Summer 2015 Diary Date Event Time The Grange, M19 3ES £199 (£180 PEN) 8.30-9.30 Martenscroft, M15 6PA £25 (PEN: Free) 9.15-12 Martenscroft, M15 6PA £40 (PEN: Free) South/Wythenshawe District 9.15-12 Network Lancasterian, M20 2XA £40 (PEN: Free) Fri 8 May Senior Leaders' Briefing Fri 15 May Cost 9.30-12 Wed 22 Apr Playclub 4 Trial a Tue 12 May Location Central District Network Martenscroft Tue 19 May North District Network 9.15-12 Cheetham CE Pri, M8 9FR £40 (PEN: Free) Thu 21 May Apps for schools 2-3.15 or 3.45-5 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £15 (PEN: Free) Thu 21 May KS2 Family Detective Reading Project 1 9.30-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £180 (£160 PEN) Thu 4 Jun Moving Up Phase 2 Session 1 1-4 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £400 (£350 PEN) Tue 9 Jun Engaging parents in numeracy 3a 9.30-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £160 (£145 PEN) Coordinating Parental Engagement a 9.30-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £140 (£120 PEN) 2-4.45 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £25 (PEN: Free) Supporting Parents with Benefits (North) 9.30-3 St Mary's Moston, M40 0DF PEN: Free Greater Manchester Network 9.15-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £40 (PEN: Free) 1.30-3.45 Werneth School, SK6 3BX £40 (PEN: Free) 9.30-11.30 William Hulme's School, M16 8PR £40 (£35 PEN) 9.15-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £40 (PEN: Free) Simon Pridham: Using Apps 9.15-12 to Engage Parents or 1-4 Britannia Country House, M20 2WG £70 (£60 PEN) Thu 2 Jul Parental Engagement Coordinators' Network 2.30-4.15 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £40 (PEN: Free) Thu 2 Jul Supporting Parents with Benefits (South) 9.30-3 Lancasterian, M20 2XA PEN: Free Developing a School Policy on Parental Engagement 9.30-12 Windrush Centre, M16 7WD £70 (£60 PEN) Tue 16 Jun Thu 18 Jun Meet Volunteer Agencies Tue 23 Jun Wed 24 Jun Wed 24 Jun Secondary Network Thu 25 Jun Pupil Premium Network Fri 26 Jun Tue 30 Jun Fri 3 Jul Family Worker Support Session Contact us… Summer 2015 email: tel: 0161 860 5039 web: twitter: @PENetworkUK 8 Summer 2015 For schools in Manchester and Greater Manchester Breaking News: PEN wins funding! Sutton Trust/Esmée Fairbairn: Engaging Parents Effectively PEN is one of just six organisations nationally that has won an award from the Sutton Trust and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation’s new £1m Parental Engagement Fund for April 2015 – Sept 2017. The PEN project will focus on how school readiness sessions, workshops, home learning projects and support from school staff can help disadvantaged families support children’s learning and impact on their achievement for children aged 3 - 6. We will be working with a few PEN member schools to implement and evaluate strategies from June onwards but we will be extending the opportunity to get involved to many more schools next year. Interested? Email More information on page 2 Opportunities this term Volunteer agencies: Opportunity to meet agencies that provide volunteers for schools. Thu 18 Jun Page 6 Using apps to improve communication with parents: Awards for All: Moving Up Project PEN has also won an Awards for All Grant to develop an exciting new project on engaging and supporting parents at the point of transition into High School. More information on page 2 Thanks to everyone who came to the #PENConference15 and helped make it a success! Videos now available on the PEN website. Practical session run by Simon Pridham, speaker at last term’s PEN Conference. Tue 30 Jun Page 5 Supporting parents with changes in benefits: Financial Inclusion Officer Tues 23 Jun or Thu 2 Jul Page 6 National News NAHT have produced a series of leaflets aimed at parents about supporting children’s learning They can be downloaded FREE: welcome/about-naht/naht -charity-partner-20132014/ An All Party Parliamentary Group Report has identified the need to improve children’s numeracy in the Early Years and has highlighted the importance of involving parents in doing numeracy activities as home. Documents/APPG_paper_-_EYs.pdf Funding News Continued from front... supporting their child’s learning, to build peer support networks, to express their views and to access other support and learning opportunities. It will include using apps, QR codes and other new technology to improve