Mission Statement a Center for Personal & Spiritual Growth 3035 W. 25th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 303-480-5130 www.peoplehouse.org People House provides opportunities for personal and spiritual growth in a safe and supportive community. Empowering People for 40 Years Be Sure to Check outPeople House East. Located in Aurora at 13693 E. Illif Ave. Suite 112 Offerings at this location will display this symbol. May - August 2015 Nonprofit Org. U.S.Postage PAID Denver, CO Permit No. 112 PH East If you would like to be added or removed from this list email or call, info@peoplehouse. org, 303-480-5130. We are pleased to announce that People House is now a certified ClinicNet affiliate, allowing us to be recognized in Colorado as an Essential Safety Net Provider. This designation includes People House in a network of care that is dedicated to having a positive impact on options for quality health care for medically vulnerable Coloradans. ClinicNET is the centralized voice for Colorado’s nonprofit community clinics, free clinics, residency clinics and other safety net providers that are not federally qualified health centers. Find out more at ClinicNet.org a center for personal and spiritual growth L e ar n how the e art h c a n bring you b ac k i n to b al a n c e o n page 1 Have you ever had a friend in pain? Do you always try and fix them? Sometimes it may be better for them to be broken. Learn more about this on page 8 Eve r h e ard o f t h e “ Prote st Pol k a ” ? T h i s is one dance t h at i s n ’ t a n y f u n . L e ar n h o w to a vo i d i n o n page 8 The p o we r behind will p o we r , page 4 Re-defining success for heart-centered professionals, page 1 Do y o u s p e n d m o re t i m e pl a n n i n g your summer vac at i o n t h a n you do your l i fe ? L e ar n how you can make some changes on h o w to l o o k at y o u r f u tu re o n page 1 Classes • Groups • Workshops • Counseling • Facilitation • Coaching • Community Page 1 May - August People House News Re-defining Success for Heart-Centered Professionals Let the Earth Bring you Back into Balance! by Carole Adams What defines success? This may be one of the most frequently asked questions in our culture, and one with answers that can incite everything from apathy to anxiety. Each of us likely has spent significant time and energy coming up with our own answer, and no one definition is going to work for everyone. However, I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t in one way or another equate success with happiness, and according to Dr. James W. Jackson, that really should be all that matters. Dr. Jackson believed in the happiness piece of success so strongly that he chose to create a life that revolved around it. Dr. Jackson was at one time a multi-millionaire real estate mogul, a real mover and shaker. In his early years, he measured success by money in the bank, deals closed, numbers of customers/clients, the biggest house, the most luxurious vacations, a fancy car, and the most toys.You know, the American Dream.This life seemed liked the penultimate success, until he came home one day to his wife: tired, miserable, and very unhappy. It turned into a soul-search, lifealtering experience.They decided that they had to address what was missing and recalled that when they had no money and few possessions they were happy. Then and there, they determined to give away all their wealth and devote their life to helping others.With that “higher” goal in mind, and no money in the bank, they began Project C.U.R.E and are now sending millions of dollars of donated medical supplies and equipment to over 100 countries.They oversee thousands of volunteers worldwide.They take no salary from their nonprofit and only 2% of their proceeds are spent on administration… 98% goes to those in need! It was through the experience of giving up everything and turning their attention to a greater cause that the Jacksons came to re-defined success for themselves. by ashley koe Order your inspirational artwork from iZoar and they will give a 30% donation to People House. Let them know you support People House. www. iZoar.com or 303-880-9403. Continued on page 6 Nonprofit wish lists never go away, but they can get shorter! Our current needs include: • 50’’ or larger flat-screen TV • Epson 127 ink (black and color) or contributions to our ink fund. • Admin volunteer on Fridays, 1-5pm • PH Community volunteer to launder washcloths once/week. If you have the time, talent, or treasure to help with any of our needs, please contact our administrative offices: 303-480-5130 Summer Vacations and Life's Journey by Brenda Bomgardner What can we learn about life from planning a summer vacation? Sometimes we put more effort, energy and thought into planning a summer vacation than we do into planning what kind of life we want to be living.We get busy with the day to day routine and run on automatic. It’s a good idea to shift gears and slow down occasionally to take a look at where you have been, where you are at right now and where you want to go in life. As you continue reading keep in mind that both life and vacations are time limited. What is the purpose of your journey? To figure out the purpose of your journey begin by connecting to your heart’s desire.There are a variety of life domains that each person feels is important. Notice if you get a sense of excitement when reading about the possibilities.The excitement will add vitality to your life. Plus it is like a compass pointing you toward something important. Do you want to focus on family, nature, learning, adventure, community, friends, faith, romance, health, money, or community? Which two or three are you most attracted to? If you are not sure read the list again except slowly lingering on each one to notice your reactions. How do you want to travel? You might say by car, train or plane.You can even consider walking or biking. Each is a different way of getting to your chosen destination. What does this have to do with your life’s journey? You can look at the mode of transportation as a way of traveling through life.You can travel unaware like in automatic mode. This means you may miss a lot of the scenery.You can also choose to travel awake with your attention focused on your intentions.We all travel with a combination of both awake travel and auto-pilot. Continued on page 8 What if you could improve your sleep, lessen inflammation and make healthier choices more easily….all for free!? These are just a few of the many benefits of Earthing. Earthing is one of the many free tools that I continue to recommend to many of my clients.Yes, as an Energy Intuitive, your feet talk to me. They even share what kind of Earthing they enjoy and if you have been doing it or not. And most of the people I see have feet who are yearning, sometimes screaming, for more Earthing. And heck, if the athletes in the Tour de France are using it and seeing incredible results, why shouldn’t we? What is it? Earthing is the scientific re-discovery that connecting with the earth on a daily basis brings us back into balance: mind, body and soul.We humans are positively charged and continuing to accumulate more free radicals – hence why it can be so easy for us to lose our temper (read: road rage), keep getting sick (read: anything that ends in ‘-itis’), and more! The Earth is negatively charged and therefore naturally able to take what we need to release and ‘recycle’ it.We are literally naturally designed to be connected with the earth on a regular basis! How do you do Earthing? 1) Take off your shoes, 2) put your feet on the Earth for 10-30 mins. That’s it! Some notes: yes, you must have a clear connection between you and the earth, no plastic or rubber (no shoes), or concrete layer blocking it. Socks or a blanket is fine for those with sensitive tootsies or if you want to do some whole-body Earthing. Types of earth: dirt, grass, sand, salt water, boulders. Want double Earthing? Time to take that vacation to the ocean! Sand and salt water, it’s no wonder people feel so great when they come back from their beach trips! Run your own experiment. Now take a moment to really think back to when was the last time you touched the earth with your bare feet for more than 10 mins? Has it been a while? Days, weeks, months or even years? Continued on page 5 From Lori Ohlson Inner Resources Chapter 33 from “The Tao of Leadership” by John Heider PhD To know how other people behave takes intelligence, but to know myself takes wisdom. To manage other people’s lives takes strength, but to manage my own takes true power. If I am content with what I have, I can live simply and Enjoy both prosperity and free time. If my goals are clear, I can achieve them without fuss. If I am at peace with myself, I will not spend my life force in conflicts. If I have learned to let go, I do not need to fear dying. People House Vehicle Donation Program Do you have an old car, truck, or motorcycle that you’re not using any more? By donating your unwanted vehicle to People House you will receive a great tax deduction while providing a significant donation in support of our programs. People House is partnering with Driven to Donate, operated by Step 13, a nationally-recognized recovery program in downtown Denver that offers men the opportunity to overcome drug and/or alcohol addiction through a program that requires sobriety, work, and accountability. The men at Step 13 help process vehicles donated to us, providing them with the dignity of work, while they work hard to maximize the value of each donated vehicle. Donating your vehicle could not be easier. The program includes free towing and any vehicles whether they are running or not are gratefully accepted.You will receive all required forms to claim the tax deduction for the sale price of your vehicle. You can donate your vehicle by calling 303-296-9020. Thank you for your support of People House and Step 13. T h e Pr i vate Pract i t i o n e r s at Pe o pl e H o u s e What do all these credentials mean? A key to finding what you need ATR - Registered Art Therapist BCC - Board Certified Coach CAC - Certified Addiction Counselor CHt - Certified Hypnotherapist CNHP - Certified Natural Health Professional CPT - Certified Personal Trainer CRMT - Certified Reiki Master Teacher DMin - Doctor of Ministry DSS - Doctor of Spritual Science LAC - Licensed Addiction Counselor LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker LPC - Licensed Professional Counselor LPCC - Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate MA - Master of Arts MDiv - Masters in Divinity MFTC - Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate MNM - Master of Non-Profit Management MS - Master of Science MSW - Master of Social Work NCC - National Certified Counselor Ph.D - Doctor of Philosophy RScP - Religious Science Practitioner Carole Adams, Professional Facilitator Carole teaches the Facilitator Training (FT) class and is a minister at People House. She works with individuals, couples and groups, assisting in their process to find solutions. Carole says: “I listen without judgment and encourage exploration of truth. I help people open their pathways of personal and spiritual growth.” CaroleAdams2011@gmail.com 303-726-0609; www.facilitator-training.com www.the-tao-of-listening.com Christine Allison, MA, LPC, NCC Using evidenced-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the Enneagram personality system, Christine offers tools for: anxiety, depression, and relationship challenges. LGBTQ welcome. Call Christine if you want to increase psychological flexibility and create a life of meaning, balance and vitality! 720-209-7240; Christine-Allison@Juno.com www.ChristineAllisonTherapy.com Ron Arner, MA, MS, NCC I begin from a person- PH East & centered foundation, 25th and then I tailor your sessions to your needs. Coming from a background in yoga, I enjoy working with clients of any age on subjects such as trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, and addiction. I also provide life coaching around careers, diet, and quality of life. Brenda Bomgardner, MA, LPC, NCC, BCC Do you want a more fulfilling life? Has positive thinking and affirmations left you stuck? Move beyond hidden road blocks! Let me assist you in reconnecting to your strength with cutting edge methods from modern psychology effective in helping people move beyond low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. Make it easy on yourself, contact me today for a complimentary consultation. 720-260-7702; Brenda@CreatingYourBeyond.com www.CreatingYourBeyond.com Katie Brown, MNM, Master Herbalist I am a Certified Master Herbalist and have training in Hand and Ear Acupressure and Emotional Release using Young Living Essential Oils. I would be honored to work with you to address your current symptoms and to be your guide. Sliding-fee-scale available. I have been recognized as one of the top ten health coaches in Denver: thumbtack.com/co/denver/health-coaches/ 720-333-5130; katiebrown@peoplehouse.org Shara Brun, MA, NCC My work is to find and meet you where you are. Then together we explore that “place”, and begin to enliven the possibilities of where you want to go next. My training includes graduate study in Counselor Psychology at CU Denver and over 20 years of study in expressive arts. 720-336-1734; www.myresonantself.com Tammy ‘Kaia’ Bruski, MS, LPCC I help individuals and couples unearth pain and disappointment, and then support them on a path of holistic healing: 1. moving from significant anxiety or loneliness to happiness, 2. finding clarity around life’s problems/ solutions, 3. creating a meaningful life, 4. personal growth and insight. Specialize in alternative lifestyles/relationships, GLBTQ. 