hall would advise the Committee iflwhen anv oublic comments are received. FDEP PERMIT MODIFICATION Mr. Hall submitted the FDEP permit modification application. A copy of the application was included in the agenda material. COPPERIN CLAM BAY AND ALONG BERM The updated report showed the copper levels in Clam Bay continue to be relatively stable. Because the County lab does not have the capability to get test results under 3.0, Tim Hall would outsource this month's samples to Benchmark Lab. Ms. Mary Johnson provided a sample reasonable assurance plan for review in the event a similar document would need to be created to meet FDEP requirements. MONTIILY UPDATES ON TIDAL GAUGES AND COPPER Once the real-time data begins to come in from the new tidal gauges, the report can be provided to the board along with the copper numbers on a monthly basis. Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division February 24, 2015 Meeting Minutes NEXT MEDTING DATE The next meeting was tentatively set for March 24 with the understanding that it may be changed to accommodate the Budget Committee. UPDATE ON MOTORIZED VESSELS IN UPPER CLAM BAY Individuals can contact the Sheriff s Department to report unsafe conditions caused by a motorized vessel in the Clam Bay system. Ms. O'Brien would contact the Foundation to request that this information be posted at the kayak ramp. Mr, Lery motioned, Dr. Chicurel seconcled to adjourn' The motion canied and the meetins was adiourned at 4:23 Susan O'Brien, Chairman '10:09:03 AM CLAM BAY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION MARCH 23,2015 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Monday, March 23, 2015, at lhe Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. The followine members attended. Clam Bay Committee Susan O'Brien, Chairman Joe Chicurel Tom Cravens Ken Dawson Mike Levy absent Dave Trecker ex-fficio Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Donill, Administrator Madon Bolick, Operations Manager Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Lisa Jacob, Recording Secretary Also Present Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore Engineers, Inc. Tim Hall, Tunell-Hall & Associates Linda Roth REVISED & APPROVED AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. Roll call Agenda approval Audience comments Updates on the following: a. $50,000 from County b. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Installation oftidal gauges RFP for Clam Bay monitoring d. Copper results from January and February County Advisory Committee on vessel speed f. USACE permit application and FDEP permit modification g. Adding oysters to Clam Bay h. Getting water quality data into STORET i. Seeking grant for exotic removal Priorities for Clam Bay monitoring in FY15 and FYl6/Expense summary Water quality parameters going forward Kayak safety in Clam Bay Other Adjoumment ROLL CALL All committee members were present and a quorum was established. Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes AGENDAAPPROVAL Mr. Cravens motioned, Mn Dawson seconded to apprcve the agenda as amended [add expense summar!) to item 5; and add item 4L seeking grantfunds for exotic rcmovalJ, The motton cafned AUDIENCE COMMENTS No comments were received. UPDATES $5O.OOO FROM COUNTY A new 1 1 1 cost center was received with an initial appropriation of $40,000. An additional $32,500 is pending. The total received from the County at this point is $90,000. Eligible expenses include the tidal gauge monitors and channel clearing for Clam Bay. TIDAL GAUGES Loaner gauges from Turrell, Hall will be installed this week as the County is requiring that the RFP bidding process be used to purchase new tidal gauges. The Services Division's two remaining functioning gauges are cumently located in the two locations closest to the Pass. It is anticipated that the new gauges, once procured, would be installed in June. RFP FOR CLAM BAY MONITORING The RFP selection committee is scheduled to meet on March 25. COPPER RESULTS FOR JANUARY & FEBRUARY The January samples were taken from the "old" sites and results are from the County lab. The February samples were taken from the new sites and results are from Benchmark Lab. COUNTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON VESSEL SPEED It was reported that the County is contemplating creating a committee to update the Manatee Protection Plan USACE PERMIT APPLICATION & FDEP PERMIT MODIFICATION The Army Corps of Engineers permit application public comment period closed yesterday. The FDEP permit modification process continues to move forward, and Mr. Hall would advise the Committee of any updates. In