VOTJ. I. No. 1. CLE\TELAND, SEPTEMBER r eer In ~~~-~~~_~ . .......... ..,._ _ _ ~ ..... _ _ ~~~~ _ "'" ~ _ _ ."..~ _ 6 cts.-Copr-S l.:)O a Year 1923 ron e _~~~~~_ ~5, _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " " ...... _ _ J' ............... ~ __ ~~ __ reat Outburst Of Power And ictory In Kentucky State A sembly --GoING ON 'VIIH .WORK-wFOR JE ti I KENTUCKY STATE AlSSEMBLY OF THE CHUR HOF GOD ~'G-E~~E~'~:'T-~~~R-S,~"~:-+"L" . Better Hurry as Time is Short and There is But Little Time to Work ........,..".- ~--~- ~--.~ fOR FE\\ Mighty 'Outflow of IIeavenly Blessings--Angels Seen Hov• Over--Fellowship and Love Prevailed + lhey will find ihemsel\'es going I •'01 tEnODY AS YOU GO on with work [or J es us whether they are as full of zeal as t h ey ea I atLention to a your.g man, should be or not. It is not my we "" Iii call hi m Charli e for wil! 1'01' any body to get so exshorl, 1'01' that ,as his family cited about the Lord's \York that I,amc, [l c was converted in they will simply beat the a ir as ('arly i rc and bid a ir to make Paul indic:Jtes some may do , n. u se[u I man in the world , H e but it is my desire to slir mysang ell, testified well and was self up and whil e I am at this used or God in dra.wing his as- probably somebody else may sociat(';;. to the SavIO r.. H e was catch the spell. Laying a ll extall and well built whIch ga\,e' citement and restlessness aside him an attractive ap pearance.! and getting down to cool h eadIn a Cel'lain place abo ut forty i ed business I say to mY:'1elf anci miles .from hi.s hom e h e m~~le a I a ll, that we had better hu rry as g good ImpreSSIOn amo ng stIan - 1 time is short and there is but ers. In :;hort he st arted out' little time to work. D \ Y~ Dming the p:r t few day., the (,ener:d 0\, r: l'l', A. I. Tom lin::;oll, ha: been holdilW slatel:ol1\'cntion;l in !lifre!' 'nl slatl''' with wonelerful ,'Ih'cecs. Thousands have heard His m essages of 10\ e and weI" bles, ed. +-----------------------T~ HEALIN B E P 'VEl F on But Don't Say You Are KentUCkY State Assembly d theChurch of God Held at LouisviJ!e, Ky, Augu t 23-26 . t· b bl I ss befor e God ThiS Not Able to Walk On Thursday morning Au- ' ship." "We ru:.I'e lots of fello\\'- j gives us blessings some Im e:l e ~me e . ' , When in a m eeting in Miss- g 0t 23 1923 at 10 :00 ship of diffet.<>nt kands, hut we wh C'n we are not expecting lVay IS not all .loy. I read ot "I ,\:\1 .\FH,\lD :\IY IUD well. I do not know full y the life of. . . f ths a I was u" . " ' . ' I' , I . som "'ho stal' eel down the road I • bt l btl ISSIPPI a ew mon ,go the Ie nntucky sta+e Assembly or Viant to be m T"l'1.(,kt 1ellows lip them. e . , this man now, u e ou ess a taken suddenly ill in the middl e h Cr l.f G ' d There !with Gael • :\" we like ::;hepp and met a lion. Wh en lney cast i COLD IS GETTL"G WORSE" brief r eheanlal of past experi- of m~- dl' 0. ~Ollrse, but I nen'ed t e ,.' ~ 1 0 ,oc opene . . "I would judge that the Ideal Ollt as eyi I leap fO', ." . b ' 11 'h'lYC one a" ra"," 1sa, 5:1,. h II b th your llame ., Goel! !t enees eithcr by a frie nd who If' tl h d I wa~ a ICC",'! player y a.,. < g • J Local Churc wou e . e e." db" "I' I I J's fl my e up, Ire,,' my ea ane all11 l ]·, \' ctd 'eRS was ome people 11,", (] been ~hake?l, church t hat lived in, ide the JO) an ~" ac. 'E" . A ..J. Law~on knows, or an hones t re ection shoulders back and fired on " ' "I . , " " ' bl 1 is God! It IS God! \ el ~ I . 'JY hl'm elf \\'ould make him feel At the thel'e gi' !>,I" t ,>', Guy ~Iar-,theH fOlblC ailO IS ave Lum e(, Word of God. The word 'ideal' . I It is Yen' ('lea1'h' taught III close r h . time the\' come agal11,'t U"" " 111. .'ke g()I' ng on with the work for t hrou gh . I 101', All \1 e e to feel and the only l','me y or sue IS means a standard, so the peop], . . . t G I the 1. 'e\\' '!:,('slam~nt thal Jesu.; were several to pray for a 'J( b " ". I ' t t b It makes us closer 0 t, .., Jesus, 01' whdher he would t his took mor e of m," natu ral welcome and ,Ie. to e bOln ag~Jn. \\an 0 e want to know whal the stand.. . . . kpDt up thE' b,}. lIless 01 hcal1ng 'feel so much like it or n ot he "" '\'as gi\._1 h.· ke my Savior. sLanel true ttl ard is or the real Church ot God. John "d'as 1111 tThhe LSPllj·:t (l(a'I\~ all' kind5 or cli,:case as long n:; stren gth, but on I wen t with all Thc epening a, , tl d 'f ., i k 'd th I am . h the Lor '. cay. e orc s " by the state ( ' 1 ' . 1 Broth- Ie en 1 Ie ,a f> pa, I belicve there are people er e . d t. t ' b I t' .s f He was \\ a1kint!' on thE' earll', would k nolV it is th e best thing t he courage I could muster un· en.' ,. - I It ' 11 peoplc . t IS a ay 0 n u a lOll, Cla\. u'l to do, And really I do n ot t il all wa~ 0\'(>1' and I go t to my . Chas H Randall Following ! mac e 0 wone· pr ., ,en t oday that would rather clle han ' I I' d . 'k 0\\' When lIe was, bout to depa. l't g I "t el . , . ~. 1 't k t t t clo I\'hi,., l ! ' . , , •. ~ froO's ane Izar s, ,on n . . kno\ of a b etter th, in . to (0 at ~ 1home fol' thc night. I literally " a few of th~' splendid (on now \I ,1 a , . - go against the Bible. II P °1 . ,I " f II "h told I He f;aid, The::;(' igns shall 10!I t a l e . , " W e l V to ,Yo . llC' ~ra "'''''w \\'ay,.l , 1 . t l R'11 au IS a pecu lar e 0\\, e 11 " I , , ' I, (), er a contin uo us PI gnmage 0 fpll (1\', r on tht' 1 t'tl p nan: t"'!. q, 1 L . .. l- .1 1 "I' I ..···" , '" I fl.': onn'f>, ':~3 .caY 'nt; 'f> ,1) 1', d I f I t ld II ,.. ., <. I.e ... vll., ,. " .. , . " . . . . I'S th" l'iO'ht W' V but [ew find it. tllel1 1'" the tJ'n1e to tlll'll b,'ICk io of the goo )e ore Ie U h. tl ' l ' h I' man:r years. I could not get out a ll t he next the CHuRCH UF GOD, have I ',: ~-' . . rest. Ie !'lgns II u1l1 C( IS ea mg th ,... In his early experience Char- day, bnt J \\'as due at an ther met here to hold the ~tate A. - I ~m. gomg tb~ mmont~. route, the Old Paths, Chaff on thf' f<iek, r bt'lie\'e th;s is ll'llC' to thi, lie spent much ti ,. . in prayer. place about eightee mile dis· bl" f ' f CHURCH OF thIS IS the rolte.1 ~us tJa\cleci . wheaL is good for a whil e, but "\rhen I\;e fir t get thE' ex- day bccause Oil 01' lh\.' \\Titen; . .01 ne 'I'he it has to shed at t he right lin1C'. pen. en.ce \\'e j'or get we. ""n' [,),,1 ' 1 can most imagme now I can tan t that night. "'ature said, I scm GOD. ) Thc Kew Testament is I hal'c fOlllld the r:,ock. ",1 paid, H~ i!' the 51lmC yes erda~', hea l' h m lira", It has been Id t \I T k lead l Church of God .-tands for the \\'e see in 1 Cor. 1 :2, the Chmch anyt.hm.g but to shout. A,t th~I.'md toc1a\,' and rOl'eYer. .... J cou no go, > ea neSS]l _. our 1'1I1~, guirlc and lYo\"ernmen , t', . . many y ars since I heard him ed for mercy, Berseverance We are experting the HoJy N('IY TestumE'~ _ ior OUI gUldl', of God. Now whether thif: is begmmng they were 01 Olll, .1am es t.ell;; I~, "The pl'ayer of pray, but it is a pleasant memo said, go! When the hour :ll'l'i\'l'dIGhoRt to be our Imide. Wl' ar,lhm' anc1 goverillnult not (li~. an ideal church or not the Wonl heart and 011" mln(!. }1) the, (aith ;:;hall fl<1\'e tl1P :lick. and the ory to reflect back on tho.;(' for the flervil'e I "'a~ on hands. THE CHURCH OF GOD. Ive.1 tmbed , J esu'! prayed that \V~ of God will provc it oul Jal P I' ('n. year :123 cr eeds crepL i'l and ILoI'll shall r , i~(' rim up, \yh~l' days when we prayed much of • ~a'ture• sl ql cried and whined are no t l' 0 II oWlTIg . . \\'L' ART.' all mlghl be 0 (John J 7,) Ar'> We do see where Paul said they trouble ca me, A felY ye~d's aJ.,o Illan, j ;' l C " . I '_is faith:' The Ilritec of Hl" the time during th e clay and a:ollne! like a spoiled overW"OWIl FOLLOWING GOD, (we ~lle '! Are Oll saYlllg', YOI: had the grace of God, und Goel \\'e didn't ~now anythil,g l' -C' brews says, "F~~ith is the sub. then wer(> off to reviyal meding babv but un rose persel·en.nce . 'h' <lon I, know w at to ~a) ? Tak" be towed His fa\'or upon them. but the Holy Ghost. Things I st"nr'e: of lhingfl hopl:cI [or' t· '' . " 'Si'lncl fast therefore 111 I e l T d l I Itt at night. Th.e people came 01' again and pu., ed its way . < .' C'h " t I l\ the ~ ew T0st e1,mt an s anI[ I\Te W:lnt to h a\'e God's favor ha\'e happened )ut I\an o.\yhat '; fhe sllb~tanl'(', yes, It h t ' hbel't y whel'e\\lth . liS 12. 11 1 . · · f f' G d ! 