canstruction 2015- e-vite media release Pendulum Gallery

Canstruction 2015
April 27 – Friday May 8, 2015
Artists at work : Canstruction 2014 : Pendulum Gallery
Can you imagine 10’ tall sculptures made out of canned food? We CAN! This
year’s theme is FACT or FICTION, and teams of Architects, Engineers,
Designers and Students are set to bring 19 giant sculptures to multiple downtown
venues for Canstruction Vancouver 2015. This year, the exhibition is split
between the Pendulum Gallery, the Pacific Centre Rotunda and the Four
Seasons Hotel; all within easy walking distance of each other.
Originally conceived in New York in 1992, Canstruction aims to serve those in
need while uniting the design and building community. Canstruction Vancouver
has contributed over 1.31 million cans of food in the last 13 years with 100% of
cans raised donated to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society helping to
sustain our community. Now in its 13th year, Canstruction continues to operate
as both as an Art Exhibition and a critical 'food-raiser’, creating a sociallyconscious event that engages both audiences and participants.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Websites :
Media :
Scott Gray ph: 604 418 7705
Twitter @canstructionYVR
Instangram #canstructionYVR
Canstruction Vancouver was founded by Met Printers and is presented in 2015 by Fortis
BC. It is the single largest donation of canned food the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
Society receives each year.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pendulum Gallery
HSBC Building
885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC.
604 250 9682