Cloud: made even simpler - Performance & Goals Pre

SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management
Pre-Configured Solution by EPI-USE
Cloud: made even simpler
Business Execution within 6 weeks
Maybe you are wondering: How can my organisation harness the proven business execution
benefits of SuccessFactors Performance and Goal Management within the shortest timeframe
possible, in the most cost effective manner, without sacrificing quality and best practice
expertise? EPI-USE has developed a best-practice pre-configured solution for SuccessFactors
Performance and Goal Management which can be implemented in only 6 weeks!
SuccessFactors Performance
and Goals in six weeks with a
fixed price and fixed scope.
Out of the Box is easier
Try it now!
Contact us to try our click-through demo so
you can see just how it would work for you.
Business Benefits
Shorter timescale for quicker ROI
Best practice means no compromise on
Pre-configured solution for predictable
outcome: what you see is what you get
Improved implementation quality
 Tried and tested business
processes for annual reviews
 Pre-configured templates for Goal
Plan, Performance Form,
Development Plan, Performance
Calibration and Employee Profile
 Predefined role based permissions
 Documentation and project plans
 Predefined test scripts for UAT
 A fully working system!
Contact us:
+44 20 8332 8787