'h' L' h' 0[ miles, they wanteelo ear th rou gh thC' awfu l thro,lf( , b t t on it. Fellows! PI::; a);1 t o o '. and His grace. Mo t all have talk about gOO( l 1J1 g~. I:'P lis the thing it:-;,'l:'. YOll get U'J . . d t lk . macIe us free and e no en all. G d h t th CharIJe smg, pl\ \y an a . clemolls that secmed .cl "tennllleci . . '. ' k [AI! we recci\', ~,; Hom o. sometimes what wc call 'thl' 5th chapter shows t a el'(~ anc! te~ti', r Oil' time to tim,... How his big eye ,",vould fla, h Ito thwart the plan and purpose i£Jed agam \\'lth the yo c 0 We can't go b ck under the la\\' IJlues,' and fee! likc CI'el'yboc1~' has to be somc \\'alki~g, looking that thl' Lor'l heal: yo'! of 1'1h with light as he toll of Jesus ancl of God, The wo rk h ad to be bondage.' Gal..5 :1. If you aw and h9\'e fell ·,v"hi.) with Goel. has forsaken us, and then iii every way. Be careful \\'hH:h bercl'io~i: 0' ,~omc Yen' serioll<; His loye, I do 11 t know how done even if the f1esh were weak. liberty flancl free , I mean tl) Tl::e Hoh: Ju;t mus" lC'ad u~ I\'ay ,\'OU !W, you want to keep (lise',l,<,e a le!', 'I "0 not get all,l' . . f 11 'G d . r I ha"e 10 s t a n d ' when His grace secmR as p;)'aY~" . u he IS now, Lut for yselt I am The Holv Ghost gave th e in- 0 ow ,0 1 \. . I right. Christ ay ('ome at any on bread, that softens the b~'ead, your eyes 011 Goel, 11' \\'f' kecp bette)'; HJU he. p 1hiR lip fo!' .. . If" I S:Cl'VC God by f aIth and stili gOll1g on WI th wor ( 01 s piration and th e me, sage was a one. .... •' . timc, do we j ~l We could meet then we a r e softened up by IIi,; ollr eyes on Je us \1 e will ap· mont hs (j'e';, <l'; \"" h:1 'e known Jesus, I thought I ight check given in spitc of the re\olting love one another. You (he! r.un Him'? Daniel vas in fellowt-'hip gTace, We are em-iched hy Him, l)t'ar like Him, We want to iit to be d'me for ~'C'ar,; and finalup a little with ag bu t al- ~f nature and t he whitE- flag or well for a whIle, but who hl l1-, with (;O(' B prayed to God and our CliP is made to run o\,er. know the will of Goct. If we Iy ctiC' 'viln lhat dreaell'cl c1i:o;ea~c) though I don't take the long \\'eakn,"ss . Strangers did not; oerpd yOll?' Do you, t.he. Churl'll and COl' eli 'er~cl him. The EYerything we h,\\'e is His, W e have t h e Holy Ghost so llebo(ly 'I.d (,\,('l'~' timC' YOll havC' ' l walks I used to I beli ,v I have know of the conflict. They do of Goel, hC'l'e at LOUls\'llle 1"'- Church (J '";0' bpl...,ngs to God ." h,we His ~all'ation, and we can't will watch us. If \I'e h,,\'c the challc' to tl'stify you sa:, 111' a heavier supply of z a i than I noL al ways need to IOlo\\' the member when Goel came dOWll All sanf S,JIl;<, '·G1or.\' kcep it to oursell'es, we ha\'e to Hol y Ghost OUi' hcart~ will lw heal!> Ill(. Your neighbol'~ ,a \., did when I used to wa ( an cl run slir 'ide of life and e\"erybody, in our midst D. few week.:; ct\ () I Bound," let th~ other fellow know about filled wi th ~ong, Thc Hol.I' Gorl i::; a I'cr,\' poor hl'alcr fo,' much. needs to be sti rred occa, iO:lally II and the power of God was h 'R 1 f,a\'e n. talk. "I God's love and mcrcy. We Ghost is on His job, and lIe will that Ollt.; haR ( {ili't! lor yran Th re is more requited of me to m ke them wor h more. ifested so great, nnd what h beJ"'! Brot ~I 1 b' ht t b I b Ie' you know YOlle plac, and to l)fll'II'" h"alc'cl all(1 JC," gl.tt I'n'! ? D . beli e\'c I am lookl11g' 11 La:;,ing 2 Ollc oug 0 e prom ecau~c we e" _ , " ' ., . . . b y now than then. I ca 't go aS Work for Je us, lIlsplred Ylt God ga\'e us . 0 }ou. , 1 H ' 'hlit,h, Thl! de- are enriched by Him. Where is YOll will gi\'c thallks for all ..rOl'~e all thl' tin p, :·UI, hrothRio\\' as a walk much f a dis- lhe J.folv Gho ~t, will make the that was Goel ? I believe It \\'a~, Goel an,( IS , ' . , h . I, I • . , I I ' .. C'I1 "II can t over 11'OW the hlllL there room for any utterancE" things. Jesus w(\,; spit U1lOll'Itl'. n' ,til J.;" hpalcd IJ~' faith tanre, The IS .00 I worker lllorC' wor. { and all the' CIS ,\ - of Goel It ' time ';01' the only by Him'! You remember crowne(l with ,thoms, nailed to I and 1'01' tho mon (wt lhere "ill 1l10 gl'pat. Thc cars \ trallls pay ill r Is/not make me ou Isaints lo( LIp. 'Vc hayE' Paul.aid thal we oLlght !lot 1'01'- the cr oss. Lct us look at .i',I''' o,r 1.·,ll1. p :·o',el,ll:n,t hut" seem almost too slow some- I sca rcely allY use 1II God \\'astlng "A liHle leaven Wllllea\'en the . b e l , J I h' . .. f I ' " t ' '\hout thn-ty lCP1 81'S a t . gct that we are pur ged from our H h' I l' I r ('lui" Islen" ,1TIle, ~<liC, • 1\ !II tImes. I wond r If oth :r s t~:,1 His rc"our~cs on some ~l1elta "hole lump, by lo\'~ se!'\'e o~I:!I~hllJ'Ch ?nel t \' arc sky.blue, 1 old ~ins. \Ye mllst lay aside Oll)' e was W Ippec, (ICC 01' ~~Ith\' faith \"ithol thy work., that way. I gue s so, r IS,does not al1n to work for Inl'ianother, and anythlllg cl:l' 1:3 I I ., ',. 0 I', ld 't olr! decds, and li\'e for l~o(t. Wl: and he thanYf>c1 (,ud. for a., ane! r will :llt'wthel' In\' faith h,l' i:; a time of h UlTY and I Ish in I flu t He wi II pay II' II those who l' the devil. Get ;:ooted a>](l am g la( a.l, u, C . II ~u . n , things, Ho\\' (toe" th IS louk to, nl~" \\'ol'ks," 11' II I' !'ll~ "t'. . I dt . ' Y 0 h'we a sah"d "1 I lOuldn t feel. want to be enriched by th2 _ ", the busme's wor le an h E' samel do good E'lfecil\'e :;ernce, ou grounded in the truth, 'Spea" ,',. , I kId t' G I Th (C' P 1) , (C'lI1tilll;C'(l on Pal(e :!) rush, l'U , h, rllsh spiIit .'ho uJd I may nol lhink :Olll' work ic; .'1 ef no man.' '\\'haboe\'t:r a T h<1\'e made home 1 un, ane '!lowe ge 0 Of. ere al'''ontJUlecl on agt strik eyet·y child of God until, (Continued on Page 3) el I sO'l'eth that shall he <lIs') nOlI' I am at lme and hal'e th,' nine gift,; in the Church of God. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~.~~~~~~~~ ~'c1ock i L I I I H U ~ l" I i ~o ~lan-I ~pirJtual. ~~ spintu~lIty. I (~mo~t ~~I'i" el'~ .~' I P"llI.Jlb.e.l~o to ALABA ARt""CEIVING GREAT FIFTY -FIVE SUBSC 'IPTI NS TO ISe'l(eE.cCell:l~ci~:~~I.~,hilelren, ~~:~~~~ \\;:Ulb:~~~~~ :~J~:~~~ r~:,n~~;~ I BLESSINGS FROM GOD-THE V/ING MESSENGER Isa~e .a~l :~ng, }:'\~'h~~e '~CS~~~l~ ~~;,~e~~t;:~.l!~\~~ !~. ~.g:~ ~e;;;l~":~l~ Th~~ W JDERFUL n E ORTED DY KENTU IN O1'"E 1 ~~----...,..,..,-~~~-"""~.---..~~ " ... - reap man ,." 'et I . 1, i l'R .• sow ng . ht e~, Oll' vidol'\". , Lct he Hoh" Gho, t f[hc~c gifts belong h to i.he th t Local (' I ha 'e His wa ' \\Tc. ,ICed to g Chul'('h. This ~ 01\'5 a ,Of let no m:.1l1Iwherc Croci e: I u,se lB . I ',:1 is to rr:ani[est HimRelf III a 11'011- \'H> ,Jp"other Randall's meJglad 1 am he.' a:lc! oh sy.. 11 interprt'tpr.' (lidn't mea.n.1 that all would IIlterpl'cl but ! 1.1 we hold on to Gorl, He will gil" .L:Jl. II' th . C. ! .... . us a 0 C' gl ts we ncC'( . ",f) • • d W' 1 ane! si~ler.; and all en O} C'd :., BroH:rr A, ,J, 'omhl~o:l ga',,;,~n, time to stop .iu, t because th" I Nine R elved The Ho y Ghost A.n 5 <ike 1tl \ Lord. addre"s on t, !,uh,ied, Loeal Chul'che~ do lIol ha\'e all Other T onP.'ucs As The Spirit ~ ave Utter~ nce Church of God Saints Greatly Enthused About Igcner<.l good time withI the 'e I io1' Ideal Chlfl'C'h "J. h,'~,rd ef 'lme ~ The ~en ice th C'11 C o~ ( lhe gifts, but go 011 uut il J eSllS i The White Wing Messenger bo\",.' 0'11:(' th' got 2. liltle :l'ak--- no~~~ 2:00 P .• I. all came lo 'll'ill mi 111, i'll'\" '.e t f~hTp.e Lord i..; \HJlclerfulh hle .. ,.,ir'~ tIe Chut'l'h of ('od /I ' e re . 'Th f: t son" in', The\' r \l,d all nighllll \ "\,'e want thc grare p':pel'l- bama. ~ine h'\ye '('('pi\ ed th( Hoi) (.l.o·t and fIHU·tN:11 h:1' e t Fifty-five su criI tions t o The White Wi ng l'lessengel' wer . I gelher aga11' . e _ Irs '. ' ' ' , . '\ "}to \\'1'11 C'Ollt'OI'111 \'0' -' d '{h tid' 11 III /" . t s ll1 ' the stale h II ;\ v P"C('IOllS c,u,ght Hoth go, .~e:,l nlwlJU:g' • hl' ' I ,.,aye... Ut'lllg' <! pas e \ ,,~, '11 (,Ile', 11 • n, ' ,was,'I I sase: "I,. 1.. I tI t ceived on Aug 1S t 29th, from the <..:hurch 0 f· Go d sam a\'ior" Followlflg thiS \',as a ' : they heFt! a oicl' sa , r;~.:, ill untu the· e.lll 1a WI' ',1'11, l One ,1ClIIlHli,,{ preach/'r \,(:f'ci,erl h' ble ed lpii"m () of K t k en lie y, , Whit.e Wing Iarid res;, by Brother S. O. Gilla';- mt on the r).ht "ide Ilt blameless In lhat .da. ..,OTIlI' HolvGhost and ha .. entered :lI!i\cChri"ll.11 \,:;.\" Saints in every state who ha\'e learned about '] h.e n" have Fe said he didn't knOIl':>ll' said tc )lIN', ','hi) is lite 10lk \\,a'lt to con'c 11 ;,n<1 \\ ar '1 • Messeng'er have b~cOIne grea~ly en hu~ed about. I~. )1~i~o' mes- r~:~ where to commence thi .. LOl'd.'o I 1 el Jil.c' h -; is the h~' our firQ . PL!, h you l)l t at O(h~'I', g-()~ld I,~p(~rl' ale ('(,ntim~ ia i~1i n': 01 the HII expressed their deSire to help In somp way to get Its chee[ 0 l~vonderful _ subject-"Fellow- Lord' all rig t. The Holy Ghos:; your chair if they can. LC't '. b [power of G'Jd Ill. !<lbama. sages into ousands of homes. I'TIS lJc,wen 0 1 . e. FutUlC in Hi Hand." words of praise to God where I g'l' \'en j)y seyeral of the .br0thcrs 0;1 Friday t L :01) l ~omc I -- - . .--. - -- TIlE WING MES!iE. ' GER I II E.\LI. G BY THE POWER OF The Man (~OD (Continued From Page 1) 'UBSCHl PTIO.' One) ar 3$~;~~ l'HlCE _li ~nu~ ---- CLEYEL ND, TENNES BE SEPTEMBER 15, 1923 e All Should FOLLOW he~.Ied there will be some sign:> 75c of it in a short time, I \I'ould ad\'i~e that if \"ou should get PUBLISHL. 'G CO:\l~IlTTEE healed and go 'for months and /I., ,1. Lawson Leo, 1', llrouaYd' , 1 t f I ' ;:;, O. tilllasple Il, H, In_in see no sign, or (0 no ee an) J, F, Duver bl'Uter that you had better f.!0 down and try Him again , While I realize that this is a very serious step i.o take and to say what I am saying about divine healing, yet I am sure that the IMPORTANT doctrine of God on divine ,healIf ,OU char t;e ) our addre-s you, , should promptly nutify us gi\ing ~our 1111,; IS, and has been suffering a old awl new ;llldrc3., s.rrrat J'''proach from the fael of Always "CIte your nallle amI aadrcss :;ome claiming to be divinely I'Lt Ii T\', If we fail to get ~our healed at all, lJ:lDW and addl'< ~ , correct, pit,,>!! noti, fy u.s and "c \\lll t.1ke plca~ure in It has been more than twentymakiJJg the currectiun, five years since I first felt the We imilc all the \Iorkers to sen,l: didne healing powe r of God l'PjlOl'tS of interest frulll the batt I,,· but I know He will heal ever,\', licld. lldp u make "The \\ hlte time we go to Him in faiLh , It \\'lIlg .\1e"cngcr" a medium of in· makes no difference what the 1 forlllatiun a~ well as a spirltu.ll ble~~· , , ing, ellse'ase may be, Just so we h ave .