Training Course on Governance For Digital Age October 11-16, 2015 Laguna Redang Island Resort, Terengganu Course Background What would happen to Malaysia beyond the year 2020? How would the society behave in the digital age where information is in abundance and a fingertip away? What are the new “first world” issues that the country as a whole needs to be aware of, what is the new narrative needed to ensure both economic growth and social progress in the 21st Century as portrayed in the national aspirations? What are Malaysians and Malaysia national aspirations in the digital age actually? What are the roles of civil servant and how do they fit into this big picture? Malaysia has gone through major socio economic shifts at a breathtaking pace. In a single generation, Malaysians have gone from mere paddy farmer and rubber tappers to engineers and consultants, from living in rural areas to gated communities. As Malaysia reaches the economic targets spelled out in Vision 2020, there is still a need nonetheless to take stock and see how the nation and the people could and should to re-calibrate our approaches in things they do. Course Rationale The terms "governance" and "good governance" are increasingly used. Governance can be used in several contexts either in public sectors, private and corporate at local or international level. Bad governance is increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evils within our societies. The concept of "governance" is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put governance refers to the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented or not implemented. As integrated part of governance, it is only natural when plenty of policies, policy documents and policy tools are formulated, designed, issued and implemented in ensuring those decisions are in place and implemented. Government is one of the main actors in governance. All actors other than government are grouped together as part of the "civil society." Since governance is the process of decisionmaking and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of governance that focuses on the policy, laws and other documents which serve as policy tools used in achieving the targeted objectives of policy in preparing Malaysia beyond the year 2020. Course Objectives To expose participants for better understanding on governance, policy and regulation for digital age To create awareness on the role of policy makers, implementers and enforcement officers on policy and regulation as part of policy making and policy cycle evaluation for governance purposes towards achieving national aspirations in digital age To equip participants with skills of developing policy instruments as tools in designing, developing, implementing or present policy or regulation in their governance activities or exercise Course Synopsis Human had become over reliance on information technology and computer. This has subsequently changed how the world operates. When technology is advancing at neck breaking speed coupled with easy access to information, thanks to social media and other mediums, government needs to improve, diversify, change or adapt the way it governs. Digital age does not solely represent the abilities of Malaysians generally or civil servants specifically in using computer, multimedia and IT. Computer, multimedia and IT are merely technology and tools in executing their tasks. As policy and decision makers, implementer or enforcement officers of government policies and regulations, civil servant must be able to steer the nation and society towards achieving the national aspirations. They therefore must be clear in their understanding the type society that Malaysia wants to be by the year 2020 and far beyond and there form design the appropriate policy and regulations. The course would expose participants to a better understanding on governance, policy and regulation in digital age and impart them with knowledge and skills of developing policy instruments as tools in designing, developing or implementing policy or regulation in their governance activities. Through the course participants would be able to use inputs, learn the process required in policy making and policy cycle evaluation and linking them together towards achieving the national aspirations in digital age Course Contents Part 1 Knowledge Transfer Session Day 1 1 2 Introduction 3 4 Government and governance - Who is government - What is government - Civil servant and government Digital Age - what is expected in digital age - - Setting the agenda for the nation - National aspirations - Our mold - Designing our mold - Civil servant and the mold - Realigning national aspirations , mold and digital age Governance - Characteristics of good governance - Public sector as executor - Top down vs bottoms up Part 2 Hands On Session Ice Breaking and Groups Which is which What are you doing Name the game You and your role Comparative studies Who & what are you Are we there yet Day 2 - Participatory governance - Soceital good - Tools and mechanisms Policy - Policy Components - Policy at macro level - policy at micro level - policy in public sector versus private sector What what and what What and so what How and how come Where and when 1 Policy instruments as tools