720-412-9648; tammy@noscounseling.org www.noscounseling.org Betsey Clark, LCSW, CPT What will happen if you keep doing what you are doing? Are you ready to make a change? I offer cognitive behavioral therapy integrating exercise for depression, anxiety, stress, emotional eating and weight loss. I can empower you with tools to balance your thinking, find solutions and improve your moods.You will be supported as you create greater mental and physical wellness. 303-455-2409; shineintegratedtherapy.com bclark@shineintegratedtherapy.com 720-257-9456; pranaron@gmail.com Elan BenAmi, MA, Registered Psychotherapist Is it easier to care for others than for yourself? Does your life lack balance? Together, we explore these patterns in a safe, confidential space. Anxiety, feelings of unworthiness and misdirected anger are coping strategies that keep us stuck. I help “rewire” your brain by guiding you towards your emotions and shining light on your core beliefs. 720-722-0565; elan@hearthstonecounseling.org www.elanbenami.com Page 2 Brenda Clark-Dandridge VICTORY! Is yours – PH Brenda provides a safe place to pursue that! Working East with the concerns of life: sexual abuse, low self-esteem, grief and loss, depression, anxiety & relationship concerns. Brenda has a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Colorado Christian University and is also an ordained elder at New Beginnings Cathedral of Worship, Aurora. Brian Cooper MS, MA, LPC Brian helps individuals & couples with the use of counseling skills plus physical exercise, relaxation training, cognitive/ behavioral techniques & the Enneagram. He works with individuals, couples, young people & teens.With his combination of training in counseling & sport psychology, he offers people a safe place to explore experiences & concerns in order to successfully deal with issues of mind & body. 720-233-8772; coopermindandbody.com bcooper@coopermindandbodyinc.com Jennifer Delaney, MA, NCC I tailor my treatment to a client’s unique requirements, using mindfulness, Brainspotting and other somatic tools to address: trauma, PTSD, transitions, anxiety, stress, grief/ loss, divorce, and/or eating disorders. I work with adults and teens.The counseling relationship accelerates awareness and expands the potential for profound change. 720-480-5145; jen@owlhearthealingarts.com www.owlhearthealingarts.com Delilah DeMers, MA, LPC I have a special passion for helping women and adolescent girls with issues that distort their innate beauty and strength: eating issues, sexual abuse, cutting, anxiety/ depression, and childhood trauma. I provide a comprehensive therapeutic approach to healing and wellness. Sliding scale is available. Call for a free 20 minute consultation. 720-322-4666;www.inner-strength-counseling.com Carema Cook-Masaud MA, LPC I provide affordable therapy for couples and families searching for ways to step out of the harmful cycles of conflict to gain the loving relationships they long for. I also provide individual therapy for adults and teens seeking to ease stress, depression, anxiety, grief and trauma. 720-480-6633; centerforcompassion.com Dianne Drake Foss MS, LPC I’m a Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist, working with adults for problem drinking (vs. chronic), anxiety, isolation, grief, loss, estrangement, and low self-esteem. I use the Moderation Management program, Gestalt, art, sand tray, and cognitive techniques depending on client needs. I also offer a complementary 15-minute session, with an hour of therapy if desired. 303-921-5125; dinnydf2@gmail.com www.diannedrakefoss.com Come, Let us have some tea and talk about things 720-808-0924;victorycounselingsvcs@gmail.com www.victorycounselingsvcs.com People House News May - August T h e Pr i vate Pract i t i o n e r s at Pe o pl e H o u s e Janet Ferguson, MA, MFTC, LLC PH My work with couples East and families is based on the most recent research of modern psychologists and researchers who have developed neuroscience-based theories that can help you, your partner, and your family better understand each other. Contact me today to schedule a couples or family “check-up.” 720-310-0093; www.JFergusonCounseling.com janet_ferguson@me.com Beth Gustin, MA, LPC, NCC Molly Jenkins, MA,CH t 720-515-1706; molly@mollyjenkins.com www.mollyjenkins.com Jenna Keller, MA I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I believe compassion and humor are keys to helping clients. I utilize a variety of modalities, including CognitiveBehavioral therapy and Motivational Interviewing. I assist clients who are experiencing a variety of transitions, such as, adjusting to a disability, loss of job and grieving the deaths of loved ones and pets. Call to schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation. By engaging in the process of inquiry, we can discover what is needed to empower you to live your best life. Together, we will clear away barriers that are preventing you from having what you want in your relationships, career, or health. Utilizing a combination of mind-body modalities, we can access your highest potential for healing and growth. I am a certified as yoga instructor, offering Yoga for Emotional Health classes and groups. Additionally, I have completed training in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Rapid Resolution Therapy for Trauma, and Wellness Coaching. 720-284-9904; transitioningthroughchange.com 408-634-6735; jenna@jenna-keller.com Nancy R. Harris, DSS Holly Heuer, MDiv, DMin Holly is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, (USA) & a certified Enneagram Teacher. Holly is passionate about supporting others in discovering the truth, deepening a capacity for self-love & acceptance. Through the Enneagram, she’s helped many individuals make sense out of troubling emotions & reactions, unlocking the hidden patterns in personal behavior. She offers classes, Enneagram coaching & private spiritual direction. 303-596-3883; hollyheuer@ecentral.com growwithenneagram.com Jennifer Jacks, MA I believe in a warm, safe and supportive environment for you to discover your authentic self while working through life’s challenges. I work with individuals, couples, families and children in supporting existing strengths to create a more fulfilled and balanced life. Please call for your complimentary 30-minute consultation. Inclusive client base. 720-675-9260; counseling@jenniferjacks.com www.jenniferjacks.com Page 3 Dee is known for giving people specific and practical tools to help change their lives. Besides counseling people with “everyday” problems, Dee specializes in counseling individuals and couples. This includes special training in working with trauma, physical and sexual abuse, sex addiction for addicts and partners of addicts, and an effective couples counseling method using the Relational Life Model created by Terrence Real. 303-829-6422; Marcotte @ecentral.com www.deemarcotte.com Katie Mason, MA, NCC, LPC Lori Ohlson MA, LPC Kathy Hawkins, MA kathy.hawkins.counseling@gmail.com Dee Marcotte, LPC 303-587-3726, ktmasondream@gmail.com, www.katiemasoncounseling.com 303-503-8100; www.nancyharris.com 720-608-0174; www.kathyhawkinscounseling.com 720-210-9720; www.goldenwholebeingtherapy.com Using keen insight and transformational tools, I will help you get to the unconscious underpinnings of your struggles, releasing old patterns and creating more purpose in your life. We will work together to increase your mental and emotional capacity for success. Dr. Nancy is a Professional Intuitive and Psychotherapist, offering a Spiritual Approach to Everyday Issues. I help Highly Sensitive People accept and use your “gifts”, trust your intuition, release childhood and past life issues, and create inner peace. Education: 27 years training in Energy Psychology, Bachelor Degree in sociology/psychology, Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Spiritual Science. Medical Insurance accepted. We all possess the innate ability and desire for growth and change. Utilizing the dynamic power of the mind and positive thoughts, I will help to facilitate transformation, bringing mindfulness into your life. I am a transpersonal psychotherapist, certified mediator, and Reiki Master. I work with trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, personal and spiritual growth, GLBTQ, adolescents, adults, and couples. I offer a sliding scale. Mindy Laczynski, LPC I work with couples, individuals and A Licensed Professional Counselor families to restructure what’s not with over 15 years of experience, working and find solutions to ongoing I use a holistic Mind-Bodyconflicts. I specialize in hypnotherapy, Soul psychotherapy approach, sexual and intimacy issues, infidelity, integrating body and energy work, communication, LGBTQ, poly/multiple mindfulness and meditation into relationships, anxiety and depression, traditional talk therapy. Adolescents self-empowerment, and the Enneagram. and adults, diverse ethnicities and I look forward to helping you navigate your way through the lifestyles. Specialize in trauma, mood, anxiety, stress, loss of short-term or long-term situation you’ve found yourself in. self. Sliding scale available. Terri Kirwan, MA, LPC I teach practical skills to help you achieve and maintain emotional balance and joy. I provide individual counseling, coaching and ongoing Emotional Brain Training (EBT.org) Groups to help clients achieve these goals. I also specialize in helping people resolve trauma and providing parents with the skills to raise emotionally healthy, happy & intelligent children. 720-732-4050; terrikirwan@yahoo.com John Kozak Almost everyone in their PH lives asks,“What am I?”You East are more likely to act in a manner consistent with your spiritual nature when you regularly, physically experience your spiritual self, developing greater trust, allowing greater willingness to reduce the influence of your ego.This is the benefit The BodySound Chair provides.As owner of The BodySound Chair Company, John is committed to bringing stress reduction, relaxation, and meditation to companies and individuals. 888-435-5543 ext 700; www.thebodysoundchair.com thebodysoundchair@gmail.com ashley koe, Energy Intuitive, CRMT PH East Coming from generations & of intuitives, ashley 25th specializes in bridging human experiences with spiritual lessons and empowering others to trust their inner guidance, illuminating their divinely aligned Self. She has also applied her unique Energy Medicine approach to lessen the symptoms of Vicarious Trauma for countless service providers throughout the nation. Ashley is also a Alignment Coach. Lori is a psychotherapist and nonsectarian minister with 34 years experience working with individuals, couples and groups, and believes: “no one can do it for you and you can’t do it alone”. Specialties include: personal development, addictions, relationships, spiritual counseling, the Enneagram and professional supervision for psychotherapists. 303-525-3038; loriohlson@gmail.com Internet, Confidentiality & Entertainment Disclaimer If contacting any of the Private Practitioners or Interns by email, please note that replies to emails will be general in nature and do not constitute a therapist-client relationship. Be aware that the confidentiality of information sent over the internet may not be legally or otherwise (i.e. confidentially) protected. Should you forget to close your browser, lend someone your computer or device, or simply forget to turn off the program, others in your environment will be able to read those communications. bcdhijkb The opinions expressed in this newspaper in the articles, biographies and workshops are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of People House. The information presented here is for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice. 720-445-7232; ashley@vipholisticservices.com People House News May - August Ashleigh Peterson MA, CAC I Fully embracing the present moment and letting go of the desire to control your experience allows freedom from addictions, failed expectations and negative beliefs.What remains is a sense of acceptance, love, openness, and peace within yourself and your relationships. I work with couples, adolescents, adults and specialize in addictions. LIVEinspired Counseling, LLC 970-281-5256; ashleighpeterson00@gmail.com Jason Polk, MSW,LAC Francesca Starr, Ph.D. As a CPC,Voice Dialogue Coach and Trainer I bring finely honed skills, knowledge and wisdom from previous careers (education, business and counseling) to my current passion as a Voice Dialogue Coach and Trainer. Gentle conversations with your Inner Selves that Transform Your Life. Quickly Resolve Life Issues and Achieve Positive Changes in Hours not Years...and Evolve your Consciousness. 303-894-0269; info@FrancescaStarr.com www.FrancescaStarr.com Lisa Talucci, MA, LPC, ATR, RScP We can heal and grow through I specialize in addictions, couples, emotional challenges. I specialize in and trauma. I have many years working with adoption issues, grief/ experience working with those loss, depression/anxiety and spirituality struggling with substance abuse. with adults, families and children using With couples, my job is to help psychotherapy, art therapy, family couples “rediscover” a safe and counseling and Voice Dialogue. Licensed nurturing relationship. I am Professional Counselor, Registered Art Therapist, Spiritual trained in EMDR and I have Practitioner. FREE 30 minute consultation. found this therapy effective in alleviating trauma symptoms. 