Jonathan Michael Kaplan Curriculum Vitae [Updated March 2015] School of History, Philosophy, and Religion 322 Milam Hall Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 541-737-9802 Education: 1996 Stanford University. Ph.D. in Philosophy. 1991 University of California, Irvine. B.A. with Honors in Philosophy. Professional Experience: 2006 - present 2007 - 2010 2003 - 2006 1998 - 2003 1997 - 1998 1996 - 1997 Associate Professor, Philosophy, Oregon State University. Chair, Philosophy Department, Oregon State University. Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Oregon State University. Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Stanford University. Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Program in Genomics, Ethics, and Society, Stanford Biomedical Ethics Center, Stanford University. Upper-division/Graduate Courses Taught: Scientific Reasoning, Philosophy of Biology, Biomedical Ethics, Research Ethics, Political Philosophy, Epistemology, Formal Logic, Wittgenstein Lower-division Courses Taught: Ethics, Reasoning and Writing, Political Philosophy Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Political Philosophy Areas of Competence: Biomedical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Philosophy of Economics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Wittgenstein CV Jonathan Kaplan Page 1 Publications Books: 2006. Making Sense of Evolution (co-written with Massimo Pigliucci, Department of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook). University of Chicago Press. 2000. The Limits and Lies of Human Genetic Research. Routledge Press. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters: 2015. “Gould on Morton, Redux: What can the debate reveal about the limits of data?” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biology and the Biomedical Sciences. (Online First in February 2015). 2014. “Ignorance, Lies, and Ways of Being Racist.” Critical Race Theory. 2(2): 160-182 2014. “Race, IQ, and the Search for Statistical Signals Associated with So-Called ‘X’Factors: Environments, Racism, and the ‘Hereditarian Hypothesis’.” Biology and Philosophy. (Available online via On-Line First in 2014) 2014. “Realism, Antirealism, and Conventionalism about Race.” Jonathan M. Kaplan and Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther. Philosophy of Science. 81 (December 2014):1039– 1052. 2013. “Ontologies and Politics of Bio-Genomic ‘Race’.” Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther and Jonathan M. Kaplan. Theoria. 60(3):54-80. 2013. “‘Relevant Similarity’ and the Causes of Biological Evolution: Selection, Fitness, and Statistically Abstractive Explanations.” Biology and Philosophy. 28(3):405-421. (Available online via On-Line First in 2012.) 2013. “Prisoners of Abstraction? The Theory and Measure of Genetic Variation, and the Very Concept of ‘Race.’” Jonathan M. Kaplan and Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther. Biological Theory 7(4): 401-412. (Available online via On-Line First in 2012.) 2012. “Personalizing Risk: How Behavior Genetics Research into Addiction Makes the Political Personal.” Chapter 14 of Genetic Research on Addiction: Ethics, the Law, and Public Health. Edited by Audrey R. Chapman. Cambridge University Press. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 2 Publications Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters, continued: 2012. “Conclusions and Recommendations: Ethical Guidance for Genetic Research on Addiction and Its Translation into Public Policy.” Audrey Chapman, Jonathan Kaplan, and Adrian Carter. Chapter 15 of Genetic Research on Addiction: Ethics, the Law, and Public Health. Edited by Audrey R. Chapman. Cambridge University Press. 2010. “When Socially Determined Categories Make Biological Realities: Understanding Black/White Health Disparities in the U.S.” The Monist 93(2): 283–299. 2009. “The Paradox of Stasis and the Nature of Explanations in Evolutionary Biology.” Philosophy of Science 76(5): 797-808 . 2009. “Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Misuse of Human Behavioral Genetics Research.” In The Impact of Behavioral Sciences on the Criminal Law edited by Nina A. Farahany. Oxford University Press. pp. 45-80. 2008. “Economic Rationality and Explaining Human Behavior: An Adaptationist Program?” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 3(7): 79-94. 2008. “Evolutionary Innovations and Developmental Resources: From Stability to Variation and Back Again.” Philosophy of Science 75: 861-873. 