Vivek Sharma Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago. 810 S. Clinton St., Room 219, Chicago IL. 60607 USA phone: (312)-996-5711 fax: (312)-996-0808 email: Research Interests Fizzics (the science of drops, bubbles, emulsions and foams), thin films, surface forces, microfluidics, Rheology of complex fluids, interfacial & nonlinear flows, extensional rheometry, polymer physics, Soft matter odes (optics, dynamics, elasticity & self-assembly), structural color in biology, printability. Education Post-doc Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Mechanical Engineering & Hatsopoulos Microfluids Lab (HML) Advisor: Gareth H. McKinley. 2012 Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. Polymers, Materials Science & Engineering, with a Minor in Physics. Thesis Advisor: Mohan Srinivasarao. 2008 M. S. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. Chemical Engineering, with a Minor in Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos. 2006 M. S. University of Akron, Akron, OH. Polymer Science. Thesis Advisor: Shi-Qing Wang. 2003 B. Tech. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. Textile Technology, with focus on Polymers & Fiber Science. 2001 Professional Experience Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering University of Illinois, Chicago, IL. 11.12- Post-doctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 09.08-08.12 Chemical Engineering Consultant 1366 Technologies Inc, Lexington, MA. 04.11-10.11 Research Assistant, Materials Science and Engineering Research Assistant, Center for Nonlinear Science & School of Physics Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 08.03-09.08 01.04-08.06 Publications Refereed journal publications (*denotes corresponding author) 1. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma*, “Domain growth in stratifying foam films: Theory”, in preparation. 2. J. Dinic, Y. Zhang, L. N. Jimenez and V. Sharma*, “Extensional Rheology and printability of dilute polymer solutions”, Under review. 3. Y. Zhang and V. Sharma*, “Domain growth in stratifying foam films: Experiments”, Soft Matter, in press. 4. V. Sharma*, O. Pessinet, T. Ober, A. Soderland, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, “Rheology of aqueous solutions of ethyl-hydroxyethyl cellulose (EHEC) and its hydrophobically modified analogue, HMEHEC: High shear rate rheology, normal stress, gelation and Fractional Maxwell model.” Submitted. 5. B. Keshavarz*, V. Sharma, E. C. Houze, M. R. Koerner, J. R. Moore, P. M. Cotts, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, “Studying the Effects of Elongational Properties on Atomization of Weakly Viscoelastic Solutions Using Rayleigh Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometry (ROJER),” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, accepted. 6. V. Sharma*, S. J. Haward, J. G. Serdy, B. Keshavarz, A. Soderland, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, “The rheology of aqueous solutions of ethyl hydroxy-ethyl cellulose (EHEC) and its hydrophobically modified analogue (hmEHEC): Extensional flow response in capillary break-up, jetting (ROJER) and in a cross-clot extensional rheometer.” Soft Matter 11, 32513270 (2015). 7. V. Sharma, M. Crne, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao*, “Bouligand structures underlie circularly polarized iridescence of scarab beetles: a closer view,” Materials Today: Proceedings, 1S, 161-171, (2014). 8. V. Sharma* and G. H. McKinley, “An intriguing empirical rule for estimating the first normal stress difference from steady shear viscosity data for polymer solutions and melts,” Rheologica Acta, 51 (6), 487-495 (2012) 9. S. J. Haward*, V. Sharma, G. H. McKinley and S. Rahatekar, “Shear and extensional rheology of cellulose in ionic liquids”, Biomacromolecules, 13, 1688-1699 (2012). 10. L. Song, V. Sharma, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao*, “Characterization of ordered arrays of micropores in a polymer film,” Soft Matter, 7, 1890-1896 (2011). 11. S.J. Haward*, V. Sharma and J. A. Odell, “Cross-slot Oscillatory Flow Extensional 2 rheometer (COFER) for Low Volumes and Ultra-dilute Complex Fluids,” Soft Matter, 7 (21), 9908-9921 (2011). Published with Cover Image. • Selected as a highlighted article by Soft Matter & Royal Society of Chemistry. 