\rJdrc~s all COJllIllUllic"t;U'I~ reJali. g fait h, You say, "How muci1 to the pajlcI', and make all draft, faith'?" \I'ell, n ot much faith, 01' checks, expn' s .,nd 1'0~tolJlce or de , not how much faith, but ju, t lluyablc to The White Wing l\lessen· faith, Ire kn ow what He said /.:l'r, Cleveland, Tt'nn. I about the size of fait h, what it l I SUNDA Y SCHOOL COMMENTS DISCUSSION-o-HELPS-o-NEWS ~l1ll1l1l11ll1ll1lll1l1l1lll11l11l11l1l1lll11l11ll1ltltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I1I1I11I11I1I1 1I1I1t1l1ll11l11l1l1l1ll1l1l1t1l1t1l11l11l1l11l11lltlllllllllllllllllllll1l1l1t1ll11II11ll1l1l1l (By A, J, LAWSOX) International Sunday School Lessons for September 16th and September 23rd Luke, The Beloved Timothy, a Good Minn;Physician ter of Jesus Christ (Lesson for September 16th) I (Lesson for September 231'<1 ) Les on Text-Luke 1:1·4; Acts 1:1; Lesson Text-Tim, 1:1-6; 3:14, 15; 16:9·15; Col. 4:14; 2 Tim, 4:11. Acts 16:1-3; Phil. 2:19·22 Time-A, D, 30 to A, D, 67, Places- Derbe and Ly tra, Placc-.Tl'oas, Samothracia, Neapolis, Golden Text-Be thou an examp e of Philippi. the believers, in word, in cony rsa_ Pcrso n -Luke, Paul, Silas, Timoth y, tion, in charity, in spirit, ill fait, in purity,-l Tim,4:12, and hristian people, THOUGHTS O~ THE LE SO T Golden T ,t-A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for ad, (Here are some thoughts tha ti C!ln versity,-Prov, 17:17, be used as helps in the study of the lesson,) THOUGHTS ON THE LESSON § I I i • • • (Here are some thuoghts that can Introduction: In former lessons we be used as helps in the study of the have studied characte rs that seemed lesson,) to stand out more clearly because of * • • Forasmuch as many have taken in the dark background of their past; hand to set forth in order a declara· but our lesson today is picturing one tion of, those things which are most \vho appears to have always looked surely believed among u. It seemed on the bright and cheering side of INFORMA Tl0N would do, so we do not ne:d to worry about how mu ch faith IS good to me al. o-Now we are not in- life, lor information concernIng THE needed but just have fa it h inclined to believe that Luke had a • • • (,HLRtH OF (;OD Litcralur'~ Dc· " . , , ', special co mmand from God to write, Timothy, a' Greek name, meaning one )lllrtmcnt, nrite lo THE ClIl'RCH (IF \~h,lch, means t he thl11 g :Lsell'l but it does seem t hat one Theophilus, who honors God, well reported of (;OJ) hlHE.\L OF l)'Fon~L\TlO:'<, I'mth IS the su bstance of tho I of whom very little is said in the Bi- -was highly esteem'd lIS a young .\, J, Lan'un, General ,\Iaml~t'r, thing we aRk for and fa ith ig the! ble, was a person of rank, holding man of piety and pronw;c, 'H(' had ( Ic\cland, '1 Cnncs, ce C\ idence of the thin g w e may some official position, been tau ght the Bible from 'a child, • • • his mother and his grandmother were SEPTEMBER 13, 1923 n ot have yet seen, That thou mi~hte st know the certain· real Bibl e Christian , ty of those things, wherein thou hast • • • E D ITO R I A L been instructed-In Luke's gos pel ile For I ha,'e no man likeminded, Vel', had given all that was needful to 20, Paul knew Timothy would not Those Wishing to write to A. J. i Pu Ie 0 emg ea e , es, write about J esus until the dllY He seek to please himself, but that he Tomlinson, General Overseer of every time but do no t te tiC:\, ~ up from them, was taken would care f or the Church, If we Onthe Church of God, sho uld ad- t h at you are healed and not, able • • • dress him at Cleveland, Tenn .. to walk, or that you feel rehe\'ed And a vision appeared to Paul in the ly had men today who ",ould get the ca re of the church and welfare of the for prompt reply. land never seem to g et any bet- ' JESUS OUR LORD night : There stood a man of Macedo. spiritual growth of her memb rship -0-- ' Iter, Jesus had only two renia-whether this wa~ a man of Maceon them more thlln the ir own com___________-+ suIt from healing, One was in~ donia ,or an Angel from God d,'essed for ts we would do better, iiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/ll1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l1lU."I1IIIIiII11,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 in Macedoni a apparel, it was God d d \vaIk , I • * • TO OUR MANY s t an,t 'I'a k e up th y b ean calling fo r the Macedonia people, pos, ;!md the other, She began t o sibly some poor broken hearted Vel', 22 shows that he had served vith FRIENDS amei'7C! from that hour, W e mother wa~ anxious about her 'on, Paul in the Gospel. I believe he means SERVE, not so much serve "TIll. and went to God and said, "Oh, God, We arc sending to our I must eithe:- 1;et up t'or begin tv Il Paul thou~h I am sure he was peryy I Sin, send us a preacher of righteousness," get better and 2211 In ue to get I many friends who are not God heard her cry and looked down fec tly obedient to Paul for he was subscribcrs to THE WHITb.: I better until the thing is Ilel'- I len and saw one who counted not his life obedient to God and wou ld not Il$k fected , T4 • , ' dea r unto him self, one who said, Timothy to do an y thing that he dill WI:\G ::\IESSENGER a sal11What does h ealing mean '! "This one thing I do, forgetting t he not know was right in the eyes of pie COllY of the \'(~ry first numWhen I decided to write some· I follow ing Him, YEt he knew as things they have passed things which are behind" and look. God, bel' printed, So if you re, \\'ebster says it is to be restored thing about the man we all 1 we know, that it " not impo<.;- through and how they ovel'- ' ing yonder-h e did not 'dread t he * • • ' ' ht y waves 0 f t he sea, he was not Vel', 6. \\'herefore I put thee in reo ceive a copy you can remenl- to the state of health, To be s hould follow, two t hough ts Sl' bl e, For only U- se who ar" came, so in this way we cer t a111Illlg ber that it i, a token of our h ealed we must hay e some evi· came to my mind, Where did He faithfu l to the e m, will ente!: Iy can help each other, afrllid of the pri on, neither would he membran ce that thou stir IIfl t he ~irt denee of being restored to j h h h t the lash, of God which is in thee by the flultin~ loyc io } ou, If you do not start from and wher e did He , roug t e g a tes 'nto the ci:\, How would you feel if your become a coward • •to escape • health, on of my hands-we will never know ha\'e ,~1.50, to subscribe for land? Wh en does He want Uil of God. brot h er in the flesh would coml:! Please note, imme~iately after he saw all about t he wh ys and whereforcs of the paller for one "'hole year, Just r ecently I heard a person t o enlist in H is army and how I am sure that 'e ha\'e all to you and ask about going into , the vision he sta rted for Macedonia, laying on of hands, and th e only II e OU!, TIU AL OFFER cousay that h e listened to some peo- long does H e want us to serve'! known men or wo len that to some line of business that you being assured of this one thing, that ~'ea son th at need concern us i , that It was a practi ce in setti ng for th Ot' POll found in hlo places in pIc te tifying to divine healing, If I should use a text at all, it some extent we h \'e followed, had tried out and made a com- God had calleq• hi'; t~ go, ordaining chm'ch official s, Wp do 'not this papcr, By u 'Ill' th.,; He said t hat some said they had would be from John 12 :26, "If And it was all rigJ t if w e foi- plete failure of, and you knew Luke was a very close companl'o n of not taken any medicine for fi f know Wh y, or wiat thc virtue is ill coupon you !ret TIlE WHITE teen year , and he said he be- any man sen'e me, let him fol - lowed t h em only's they wen~ he could not succeed, yet you Paul at man y places, Along towar,1 putting hands On the sic k wh<'n we WIl G ) IESSE. :GE~! 1~ low me; and where I am, there following Christ. f w e sa\I' would not advise him to not go the last of his work, Luke joined him pra,Y for them , but the writer seems lieYCd it f or thev w€"e the poort Ph'l' , d week' for ollly 30c, ut out tIt •• shall also my servant be," The them go down and ack into sin, into that business, but you let a I IPPI an passes with him to to Impress us :0 do it, * • • the coupon and mail it today. e s k' ,wea {es I and most sickly thought of this teA-t is, if we we then turned tl m loose and him go on and put all he had in- Je:'usalem and thence to Rome. It is l00 ll1g peop e t h at he had ever " ' " ' " s a i d by some that Luke was a physi- Brother, sister, do you know that this ,,. Tl ' are truly followmg HIm, then saId, I WIll not f low you un- to ,It, and then after he had cian and that Paul had him wI'th hl'm seen. .11S was noticed post'l I k f II ' f I d h I world is literally starVing today for 'I'h e ~ l'cat"st thing in th e 81'bl y bY one \\' h 0 k'new nothi"'" no matter where we are, no mat-h I ' ," now you :, 'e 0 owmg aI e e wou d come to you to look after his health, I am sure ,'f the real hvmg Word to be taught in , 'C "orld is 10\ e , 1.0\ c will 2b t tl I r' h leI' hOW hard the road IS, no matriSt. and say, If you had only told me Paul wanted Luke fot' the benefit of our Sunday Schools and I' ll \\'!i1r'e~u Ie rea ( I\'Ine dealing of tel' if the bread is burned and that I coule! not succeed in hi health at all , it was not to ad min. place wh ere It can be "'o't every ' when C\ en,thing l'lse tails, La\,- . :'<llS as we k no\\' an teach I'' L ister med'c' b t t lk G ... en Ill, th h d b 'I d t ' that bus iness, I \vou1d have kept, I I,nes" u a ta . to od in Teach th e Word, th is is one of the iug God <ll,d one <tnothL'l' is O'tl' but it gil'es us a lesson and it e eggs ar 01 e , 110 ma Lel' when he said, "1"0 W me as I , h i S behalf In ti me of sick nes~, It is most needful thi ngs of our dqy , and Iirst lit t~ IT1 the Chri:;tian lilL', <:all:e our gC'od to be e\'il spoken if our job does not pay as much folio\\' Christ," I an see yon- my mo~ey out of It and would hard for any Bible student to honest. we are not wha t we sho uld be as Let ll, SL'at II 'or and plunge In of, that i~ , to be almost r eady as the other fellow' s who is no. de,: a very narrO\1 way, Jesu ') not be 111 the h elpless condition ly say that Paul had fears of si~k_ teachers, a~ , uperin tendc nts of Sun_ ' I ' ' doing a much work as \I'e arc, has passed o\'er it,' He made it that I am in today? You cel'- nes , t o Its llL'pc:t cha:II~, and 1'0,- lor the gra\'e, not able to \I'aIk • • • day School unless We have a gcnera l ' Iow lts knowl,edge of God's Word, Lr'l's quit lttlllu~t \'(:ins until IlL' a •c ('\\' yal-ls to church, afraid to no matter what kind of disap· safel"J tllI'ough, ,'e stal'ted )'11 tainly would not treat your A d t1 bb pointment or discouragemel t (\ mangel' but He I nded in the broLh l' in th e flesh in that wa y , "n ,O~d Ie hsa ath we went by the Spen(~111g, tr, valuabl e time th at our f.cld, ~(" gpr'nkIed in the rain fo l' " PI ' t L lIvel Sl e were prayer was won t t God IS glvin " u t , " ' l' It , will ma.