communication. We are currently working with four High Schools: Copley Academy, Chorlton High School, Burnage Academy and Bedford High on Phase 1 of the project to develop resources and strategies. Sutton Trust/Esmée Fairbairn: Engaging Parents Effectively Previous research by the Sutton Trust found there to be a 19 month gap in school readiness between the richest and the poorest children at age 5. At the same time a new Early Years Toolkit from the Education Endowment Foundation has shown that effective parental engagement can boost learning for disadvantaged children. The charities’ investment will support the growth, increased effectiveness and impact measurement of the initiatives, all of which are designed to boost learning and reduce the attainment gap for disadvantaged 2 – 6 year olds. There will be places available for up to 10 High Schools to join us at Phase 2 of the project, which involves six half days of training to support schools in implementing and evaluating the project. Schools will get designed resources and guidelines on strategies which they can adapt for their school, training in using new technology, support with evaluation, Awards for All: bespoke support and a report on the of the project. June 4th p.m., Moving Up Project outcomes th June 17 p.m., Sept 14th pm, Oct 21st This project will look at p.m., Nov 24th p.m., and Feb 9th p.m. how to effectively engage Cost for Phase 2 schools is £400 (or £350 parents in secondary school through for PEN Members) meetings, home activities and other strategies. It aims to help parents to Interested? communicate with and access information Email about school, to understand their role in Summer 2015 2 Spring Term District Networks Manchester Networks Universal Credit & Budgeting courses James, a tutor from MAES spoke at the South/Wythenshawe network and Wayne Selkridge, a financial inclusion officer from City South Housing spoke at the Central and North networks. They had lots of useful tips for parents including how to get payments still made directly to the housing provider, how to get debt written off, availability of advance payments etc. Following requests we are putting on two free whole day training courses on supporting parents with Sarah, a parent from Newall changes in Green Primary School, benefits this term attended the MAES (see page 6). budgeting course Spend and Save. “I saved £193 in Book now as 4 weeks by changing little there are only 12 things – now I have the places available money to get a passport.” on each course. Wayne is available to run a range of FREE courses for parents on understanding money and budgeting. His phone numbers are 227 1202 or 0800 840 1444. MAES also run free budgeting courses in Manchester. School Readiness Schools shared leaflets they had produced or courses they had run on school readiness. MAES, Homestart and Surestart are all involved in providing courses. These look at a range of issues including language, toileting, eating, learning through play, separation and support for EAL parents. PEN will be further developing this work with the Esmée Fairbairn funding. Handouts and Other good practice other resources shared included given out at the o Digidads run networks are successfully by available on the MAES members’ section of the website o Volunteer Fair for parents at Old Hall Drive including making CVs o New safeguarding system CPOMS which flags up actions for key people o FAST run at Broadhurst and St Malachy’s o A Maths passport being used at Lily Lane Salford Network The network meeting looked around Barton Moss school, including their special inclusion room, and discussed ways to record and measure work with parents. Fiddlers Lane school shared lots of practical ideas that they have developed to engage dads and mums, and links with literacy. Tameside Network The Tameside Network meeting held on 6th Feb included input from CAMHS. Andrea Waldron from Tameside Adult Education also spoke about the range of family learning courses they run (ring 0161 343 8889 for further details) “Fab – really informative. Lots to take back.” Claire East “So much information and great things to try!” Tom Rudd This term we will be running a Greater Manchester network meeting rather than separate Tameside & Salford meetings 7 FREE to PEN Members (cont) Senior Leaders’ Briefing (Pri & Special) £40 (FREE to PEN Members) This will include looking at school