2008. “The End of the Adaptive Landscape Metaphor?” Biology and Philosophy 23: 625-638. 2008. “Phenotypic Plasticity and Reaction Norms.” A Companion to Philosophy of Biology, edited by Sahotra Sarkar and Anya Plutynski. Blackwell Publishing. pp. 205222. 2007. “Housing Discrimination as a Basis for Black Reparations” Jonathan Kaplan and Andrew Valls. Public Affairs Quarterly 21(3): 255-274. 2007. “Children of One’s Own: Genes, Parenthood, and the Illusion of Control.” The Influence of Genetics in Scientific and Philosophical Thinking edited by A. FagotLargeault and J. M. Torres. Kluwer-Springer Press. pp. 167-182. 2007. “Violence and Public Health: Exploring the Relationship Between Biological Perspectives on Violent Behavior and Public Health Approaches to Violence Prevention.” Establishing Medical Reality: Essays in the Metaphysics and Epistemology of Biomedical Science edited by H. Kincaid and J. McKitrick. Springer: pp. 199-214. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 3 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters, continued: 2006. “Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Misuse of Human Behavioral Genetics Research.” Law and Contemporary Problems. 69(1-2): 47-80. 2005. “Rational Decision Making: Descriptive, Prescriptive, or Explanatory?” In A Companion to Rationalism, edited by Alan Nelson. Blackwell Publishing. pp. 425-449. 2003. “On the Concept of Biological Race and its Applicability to Humans.” Jonathan Kaplan and Massimo Pigliucci. Philosophy of Science 70(5): S1161-S1172. 2003. “Davidson and Wittgenstein on Knowledge, Communication and Social Justice." Sharyn Clough and Jonathan Kaplan. In C. Prado (ed.) A Dubious Estrangement: Analytic and Continental Philosophy. Humanity Books, Amherst. pp. 139-154. 2002. “Historical Evidence and Human Adaptations.” Philosophy of Science 69(3): S294-S304. 2001. “Import Bans and Tying One’s Hands: Weakness of Will as a Justification for Trade Restrictions.” Public Affairs Quarterly 15(4): 355-372. 2001. “Accidental Germ-Line Modifications Through Somatic Cell Gene Therapies: Some Ethical Considerations.” Jonathan Kaplan and Ina Roy. The American Journal of Bioethics 1(3): In Focus section. 2001. “Genes ‘For’ Phenotypes: A Modern History View.” Jonathan Kaplan and Massimo Pigliucci, Biology and Philosophy 16(2): 189-213. 2000. “The fall and raise of Dr. Pangloss: adaptationism and the Spandrels paper 20 years later.” Massimo Pigliucci and Jonathan Kaplan, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15(2): 66-70. 1999. “Decision-Analysis and Risk: A Discussion of Decision-Analysis' Engagement with the Conceptual Difficulties.” Genetic Testing 3(1): 73-79. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 4 Publications Invited Journal Articles, Reviews, and Book Chapters: 2014. Review of Beyond Versus: The Struggle to Understand the Interaction of Nature and Nurture by James Tabery. (The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2014). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2014. “Overcoming the Conceptual Barriers to Understanding Evolution.” Review of Understanding Evolution by Kostas Kampourakis. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014). Forthcoming in Metascience. 2013. Review of The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology edited by Erik I. Svensson and Ryan Calsbeek. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012). Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 44(4): 613-616. 2012. “From Medicalization to ‘Biolooping.’” (In Italian). Salute e Società: La medicina delle emozioni e delle cognizioni. Edited by Antonio Matura and Kristin Barker. 11(2, supplement): 166-169. 2011. “‘Race’: What Biology Can Tell Us About a Social Construct.” In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. 2009. Review of The Laws of Evolution and Derived Lawlike Principles by Sasha Haywood (Hagenia Press, Oxford, 2009). Quarterly Review of Biology. 84(3):296. 2008. Review of Evidence and Evolution, The Logic Behind the Science by Elliott Sober (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30(2): 263-282 2008. Review of Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate by Derek Turner (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007). Quarterly Review of Biology. 83(2):196. 2008. Review of Genes in Development: Rereading the Molecular Paradigm edited by Eva. M. Neumann-Held and Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (Duke University Press, 2006). Biological Theory. 