M AR C H 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 MINISTRY OF PENIEL B APTIST CH URCH Peniel Baptist Academy VOLUME 110 Peniel Church Road...Palatka, Florida...32177-8550 4 2 , ISSUE 1 2 THE PBA SCHOOL NEWS CONTINUES... Psalm 1:1-3 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. SAT TESTING APRIL 6TH-10TH 2015-2016 SCHOOL REGISTRATION Enroll Today! SAT TESTING WEEK Registration Dates: PBC Member —March 16th Public—March 19th Please remember that PK4 - 12th grade students will take the SAT10/OLSAT8 Tests on Monday, April 6th - Friday, April 10th. To ensure your child does their best, please make sure they: √ Get a good night’s rest √ Bring two #2 pencils Parents who are signing up for regular PK212th grade tuition must pay the $100 registration fee the day you register your child. √Do not allow your child to miss school during testing time. Please schedule all appointments after 12:30 pm. Parents whose children are on the Step Up for Students Scholarship must turn in their approval letter from Step Up to have the $100 registration fee waived. Please pray that our students will do their very best to glorify the Lord! Thank you! Registration forms are available through the front office or may be downloaded from the school's website at www. penielacademy.org. SPRING BOOK FAIR March 17th-20th This is a great opportunity for you to purchase some good, wholesome summer reading books for your child. Don’t miss out!!! Please register soon as some classes are quickly filling up. Please remember: All balances must be paid prior to registration. √ Eat a good breakfast √ Arrive on time each day Date and Times: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Thursday (family Night) FACCS SR. FINE ARTS WINNERS JV Biology 3rd Place Jade Greaner JV Biological Science Fair 1st Place 2nd Place Zach Bush Katie Spinler JV Physical Science 1st Place 3rd Place CJ Prescott Libby Beauchamp Varsity Cartooning 3rd Place Michaela Heini JV Serious Interpretation 3rd Place Zach Bush JV Humorous Interpretation 1st Place Dakota Breed Varsity Humorous Interpretation 3rd Place Michaela Heini JV Poem Interpretation 3rd Place Libby Beauchamp Congratulations to all who participated and to our winners!! 8:00 am-3:00 pm 8:00 am-6:00 pm SWING FOR A CAUSE is supporting Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Thursday, March 26th 1:00 p.m. PK4-12TH GRADE $1.00 to watch $5 for 3 swings The sign up sheet will be in the front office. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. Warrior's War Room 2014-2015 Boys’ Baseball Schedule Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Page 2 (VISIT WWW.PENIELACADEMY.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION) @Meadowbrook C.A. St. Johns Lutheran Beacon of Hope C.A. First Coast C.A. Hope Christian Academy @Beacon of Hope C.A. 03/16/2015 2014-2015 Girls’ Fast-Pitch Softball Schedule 4:30 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 Boys play at the new Babe Ruth complex in Francis off St. Johns Avenue. Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 23 Mar. 27 Mar. 30 Tuesday Thursday Monday Friday Monday Apr. 2nd-10th @Meadowbrook C.A. Crescent City H.S. @Duval Charter H.S. Harvest Community Duval Charter H.S. 4:30 6:00 4:30 5:00 & 6:00 6:00 FCAL Tournament TBA Concessions are sold at the girls’ softball games. Girls play at Rotary Park behind the Campbell Building downtown. Admission: $5.00 Adults $3.00 Students Art Contest Winners K-2 Grade 1st Place 2nd Place Hayden MacGibbon Natalee Hardy 3rd-5th Grade 1st Place 2nd Place Bailey Carpenter Gracie Cunningham 6th-8th Grade 1st Place Ashley Trip 9th-12th Grade 1st Place 2nd Place CJ Prescott Michaela Heini First Place winners will have their artwork entered in the Putnam County Fair. The general public will be voting. Voting will take place at the booth for the Putnam County Elections office. The winners will receive a cash prize of $200.00. Stop by the and place your vote!! LOLLIPOP SALE The 5th grade class will be selling spring lollipops at lunch from March 16th –25th. Proceeds from the sale will help benefit Haiti Missions and the Osteen family. The cost of the lollipops will be $.75 - $1.00 March 16 March 19 March 25 March 27 Mar. 30-Apr. 3 April 6-10 April 10 IMPORTANT DATES PBChurch Members Registration Public Registration starts @7am!!! End of the 3rd Nine Weeks Teacher Planning Day/Daycare is Available Spring Break/Academy Closed No Daycare SAT10/OLSAT8 Testing, PK4-12th Grade Report Cards Go Home FACCS Creative Writing Festival Finalists 2015 Two-Word Poem Haiku Cinquain Scripture Poem Middle School Poetry Short Story Laura Ann McLane Kaley Giddens Cody Bennett Kaylee Livingston Brooke Batchelor Kaylee Livingston Kaley Giddens (2nd Pl) (3rd Pl) (2nd Pl) (2nd Pl) (3rd Pl) (1st Pl) (3rd Pl) 1st Gr. 3rd Gr. 7th Gr. 7th Gr. 8th Gr. 7th Gr. 3rd Gr. Regional Winners Elementary Short Story: Kiersten Geiser & Kaley Giddens Haiku: Wyatt Chapman & Kaley Giddens Two-Word Poem: Laura Ann McLane Middle School Cinquain Poem: Jeremy Sweet & Cody Bennett Poetry: Lucas Chapman & Kaylee Livingston Essay: Joy Tucker & Kristen Flateau Scripture Poem: Kaylee Livingston & Brooke Batchelor Congratulations to all our finalists and winners! PBA is proud of you! HUT, HUT, HIKE!! The Yearbook Staff is excited to announce that it will host for the first time a Powder Puff Football Game on Friday, May 22nd in association with Field Day. Stay tuned for more details! WARRIORS ON THE RUN Our next run (Catfish 5k Color Rush) will be held on Saturday, April 4th at 8:30am in Crescent City. Students need to sign up for the Color Run/5K For more information please contact Talisa Fletcher at tfletcher@pbastaff.org
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