720-272-9573; jasonandrewpolk@gmail.com Kathryn Raley, LPCC, NCC As a Jungian therapist, and practicing in play therapy, I will work with you to find answers to questions surrounding relationships, sadness and day to day intentional living. My job is to interpret emotional language and facilitate positive well-being. I am dedicated to assisting all on this journey with support needed to achieve your goals in overall wellness. 720-938-3503; www.2ndstacounseling.com Sara J. Runge, MA, CH t Transpersonal Psychotherapist and Reiki Practitioner. Using an experiential and body-centered approach to psychotherapy, I draw from Gestalt, EMDR, somatic experiencing and hypnotherapy. I received my master’s from Naropa University and am trained in Gestalt, Somatic Archaeology, EMDR, Brainspotting and Hypnotherapy. I’m a Licensed Practitioner at Mile Hi Church in Lakewood. I specialize in trauma, sexual abuse issues and PTSD. Free consultation. 303-881-1406; sarajhaas@comcast.net sarajrunge.com Jo Sherrill, MA As a psychotherapist, I offer a positive supportive approach for resolving issues that get in the way of living the life you want. Specialties include: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), addictions, eating disorders, body image issues, support for living with illness, codependency and Enneagram. I offer sessions in Spanish. Soy bilingual y ofresco sessiones en espanol. 303-665-7276; jojsherrill@msn.com The Power in “Will-Power” by Inga Larson Many years ago Osiris and I are sitting in a booth at the Frontier in Albuquerque New Mexico, and I’m complaining, as twenty-something’s do, about my inability to get anything done. Osiris, as you can imagine, is not his real name. It doesn’t matter; no one in the pagan community in the early 80’s used their real names. Among the pagans, Osiris and his wife were my earliest buddies, and my best teachers. Through them, I became immersed in a spirituality that bore no relationship with religion, and began to hone a sense of personal energy, personal power, that informs me to this day. And while we weren’t Wiccan, we drew from some of their practices and philosophies. “Wicca” shares root with the word “wicker,” (please reference the original movie, Wicker Man, and not the horrid Nicolas Cage remake) and implies the ability to bend. To bend, in this case, the will of self, of other, of nature. I focused on the first, because that is the essence of change, the ability to bend one’s own will. We humans do not like discomfort. If we did, it wouldn’t be comfortable. This is why most resolutions fail. In changing Page 4 303-815-7704; Lisa@lisatalucci.com; Lisatalucci.com Jennifer Thompson, MA We are all loved but often times forget this. I provide a safe environment to help you come to a place of respect and acceptance for self and others. Although past experiences color our lives they do not need to dictate our present and future.Together we will navigate where you have been and most importantly where you want to go. I rely on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy along with Positive Psychology. Free 30 minute consultation. 303-351-2819; Jenniferthompsoncounseling@gmail.com Marshall Thompson CNHP, BANT Certified Natural Health Professional, BANT practitioner (Building Antibodies Neutralizing Toxins), Personal Trainer, MovNat Trainer level ll, SpartanSGX Coach. An authority in Nutrition, Herbology, Homeopathy, athletic performance and working with the body’s electrical system to support health. Marshall offers uniquely in-depth integrative natural health consulting, and athletic performance coaching. 720-248-7767; info@marshallthompsonhealth.com www.marshallthompsonhealth.com Rev. Wayne Tittes, Sr. Wayne has facilitated individuals and groups, and taught Facilitation at People House since 1986. He was Executive Director of P.H. in the 1990’s and is currently Senior Minister at People House. Wayne is not a stranger to this issue, and has dealt with bi-polar children and survived the death of a child. 720-288-0371; wht1377@yahoo.com our comfortable albeit unhealthy habits, we are leaning against the sharp edges of our selves, and it takes a certain amount of willpower to stay with the discomfort long enough to change, and through repetition, make that change habitual. Which brings me back to Osiris, this night, he tells me something I will never forget: “Will strengthens each time you do what you say you will do, weakens each time you fail to follow through. So don’t say you will do something unless you fully commit to it.” Start off easy. If you know you’re going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning, tell yourself before you throw off the covers, “I will get out of bed now.” Make it immediate. Long term goals take a fairly healthy frontal lobe, and to be honest, most of us are a little lacking in that department. Make the first “I will” statements in reference to laughably easy goals, and do them daily. Be consistent. This is a work-out. Build gradually. What’s really important is that you are showing your will some respect. Pagans love magic, and the building of a will that has the power to drive behavior is truly magical. Over half a lifetime later, the words “I will” have the magical ability to add oomph to my actions. And if I don’t mean it, I don’t say it. Except that this year I will lose fifty pounds, eat only salads, and write a blog every week…well, we’ll see how it goes! People House News Susan Tzankow, BS, CACIII, Certified Integrative Coach Every goal or dream you haven’t fulfilled is a result of the shadow. Are you ready to free yourself from your hidden, unconscious, self-imposed limitations that hold you back and keep you stuck? Susan is licensed to guide you through the groundbreaking shadow work of Debbie Ford. Free introductory session. 720-300-7079, susan@tapestriescoaching.com Christina Valastro, MA My therapeutic style reflects openness driven by curiosity. I have a Master’s degree from Naropa University in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, welcoming all personalities, beliefs and spiritual traditions, each as sacred. The work is collaborative, unique to each person. My counseling approach views challenges and strengths as fertile material for cultivating wholeness. The goal is to support individuals in their quest for abundant, meaningful lives. 970-541-1033; christinavalastro@gmail.com Paul Zweig Paul is a counselor, a facilitator and a devotee of both Sensory Awareness and Agni Yoga. After practicing medicine as a physician for 30 years, he retired to devote full time to these disciplines. He has training in Jungian psychology, NLP, Facilitator Training and Carl Roger’s Person Centered Approach. He is a certified Sensory Awareness Instructor. 303-758-3866; zweigs@gmail.com Marlene Zweig Marlene is a certified Sensory Awareness instructor and has extensive experience in leading groups and seminars in personal growth and development. She currently leads courses in Sensory Awareness at People House and coordinates Silent Retreats. 303-758-3866; zweigs@gmail.com About Ministers and Professional Practitioners at People House At People House, each of the non-sectarian ministers, facilitators, and therapists each brings a unique perspective, knowledge, skill and experience in a particular field of work. These practitioners share a common commitment to providing a space of unconditional respect and acceptance where each person’s inner wisdom can blossom and grow. Ministers are trained and ordained through our Ministerial Program, which provides the guidance in our spiritual philosophy and includes finding your inner wisdom through the practice of facilitation. In addition to being an official representative of People House, each minister may have an independent private practice in some additional form of the healing arts. Whose Responsibility Is It? People House takes great care in selecting the ministers and professionals offering services in the healing arts at PH. We want to make it clear that everyone offering services at People House is an independent healing art professional in private practice and therefore is to be held solely and totally responsible for their conduct to all who make use of their services and all facilitators, therapists, ministers and interns maintain their own schedules. This includes anyone using People House space for any and all activities. The professionals are not employees of PH, but rather, are independent businesses. While feeling secure in having these educators and healers available to you, we are not to be held responsible for problems that may result in providing their services to you. Additionally, since each person is an independent business, no practitioner at PH is to be held responsible for problems that may result with another practitioner or for any problems that may result in relationship to People House. Ultimately, of course, we feel that it is YOU who is responsible for the choices you make of who and what method you may choose for your education and healing process. We suggest you trust your inner wisdom to lead you in the right direction. May - August C l a s s e s , G ro u p s a n d Wo r k s h o p s Weekly Silent Meditation Meditation can be a powerful force in helping you open to and honor your inner wisdom and discover your deepest intention. Everyone welcome. Facilitator: Glenn Erbaugh, 303-273-9255 Date/Time: Sundays, Weekly; 9-9:45am Location: In the Loft before Sacred Circle; PH 25th Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Information: Glenn Erbaugh, 303-273-9255 Sacred Circle Be a part of a vibrant spiritual community at People House! A lively hour of spiritual sharing and discovery free of dogma and agendas; we explore our varied experience of spirituality in a group setting, honoring each other’s path and creating a safe space in which to express, question, laugh and cry. Rediscover the comfort, support and inspiration of a loving, non-judgmental spiritual family. Facilitators: Rev. Stephen “Clyde” Davis and Jeanne Robertson, MA Date/Time: Sundays 10–11:30am; Location: Chapel; PH 25th Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Information: Clyde Davis, 720-219-0822, bobcattmlcomcast.net Embrace Conscious Aging Workshop PH East & 25th Embrace Conscious Aging – Yes, we baby boomers are advancing in years and finding that aging is indeed challenging. This is a weekly, facilitatorled discussion group where we will learn and dialogue together on finding guidance, meaning, mindfulness, connections and community support to help fortify you for the aging years. Facilitator: Catherine Dockery Dates/Times/Locations: Sundays; 6:30-8pm Chapel; PH 25th Fridays; 10am-12pm; Hawthrone; PH East Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Information/Registration: Catherine; 303-903-2368, 303-475-7472, Consciousaging1@gmail.com Process Group for Women & Men Join our group dedicated to self-discovery, understanding and acceptance by following your process in a safe supportive atmosphere. Includes work on relationships, emotions, and communication. Our goal is to live an empowered, authentic life with an open heart and the courage to live fully. Lori and Wayne are personally dedicated to living this path and have taught it at People House since 1986. Facilitators: Lori Ohlson, MA, LPC & Rev. Wayne Tittes Date:/Time: Tuesdays, weekly; 6:30-8:30pm Cost: $140/month, 4/meetings; monthly commitment required Location: Quilt Room; PH 25th Registration/Information: Lori, 303-525-3038, loriohlson@ gmail.com or Wayne, 720-288-0371, wht1377@yahoo.com Agni Yoga Study Group This Agni Yoga group studies a spiritual teaching which values community, heartfelt responsiveness, courage, cosmos and the ethics of daily living. It is a discussion group and is unrelated to physical disciplines, asceticism or dogmatic instruction.We are all students; not experts. You may download any book at Agniyoga.org. Facilitator: Paul Zweig Date/Time: Thursdays; 6:30pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: PH 25th: Spruce room - first floor of People House Registration/Information: Paul Zweig, 303-758-3866, zweigs@gmail.com Thursday Night Process Group This program is designed for everyone wanting to experience group and individual process work in a safe, small-group setting. One-on-one and group facilitation by these experienced facilitators allows participants to explore the dynamics of process work without the commitment to regular attendance.We’ll be holding space for you, and you’re always welcome. Facilitators: Rev. Stephen “Clyde” Davis & Jeanne Robertson, MA Date/Time: Thursday evenings, 7-9pm on-going Location: Rose Room; PH 25th Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Information: Clyde, 720-219-0822; bobcattml@comcast.net The Meaning and Practice of Presence Join us every Friday night as we investigate Living in the Present Moment.We will examine the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and other awareness teachers. Everyone is welcome.The practice of meditation in action or mindfulness can revolutionize your life. Free meditation instruction available if you’re a novice. All