(e our cough comes our way; If we are fol- skies, Here and tIre are signs au sa) s 0 us, et us lo\'e one be made, ' 0 ... , 1 ~ IIlg to make the lu + peo~le, beli w<, t hat we arc th e ONLY lowing Him and if \\'e are Hi:; of t h e t r ead of :f i feet. He another in brotherly love, "in • • • orne. I"or!'e or gi \'e u cold or Chl'lstlans III the world, I cel'lainlv , . tJ1l11g like that, L"t us qu;t sen'ants, H e will be there, He pra\,'ee! all night, r pra,.'ed e\'- honor preferring , one another." Br,othel', 11 k sister, if God is in you, He do behevo th at the Ch urc h of God i~ says, Where I am, there' will my, el'ywhere, He wen, about doing I Let us love one another and fol- WI ~a e you wan t to go to prayer the greatest organization in the t, .,~i:~ iug to being healed of a meetll1g S d to{lay ,anu , . 1 Is ' I di,'~;'se that ha been weal'i!!g, er\'ant be, We will do no harm good to e\'ery on! He ne\'er low Him who did no sin , , o r ,un ay school. You will world , teaching the , ' , , go, If there IS no church you will What i,; g'oiI~g on in thl.' high es t ~ ta ndard of Chri"'I'a us clown for years. with no sign to HIS statement If we say, became discourage., H e ne\'el' In Luke 9 :57 It IS said that a to the riverside, or to the grove go b t r ,'. n 1"IVll1g C:lUICh of God. all ) ()l' need u ,Istf.n, there are hUndreds, yes: • • • ' 01 I~( ' JIg an,\ bener and go to Where I am as His servallt said hard things te l' about His certain man said, "Lord, I will mll!J ~r~ of Rood true h'l I ' is The" hite WlIlg )Ie.;,.. ;; 21' I H' ' c I ( ren of God - Jm an d in to get close enough th,ere wi," He be,' for H,e wi 1,1 be followei's when th' made mis .. follow" thee whithersoever tholl One th Ii writer said it was strange that W 1 vel' kne w th e 6rst ' wOl'ds of ng ever helcj u(). tJ.., ,ern mcnt of God's -it L' filied \\ id:. ,,()()U ";J:r- I to Hir.l to get the sub t3nce of With us If we Will go WIth Hll11, takes and H aIw, 'S showed a goest, I do not know what Je- on erst Eu prayer meeti 'I 1 Ch h a d " I'ea urc, I beJie\'e the Apostle Paul forgiying sp:rit. H , was t empt- sus saw in that poor fellow, but ropean SOl was attended by n stall I ay to th 'm, "Stand back Hual ne ns to ttc la '! '" U. healing \' hie!! is faith, I wom en only, but th at is not said, '"FoIlow me as I foIlOI\' ed in ALL point. '1 e as we are. it always looked like he did not t f so I am more Holy than Tho u?" No sir We mu, t not let up from tes"Jl,v Sheep 1\.no\\ )1) Yoice" s range, or even now in Amel'ica the not rle, I can I' , , wors lip with any 01'Chr;~~," I uppose it would, yet \\'ithout I'in was achold out very much encourageprayer meetings are not attended b tifying that we are not takin~ ganl"atlon of people 'h ' in the ne t b 'ue-tl',"'t mis be all right today to follow any- cu. er! of many tlll\ys, yet as a ment to him fo r He said, "Foxes men very much, y to II'". , up J ,~ us, \\ 0 are trymg it, use the trial t> er COUPO!1 am' remedie. and that our t ru "t on e a. t h ey follow ChriRt, but lamb befo re 'hearers i ~ ha\'e holes, and birds of the ail' • • • , is in Him [lilly but let u u e the below. how can we know who is followHis mouth, have nests: but the Son of man ?nly, Luke i with m in his second Wa.l Paul di'cOlll'aged? N th h y;ord trust ill tead of heal. , H'? b h Imprisonment, Luke wa Paul's I ' , , '0, oug mg 1m , I e1ieve every true · No I', if W;,l s, orne one ath not where to lay his head," compan ion Luke was al f On y he ~v'as 1ll " nark, 1nd I, ' , God hcln us to wa lk, work. h a dirty cell I ca n 1I11agme , , ' wa ~'s aith, arrow way J esus saw somethll1g lJ1 the fel- ful to Paul. He had \Vat 'h d I ear t ed ,pure C hl'istia:l who j while we a re in t h Our Three! h . lUt GOl, was with him, ~;"" k, net and be wh 1'e we \I'ill ' c e t le D'd e Want t 0 k'll sanctified wholly \I'ould sa~' to \\'ho as been I": t h way longer, low that was prompting him tc breakmg up of the little band, and he , I, I til jailor? TO Trial ft;;:r j:O~ brlllg a reproach on God or S1I, he want,'d t b ' others. If you see me at al: . or gO me other Jeason i. a follow Him, He wanted the !Iad guessed the i~sue of the impend_ lell him that all 12 V.jeek ~·o. :..C~ 0 ~Pb ZL him and any of Hi doctrine, , time out of that narro\" little closer to C! st than \\'0 worldly goods or pleasures mgd tnal before 1\ era ,yet until' the h'IS h OUse 0 dthe th111g- for 'tim and The Whi " inz , en came he would never be ab o was to ern, this that leads to life, and if ar~, then that per n is ahead rather than to follow Him to long at a time from th sent same Jesu" e one he lOVed the 30c cndo<t'd, pl«.>a'l' ~enrl DO -, -'T F.\IL 'IO S B CRIBE ha\'e been follo wing me; plea. e of l : and on the !; ' ;tJe road anri serve and to help save the lost. so well. Let us comfo" t * • , \\ hite 'inn \1< ~enner for do n ot, should I tum back from 19oing right after ' ri t, 'a - .Jesus would not allow the poor • • • 'd one an o,her with lo\,. '" ~ TO "THE WHITE WIKG )IES- follo wing Him, I have often urall' ,"e are folIo ng him for fellow to start and afterward be- G0 In ~n Text, "A frielld loveth at was 111g wor (C(ks to a re'dS l of h g 00 d Cheer, Timothy all times" 'd "Y e are my help each oth elp to Paul ' so we can ~E, 'GL'R"-"OU JT-ST C \ '_ "- thought that thi~ wa - what \vas , w e are fol owing i t just Iik" come discouraged on account of f" d 'f' J esus sal, C). D .l V n_, llen s I you do whatsoever I er, I a not oi g to in Pau]' mind when he said, fhe is, yet h(' is fur 1'1' advanced not making gain in the world , mand you," So the text sa s ~,om_ r~ we do not love each oth~r n now D, _. __ ____ _ . '01' .\FFORD TO ~fI S T HE "Follow me, as I follow C Iri st," and we are al\\uy' aJlxious to He took the liberty to inform loveth at all times, Then~ \:l~e~~ ~u; I'~:il~ l~a ~o~e twelve years ago, HELPFI L REAP \'G THAT Whi! tam ure Paul knew that meet with sorr'e who is him that ,if he were looking forrwha~ He says w~ wH,1 be HI (rien S, and do no' ;;I ~~,;e td~ \\'e keep it hid I,,, he had fu!Iv counted the cost ahead of us ana IS lble to in- an easy Job a high position a/and If we are HIS friends W will al . Like PaUl , IH ' Ihes ~t . s we die!, 1 <J 'TAl ' S , , ways love Hin, for a friend loveth at 't ' 1 S S Ow It 1>1"''0 Char -~-,---I .' 'I I thfbnl;e~t:' :sob~,~o~n~hoa~lke~dt1~yY~ I I I I I I no dOd no elOther Was gUltle hzos moul} "1 ret.: n 2 22 £ound ~ · I I I I I I I I .. fr' I it c 'n' ,." '/. n,ve, turn h"k ' ' '," , ,t""" ,nri pmnf ou n US <om,' I (Continu&\ on Pag, 4) ALL "m... c ~:';:t:~ "",if""", '1: '" m,,; , THE SIN OR cros~. UNTO ~N SINS DEAD The gre~tes~'1 trouble today IS that the things of man WHITE nI.- - are studied ~nd understood more than the thmgs of God. The spirit of man is being displayed \ ' more than the Spirit of Of Love Will e,v~,~ in. those who profess God" to be l'Mllea wIth the Paul' tells u!;.)(fuat the splnt of man knows .S?iri~. • WING MESSENGER CLEVELAN -- -- YESSEE SEPTEMBER ""'-r' ..__ _ REVIVAL SPIRIT AND POWER 1923 PAGE THREE _ ." =-, GOIXG 0" WORK 0th ers who tried 'VITH to put him down out. says he was as oneand born ontPaul of due time, but FOR JESUS (Continned From Page 1) he was born to serve anyway. ri~g ~essage a~ "Old Man" VICTORY-SERVICE-SUCCESS ~s much, and it may not be much, The way the Spirit st:rbut if He doubles up the power me as I am sending out I _ ---' on you when you start you may thiS this late in g C rue i f i e d. oI then gave a message- in othel"METHODIST - J taken end upnearly a spiritual giant. Imiles was th.e I.belIeve there ISwhere, some ma1 underst.ands. It I the t b thimrs 'I' hOf r two hundred stJrn.n gom,g on some It s th IS .p.am t f 0 e seen t at one day in a car and arrived at or WI 11 b e gomg on shortly. This . .n. tongues. I got the int 'rpretaf the place of meeting after sel'- wor as to hear the message. 1. e ,s p a'l 0 man tha. t up. ,ion and sa w these SCI·iptul.·ef', Id h UFFERETtl I ' vice had begun. I was too tired e peop " d ers t an d s t h e nature of hl.S, £"11Provo 1 :25-33, fulfilled l'n a \' I'STh Ie have to be touched KIND AND IS LON and. makes one man ion, J'u st as the'I'cacl a',ld ~a\\' . ht y power of the 1owk man f J • ~ and worn to think of any sen'ice WI'th th e mig I 00 or the faults .and ~lis.ta~es fJ who God was talking to, "gut that night, but a force of cir- gospel and the Holy Spirit, and of another and bUSies hlmselt 1.0 ye have set at nought II my Spirit-Filled Services cumstances that I never feel If somebody puts the lid on to let. ~thers know about them. Th" God's' Power Poured 'ounsel, and would none of m;' Made Her Nervous like r e isting put me behind the hold it down God will raise up reprool: I also will lall(Th at sacred desk and almost before somebody else or else knock the are two deaths tonnect- SPll'lt of God has no part in such ... . Out in Every Service you!' calamity; I will mock when I Dear Brother Tomlin 0 I I was aware of it I wa intro- lid off and set free all who have the sin principle of the work. The splnt 01 man IS what your fear cometh' 'Vhen "OlII' ,I All th S· n, an r i.