Registration Form - Pennsylvania Optometric Association

Spring Congress
MAY 15 –17, 2015
O.D. Schedule
Sunday, May 17
Friday, May 15
7:30 a.m.
Golf Outing
Noon - 5:00 p.m.
Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Financial Benchmarking
for the
Optometric Practice
(includes lunch)
8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m
Bob Teale, COE; OCS
Senior Eye Care Business
Advisor - Allergan
1:15 - 3:15 p.m.
Primary Care
12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Essential Topical
Joseph Pizzimenti, O.D.
Carlo Pelino, O.D.
Conversations in
Joseph Pizzimenti, O.D.
Carlo Pelino, O.D.
Update on Oral
(with box lunch)
Joseph Pizzimenti, O.D.
Carlo Pelino, O.D.
Peter Kehoe, O.D.
Supported by an unrestricted
grant from Diopsys
3:45 - 5:45 p.m.
Evidence-Based Eye
Care of Patients with
Diabetes Mellitus
Peter Kehoe, O.D.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Dinner on your own
9:00 p.m.
Reception hosted by
Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Christoph
Everyone Welcome
Saturday, May 16
7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Friday, May 15
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Registration
We are pleased to announce that
Lynn E. Lawrence, CMSgt (ret), CPOT, ABOC
will be providing our educational
programming for this weekend.
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Personally Growing in
My Profession
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
What Every Tech Should
Know About Ocular
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
In Office, Non-Ocular
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Employee vs Process?
Ocular Surface and Lid
Margin Disease
Thomas Kislan, O.D.
Supported by an unrestricted
grant from MiboMedical
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Paraoptometric Schedule
Scleral Lenses: Specialty
Lens Education for the
Novice and the Expert
James Deom, O.D.
9:00 p.m.
Supported by an unrestricted
grant from Valley Contax
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Scleral Lens Wet Lab
Hands-On – Scleral
Lens Applications and
James Deom, O.D.
Thomas Kislan, O.D.
Supported by
an unrestricted grant from
Valley Contax and MiboMedical
President’s Reception
hosted by
Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Christoph
Everyone Welcome
Saturday, May 16
7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Hands-On Skills
11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Exhibits and Lunch
11:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Exhibits with lunch
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
General Business Meeting
2:45 - 5:45 p.m.
House of Delegates
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Dispensing Standards for
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
POA Awards Program
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
POA Awards Program
7:30 p.m.
Horsing Around –
Celebrating the
Triple Crown
7:30 p.m.
Horsing Around –
Celebrating the
Triple Crown
Doctor of Optometry Course Descriptions
Financial Benchmarking for the
Optometric Practice (1 hour practice management)
What is Benchmarking? Why Should I
Benchmark My Results? What Should I
Benchmark? These questions will be answered, and additional information on how
to use the benchmarking data, monthly
benchmark reports (excel spreadsheet),
and benchmark cautions and caveats will
also be presented. Must pre-register as this
session includes lunch.
Conversations in Glaucoma
(2 hours TPA/Glaucoma)
The goal of this presentation is to provide
a case-based review of current topics
in glaucoma, with an emphasis on new
knowledge and the future of glaucoma diagnosis, treatment, and research. Optometrists are faced on a daily basis with the
responsibility of making decisions in the
management of their patients who have
glaucoma. Some decisions are easily made
while others present a significant challenge. This course provides a survey of new
knowledge and recent developments in the
area of glaucoma pathogenesis, diagnosis,
and management. Covered topics include
neuroprotection, angle-closure glaucoma,
normal tension glaucoma, first-line drug
therapies, laser and surgical developments,
and new technology.
Essential Topical Formulary
(2 hours TPA)
The ability to use pharmaceutical agents
has enabled optometrists to become true
primary health care providers. This course
includes the use of drugs that are topically
applied. Clinical cases are used to illustrate
indications, mechanisms of action, contraindications, adverse effects, and dosage of
these therapeutic agents.
Update on Oral Medications
(2 hours TPA)
This course reviews current oral medications and their treatment of specific eye
diseases. The classes of medications that
will be reviewed are antibiotics, antivirals,
antifungals, analgesics, and hypotensives.
Routes of drug administration, pharmacological principles, and FDA classes of safety
will also be reviewed.
Ocular Surface and Lid Marginal
(1 hour)
This course will cover the diagnosis, treatment and management of all aspects of
ocular surface and lid margin disease. Case
studies will present examples of how this
information is used in clinical practice.
Evidence-Based Eye Care of
Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
(2 hours)
The future of health care will require
optometrists to understand and practice
based on evidence based clinical guidelines. The course will thoroughly review the
2014 American Optometric Association
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline Eye Care of the Patient With Diabetes
Primary Care Electrodiagnostics
(2 hours)
An in-depth review of electrodiagnostic basics of VEP and ERG; how the information
can be incorporated in a primary optometric practice for the diagnosis and treatment
of a variety of diseases.
