Integrating Factors - (Brief) Review c 2015 Prof. Philip Pennance1 -Version: March 30, 2015 1. Let U ⊆ IR2 be open. By a vector field on U we mean a function V : U → IR2 . (a) α1 (t) is invertible. (b) The trajectory (image) of α is the graph of the function φ given by 2. Let V ((x, y) = (v1 (x, y), v2 (x, y)) be a vector field. The expression: dx = v1 (x, y) dt dy = v2 (x, y) dt φ(x) = α2 ◦ α1−1 (x) (c) φ is a solution of the nonautonomous ODE determined by V viz: (1) v2 (x, y) dy = dx v1 (x, y is called the autonomous system of ODE’s determined by V . 3. A solution of (1) is a curve α : I → IR2 defined on an interval I such that α10 (t) = v1 (α1 (t), α2 (t)) α20 (t) I α2 (2) φ α10 (t) = v1 (α1 (t), α2 (t)) Since v1 is continuous and nonvanishing α10 (t) must be everywhere positive or everywhere negative on I. In either case, we deduce that α1 is a bijection from I onto its image. Let φ(x) = α2 ◦ α1−1 (x) Then using (2) and (4) (3) or in matrix form x˙ 0 −1 x = y˙ 1 0 y φ0 (x) = α20 (α1−1 (x))(α1 −1 )0 (x) v2 (x, φ(x)) (6) = v1 (x, φ(x)) By inspection α(t) = (cos t, sin t) is a solution of (3). Thus φ is a solution of (5). Let Gφ be the graph of φ. We claim Im α = Gφ . Let (x, y) ∈ Im α. Then there exists τ ∈ I such that (x, y) = (α1 (τ ), α2 (τ )). Therefore τ = α1−1 (x) and so y = α2 ◦ α1 −1 = φ(x). Hence (x, y) ⊆ Gφ . The proof of the converse inclusion is similar. 5. Claim: Let V = (v1 , v2 ) be a vector field with v1 and v2 continuous, v1 6= 0. If t∈I is a solution of the autonomous system (1) then 1 / Im α1 Proof: Since α is a solution of (1), 4. Example: Let V (x, y) = (−y, x). The autonomous system determined by V is: α(t) = (α1 (t), α2 (t)), | α1 (5) IR = v2 (α1 (t), α2 (t)) dx = −y dt dy = x dt (4) 1 6. Corollary Near (x0 , y0 ), this system of two autonomous equations in one dimension has solution α(t) = (α1 (t), α2 (t) given by: Z α1 (t) Z α2 (t) ξdξ = −ηdη (10) x0 y0 Let q : D ⊆ IR2 → IR be continuous and V ((x, y) = (v1 (x, y), v2 (x, y)) a vector field on D. If qv1 6= 0 on D and α(t) = (α1 (t), α2 (t)) is a solution of = t − t0 dx = q(x, y)v1 (x, y) dt dy = q(x, y)v2 (x, y) dt which yields: (7) α1−1 (x) then φ = α2 ◦α1−1 is a solution of the non autonomous ODE determined by V . α2 (t) = ± φ(x) = α2 ◦ α1−1 (x) p = − x0 2 + y 0 2 − x 2 (11) The maximal solution of the IVP is a semicircle in the lower half plane, which is in agreement with the fact that trajectories of the autonomous system (3) have the form α(t) = (r cos t, r sin t). 7. Example: Let V (x, y) = (−y, x). The nonautonomous ODE determined by V takes the separable form: 8. Let D ⊆ IR2 and V (x, y) = (v1 (x, y), v2 (x, y)) (8) be a vector field on D. A function Φ : D → IR such that ∇Φ = V is called a potential function for V . A level curve of V is called an equipotential. A vector field is called exact if it admits a potential function. Suppose we have an the initial condition, y(x0 ) = y0 with y0 < 0. Take as integrating factor q(x, y) = p y0 2 − 2(t − t0 ) Since y0 < 0 the negative sign applies. By (4) above a solution of the non autonomous ODE (8) is Proof: Notice that the presence of the integrating factor q changes the speed of the trajectories of the autonomous system (1). By claim (6b), the solution φ is a solution of the non autonomous equation associated with vector field qV = (qv1 , qv2 ), which (since q cancels) coincides with the non autonomous ODE determined by V . x dy = dx −y x2 − x0 2 = t0 + 2 −1 xy 9. If V ((x, y) = (v1 (x, y), v2 (x, y)) is a vector field on an open set U , the vector field determined by: The autonomous system determined by the vector field qV is: V ⊥ (x, y) = (−v2 (x, y), v1 (x, y)) dx 1 = dt x dy 1 =− dt y will be called the vector field perpendicular to V . (9) 2 10. Claim. Let V is vector field on D ⊆ IR2 with potential function Φ. Let I be an interval and α : I → D be a solution of the autonomous system determined by V ⊥: dx = −v2 (x, y) dt (12) dy = v1 (x, y) dt then Φ(α(t)) is constant on I. 12. Remark: If V is continuously differentiable and D2 V 6= 0 the implicit function theorem guarantees the (local) existence of a function φ such that V (x, φ(x)) = c where c is constant. 13. Example. Consider the vector field V = (x, y). Notice V is exact with potential function Φ(x, y) = Proof Φ(α(t)) = h∇Φ(α(t), α0 (t)i dt = h(v1 , v2 ), (−v2 , v1 )i x2 y 2 + 2 2 The non autonomous ODE determined by V ⊥ = (−y, x) is: (13) dy x = dx −y =0 11. Corollary (b) Im α is an equipotential curve. Level curves of Φ (equipotentials) are circles: x2 + y 2 = C (c) If v2 6= 0 the solutions of the non autonomous equation and maximal solutions (e.g., (11)) are semicircles. 0 (a) α is perpendicular to V . v1 (x, y) dy = dx −v2 (x, y (14) 14. The reason for the term potential derives from physics. If F is a force, and F = −∇Φ then the energy are equipotentials of Φ. (d) If v2 6= 0, then any equipotential φ is a solution of (14) 1 m|x(t)0 |2 + Φ(x(t))2 2 Proof. (a) and (b) are clear from the proof. (c) is an instance of (5). Finally, let φ is an equipotential, viz, is constant along solutions of the Newton/Euler equation F = mx00 d Φ(x, φ(x) = 0. dx Then, by the chain rule 15. Suppose that a vector field V = (v1 , v2 ) is not exact but it happens that there exists a function q such that Vˆ = (qv1 , qv2 ) is exact. Since the solutions of the non-autonomous ODE corresponding to a vector field are unchanged by the introduction of an integrating factor, (12) can be solved (implicitly) by finding a potential function Φ such that ∇Φ = Vˆ and finding its level curves. h∇Φ(x, φ(x)), (1, φ0 (x)i = 0 Since ∇Φ = V , it follows that dφ v1 (x, φ) = dx −v2 (x, φ(x) and so φ is a solution of (14). 3
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