\IE . ' Y J ' e amts Scattered duced to the large audience and the fire in th' ell' bones. H una h family a Jd it must be tear cometh as .desolation, and j Abroad-Greeting in Jesu ' of course I had to stand up and ~or Jes.us! He is conqueror-He that ever in dividual who p1'~lmp~; .lealou"y, pude and self- l SSAGES G1\ EN . makes one man stand AND INTERPRETED your destruction cometh as al Name: s look pleasant and smile and IS the lIon of the tribe of Judah, to the yearl:l of maLur- WI.. g . ano th er b ecause h e w h'11'I wind; when disti'ess S and I . . . . bow. I hael no message, noth- ee, im. comin. g, sP,ringi.n and s dead one \ ay or the othl!!'. out agamst H letter lO"{;hd SM.Ilti!! at do esn 't con f orm t 0 h'IS \le,VS, God thiS morn - ing to say, but almost before I leapll1g lIke a hon after hiS prey. I want to thank the Lord anguish cc::.eth upon ~rou. Then ing am for pla1smg Holy Ghost we fin that they were opinions or plan::; and envies his th a t H e h as noc" f orgot t en the'~llaJI t'L1ey caI upon I me,'nut I that keeps me f f salvation . knew where I was I flashed off Those \\' h 0 h aye th e S Pll'l ' 't 0f J edeau in si s but they had success and seeks to excel him. Church of God in ::'\laryland. We will not ans\\'er; they shall seek Bless His good r~:mel;O~ sm. on something that made t he fire sus will abound more and more quickened r made alIve. Those who are gi\'cn to sllch feci an 'l know that He has me early, but they shall not fi.nel ; praising Him for sa'" am fly and the people shouted and and hurry and ru h and stir unyou hath e quickeneth, work should not boa"t of the heard QUI' prayers . During our me ' For that the h t d k 1 vmg, sanc- d d d til people about them will be were dead in trespasses crucifixion of t he o'id man fOl' 1'( byo weeks i'e\'ival just dosed, edge, • . .and did . noty choof\e a e -now the glory. . one way or another. the- tifying the Hoi and Gh baptizing t d ' me with . Itance was an the gave HolyGod Ghost that a ifect eeI 111 Y sins." Eph. ~:1. "LikeWiSe\iS he that is promptillg their con ducted by Brother Ayery D. fear of the Lord; They wouldlth d t . . ~s. an ine and for stepped in to help in time of Some may curse while others ul'sel es to be "'0 . no thOllHr I'<,vans, we .lust ., shout . Some may cn'1,'IClse . h' lso " r k , as th ' e 0ld man IS feasted on the none 01,. my counsel: they de- l e d e enmnailon to serve Him need. wile ye a See what He did for Pet- others rejoice, but such a person indeed unt sin, but alive Imore than the natural dispos[- wonderful messages God had spised all my r eproof. There- an go all the way, ·r egardless God throu h Jesus Christ, tion or spirit of man. given him. We realized that fore shall they eat of the fruit of lthe cost. , ' er-sent an angel to unlock his is bound to do something, and it It is true that there is and wc were feast in g on the finest of their own way, and be filleq d tha~k God from the very chains opened the prison doors seems h.e can't keep from it if two vel'S s of Scriptur e must be a crucifixion of the old of the wheat. with their own device. For thr-I of heart for sending lead him out into the street he would. we have ju t quoted ar~ I'man (Rom. 6 :6) before the body The Lord was with us from turning- away of the simple I Blother Guy Marlow to this while his captors lay fast asleep, This fire that is burning in propf that one is either of sin is destro yed. One can the be;i:1l1ing. iYhile '.':C have shall slay them, and the pro~- place to ?reach the full Gospel turned him through the iron me now is licking its blazes and unto sin or dead in sins Ir eckon himself to be dead incleeJ hp.'1rd Rome powerful sermons perity of foo ls shall uestroy t,hat I might ha ve this wonder- gate and told him to go on with cloven tongues out after somefirst state is thai of be-I unto s in bnt alive unto God. preached here several said they them. But \\'hoso h earkene th UIl- ful salvatIOn that I now possesf.. his work for Jesus. When he body else. I believe somebody in sins. It is evidently IThat act mal "s one a new crea- had 11C\'cr heard the Bible to me shall dwell safely, ::.nd Praise ~is name forever! HI!- got to the prayer meeting and will get it, for I cannot believe that there must first be a ture and places within a spirit- preached to them as Brother shall be quiet from fear of evil." fore I found this way I was a the little girl who went t o lei all this will just die down into a 'before a quitkening and ual mind or the mind of Christ E,-ans preached it. The Lord Another interpretation was giv- ::'\1ethodist and living the very him in knew that it was Peter pile of cold ashes. I am looking is no qukkening, there which is subject to the la,\, of, wonderfully blessed him in giv- en the same time. Read Isa. best I knew. I would find my- she was so excited that she could for something 'to come from it . life. individual is IGod and brings life and peace. II out the \\.'ord. On Monday 41 :9-1:l. I self wondering if God should not open the door. See what H e I may not know of it till over in dead 111 trespasses andj (See Rom. 8:6,7.) Yes, the de- mght, July 23, he gave out a I praise God for the HOlylcall fOi' me, was I ready to go. did for Paul whim all men eternity, but I believe I'll find which mea IS ' he is I' struction of the carnal mimI beautiful message on The Ghost that guides us in these One day Brother l\1arlow forsook him. Did he stop be- somebody there who will have or blinde to the Gospel (old man), makes one alive unto Tragedies of Neglect. I am perilous times and shows us started a revival atJ:{ender, Ky. cause his brethren turned him felt t he stir and fire and power . Christ which is the I but dead in?eed unto or, sure those who it wi ll. al- thbgs io come. We need to get I went to see what they were do· down? Did h e quit because he of this one message of God uto salvatIOn, thmgs that be of men and brll1gs ways remember It. The samts closer to Jesus, then He will give ing and I couldn't see any use in was left alone? No sir, I im- dlStll1ct from all others. 0 my therefore lo:;t and cannot him into subjection to God's law ,,;ere edified and encouraged to us more of the gifts. Pray much so much dancing and talking in agine he th r ew back his head, soul, my soul! It seems to be a the thing ' of God. Paul which is the "New Law" or press on . Sinners were under for us h ere, that we may stay tongues, it made me so nervous, got a long breath and went into flame of fire. I feel it rushing "If our g spel be hid, it Word of Christ that was given deep conviction. and submissive and do I could hardly stand it. My hus- t he battle with such fury that to my and hands. What to t m that are lost. In at the beginning of the gOSpell We were sorry to see B:·O.:I ,,,liS will. ' band got sanctified and fijJed hiS opposers almost saw streaks does thiS all mean? Power! di~pensation. . 11 :'ans lea\': but hope ~ha~ God I Your humLle si~tel' ill Christ, with the lioly Ghost. I saw this of fir e flash all around them. Power! Fire! Fire! Then glory ) blinded the 'A nev. commandment I give' Will send him to us agam 111 the Susie Owelll. expenence was r eal for he lived Posslbl.y many of them slunk and oIT goes somebody dancing o the - whith be- unto you, That ye love one an-I near His meek and genthe life. I began to fight against away m shame and never had for joy lLnd with a heart stirred not, lest th light of the other; as I have loved yOll, that tIe SPl1'lt and the divine love he it and fought for alrno;;t a year. the heart to show. up but to the bottom determined to hurgospel of hrist who is ye also love one another." John showed to the people completely U lJ The Lord showed me that if 1 what became of . Paul. The ry on and work harder than 'h I'd]'" 13 :34. "Brethren I write no won their hearts. I didn't walk i th j ' ht ' I sacred records tell about him, ever for the Man that died for o 0, s ou Sl.me ' . n e Ig ,my :;ou b t t· f th th' H' me' d . •1 :3, 4. He new commandment unto you, them." f 2GCor The !ast mght Brother Evam ,was lost. I saw a great num- u. no lace o. e. 0 e1S. . . . that the natural (car- but;tn old commandment which was us, an olel genilemanlSTATE bel' of electric lights just as tOlY not 1eCOld I do not where thIS WIll sinful) man could not re- ye h ad !'rom the beginning. The who Il1 time past had said there l'i' bnght as could be. As I stood cept a he named h1mself-:-1 r e.a ch! 0 1 don t .know where Jt the things of the S irit of old commandment it:! the \\'onI was no God, came out to heal' I __ 'gazing at them they began to Demas forsook hIm. and . Will reach. My feet are gomg. could he p know which ye have h eard from the him. His heart seemed almost Standing F or The grow dim until I could scarcel\' andehr coPPTersn;lth did They won't keep still as these .. beginning" 1 John 2'7 These melted . He said he \\'ould pay d· · · · muc la1 m. hat s an awful words flow rapidl y on. The dam use t,h ey are SPll'lt lal- t, , . . f S' ,'pt :e' m ke it a. large amo unt of money on his: Church of God Iiscover any llght a~ all. A \'olce cloudy record of them, but the seems to have burst and a cloud. ro','nc.rI (:::iee 1 Cor. ~: .) \\0 \ers.es 0 Cll UI a 1 .,'f Id k h' . I -spoke to me and smd, As thOSe record of Pa ul is brilliant E\'en bu r,,~ "cems to ha ve broken over sinful man is as dorn .. nt yery plam that the Word of; a.m Y I w.e cou ,eep 1m With PROUD OF THE 1 lights are growing dim, so is the at the last he cries out tl'ithings of the SpirIt of Christ (::.rew Testament) i' the us. He Said he enjoyed h eanng -"THE WHJTE WI. T light in your soul. I (Tot out ot the p eaks of the mountains of law to which the new creature 1 the reG\! gOf\pel and knew that he lIESSENGER" Ib d I kO umph, "I ha\'e fought a good my so ul. Somebody down the . t th fi o y IS 0 e 1Ve sen I' h" •• t e anc on my ' nees and fight, I h ave finished my course, yalley is sure to be flooded. The' b dbreath of life has the is made subject to by the cruci-! "'.10 \\ ~s pr~ac mg It, :vas a I --. ' , begged God to sanctify my soul. I have kept the faith." Did thl's d fixion of the "old man" and this tr ue child of God. I pc'alse God To the Deal' Samts ,) the H h d mea ow lands of humility vall.