response to Dr. Chicurel's question about transparency for PBSD Board meetings, Mr. Dorrill indicated that the meetings will be videotaped from this point forward and rebroadcast on Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes the County's govemment access channel. Mr. Dorrill is working to have the County cover the additional costs. ADDING OYSTERS IN CLAMBAY Mr. Hall indicated that he is investigating the possibility of getting oysters for free, and at the same time looking at whether there will be enough food to support the oysters once they are put into the Bay, and if in any way they would compromise the ecosystem. GETTING WATER OUALITY DATA INTO STORET The software was received, but is in the process ofbeing set up. SEEKING GRANT FTJNDS FOR EXOTIC REMOVAL Mr. Cravens referred to a grant received from the state in 2012 to remove exotics on the south beach, and advised that these exotics were coming back. Mr. Hall advised that the grant proposal was submitted by Mr. McAlpin to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and indicated that he would attempt to get a copy ofthat proposal. This item will remain as an agenda item for updates. PRIORITIES FOR CLAM BAY MONITORING IN FY 15 & FY I6IEXPENSE SUMMARY Ms. O'Brien prepared an expense summary and the anticipated fund sources. Monitoring priorities and associated costs were also discussed and the available funds are year than in the two years prior. Extra funds would $I 5,000 less this be requested for the annual bathymetric survey. The Committee agreed that the bathymetric survey ofthe interconnecting waterways is a matter of great importance and a top priority. Other important items in order of importance included selected parameters of water quality, signage on the canoe trail, promoting educational information, monitoring plots in other habitats, monitoring ofgopher turtles and other birds and fish, for which gmnt money or volunteer help could possibly be obtained. Finally, vegetation and litter control, and archeological site monitoring would be addressed as funds became available. For FY '16, the Committee agreed the local assessment for Clam Bay should be $133,000 as opposed to the $l 18,000 currently allocated. WATER OUALITY PARAMETERS GOING FORWARI) Reports from the County lab were provided as well as the parameter responsibilities the Committee is working with now. It was agreed that nonessential parameters would no longer be Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division March 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes tested. Once the permit modifications are made, the County lab will be notified about the changes. KAYAK SAFETY IN CLAM BAY The Committee discussed asking the Foundation to reconsider the posting of safety rules on the kayak racks as the Foundation had previously indicated that it should be posted on County property. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Dorrill would contact the Parks and Recreation Director to determine the level ofconcern for kayak safety in Clam Bay. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Levy seconded to adjourn. The motion catied and the meetins was adiourned at 2:52 Susan O'Brien, Chairman 413012015 3:05:24 PLI a5/I8/2O).5 89i89 1,3L23312472 PA6E g?/13 rEDEX OFFICE ft{'t CI*A]uBAYC{)MMITTIE SERVI&8 DWISIOFI MAYTL2OI4 PNLICA$I SAY Thc Clam Bay Committee of *re Pclicsn Bay $in ices Division mrt on Th:trsday' lltrey 22 fr p.r]l. at tltc CommErity Celriff at Peligqn Bay, E960 Hammook Oak Drive, Naplos' Flori&Tho following membcrs atterded. Chm Xey Comulttee Susn O'Brien, Chairman loa Chiour,el Tdn Cravens lohn DomEniE Moh*el lrry flavo "lieckor er-ofaio ffalf Nell Donill, Adminisqsor Mrry McCaughty, Optr#iors Analyst Lha lacob, Intorim Oper*ions Mmagcr AIro Pr€N:tri Mslrurcd Daboes, Hrmismn & ltiloorc ktglneen, tne. W A$c[e 3t Turgll, Hall & Associates Poulos, n Ll614ai&-Jf Chm Bsy B&Iclolders ftnry Bachmur Iv{arsis Cnvm* Pebr Ihg83n AilfrdrrEF r' 't. Rdlcall Linda Roth KattY Worley RDYTTIE &APTROVMAGEIIDA 2. ?, Agenda app.ovrl Audience comments 4. DiEctls6lon of Chafigeo to lhe latest d]an of the Managemenl Pbn 5. Discutslon of appruval qf Mansgernent Plan 6.' Tirne Linef for applicafnnt for Nallonwide and lo-year dredgi€ PsrmlF 7, Next meeting 8nd sugge8ied toplc$ for saris Recorsideratlondiscus8ion sdd-on L 9 Adio{ttl BS&&-€AI& C f A ,Jolrs All menben wae Prcsent and a quonm was estsblished. | Bs'18/2815 89: Ag 131233724i2 r:}EX rcTLl Cl*m Sry Comm:ttEo ofthe fcucar Bny Services DMsior Mlnutcs Ms. Kdry Worley FAGE ff3J:f, NFFICE ERIE p 2,P t7 !44 t,r-l itsdfne€d€d to flow bettaf. c^Io Hc- clarified. Dr. Dabees sugge*ed Scetion TPd.