Foundation Tech Sheet

PermaMatrix® Particle Information
PermaMatrix Inc.
PO Box 1210 Fairview, OR 97024
Toll Free: 1.888.214.7333 | Fax: 503.491.0279 -
PermaMatrix Inc. certifies that PermaMatrix® BSP contains the following properties and characteristics
Physical Characteristics
Non-Toxic Organic
Applied Color
Particle Sizing (SGN)
Regular: SGN-280
Mini: SGN-150
C:N Ratio
Composition — What It Is and What It Does.
Physical Properties
PermaMatrix® Foundation Biotic Soil Particle (BSP) uniquely combines rock dust (minerals), humic compounds (organics),
carbon and micro-biological elements into one dissolvable soil
granule! Research indicates that by combining these components the process of pedogensis (topsoil creation) is kick
started. The replenishment of minerals and introduction of
beneficial soil bacteria increase vegetation (biomass) and improve agricultural performance. Increased biomass further
improves soil structure by reducing erosion, improving moisture holding capacity and providing the necessary organics for
the succeeding generation of plant life. PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP is the Carbon link™ that creates a conduit for nutrient
delivery from soil to plant! This linkage helps improve nutrient
transfer from soil to plant. PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP improves this linkage as the ideal alternative solution to the over-use
of synthetic and chemical fertilizers.
DOM (dissolved organic matter)
Biochar (High Temp. 500C)
Endo/Ecto Blend
Microbial Loop
1.09 x 1011 Nutrient Cycling Bacteria
Description—Where and How to Use
PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP is useful in soil to increase soil organics and improve plant performance and is particularly suited to
nutrient deficient soils and soils with nutrient runoff problems. It is
easily applied using a drill seeder, broadcast or drop spreader or
simply by hand. Add PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP to existing
potting soils and planting beds at the recommended rates. It is
100% organic and may be applied at differing concentrations.
PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP increases the efficiency of both organic and inorganic fertilizers to reduce additional inputs.
Application— Rate
Apply PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP at a rate of
500 pounds per acre or 12 pounds per 1,000 square
feet in topical applications. Apply at 4-6 pounds per
cubic yard of bulk potting soil. These rates improve
soil building compounds to help establish seed and
sustain vegetative cover.
PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP can also be used
with standard hydro seeding mulches to add beneficial microbial and mycorrhizae communities to the
seed mix. For additional application rates please see
PermaMatrix® Foundation BSP application rates at:
Application Rate
Per Acre
500 lbs.
Per 1,000 Square Feet
12 lbs.
Per Cubic Yard Bulk Soil Mix
4-6 lbs.
PermaMatrix Inc. warrants that its products are free from defects and will perform as stated in this document. PermaMatrix Inc. warranty does not extend unlimited environmental circumstances caused by variables such as the soil surface condition, installation methods,
and/or adverse weather conditions.
Key Component — Mineral
Key Component — Organics
PermaMatrix® BSP contains soil minerals that play a vital role
in soil fertility, since mineral surfaces serve as a nutrient storage in soil. The mineral in PermaMatrix® BSP is ground from
the highest quality volcanic basalt rock. Massive stones from
Central Oregon's legendary Cascade Mountains are milled to
produce a finely ground product that releases essential minerals and nutrients that your plants need to flourish. By mimicking the slow process of the Earth's own method for producing healthy soil, PermaMatrix® BSP can aid in the regeneration of your soil and work to kick-start the biological processes required for improved and sustainable plant growth.
PermaMatrix® BSP is high in organic matter, not organic debris! Organic matter deserves special attention as it affects
several critical soil functions. Organic matter enhances water
and nutrient holding capacity and improves soil structure.
Managing for soil carbon can enhance soil productivity and
environmental quality, and can reduce the severity and costs
of natural phenomena, such as drought, flood, and disease.
In addition, increasing soil organic matter levels can reduce
atmospheric CO2 levels that contribute to climate change.
Key Component — Biochar
PermaMatrix® BSP contains Biochar, in basic terms, it is
simply carbon or charcoal that is added to the soil as a soil
improver. Biochar is inert and non-decomposable, it can remain in the soil for hundreds of years and thus acts as a
carbon store in the soil. Biochar stimulates the activity of a
variety of agriculturally important soil microorganisms, and
can greatly affect the microbiological properties of soils. The
pores in Biochar provide a suitable habitat for many microorganisms by protecting them from predation and drying while
providing many of their diverse carbon (C), energy and mineral nutrient needs.
WARRANTY: PermaMatrix Inc. warrants that its products are free from defects and
will perform as stated in this document. PermaMatrix Inc. will not warrant that the
product will perform under unlimited circumstances that are caused by variables such
as the soil surface condition, installation methods, and/or weather conditions.
PermaMatrix BSP Foundation
General Purpose Biotic Soil Amendment for All Plants
Microbial Inoculants (Nitrogen Fixers):
Azospirillum lipoferum……………………………...…...………..1.10x1012 CFU/g
Azospirillum brasilense………………………………….….…….1.10x1012 CFU/g
Microbial Inoculants (Biochemical Decomposers):
Bacillus subtilis…………………………………..…………...…..2.57x1012 CFU/g
Bacillus licheniformis………………………………..……..…….2.06x1012CFU/g
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens…………………………………..….5.15x1011 CFU/g
Endomycorrhizal Fungi:
Glomus intraradices………………..……………
Glomus mosseae………………………..………..
Glomus aggregatum…………………..…………
Glomus etunicatum…………………...…………
1.1 propagules/gm
1.1 propagules/gm
1.1 propagules/gm
1.1 propagules/gm
Ectomycorrhiazl Fungi:
Pisolithus tinctorius………………….……………………….3,964 propagules/gm
Rhizopogon villosullus……………………….………………… 110 propagules/gm
Rhizopogon luteolus……………………………………..…….. 110 propagules/gm
Rhizopogon amylopogon………………………………..……….110 propagules/gm
Rhizopogon fulvigleba………………………………...……….. 110 propagules/gm
Scleroderma cepa………………………………………..……. 220 propagules/gm
Scleroderma citrine…………………..…………
220 propagates/gm
Non Plant Food Ingredients: Basalt, Reed Sedge Peat, Doug Fir Forest Biochar
Lot Number: PM01-091715-MA
Best Before Date:2/15/17 Net Weight: 50 Lbs
Application Method: Broadcast, Drill or Apply by Hand
Application Rates: See
Purpose: Nitrogen fixation and Biochemical Decomposition
PermaMatrix Inc. PO Box 1210, Fairview, OR 97024
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is
available on the internet at