2(4): 427-429. 2007. Review of Evolution and the Levels of Selection by Samir Okasha (Oxford University Press 2006). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2007. Review of Darwinian Reductionism by Alex Rosenberg (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press 2006). Quarterly Review of Biology. 82(2):140. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 5 Publications Invited Journal Articles, Reviews, and Book Chapters, continued: 2006. Review of Who’s Afraid of Charles Darwin?, by Griet Vandermassen (Landham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.). Metascience. 15:177-181. 2006. Review of Making Modern Science: A Historical Survey, by Peter J Bowler and Iwan Rhys Morus. (University of Chicago Press. 2005). Quarterly Review of Biology 81:158-159. 2005. Review of Philosophy of Experimental Biology, by Marcel Weber (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005). Philosophy in Review. 25(6): 411-413. 2004. Review of The Song Sparrow and the Child: Claims of Science and Humanity, by Joseph Vining (University of Notre Dame Press, 2004). Journal of the American Medical Association. 292(12): 1493. 2004. Review of Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology, edited by André Ariew, Robert Cummins, and Mark Perlman (Oxford University Press, 2002). Philosophical Psychology 17(3): 433-436. 2003. Review of What Genes Can’t Do, by Lenny Moss (The MIT Press, 2002). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews ( 2003. Review of Genes: A Philosophical Inquiry, by Gordon Graham (Routledge, 2002). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews ( 2001. Review of Beyond Cloning: Religion and the Remaking of Humanity, edited by Ronald Cole-Turner (Trinity Press, 2001). American Journal of Bioethics. 1(3): 68-69. 2000. “Reply to Thomas Getty.” Massimo Pigliucci and Jonathan Kaplan, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15(6): 249. 1996. Review “Problematizing Reifications and Naturalizations: Out of Focus at The Henry R. Luce Professorship of Biotechnology and Society's Symposium: 'Genetics and the Human Genome Project: Where Scientific and Public Cultures Meet'” Stanford Humanities Review Volume 5, 126-131. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 6 Presentations Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations: 2014. “Populations, Clusters, and “Racial Realism:” A Partial Taxonomy of Key Concepts.” Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting. San Diego, CA. 2012 “Genetic Diversity, Differentiation, Heterozygosity, and the Very Concept of ‘Race’.” Jonathan Kaplan and Rasmus Winther. Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting. San Diego, CA. 2011: “Race and Intelligence: Does Genomics Change Anything?” International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology. Salt Lake City, Utah. 2010: “‘Relevant Similarity’ and the Causes of Biological Evolution: Selection, Fitness, and Statistically Abstractive Explanations.” Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting. Montreal, PQ. Canada. 2008. “The Paradox of Stasis and the Nature of Explanations in Evolutionary Biology.” Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. 2008. “The Economics of Human Behavior: An Adaptationist Program?” The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy. 2007. “Evolutionary Stasis and Developmental Stability: Are they related?” International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology. Biennial meeting. Exeter University, Exeter, UK 2006. “Evolutionary Innovations and Developmental Resources: From Stability to Variation and Back Again.” Philosophy of Science Association. Biennial Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2006. “The End of the Adaptive Landscape Metaphor.” Scientific Images: An American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Mini-Conference. Portland, OR. 2003. “Spandrels, Pendentives, and Squinches: Architecture, Adaptation, and History.”, Second Annual Conference on Recent Work in Biology and Philosophy, Duke University Center for the Philosophy of Biology. 2002. “Social Justice, Economic Choices, and Health Care Expectations.” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 7 Presentations Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations, continued: 2002. “On the Concept of Biological Race and its Applicability to Humans.” With Massimo Pigliucci. Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting. 2001. “Ethics and Evolution.” International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology Biennial Meeting. 2001. “‘Scientific’ Decision Making: Decision Analysis and Evidence-Based Medicine.” Value Free Science: Ideal or Illusion? Conference, Center for Ethics and Values in the Sciences, University of Alabama, Birmingham. 2000. “Mental Illness and the Ways of Contingency: Context Sensitivity, Social Norms, and the Biology of Construction.” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting. 2000. “Historical Evidence and Human Adaptations.” Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting, November 2000. 2000. “Distant Relatives and Extinct Relations: Troubles for the Historical Approach to Human Adaptation.” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, April 2000. 1999. “Evolutionarily Meaningful Environments and the Gene-Phenotype Relationship: The Problem With Standard Environments.” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting. 1999. “ADD/ADHD and the Genetic Disease Concept.” with Alan Rubel, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Conference. 1999. “Decisions and the Culture of Deciding.” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on Reason and Rationality. 1998. “Scientific Explanations, Political Pluralism, Ontological Commitments, and What Killed the Dinosaurs.” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on Realism and AntiRealism. 1998. “Genetic Determinism and the PKU Myth.” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 8 Invited Lectures: 2013. “Turning Social Categories into Biological Realities: 'Race' Made Biological.” Philosophy Department, University of California, Santa Cruz. 2008. “When Socially Determined Categories Make Biological Realities: Understanding Black/White Health Disparities in the U.S.” Visiting Lecture Series, Philosophy Department, University of Kansas. 2007. “The Paradox of Evolutionary Stasis and the Nature of Explanations.” Department of Ecology and Evolution Colloquium Series, SUNY Stony Brook. 2007. “Evolutionary Psychology, meet Developmental Systems Theory.” Department of Anthropological Sciences Colloquium, Stanford University. 2006. “Giving up the Adaptive Landscape Metaphor.” Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science Colloquium, University of California, Irvine. 2006. “Evolution and Developmental Resources: from Variation to Stability and Back Again.” Philosophy Department Colloquium, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA. Invited Conference Presentations: 2014. “Addiction Risks: Genetic the Social Determinants.” Genetic Research on Addiction: Ethics, Law, and Public Health. The Alcohol Research Center and the Department of Community Medicine at University of Connecticut Health. Farmingham, CT. October 2014 2014. “Morton’s Skulls, Gould’s Statistics, and the Objectivity of Data.” Objectivity conference, Lewis and Clark College. Portland, OR. [Forthcoming] 2014. “A Taxonomy of Possible Connections: Biological and Social Race.” Genomics and Philosophy of Race, University of California, Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA. [Forthcoming] 2014. “Race, Racism, and the Intergenerational Transfer of Biological Harms.” The Race Debates Conference, University of San Francisco. San Francisco, CA. [Forthcoming] Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 9 Presentations Invited Conference Presentations, continued: 2013. Participant and Presenter: The Stanford School of Philosophy of Science conference. Stanford, CA. 2011. “From Theory to Social Impact and Back Again: Measures of Genetic Diversity and the Meanings of Race.” The Meanings of ‘Theory’ in Biology Workshop, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Vienna. 2011. “The Social and Biological Realities of Race,” Philosophy of Biology Workshop University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada. 2009. “Variation and Inheritance: Horizontal & Vertical, Genetic & Non-Genetic.” What’s New in Evolution Conference, The Cogut Center for the Humanities and the Committee on Science and Technology Studies, Brown University. Providence, RI. 2009. “When Socially Determined Categories Make Biological Realities: Understanding Black/White Health Disparities in the U.S.” Philosophy, the Life Sciences, and Society Conference, Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, PA. 2008. “The History and Legacy of Housing Discrimination in the U.S.” Oregon National Association for Multicultural Education, OSU. 2006. “Inside/Outside: External Resources and the Individual in the Fragile Science.” Author meets critics commentary on Robert Wilson’s Genes and the Agents of Life. American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada 2005. “Evolution and developmental resources: from variation to stability and back again” Plenary talk Fourth Biennial Conference on the Developmental Basis of Evolutionary Change, University of Chicago. 