are welcome. Facilitators: Rev.Wayne Tittes Sr and Michael Stogner Date/Time: Fridays, weekly; 6:30-8:30pm Location: Quilt Room; PH 25th Free Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Information:Wayne,720-288-0371; wht1377@yahoo.com Page 5 Monthly What’s Guts Got To Do With It? Helen-a Reiki practitioner-treated a seventy-three-year-old woman one time for dizziness. They bumped into each other a year later. The woman mentioned that she had not returned for additional Reiki sessions because her dizziness had stopped. (From Return to a Natural State). Facilitator: Kayla Dakota Date/Time: Second Sunday of every month (5/10, 6/14 7/12 &8/9) Appointments available from 11am-4pm Location: Loft; PH 25th Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Appointment/Information: Kayla, 720-218-1799 Brain, Mood, Bones, Joints, Hormones, Immunity, Energy, Endurance, Weight — In this series PH East we’ll look at the often neglected common gut of & these matters, where we’ve laid waste and where 25th to start to restore full health, full you, and full life for us all with full guts. Facilitator: Marshall Thompson, CNHP, BANT, PT, MovNat Trainer Level II Date/Time: Thursdays( 5/21, 6/4, 7/16, 8/13) 6:30-8pm Location: The Chapel; PH 25th Tuesdays (5/19, 6/2, 7/14, 8/11) 6:30-8pm Location: Iliff Conference room, PH East Cost: $35 per lecture or $95 for the series of four, due upon first attendance. Registration/Information: info@marshallthompsonhealth.com Embrace Conscious Aging Monthly Brunch Spiritual Cinema Night Second-Sunday Reiki Sessions Monthly networking and sharing concepts in conscious aging invite shifts in consciousness away from self-limitation, lack, isolation, and fear--towards expansiveness, inclusiveness, wholeness, connection, and compassion. Facilitator: Catherine Dockery Date/Time: Second Sunday of the Month; 5:30-6:30pm Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Information/Registration: Call Catherine at 303-903-2368, 303-475-7472, Consciousaging1@gmail.com Sierra Club movie Monday The Sierra Club – Denver Metro Network screens movies that show the impact on the environment and people on a global level. Since 1892, the Sierra Club has been working to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself. We are the largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. Everyone is welcome. Facilitator: Matthew Elsner Date/Time: Monthly, first Monday of the month; 6-9pm Free Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Mathew Elsner, 917-324-1727, mathewelsner@gmail.com How to Get Out of Your Own Way If you or someone you know are feeling stuck or have self-doubt, and you want to improve your self-image and build confidence, you can feel empowered and be 100% prepared to confidently move forward to make those changes! Discover simple tools for positive life change that others notice! Same workshop repeated each month. Facilitator: Kate Heartsong,“Confidence Coach”, speaker and author Date/Time: Monday May 4th 7:00 – 8:00 pm Spruce Room Monday June 29th 7:00 – 8:00 pm Chapel Thursday July 23rd 7:00 – 8:00 pm Chapel Tuesday August 18th 7:00 – 8:00 pm Chapel Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Registration/Information: Kate Heartsong, Kate@JoyfulRadiance.com, 303-549-0546 Healing Using Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Experiential group session using a deeply relaxed state to get ego and defenses out of the way to allow deep healing of unconscious limiting beliefs and undesired life patterns. Almost all behavior is directed by the subconscious; real change requires changing it. Come once or several times to go deeper. Facilitator: Arica King, CCHT, MS Counseling Date/Time: Monthly on 3rd Tuesdays (5/19, 6/16, 7/21, 8/18), 7-9pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Loft; PH 25th Registration/Information: Arica King, 720-327-7766, awakeningsoul@hotmail.com; Class limit of 12 Come together in community to watch transformational films. A new movie will be presented the last Friday of each month, followed by a discussion. Check out peoplehouse.org for information on what movie will be played each month. Facilitator: Theresa Southerland Date/Time: Last Friday of the month; 6:30-9:30 May 29: Beautiful Dreamer Friday, June 26: Overture Friday, July 31: Sabah Friday, August 28: One Small Hitch Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Denver Registration/Information: Theresa, 303-455-0640 Soul Collage ® Cards We will create cards that can help us intuitively learn more about ourselves.We will assemble images from magazines and photos forming collages that represent our personalities, communities and dreams. Based on the work of Seena Frost. Each participant will be provided with four 5x7” poster boards. Bring your own magazines, photographs and anything else you want to cut up and past on your cards. Small scissors and rubber cement are also needed. Facilitator: Theresa Southerland Date/Time: 3rd Saturday of the Month (5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15) 12:30-2:30pm Location: Spruce Room; PH 25th Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Registration/Information: Please RSVP to Theresa 303-455-0640 FT Alumni Process/Support Group Facilitator Training (FT) graduates are invited to participate in this Saturday afternoon process/support group. A good place to join the community, be facilitated or practice your facilitation skills. ALL alumni are welcome to attend. One Saturday afternoon each month. Contact Carole to get on the email notification list. Facilitator: Carole Adams Date/Time: Second Saturday of the month (5/9, 6/13, 7/11, 8/8); 1-4pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Loft; PH 25th Registration/Information: Carole Adams, 303-726-0609, caroleadams2011@gmail.com Did you know that in between newsletters you can get updates on cancellations and see new workshops? All you have to do is go to peoplehouse.org to see up-to-date information, search for a practitioner or visit our calendar of events. peoplehouse.org Let the Earth Bring you Back into Balance continued from page 1. Over the course of history, the more disconnected we have become from the earth (shoes, beds, cars, concrete, hi-rise buildings) the more dis-eases we have acquired. Arthritis, cellulitis, even heart dis-ease is inflammation! Additionally, chronic inflammation can lead to a whole other list of dis-eases, including hay fever and even cancer. Before you start Earthing, write down all the things that are going on physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and rate them from 0-10 as to how much they interfere in your life. Then start Earthing and notice if it shifts, how much it shifts. It’s time to re-connect with the earth. It keeps us grounded, centered, balanced and healthy. As an Energy Intuitive and Certified Reiki Master Teacher, this is one of the most fundamental healing modalities out there. I hope to work with you soon and talk with your feet to see how much Earthing you have been doing! And remember, at People House we are fortunate to have fabulous backyard with some lovely grass for Earthing available for you there as well! Check out ashley’s bio on page 3 or contact her at 720-445-7232, ashley@vipholisticservices.com People House News May - August The Enneagram through Comedy May Reiki Weekend – Spread Love, Light and Healing PH East Become a Reiki Master, certified and attuned to three levels of Reiki. Learn how to use Reiki in your daily life for yourself, friends, family and animals. Hands-on practice and personalized guidance from Certified Reiki Master Teacher, ashley koe. See our website for more details about this transformative class. Facilitator: ashley koe, Energy Intuitive, Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT) & Alignment Coach Date/Time: Friday, May 1, 6pm-9pm Saturday, May 2 & Sunday, May 3, 9:30am-5:30pm Cost: $647 or 3 payments of $225 Location: Iliff Conference Room; PH East Registration/Information: ashley koe, 720-295-8477, ashley@vipholisticservices.com, www.vipholisticservices. com/events/spring-reiki-weekend-english Mindfulness Workshop We were all deeply embodied as children. With schooling and the striving for mental mastery, the body often seems of have been left behind. In this workshop, we’ll focus on the basics of mindfulness, coming to taste, once again, bodily experiences and aliveness we may not have known since childhood. Facilitator: Marlene Zweig, certified Sensory Awareness Leader Date/Time: Saturday, May 2, 10am-3pm Heart of Service; Donations for People House welcome Location: The Loft; PH 25th (located on the third floor) Registration/Information: Marlene Zweig, 303-758-3866, zweigs@gmail.com Mindfulness in Everyday Living Research shows that mindfulness is beneficial for so many aspects of life, from disease and pain management, to sleep, to stress reduction, to increasing well-being and happiness. Come join us in this interactive workshop to learn how mindfulness practices can be used in your daily life to mobilize your own inner resources for coping, growing and healing. Facilitator: Dawn King LPC, CAC-III, MBSR Teacher, Date/Time: Thursday, May 7; 6-7:30pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Dawn King, 303-229-2804, dawnkinglpc@gmail.com The Enneagram describes nine basic personality types. Learning this powerful system can help you understand yourself and others more deeply. In this Series course, we will explore the Enneagram types of various stand-up comics. Good comics challenge themselves to be authentic and vulnerable on stage, Virtual which opens a window to the personality. Facilitator: Elan BenAmi, MA Date/Time: Sunday May 10th, 17th, and 24th 4-6pm Cost: $60 - Includes all three classes. Location: Online Course: Attend class from wherever you are on a phone, computer, or tablet! Registration/Information: Elan BenAmi 720-722-0565, elan@hearthstonecounseling.org Mustang Retreat Pre-Meeting Pre-meeting and Retreat introduction at People House to prepare for an unforgettable experience with a mustang. Let your heart open and defenses disappear. Allow the wild mustang to facilitate and honor you. Personal attention. Safe. Groom, stand or walk beside–we don’t saddle or ride. More info found at: www.the-tao-of-listening.com Facilitator: Carole Adams & Paula Karen Date/Time: May 12 or June 20; 9am Cost: $50 Location: Spruce; PH 25th Registration/Information: Carole Adams, 303-726-0609, caroleadams2011@gmail.com What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on no matter what our loss is, that it can be good again. Empaths, Take your Practice to the Next Level! Service providers are some of the most sensitive and caring beings on the planet. It’s time to learn how to take your ‘liabilities’ and use them as an asset. Being sensitive is a gift! And you can have a thriving life and prosperous practice while still serving others. Facilitator: ashley koe, Energy Intuitive, Alignment Coach & Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT) Date/Time: Friday, May 8; 3:30-5:30pm Cost: $25 Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: ashley koe, 720-295-8477, ashley@vipholisticservices.com or www.vipholisticservices. com/events Demeter and Persephone: A Workshop for Mothers and Teen Daughters The upheaval and identity development of the teen years can create separation and tension between mother and daughter. Through storytelling, activities and art, we will explore this ancient myth of a daughter’s necessary descent into the dark and her mother’s determination to remain bonded, adapting its lessons to modern life. Facilitator: Mindy Laczynski, LPC Date/Time: Friday May 8; 6:30-9:00pm Cost: $30/ per person Location: Loft; PH 25th Registration/Information: Mindy Laczynski, 720-280-9170 or mindy.lacz@gmail.com RSVP required. Preregister online: www.goldenwholebeingtherapy.com/workshops-current-offerings.html Reiki Level One Training Experience Serenity Administered hands on or off, Reiki reduces stress and promotes healing by tapping into chi. While no ancient symbols are taught in the first level, you learn about the elements, the history, and you will be attuned to be a channel for this radiant healing energy. Bring: a notebook, pen, yoga mat and light blanket Facilitator: Jen Delaney, MA, NCC Psychotherapist and Reiki Master Date/Time: May 9; 1-4:30pm Cost: $175 (manual included in the price) Location: Spruce; PH 25th Registration/Information: Jen 720-480-5145,owlheart11@ gmail.com Page 6 Conquer Your Fears and Anxieties Learn how to release and re-program your fears and anxiety using a combination of psychotherapeutic modalities and scientific brain research. QEER™ a unique technique that draws from NLP, EFT, Brain Gym Exercises, and Psych-K, will change your life. Dr. NANCY has been successfully helping people release their fears using Energy Psychology for over 25 years. Facilitator: Dr. Nancy R. Harris, DSS Date/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 6-9:30pm Cost: $49 if registered by Monday May 11, $59 thereafter Location: PH 25th; Nancy’s Office Register: 303-503-8100, Nancy@nancyharris.com, www.nancyharris.com The Shadow Effect – Guided Interactive Experience Series The Shadow Effect will inspire you to break free from the bondage of the past and step into the next greatest evolution of yourself. Through 8 life-changing exercises you will find the gifts hidden in the unwanted parts of yourself and meet the you that is waiting to be birthed. Facilitator: Certified Master Integrative Coach™ and Counselor, Susan Tzankow Dates: 3 Mondays (5/11, 5/18 & 5/25) 6-7:30pm Location: The Chapel, PH 25th Heart of Service event; Donations to People House welcome Registration/Information: RSVP requested. Susan, 720-300-7079, susan@tapestriescoaching.com Heal the Inner Scapegoat: Voice Dialogue Workshop with Francesca Starr Projecting (transferring) repressed shadow energy onto another has always been a part of human community; and comes with an archetypal principal: life is born of another life, which is sacrificed. The scapegoat-identified person in families is often the sensitive child, who “agrees” to absorb this “shadow” energy. Learn how Voice Dialogue stops this deadly collusion and heals the Inner Scapegoat. Facilitator: Francesca Starr, Ph.D., CPC Date/Time: Saturday, May 16; 9am-12pm Cost: $35 Location: Spruce Room; PH 25th Registration: Francesca Starr, 303-894-0269, People House News Make Your Own Desktop Labyrinth Come learn about labyrinths—an ancient, special type of walking path used for millennia to calm the mind, deepen the spirit, and/or meditate. Handouts include articles and a list of local labyrinths. The presenter will provide all materials necessary for each participant to craft a small, portable labyrinth to take home and trace whenever you like. Facilitator: Barbara Fletcher Date/ Time: Saturday, May 16th: 1-3pm Location: PH 25th; Chapel Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome Registration/Information; Barbara, 303-279-6086 Energy Healing Exchange Release stress, worry and whatever is blocking Series you from your health and a thriving life. We all have the ability to send and receive healing energies. Open to all; no experience necessary! Bring a friend. Reiki/energy practitioners, come strengthen your skills, practice in a sacred healing space and receive! Facilitator: ashley koe, Energy Intuitive and one of her 2nd year Energy Medicine mentoring students Dates/Times: Saturday, May 16th; 10:00am-12:00pm Thursday, June 18th; 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday, July 22nd; 6:00-8:00pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: ashley koe, 720-295-8477, ashley@vipholisticservices.com Re-defining Success for Heart-Centered Professionals continued from page 1. Dr. Jackson offers a road map to achieving such service oriented success in his book, The Happiest Man in the World, where he writes that success is achieved when everyone is a winner. This is success moving to significance and it happens when your goal is to do something that will make the world lastingly better. When creating or growing your business, Dr. Jackson suggests that you develop a “business of goodness,” where consumers and employees feel honored and supported. No one is taken advantage of, no one feels the pinch of greed or the slight-of-hand, no one is subject to insult or abuse. Through this model, the value of significance for you and your business is measured by how many people are helped – if their life is improved, if suffering was alleviated or diminished, if everyone was better off. Is the world – your business, your community, your family – a better place because of your efforts? If so, then you have a “business of goodness.” Dr. Jackson encourages the foundation of a business of goodness to follow the rule of Insight-OpportunityObedience. I modify this rule slightly, to broadened it for secular audiences, by calling it Awareness-UnderstandingAction. Insight – Awareness is the starting point. It begins with observation, moves to acceptance of what is, and leads to understanding. Opportunity – Understanding comes from analyzing the situation, finding resources to help your cause, and considering all the angles. Then you’re ready to seize the moment! Obedience – Action is what makes all our thinking and planning really count.This is the doing piece, and where the hardest work must happen. It is between Opportunity and Action that we “hesitate or procrastinate.” After hours and hours (or maybe months or years…) of research and soul-searching, we must make the leap from thinking to doing.This is where success happens. Action is what creates significance. So, are you ready to bring the world your business of goodness? Do you want to move from success to significance? Here are a few action steps that you might find helpful: • Concentrate. Devote yourself to one cause and focus. • Become an observer. See where the need is and work to fill it. • Determine a workable business model. Set goals and benchmarks. • Come up with an evaluation process. How will you know when your mission is being fulfilled? • Be humble. Depend on a power greater than yourself, whatever that means for your life. • Always speak honestly. • Let go of the need for control. Adopt a “can do” attitude. • Deliver hope. Hope is what people need more than anything. It is the elixir that calms fear and sooths pain. • Give your all. Check out Carole’s bio on page 2 or contact her at CaroleAdams2011@gmail.com, 303-726-0609 May - August Yoga for Emotional Health C l a s s e s , G ro u p s a n d Wo r k s h o p s Series This 6-week group will give you the tools you need to discover true emotional health.Yoga can provide great relief from depression, anxiety, and chronic stress. This class blends the art and the science of yoga to leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. Group size is limited! Facilitator: Jenna Keller, MA, Counselor and Certified Yoga Instructor Date/Time: Wednesday’s from 6-7:30pm; May 20th – July 1st Repeats August 26th – September 30th Cost: $115 for 6-week series, pre-payment required Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Jenna Keller, 408-634-6735, jenna@jenna-keller.com The Auto-Immune Mastery Program (AIM) Come and learn about the KEYS to healing autoimmunity. This program is a creative, novel, integrative & collaborative approach to the long-term recovery of autoimmune illness. Join us for a discussion of the three most important elements of this innovative program: integrative body & energy work, holistic nutrition therapy & transformational re-inventive counseling. Facilitators: Katie Mason MA, LPC, Robin Hutchinson MNT, Albert Stern L.A.c, LMT Date/Time: Friday, May 22nd; 6-7:30pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Katie Mason, 303-587-3726, www.autoimmuneaim.com Gift of Silence Retreat This Retreat is all yours! You can join our optional meditations or read, walk and reflect to your heart’s content -- a great way to get insights into yourself and your path. Here’s the possibility of a solitary experience combined with the warmth and connection of a group endeavor. Join us! Facilitators: Marlene and Paul Zweig Dates: May 22-24, Friday eve 6:30 to Sunday, noon Location: Mother Cabrini Shrine Heart of Service Donations to People House welcome Registration/Information: Marlene and Paul Zweig, 303-758-3866, zweigs@gmail.com June The Shadow Effect - 6 week Breakthrough Coaching Series Ever wanted to try coaching? This six week group coaching program promises to radically alter your life at a fraction of the cost of individual coaching. Uncover and transform the thoughts, beliefs and Virtual feelings stored in your shadow that keep you stuck. Break through and access your authentic self. Facilitator: Susan Tzankow, Certified Master Integrative Coach™ Date/Time: 6 Thursdays Beginning June 4; 6-7:30pm Cost: $25 per session paid in advance. Limited to 6 participants. Location: From the comfort of your own home (Tele-groups by phone) Registration/Information: Call Susan 720-300-7079, susan@tapestriescoaching.com Mandalas, Mindfulness and the Intuitive Art Process Mandalas are images that symbolize wholeness and evolve from our very essence. In this workshop you will experience the intuitive art process to create an original mandala artwork using mindfulness. The class accompanies the June 5 Mandala Art Exhibit Opening and reception by the facilitators. No previous art experience is needed so come in the spirit of exploration, play and creativity! Facilitator: Lisa Talucci, MA, LPC, ATR; Wendy Satsky, M.Ed. Date/Time: Saturday, June 6; 1:30-4pm Cost: $50 (art supplies included) Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Required by Monday, June 1 Wendy Satsky, wsatsky@comcast.net. From Pleaser to Boundary Setter: Voice Dialogue Workshop Voice Dialogue in action! Resolve a life issue that involves the Pleaser and Boundaries. See how Voice Dialogue develops the Conductor or Conscious Choice-Maker that moderates both the Pleaser/Caretaker and Selfish/Self-Caring in order to creates the most effective and beneficial resolution of the issue. Facilitator: Francesca Starr, Ph.D., CPC Date/Time: Saturday, June 6; 9am-12pm Cost: $35 Location: Spruce Room; PH 25th Registration: Francesca Starr, 303-894-0269, info@FrancescaStarr.com Page 7 Men’s Couch Club - A discussion group for men Series This is a group for men to get together and discuss what is going on in their lives. It is an opportunity to speak freely, get support, and explore personal growth. Any topic is fair game, including relationships, work, parenting, family-of-origin issues, drugs and alcohol, and what it means to be a man today.This will be a closed group with each session lasting eight weeks. New members are welcomed every eight weeks, space permitting. Facilitator: Gideon Killion & Michael Wagstaff Date/Time: Tuesdays starting June 9th, runs for 8 weeks; 7:30pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Florentine; PH 25th Registration/Information: Michael Wagstaff michaelwagstaff@peoplehouse.org OR Gideon Killion -gideonkillion@peoplehouse.org Discovering: You are the Placebo (book by Dr. Joe Dispenza) Is it possible to heal the body and the soul by thought alone? In this introductory workshop experience a dynamic form of meditation, explore Dr. Joe’s (and others’) work in epigenetics and quantum healing, have fun! We will be diving deeper into this fascinating subject in an upcoming event. Facilitator: Leta G. Todd, MA Date/Time: Saturday, June 13; 1-3pm Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Spruce; PH 25th Registration/Information: Leta Todd, 720-695-4715, Letafriendhelp@gmail.com; Advance registration requested Button Tales- a storytelling and art therapy workshop for women A box of ancient buttons has been discovered and retrieved from a dark corner of the basement. The box is found, lid removed, and a hundred stories pour forth. These buttons will serve as a tool to explore your own healing myth. A therapeutic evening of storytelling, art, movement and community. Facilitators: Mindy Laczynski, LPC and Heather Brooke, MA-DT Date/Time: Friday June 19th; 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $40 Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Mindy, 720-210-9720, mindy.lacz@gmail.com, www.goldenwholebeingtherapy.com Are you ready to ACT on your anxiety? You will learn a 5 step approach to help you understand your anxiety, learn new ways of responding to unhelpful thoughts, unpleasant emotions and mindfulness skills to connect with the present moment and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Take a step to end your struggle and register today! Facilitator: Ashleigh Peterson, MA CAC I Date/Time: Tuesday, June 23rd; 6:30-8:30pm Cost: $35 Location: Spruce Room; PH 25th Registration/Information: Ashleigh Peterson 970-281-5256 or ashleighpeterson00@gmail.com Discover your Spiritual Life Purpose Everyone has a unique purpose for being.When you know what you are here to “BE”, it is easier to find satisfaction and inner peace with what you are doing. Dr. Nancy will guide you through a very simple yet profound inner process that reveals your Spiritual Life Purpose and how to fulfill it! This process was channeled through Dr. Nancy Harris in 1994. She has successfully used this process with over 1000 clients and workshop participants. Facilitator: Dr. Nancy R. Harris, DSS Date/Time Thursday, June 25; 6-9:30pm Location: Nancy’s Office; PH 25th Cost: $49 if registered by Monday June 22, 2015 $59 thereafter. Workbook and snacks included Registration: Please call 303-503-8100 Nancy@nancyharris.com, www.nancyharris.com Increase Your Psychological Flexibility with the ACT Matrix The Psychological Flexibility Point of View, aka the ACT Matrix, is a dynamic model that distinguishes which behaviors work to create a life of vitality and meaning. The Matrix elucidates what happens when you get stuck/ triggered and shows a direct way out and back to what really matters to you. Facilitator: Christine Allison, MA, LPC, NCC Date/Time: Sunday, June 28; 4-5:30pm Cost: $30 Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Preregister with Christine, 720209-7240, Christine-Allison@Juno.com, to reserve your spot and class materials. People House News July Embrace your Inner Critic: Voice Dialogue Workshop with Francesca Starr Understand the always formidable, if not monstrous Inner Critic. Learn how to meet your Critic, relate to it, unwrap the anxiety beneath its rage, discover if your Critic has given up on caring about you, or not. Gain the key gift of the Critic for the evolution of consciousness! Facilitator: Francesca Starr, PhD, CPC Date/Time: Saturday, July 11; 9am-12pm Cost: $35 Location: Spruce Room; PH 25th Registration: Francesca Starr, 303-894-0269, info@ FrancescaStarr.com Essential Oils – what’s new? “Did you know that scientific methods are now used to validate cell permeability