Lifeskills Program - Penarth Youth Project

Penarth Youth Project- Serving the Vale
Crossing Boundaries Challenging Perception (CBCP)
Life Skills Programme Information
What is the CBCP Programme?
CBCP aims to develop, empower and enhance the future prospects of a specific
group of young people through targeted activities and workshops. The group are
young people who are affected by ‘Hidden Harm’. For this service we also offer
Parenting Groups for the parents of the young people referred.
CBCP aims to monitor and evaluate working practices to accomodate changing
need or areas of work identified in need of improving by the CBCP Project users,
both referred and referring agencies to make the services provided more accessable
and better for the need of the young person. The success of the Crossing
Boundaries - Challenging Perception Project will be measured with ongoing
monitoring and evaluations.
What’s does CBCP aim to do?
The CBCP programme will undertake work with young people to promote an
improved equality of opportunity by offering the young people on the programme the
same chances and choice to take part in a local youth provision and gain the same
camaraderie and opportunities of young people in mainstream youth provisions and
services. CBCP will therefore  promote accessibility and participation throughout the whole
programme for better and improved working.
 work within the Vale of Glamorgan to improve service working for those
young people affected by Hidden Harm.
 challenge agencies to support these young people to access to
mainstream provision and services.
Participation by young people help to underpin our work. Young People will be
encouraged to help us to form the programme content and to identify venues for
workshops and activities appropriate to their needs.
Young People who wish to will be able to 
train as Volunteer staff and work towards their Volunteering Awards
help to run sessions where appropriate
buddy new young people attending and helping at events.
plan activities or events that "Challenge Perception” of young poeple
experiencing hidden harm
Through participating in the CBCP programme the young person will be able to 
develop confidence and self esteem
enable better communicate in a more positive way
increase their ability to access and participate in the mainstream
help young people to access CBCP to gain empowerment and confidence to
access mainstream youth provisions and targeted services.
 offer full support through workshops, groupwork and one to one where
 work with services to promote inclusion and give ongoing direction and
feedback to these services, concerning best practice so that services can
better develop with a more improved service delivery to young people
having difficulty accessing mainstream provision.
What will the young people learn?
Through participating in the CBCP programme young poeple will learn to  build and develop trust and respect amongst each other
 further build and empower confidence, which will enable them to better
appreciate and value themselves in the first instance and to value each
 build better trust and confidence between the communities
 promote and improve cultural diversity through working together.
Benefits of participation
For young people
After-school activities
School based discussion groups
Personal development plans
For parents/guardians
Signposting to appropriate services/agencies
Information and guidance
Parental guidance training
Awarenesss sessions
Social events
For organisations
Specialist Advice and Guidance
Open days
Tailor made training for front line workers/teachers
Referral Criteria
To access the Crossing Boundaries Challenging Perception programme referrals
should -
 be aged 11 to 18 years
 reside in the Vale of Glamorgan
 be a young person affected directly or indirectly by substance misuse
which could result in hidden harm
 demonstrate risk of hidden harm
Contact details:
For further information please contact
Tracey Downes
Unit 3D (behind Buyology)
Verlon Close
Vale of Glamorgan CF63 2BE
Tel: 01446 734088