2005. “Devo-Evo and the Limits of Contemporary Behavior Genetics Research Techniques: A Reply to Kenneth Schaffner.” First Annual Queensland Biohumanities Conference. Brisbane, Australia. 2005. “Is it Time to Give up Adaptive Landscapes?” Department of Biology and Biochemistry Colloquium, University of Houston. 2005. “Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Misuse of Human Behavioral Genetics Research.” The Impact of Behavioral Genetics on Criminal Law Symposium, Duke University Law School. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 10 Presentations Invited Conference Presentations, continued: 2005. “The End of Adaptive Landscapes?” Philosophy Colloquium, University of British Columbia. 2004. “Violence and Public Health: Exploring the Relationship Between Biological Perspectives on Violent Behavior and Public Health Approaches to Violence Prevention.” Beyond Science and Values Conference, Pennsylvania State University, - and at the Philosophical Issues in the Biomedical Sciences Conference, Center for Ethics and Values in the Sciences, University of Alabama, Birmingham. 2004. “The Targets and Units of Selection: Physical Processes and Statistical Bookkeeping in Biological Evolution.” Philosophy Department, Lewis and Clark College. 2004. Conference Participant and Collaborator, “Representing Genes” project. University of Pittsburgh, PA. 2003. Conference Participant and Collaborator, “Representing Genes” project, funded by the NSF and other granting agencies. Principle investigators: Karola Stotz, and Paul Griffiths, University of Pittsburgh, PA. 2003. “MAOA and Violence: The Gene and the Environment.” Center for Ethics and Values in the Sciences Colloquium University of Alabama Birmingham. 2003. “The Targets and Units of Selection.” Philosophy Department, University of Cincinnati - and at the Philosophy Department, Oregon State University. 2001. “Import Bans and Tying One’s Hands: Weakness of Will and Import Restrictions.” Philosophy Department Colloquium, University of California at Irvine, CA. 2000. “Social Justice, Economic Choices, and Health Care Expectations.” Bioethics Fullerton Conference, “The Humanities in Medical Education,” University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. 1996. “Commentary: Wittgenstein on the Soul.” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 11 Grants and Awards 2011: Awarded OSU Center for the Humanities Fellowship. 2007: Senior Personnel member on NSF grant application for “REU Site for Oregon Marine Science: From upper estuaries to the deep.” Principal Investigators: George W Boehlert and Robert A Duncan. Total grant amount: $300,000 over 3 years. I was responsible for the “Research Ethics Component” of the grant, which totals approximately $12,000 for three years. 2005: OSU College of Liberal Arts Research Grant ($9,102), with Andrew Valls (Department of Political Science), for our proposal “Housing Discrimination as a Basis for Black Reparations.” 2004: OSU Philosophy Department Service Award. 2003: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship ($3,250), Summer Institute on Science and Values, University of Pittsburgh. 2003: Matchette Foundation Grant ($3,000), Principal Investigator and Grant Writer, University of Tennessee. 2001 - 2002: Haines-Morris Grant ($8000), Co-Principal Investigator and Grant Writer, University of Tennessee. 1991 - 1996: Andrew W. Mellon Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, Stanford University. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 12 Service Guest Lectures Presented and Conferences Organized for OSU Community: 2008. “Black Reparations and Housing Discrimination,” guest lecture, undergraduate course “Knowers, Knowing, and The Known”, Department of Philosophy. 2007 Respondent to panel discussion of Making Sense of Evolution, featuring P. Griffiths (University of Sydney), K. Stotz (University of Pittsburgh), J. Dupre (Exeter University), P. Roberts (Biology, OSU) and S. White (Ecology, OSU). 2006. Participant and Presenter: “Recent CLA Research on Race and Racism.” featuring faculty work in Philosophy, Political Science, History and Sociology. 