speaker brief - Performance of a Lifetime

CEO, Speaker, Improviser, Singer, Comminity Activist
• Doing Things When You Don’t Know How
How Performance Transforms How You Learn, Grow, and Lead
• The Art of Listening
Hearing Offers: The Revolutionary Way to Have a Conversation
• Create with Crap
Exercise Your Right to Be Creative—Everywhere, with Everything and Everyone
• Build Ensembles Everywhere
Find the “We”: How Building a Group Can Make You Perform a Head Taller
• Improvise Your Life
Making It All Up: How the Tools of Improv Can Improve Your Job—and Your Life
“Cathy Salit is a master—a sales-whisperer
whose theater and improv-inspired organizational
development methodologies have transformed the
work and communication habits of thousands of
individuals over the past two decades.”
— Daniel H. Pink
Bestselling author of To Sell Is Human and Drive
“Cathy Salit engages the audience with a unique style
that combines entertainment and learning. Using song
and theater, Cathy illuminates how truly listening in the
present moment can enrich our lives and our work.”
— Chief Nursing Officer
Abington Hospital
Interactive keynotes
Panel discussions
Fireside chats
Offsites and leadership retreats
Cathy began her career as an upstart and risk-taker at the age of 13, when she dropped out of eighth grade and
started an alternative school in an abandoned storefront in New York City. This unusual endeavor led to Random
House’s publication of Starting Your Own High School and put Cathy on an uncharted life path going forward. She
never went back to school—at least not the traditional kind and instead dedicated her life to creating educational
environments that challenge the status quo and offer different kinds of learning and development experiences.
After many years as a singer, improviser, and experimenter with the melding of performance, creativity
and education, she co-founded Performance of a Lifetime along with a Broadway actor and a maverick
psychotherapist and philosopher of science. Eventually, Cathy re-invented the company as a social missionbased training and consulting firm that utilizes performance, theater and improvisation-based technique to enable
The Becoming PrincipleSM, a proprietary methodology for helping adults to grow and develop by being who they
are AND who they are not…yet, at the same time, i.e. who they are becoming.
See Cathy speak and perform – www.performanceofalifetime.com/ourvoice/speaking
Connect with Cathy - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathysalit
Have Cathy come and speak - tisse@performanceofalifetime.com