12. V. Sharma, A. Jaishankar, Y. Wang and G. H. McKinley*, “Apparent yield stress, interfacial viscosity and high shear rate viscosity of Bovine Serum Albumin Solutions,” Soft Matter, 7 (11), 5150-5160 (2011). 13. A. Jaishankar, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley*, “Apparent bulk yield stress, interfacial creep ringing and interfacial viscoelasticity of globular protein/surfactant mixtures,” Soft Matter, 7 (17), 7623-7634 (2011). 14. M. Crne, V. Sharma, J. Blair, J. O. Park, C. J. Summers and M. Srinivasarao*, “Mimicry of Papilio Palinurus Butterfly Optical Effects,” EPL, 93 (1), 14001 (2011) 15. A. M. Ardekani, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley*, “Dynamics of bead formation, filament thinning and breakup in weakly viscoelastic jets,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 665, 46-56 (2010). 16. V. Sharma, L. Song, R. L. Jones, P. R. Williams and M. Srinivasarao*, “Effect of solvent choice on breath-figure-templated assembly of ‘holey’ polymer films,” EPL, 91, 38001 (2010). 17. V. Sharma, M. Crne, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao*, “Structural Origin of Circularly Polarized Iridescence in Jeweled Beetles,” Science, 325, 449-452 (2009). Research featured in • Perspective "Evolutionary Photonics with a Twist," Science, 325, 98, (2009). • Back Scatter," The Chirality of Beetles,” Physics Today, 84, Sept (2009). • Cell Culture, “Carving Corners,” Cell, 141, 3, 916 (2010). • NSF webpage, 'audio-visual slides': • Chemical & Engineering News, Technology Review, BBC News,, US News, NBC News, Yahoo News, Georgia Tech News,, etc. 18. V. Sharma, K. Park and M. Srinivasarao*, “Shape Separation of gold nanorods using centrifugation,” Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 106(13), 4981-4985 (2009). • Press: Featured as research highlight in Analytical Chemistry, April 09, 2009. 19. V. Sharma, K. Park and M. Srinivasarao*, “Colloidal dispersion of gold nanorods: Historical background, optical properties, synthesis, separation and self-assembly,” Material Science and Engineering Reports, 65, 1-38 (2009). Cover Image 20. R.O. Grigoriev*, M.F. Schatz and V. Sharma, “Chaotic mixing in microdroplets,” Lab Chip, 6, 1369-1372 (2006). 3 Book Chapters 21. M. Srinivasarao, M. Crne, V. Sharma and J. O. Park, “Scarab Beetle Iridescence,” McGrawHill 2011 Yearbook of Science and Technology. 22. M. Srinivasarao, V. Sharma, J. O. Park, M. S. Barrow and P. R. Williams, “Fabrication of nano/microstructured organic polymer films using condensation: Self-assembly of breath figures,” in Evaporative self-assembly of ordered complex structures, World Scientific Publishing Co (Singapore) 2011. Dissertations 23. Ph. D. (2008): “Colloidal gold nanorods, iridescent beetles and breath figure-templated assembly of ordered arrays of pores in polymer films”. 24. M. S. (2003): “Rheological study of anomalous modification of Aroclor dynamics by dissolved 1,2-polybutadiene and the resulting negative intrinsic viscosity”, 2003. 25. B. Tech. (2001): “Preparation and properties of carbon fibers using PAN-based precursors”. Teaching Experience University of Illinois, Chicago, IL Course ratings and instructor ratings are on a scale from 1(low) to 5 (high) Fall 2015 CHE410, “Advanced Transport Phenomena” (UG/G) Spring 2015, “Transport Phenomena II”. (UG: Heat and mass transfer with 71 students) Course rating: 4.24 Instructor rating: 4.37 Fall 2014, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” (UG: 75 students) Course rating: 3.96 Instructor rating: 3.94 Spring 2014, “Transport Phenomena II”. (UG: 65 students) Course rating: 4.25 Instructor rating: 4.46 Fall 2013, “Fizzics & Interfacial Phenomena” (Developed as a new course G+UG; 9+6 students) Course rating: 4.0 Instructor rating: 4.0 Spring 2013, “Transport Phenomena II”. (UG: 46 students) Course rating: 4.18 Instructor rating: 4.58 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Spring 2011, Co-instructor with G. H. McKinley, “Macromolecular Hydrodynamics” (G). Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 2004-2008, Guest Lecturer, in undergraduate and graduate course on “Physical Chemistry of Polymer Solutions” offered by Prof. Mohan Srinivasarao. Spring 2006, Instructor, laboratory course (UG) “Structure Properties of Polymers/Fibers”. 4 University of Akron, Akron, OH 2001-2002, Teaching Assistant, Polymer Science Laboratory. 2012, Math & Computing Instructor, Upward Bound Summer Program for High school students. Mentoring Experience University of Illinois, Chicago, IL Graduate students supervised Ph. D. candidates: Yiran Zhang (2012-current, expected 2016), Jelena Dinic (2014-), Subinuer Yilixiati (2014-), Mohammad Hamza (2015-). M. S. Project/Thesis: Nallely Jimenez, William Yang, Norman Moreno Moreno, Nguyet Le, Akshaya S. T. Polaepalli (co-advised with Belinda Akpa). Alumni (degree, year, employer): Prasanth Narayanan (MS, 2014, CB&I, Houston) Undergraduates advised and mentored* *Over forty-five undergraduate students have participated in research projects and mentored professional development summer programs. Three UG researchers have presented at APS March Meetings, and six have contributed to talks and posters. • Undergraduate research assistants (including senior year projects, CHE 392) Current: Ewelina Wojcik, Hope Ilaza, Madeleine Biagloni, Theodore Walker Former: Michael Getz, Joseph Guido, Leidy Nallely Jeminez, Vicky Mei, Will-AbbottKlosterman, Collin Pearsall, Sandy Younan, Molly Somploski, Ethan Rendlen, Jana Rush, Anwar Beker. • Mentored Professional Development Program for Future Chemical Engineers, 2015 & Applied Soft-Matter Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE 2015): Adam Burshan, Owen Beale, Diana Bernatek, Madeleine Biagloni, Andrew Castille, Afolabi George, Jane Gomero, Arwa Hasan, Mariglen Isufi, Andrei Ivanov, Alvin Lee, Leah Klein, Cesar Moreno, Andrew Rasmussen, Rabees Rafiq, Jana Rush, Brooke Seger, Jasmine Siler, Zachary Villwock, Theodore Walker, Ewelina Wojcik and Shirley Xiao. • Chancellor Undergraduate Research Award (CURA): Will-Abbott-Klosterman and Joe Guido. • Mentored Professional Development Program for Future Chemical Engineers, 2014 & Applied Soft-Matter Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE 2014): Will-AbbottKlosterman, Jana Rush, Ewelina Wojcik, Paulina Szadkowska, Aesha Talia, Arwa Hasan, Pedro Lopez, Omatseye Ugen, Kerolos Gadallah, Swaroop Bhagavatula, Mickey Getz, Anwar Beker, Adam Lewis, Steven Kowinski, Anthony Tapanand, Vicky Mei, Mariglen Isufi, Diana Bernatek, Cesar Moreno & Nick Kowolski. • Interns from Guaranteed Freshman Internship Program (Summer 2014): Mariglen Isufi, Diana Bernatek, Cesar Moreno and Nick Kowolski. 5 • Undergraduate Alumni (current employment/position): Collin Pearsall (HDI-Gerling America Insurance Company, Chicago), Steven Priest, Sandy Younan (NALCO EcoLab, Chicago), Nallely Jimenez (UIC-Chemical Engineering; MS student), Molly Somploski (Peoples Gas, Chicago), Ethan Rendlen, Michael Getz (Graduate student, UCSD), Theodore Walker (Graduate Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison), Joseph Guido (EN Engineering, San Francisco), Vicky Mei (UIC-Chemical Engineering; MS student). High School Student Intern Vivek Vermani, Summer 2014. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Research Mentor for Olivia Pessinet (summer intern), Aditya Jaishankar & Ken Park (graduate students) & Mike Wheeler (a high school student intern) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Research Mentor: Sai M. Gogineni, undergraduate student. Professional Service Conferences and meetings 1) Session chair and organizer, Interfacial & Nonlinear Flows I & II, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015 2) Session chair, Emulsions & Foams, APS March Meeting, APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX 2015 3) Session chair and organizer, Interfacial and Nonlinear Flows I & II, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2014 4) Session chair and organizer, Spectroscopic & Imaging Methods in Interfacial Phenomena, ACS Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2014. 5) Session chair, Focus Session: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics IV: Hydrodynamics, Separations and Slip, APS March Meeting, Denver, 2014. 