*"^.a and Objectiver, firnding priorities, and The Committee arfiial and / ud Natioffvide pernix oouditions, h az!,r,'Sa tvdaq ttt Mr, Donill antioipared rhe Pla* going for Boad of County Commissioners' approvol '-- Oln* 'ia, p*nnit ryplioation was in lhe prnoese ofbeing prepa:edg R3CoNSIDIRATTON DI$CUSST(}N (d,pl]4!n l!fr. Cravens indioacd he vo*d to enend fuimricc 96-16 at a previous PBI|D meeting; ho!re?a" as ndi' inforusliar rry$ avrilable on mamtoes in Clarn Bay, he rras imete*0ed in iccomnNsditrg n recol:3idarstion to prasue ffrther protection . b ruonsi&r tf monatces, Mr. Crwe{re motior:ed o pxsue finther , to ircorremd;to the full Boerd . ptotiction of the mandee;.howevcr, 1fter much discussion, the motlon was tabtod 7fu n (LrEETrNGo.i&,..o.*.. ,^ilJ aocnding Ordinance 96-16 w f^uuf,"l b Tho nart meeting was scheduled for May 30 Aprouw The meeting was a{ioirmed at 3:58 p.m. rt I l0S p.m, 114 k_4. *-".J .Da. rU,-/ (tr<. tlut-a 85/18/2615 89:09 FEDEX OFFICE ERIE 11123372472 PA"E A4I L3 f '3 "(r',' CLAMBAYCOMIIITTIEE PELICA.N Nl|Y SNRVICES DIVITIION MAY:XI,IOI{ Tk clm gay Cqrrunittee of the Pelicao Bay Sewic*r Division met on Friday' May 30 d I p'n' thc Connnucrity Cerner x SEliean Bay, 8960 Hammock ock Drivc, Naplcs, Florida The follcwmg mcthbcrs attardcd, * Cbm D*y Conmtttec Susen O'Brier, Clain:ran Jolm Domonie Joe Chict.rfel Miohel LEvy Torn Cravens Dave T:eoker Strtf ex4ffcro @ Ncil Dorill, A&ninisbator Mrry Mccaugbfy, Opcratioft Anlly3t Abo Preecnt Ttur Hall, Tinrqll-Hall & Associdcs Arielle Poulos, Trnrt!, Hall & Associatcs Clrru B*y Stakeholders J{dryg{3hfr. r LfaftoiEEdtt' Lindd Rsth ldarcia Crsv€oF -I€Etiry{fu:try ."P.deLD€g- A@i*-Clagmaa APPROVSDAGENDA Roll csll Agenda spprEval Audi€ncc commenG Dlscusion of dranges 1o the lalBt drafi of Chaptss 'l€ 5, Discus€ion ot Apperdh and limeline br completng/apprcving Flan Timeline br srhmihing I o-year permit .ppli€tion 6. 7. Dbcussion af revised odinance L Next meeting and augE€ot€d topics {0r sam€ Other 9. 10. Adtsum 1. 2. 3. 4. ROr,Ir.pALL All nffrbcrg wcrc PtEEent and 6 quoffm was cstablirhcd- AGIHI'AATqFO.JAL Mr. Dorrcnie xeandd n oprcvu tte agcada crtrtd t pcsantd.l\c notkm B5l18l2gl"5 19: A! 13123372472 FEDEX{cr,coMMENTs has appmved rooommending ro th6 exFrrditrne of S:l,sooS{areaging permiuing md arro"irt"a d tf "osf / 6* ^ ffr* pSSp oorcids Drsc-u, or cxANGEs To TIIE LATr$, T DRAry oI (SAP'I $sroN $r, AJ^d'o -t''l- County Commission discuss this ard tfoe P3 llivirhn Chm Bey Committee of lbe Pellcan 8*y Serrlcas 2014 Meetinc Mirut€g l"a. Do:rill iadicat{ the TDC PAca 05/1: OFFICI ERIE oonstrrction plans for apprbval *"td&" an upcoming rnrcting. RS r 10 6 \, b d*lf Cla.^-fo- Thc Commiueo reviswgd tha ldest &aft of Chascrs I to 6 and€d and agaed by r,ms€ns.Ir to rdd consecutive pags nrunberq c<rrrwt gr*mmar and punctudion. Ccf,taitr chang?s tlJI A^n*b.( Ablt 5ed in the pran, srd lv{r. Ha[ was in oe pm# or were made forglarity and uniformity as well as dolegntion of I *'!|"nf "*.ht"t&*flflfil} *St{u *oluded r€spomibility. Ittr. prcpoting it for rhc plaq+*d GrqEbiffir. It uras agreed the swnmrry strould be a brrief narativc and includc tuMe'g;$L' -,.ir Socio'n Five wouldbe moved to (te Dr. Dak chargiag thc ve6iage in ce 4{&don 3 po'sitiu6 ard Mr, Hall ain se.ctions fih a synopols of .a rcrlld discuiflwilh in an ellort to make them easier to r.'rdentqnd Thc Committee.4jscussed manggovcs $elrgtlL,sqd it w9s suggested ro ingludc +4e t'rd,t,,l?,. d^f Conscrvanoy's reporgonpesslChl ifrT$f"1il *W- e4a*i$-r;d;, ffi A leogthy discr&sion was held regarding monitoring and r€.stolrtion ofthe oyster bodr antl sea grssses. *+ 1",^.*0^,/t The Comnittee de*ided rca*oludc a sentcnce rrgarding actions to promol€ sea grlrs and oyrtq ex?dnrioL the oxecutive summary to the Commithc within th€ nerd wEelt and the ner m€edng was scheduled for Jure I I d I prn. to recfiumq{pproval of the Plan. hds, Crsvcns q/Es conccmed about the tlmtry m{dilifrKulf;f,e aaayea untit fa} snd fte Cornlritlee discussed it$ optiofls. nMErrJE noR $pB]\,rrrfiNc rtN.YrAR p4Rrqr Appr,rcATroN Mr. Ha[ indtc4tcd prtxpplication mcotingr would noed to be schedulcd with both agwsiee (EDEP and Army Corpr)raad it would take abo$ 30 days to prepare the l0-ycar trcnnit application- The process could iake l8 months or mort before drc parmit ls lssued. Mr. Ilall ooled tiat the Plan was not required :o be submifiEd with rlre psnrit spplicdion" a5/19/2415 6s: Bg PAGE 96/13 FEDEX OFFICE ERIE 1,3123e12472 f.s'(;'' Chn Bry Commltteo of ite Poltcin Dry $rrvicer Divbiou TIre Commitb€ disoussed b-riefly tho placement ' Ilte Nationwide pornit *$*ic discussed ofthe dredged matsrial. d tre n€xt ftll 3ce!d m€€ting. N:6CT'6S.ION.Otr..REVISED OBI}INAI\ICB Mn Qzwns neofua$ Dn Truke s*oadd lo rwnaaand lo lhe fnE Botd to twn*lder to amand Odhare 9&16. The ,nodon AI}JOI]RNMEI{T The mexing was adjoum:d at 1:30 p,m. $$m O'Briil, Chsirmsn 5tt/2015 1:lE:00 Fl, Aa/IS/2415 A9iAg 13123372472 FAGE A7l1,r FFDFX CFF]CE ER]E P"yl f tt | +l!.