EVen tlfOUgh Stfessi makes us feel uncomfortabie, itt not always a bad thing. Sometimes stress can really help us deal with tough situations. A lot of stress changes our bodies quickly and helps us react to an emergency. A little stress keeps us alert and helps us work harder. T$hat is stress? Stress is the uncomfortable feeling you get when you're worried, scared, angry, frustrated, or overvrhelmed. lt is caused by emotions, but it affects lour mood and body. Many adults t&rln* thct *tds don? hsve stresr because they don't have to work and support a family. They are wrong ! Stress can coffie from things that happen to you and peaple in your life like your parents, friends, and even yourself. How does Fart Tackling the FrohI.em Polnt us feel better! ?says ldfifraf There are many heahhy ways of dealing with stress. They are safe, help you feel better, and end up making you happy, Here is a 10-point plan to help ysu manage stress. All of these ideas can lower stress safely. None of them are quick fixes, but they wilt lead you towarci a healthy and successful life. The plan divided into 4 Parts. '1. Tackling the problem is bodY mY emotions 2. Taking care of my 3. Managing Making the world a better Place 4. i , i When you read over the plan, you'll notice that you can come up with a bunch of ideas for each point. flease do not think you shoutd try thern alt. This plan is supposed to hetp you manage stress, not give you more- Try out soine ideas and then stick to one or hnro ideas for each point . Dontlrhoos e Gn idea jusi to impress l fsrr can try tr Break the .srark into small pieces, Then iust de ane small il fl i Nobody can avoid atl stress, but ican learrr deal rrltlt lt, When you're stresseq, it is normal to want to feel bettel. Some people tum to drugs, ci$arettes, alcohol, bullying, ol" fightinq, These harmful choices mightlfeel good fnr a .shnrf time, but they can be dangerous. They end up messing up your life, and then you end up a lot more stressed. I&ey're especially dangerous if they are the only woyyotr rnfinage rirss. This is one of the ways addictions start. lr and healthier. i ycu can deal i*ith stress wqys to yolu tfus Frobl*m A lot of people deal with problems hy fgnaring them- This daes not make them go away; usually they iust get warse, People nrho try to fix their problems tend to be elnotie*.ally the body handle stress? geficf. These 2 systems can't tr.rork together a-t the sarne time. Itt i*portant to know this because we can ShUt of f tfre emergency system by turning on the leiaxeri system. That hetps I: flg$re out what malte tt ma$ageable. The body is a finely tuned machine that can change quickly to do what we need it to doJike react to stress. The body actualtv has 2 different sets of nerves. One wo*s while we're rel*xed, snd the other vyot*s when we're strased ot theret sn efirer' 1 piece at a time, rather than leak at the whole huge rnesE- As you finish each piece, the wark ftecrr':ies Isss oveftt*efnntng, Make lists of what you need ta ds- This will ftelp y*u sleep because your head want spin with !!'orry about whether _yau can do everything, At the end of the da]r, -vsu will have Iesr to woqf afoorrt as you check off the things ysu have finished, Ytlu will l*ak at the same huge arnouflt *f hamework and say ?n yrxlrteH, 'l (.AN d* this!" Get yeur rrsark done firEt. Wh*n it c*mes ts wark {study'ing, chores), the bes t way ta enicy y*ursetf is ia get the uror& done {irst. Someiifftes people say tlrey will ds fun things first and da their wsrk later. But the problem is thet're havinq less fun because thefre worrying about the wsrk they're ignoring. And of ccurse the longer they F$t it sff, the msre they warry. Polnt l: Jhseld thlngs that h#*g :rre d+wn. Sometirnes we know el(aCtly when we are lreaded far trauhle. Av*idi*g trr:uhle frsm a tiistance I= EASIET than avoidinq it up clase. You kno*r* the pecple wha might be a bad influence $n you. You know the places where yrlu're-likely to get in trsuble. You know_the things that upss yau, Cho*f,e not to be aroun{d thase people, placeE t and things that mess Ysl*' EF' what y#r rfrt, ttT n Avoid certain people, Iike m Avoid certain places, Iilce il Avoid certain things, Iike Polnt 3: Let soffle thhgt go. Itls important tc try to fix problems, but sometimes there is naff:,rng you cgn do to chaizge them. For example, you Can't change