readiness, new PSHE guidelines, Ofsted, Early Help, use of apps, and other current issues and developments. Fri 8 May, 8.30-9.30 at Martenscroft, M15 6PA Please book by 30 Apr Meet Volunteer Agencies £25 (FREE to PEN Members) An opportunity to meet volunteer agencies who can help you recruit a range of volunteers with different experience and skills for your school. Thu 18 Jun 2-4.45 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Please book by 8 Jun Supporting Parents with Changes in Benefits (FREE to PEN Members) Wayne Selkridge on liability for debt, priority debt, budgeting, what parents are entitled to, filling in forms, information about universal credit, benefit cap and bedroom tax. Bring a packed lunch. Tues 23 Jun 9.30-3.00 at St Mary’s Moston, M40 0DF OR Thu 2 Jul 9.30-3.00 at Lancasterian School, M20 2XA Please book by 13 Jun Secondary Network £40 (FREE to PEN Members) The focus will be on improving communication to parents including how schools report pupil progress and wider outcomes to parents. Please bring examples of how your school reports to parents so practice can be shared. Facilitator: Jill Tordoff Wed 24 Jun, 1.30-3.45 at Werneth School, SK6 3BX Please book by 14 Jun Family Worker Support Session for all staff working with vulnerable families £40 (FREE to PEN Members) Updates and an opportunity to share successes and challenges of the role. o Input on Transition for vulnerable families: a best practice model Facilitator: Janet Davies Fri 26 Jun 9.15 – 12 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Please book by 16 Jun o NEW Parental Engagement Co-ordinators’ Network (Pri & Special) £40 (FREE to PEN Members) This NEW network meeting for staff who coordinate parental engagement across the school will look at class meetings at the start of the year and planning parental engagement in learning for the next academic year. Thu 2 Jul 2.30 – 4.15 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Please book by 16 Jun Summer 2015 6 PEN News Spring 2015 Conference Over 100 people attended the conference. Our particular thanks to PEN members who generously shared some of the excellent practice they have developed: Gina Marriott from St Mary’s Moston on how they engaged the whole school on supporting vulnerable families; Jane Coogan from Stanley Grove on their inspiring Big Book Bash; Tricia Hodge from St Margarets on their Parents’ Council; Jo Mannion from Parrs Wood on running courses for parents of The parade in Longsight teenagers; Sally as part of Stanley Grove’s Big Book Bash Duffy from Collyhurst on supporting vulnerable families. Jerry Griffiths, our marketing intern, and Cameron Cairnduff of Little Apple TV produced some short videos of the conference. To get a flavour of the conference and hear some opinions about it you can watch here: We have also been developing our use of social media – please like/follow our pages on Facebook: ParentalEngagement-Network and Twitter: @PENetworkUK Playclub 4 We are currently developing Playclub 4: Exciting new activities to raise achievement in literacy for phase 5 letters & sounds. 16 Greater Manchester schools will be trialling the project in the Summer term. QR Codes New Playclub 1 Teachers’ Notes now also have QR codes on the activity cards which take parents straight to videos of the activities. Outstanding Practice at Lisburne Special School Many thanks to Lisburne who ran an inspiring session sharing their ‘Outstanding’ parental engagement. Joanna Frank from Oakwood Avenue Primary said: “Fantastic ! Felt very welcome, loved looking around the school. Taking back lots of ideas. Whole school working together was so evident.” PEN Membership 2015-16: £299 34 schools have already joined PEN for 2015-6. It’s only £299 for a whole year of benefits for the whole school, including network meetings, senior leaders briefings, NEW meetings for volunteer co-ordinators and parental engagement co-ordinators, information on the website, free training, telephone support, and discounted training. See To see what some of the PSAs/Family Support Workers think about membership see our video: 3 Courses (Available to All Schools) LL Playclub 4—Trial & FU Training KS2 Family Detective Reading Project £180 for 1 or 2 people to attend the training session and a pack with all the activities, supporting resources, teacher’s notes and CD ROM. Introduction to the resources and training on how to run the