and product integrity by the new leader in essential oils? Come learn more about the exciting advancements recently released in the essential oils market, and take home a sample that you have verified to be 100% pure.” Facilitator: ashley koe, Energy Intuitive, and Ellie Carlson, ameo Date/Time: Wednesday, July 22; 6-8pm Cost: $20, includes free Essential Oil sampler Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration required: ashley koe, 720-295-8477, ashley@vipholisticservices.com, www.vipholisticservices.com/events For those in a relationship - The Science of Attachment Why do we seek and depend on an intimate partner? Why do we retreat or fight when we perceive he/she is not there for us? This brief workshop will introduce why we seek connection and how we might keep our love alive. For couples or individuals. Facilitator: Carema Cook-Masaud, LPC Date/Time: Saturday July 25; 4-6:30 Heart of Service: Donations to People House welcome Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration Information: Carema Cook-Masaud, 720-480-6633, CenterforCompassion.com August Facilitator Training Series Facilitator Training (FT) – in 4 weekends you learn how to effectively work with individuals, couples and groups. Learn mindfulness plus how to listen and interact without bias. There is also opportunity to gain insight into your personal, deeper self if you so choose. Visit website for dates/details: www.the-tao-of-listening.com Facilitator: Carole Adams Date/Time: Starts August 15 Cost: $550 Location: Loft; PH 25th Registration/Information: Carole Adams, 303-726-0609, caroleadams2011@gmail.com Which Way is Your Compass Pointing? If you’re curious about a new way to approach old problems attend this workshop for a fresh outlook by clarifying heart’s inner compass. Leave with a Radiant Living map to what is possible for your road trip to life. Get back into the driver’s seat; call to reserve your spot. Facilitator: Brenda Bomgardner, MA, LPC, NCC, BCC Date/Time: Sunday, August 16; 12:30-2:30pm Heart of Service: Donations accepted for People House Location: Chapel; PH 25th Registration/Information: Brenda Bomgardner, 720-2607702, Brenda@CreatingYourBeyond.com Couples Weekend! Connecting with Compassion Your relationship is important.You long for compassionate connections. When stuck in conflict with your partner, it affects many aspects of your life. This interactive weekend class will uncover unproductive cycles of conflict common in couples’ relationships and discover ways to communicate to renew the intimate attachment you long for. Facilitator: Carema Cook-Masaud, LPC Date/Time: The weekend of August 22nd and 23rd, 9-5:30 on Saturday and 10:30-5:30 on Sunday. Lunch on your own from 1-2pm both days. Fee: $180 per couple Location: The Loft; PH 25th Registration Information: Carema Cook-Masaud, 720-480-6633, CenterforCompassion.com May - August Can You Let Them Be Broken? by Jen Delaney If your friends were as straightforward as cars… you could pop the hood, make a repair and get them back on the road. However, with people, sometimes the way to help most effectively is to let them stay broken a while. That’s not easy for most of us to accept. When a friend is in pain the natural response is to help, and you may assume that means you should cheer them up, give advice, offer tissues, chocolate and wine. All of those are fine eventually, but, initially, chances are your friend needs a witness for her feelings and doesn’t even know how to ask. Big feelings can be frightening and uncomfortable. We would all much rather bury them and be finished, but they will rise up and revolt, so you may as well learn how to befriend them. In the process of learning how to feel, you will discover a freedom and relief you never thought possible. Next time a friend comes to you and vents get a sense of what the main feeling is. Instead of saying: “Cheer up. Tomorrow is a new day,” consider: “Wow that must have really hurt” or “I bet you’re angry about that.” The misconception is that you will make your friend, child or mate feel worse. According to Jill Bolte Taylor, it only takes 90 seconds for a feeling to travel though the body; it’s the thoughts that hold the feeling stuck in the body. Thoughts like: Had I been worth it, he wouldn’t have left me or had I done the job right, I wouldn’t have lost my job. Usually if you or your friend can identify the feeling correctly (“I’m not feeling angry – it’s more like frustration”) then she will feel relief and, possibly, a sense of joy replacing the frustration. Continued on page 11 Dear listen to me, Darling I don’t want to Fight: How to disengage from the Protest Polka and reconnect with your partner By Carema Cook-Massaud, MA LPC Think about the conversations you have with friends, or the ones you overhear from the people around you. There is probably a lot of talk about love relationships. Beyond the few conversations one might hear celebrating the joy of being in love, you might hear someone wishing that she had a more loving relationship, someone wishing that his current relationship had less volatile fights, someone wishing that her partner would listen more or someone wishing that his partner would demand less. Being in love seems to be vital, yet we often suffer while in love. We are born to be with people who lovingly bond with us. We know that the health of newborn and young children depends on how attentive care providers respond to fearful screams as well as joyful coos. We have learned that people in safe, responsive relationships fair better physically and emotionally. Recently, we learned that closeness of a partner, one who is securely connected in relationship, decreases the negative experience of pain. This finding supports what we already know about love. We find shelter and comfort in loving, dependable, supportive relationships. While we know how important relationships are, the reality is that many couples do not last the duration that we romanticize as “until death do us part.” How do people get from head-over-heal in love, to an unbearable cycle of ugly fights and long silences? Conflict does not rip apart relationships. Conflict can be endured, even beneficial in resilient partnerships that are supportive and affectionate. It is when fear of the loss of connection distresses a relationship that conflict can turn into rigid Page 8 AlterMed Denver Networking MeetUp for Healing Practitioners Summer Vacations and Life’s Journey continued from page 1. Please join us for our quarterly Denver chapter meeting of the AlterMed Colorado Networking MeetUp. AlterMed Research Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit dedicated to be a change agent, through research and education, to achieve full integration of evidencebased complementary and alternative medicine into conventional healthcare so all people can enjoy optimum wellness.We value mind/ body/spirit and diversity in medicine, while upholding the integrity of conventional medicine research and educational standards to provide more proven medical options for holistic care and prevention. Facilitator: Kerri Diamant, 970-310-3030 or kd@AlterMedResearch.org Date/Time:Saturday June 6th (10:30-12:30) 2nd Floor Chapel at PH 25th Free Heart of Service; Donations to People House welcome. Registration: RSVP www.meetup.com/AlterMedColoradoNetworking/ There shall be an eternal summer in the grateful heart Facilitator/Life/Spiritual Coach So what is a Facilitator / Life / Spiritual Coach? Is this style of coaching something that will work for you? I invite you to find out. My goal in this process is simple…..helping you touch your Personal Authentic Self--Empowerment. I help you tweak those answers to your conscious surface. Life choices become more available and clear. Facilitator: Dick Boevingloh Free Heart of Service; donations welcome By appointment only To make an appointment contact Dick Boevingloh 303- 221-1291 or Dickb200@gmail.com To find out more about Brenda Bomgardner you can check out her bio on page 2 or contact her at 720-260-7702 or Brenda@CreatingYourBeyond.com cycles of demanding and withdrawing. In the demandwithdraw cycle, the partner who demands, pursues her/ his partner hoping to gain connection. She/he seeks validation and wants to feel the warmth of loving compassion in her/his relationship. The partner who withdraws, does not respond to his/her partner hoping to avoid yet another fight. He/she seeks safety and wants to feel the success of being competent in his/her relationship. Both are in hopes of finding a connected, intimate bond with their partner. “We find shelter and comfort in loving, dependable, supportive relationships.” This cycle of demand-withdraw is also known as the Protest Polka. Imagine the Protest Polka as a dance with one partner demanding, “Listen and respond to me!” and the other partner pleading, “Stop fighting with me!” The Protest Polka may lead to such disillusionment that neither partner knows how to, nor desires to reconnect and stop the rigid cycle of conflict. The way to step out of the unproductive Protest Polka is to slow the cycle, be mindful of your feelings and longings and listen to your partner’s feelings and longings.You can then nurture a way of being with your partner that builds the bond of connection while allowing for safe conversations. Some specific steps to stop the Protest Polka are: People House News The path you are on continually has changing conditions. Sometimes those conditions are navigated just fine on auto-pilot and at other times the path requires you to be fully awake and engaged with your intentions.When you are engaged with your intentions you are actively behaving in a particular way that is in alignment with your ideal self. It is like paying attention to the road conditions when the weather changes. What is your destination? Let’s say you plan a road trip in the car from Denver to Seattle.You have your trip planned so as to go north to Wyoming then to head west to Washington.You plan to stay in Montana and will eventually cross the Rocky Mountains. Wyoming, Montana and the Rocky Mountains are check points along the way to your destination just like getting married, having children, and getting a job are check points in life. They are on the path in your life journey but they are not your journey.Your journey is the way you travel through life toward your destination. It is a way of being in the world based on the kind of person you want to be. What kind of person do you want to be when you are being your best self? This is not about being perfect. The components to being your best self include self-compassion and the courage to be vulnerable. How are you traveling? What if the car breaks down? This is no joke. Things happen that we do not plan for and we are caught off guard. It is at these times when the question, “Who and what matters to you?” becomes important? Only you can decide how you want to be in the way you travel through life. And you can travel that way starting right now. If you take a second to think about it all the planning for your vacation is done in the present moment. It’s fun to plan and to dream. And when the vacation time comes you will still be doing it in the now. 1) Notice when you are triggered. What was the trigger? Consider the cause of the trigger without blaming or judgment. Simply notice what happened from your perspective. 2) Notice your emotional and physical sensations. Name the emotion you are experiencing. Where are you experiencing that emotion in your body? When you notice your physical response and name your emotion, it slows down your reactions and creates choices.You can then respond more mindfully. 3) Consider what your partner might be experiencing from his/her perspective. What do you think he/she saw? Did he/she see your displays of angry demands? Or displays of distant unresponsiveness? What might be his/her current emotional experience? Consider what it would be like to connect to your partner with compassionate empathy. 4) Consider your needs at this time.Your needs might be something you ask of yourself, or your partner. 