Scleral Lenses: Specialty Lens
Education for the Novice and the
Expert (1 hour)
The explosion of scleral lens care in specialty lens practices throughout the country
has made this once antiquated treatment a
mainstay in the contact lens practice. The
practitioner should at the conclusion of the
course be able to implement scleral lens
practice into their practice comfortably.
Scleral Lens Wet Lab: Hands on
Scleral Lens Applications and
Evaluation (1 hour)
In this split group, hands on workshop,
doctors will learn how to proficiently place
the scleral lens on eye, remove the lens,
evaluate the lens on eye, and pick the best
diagnostic lens from a fitting set. Doctors
will become comfortable with different
techniques to insert and remove the lens as
well as different techniques to troubleshoot
a complicated fit. Doctors will then switch
groups and will learn how to manually
treat meibomian gland disease using
the ThermoMiboFlo technology. Proper
technique, treatment schedules, follow up
and setting patient expectations will be
Paraoptometric Course Descriptions
Personally Growing in My
Profession (1 hour)
This course is designed to assist attendees in discovering how to develop into
an ophthalmic professional. It will identify
available certifications and organizations
where those certifications are used. It will
open the eyes of ophthalmic professionals
in every ophthalmic aspect. The attendee
will learn how to develop a plan that will be
successful in attaining their personal goals
in the profession.
What Every Tech Should Know
About Ocular Emergencies (1 hour)
Presents an overview of how phone triage and walk-in office visits should be
handled from an assistant’s perspective.
Key elements of triage, and the difference
between an emergency and urgent care
and testing procedures required before
treatment by the optometrist.
In office, Non-Ocular
Emergencies (1 hour)
This course is designed to educate attend­
ees on the possibilities of encounter­
ing emergencies not eye related to the
eye. The course will assist attendees in
identifying the signs of patient in distress
and techniques for acquiring the proper
assistance. Attendees will learn how to
address office emergencies in a prompt
and professional manner.
Employee vs Process? (1 hour)
This course is designed to assist attendees
in identifying and documenting key processes within an office/clinic environment.
Attendee wills learn how to flow chart a
process and identify when a process is
failing or an employee is failing. This useful
course will aid all office leadership in teaching and developing their staff’s knowledge
on office flow and key processes. By the
end of the course, attendees will understand the value of a process and flow chart.
Hands-On Skills Workshop
(3 hour lab)
This lecture is designed to aid the assistant
in understanding the prescreening process.
The course will provide scenarios to provoke conversation among the attendants
to answer the question of “what next”
when screening patients. This lecture will
cover case history, visual acuity, pupillary
response, cover testing, Muscle-H testing,
confrontation fields. Great prep course.
Attendees will need to bring the following
materials with them: color vision testing,
stereo testing, a light source and a pair of
contact lenses.
Dispensing Standards for
Beginners (1 hour)
This lecture covers testing and adjustments required before dispensing glasses.
The lecture covers ANSI standards for
spectacles verification. This lecture will use
pictures and some instrumentation to demonstrate standards and quality (checklist
HIPAA Now (1 hour)
This course is designed to cover the Health
Information Portability and Accountability
Act from the basics to current trends in the
practice. It will assist attendees in setting
up their own HIPAA compliance program
and understand the value in having a
HIPAA Compliance Officer.
Doctor of Optometry/Guest/Student
Registration Form
ARBO Tracker Number
E-mail address (for confirmation)
Guest(s) Name(s)
Registration Options (please circle appropriate numbers)
Three day package includes 13 hours of CE,
Friday Allergan program, Saturday lunch,
Saturday dinner event, and Sunday lunch
Friday CE only (4 hours), Allergan program
Saturday CE only (3 hours)
Sunday CE only (6 hours) and lunch
Students - includes 13 hours of CE,
Allergan program, Saturday lunch, Sunday lunch
Saturday lunch ticket
Saturday evening dinner event ticket
Golf Outing
I will attend the Friday Allergan presentation/Lunch
Payment Method
Check #
Credit Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Complete and return to: POA, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Fax (717) 233 - 6833
Paraoptometric Registration Form
Your O.D.’s Name
Guest(s) Name(s)
Registration by Course. Please circle appropriate numbers
PPA Member: Friday/Saturday education, Saturday lunch
Non-Member: Friday/Saturday education, Saturday lunch, PPA dues
PPA Member: Friday only education
Non-Member: Friday only education and dues
PPA Member: Saturday only education and lunch
Non-Member: Saturday only education, lunch and dues
Additional Saturday lunch ticket
Saturday evening dinner event ticket
Payment Method
Check #
Credit Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Complete and return to: POA, 218 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Fax (717) 233 - 6833
Join Us In Welcoming Back
Our Vendors
Our vendors are very eager to return and support POA, and we encourage you to enjoy lunch
on Saturday in the hall and visit with all the vendors. Make sure to bring along business cards to
enter into the many drawings for prizes offered
by our vendors.