<VJJU'.W'I\ "law" binds the true followers I a faithfu l few and for min~hurch of God and The White He ear. and answered prayer. in spite of false br ethren, the ley will be enriched by the overfor 'h 'II h . ' . e sanctIfied me wholly bap- coppersmith, Demas, and all flow And too th fI d '11 . t of Christ together in the same ,IS ers \\' th 0 WIbl preac etmgs t'1zed t h the Holy 'Ghost ' " B th J "V J 00 that WI card t the th BIble ~h t Wmg . th PMessenger-Gr . "T me.WI ry away a lot of edebris has 10\'e wherewith He loved His an fo I e esse ru S" a m e reclOUS J., ame f Jed dd d _ ro er . , . ones and Sisd LlJll;t:UII .... . ome from the heart. sus: an a e me to the grea. tel' Clara Mabe were in charge accumulated since the drought lK&ll)tUUn '~.----:1 ). _ GREAT BLESSI ~GS R'ECEI . VED IN IfARY LAND ~ , " 0 ,. ' __ ~Ight . ~our F'OUND JESUS • I e~th I ~rhe ~y i~g t~at II G~d si~ h~ard a~d. glor~ ~~mbl: ~th ~u.ture. ~\'lt~ f~ce fiR, AT VICT,"RY AT KENTUCKY AS;)('IEMLY, I ~ aga~n, T t~em, ~x- Ith~ Al~x~~m fe\~ I I I~- do~s A~IE I kno\~ i~ I J • , , Jesus own. ThiS IS my commandment, t \. , • .' Church of God. Bless His name: set in L 01 t' L k tI tl t h d ye love one another as I I I ne el felt so burdened as I I am plOucl of thiS pal rand, p. ' . . 0 < ou. 00 ou. v of the meeting. It continued th' 1a 1,h te erstood loved yo u. Greatel: love (lId the last night Brothcl' l its name. fOl us that we may sta: three weeks. The Lord s urely Don't you hear the roar an,t a. were of GoJ, no man than ihis that a 1':,'a11s preach ed for us, \Yhiie I W[t!lt to report vitt ry for I clean ,md humble and always did bless them in gi\'ing out the rush? Don't it sound like Pentey . ha t wele of men. He I d h' l'f 'f h' sinners were saying how they the Church of Go'l at th,' I ouis-' ready to do the ilIastcr's servlc,). \\·ord. At times the power or cost wh en ':the were all with It clear that he was actu ay own IS I e or IS' ' . , ' Pray fOI' my- chile' e 1 t b one accord 111 one place?" Li s,~ lo,'ed the. Gospel he .was (alking i ville, I';:~·., Sh.. te A3sembi: I \"as i, . n' I 0 e the enemy seemed to be great. I " . f s." John 15 :12, 13. about, I i elt hke I WIshed e\'ery- there at eyery sen·ice. T , POW-l sa\ ed. but the power of the Lord Jesus t en . suddenly there came O ' 11 1 YOUI'S f'OI' th "I s t ' el'a sounel from heaven as of a ' e 11 a' er s ,,'as greater and we came out b oay cou (. 1 ar it. I know. if i er of ~od was ma!lifestl'1. \\'e ,. . . . . . ---...!...\-.---c,.-.--- -.- - - e,'ClT mmlster were preachmg were PI'OUel to. see Brothc' '1'0111- \ Ice, victorious. Se" eral were ·won· rushing mighty \I'ind where ___ I gospeI as J esus wants it to linson, Brother Brouay l' and 1:11 rs. Nil' they were sitting." you from hear r I tie e Ie 'V'I I son, derfully blest of the Lord and it yet? The sound Do came B eaver D am, K y. go forth, that there would be I Brother Giilaf~pie there, These three . were sanctified, two r eo hem'en then, can it come from tho. usands c:..'f sinnel·s. coml.·nglbr.et,hren preache(~ t,hE Wonl cel "ed the Holy Ghost and three th I 'I '}' lk b ld IS d ymg Wllh l'o\\'er and \,Im. There any 0 er. hp ace no\\'. D a ' a 1 out I fth IS thO way.d" '''1 .l 1e wor ' followed ihe Lord m water baph . ht I . . ' urry-ru<:! -n1Jg y. ear. e ear, or IS Inne ove. is nothing that can over-l bsm. Many are lookmg thi~ "hat e 'l . . t h l "\ G d t d th G l' 1 H . . 0 . , .' \ n x IS gOing 0 appen 0re are pralsllg 0 0 ay row O( s power a .is wa). ne. got s~' ed at hIS ho.me night? Well, well, don 't, don't 'i for our tate overseer, ?rother Church. Jesus said the, ates 0< a short time after the meelmg gel so excited lhat YOU will forget lhat you should' go on with .... EYa1,18, an.d. also fo r 0.1I:· he,ll ca'1not pre,\'ail a':ail t it. A~.?. 1 __. cIa ed . I IG~ .. e1al OH1"Sce., A. J. TomlmThe State n.ssembly as the . Reports Great VIctory Saints were wilh us from your \\,ol'k for Je,us, and that IT I ~.!:ee I I ha\'e while you are uoing this you are 5011. for \\. 10\'e them. greate::.t I l.ave e\"'f Pedf'ol'd Alta"I'sla L\'n"hbul'" unities that you will .. ' .r _ an oano e. e sure enJoye( to sUr somebody as you go. Sister Mullikin took chal'!!e of a"lten(l"(] the Assembl.'· ',1 Cl.f> 'ein Meeting d R k \\. 'I the meeting after \Yed!1esday land, Tenn., but the po yer of haying them with us. \\' e ha(1 People were amazed and marbt have been a bless· I testimonies and messages no night and stayed with us till God \,as stronger at t: is AR-i To T:~ "-ing :'\les engel' : a good time with the Lord and "eled in old Pentecostal davs . , is to thou. a nds. as you stood wit the power of God on SundaJ~ nigh t . Saturday ni ht semhly than I have sce!1 t in the! By the help of the Lord I the sainls shouted, danced and il too late for that kind of achad done for you, body and told the world was one to be rellJembered. God last three a~semblies a( Cle\'o- wa!1t to end in a report 01' the talked in tongues. Sisler Ellen th'ities now'? Pen eco~ta l power What He would do for others. . ,yas surely y;ith us and that to land, Tenn. God will ble ~ \';hen mee.ting· held at Leesdlle Straten from Dam'iIIe wa with will sur elr bring Pentecostal acwill read The' '!lite there are thousands of people I bless. is tel' Ida Ruark was He is f'i\'cn the OPPOl'tli .it... church, the Chu r~h of God, the us to play the organ. " -e ob- ti\'ities, and this is the ~r at se , face or hear ynur ' Messenger, who will never see I taken OLl.t ill' the floor under t he ~he C''''l'ch of God " goin".' i on~ the ~ates of hell cannot pI.' - :;en'ell the Lord's ,.upper and ,ret. I think ihat is t he fo rce cheering message but you can reach them with power of the Lord, alte:' we on 1Jl spite of man mac. CI er1~ I\ all a~amst. Thank God fOl' feet \\'ash ing. It \I'a:; a feast that ha taught me. I want it ItIU~out>'h the colum ns of to catch -'"OU and louch yotl up I had dismissed and "'as getting and doctrine. \"hen \H go b:'lck Hi C~rch that is so strait ancl f rom heaven . ready to go home. She knelt under the law to IiYe ".(. are ~ti11 clean. f The devil is trying in e\'I desire prayer of the sainH until you \I'ill not only amaze THE WHITE WING M do\\ 1 on the floor and we a;;:kect in our sins and are falli 19 from e!'~' \\ ay he can to up,qet it, but. fo r the little band at this plate. otherg, but you ",ill al 0 be a Lord is bless ing you, tell thousand of others about it. if the Spirit prompts you to write an article, or report a I God to sho\\' us \"h at to do. I 2Tace. Let us stand 'or the I tha nl God, he tan:lot do il for Pray for me to stay humble at wonder to your:el1. nod hI e::;. praise Him for answerin~ our hurch of God and t c _·ew we Imow tln \l'ord of .Jesus is Jef,us' feet and let my light ,VOll! Hallelujah . Good night: meeting, or t ell of a wonderful healir\.p, or Write. a letter "...,..... Church of God saints throughout t~e world, or what- I p:;;ayer. He spoke so s\\ eetly io Testame'lt as our only rule of tn!/.:. The Church is going to shine and be ever true to Jesus Be sllI'e and let me heai from you when this flood strikes your me and said, "All pray for faith and practice, a d stay come to the front and rise and in all things. the Lord lead you to write. .rus t vrite it" out llnd H~ \ Brother Tomlinson." I told thelfrom unde,' the law. shine. Glory! Hallelujah! 1 YOul' unwo rthy sister 111 \'aIley. Tell me how it starr('d the rubbil'h and took I all 3wa;' Chufch what God had said tOI Your brother in Chr. t .Jesus, can f I the fire burning a" 1 Christ, THE WHI1'E WING ;.\1ESSEnur,n. so It left the meac1oy,'s rich and O. S. dartm , ;\Ve prayed and God gavel J. M. P r:c~. \ n·e. I am so glad I am one of Cleveland - - - - Tenn green • Leesville, Va. Sister Ruark Somerr,$t, 'Ky. them. ~ngs u~ I . la~ An~ t------~.- l'!!~~~~...o;;~~..-- "",!,~-",,--~~~---~~~'I VE I I I POWER FALLING IN VIRGINIA I I _ . C), , . -: ,.. ! I I I • / . { THE WHITE WING MESSE~GER, CLEVELAND, 'l'EN NESSEE, SEPT, 15, 1923 PAGE FOUR I 'tHE )IAX WE ALL SHOL'LD that is, it will not always be approved by men but the true follower mu't have his or her eyes fixed on Him and not be mo\'ed by any of these other things. \\' e ha \'e neyer lived in a time when it \l'a more impurtant ta know we are following Him in everything than today. The King's children must follow in His ways and we ~ometimes sing: FOLLOW (Continued From Page 2) big alary or anything on that line he would be disappointed. Imm ediately Jesus called an, other and said, "Follow me." But he said, Let m~ go fir't and bury my f.ath~. J.esus said, "Let the dead bury their dead; but go thou and preach the kingdom of Goa." I 1 GOOD TESTIMONIES AND LETTERS FIRE-o-INSPIRATION-o-DETERMINATION JESUS COMING~'BESTRONGAND ) SOON COURAGEOUS I had rather be the least 01' them, Who are the Lord's alone; Filled With Glor yThan wear a royal diadem, And. it upon a t hrone. Just Can't Keep From Tn Re\'. 