-e- n wt-pb= Clem Bry Conmltter of ths P3liofl BayrSolicee Diviriou' D . w) OKiD . i f . u"(t,z Februery 14, ?015 Mceting Mhutce a" Alt€trlntiw 9. iab fo: coppcr b, Rcxor:able aasurance plan Morthly updates on ridal gauges and copper B9!!gAI&' '..r ''r ' ." ),. ;i.t. Li- : .r" ., :i- AIl CorxnlttaE membets rrere pre3s $rd B quor{ur was $tablish€d. AUD CDcOldMsNSq , ,.t :1, .:' i.i -i.., , , : ; ."' Ms. Ame C€ofgs-llarris tbnked tbe Commioee for cudng tholr algae problems by instaling floating islards in the Avalon lake. i-I ji; .' ,;'i ,i i! r, . l I.,r. Ms, t,irda Roth asked &at fuhrc oo'r"'rihieations.regardlng Cler BBy r€for to.l,BSD ag collkr courty/PBsD. I]PDAT6 (tN TII'AL GAUGI.S ':.^*f^Jtet Mr. Hall indiod€d,thrt au siiii *0" ptriiro* w""ra hdrc ro bc "i"ita builtfcrttedevicob€ingput,inupp6rOleBay.:.,Updstcdsosts.willbe:avadableforthe'Board. at thcir rneeting the following weelc t ;^^t4- ha. tt".I/ **l & t" #L tla, U^^f,S-q r**$;V^f"y*$ t**l1a,izs. p?,,t, '4 f,s-Q ^4+tt lxin*t-L !tpa*n-L Ar'. p^t a.r/1,8/2ALE A*gg FEDEX 1,3123312472 PAo: OFFIC' TR]T 0B/ 1:l Clrn Bry Comiitloc of &. pctcNn Dry ffi*Dlr*lor Frbrrery2d20f5l|c@Mhn6 Illtt*NlFtq ntoltf, counrY ron rv '13 Cl.rlu BAVjUIINII!]AING Tba Cornq hrs rffovcd 6c EE6d $50,0(n ftndlns ilqu.4 d tt lr opec-ted t[* m$a 390,{X)0 wlll be Sramd hoss in 6e yEsr, o artuit fti'1h6 RPf to Co,mrlAl agtuac te bide @ Thp deadliao '- ,, r @h fof €Gdroffitil F@gy ??dM S"t'"Jt.''' co'-' &.-u astsd-i6 "+Lrlg. oysbrs scntlcca is b Clm l,ft fial Bsy., Mr, tlatl will obieir ild&ise a ! c&miililre b #:r*ii Est rb qre( ftr of lsrvaa. antoipdes h*ving thfu ryort avallable ftr abot a tce&. s m. llafl u,!dd dvirs ths Cotrmiee iflrhenw publiccwiqcuate!€eifu4 a"t*^l ' 'b * copy oftto rilr8? rEBrrrrT M$JqS,TCATTON '. Mi. IIaII $rtntasdtks.$E8ppcildt,mdif:adm vya* inclorlcd h the rgroib rnmirl" alic*ioa ,6e vl ,|'bh ts.d.lrc ilia ftlsty l$ docs trot b*vc fu ca$ttity nqrld monuo tlrts mod's smpkE to BcocM Lab. ME lvlsy tohsm lmvidad r swlc rtgotrde lo g$ ait rlsul$ ledcr rs3utec6 da 3'0, llm lbll &r cvtcn in6! w€nt a { +. N 5 -d j * ..* @} Totz fuep 1 "t-^*; pton.l fiz t*r"s,t fu n-1"$, a", . erk;","-"|-,, rlr.gnfAt' 4*n-h,x o A 85/18/28l.5 69: Eg L3123372472 FEDEX OFFICE ERIE f Chm Bay Comnittce of tic Petca! Bay Senicor Dtrfuba Febrnrry 24, 2Ol5 Meefug Minutor v4', N&I{r}lEEl${ff.p.Afi ?he rrxl metiog was tentarively ra for March 24 wlth clrtrgd rn acco!:modate &e Budgct Commfttea tic ru:dersranding tbat it may be IJ?DATE ON IITOTORIiZEN YT$SEI,S rt'tI]PPNR C'T,AM AAY lndivlduals can oocrac the SheriFs Deparrmat to rryart mfsfe condldons caused by a motmized vessel i! the Claa Bay rystem- Mt. O'Brien pcdf co&ct &e formdatioo to rHllreit r..^Jl th* this lnforfrdior k posted c *e kamk rmp, AI}JOIIRI\-MT].N'T Susaa O'Bdca CLairran ea do Fl,,,n- /L- I F"r^- t''.-k kh-., k*k J ,m Att5 l0iotialrAl, 85/1€/2s15 t3L23372472 A9: A3 PAGE 1El1] FEDEX OFFICE ERIE f.1 d,^ CLAMEAY COMMTTTEE MEDTING MINUTDS fEIJCAI{ BAY STNVICES DIVISIOI{ MARCS13,20rs Thr CIam Bey Commiltoc of the Pelicxr Bay Services Division msa on Moaday, Marfh 23, 2015, a rhc Communiry C€oler d Pclic*r Bny, 0960 llammock Qsk tr:il'c, NrylEs, Florida 34t08. Tho following mamb€rs ettwded, CLm 3sy CosmltaeG Sumn O'Brien, Chairman Ken Darryson Mike Ipvy ls.rdrrf k$e.Wcra Joe Cldcur€l Tom Crwons Pelicen Bey Service* Divblon $tcff Neil Donill, A&ninistrator Medon Bolick, Operdion: Monnger lvlary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Li3a Jacob, Reoordbg Secjdary Aldo Ptls€Et lvlohad Dsbe€s,llurniston & Moole krgineers, Inc. Ttm llr[. Titnsll-]Igll & Assooiates Linda Roth b'"afde, p1'zf-$.c^ "t - . REVISED&APPROVEDAGENDA Roll csll AgFnda spprlal J. Audlcnol oommatc 4. Updak, on the followingl 7 a. b. $50$00 Aom County Instrllation oftidal gurgss RFP for Clam iay Coppet l€$rlb $os County Advisory c. d. E^-L.? a$d Fshmdy on vesrel tpeed USACE purrit cnd FDE3 p€nnit modification g. Adding oysters 1d CIam Bay Geting watm dsra into STORET i. Seeking cnotic rtrnoval odd , n { F:iorities fsr Clam Bay moaibring in FYts and FYl6/Expcnsr su:nulsry 6. Ifator quality pa*meters going fomrud Ksyak ssf€ty in Clqm Bay f. h. - 8. ftrer 9. Adjou:nserr BAU4CAI& ,AIl snmitt E menberg w3* Fretertt and a quonrm was €strblishod. 