the weather, se don't rryaste ysur energy worrying abaut it. You Csn't change the fact tfiat teachers give tests, sa iust start studying inslead st complaini*g *b*ut how unfair they iire. Y*u can't cl:a*ge tl:e f*ct that your pare*ts need to knor.r were yau 94, sa prove ta them that you are responsible and deserve fftore freedsm. Feoplt whs v*aste their energy worrying about things they can't cha*ge don't have enough energy left BYer to fix the things they tan. lfffrat yor, con try * When you're angry, the I tr lnstead of worrying about thingq i can't change, Iwill - l, tr lnstead of complaining that thin$s are not fair. I urill tl lnstead of fighting with my parehts about where I go, Iwill Polnt 6: fat *YeIl. Part 2 llaking care of mll hody L l Everyone knows good nutritisn makes you healttrier But snly some people know that it also keeps you alefi and your mood steady. Peaple who eat mostly iunk food have highs and lcws in their energv levels. This hurts their ability ts manage st:'ess. I Polnt 4: Exerclre. Exercise every day to control stress and build a strong, health_y Exerilse ls the most lrr,rportant part of a |Ian to rnanage rtrerr. You may think you don't have tirne to body. exercise when you're most stressed, lbut that is exactly ,'arhen you need it the most. If you are stressed iabout a test but tos nervous to sit doram and study- .-exercise!Ysuiwill be able to think better after you have used up that stress eriergy. Whot ynu can try l Regular exercfse builds a strong body that better deals with stress. I will work my body hard at least 20 lminutes every other day- The kinds of exercises I like to do routinefy include fI fI What fss, rrrn trT n Eat a good breakfast. n Skip fe*ver meals. n Drfnk fewer sodas anci sugary drink. tl Drink more water. tl Eat smaller portions. il Eat iess grealy meals or snack. tr .. I I .__ _ When I am feeling most worried, nuJyous, or fearful, a really hard physical workout will help me calrn down. During these most stressful tirnes, the kinds of things I rtright do include tr E I: Sleep weII. Msst kids don't get the sleep they need to grow and think deady. Tired peagf* 6{rfi T tearn cs nrel$ and 6$n be murfr crcn*is. W&ar for cfin try tr Go to sleep about the same tirne every nighl [I Exerrise {fuut finish exercising at least 4 hours before hed}. Your bad,v falls asleep most easilv when rt has cosled down. tf you exercise right before bed, you will be overheated and won't sleep *rell. tr il fi t Polnt 5: Learn to relax my ,l dody. You can fool your body into being cafmer by turning on the relaxed nervous system. What f$, can try tr Eat more fruits and vegetables. Polnt tr ._.. D natural thfng to do is stand up and face someone shoulder-to-shoulder, chesi-to-chest. \fou d,e this wlthout even thinking, but this tells the other person that you're angry and ready to fight. It also may prevent you from thinking ctearly. Do the opFaslte of what you r+ould dc if you were really going to fight. Sit down; take deep, slaw breaths; and tell your body there is no danger, Then use your brain to get out of the siluation, tr I I Put your body in a relaxed position. . Your body knows when you're nervous. tf you sit down to take a test and your legs are shaking, your body is saying, 'l want ta runlo Remember, you cant think well and run away at the same titRe, so you afe making it harder to take the test" lnstead, take deep brea{hs and lean back-tell your body there is no emergency. I I I I hour before bedtime also helps ysur body relax ts fall asleep. I Breathe deeply and slowly. Slow,i deep breathing turns on your relaxed nervous system and ti,rrns off your emergenqy respoftse. Take a big, deep breath until your chest and belly feel full of air, then let it out slowly as if you're blowing bubbles. Do this 1O times and you will feel more relaxed- Yoga and meditation also teach great breath[ng skills. A hot shsilrer y$$r bed only to sleep. Dcrn't sotve your problems fn bedlnstead, leave another spot to think like a "utorry chair." Cive yourself plenty af time to think things through, make a li:t if you need t*, and then sef lf astdd Co to bed to sleep. Use tr Don"t ds homework, r'uatch TV, read, or use the phont while in bed. Part 3 !fianagi*S rry euations Polnt E: Take instant Yacatlcns. Sometimes the best vray to de-stress fs to imagine yourself in more relaxirrg