14.:3, 4 the writer said Telling It that the hundred and forty and four thousand had followed the Lamb whithersoe\'el' He goeth. Dear Saints of God Everywhere There is one thing \\'e know and -Greetings: that is there will be a numbe.: I feel this afternoon that it of this kind. will please the Lord for me to Jcsus said to some fishermen, write out of a heaIt full of grat"Follow me, and I will make you it.ude to Him, of His benefits i.o fishers of men." ::'Irati.. <1 :19. TCl me, of His love and His strong become fishers of men we mw;t arm that has from my baby, first become followers of Jesus. hood up to the present hour held We will note that this was one me up, and kept my feet from of His first messages ancl one falling. of His last messages was. "Yc I do r ejoice to know that He shall recei\'e ' power, after th:lt is able to keep that we comm it the Holy Ghost is come upon unto Him. Bless His preciol!.; you." It makes us belie\'e tha;; name! I love Him! Oh, I lovc to become fishers of men, we Him! I feel so secure in His must fir t become followers ')f hand, under the shadow of the Him. If we continue following Almighty. Ho\\' sweet to tel] Him we will receive the Holy Him all our trials, to tell Him Ghost and surely after we r e- the way seems dark-then, oh! ceive the Holy Ghost we will then ho,,- quickly His presence ' po brightens my' wa v . answered him by saying, "Keep ha ewer. J the commandments." This, he I haye been as ociated wit~ Oh, hallelujah, yes, 'tis heavsaid he had done. Jesus saiel, holiness about thirty-fi\'e years en, One thing thou lackest yet. I and I ha\'e been made to see one 'Tis heaven to know my sins can see this fellow as he looked very weak point, that is, tr.vforgiven . at Jesus and thought of his own ing to get people to fo llow us. Thank God for ' Jesus, 'who good deeds but Jesus did no;; We are so sure we are right that shed His blood to sanctify us, hes itate to say to him, "Sell we sometimes get it in our head::; ""e know He is by the right that thou hast and give to the that if the other person refuses hand of God exalted and hath poor, and thou shalt have treas- to go our way, he is going to given us the promise of t he Faure in heaven." This fellow was h ell, but this is not alway so . ther alld the Holy Ghost abides, offered a wonderful investment, One time some of Jesus' follow- Hallelu jah! Oh, T praise God but you see he went away sor- ers said to Him, "Master, we fo r His great heart of love. I rowful. ow, I am not trying saw one casting out devils in love His appearing and am lookto make people believe that Je .. thy name; and we forbade him, ing forward to that glad day. sus wants everyone to sell all becau e he followeth not with I know He is coming soon. he has and give to the poor but us. And Jesus said unto him Some are saying, My Lord dethis is what I want us to see Forbid him not: for he that is Jayeth His coming and they are that no matter what H e tell 01' not against us is for us." If wc dcJving into things too deep for show us to do, we mu t do that do not see things exactly alike, them, grasping after honor and thing if we want to keep on fol- we should not count them as fame, forgetting unless we all lowing Him. I do not believe that enemies to Christ. There arC) become as little hildren, we the Holy Ghost was telling ev- only two ways. If they are not I shall not enter the pearly gates. ery one to sell all he had and doing something against us,. I love the Church of God. Shc gi\'e to the Apostles, but He did they are for us . IS pure, clothed with the sun anr! want everyone to tell the truth. It i an easy matter to follow the moon under her feet. Glory It is much better to speak the the Lord when e\'erything is go- to Jesus. He satisfies me. I am truth always, even if it takes a ing as we think, just right, and fre~! I am free! I'll shout it, confession, rather than to hold everybody is shouting. But I WIll. Glory to Jesus, I cannot 't b k d t I' . h th O th 1. I ac an ry to Ive over It. w en Illgs go e a her way keep still. Clara Mullikin. There is one thing very no-\ or opposite to our feelings, then ticeable about following Jesu'l it is much harder to follow Him. A Letter to All in His clean, narrow way and (Continued in Next Issue) I am sure that His statement. "Let the dead bury their dead" is not meant to teach us to disrespect our fathers, mothers or anyone else, but it is to show us that to follow Him, or to preach His e\'erla ting gospel is by far more important than to cumber oursel\'es with any of the cares of this life. It is very notMe'at>le in the teachings 0': .Ie ~ YBt He never wanted ~o rush ~e9{llr into following Him without considering the cost. On the other hand He always showed that eternal life would be cheap at any cost, for what has a man gained if he gets in pos ession of the whole worlet and then 10 es his oul, or if he had it, what would he gh'e for the salvation of his soul when he sees it is lost? After Jesus blessed the little children and laid His hand ')n them there came one that sai~1 to Him, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do, or what must I do to obtain eternal life? Jesus C \ I ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER TO THE WHITE WING MESSENGER? "How to Keep the Joy Bells Ringing in Your Heart." Be sure of it-use the trial offer coupon below. , .--------OUR THREE- MONTHS TRIAL OFFER 12 Weeks For 30c r--------------------·~-------------------------------· The White Wing Me senger, Cle, eland, Tenn, For the 30c en do ed please send The White Wing )Ie senger for 12 weeks to ______________________________ ____ _______ __________ _______ . St., R. F. D. _______ : _________ ~---------------------- __________ , - - , -,. -- - - - - » ~====================d~ __ _________ ~ ~ __ ~ GOD HEALED AFTER BODY us." Rom. 8 :36, 37. We need not look to see where WAS COLD IN DEATH the great men are going, or where the largest number are By T. A. RICHARD but we mu t look to go the BiI know according to the WO:'d ble way and the way that of God that there are only a God will be pleased with. He will fight for us a s we few that will go through with are serving the same God the Lord. But, "If the Lord be for us who can be against us'!" that the Hebrew children were Rom. 8 :31. "Be str ong and cour- serving when they were cast in ageous, be not afraid nor dis- the fiery furnace and King mayed for the king of Assyria, Nebuchadnezzar said, "Who is nor for all the multitude that is that God that shaJl deliver you with him: for there be more out of my hands? "Though they with us than with him: With were only three, they knew that him is an arm of flesh: but with God wa with them . They said, us is the Lord our God to help "We are not careful to answer us, and to fight our battles. And thee in this matter. If it be so, the people rested themselves up- our God whom we serve is able on the words of Hezekiah king to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he of Judah." 2 Chr. 32 :7, 8. No doubt, this looked simpl e will deliver us out of thine to t he king of Assyria as he had hand, 0 King. But if not, great armies and had subdued be it known unto thee, 0 many people. He may have king, that we wiII not serve thy thought it a vp,ry small task to gods, nor worship the golden subdue the children of Israel, image which thou hast set up." seeing they were so few in num- They went into the fiery furber. But the words of Hezekiah nace, trusting in the same God gaye them the assurance that that the children of Judah God would fight the ir baWes. trusted in. They were delivered Many times we might give from the hand of the king and LIp if we would look at the large the fiery furnace . God has nevnumber of people that are er lost His power and He is still against us . But when we de- able to deliver His children if cide t hat the battle is not ours they wiJl only trust in Him. we can do as the children of Dear saints, let us trust Him Judah d i~, we can rest upon the more and let Him fight more of words of the Lord, I will n eyer our battles for us. There will leave yo 1101' forsake you. If be many battles to fight in these Jesus is vith us, we can depend last days so let us rest on the on Him 0 fight our baWes . If Word of the Lord ancl stand we depel d on the arm of flesh , true to Him at any cost and we will lP down in defea t. Let when this life is ended we shall us not j.pllow the large num- receive our r eward. May God's ber of p "'pIe but let us fol - blessings be upon His children low the pirit of God and His everywhere. Word . soon as we do this He will figh our battles for us . The r e son Hezekiah was so su r e tha God would fight his battles f r him was because He knew H had obeyed the Lord. He had estroyed the idols and had take down all the high places a d had put his whole trust in he Lord. If Hezekiah had num ered his men he would Windows of Heaven The Saints have fall d them too weak to Were Opened fight ag nst this great army. TO{)CH NOT GOD'S But he d not do this . Why, STILL FOLLOWI G ANOINTED the Lord was looking after that par t of i while they wer e restTHE OLD PATHS I have been meditating on the ing. wonderful love David had for I wand l' how many are look- Dear Brother Tomlinson, and Saul. God had anointed him to All the Dcar Readers of The o see if they ha ve a be king over Israel