6E/r8/28L5 Ag:,Eg L3I23372472 FFDFX OFF:CE CIam Bry Cou.riltoe ofiLe Pelienn Bay $ervictc FFI' PAGE I1/ 1? f,10 6t2_ lltvirion ilnrch li,,2015 Mcofilg Milutes AGNNDAAPPROVAI. n&rtorc4 MA Dqt'wt geerded lo awrcvc tte qeoda at otmwld [aald qehsa $atnuty ,o ilg,n 5; ud a$ ilea tL rcaHry gztr$nnds for !*,tL raruerll, flts AIrrlrENcEcoMMmilts No comoents wqg lrosivod. UPDAIIE$ $so.fxfoFRoMcouNTY A r:ew I 1 I cost center r {!s received r r with an inry f r lh^14 rypropriation of $40,000. An counE at this point is $90,000. fre Xligible enpeosee i*lude the tidel gauge monitors *rgrblonnct cl€ldng for Cl6r:r Bay. sdditional $3?,500 is pending. The total reoeived fiom TINATGAUGES Ioatrer gaugco from Tunell, Hall will bc iflslall€d ihis rrork as lhe Courty is rcquidng $sl1hE R@bidding prooers be used to purchase ncw tidal gEug*. Thc Sorviccs Division's two :emsiring S&stioding gaugas are curently locdcd in the two locations anticipdcd that tho ncw geugse, once gocured wsuld b€ inft*lld clos€sa to tho PdsE. It is in June. Rrf ro} gIjAM naY ]rlolinq4$gg Tie RFP relecli,on committco is scheduled to mcet on Morch 2i. COPPER R.ESI'LTS T'OR JANUARY & FEBRUARY Thc Jrnury sanples were taken ftoln the "old" sitcland resuls are from the County lab. Th€ Febaary samplcs werc takar *om the ncw sites,tfid rcsuks €re frorn Bd{chmark [-ab, J cSIII{rr ApYr$ORV COltMrTrEE ON VESqUL srEEp It was nporbd that fte County is conr:mplating cltegine acoftnittec to updalo tlle nn.[{o arrr*\ *{,er<r,, 't"r Iltr' Mandce Protection Ptarp FBs D wA Alz " f*i"* o- +A ,'s <*n ,' ^ ll< { i f ,'" Army Corps of Engineers pernit applictsioryxr! x6wa pb-J ,r"J"n_h Io ,opon*. to Dr. Shicurel's question *bout tran:ryarsgy for PBSD Board meetings, lr." ;'t ' ooniil ira;"'tca tuar ,{tfutr"Jf *lf u" vldootaped ftom this poinr ftrrffard anal rsbroadJs -t rre FDEP pernir modi{icarlon##*# m: hh&2 851t 812815 69:69 13123372472 Phct" L7/13 FIDEX OFFIC: ERIE g'lr,,f rx lay Commlttee of the Pelicsn Mnrrl23.2015 Meetins Clam Minrltrf Bly Strvicp* Division . lvlr. the County'e government acccss ch n k-- ,ht rl-r,,t H4 ArJ aoqgleg$lgoAts. . Allprllc 4,*k ,^.'J le",.h. oYBTnRs rN cLr.M BAy Mr. Ilsli indic.ted rh$ hc is iwe3tigarine m" the qeme time looking at whelher thcre of getrrng oysbrs for Acc, and at ?gt'g will bc enough feed to-support the oystels once they are put into fre Bay, and if in aay way they would ccmpnomise the ecosystem. GETTTNG WATEB OSAL|TY DATA rNTO SIOR:T The softwarg was rcc€ived, br-i is in Are procoss set up. ttt* irdioalsd fld lre x,suld attenpt to get I ccpy of thot propos*I. This ll 6-,""b"^-";t- 1"4 -a'llut ittrl will rernain as an f"t*- ,--fa^-e lno,l jt ar^.,rre f". ^"^"^-l $ PRIOBIIIES IIORCLAMBAYMOiIIITORINGIN ry 15& rY r6lUKPgNs4 agenda irem for ('[{ T"Y I apdaes. ltn - [6ar* Ms. o'Brien prcpared an expense summary and the anticipated;firnd;ources. Monitoring associacd rosts *]tf -j[f/r*rities *r{ *,* i" t"*- p##,.* #t and bw tr* snd a top prioritbpfur impo,9,1t'itcms in order of imporhnce survev.fTlre commiEec asf'ed thst marer of grc* importance u*'11l?l tr,e * ""*iuuo/nffiffi 11"1.,*: * # u"Fqou.i*d Jne annuat badrymeric xffiy;" .6-; included selected param"ters orwatet q*l#kdrfff#"""c informatiorrjHfr*fiLo&lT-drc. n*t *$Soi orine,sfs"pl''#ffii$"t r$1, grornoting educational birds and fish4for whft.h grant moreybr vblurteer help oorrld possibly be obtained" Finally, vegetatio:r and litim aonrrol, snd *rchexrloglcal site monitoring wnuld bc adtlrcse€d as filnds becamc av*ilablt, For FY '16, the Committee agrced thc local aseess:ne.nt for Clanr 9ay should be $133,000 as oppooed to the $1 18,frK currontly allocated. WAITEROUAI.ITY PARATWIERS GOINC FORWAnI' / Em^94L,.- firlf, a\rl4, Iut. y^i Whn;';:: a5/LE/2315 89:89 ClEm Bry Connitteg of iho tlrrci esed. :LDEX OTFICE ERIF 1,31,23312472 Serutees Divirion {z".ftz Miurtr* 23.20tj pcfintt m,odificdions are made, drc Coutty tdb wiil bo nodfed about tlte he $ Rci}lc Pelic$ Bly p. M*ru5e.* "l-!t XAYAK SAI,ETY IN,fX,Ah{ BAY la,^{*Z e +/L !":t-. The coEmittee discucs€d asking tho Founddion to ncoonsider the po$iltg of sdety on &o klyak ract<s as the Formddion had prcviou:ly indicated nibs $al it shor d bs posted on comty pspoNtt. Affe* s btief disoussion, it was egecd tha Mr' Donill would contact tho Psrt$ tnd kcrenaion Dir€€lor to detsr ine the lewl of coaeerl for kayak safety in Clam Bay' Mn Crxirefis natioae4&lgu]l Fewnlld Susan O'Eden" Chairma:t la rdioun. The tffion Mtritd t trl:m!5 3tSrtPM &hJ*-^/, L"[ *rl\ ,--l---'r-$ et,-^t! b.,L] l-/"h,el Xrt' '-"' tf1-'^t h p* t". ,-1"f . Florida Department of Envi ron mental Protection Marjory Stoneman Douglas Build,n6 3900 Commonwealth Boulerard Tallahass€e, Florida 