project in school. Year 3, 4 or 5 children and their families work together on an exciting challenge to solve a mystery, developing their comprehension, inference and questioning skills. Thu 21 May, 9.30 – 12 at the KS2 Family Detective Windrush Meeting at Cheetham Centre, M16 CofE Academy 7WD £199 (£180 PEN Members) Includes full set of resources Playclub 4 will include fun activities to raise achievement in literacy— phase 5 letters and sounds. Schools will trial the new activities and commit to evaluating them fully and attending an evaluation session in July. Trainers: Ruth Levy EY2P & Emma Beresford. Wed 22 Apr & Wed 1 Jul, 9.30-12 at the Grange School, M19 3ES Engaging Parents in Numeracy Coordinating Parental Engagement £160 (£145 PEN Members) Includes 2 sessions & resources Raise achievement in numeracy by engaging parents in the EYFS and KS1. This course will cover a range of practical strategies including maths weeks, home learning projects, numbers through books, number trails and more. The cost includes resources to use with Numicon and new F.U.N activities. Tues 9 Jun & another date tba, 9.30-12 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Closing date to book on: 31 May £140 (£120 PEN Members) This 2-session course will give a coordinator tools and support to help review current practice, identify priorities and develop and implement an action plan. It will cover all aspects of parental engagement including communication, consultation, engaging parents in learning, parent volunteers and additional support. It is suitable for anyone new to this role, as well as more experienced staff. Tue 16 Jun & another date tba, 9.30-12 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Closing date to book on: 6 Jun To book onto any of the PEN courses or sessions listed in this update, please email (unless another contact is given). PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BOOK ON AT LEAST 10 DAYS BEFORE COURSE IS DUE TO RUN. If schools cancel more than 2 weeks before the training, no charge will be incurred. With 1 – 2 weeks' notice schools will have to pay 50%. Less than 1 week's notice and the full fees are due. Substitutions are welcome at any time. Summer 2015 4 Pupil Premium Network £40 (£35 PEN Members) This meeting will o share the learning from Divine Mercy Primary School on the programme “Physical Me, Social Me, Emotional Me”; o consider ways to measure the impact of interventions which support wider skills e.g. emotional wellbeing, resilience, social skills. This will include Corrie Primary School sharing their use of the PASS survey. Thu 25 Jun 9.30-11.30 at William Hulme's Grammar School, M16 8PR Closing date to book on: 15 Jun Developing a School Policy on Parental Engagement £70 (£60 PEN Members) An opportunity to look at examples of policies and the process of developing one with staff and parents. Fri 3 Jul 9.30—12.00 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD Closing date to book on: 24 Jun Using apps to improve communication with parents £70 (£60 PEN Members) A very practical session led by Simon Pridham which will o raise awareness of how technology can improve links with parents o talk participants through a step-bystep guide to using a number of free apps o help practitioners produce some examples of practical resources using new technology. EARLY BOOKING REQUIRED! Tues 30 Jun 9.15-12 OR 1-4 at the Britannia Country House Hotel, M20 2WG Closing date: June 8th Opportunity to meet companies that provide apps for schools £15 (FREE to PEN Members) Thu 21 May 2-3.15 OR 3.45-5 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD FREE to PEN Members Manchester District Network Meetings All meetings take place from 9.15-12. o Early Help in Manchester o A practical step-by-step session on how to use apps to improve communication with parents e.g. to develop a leaflet about the PSA role linked to a video clip o Other updates & opportunities Central £40 (FREE to PEN Members) 12 May Martenscroft Nursery South/ 15 May Lancasterian School Wythenshawe North 19 May Cheetham CE Pri Greater Manchester Network Meeting (Pri & Special; all other Authorities) £40 (FREE to PEN Members) Looking at class meetings and engagement of parents in September; Supporting parents with money issues; Planning work over the year. Wed 24 June 9.15-12 at the Windrush Centre, M16 7WD 5
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