“Sport for life changes” International training course on how to use sport for work with young people 1 – 9 May 2015 (to be confirmed by Bulgarian NA), Venue: Bansko, Bulgaria, Organized by Active Bulgarian Society Main topic of the content The Sport and physical activity are essential for improving health and well-being in society and can play a significant role in initiating community changes if used as tools with educational purpose for work with young people. On the other hand, youth workers and non-formal education practitioners all over Europe seem to lack competences on how to use sport and physical activity in order to achieve social transformations in their communities. Therefore, this project aims to present the Education through sport (ETS) methodology to a number of non-formal education practitioners and help them and all their target groups to make better use of sport and physical activity in their daily work with youth. Through this project, our association aims to explore the concept of Education Through Sport in order to use it for building more sustainable social initiatives in the future. The idea is to motivate youth workers, youth leaders, trainers and other civil society activists to use sport and physical activity as tools for education and in this way initiate sustainable social changes. Main Objectives: • To present the concept of Education through Sport (ETS) and to explore sport and physical activity as instruments for initiating sustainable social change • To build up competences of the participants for using ETS Methodology efficiently • To explore ETS methodology in terms of practical examples, promote and improve its use all around Europe • To share best practices and equip participants with practical examples of using sport for enhancing active participation of young people as a way for achieving social change • To Empower the participants, to act as multipliers of ETS approach within their local communities • Exchange and develop of project follow up ideas with a special focus on using sport as a tool for work with young people Working methodology: The training activities will address the topic of volunteering is sports with special focus on how to use sport as a tool for its promotion. The methodology to carry on the whole project is based on non formal education and mainly to Education Through Sport approach which represent the main part of the project activities. Within the “MOVE AND LEARN” Manual (official publication on the subject) ETS has been defined as “a non-formal educational approach that works with sport and physical activities and which refers to the development of key competences of individuals and groups in order to contribute to personal development and sustainable social transformation”. ETS creates a new dimension of developing social skills because it combines the learning experience with a conscious personal reflection process. The training program will be held through experiential learning. The main part of the training course will be delivered in the form of practical sessions. Participants' prior experiences in youth work, particularly at local and regional level, will be important and used in the development of the learning process. Active group/team work, role-plays, outdoor and sport activities and plenary discussions, as well as theoretical inputs will characterize the program of the course in order to cover all aspects of the project themes. The partner organizations involved in the project: • • All partner organizations in this training course are youth non-profit organizations that promote and share European Values. Many partner organizations are involved in volunteering and deal with sport for all. The Participants we are looking for: Participants in this training course should be actively involved in the organisation, which they represent. All of them should be interested in topic of volunteering, participation in sport for all and fully able to communicate in English. The selected participants will commit themselves to attend the full duration of the training course and to follow up the outcomes of this training course in their organisation and within their local communities through sport, volunteering and active youth work. Financial Aspects The training course is scheduled to take place in the beginning of May 2015 in the town of Bansko, Bulgaria. Financial support has been requested at the Bulgarian National Agency for the “Erasmus +” Program (Key Action 1). After the approval of the project proposal, Active Bulgarian Society offers the following conditions: Ø The travel costs from the hometown of the participants to the venue will be covered according to the distance calculator of the Erasmus + Program. Please check http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_fr.htm for more information regarding the budget amounts. Ø Board, lodging, local transports and all materials of the training course will be covered by the organizers. Ø The participants should arrange their own insurance for their travel and stay in Bulgaria. Ø A participation fee of 40 Euros is requested by each participant, payable in cash at the venue. “Sport for life changes” - Program of the activities day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 ARRIVAL INTRO SPORT AS A TOOL FOR WORK WITH YOUTH PRACTICAL WORK ASPECTS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES PROJECT IDEAS AND FOLLOW UP EMPOWERMENT AND MULTIPLYING EFFECT THE FUTURE BYE BYE 8.00 – 9.30 Arrivals and check in @ the venue 9.30 – 10.00 10.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.30 13.30 – 15.30 15.30 – 17.00 Breakfast Free time Personal Development and individual reflection Official opening & introduction What is Education through sport? _ Move and Learn Manuel presentation Getting to know each other Education for, by and through sport – What’s the difference? Preparation of workshops by participants Team -‐building challenge NGO spectacle 18.30 – 19.00 Demonstration of ETS practical exercise Presentation of workshop 1 Debriefing and reflection on the ETS practical exercise Presentation of workshop 2 Confy/Comfy groups 19.00 – 20.00 Free time 20.00 -‐ 21.00 Dinner Welcome evening Sharing best practices and project ideas for follow up Using sport for empowerment Presentation of Erasmus Plus Program, Youthpass & key competences Presentation of workshop 4 Build your Project !!! -‐ Project management practice Advocacy for education through sport My future action plan for enhancing participation and volunteering in sports Me as a multiplier in my community Feedback session Lunch coffee break 17.30 – 18.30 Presentation of workshop 3 coffee break 17.00 – 17.30 21.00 -‐ O Preparation of workshops by participants Social night Creative relaxing International night Presentation of Workshop 5 Presentation of workshop 6 Bulgarian traditional evening nd PM Practice 2 part coffee break Presentation of Results How sport practices in youth work could provoke social change? Confy/Comfy groups Final evaluation and Closing Ceremony Free time Dinner Creative relaxing Free evening C U soon party departure Please NOTE that: The project team is looking for 3 participants from each partner organization. Please note that the last deadline to send their application forms to for selection process is the 22nd of March 2014. The project team will get in touch with each organization personally! CONTACT details: For all questions, please get in touch with the project team on the following e-mail: abs.sport.project@gmail.com The Project Team is looking forward to all applications and expects to welcome the representatives of your organization in Bulgaria J
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