pface. What yfiu cnn try fI Visualize. When you're stressed, sit down, Iean back, take deep krreaths, close your eyes, and irnagine yoursett in a heaut#ul and calm place. a tr il Take time out for yoursetf. E or herself. Enjoy a walk, a relaxing every day. Try a warm bath with listen to yourself take deep, slow b c*unt as your heart rate goes d Enjoy hsbbies or creative art tr Look at the beau$ around ne deserves time for himself ath, or something special ur ears just under water; eaths, Take yaur pulse and a small things you may have stopp tr Read a good book and escape fro imagine the sights, sounds, and else for a while. noticing. adult to help yGU. Hou desenre fs fee.f gaadl reallty. You have to elfs'-you are somelt here Feelings sometimes get so strong andlscary that we cram them all in an imaginary box and think wefl deal with them later. But latei theret so much stuff in the bcx that there is too much rrne to cleal with. Sometimes it's goorl to to work on and forget {he rest far a while. When you decide to deal with only one pro$lem at a time, it seems f ick j ust tl y€ru can tty Ql- You easily get maody or angry. il You feel tired all the time. { r You get a lot ef headaches. dizziness, chest pafn, or stomach pain. q q You feel sad sr hopeless- I it out. young person de[erves an adult to talk to and some friends to trust. Hopefully, yqu can talk to your parents. But if you do not want to tell your lparents everything, make sure to find an adult you can ask f{r advice, D fournal. Write it out! or meditation helpful. fI Fray. Many young people find pr tl Laugh or cry. Let yourself really fe your emotions. Part Every 4 Making the world a etter place Polnt 1O: Malte the world etter place. a Ycung people wha woi'k to make the themselves. They have a sense of problems hett*. They learn that ence in other people's lives. We ne a better world. orld better feel good abaut e and hondle fftefr o*il can make a dlffer- young people to build Help a member of rny family by tr Volunteer in my community f] Help the environment t-[ You are thinking about using alcahri or drugs to try to r feel better. I S Vou ever think about hurting yourself, I Visit the rL4,P Web site at www.aap,argfstress for rnore lnformatisn, I Rpmember that sne of the best $.ays ta be happy a*d succ€$sta manage stress weli- n]ll ir $ou CIX d,o it I Adapted from Cinsburg KR, Jablow MM. A ParenIS CulUe to furforrg Besilrerce Cfiildreq and Teens: Giving Your Child Roots and Wings- EIk Crove Mltage, IL: erican Academy of Pediatrics; 2006 portraying are fictisnale informatfon contained in this putilication should not be used as a substitute for rnedicat care and advice of your pediatrfcia*. There rnay be.;arfations i* treatrne*t t your pediatrician may recommend based an individual facts and circumstanres- tkrle From your dactor Pediatrics by 252filH1?K1,,3 (or animalsi Fy Hopeweil Junction, ntV't esgs 945_227_0 1 23 st's9,000 primary care pedidridare pedidrb rnedird subgpsuiEHgq and welFbeing ef kfanh, dtiUren, d*tcents, atd yauag adults. American Acaderny of Pediatrics DEDICATED TO THE HEALTH OF ALL ls &e tedth, $dety, C{rfrfrigfitg ?0$7 ,*rtl rlidr rt.dutiltur u rl,ukrtlttrs t*-*^-r ^ C ILDREN- i* Tilre perbon: vr,hsse photographs are depicted in this publication are professional delsl they harue no relation to the issues discussed- Any characters they are KATHLEEN ENNABI II4D PC Itthat Wra can try fI You warry a lot. Yolr feel Lrored all the time and are less interested in being I with friends. Be creative. People who have a wty to express thenrselves don't need to hoid it all inside. ArtJ musig poetry, singing, dance, and rap are all powerful wa[s to let your feelings out. Talk Your gracies are dropping, I much less scary. What The following signs suggest that you should seek some extra guidance: il fi prcblem Strcng people turn to others d get pleasure from the Polnt 9: Releare emotlonr, tr Even if you are great at dealing with problems, there may be times when stress feels like it is getting to you. You are not alonr. This does not mean vou are cra4& weak, or a failure- for supporr when they have too much to handle. It's ckay ta turn to wise friends fsr advice, but it is also important to turn ta your parents or anather instant vacation. as you I{hen te get help l--J-*.. -l LJ!^U--
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