32399-3000 Rick Scott Governor lennifer Carroll Lt. Covernor Herschel I November 14, 2011 Mr. tr'red Coyles Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tarniami Trail, Suite i 03 Naples, Florida 34112 Re: DEP Agreement Number CM210 Collier County Dune Restoration project Dear Mr. Coyles: congratulationsl As lead agency for the Florida Coastal Management Irrogram (FCMp), the Deparhnent of Environmental Protection is pleased to confirm the award of Coastal Zone Management funds to the Colrier CountyBoard -f county Commissioners in th" u,',o,rrrt or Gi,boo for the subgrant period of July 1, 20i1, through Ap ti gO, ZOLZ. agreement (with attachments) **:*^::^":::T1::,ly:lg:"ward rumre correspondence to the FCIvIp, please refer to your project and title referenced above, and direci*re_ at the address provided on page seven of "o"responi"n"J the agieement. for the subgrant. rn by the tiEp agreemei.t number to vt". oo.necia ArIn, Grant tvtanuger, The p*roject manager may obtain the forms,necessary for erectronic subgrant reporting from the FCMP website ah http:/ /www.dep.state.fl .uslcmp/ gants/index.htm. Again, congratuIations on receiving the FCMp grant firnds! we look forward to working with you to protect and enhance the state,s coastal reiources. Jerlnifer L. Fitzwater ILR / dta Enclosures Vinjard lr. SecretaD/ DEP AGREEMENT NO, CM21O coAsr,lr- zorvB M,lrr,c.ffinorFrtSPR & cRAl\rr AcREEMENr NATToNAL ocEANr" coop'RArrv' *" "tro3ffiHflI#ffJt*rroN TIIIS COASTAL ZONE A*ARD MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT (hereinafter srern or rt onro.c o-rpiirrnrnNr or ENVIRONMENTAL PRoTECTIoN, whose address is 3900 co_mmor*r"rrl norr"-t {ilirliosee, Florida 32399-3000 (hereinafter "Agr€ement") is entcrcd into betweeu the "rhe Departnre,nt' or'DEp") and the coLLrBn -rv s-oA$ dr-tour.rrv corrn"nssloNERS, whose address rs 3299-Tsmiami East, suite ao3, Naples, Ftorirta :+r rzrlzio .the Grautee,, o"..i*fter or a local govemment, to proviae riaera nrnainjr". ,n" :le:ip*r:trt")' c<iiirBn cot rra couvrv PROJECT. DUNE RESToRATIoN WHEREAS' the DeDartorcnt is the r€cipient of federal financial assistance from the National Oceanic and A-hnos?heric Administation-(NoAA), arvrrdea y"ry l, z,ili, cooperative annual award #-NAI 1Nos4190073 and, as the of thi. "" ;uiil""-tis'ieen aetermined to be a subrecipied of fcderal financial assistance fiom the Nati"r"t am".p-1"i" ,qer;;ii il" ci"""i. p, r*iio a-arri"rrt"t". No;; il,-"**' " "riJ *HEREAS' the Grantee is responsibre for conprying with the approprrate f€deral guidelincs in the perforuunce of its activities pursuant to this Agreement Now, THEREFoRE' in consideration ofrle premiscs and the mutual benefits to be dcrived herefto., the Deparunent and the Gnntec do hereby agree as follofi: I, TERMS OF AGREEMENT The Grantee a$ees to perform in accordance with the terms and conditioN set forth in this A (project Work plan), anct all attachments uoJ *ora n.r"ta 1.fl::T:.^r:jll1.l,-eot wlrco are anached llereto and rDade a part hereof. For purposes ofthis Agrccment, "*r,iUit the tcm$ "contact" arrd "Agreement" and the terrrs 'c.a"t"g' *a ;r""ipie"i; ."Logeatry. E. ".et"a -t with all applicable federal, siate and local rules ryt tbrs T:_G1t1l:: :gnply perlorsllng under Agreement. and regulations in The Gradee acknowledges that this requirement ircludes corryliarce with au applicabre federal, stete.and local heaftf, and safety Jes and regulations. The Grantee further agrees to ioclude this provision in all subcontracts issued as a result ofthis Agreemgnt. L. Tbe State ofFroritla's perfornance and obligati!tr10 pay under this Agreem€nt rs contingent upon by the Legislature. eaaitionally, rho Stat" of-ftoriaat performince yr.pri"tion and 1l,T^]:l eay,unqer rhis Agree ment is contingent upon r€ceipt of tunding from NOAA. The pirmes nereto understaod that this Agreencnt is not a commibreot of future appropriations. ::1Tn31 D. 2. Th: ftTtT,acloowledges that rec€ipt of this grant does not any applicable state permit or approval. inply that the project qualifies for PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agr. eement shall b€gin upon executiou by both partics and end no later than April 30, 2012, inclusive. rny be expetrded on this S""tioolOoa n oO"d Foject until the C_oasjalMalagement program (FCt{pl xOg n"* tne section 3064, Jlor-tda Projects frrtrded with Section 306A firnds musi con4rty "iA "ppr-Jjottl" Coasbl Zonechecklist. with S""tioil-OOe Management Act, available at <http://coastalmanae;;€nt.noaa.sovt;;;tczma.html#section306D. No work may commence and no funds 3. FUNDING/CONSIDERATION A As consideration for th: services reodered by the Grantee under the terms ofthis Agreement, the Department sball pay the Grantee oo a cost reimbursernent basis aa arnount not io for all eligible project costs, upon the coupletion, submittal and ";"*-JGi,ooo upptot"r ortn" DEP AglteDent No, CM2l0, pese DEP 55-236 (0M I ) t of ll J"itt"iuurl.