5) Consider how it might be to share your current feelings and needs with your partner. How might he/she respond? How might you share your feelings and needs in a way that would open conversation versus fuel the Protest Polka? This step will help you assess the current flexibility in your cycle of conflict. Nurturing a more approachable cycle, one where he/ she knows that he/she is enough for you, and that you know he/she is there for you, allows the safety to have the deeper conversations and more intimate connections. Hold Me Tight or Love Sense, both books by Dr. Sue Johnson, are recommended readings to consider how to nurture long lasting relationships. If you wish to seek help from a therapist to create a more secure bond in your relationship, please contact me at 720-480-6633, check out my bio on page 2, or you can contact one of the skillful couples therapists listed in this newsletter. You can also check out my couples workshops offered in July and August on page 7 at the People House in Denver. May - August Professional Development Series This series enables licensed mental health professionals to meet DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies) requirements through workshops conducted by outstanding professional presenters. People House’s Professional Development Series can help you meet DORA licensing requirements. All workshops are held the second Tuesday of every month at People House in Denver, located at 3035 W. 25th Avenue. Each workshop provides 4 hours of Continuing Professional Development credit. Investment per workshop: $65. Buy a package of 4 workshops for $200 and save $60! Register at peoplehouse.org/services/professional-developmentseries/ or call PH 303-480-5130. Tuesday, May 12, 1:30-6pm Tool, Prayer or Magic? Logosynthesis 101 for Professionals – Jonathan and Laurie Weiss In this workshop you will: • Change lifelong thinking patterns that limit growth • Learn to calm anxiety and upsets, using just a few words • Resolve emotional trauma without being retraumatized by abreactive work This series is sponsored by Alternatives for Healing A Holistic and Alternative Medicine Directory alternativesforhealing.com Tuesday, June 9, 1:30-6pm Ready to Have Some Fun with your Clients - Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CHt In this workshop: • Participants will understand how body interventions and creative modalities support the therapeutic process • Participants will discover how to use body interventions and creative modalities to be more effective in their practice with clients • Participants will learn how to use body interventions and creative modalities to support stress reduction and decrease practitioner burn-out. Tuesday, July 14, 1:30-6pm Exercise Basics and Guidelines for Mental Health Counselors – Brian Cooper, MS, MA, LPC Tuesday, October 13, 1:30-6pm Understanding Domestic Violence and Counseling its Victims – Diane L. Akins, MA, LPC, CAC III This workshop will: • Provides current information about domestic violence • Offers suggestions for determining if a client is being abused and, if so, how to assess the situation’s danger level • Supplies resources to help clients who are being abused Tuesday, November 10, 1:30-6pm EMDR & Sandplay to Help Resolve Trauma - Barbara Sheehan-Zeidler, MA, LPC In this workshop you will: • Grasping the concept of the Adaptive Information Processing model. • In a safe, nonthreatening environment, encourage creativity and the healing process in the therapy room. Tuesday, December 8, 1:30-6pm Authenticity in the Play Room: You ARE a Healing Force Jennifer Beauvais, MA In this workshop we will cover: • Understanding exercise prescription • Understanding referral options • Benefits of different exercise types In this workshop you will: • Participants will learn basic skills for being therapeutically present with children and with themselves in sessions. • Therapists will learn play therapy techniques that are in harmony with how humans express emotionally, leading to a mutual process of self-discovery and self-attachment Tuesday, August 11, 1:30-6pm Upping your Happy – Janice Earhart In this workshop you will: • Study the traits of happy people • Learn the stumbling blocks of happiness • Learn how to increase happiness Tuesday, September 8, 1:30-6pm Unlocking Codependency: Understanding & Transforming Relational Trauma – Emily Eby, MA In this workshop you will: • Understand the 5 Aspects of Codependency • Eliminate judgment and shame from the diagnosis • Obtain introductory knowledge of codependency treatment interventions Calling potential pr esenters for the 2016 Professional Development Ser ies We are looking for professional facilitators to present on topics they are passionate about and are educational for professional counselors. If you are interested please contact Veronica Dieda at veronciadieda@ peoplehouse.org or 303-480-5130. Counseling for the Latino Community People House Affordable Counseling Interns Reaching out to the Community Thanks to generous efforts from Gideon Killion and Michael Wagstaff, interns in the People House Affordable Counseling Program, and Anthony Luna from Servicios de la Raza, we recently began collaborations to create meaningful support programs for Metro Denver youth. They facilitated a discussion group for youth from the day-reporting program at Servicios de la Raza. Several of their probation officers, representatives of Servicios de la Raza, have also participated in the group. Our goal was to offer these young people an opportunity to talk about their experiences, struggles, and hopes, and to get to know adult authority figures on a more personal level. We have explored a wide range of topics, from favorite movies and career goals, to drug use and losing friends to violence. Many of these young people are growing up in very challenging circumstances, and we have been impressed by their resilience and openness. People House offers counseling in Spanish. Tell Spanish speaking people you know that we have bilingual counselors who can do sessions in English or Spanish. Comunidad Latina People House ya ofrece sesiones para gente que no hablan inglés. Hay consejeras que son bilingües y ofrece consultas en inglés ó español, Jo Sherrill, MA y Antonia Gomez. Podemos hablar de las problemas que tiene Ud. y juntos encontramos soluciones. Llámanos si Ud. quiere apoyo. Quizás conozca a personas que busquen este tipo de ayuda. Si Ud. no puede cubrir el costo de la consulta, quizás pueda recibir un descuento. Todas las consultas son confidenciales. Todos son bienvenidos. Para mas información, llame a • Jo Sherrill, 303.665.7276, JoJSherrill@msn.com • Magaly Ulate, 720.541.5173, magalyulate@peoplehouse.org Sliding Scale fees available Veteran Reintegration Program Promoting Wellness in our Returning Veterans because the Veteran is in control and making Our mission is to the choices toward the results they want. Major assist everyone who issues that Veterans have received help with serves this country are: getting all the VA benefits they should , to take advantage of finding Human Services assistance, child care, all opportunities this health, transportation, and legal help plus getting country has to offer. Our program has helped access to resources that are effective in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress,Traumatic Brain Veterans make a significant, positive difference Injury, the combat mind-set acquired through in their lives. training and military experience, couples Veteran Mentoring is a free program communication or setting of one-on-one conversations with a trained new career directions. facilitator.We assist Veterans to get clarity about their priorities and which of those they wish Call Rick Beaver at People to work on first.The Veteran chooses a course House for more information, of action and the mentor provides on-going 303-480-5130. support in getting it done.This process works Page 9 Peo ple House News Congratulations to our December Affordable Counseling Program Internship Graduates Left to right, Joel Miller (Supervisor), Dee Marcotte (Supervisor), Lori Olson (Program Director), Michelle Rosenbalm, Chelsea Fuelling, Peg McCormick, Inga Larson (Supervisor) Ashleigh Peterson, Tiffany Panzara, Jeremy Kalan, Paul Zweig (Supervisor) Ma y - August Affordable Counselin g Pro g ram Please feel free to contact one of our interns directly to schedule an appointment or call the People House office for more information, 303.480.5130 Tori Buckley It is my view that relationship, with both self and others, is the most powerful tool we are given in life as a vehicle for reflection, healing, and transformation. Influenced largely by Gestalt and Somatic therapies, I have a very interactive style that respects the unique mind, body, and spirit of each individual client and partners in relationship. I feel a strong connection with non-traditional families and lifestyles and work to cultivate a safe place for all people including clients in LGBTQ/Poly communities, as well as those in the Deaf community. • 720.441.3842; toribuckley@peoplehouse.org Christina Brown, MS, NCC, LPCC At times in life we may find ourselves struggling to understand and manage overwhelming emotions and unhealthy patterns. Using a variety of techniques including cognitive behavioral and mindfulness-based therapies I help clients create more meaningful lives by increasing self-awareness and reconnecting with values. In a collaborative, person-centered environment I support clients in developing the skills needed to move toward the things that matter most in life. I believe in each person’s unique and powerful potential for growth and I offer a safe, compassionate space conducive for change. It would be an honor to accompany you on this transformative journey! I am a National Certified Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate, and hold a Master’s Degree in Counseling from National-Louis University. • 720.446.6760; christinabrown@peoplehouse.org Adam Burk Life presents challenges to us all. My goal in therapy is to be a collaborative partner in helping individuals, couples, and families to gain a better understanding of their experience and form strategies for connection, growth, self-compassion, and meaning. Influenced by Gestalt, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Emotionally Focused Therapies, I provide a safe, empathetic, and understanding environment in which clients can maximize their potential. I am currently completing my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at Regis University. •720.526.2840; adamburk@peoplehouse.org Brenda DiClemente Your relationship with yourself is essential to building healthy relationships with others. Brenda is highly intuitive and dedicated to assisting others in their exploration of inner awareness in order to bring forth deep change and transcend unhealthy patterns. Brenda specialty areas of focus are depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, loss and conflict resolution. In addition, Brenda’s background is in change management, leadership development and career coaching. • 720.443.1565; brendadiclemente@peoplehouse.org People House Affordable Counseling Program People House is a non-profit, non-sectarian personal and spiritual growth center with a successful 40 year history of responding to the community’s needs for personal education, healing and growth through a variety of healing arts. Our purpose is to enrich people’s lives through educational programs and personal and spiritual growth. The populations we serve are people in life transition or other stress and those who are motivated to grow psychologically, mentally and spiritually. We focus on those able to take responsibility for themselves and their actions in order to change their lives for the better. Our perspective is holistic, starting with the premise that the development and integration of mind, body, and spirit is necessary to become healthy, fulfilled, and productive. We believe in an all-inclusive unity inherent in every being. In addition to our professional practitioners (p. 2 - 4) who each offer their expertise through their private practices, People House offers the Affordable Counseling Program as our service to the community at large. Affordable counseling through this outreach program is for individuals, couples, children and Page 10 Gideon Killion Relationships, loneliness, pain, anxiety, depression, even hard decisions, can leave us wondering if this is as good as it gets. But if we have a little courage and a little help, we can push through to something better. Using proven and effective techniques, I help couples and families discover healthier, happier ways of relating, and I help individuals heal, grow, and build more satisfying lives. I am finishing an MA in Counseling at CU Denver, with an emphasis on Couples and Families. I also provide career coaching and guidance for those exploring or questioning their religious and spiritual identity. • 720.316.2900;gideonkillion@peoplehouse.org Scott “Max” Smith I am in the process of completing my master’s degree in counseling psychology at Regis University. I come from a background in eastern philosophy, primarily Tibetan Buddhism, where I am learning to practice “mindfulness” in every moment possible. I believe mindfulness is the key to integrating the body, mind, and spirit; and finding happiness. I counsel adults of any age, and provide a safe, private, and compassionate environment to work on any issue, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and life transitions. Together, we can explore your inner world to discover, and cultivate practical skills to help you live a happier life. •720.466.5629; scottmaximsmith@peoplehouse.org Ashley Hanson Each of our feelings has a message; what would happen if we welcomed in loneliness, distrust, guilt and shame the same way we let in joy and love? When we offer ourselves permission and space to look at what these messages are telling us, we transform pain into a well of strength and knowledge. My work is guided by my passion for social justice and accessible health care. I use deep empathy, gentle confrontation, and gestalt and narrative frameworks to create the foundations of a healing, therapeutic relationship. I will support you as we find the answers you already hold. •720.295.3354; ashleyhanson@peoplehouse.org Brooke Jean Building a healthy therapeutic relationship based on support, trust, and empathy are of most importance to me. I believe people have personal insight, wisdom, and unique strengths that we can rediscover and leverage to obtain relief and goals. Leveraging both a depth and humanistic approach, I understand that we are deeply affected by our past, our environment, and our relationships. I have experience with