of governance - Name them - The category - Jurisdiction and territory - What and which tool to use - Reallignment of policy and policy tools - Methods of realignment Case studies NEP Policy tools as governance tools Identify name Centralized n decentralize Individual or mission centric Day 3 Policy making Where do we start This is where we want to end Case studies success stories of - LHDN - Imigaration - Tabung Haji - Felda Comparative studies Failed stories of ?? Benchmarking - Sweden - Denmark - lessons from China & India Policy cycle evaluation Corrective measures How and where to intervene Day 4 Day 5 Group work Practical and hands on sessions to give participants the first hand real experience Presentation Presentation on results and findings of group works Course Learning Outcomes At the end of course, participants shall have; Better awareness on governance, policy and regulation in digital age Knowledge on policy making & policy cycle evaluation Ability and skill in presenting, designing, formulating develop and implement policy and regulations as part of governance activities or exercise Date, Duration and Venue The course will be held over 5 days from October 11 – 16, 2015 in Laguna Redang Island Resort, Terengganu. Who Should Attend The course is targeted at all medium and high level officials from ministry, government agencies, public research institutions, universities, industry and NGOs ( M 44 - M54). Modes of Delivery The training course will be delivered by using the following methods: Lecture + hands-on sessions Case study + scenario building Experimentation + games Group activities + presentations Medium of Instruction The training workshop will be conducted in English and Bahasa Melayu. Registration Fee Registration Fee: RM 3,750 Mode of Payment Payment by participants (other than those sponsored by JPA) can be made using crossed cheques or bank drafts made payable to UTM Holdings Sdn Bhd. All transfers should be directed to the following account: Recipient Name Account No Bank SWIFT Code Branch : : : : : UTM HOLDINGS SDN BHD 564098500819 Maybank MBBEMYKL Maybank Jalan Raja Muda, WP Kuala Lumpur Please send a copy of the transfer slip to the Secretariat. An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of payment Note: Substitution is allowed for registered participant, cancellation will not be entertained. Fee is NOT inclusive of accommodation. Application and Enquiries All applicants are required to complete the prescribed application form as attached in this brochure and submit the completed form to the following address: Secretariat UTM Perdana – JPA Training Programme c/o UTM Perdana School, 6th Floor, Menara Razak, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603-21805151 Fax: +603-21805340 Email: Website: UTM-JPA will inform the successful applicants to the training workshop not later than 4 September 2015. Applicants who do not receive word within this date are rendered unsuccessful. Closing Date of Application All applications should be submitted to the secretariat office before 31 July 2015 Course Convenors Dr Nor Ashikin Mohamed Yusof started her professional career as a practicing lawyer. She was a both a litigation and conveyancing lawyer, thus equipped with a full scale and more rounded experience in practicing law. Dr Shikin specializes in Intellectual Property and commercial laws. Dr Shikin holds a master and PhD degrees on Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property - Biotechnology law policy respectively. Dr Shikin is a Professional Intellectual Property Trainer, JAPAN-Malaysia IP Professional Trainer and member of World Trade Organization-WTO academy (IP). She trained Proton Sdn Bhd on IP for 2 years and in process increased the number of IP ownerships for Proton. On personal note, Dr Shikin’s experiment with Syarikat Hajah Aminah Food Industries has won Innovation Award in 2012, 2013 and 2014 both at domestic and international level. Her stint as a researcher started when she was hired as research assistant By Law faculty, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK in 1994. Upon joining the academia, Dr Shikin has successfully led several research and consultancy projects on policy making and policy evaluation for Ministries, industries and professional bodies. In June 2014, Dr Shikin won the Future Diamond Award from University Of Manchester, as the best presenter for her foresight presentation on Malaysia Healthcare Policies Beyond 2060. REGISTRATION FORM TITLE OF COURSE DATE, DURATION & VENUE 11 – 16 October 2015 Rebak Island Langkawi Governance For Digital Age PERSONAL PARTICULARS Full Name Designation : Prof. /Dr. /Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. /_ Gender (Male/Female) I/C Number Date of Birth (Date/Month/Year) COMMUNICATION & MAILING ADDRESS Applicant’s Office Address Person to be Contacted, in Case of Emergency (Name and Address) Tel Tel Fax Fax Mobile Mobile Email Email EMPLOYMENT RECORD Title of Post Employer Duration of Service Type of Organization (Please √ box) Government Private Semi-Government NGO Main Functions of Organization Description of your current work including your responsibility (Please use supplementary pages, if necessary)
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