6) Session chair and organizer, Interfacial and Nonlinear Flows, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2013 7) Program chair, Non-Newtonian Flows, Society of Rheology (SOR) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2013. 8) Session chair, Dynamics of Nanostructured Polymers, ACS Fall Meeting, Denver CO 2011. 9) Session chair, Jets and wakes. APS DFD Meeting, Long Beach, CA. 2010. 10) Session chair, New experimental, theoretical and computational methods in polymer and soft matter physics. APS March Meeting, Portland, OR. 2010. Reviewer (Panels) National Science Foundation (6) 6 Reviewer (Journals) Soft Matter, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, Journal of Rheology, Physical Review E, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Applied Rheology, Macromolecules, Lab Chip, RSC Advances, Rheologica Acta, Polymer Chemistry, Experiments in Fluids, Chemical Communications. Professional Affiliations: Member American Physical Society (DPOLY, DFD & GSOFT), American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Chemical Society, Society of Rheology Department, College, University of Illinois at Chicago Service (11.12-current) Member of the graduate committee, chemical engineering (2014-current) Undergraduate academic advising (>25 each semester) Member, graduate thesis committee (Student, Degree, Year, Adviser, Department): • Priyanka Oroskar (Ph. D. ongoing, Sohail Murad, Chem. Eng.) • Kevin Hinkle (Ph. D. ongoing, Sohail Murad, Chem. Eng.) • Mary Ye Tang (Ph. D. ongoing, Richard Gemeinhart, Biopharmaceutical Sci.) • Ruzica Todorovic (Ph. D. ongoing, Randall Meyer, Chem. Eng.) • George Zhang (M. S. 2015, Randall Meyer, Chem. Eng.) • Adam Schuman (Ph. D. 2015, Mark Schlossman, Physics) • Ross Ransom (M. S. 2013, Ying Liu, Chem. Eng.) • Yuan Zhang (M. S. 2013, Ying Liu, Chem. Eng.) Honors/Awards • Selected/ invited to attend “APS Opportunities in Energy Research Workshop”, Portland, OR. 2010 • Chair’s travel award, “Gordon Research Conference - Polymer Physics”. 2006 • Travel grant, for ACS 6th National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, UMASS, Amherst. 2005 • Fellowship for ACS PRF Summer School on Nanoparticle Materials, Ypsilanti, MI, June 2004 • Chair’s travel award, “Gordon Research Conference - Polymer Physics”. 2004 • National Talent Scholarship (NTSE): Awarded by National Council for Educational Research and Training, (NCERT), India to the top 750 students selected by a series of nationwide examinations. 1995-2001 • Himachal Pradesh State Scholarship for Undergraduate Study in Engineering awarded for securing 3rd rank in the H. P. Engineering Entrance Examination. 1997-2001 • National Science Talent Scholarship, awarded by Universal Trust. 1996 & 1997 7 Presentations Invited Speaker 1. “Drainage and Stratification Kinetics of Foam Films”, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Oct 2014. 2. “Kinetics of Drainage and Stratification in Foam Films”, Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering (I-PRIME), University of Minnesota, May 2014. 3. "Rheology and Fizzics of Protein-Surfactant Mixtures", Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, September 2013. 4. "Jetting of complex fluids: Associative polymers as rheology modifiers", Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University, August 2012. 5. “To bounce or not to bounce: drop impact of complex fluids on textured surfaces,” Squishy Physics, Harvard University, July 2012. 6. “Functional soft materials for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Chicago May 2012. 7. “Optics, dynamics, elasticity and self-assembly (ODES) of complex fluids and functional soft materials,” Shiv Nadar University, Noida, India. April 2012. 8. “To bounce or not to bounce: drop impact of complex fluids on textured surfaces,” Brown University, April 2012. 9. “Functional soft materials for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, March 2012. 10. “Designing complex fluids for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, Feb 2012. 11. “Functional soft materials for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Feb 2012. 