-' idcntified in Attrchment A. The parties heleto und€Ntand and agree that this Agreem€nt rcquires sharing o! r'tch on the part ofthe Grarree in the amouniirSSg,OOO io i"--fiod,;;-third party iu-kind, to{ards the work irnded und€r this Agreement rt" eol p"y-"ot Ji'oot u, processed uotil the match requi'ement has bee" ltlet. eflo"i st riog-utch shall meet the federal requiremenb estabrished in 48 cFR part 31, l5 cFR pa$ 14.23, t5 cFR 24.24 and OMB cbculars A-87 (2 cFR 225), A_122 (2 cFR zso) a_z i zzol. a cost "it, B C. ""d (iih. Prior witten ap'proval ftom the Deparhe,nl's Grant Manager slnll be required for changes within approv€d task budget caregories ofup ro l0% ofthe total iCMp iask budget amount. Tle Departnent Grant Manager wit haosmit a copy ofthe written approva aia revisea ualet to ,oe Depaftncut con*acts Disbu*emetrts ofnc" foi i""tu.ioo io tu"'i,grcement file. changes greater than 10% of the total FCMP task budgetwill require a fonna[htge oraer to rhe Ag€eme . changos that transfer funds from one task to anotrer or taat ncreas! or dccrease the-total firnding amount u/ill requirc a formal ameudmeut to the Agreement. The Grantee sh:ll submit a pro!€rly corpleted Attachment C, payment Request Sumrnary Forr4 upoa the cornpletiorl submittal, arrd acceptance by the Dcpartlrenlg oreach deliverable idcntified in Attaabme|rt A. In addition-to th! payment nequest fornq Ac Crantee must provide a corpleted Exhlbit I, Schedule ofExpendinoer; e"hOit U, bchedule of Ivtatchi copies ofcanceled checks; copies ofiavoices and a cornpleted Attrchm€trt B; euarterly progress lLport, tor thu neng$ un 1o th. e corrpletiou of the deliverable. A[ bilrs foi airouots iue ,.,ia"r tlis Agr"!.J shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a propo pte-"ndrt m"."of All requests for reirnbursement oftravel expenses shalL in accordance "nJposrnuat witi Section l12.06t, Florida statutcs @ereinafter "F.s."). Failure to provide Attacbment B shall result in a delay in proiessing the payment until such time as thc appropriate iDfonDation is govicted to the Departrnent Elch payment request submitt€d shalr docurnenl all matchi'g firnds and/or match;fforts (i.e. in-kind sqviccs)-provided dwing the period covered by each rJqucst. a frnal paymcnt requiJnus[e submitted to tte Departmed no later than tUay fO, ZO,Z, to assure theivailabifity offimds for paymeot. The final payment will not be processed until the match requirement ia, U"_ Failure to coryply with these rep,orting require*nts will result in non-paynent or termination of this Agrccmcnt. To be eligible for reimbwsement, costs be in accordance with the roquireDrsnts of 15 CFR parts 14 and 24, as applicabte. _"t) In additio-l to the invoicing requireEreuts contained in paragraphs 4.A, and C, the DepartmeEt will d. jt dgerru approprute in its sote dis;ti;a p-oioiu r-ru"hon (invoice, payrorl reglster, or simtlar it€m) to evaluatc the appropriateness ofcosts to the Agrcement *d_Federal guidehoes (including cost altocation guidelines). This informatioD, ty:]|T,-i !9j. must be provided withil thirty (30) wnen requested, calendar days of such request. Thc Grantee may also be required to submit a cost allocation ilan to the Depirt n*i io ,upport oflt" intirect, general adminisrative costs, and frinse Stare suidelines ror alowable costs can be found in the Depaxtrcnt ofFinancial Services, Reference Guide for !a*i":Y:q"::!. T:ljt]:11!:y!.d, b;fi;). State Expenditure-s at http:4www.fldfs.cortry'aadir&efsrcnce%5Fguide; allowable costs for Federal rrogrsra can be tound under 48 CFR part 3 1 and Appendix E of 45 CFR pan 74, at dr;." http//wrvw"'htmr *a orr{g a -h p zzs1, a'122 Q cFR23o)' A-21 (2 cFR 220); and administratiroe rcq,rircmcnts can be found in oMB Circulars 4-102 and A-l l0 (2 CFR 215) at http://www. whitehouse, qov/omb/circularyindex.hfinl#num erical. o* Only project delverable costs incu$ed during the g|ant p€riod id€ntifi€d pangraph in 2 ofthis Agreement, as shou,o by projcct invoices, arCefigi6le fo; reimbwsement. In order to bc r"der this AgFement must be;bugated aud all work corryleted by the clantee f:P. * ot:9,r" oy Ine eDd the grant penod identiEed in paragraph 2, Ten pcrcent (10%) ofthe tuncls chgible frl t"dy":-*l gger th]1 Agreement may Ui *tmeU penaing reccipt and approval of all work products and deliverables as identified in AttrchrDetrt A. DEP AgrecmcDt