President’s Reception
Please join Dr. Richard Christoph and his wife
Tammy for a reception at 9:00 p.m. on Friday,
May 15. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with
old friends and meet some new ones, as well as
enjoying a late-night snack. This event is open to
all registrants and their families.
CE Certification Via ARBO
POA is now using the ARBO Tracker mobile
application for attendees to quickly certify
their course attendance. Optometrists can use
the new OE TRACKER mobile app to record
attendance at continuing education courses
and receive instant course credit. Not only is it
easy, but the app is FREE and can be used by
anyone with an OE TRACKER number. The OE
TRACKER app is available for both iPhones and
Android phones. Go to the app store or iTunes
on your iPhone or Google Play on your Android
phone and search for ‘OE TRACKER’. Follow the
instructions to download the app. Please also
make sure that you open the app and have created a user ID and password prior to attending
the first CE session. Alternate certification will be
available to those who do not have access to a
mobile device.
Cancellation Policy
There will be a $50 fee if cancellation is received
by POA by May 8, 2015. There is no refund available after that date. No refunds will be issued
for no-shows. Cancellations must be received
in writing by the POA via mail, fax or e-mail to
Handout Information
Handouts for the OD/PPA educational programming for this meeting will be available on our
website at for download after
May 1st. Please print those handouts which pertain to your courses and bring them along to the
meeting or download to your laptop.
We’ll be Horsing Around At
Bedford Springs
Post Time is 7:30 p.m.
Saturday night we will be celebrating the traditions of the Triple Crown. Join us for food and
beverages that are associated with the Kentucky
Derby, Preakness and Belmont. We’ll have our
own on site-racing, as well as other games and
surprises to bring out your competitive side.
Ladies, as you know one of the best-know traditions from the Derby (aside from the famous
Mint Julep) are the fabulous hats. We encourage you to wear your favorite Derby Day hat (we
know you all have a creative side) and show off
your finery.
Did you know the first Triple Crown winner
was Sir Barton in 1919, but the phrase “Triple
Crown” was not used until 1930? Time to study
up on your racing history. You never know when
it might come in handy.
Few properties can boast the historic significance of Bedford Springs Resort, located in the
Allegheny Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania. For more than 200 years, the eight mineral
springs located on the resort’s property served
as an important gathering place. In 1905, the resort opened one of the nation’s first indoor pools
- fed by the property’s spring waters. Eventually,
the resort would be the site of many significant
moments in American history, hosting a long
list of celebrities, wealthy clientèle, corporate
magnates and dignitaries from around the world.
To date, the resort has hosted 10 US Presidents,
seven of whom visited during their presidency.
In 2007, Bedford Springs Resort was restored
to its historic grandeur after a $120 million
restoration. The new resort is the most modern
of meeting places, featuring state-of-the-art
technology and conveniences.
Over 200 years ago the mineral springs of
Bedford Springs, PA became known as a source
of rejuvenation. Today the Omni Bedford Springs
Resort’s updated facilities and luxurious guest
rooms, world-class spa and superbly restored
golf course provide all the charm you expect in
a historic Pennsylvania retreat with the modern
conveniences you look forward to from an Omni
Golf at Bedford Springs
On Friday, May 15, enjoy the beautiful views of
the Bedford Springs golf course and start your
weekend off with a well-deserved round of golf.
Our outing will begin with breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Staff members, spouses, exhibitors and guests
are invited to join in the fun. Mulligans and other
“team assistance” will be available for purchase.
The Omni Bedford Springs Resort in Pennsylvania, is proud to be home of one of the
country’s first golf courses. The restored, historic
course offers an experience of the highest caliber to rival the most private of clubs. Overlooking breathtaking views of the Allegheny Mountains and Cumberland Valley, this remarkable
course spans the work of three golf architectural
masters — Spencer Oldham, A.W. Tillinghast,
and Donald Ross. Bedford Springs Old Course
has undergone a total renovation overseen by
noted classic golf course restoration architect
Ron Forse, restoring it to its original course
layout. A round of golf on these historically
significant tees is a must-play for golf enthusiasts
of all levels.
Hotel Reservations
POA’s group room rate for a deluxe room is $180
per single room, $190 per double room, $200 per
triple room and $220 per quad room, plus taxes
and resort fees. Upgraded rooms are available
at additional cost. Reservations can be made by
calling Omni Reservations at 1-800-THE-OMNI.
Indicate you are coming in with POA. Reservations must be made by midnight on April 22 to
insure the group rate. Rooms will go quickly.
Discounted resort fees of $10/room/day covers
local telephone calls, high speed and wireless
internet throughout the property, valet parking,
use of the fitness center, pools, hiking trails and
daily afternoon tea.
Joining the free Omni Select program will
provide you with a variety of gold level benefits
during your stay. Log on to www.omniselectguest
to join at no cost.
Pennsylvania Optometric Association
218 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
USI Affinity
C&E Vision