12. “Functional soft materials for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Feb 2012. 13. “Functional soft materials for jetting and spraying applications: associative polymers as rheology modifiers,” Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute, Troy, NY March 2012. 14. “Jetting, spraying and spinning complex fluids,” AkzoNobel Slough, UK. Dec 2011 8 15. “Jetting, spraying and spinning complex fluids,” IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. Dec 2011 16. “Jetting of complex fluids,” Lilliputian Systems Inc, Wilmington, MA. Nov 2011. 17. “Drop impact dynamics of complex fluids on dry, textured surfaces,” Physical Math, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Fall 2011. 18. “Rheology of globular proteins: Apparent yield stress & interfacial viscoelasticity of bovine serum albumin solutions,” ACS Meeting, Denver, CO 2011. 19. “Capillary break-up during jetting of weakly viscoelastic fluids,” Nanotech Conference and Expo 2011, Boston 2011. 20. “Life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet: from fluid mechanics to rheometry,” Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Spring & Fall 2011. 21. “Life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet: from fluid mechanics to rheometry,” Schlumberger Doll Research Center, Cambridge, MA 2011. 22. “Rheology of globular proteins: Apparent yield stress and interfacial viscoelasticity of bovine serum albumin solutions,” MedImmune Inc, Gaithersburg, MD 2011. 23. “Rheology of globular proteins: Apparent yield stress and interfacial viscoelasticity of bovine serum albumin solutions,” National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD 2011. 24. “Life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet: from fluid mechanics to rheometry,” Physical Math, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Spring 2011. 25. “Life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet: from fluid mechanics to rheometry,” Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 2011. 26. “Soft Matter ODES: From life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet to the structured color of jeweled beetles,” Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. 2011 27. “Soft Matter ODES: From life and death of a weakly viscoelastic jet to the structured color of jeweled beetles,” Harvard Squishy Physics. 2010 28. “Spraying of Complex Fluids: Structural Color and Capillary Break- up,” Procter and Gamble (P&G), Darmstadt, Germany. 2010. Fizzics and Rheology of Complex Fluids: presentations contributed with students at UIC 29. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2015. 30. S. Yilixiati, Y. Zhang and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2015. 31. J. Dinic, L. N. Jimenez and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2015. 9 32. J. Dinic, L. N. Jimenez and V. Sharma, (Poster - VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2015. 33. J. Dinic, L. N. Jimenez and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) ACS Colloids, Pittsburg, PA. 2015. 34. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) ACS Colloids, Pittsburg, PA. 2015. 35. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - YZ) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 36. S. Yilixiati, Y. Zhang and V. Sharma, (Oral - SY) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 37. J. Dinic, L. N. Jimenez, V. Mei, Y. Zhang and V. Sharma, (Oral - JD) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 38. E. Wojcik, S, Yilixiai, W. Abbott-Klostermann and V. Sharma (Oral - EW) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 39. T. Walker, W. Abbott-Klostermann, P. Narayanan and V. Sharma (Oral - TW) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 40. S. Yilixiati, E. Wojcik, Y. Zhang, C. Pearsall and Vivek Sharma (Poster - SY) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 41. V. Sharma, Y. Zhang and S. Yilixiati, (Oral - VS) APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2014. 42. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) ACS Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2014. 43. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA. Nov 2014. 44. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - YZ) 2014 Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, Chicago, IL June 2014 45. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati and V. Sharma, (Oral - YZ) Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2014 46. C. Pearsall, Y. Zhang, J. Rush and V. Sharma, (Oral - CP) APS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 2014. 47. Y. Zhang, and V. Sharma, (Oral - YZ) APS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 2014 48. C. Pearsall, Y. Zhang, J. Rush and V. Sharma, (Poster) Society of Rheology, Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2013 Interfacial Rheology of Globular Proteins, Surfactants and Complex Fluids 49. V. Sharma (Oral –VS) Biological and Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids II: Novel Trends in Characterizing Interactions, Microstructure and Rheology, Durham, NC 2014. 50. V. Sharma, A. Jaishankar and G. H. McKinley, (Oral- VS) AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 2011 51. A. Jaishankar, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral – AJ) Society of Rheology (SOR) Annual 10 Meeting, Cleveland, OH. 2011 52. A. Jaishankar, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral – AJ) American Chemical Society (ACS) Colloids Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2011 53. V. Sharma, A. Jaishankar and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Dallas, TX. 2011 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Complex Fluids 54. 55. 56. V. Sharma, (Oral) Society of Rheology Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2013 V. Sharma (Oral), AICHE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2013 V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2013 Extensional Rheology of Complex Fluids, Rayleigh-Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometry (ROJER), Dynamics of Associative Cellulose Ethers & Spinnability of Cellulose/Ionic Liquids 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. V. Sharma, S. J. Haward, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) AICHE Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA. 2012 G. H. McKinley, V. Sharma, B. Keshavarz, E. C. Houze, P. M. Cotts, J. R. Moore and M. T. Pottinger, (Oral - GHM) International Congress of Rheology (ICR), Lisbon, Portugal. 2012 S. J. Haward, V. Sharma, G. H. McKinley and S. S. Rahatekar, (Poster) International Congress of Rheology (ICR), Lisbon, Portugal. 2012 V. Sharma, S. J. Haward, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, 2012 S. J. Haward, V. Sharma, G. H. McKinley and S. S. Rahatekar, (Poster) British Society of Rheology Midwinter Meeting, UCL, London. 2012 S. J. Haward, V. Sharma and J. A. Odell, (Poster) British Society of Rheology Midwinter Meeting, UCL, London. 2012 V. Sharma, J. Serdy, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) APS DFD, Baltimore, MD. 2011 S. J. Haward, V. Sharma and J. A. Odell, (Oral-SJH) Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC), Suzdal, Russia. 2012 V. Sharma, A. M. Ardekani, J. Serdy, P. Thelfrall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. 2010 V. Sharma, J. Serdy, P. Threlfall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Poster) APS DFD, Long Beach, CA. 2010 V. Sharma, A. M. Ardekani, J. Serdy, P. Thelfrall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) AICHE Annual Meeting, Utah. 2010 68. A. M. Ardekani, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral-AMA) SOR Meeting, Santa Fe. 2010 69. V. Sharma, A. M. Ardekani and G. H. McKinley, (Plenary-Oral - GHM) 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, Sapporo, Kakkaido, Japan. 2010 70. A. M. Ardekani, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral-AMA) 16th US National Congress of 11 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, State College, PA. 2010 71. A. M. Ardekani, V. Sharma and G. H. McKinley, (Oral-AMA) 16th International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, IWNMNF-2010, Northampton, MA. 2010 72. V. Sharma, J. Serdy, P. Thelfrall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Portland, OR. 2010 73. V. Sharma, J. Serdy, P. K. Bhattacharya and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) Society of Rheology Meeting, Madison, WI. 2009 74. V. Sharma, A. M. Ardekani, J. Serdy, P. K. Bhattacharya, P. Thelfrall-Holmes and G. H. McKinley, (Poster) Society of Rheology Meeting, Madison, WI. 2009. Drop Impact Dynamics 75. V. Sharma, K.