No. CM210, Pegc 2 of 11 DEP 5S236 (08il r) 2. The cost would be_allowable ifthe Agreement wsre not suspended or expired trormally at the eud ofthe funding pcriod in which the termination takei place. REPORTS The G*ntee slalt sulmiJ a kogess Report Forrn, attacbed hereto and incorporated h€r€in as Attsch'€nt Quart€rly reports-shalt be submitted to the Departnent,s craDt Matrager no lat€r lT:,qx*:r]1tTrs. ulan rcn ( r u) days to,,owrng the co(Dletiou of tbe quarterly reporting period. The term ,.quai-terly" shall reflcct tbe calendar quane$ ending March 31, Jrme 30. scpte-u", :5 lou p"""rnuer 31. tn addition to the ruuu quarterly progess rsport tbe Grautee shall submit a Final Project Report Forr! attached horeto a11d made a part hercofas Attachment D. A drat shall be submittea ei""tooicatty to o, o"paran"ot;. c.uot &r Florida coastal l,lanasement prbgram 6cfor1, a rara copy 1P' Yfl-t:1^1:^"1,0'::11: :lp'.":"I9y ano an eloctsoluc copy ofthe Final Project Report shall be submitted to the Departcrentt Oa"t fr,r"oag".. Filal paFnent wiU b€ held until receipt and approlrl ofthe Fiml project Report. . 4qEIVINIFICATION/LIMITS OF LIABILTTY Each party hereto agrees that it shal b€ solely responsiblc for thc ncgligcnt or wrongftrl acts of its erployees and agents' However, norhing cotrtained herein shall coniti"nrte sovereign immunity or the provisioas of Section 76g.2g, F.S. 6. a waiver by either party of its DEFAULT/TERMINATION This Agree.ent shall be ex€cuted within uinety (90) days ftom NoAA approvar unless rnutually waived by the Department and the Grantee. F;ilure of timely cxecution oftnis agrcement by the Gmntee may result in these funds being reallocate<t to other irCMp needs. Thc Deparhent may terminate this Agreemc't at any time in the event ofthe failure ofthe fulfill any ofits_obligationJunder this Agreement, prior to termimtion, the slall grovide thidy (30) calendar days written notice ofits intent to terminatc and ?ee..arhn€:! |h" btantee a! opporrunity to inquire with the DepartuEnt regading the reasou(s) :Ti,-p.:]iT Gratrtee to IOr ternuDahon- The Deparbrcnt may terminate this-Agccmnt if the work described herein has not coqunenced sxty (60) calendar days ofthe date ofexecution ofthis Agreement, prior !o termination, Ine.r,reparunen-t sha[ provlde tbity (30) calendar da]rs wlitten notice ofits intent to tsrminate and prorade the Orantee atr opportunity to inqufue with the DQartrent rcgarditg the reason(s) :harl for termination, yrl{! r*l^ rmilaterally terminate this Agreement for convcnience by providing the P-: ?.OtT*.:t urantec witfi thirty (30) E. calendar days written notjcc. Records rnade or received in conjunction with this Agreemeut are public r€cords. Such records may also be subj€ct to the Freedom of lnform.stion Act. This Agreement rlay be unilaterally canceled by the Departnent for refusar by the Grant€e to allow accesito docunrents, lubtc pap€rs, letters, or other material made or received by thc Grautei in conjunction with this Agreement, uDless the records are exenpt fiom secloo 24(a) ofArticlei ofthe state constitution aud Chapter I 19, F.S. a F. The Departnent will decline reinbuserrent to the Grantee for s€rvices provided utder the tenDs ofthis AgEement ifthc Gmntee do€s not submit payment requests and iuarterly repors in T6.9. provisions of paragraphs 3 and a of this Agrcement. euarterly progress :":T9"" Reports received by the Departrnent afte_r the jOthcalendar day foUo*ing tL" ofany ' quarterly repoding period will be considered tate-Eled and ren<ter Grante-e "orpletioi in default under the terms of this Agrecment. G. Ifthe Gmntee fails to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this plan), and all attachrDents and exiibits, the craDt€e +Cr.::nTnt-:Alllchment A (Project Work slall De rnehgrblc to be considered for firnding under the Coastal partoership Initiative (CpD DEP Agre€E€trt No. CM210, prge 4 of I I DEP ss-236 (06/11) Gopper Glam Bay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 February Co. Lab 6.97 24.10 4.56 4_30 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 February Benchmark 1.54 20.40 1.12 .577 .346 .346 .346 .346 .346 March Co. Lab 4.97 3.93 4.68 3-50 3.00 3.58 3.00 3.00 3.00 Berm N. berm. N. Bdwlk Sand. P.lot. St. Lucia Commons Glenview S.41 pipe 232.OO 194.00 57.90 NA 37.80 58.80 3.00 646.00 24.60 NA NA 20.60 92.40 3.08 t 6 a g 2 2 E g ; *EEE a IF a anFF ]|il Itl Iil itl e I 8 ists ;bEE tl trl |ltl itl ; E l5 g= z 6!i e - -t > <aa ; ; {oo -iS + qeq S i: in EB;3: s:9<q e-u944 gs3== HXFEC 6E e5 7,-E tl E YE E E- ; e e 5 ; E ?3 fl , z4 - 6 -1^ _ ai2 F a 3 ; tR 2 8 : ; ! 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