Nightly Programs PBA WorkCamp 2015 Each night has a worship service and special extras. In years past, we have gone bowling, had a themed night with indoor paintball+ more, “share night”, concerts, and other special events. Each year’s camp has a theme, like- “Basic training” or “Going Green”. Our theme is carried throughout the week in the programming, Bible verse for the week, decorations, camp t-shirt, and the activity night. There is a “send off” service every morning right after the hot & hearty breakfast. All meals, activities, programming and construction materials are included in the fee. Lodging is on your own, but arrangement can be made to stay at the host church, ‘free’. Groups are responsible for their gas. Cash donations are encouraged to help with expenses and to assist with camp costs. Please bring large coolers for lunches/ H20“igloos” as well. M ISSIONS AT H OME 24th year of ministering and serving the Virginia Historic Triangle community... WorkCamp needs adults with/without construc- tion/leadership skills to be site leaders or assist on sites. Let us know how you can specifically help-call with ?’s. PBA WorkCamp 2015 Melanie Lassiter [Contact person] Peninsula Baptist Association WorkCamp 2015 863 Cloverleaf Lane Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-596-4587 Email: Phone: 757-596 4587 (PBA) JULY 5TH—10TH WHAT WorkCamp began with a dream... We began WorkCamp when Camp Director, Darlene Scheepers, a former Youth Director at Emmaus Baptist, Poquoson, Va. ...had a dream to build a house for a lady in need of a new home. From that “adopt-ahouse” was born. Harald Aadahl, then a Minister from Temple Baptist, Newport News, had been involved since 1988 in Tri-cities WorkCamp in Petersburg, VA, but was very interested in a local project. Tommy Rowe, past Youth Minister of Bethel Baptist, Tabb got involved as well and led his youth to participate for several years. Tommy developed and provided the programs. Since then WorkCamp evolved and developed into a week long mission project, ELSE DO I Registration NEED TO KNOW? WorkCamp is designed for youth who have completed sev- Sign up for: July 5th—10th, 2014 enth grade and above. Adults (21+) are expected to partici- Group leader is free (1) pate, (one to 7 ratio) with their youth. Youth and adults from Other adults, college students individual churches are placed in work crews on the first number 1 fees 0.00 $60. each Campers 7th grade to college night. Each work crew stays together all week. Crews have $150. each their own special assignment based on a number of factors. Each individual needs to bring personal tools (i.e. hammer, measuring tape, pencil, tool bag/nail pouch). Groups bring marked (with identifiers), items like: pliers, “wonder bar”, shovel, Subtotal: Non-refundable $25 deposit per person– MUST be paid by June 18th Total: Name Address saws, screw drivers, ladders, paint brush, etc). WorkCamp has a limited number of tools . Each camper must wear closed toed shoes, modest clothes (no tank/halter tops and guys are to keep shirts on). Note: clothes may be “ruined” during the week because we are painting, and working with materials that might stain or tear Group name Phone Checks are to made out to: “PBA WorkCamp” Comments/Questions are to be directed to Darlene Scheepers-camp director, Melanie Lassiter, or Harald Aadahl– (869-1232). clothes and shoes. Of course, no tobacco (including adults), I have read and understand the information con- non-prescription drugs, or alcohol use. tained in this informational flyer. Sign and return. having made repairs on over 400 homes. Repairs Churches and groups need to provide transportation equal, might include: drywall, painting, new roofs, new at least in size to their group. Transportation is needed to doors/ worksites, activities, etc. Campers should be prepared to windows, remain at camp all week, just as if we were away from home. vinyl sid- Exceptions must be pre-approved. PBA WorkCamp costs ing, roof $150 per camper. $60 adults. For safety reasons no camper coating, cell phones/Ipods/etc use porches, on sites, as you know steps, phones are a big distraction, wheel- and distractions cause inju- chair ramps, replacement of siding and trim, new ries. A person with head- floors, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. We had 18 crews phones on can’t hear safety working at 20 sites in 2013. warnings. Signature PBA WorkCamp 2015 [Contact person] Peninsula Baptist Association WorkCamp 2015 863 Cloverleaf Lane Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-596-4587 Email: WorkCamp is a cooperative ministry of mostly local Baptist Churches and local Social Service Agencies, with Housing Partnership, INC, and a few others to make repairs to homes of selected families with needs.
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