–C. Park, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) AICHE Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA. 2012 76. K. –C. Park, V. Sharma, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Oral - KP) APS March Meeting, Boston MA. 2012 77. K.–C. Park, V. Sharma, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Poster) APS Division of Fluids Dynamics Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2012 78. K.–C. Park, V. Sharma, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Oral - KP) APS Division of Fluids Dynamics Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2012 79. V. Sharma, K. –C. Park, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Oral) AICHE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 2011 80. K.–C. Park, V. Sharma, R. E. Cohen and G. H. McKinley, (Oral - GHM) 18th Ostwald Kolloqium, Mainz Germany. 2011 Optics, Dynamics, Elasticity and Self-assembly (ODES) in Soft Materials 81. V. Sharma, (Meet the Faculty Poster), AICHE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 2011 82. V. Sharma, (Meet the Faculty Poster), AICHE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2010 Breath Figure Templated Assembly of Ordered Arrays of Pores in Polymer Films 83. M. Srinivasarao, J. O. Park and Vivek Sharma (Oral / Invited- MS), Pioneers in Soft Matter Science, KAIST, South Korea. 2012 84. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) AICHE Annual Meeting, Utah. 2010 85. M. Srinivasarao, J. O. Park and Vivek Sharma (Oral / Invited- MS) MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2010 86. V. Sharma, L. Song and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) APS DFD, Long Beach, CA. 2010 12 87. M. Srinivasarao, V. Sharma and Matija Crne (Oral - MS) APS March Meeting, Portland, OR. 2010 88. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) APS March Meeting, Portland, OR. 2010 89. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. 2009 90. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. 2009 91. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) 41st New England Complex Fluids Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Dec, 2008 92. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008 93. M. Srinivasarao and V. Sharma, (Oral - MS) APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008 94. V. Sharma, S. M. Gogineni, M. Crne and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008 95. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008 96. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Denver, CO. 2007 97. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) ACS March Meeting, Chicago, IL. 2007 98. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) Gordon Research Conference: Polymer Physics, New London, CT. 2006 Biophotonics/Optics: Structural color in beetles and butterflies 99. M. Srinivasarao, J. O. Park, M. Crne and V. Sharma, (Invited - MS) Living Light '14, Namur, Belgium. 100. M. Srinivasarao, J. O. Park, M. Crne and V. Sharma, (Invited - MS) European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Slovenia 2011 101. V. Sharma, M. Crne, J.O. Park, and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. 2010 102. M. Crne, V. Sharma, J.O. Park, and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Portland, OR. 2010 103. M. Srinivasarao, J. O. Park, M. Crne and V. Sharma, (Plenary - MS) Chirality-2009, Breckenridge, CO 2009 104. J.O. Park, V. Sharma, M. Crne and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral - JOP) APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. 2009 105. M. Srinivasarao, M. Crne, V. Sharma, J. Blair, J. O. Park and C. J. Summers. (Oral - MS) APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. 