trauma, crisis, loss, grief, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders and use a wide variety of techniques that best serve your individual presenting needs. I look forward to hearing from you and beginning the journey together. •720.295.9462; BrookeJean@peoplehouse.org families who might otherwise be unable to experience the transformative power and support of professional counseling because they lack the resources for fullpriced psychotherapy. The counseling interns who staff our programs are master’s degree level students or graduates acquiring experience for professional licensure with the State of Colorado. They are carefully selected based on life experience and personal development to ensure the highest quality for our clients. Our supervisory staff - Lori Ohlson MA, LPC, Program Director, Joel Miller MD, Paul Zweig MD & Inga Larson LCSW, Dee Marcotte LPC -together have over 100 years of experience for guiding interns in a rich atmosphere of learning and support. About Our Fees Counseling by PH interns is on a sliding scale basis of $20 to $40 per hour or more depending on ability to pay. We ask clients to choose the appropriate fee based on income and life circumstances. We hope all of you who want to improve yourself and your life, but may lack the financial resources for professional counseling, will consider taking advantage of this program - we believe it will empower your life! People House News Ari Robkin In the process of healing in therapy, the most important thing is to find a counselor who is a good match for you and who meets you exactly where you are. I offer a genuine, safe, and supportive environment in which we can explore healing solutions that will cultivate more wholeness, understanding, meaning, and joy in your life. I work with adults, couples, adolescents, children, and families. Specific approaches that I use include depth psychology, trauma therapy, internal family systems (IFS), mindfulness, body-mind psychology, and spiritual/consciousness development. I am currently earning my Master’s Degree in Counseling at Regis University • 510.306.4453; arirobkin@peoplehouse.org Jeannette McMahan I have a passion for growth and supporting people through this journey by empowering the whole person- addressing physical, mental, and spiritual needs. By offering a safe and empathetic environment I look forward to supporting and empowering people in their journey toward growth. I will be honored to share in this journey with you, supporting you through this process. I am currently completing my Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Phoenix. • 720.258.6612; jeannettemcmahan@peoplehouse.org Magaly Ulate Experiences, thoughts, perceptions and/or behaviors create barriers and make us struggle to connect with ourselves and with others.The result can be feelings of emptiness, sadness, unhappy, angry, scared, hopeless, rejected, alone among others.This can be associated with depression, anxiety, self-esteem, grief and loss issues. Through therapy we can work integrating who you are and how you interact with the world in a way that will make you find yourself and be what you have always have wanted. I spent over 3 years working at a Children and Family Intensive Outpatient center as a bilingual therapist. I have attended trainings in EFT and play therapy among others and have experience treating attachment related problems with adults and children. •720.541.5173; magalyulate@peoplehouse.org Michael Wagstaff We all can use a little help sometimes. Relationships, career, family, health, identity, purpose in life, having fun - it’s tough to balance it all! Together we can explore challenges and how you choose to meet them. We’ll talk about goals and how to get there. We can learn skills to cope with issues as they arise. And through it all, we will gain insight into leading a more fulfilling life. I am currently completing my MA in Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado, Denver. I look forward to working with individuals and couples. • 720.263.6328; michaelwagstaff@peoplehouse.org Catherine Warnock I believe that personal growth is the key for leading a fulfilling and satisfying life. Because achieving positive growth is a unique process for each individual, I strongly believe in modifying my counseling style and methods to fit each client's specific personality and needs. It is my responsibility to create a therapeutic environment in which my client(s) feel accepted, validated and safe enough to work through personal issues. I am currently obtaining my Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Colorado, Denver. My areas of specialty training and interests include trauma, grief/loss, depression, anxiety, guilt/shame, and working with the aging population. • 720.663.0445; catherinewarnock@peoplehouse.org Lacey Wilkins, MS Warm and empathic, inventive and intuitive, Lacey embraces a creative, collaborative approach to therapy. She believes that all individuals possess an inherent ability for wellbeing, which she facilitates by helping individuals realize their inner strengths and potential. Lacey approaches therapy with a holistic, mind-body connective approach, with a narrative, depth, and trauma-informed perspective. She is completing a MA at Regis University. • 575.737.8819;laceywilkins@peoplehouse.org May - August People House Community Page 11 What You’re Saying About People House The Tao of People House When we became aware that our staff needed additional support working through life challenges we reached out to The People House. We are a small business and our employees are like family and we want our family to be happy and healthy. The People House counselors were amazing, we noticed shifts in energy and attitude and that positive energy flowed right back into Herbs & Arts helping our business thrive. Choosing to pay for counseling was one the best decisions we’ve made for the wellbeing of our family, thank you People House! ~ Kaewyn from Herbs and Arts Many people come to People House for support when going through life transitions others to learn skills from the many wonderful workshops. Over the years, others came to seek their “Truth”, or to “Follow their Bliss”. Some came on their “hero’s journey”, often seeking a deep healing or awakening. People House has been a constant for those who need a place for their own personal revelation. Author and teacher John Heider, PhD, in his book The Tao of Leadership, offered a “path with heart” that is available to everyone. Before his death in 2010, John was a regular teacher and supporter of People House. He skillfully led workshops based on what he called “American Taoism”, meditation and mindfulness-based work that paid close attention to what was unfolding in the present moment. John’s “American Taoism”had its roots in the writings by Lao-Tzu, the wandering fifthcentury BCE Chinese sage, though his teachings diverge greatly from the religion still followed by more than 20 million people. I am part of the Sunday morning men’s group that has been meeting for several years. Thank you for providing a space for us to meet and share. A space for me to do my work. The safety and love that I receive there ripple out into the world in way that you might not get to see. Thank you for making that possible! ~ Camdon, by Wayne Tittes, Sr., Senior Minister Therapist of the Year Dee Marcotte a Private Practitioner at People House was awarded Therapist of the Year by the Colorado Association for Marriage and Family Therapists. In her practice with couples Dee uses the Relational Life Model created by Terrence Real. Some on once “ I have seen couples come in for counseling so upset, seemingly ready to divorce and after working with Dee for several sessions I have seen them leave hand in hand.” To find out more about Dee Marcotte you can Follow People House on Social MediA Group Fellowship HoS facebook.com/PeopleHouseDenver People House Art Gallery The People House community extends a big-hearted thank-you to Day Frazzini for her recent exhibition of insightful abstract paintings documenting her personal and spiritual growth. People House is excited to welcome back Candace French! A contemporary abstract artist, Candace rediscovered her passion for art after she experienced the tragic loss of a loved. Her bold use of color, texture and layers are engaging and invite the viewer to explore a deeper experience of life’s mystery and connection with the Divine. Join us for an artist reception on Friday, May 15 from 5-7:30pm, where you will be able to personally meet Candace and share your experience of her art with her. On Friday June 5th, from 5-7:30pm, Lisa Talucci and Wendy Satsky invite the People House community to the opening of their collaborative showing of original mandala artworks.To celebrate the show’s opening, the artists will offer an opportunity to others to experience an intuitive, mindfulness process of creating a mandala on Saturday, June 6 from 1:30-4 pm. (See more details under workshop offerings) *A portion of the sales from art shows goes to support People House. People House offers a unique opportunity for artist to show and sell their works. If interested contact art director Wendy Satsky, 970-471-0520; wsatsky@comcast.net Kimberly Armitage Aurora US CA Director awarding Rick Beaver, Director of the VRP, a check on February 18th 2015. The People House Veterans Reintegration Program was recognized by the Aurora Rotary Club Thank you to the Aurora Rotary Club for their 2nd consecutive year of support for our Veterans Reintegration Program and to former People House board member Stephen Brunston for encouraging that support. Page 11 meetup.com/PeopleHouseDenver linkedin.com/company/People-House twitter.com/PeopleHouseCO google.com/+PeopleHouseDenver John trusted deeply that the life of every individual who was taking responsibility for his or her own growth was unfolding and healing perfectly, following an archetypal self-actualizing principal from deep in our psyche. John knew he didn’t need to “think out” what to advise us. He just needed to be present, to witness and support us as we found our own solutions. He believed that a mind that was only thinking can’t know how the Tao (or silence or nature) works. Cultivating a quiet mind helps naturally and clearly to see what’s unfolding and how to support that. John’s impact on the People House philosophy is a legacy that still resonates throughout our community today. Here are a few of John’s teachings that live on in the hearts and minds of many in our community, teachings that I’m going to call The Tao of People House: Not Taking Responsibility for Others - When a facilitator does this he or she can be very patient without having the need to “fix” the other person. Openness - Awareness of and moving beyond one’s own polarities and judgments. A mind with preconceptions tends to see its own projections. Silence - Where knowledge and wisdom beyond the conceptual mind can emerge. Following Process - Where grief and the pain-body are supported in order to gracefully heal. Holding the Space - Supporting a field of consciousness that is conducive to growth and healing. Conscious Awareness - Where a person is aware of being conscious in the moment. Can you Let Them be Broken continued from page 8. Feelings are as natural as eating breakfast, but because we are animals, when we get threatened, the blood flow rushes to the primal brain, and we overreact or attack unnecessarily. Resulting guilt causes us to blame the emotions. While I had read a gazillion pop psychology books, before the counseling program, this response did not come naturally to me. I remember feeling somewhat chagrined by the professor who stopped me and asked if I noticed how my remarks were interrupting and abating my client’s feelings. I was afraid to let her feel, because I would be out of control or I might make her feel worse. Advice and analysis is so much more comfortable. By practicing this new way of showing up for people, I learned to hold the space for emotions to rise and cycle out. Simultaneously, my clients felt freer, became more capable of acknowledging what they were feeling, and they learned how to express their feelings healthily. Learning how to hold the space for a loved one’s feelings is a gift to everyone concerned and an art form well worth practicing. To find out more a about Jen you can read her bio on page 2 or contact her at 720-480-5145 or jen@owlhearthealingarts.com People House News I encourage everyone to learn more about the legacy and traditions that are the foundation of People House.You can find more online by going to: peoplehouse.org/about/philosophy Spiritual Exploration: A People House Ministerial Program •Cultivate a Spiritual resource that is a part of your day-today life! •Develop a clear link with your Spiritual nature! •Clarify your personal obstacles to Peace! •Distinguish between the voice or your ego and the voice ho your higher self! Call Wayne, 720-288-0371; wht1377@yahoo.com for more information. Community Ministers Available People House ordained ministers offer custom designed services in our lovely Victorian chapel or at your location. They are available for weddings, baptisms, memorials and more. Contact Senior Minister, Rev. Wayne Tittes 720-288-0371;wht1377@yahoo.com We are accepting new applicants for our People House Ministerial Program. Contact Wayne for more information. May - August
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