which was bel' to stand by them. White Wing Messengerhis chosen nation. David kept ey find they haven't Greeting in the Blessed Name .a weet spirit all the time and got a larg number they will get of Jesus: said, "The Lord forbid that 1 weak and faint-hearted . Let us I am praising our ble~ eel should stretch * * * forth mine tand fir on the Word and Lord and Master for the wandel', hand against him, seeing he is realize th t the Lord will take ful experience He ha givcn me. the anointed of the Lord." us th r ou,; and fight our battles. BIe s His deal' name forever! Sunday when I came home Several times since I ha ve He wonderfully saved, sanctified from church the Lord gave me been in tl ministry I have gone and baptized me with the Holv three verses from the sixth to the vel' limit Qf my strength Ghost and fire. Hallelujah! lIo\:, chapter of Hosea, "Come, and and the I'd would come in in I wish that thc whole world hac! let. u return unto the Lord: for time to \ 'n the victory. I ' rethis wonderful experience, But he hath torn, and he wiII heal member aying for the s ick at I suppose that we wouldn't want us; he hath smitten, and he will two diITe nt times when it to go to heaven then, we wouid bi~d us up. After two days seemed t at bot9 persons were always want to stay here, and WIll he red,'e us: in to.e third apparentl dead, ' II didn't oak lea~1 \;~.y. Jesus would l-Iaqi\ n~mbly in Ke,l~ucky wiII alw' that wouldn't be according to IS people on 1 :11'0'1 h hI' I cnll!'l1i)m'e'l S· t f day he will rai e us up, and we like there was any use in pra~ God's plan. We want Him to the Reel Sea >. ' h l' -< . aIn s r o t.f' ,Iorelal' ,,1 pu.-t..; of Ow sLate shall lh'e in his sight. Then ing, but mehow we could not ha\'e His way for we know that or am' thing tho t ' . >t T , w e r e pr shall we kno,,', if we foll')w on quit. On had gotten cold but a ml6ht up. en. \\ e al'e standing for t He know best. If We just let ear ' . p. before them tlnrl thf.' Church of God wit'. J T' t,o kno.w the Lord: his going e battle belonged to Him have His way He will fix it gleat Church f (. I rlJIi;;on as our General ' -.0'. . 0 forth IS prepared as the morn. . a \.lOC woulO eld on in prayer and alI r ight. rise and shll1e as Ilf>\'ei' before Yictol: in K, t ) . "el se ing; and he shall come unto us the power fell and I a th . ell uc (V lS ou Our state convention has just ld as the rain, as the latter and emons were cast out ended and we are feeling good. with ~~eo~ e'ro straight line God ::;aid His grace 'is sufficie forme r rain unto the earth." ew estamellt as m" :\la\, God bless all th t weI' of God began to The Lord met with us and COll- anI\' rul f f . .' , a rr Thank God! Oh, glory to His move theil bodies and .they ,were 'th d eo. alth and pl'actic p • read thi" in THE WHITE WI tin,~~ ~vith us all the way ~n _ ea: !3l'other Tomlinson as ,!ESSE -GER name . _ . , _ _ _ _ .__ • 'nstantl-y eaied.--Thts- i'S"the .tiroug11.· -It- seemed 'as' if' God my General Overs('er.' ' Your IOl'ing si tel' in Christ, the way G d fights' for us, If .lust opened the windows of Guy 1\1arlow Y ours in the 101'(' of Jesus, ' ( Bertha Dryden. we are obe ient to His Word we 534 S. 1 th St., 1:Jeayen and poured out the A . A. Carpenter. Loui ville, l( arc! PRAISING GOD FOR BLESSED EXPERIENCE v. IN THE NEXT ISSUE - ours. "As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved I there are so many wonderful things ' 'that you should know about- and they are printed only in The White Wing Messenger. Cherished sermons, wonderful articles, inspiring testimonies, revival meetings, and marvelous healings- just the kind of reading that blesses your heart. , be ru-I II Bedlus~ City ____________________________ State __ _______________ _____ _ for us and the victory will I I,f r::l.~~7 D~n't You Think You Ought to Be? ~'arn Stand Firm on the Word of God - can be assured that He will fight KENTUCKY STATE Friday e\'ening, 7 :30, P. ASSElHBL Y an adress was given by A, (Continued From Page 1) Tomlinson. The subject "., you? You have the best ex .. "Current Events in Light perience that the blood of Christ Prophecy." All that were pr could purchase. We are callp.d ent will certainly remem into one body. (At this point this service because we could a message \\'a gh'en in tongues plainly s e by this message' B h the. Word that Jesus is com . t t l b S' an d lJl erpre ec y Ister a rman. 'Be one as me and nn- soon . Oh, how God did bIt . It seemed like heaven J. Father are one, be one in me: Oh, how God' presence did open d up, and oh, the sho . shine! We are thankful because amt prau;es t h a t wer2 sent G d ., H·I th we are one, and \\'hatsoever we to O. gl \'lI1g I e gl I P . raise do, we do in the name of Jesus.) for all thin:ss. We find that Paul mentiop.:3 11ame. something about the Corinth Saturday, 11 :30 A. ':\I. an church which makes us to kno \. dress was gh'cn by TIro' '\"1 that it was not the Ideal Church ' 1 ker on of Alp'on, Ohio. and Paul was not pleased with know when I \\'as,healed of T it ." Closed for noon . and I know when I r ece ive At 2 :30 P. 1\1. an addi'es~ wa;; Hol.,- Ghost. ,,'. arc hel"( given by S. P. Ford. "Li\'e "eWe question.) j' the \\'01 Close to Gael and Stick to One God. If th('r~ (' 'el' w(>re a Another." "If we stick close to whell WI' \\'cre 01 tr'al, i' God and His Word we will stic.l< no\\'. If ~'O\l wc· 1t to get t: clo e to onc another. We are to get fixed in thc ranI of ( be tried and if th er e were nl) am going to hLp-VeIl. Let battle there would be no victor? s udy the Word Thc onls \ I am g lad I am sanctified, I 1'0- "'c can know U e Word is ceived the blessing in th M. E. study it for o~rsel\'Cf;. :\1 Church, and stiJl have the bless- shall be pun1ed and n ing. ~ow I have the Ho!:,' white, hut the wise shall G has t, and \\' hen Hp derstand. The same Cod t came in I had to say 'gooel-bye' spoke to Daniel speaks to us to the 11. E. church. I am glad da:,. I am wor;:;hipping ( I am a member of the Church of and (;0<1 is leading us uri God . When I came into the "hen i hl~ Hot~- Ghost . I Church I took the New Testa- He has a right to speak th,'I) ment for my guide. I want to whom HI' C'h Ogt'S. God make a safe landing. Excppt brought liS down where He we forsake all we cmmot be Hi; use us. God is raIling Hi:; 1 disciples. We havc hazardH! pIc back to the Bible. We m our li\'es for the gospel. and 1 stand on the Word. We arc belie\'e we hm'e men and W')- Church of God-Jesus paid men that will dic for this p;ospel. price. Ilaniel his fri€ Let us lh'e close 10 Go:l a. 'I \'ould not bow a any on(' stick close to one another. He God. and we ha e men and sure you are right and go ahead. men today that 'will not bo\\ Let us have confidence 111 one none but God. t will stand another for .Jesus is comin. the Church of G d if every soon ." '" turns against m. I want Brother Geo. T. Brouaye\, fm'or of Cod. 'VI en you get gave an address from 1 Tim. 3. love of JeslIS in YOUI' hea:t and Acts 20. We will all re- will iuan on Hill .. member this wonderful sermon. to Rt!'ike oil, put Yl d ," " . and the lesson taught. soul into the Church of God Friday, 2 :30 P. ::'II. an aLldre. :3 Saturday e\'ening 7 :30 P. th was given on Home and Forei'6n e colored saints had ch Missions by Brother Joe Daniel. of the service. "I am really glad I am here. 1 Sunday mornil1O' two won have had some experience in ful sermons were'" preached Home Mission work, but not Brother Wilkerson and Brat much in Foreign Mission . I anI Loc:kard . God certainly going to follow God. ancI the IJless during these messa signs shall follow the believe!'!>. and Jvrry olle certainly enjo. ::'IIark 16 :17, 18. I have a de- the!"\. Sunday afternoon 131'11 sire in my heart to stand true e1' ero,layer and Brother 'I to God. I rio not want to do am'- lor made Uf; to rejoice a:rail. thing that God is not pleas~d they expo unded the Word. with. God didn't choose us be'unday evening, 7 :~O, Bro cause we were the greatest in e,' Tomlinson cl.:livp.red number, but because \ 'e are the c'.osing· >;ermon. Oh, how few. I am nut in the vallev or did b!es'.! ~e\'eral times dur decision, I am settled. This' sal- Us di~course God came do valion cost us Olli' lives. 1 am 1.ith such glory, our CU!1S w looking for aha. t of anJds to ;nade to run o\'er. Several m comc down and take us honlt'. sages in tongues were given I want to be loyal to the Chul"l' h the intC'rpretations fullowed. ( of God and her t ac-hings-the how God did talk Lo HiH cI ~ew Te<;tame:ll. 1 am stand- cll't'I1! H :;eemed that heal mg for the \\' on/ of Cod. .'.1['.' had (("IJ(, clon'Jl in ollr midst. God ),Jc~g you! In the Ileal' vision "as Hee;) by Sisler Do tU~'e We are exp'cling g:'cat mr t] j vapor of bIll£' sm thll1g,; to be donc for t he Hom,! appearC'd O\'er the rO'llru.n, : and For\.;;~'! mis;'10:1f;. ThJn~ a; [IlL valor Il:l.l'ted"l'e a SCI' GIl" . <. oc . II( h old alIA ,Is were tht:l'e \' ~~~~---~~-~~-~_.~ hands outstretehed to 1 bleSSings upon us. Some rc, sainh 01' Go:l, as if they wan marked that the~· 1', 1. I.'L., \\' ,_ to tak e us 11] . 0 their arms. were coming back to Pentccost. ,~Jh, Rlic h g-Iery ancl pow Oh, how I would li!~(' t!) se·> all ::iaJnts wcre made to cry < ~~~'elocal hc-hurChc::l (!I'ery"l,ere shout aile! sinners quaked k SliC a com ent ion, 1'-'1' j ('ause of the presence of G o~~w ~\:e wo~ld all sweep on in I ('an't tell it all. Judgment \ gad tflumpha:1t \-kLory.tn'veal till' rest. B less God I know '. I 1'h c ChuI'eh of God State th t ' .t \VOL d IJ, ____________________ ~ _____ f________________________________________ ~~ _
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