2009 106. M. Crne, V. Sharma, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) Biaxial Symposium 2008, Kent 13 State University, Kent, OH. Oct, 2008 107. M. Crne, S. Malladi, V. Sharma, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao (Poster) Iridescence: More than meets the eye, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Feb 2008 Colloidal Gold Nanorods: Hydrodynamics, Optics & Pattern formation 108. M. Srinivasarao, K. Park and V. Sharma, (Oral - MS) MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. April, 2006 109. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. March, 2006 110. K. Park, V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 2006 111. V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. March, 2006 112. K. Park, V. Sharma and M. Srinivasarao. (Oral - MS) APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2006 113. V. Sharma, K. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) 6th Liquid Matter conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July, 2005 114. V. Sharma, K. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) 6th National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, UMASS Amherst, MA. June, 2005 115. K. Park, V. Sharma, M. A. El-Sayed and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral - KWP) 79th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Potsdam, NY. June, 2005 116. V. Sharma, K. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. 2005 117. V. Sharma, K. W. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Poster) 6th Liquid Matter Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July, 2005 Rheological Behavior of Slide Ring Gels 118. V. Sharma, J. S. Park, J. O. Park and M. Srinivasarao, (Oral) APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 2006 Opto-Microfluidics: Chaotic Mixing in Microdroplets 119. E. Greco, V. Sharma, M. F. Schatz and R. O. Grigoriev, (Poster) 1st Annual Graduate Student Symposium, Atlanta, GA. March, 2005 120. V. Sharma, M. F. Schatz, M. Srinivasarao and R. O. Grigoriev, (Poster) APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. 2005 121. V. Sharma, M. F. Schatz, M. Srinivasarao and R. O. Grigoriev, (Poster) Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, New London, CT. August, 2004. 122. V. Sharma, R. O. Grigoriev, M. Srinivasarao and M. F. Schatz, (Oral) APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 57th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Nov 2004 14 123. V. Sharma, R. O. Grigoriev, M. Srinivasarao and M. F. Schatz, (Poster) ACS PRF Summer School on Nanoparticle Materials, Ypsilanti, MI. June, 2004. Literary Activities Publications • Book: “Saga of a Crumpled Piece of Paper” (63 Poems) Writers Workshop, Calcutta, 2009. • Journals: Selected list: (English >60 published) Poetry; The Cortland Review; Atlanta Review; Bateau; Mythium; Muse India; Reading Hour; Breakwater Review; Nefarious Bellarina; The Ghazal Page, etc (Hindi) Aakhar; Himachal Mitra; etc. • Newspaper articles and poetry in Hindi: Divya Himachal & Hill Post, India (2007-2010). Honors/Awards • Nominated for Pushcart Prize in poetry, 2008. • Awarded scholarship (3 times) to present poetry & attend 13th, 14th & 15th Sarah Lawrence Summer Seminar for Writers, New York, in 2006, 2007 & 2008. • Shortlisted for the Muse India Young Writer Award 2011 (among seven finalists, all poets under 35). Poetry Recitals Hindi • 14th Annual India Poetry Reading, Harvard University, Cambridge. May 2010 • 12th Annual India Poetry Reading, Harvard University, Cambridge. May 2009 • Shaam-e-shauq (Invited), Monkey Town, Brooklyn, New York. March 2009 • Hindi Urdu Sanjhe Bol, Emory University, Atlanta. Dec 2007 • Hasya Kavi Sammelan, IIT Delhi. 2000 • Hindi Divas, IIT Delhi (1997-2001) English • Kriti festival, Chicago, 2014 • Poetry@Tech Reading featuring Jeffrey McDaniel, Jon Sands and Vivek Sharma. Tech Arts Festival, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Feb 20, 2014. Recording available (with an introduction by Thomas Lux): • Open Mike readings, various (including Rhino reads in Chicago). • Artists Beyond Desks (ABD) series at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 2010. (Solo reading, invited) • Bay state underground series, 2010. (invited) • Summer Seminar for Writers at Sarah Lawrence College, New York (2006, 2007 & 2008) 15
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