2006. Participant and Presenter: “3rd Annual American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, Mini Conference,” a campus presentation by the OSU Philosophy Club. 2006. Panel member: “Research Ethics Forum: Salvage Logging and the Biscuit Fire Sale,” Spring Creek Project. 2005. Discussant “Roundtable on Race: The Case of John Locke,” sponsored by the Dept. of Philosophy, with faculty from the Departments of Political Science, and Sociology/New Media. 2004. Discussant “Roundtable on Race and Racism: An Interdisciplinary Conversation,” sponsored by the Dept. of Philosophy, with faculty from the Departments of Political Science, Anthropology and Sociology/New Media. 2004. Conference organizer (with Sharyn Clough ) and discussant: “1st Annual American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, Mini Conference,” a campus presentation by the OSU Philosophy Club. Committee Service at Oregon State University: University-level 2013-2014 2012 (Winter) 2011 - 2014 2008 - 2010 2009 2004-present 2003 - 2006 Jonathan Kaplan Member (Administrative Appointments Committee representative), Vice Provost of Student Affairs Search Committee. Member (Administrative Appointments Committee representative), College of Science Interim Dean Search Committee. Member, Administrative Appointments Committee. Member, Faculty Advisory Board, Center for the Humanities. Participant, UHC Focus Group on the Baccalaureate Core. Graduate Program Representative, Graduate School Member, Computing Resources Committee. CV Page 13 Service Committee Service at Oregon State University, continued: College-level 2014-2015 2013 – 2014 2009 - 2011 2007 - 2008 2007 – 2010 2005 Chair, CLA Faculty Council. Member, CLA Faculty Council. Member, CLA Budget Committee. Member, CLA Dean Search Committee. Member, CLA Chairs and Directors Committee. Member, CLA Research Grant Selection Committee. Department/School Level 2013-present 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2011-2012 2012 2010-2011 2007 – 2010 2006 - 2007 2006 - 2007 2004 - 2007 2005 - 2006 2003 - 2005: 2003 - 2005: Chair, SHPR eCampus Committee Member, SHPR Advisory Committee Member, SHPR Environmental Ethics Search Committee. Member, SHPR eCampus Committee Member, SHPR Applied Ethics Search Committee. Member, SHPR Philosophy Student Awards Committee. Consultant, Ad-hoc Committee for the Reorganization of Phil. and History. Chair, Philosophy Dept. Chair, Philosophy Dept. Student Awards Committee. Member, Philosophy Dept. Faculty Tenure and Promotion Review Committee for Joseph Orosco. Coordinator, Philosophy Dept., Applied Ethics Certificate Program. Chair, Philosophy Dept. Faculty Advisory Committee. Faculty co-advisor (with Sharyn Clough), Philosophy Club. Member, Philosophy Dept. Faculty Advisory Committee. Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 14 Service to the Profession: 2013 2008 - present 2008 2014 - present 2007 - present 2007 - present 2006 - present 2005 - present 2004 - present 2004 - present 2003 - present 2001 - present Co-organizer, Philosophy & Theory in Biology “Young Researchers’ Symposium,” Leman College, Brooklyn, NYC. Journal Editor, Philosophy and Theory in Biology Guest Editor, Special Issue of Biology and Philosophy Manuscript review for New Genetics and Society Manuscript reviewer for University of California Press Manuscript reviewer for Yale University Press Manuscript reviewer for Theoretical Biology Manuscript reviewer for Philosophy of Science Manuscript reviewer for The Quarterly Review of Biology. Manuscript reviewer for the University of Chicago Press Manuscript reviewer for Biology and Philosophy. Manuscript reviewer for The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Professional Development: 2010 2009 2003 2001 2000 Affirmative Action Search Advocate Training, Oregon State University Council for Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Department Chairs’ Seminar, Baltimore, MD. Writing Intensive Curriculum Seminar, Oregon State University. Innovative Technology Center Workshop on basic HTML, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Innovative Technology Center Workshop on Blackboard System, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Professional Affiliations: American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Division Int’l Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) Jonathan Kaplan CV Page 15
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